July 20, 1939. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, Ps. PERSONALS FROM BELLEFONTE'S NEIGHBORING CITY PINE GROVE MILLS (Reported by G. Mao Fry) The 7 feed agent, Marengo among the feed order weeks fresh Eastern Slates Bugene Ellenberger was a caller last Friday Glades farmers taking for delivery every two from factory Harry A. Corman of Spring Mills, popular Democratic candidate for Register of Wills in Centre County was within our gates Monday a. m looking up his old friends and making new ones mer wheal Jacob D, Neidigh our grain chant loaded two cars of 6d¢ last week at Strubles Station Harry Bechdol is assisting the harvest at the J. Harry farm In the glade: Miss Edith Witmer Branch retinined last from 10 days vacation at World's Pair Retired mer Harry N. Musser on a momh ralier tri gan and Ililinols Port Royal's energetl drover E. M. Moyer was week purchasing mn hole cows for his East¢ Farmer Clyde Rider Penna. Purnace were call J. Cal Gates nurses this week, the evening little improvement One of our boy arold Rudy 1 improving very embarke he Insurance busines Dr. E. B Elliott Eleano: He ling Of with | Peters the of the Thursda New York | farme: wife are to Michi and with Ids hant Gllbert Barto threshing the gol den g Other shermen on { are John W. Miller, Alfred and Ronald Samuel B Stephen Chatwick under the doctor Farmer i in a new thre Gilligan Wasson and Mrs are among Lhose | Cle ANd Lrained former show The latter | nicely Gavitte Dale Belle a summer vacation i ome, M and good ! nd \ Ar ah : 1 Dale the Branch, Mrs. J alana Is SPEniuis [spent the past ten days as a guest this week . » 2 C their Canoe guest Gilitl in trace Paul ol at the Saturday son home on under Lhe are of of fonte arents luck family at o J ( cabin Who holds’ a nice positaon Andre aden and Norman township's progres- man Willi ive farmers were important busi- Was hous- nass callers in our Friday Roy Rossman 18 driving a new erraplane sed 1 looking and that city The obliging E. Weaver of Baileyville with a bad improved at tw garage case Of this ne . i $4] Democratic Auditor Mr Boalsburg recently at . 4 Br 00 ks Pe: Zu Samuel Rev worth evening at member Sunday are botn 1 Mrs. Detwile them eral weeks v nicely Belleville is earing Smeltzer and fs Gap were Sunday the Maynard and Mrs, Ralph W entertained last Whipples of Mrs IRR School class i Facasa) P and marshmallow roast. Charles FUcss al nd Belly Che "a a music for the ment. Those pres Misses Betty lenberger, Ruth Dickson, Loi Dick 4 Helen El- M Argare! Gearhi Bick] sie PORT MATILDA R. DD NOL i Mrs. ER. Be Woomey MILLS and upper her paren ‘ 1 N 'k mn famil tecently 10M, Of Mr Frank Eunisi ard Runyen liam Scholl of Thursd ny Saturday morning al the G Cormick home, They stlen doit World's Pair New Yr rk havi ne rode there back on their bi- 1 with friends Dera and friend, | Woomer Altoona. Sap) ¢ wnt Wednesday wi m and stoppe Jar KerBarre weekend with 1 Walk Jonhh Wa Mts. Gertrude fer and Mr Sunday at the a Urban Misg Ann : 1 erty returned home, wh the st went | oils with : Johnstown } visit : Skvagick D. P. Ray home. They all ret Ar nome the same evening atid Mrs. Carrie Horner Rithar Youngsville, Pa., visited 1 Satur- i Mae gay wilh her s:slers Miss POA | Mr Mrs Fleisher and Mrs Michael. Strasick Edgar Hoover and family auto crash, is home {rom the hos- toona, visited Sunday pital. but is in an iron cast. His H. E. Faust home many friends wish him a speedy re- Miss Madaline Faust who AN | acy ployed al the M A Bu id hame near Centre Hall, visited over the weekend at home g father, Harry Panst ~ M12 Reed from ing some time daughter Mrs Miss “Irene from Lock Haven, weekend with her Mrs. Earl Smith PINE GLEN N. B. Shirley Is attending | ster Institute at Carlisle this | Church will be Buntday! morning at 11 o'clock; Sunday Bchool at 10; Epworth League at | 7:30. Come and hear the mens Chorus in the morning and the Junior Choir in the evening Miss Ruth Askey