Page Four THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. July 20, 1939, Centre County Hospital Notes Monday of Last Week Admitted: Robert J. Smith, State College: Steve Boldin, Bellefonte R. D. 1. Discharged: Master Gere ald L. Heaton, Wingate: Miss Jean R. Hanna, Centre Hall, Admitted Monday Mrs, Nolan 1s Amitted Monday and Friday: Mrs. Earl G State College. Births to’ Mr. and Mrs. John State College, Tuesday of Last Week Admitted: Mrs. Charles W sler, Smullton Discharged Amanda Jane Barto, Penna nace; Mrs. Merrill E. Houser, College, Mrs. Cornelius Houtz mont; Mrs. Wade A. McKinley and infant daughter, Milesburg: Mrs, J Homer Lyons and infant daughter Bellefonte R. D. 3; Miss Dorothy Auman, Pleasant Gap Admitted Tuesday and discharged Wednes- day: Master William Tate, Pleas- ant Gap Wenesday of Last Week Admitted: Master Hoy State College. Discharged: D. Johnston, Penna. Furnace; ter Robert Shirk, Bellefonte; Herman W. Peter Fleming Leah Ostrander, Bellefonte: Mrs Pau Eberhart and infant son Bellefonte, Births: a daughtér to Mr. and Mrs. James H. Bird, Belle- fonte, R. D. 2; a daughter to Mr and Mrs. Sherald McDonald, Flem- 1 Cpburn ; discharged Holderman, a daughter ¥. Benham Shively, Bres- Miss Fur- State Les. ROSS, Walter Mas- Mrs Mis ing Expired Bellefonte Thursday of Last Week Admitted James H Bellefonte Friday Discharge He Cr Curtin C Armstron Williams liam W nt daughter: Joseph O. Baney and Bellefonte, Admitted ischarged Saturday Aaronsburg. Heckman, Spring usie M. Jones, Belle- Births: a daug M. D. Breese, Be to Mr. and Mrs. Ral; Meyers, Centre Hall R D. 1 Saturday Admitted: Mrs John Sommerville, Bellefonte; Mrs Helen Cowher, Bellefonte R. D. 3. Discharged: Mrs V. Miller Flemington Admitted Saturday and discharg- ed Sunday: Mary Ann Hutchison State College. Births: A son of Mr and Mrs. Baptist I. Shank, Oak Hall Station; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Coble, Beliefonte Sonday Admitted fonte; Mrs heim; Mrs d ger and Mrs SO ; & SON Joey len Hoy Houck, Bell Ruel Glasgow, M Paul W. Klinefelte: Centre Hall. Discharged: Mrs. Ar- thur A. Bennett and infant daugh- ter Bellefonte R. DD 3. Births: a son to Mr d Mrs. Earl Holder- man, Stale College, There were forty-one patients the hospital at the beginning this week ————— Alr Corps Vacancies “The United States Army has va cancies for enlistment in the Army Alr Corps for service in Hawaii and Panama and several vacancies for the Medical Department in the Philippines. Applicants for the Air Corps must have a High School Education or hold a journeyman's rating in a mechanical trade. In the Air Corps there is a fine appor- tunity to obtain educational tra ing in many phases of the Air Ser- vice such az Alrplane Mechank radio photography, ete All men who are interested should apply at once to the Army Recruiting Of- fice located at the Post Office Build- ing. Alloona, Pa. as these vacan- cies hold good only until the end of i month.” in of ivy a aid C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY WAGNER'S Quality Flour A Hard Wheat Pal Flour WAGNER'S Our Best Flour -50 Blend WAGNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner’s Chick Starter and Grower. Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower. Wagner's Scratch Feed Wagner's Medium Scratch Feed. Wagner's Chick Feed Rydes Cream Calf Meal, Eshelman’s Dog Feed All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with your own feed, Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA. and discharged Tuesday: | — — avdships of The Pioneer | (Continued from page one) man alternately. When the log- rolling contest was completed, they set to work, provided with hand- spikes, and each company exerted {tself to make more log heaps than the other “Nothing was charged for the work, and the only thing excep tional in these frofics, was the Im- moderate use of whiskey. Great hilarity prevailed, and many times fistic cambaty led to serious injurie of those who took part in the jam- boree, “In addition te log-rolling there were frolies to haul dung husk corn, and to raise buildings “The corn husking was done at night. The corn previously pulled was hauled in a pile near the crib The invited neighbors joined In with a will and the corn husks be- gan to fly. The whiskey bottle went round and round, T story the laugh, and the merry Was heard “Three frolic: 10 i We ONE four hundred bushe were usually husked by 9 or 10 o'clock, when a plentiful supper waa provided. Sometimes the frolic ended with a stage dance-—thal the men and bdys( without females) would dance like ma or devil ood humor, to Lhe bor's cat-gut drawn with and alway ment Buildings hewn logs, on an long by 20 wide were placed on a foundation wall a foot or more above the ground, but i were const average Sometimes the) Were Lone the butldi LOW laid at the corner raised on them he NOUSe wi Cove 1g le somet The adv eneral arge and al ed me; antage of A . it! and was was called makesni al jimstified by 35 n tan shape fe ids of the upper edge were cut in with an axe Then the ond logs were raised and a notch fit the saddle. This was the only kind of tie or binder they had When building was raised as many rounds as it was intended the ribs were raised on which a course of clap-boards was laid, Lhe butts resting on a butiing pole “A press pole was ald on clap-boards immediately ribs to keep them from the and the wt to the building wooden enced ‘axemen’ bu of ground 10 them up “In this way ed and covered mason. and without iron The doors al Ww afterwards cut out a pleased pi For ised In forks he most peri- were placed the r-mest T rest Worle Ss ang run n on as ‘CONE : company Carty We - the Gal building was rais- a of re a in a day, without a pound indow We the OWI! oiled Wars window windows lat e of glass as high in price tamp tax on each paper Hl on MN ane sted the men iI connected with d the land, erecting uses, making lence putting out and harvesting Crops In summer, farmers worked from sunrise till sunset, allowing an hour for breakfast and the same dinner 1 the winter they break- fasted by candle-light, and started to work before dasn of da) — BENNER TWP. Quite a few men have been laid off at the Lime kilns the past week Trucks have been hauling crush- ed stone through here to Houser ville, where it is used on the road they are building. The best part of the road through Rock has been fixed up but the worst part, down the Benner Hill has been Jeft People complaining sbout the bad road down the hill. They say it is unsafe to travel on Sunday visitors at the home of Joseph Stover were Jerry Owens and wife and daughters Jane and Esther from Axe Mann Francis women kings H clearing og | +5 work n for in Aare Benner and wile and Chas. Jahnstoubaugh from Lyons town, and lady [riend, autoed (0 ' Lock Haven on Saturday evening to visit with friends. Orvis Harris started out on Mon- day with his threshing outfit to thresh for the farmers. Mr