of Erie, con- | cluded her vigit with home folks | Bunday returning by Emporium. Mr. and Mrs. Augusta Coudriet of Emporium, visited Mr. Condriet’ mother, Mrs, Mary Coudriet on Sunday Mr. and Mrs children George Betty Ann of lan Beates' a few davs James Flick. was duty on Wednedsay Maryland Mr. and Mrs MoeCeormi MeCormick Hefonte E bee PE La » 1¥ McCorn rone wb oni Laura Budiish and children Harold Tyrone Mi Sherman Patr ricia and Anna spent Sunday with M. A Kerin who was in jhe and ard on 5} very Mile Belty Jane Davion of Vail spent Tuesday with her friend Mar- guerite Kerin The hotly al FiOrange the of traveling Orange's Williamsbur Was represent I Mi wrguerite Kerin represen “Bald Eagle Orange” and tained for 20 minutes by giving a | monologue entitled “Her first trip on a Puwiman i The Ladies Aid met at Shady Nock Park Thurschhy night and enjoyed a pleasant evening in a each Miss ited (he enter- visited parent: very Rev Min week HOWARD Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Welker Margaret Linge, Gettysburg spent Wednesday at | the home of N. J, Weikert T. R. Robb returned to his home Wednesday in Osceola and family Mr. and | children of day at the home er. Herbert Schenck was admit the Lock Haven hospital last day for medical treatment t. Mrs f Ol with Mr. Charles Mrs. David Meyer and Mifflinburg, spent Sun- of Chancey Pleich- GD Jt. Benton and Martha and aster were al this week called for CCC camp in ted to Fri- Gifford, of Turtle Creek. Mr. Mrs. Roy Martin of Lancaster, Miss Flora Pletcher of Brooklyn, Mrs i Dean Bennison daughter of Indianapolis, Indiana, the funeral of their father, { Chirist Pletcher Mf. and Mis. George Narehood| Mrs Marty McCullough, son Bob- and children, Mr. and Mrs. Law- by. of Indiana, Pa. Mrs. Martha rance Narchood, Ada Hoover and | tr, niece Shirley Ann Mock | Charles Harrington, spent Sunday of Millbrook, Mrs. Tury Regal, Mrs. at New Garden Walter Regal son Dick and John | Miss Dorothy McCollough, RN. Regal of Howard were guests at is now émployed at the Punxsutaw- thé home of George Regal Tuesday, ney Hospital. Miss Josephine Muffly of New| Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dorley and’ Platz, N.Y. arrived Monday to be | family of Avis, concluded a visit at at her home for a short time the Willlam Hoover home return- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wetsel of | ing Sunday : Toledo, Ohio, Mr, and Mrs Chatles | Mr. and Mrs Wetzel, daughter Phyllis were to St, forte, visited at the home cf Mr, and Emporium on Sunday. Gregg Wensel Sunday Mr. and Mrs, William Hoover and Mrs, Virginia Parris son TT family visited the Harry Hoover my left Tuesday for Cheswick tamily at DuBois last Supday. ™ t WIth "Her Brother, Walter Web- | Our 44H club and r are er and family arranging 16 attend the County Miss Ea Shnll nillD lidilh Mp ABI | Lo a William Sleele of Bellefonte, were at Askey's Sunday Miss Caroline Beates is home from a visit with relatives at Belle. fonte attended Mr Lloyd Wertz and Mary's daughter Kathryn | after visiting ten days Wells | Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pletcher, son | and | Sally, | daughter Mary, of Belle | «| Miss i 10; Martha Kerin of Moshan- | COLEVILLE | A number of folk | attended the U. B, picnic on Thurs- day { Mr. and Mr Andrew Tate of Pleasant Gap visited the Sherman | Lowery home oh Sunday Misses Arlene Eminhizer, Marion | Minemyer and LilHan Housel at- tended a weiner roast on Friday | night at Fred Shope's in Bellefonte Miss Lois Resides of State Col lege returned to her home alter | spending a week's vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs James | | Kelly William and son Preddie Howard, Sunday Everyone in our forward the Coleville which be held Aug Hecla Park. Everybody Mrs. John Resides and two] Mrs. Ray Miller daughters Frances and Lois took | ters spent one day last supper with her father and mother, | Wilson Miller home Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Sunday Mrs, Oran Pye evening Mary Jane visited on Sunday Ralph Gilpin of Cumberland friends and relatives. Good 0 spent a few hours with Haze! vou Sarah. come oftene: Sunday. Visitors through the week at the Mi: John Warr home were: Mr. ahd Dannie, Mis. Chalmers lers and | Mrs. Herbert Chapman and dough daughter Patsy, Miss Hazel and! ter Janet, Martha, Alice and Bett) Evelyn Brachbill, transacted busi- | Young. Elizabeth ‘Sweitzer Evelyn ne Hck Haven, Tuesday morn- | and Marie Watking Marlin Watkins Summit Hil Mrs. John Wan spent Monday S Young Mrs. Joh: over SUMMIT HILL from our town | | Miss Evelyn Watkins | Bunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hen viston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter and son Manley of Howard Maria Sweitzer tn were Sunday Irvin Young home, Roy Watkins visited at (he Jame: Watkins home, Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Tierney and daughter, called at the parson- Age Sunday afterncon, also at the James Watking home Sundjay visitors at the Ben Chap- man home were: Mr. and Mrs Frank Passe] and baby Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watkins and children Mr. and Mrs, Herb Chapman and daughter Janet, Miss Verda Woom- er, spent Sunday with her parents me. |at this place pent of Or- Hoole Miss the visitors at Billett, Woodrow Bloom visited friends .n looking picnic 5th. at town ls Oo will wel and two daugh week at the daughter with gee nd Md Kelly Walter Bish and little ROT S00 Sel ng and Mir ries ani son Kennet) spent he weekend Mrs. Guy Housel Kenneth Emin moved {rom the ment to the Mc Murti Mrs, Harry McMuririe and three Mr children, Charles, Freddie, Geral fary Jane dine and Laura Poorman left for ter Fye home two weok: with Mrs Mr Everhar Huntingdon with Mr and Butler and Monument, spent a couple week with her parents, Mr: James Watkins family apari- Harm hizer and Fred Conier vacant house of LOOK dinner McMurtrie’'s aunt and Mrs. Horace C Mr Charles unc, Mr Rot« rong Harry 4 ~ mo n the evening altermoor Bryar McMur Murtri SUncay isited ber H OCk Haven the d Billett an past and week Ken family A a Tay We Nene M Musser Trovola cis id Vac ang hom € the night Tor Me on aditn evel husband r. ai C Middleburg E Musser Muar g and spent sister home and Dranie ile Mr L thie Iv alr Logue mominge they th spend Lover $e and Mrs me of Rn Mr Level 14 fret rr Sante : were Mrs. Aimed mercury Henderson ol above zero on ) five o'clock dropped Monday Stere and George the weekend number with a bad be mentioned Harold Ard The Bartges Band held their Momnda aft Park in Poe Valley, all the members of the organization denly ot of town and locality were enjoy the tine. They tainly deserved a pleasant and jolis 8 1g with their able leader Prof Paul F, Bartges The Woodward Evangelical Sun- the day School will have their picnic men at the Woodward Cave Park on ed by Aug. 18. Let all the members of | winter the Sunday Scheel and : an friends take notice of the 1, Walter Come and enjoy an all day Hwan Also remember annual 10= | their comrade’s in ie coming garvice the the severe Onld wealher, snow church on Aug m and drifted roads. Their in- Retner of Bethlehem be i in thelr comrade is a Hing guest speaker The Rev. Kéiner example of anes duly their fei was one of our former Woodward | lowman The American Tegion boys ; an be justly protid of members of this type. and East Centre annual 0 ernocn at w Pat A PF YETY S01 io | Hall became ili Sunday morning “ 88 some what on the natul paralytic stroke, As : nhizer, hearing of 1} diately came to his game afternoon moved him |i Veterans Hospital for NV, Zaliniger was at 1H toy and J Hall v Clarence Hall bx juited medical AW Zanhizer and Harry immediately ame 10 assistance ve good oe rere ann that f 3 Whe William the tere to — i ROMOLA Mr. and Mrs. Charley ¥ Lock Haven. spent Thes home of John Heverly Tuesday evening callers at the home of Mrs. Lydia Corifer were Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Johnson and son, Jehn of Buffalo, Mrs. Marie Ploof of Lock Haven Mrs. Warren Heverly ter spent a few days at Heverly home Visitors at the home of Mr Har- vey Young on Thursiay were: Mr and Mrs. Merril Young and family, i Hensyl Young and lady friend New York Mr Mrs. Delaun Holt and daughter visited Friday at the of Hoover home the Heverly day at — AS ———— RUNVILLE Miss Jona Xephart of Morgan Run, teacher in the Ohio public school, Miss Olive James, of Wes! Decatur, teacher in the Blue Ball public school, and Mrs, Leroy Dun- lap and four children Mary Thomas, Pay Ronald of Beech Creek, called at the U. B. parson age Saturday afternoon and took supper with Rev. W. B. Tobias of land family. Miss Kephart is a niece of Mrs. Tobias Sunday callers al the heme of | John Purl completed his Mrs, Miles Lucas were Mr. and Mrs. | roof last week and bauled in bis { Charley Frazier and two daughters, | wheat and two loads of hay. He is Mable and Idella, Dean Confer and | feeling very grateful to all who gave lady friend Lois Yeager, Marjorie | him a helping hand. Waite, Pay Confer, Helen Barnhart | Michael Furl and jof Orviston | and Mr, and Mrs, John Purl and Fitri Sitverly Miss Charlotte Purl and Miss i 4 writin {igona Thompson otored to | Mrs. Mary Boone daughter Patsy | Johnstown a Sutin morning, | Miss Fae Weaver of New York, are lis see Mr. Henry Sherman who is spending a week at the home of in the Lee Hospital in a very seri- Gets parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C.| ious condition. He was giten a eaver, | blood trans onday at 10 Friday callers at the home of er By Sly on Wi Mrs. Merril Heverly were Thomas | Mrs ER. Hancock, who has béen | Pletcher, daughter Alma, and Mrs. | quite ill since the Fourth of July, Is Norman Lighthammer, of Howard. | reported improving at her home in | Mr. and Mrs. Haven Gilise and | Philipsburg family. of Wooltich, spent the! A number of our folks attended j weekend at the latters home, Har- the Grange Festival at Mijesbary vey Weaver's last Saturday night Katherine Hollenbeck, of | Remember the mammoth festival Spencer N. Y, is spending her va- of the season next Saturday night | cation at the home of her uncle, July 22nd. in the Lucas Field along [Clair Boone the State Highway for the benefu Bunday callers at Chester Poor- [of the Advent cemetery up keep man were Macand Mis. John Poor- | Every lot owner oughi to bake | man and family of | cage, ie stil and daugh- the George on barn daughter Cora is not so good | | and friend of Gur- | I went to Se he ay with ! i PLEASANT GAr Mrs, Crumlish spent end at Inana and Pitt Miss Mary Adam " Was a gue of her sister, Gingher, Sunday Mrs, Nelle Gheen, Stella and Charles of Sunbury, visited from Wednesday until] Priday with Geo Gheen and familly and the Rovden Gheens of Bellefonte Mrs. Wood is entertaining her little niece Nancy Grau of Greens- bury the week. burgh Mile M1 burg Paul Andrew Ramsey of 8 Carolina spent two weeks at the home of his wife's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Her- fey. Mrs, Ramsey has been here some time. They left here to attend the World's Fair before re- turning home Mrs. Harold Stitzer # Dix Run visiting parents Mrs. Fink of Tyrone, was Sunday at the home of her Mrs. Boyd Spicher Jodan spent a in Harrisburg Charles Zettle who spent 7 a hospital in Philadelphia to be taken by ambu » home of her daughter in the city, a for and baby are the forme: a guest sister few days last fen Leroy Ung asters Ripka of Coatesville the John Ripka home Freddie and Billy visiting relatives at at Ale will ie The held at Rimmes the Tussey reunion Rimme) family Eiga: rville ter Haz spent y brother Zerby and been spending the former Irvin Frank New York 0 Bari Harvey at ¢r sifter (rom Boundbrook Terry Noil, Clark Hile, Bill sor and Martha Wise attended the Model alrpiate moet al lLancacier irport Sunday. Terry won a a a 1 He rerw oY pr ie Lr. pro Primry LF veo A and Ms Elune: Wile weerhnd Mi WwYalr SHON ries 8 hreffler ent Mr guests Cha Sigler Russel) and 500 Ramsey Fe une raday mornin about 1 oClock when he was throw: om NE motorcycle ang rece ved iraciured HH He was rus the Harr hospital whete £ underwent an operation the next ay but has not fully recovered ONBCIOUAD 3 The young a nephew of JA and W and has a number in this community wh with for him a complete recovery The BEagic Scout John Terry of New Jersey who stopped for a five days visit with Mr. and Mrs 8 FE Noll Jefi Saturday to contintte his | hiking trip Lewis Hunt al Annapolis, Md visited from Saturday until Sunday afternoon at the 8. E Noll home and plans to return in September for a longer visit Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eby and daugiiter Mune drove to Lock Haven Tuesday evening that Miss June might visit Jean Livingston who (5 in a very critical condition in Dr Teah’s hospital due to injuries re- ceived several weeks ago when n backing car knocked a light stand- ard over striking her az it fell. We hope ghe may make a tarn for the better soon Harry Keller and wife who were ust married recently moved into the house vacated by the Jerr: Zetile family when they moved to Pleasant Mountain Rev. Henry and wile returned home Saturday from a visit wilh relatives and friends near Cham- bersburg The work on the basement of the M. E church ig progressing nicely, the wall and the concrete floor both Having been completed a few days ago The stork paid another visit io the Tendlio home Monday and left | an additional member to their fam- Ly Mrs. Claire Harel was quite il fcr a few days last week. Henry 8howers was the winner of a fine pair of pigs at the Grange | Carnival last week, but having "no place to keep them sold them Sat- urday evening. Public Sales WEDNESDAY, 6D. Z Anglin will offer ay sale On the Jacob Everett farm located 3% miles east of Cobitrn OI Pine Creek road, leading to ward, livestock, practical Moline machinery and a Gl household o'clock, & Stover, Hatri lant man ix H. Nail friends af of the Navy hospital new | i tine | we - IMay Install Traffic Lights (Conlnued from Page 1) zed hue to reront ' the cost of 10g expres Heit HE Fire fom onh on thanks to the Built-in Super System, That combines Loop Aerial, costly waper-c ficient . this Aerial wel fenmained RR. F. Stage and 1 Tubes. And, 100 . . Loktal Tu hilen achievement Areamed-of power n noisy jo or why 1940 amaring brings yom uf clear tone, even i { ome in more in a cations. your dollar buys Phileo! . .. built to receive Television Yer . . . the 1940 Phileo you bay today is ready for Television when #t arrives . , and in anew, differ. sunt and better way! It is built to re. ecive Television Sound when weed with a Phileas Television Picture Re ceiver without wires, plug-in or con. nections of any kind, The wireless wav-—another achievement devel. oped In the great Philo labora. tone amd performance in a smart Walnut table mod. with Television one Control, emer. el! Tunin button. Sound™ Page Three M UN 1C IP A L FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 21 & 22) “Dodge City” a FTechuleolor) Dela Hike hana f Big nNeTKaan ana Firws sebected Shorts Lhe HOW Jul i MON. & TUES snd COMING FRIDAY & SATURDAY July 28 & 29 "San Francisco” rf FILLMORE G. EARLE HOFFER Insurance Service Crider’s Fx. Bldg Phone 4055 BELIEFONTY. PA POWERFUL NEW TH-4 fine agus lite. Lokal Powarfal toned, boil! breiitoim ATH Bakelite cub imet, Tubiea nevial Senart Features That Count! Aerial Sys ® Built-in Super ial tem with Twin Loop A for finer Foreign and A jean reception ® Flectric Pu ing, including shButton Tun Television = or 4 > ! | button @ Inclined Sonnding Beard ® Cathedral —— towend Horizontal Dial. $19.95 See our window display. Come in and hear it play. Better yet—try it in your own home. Wolf Furniture Co. High Street Bellefonte, Pa. EASY TERMS “= LIBERDL TRADE IN ALLGMANCES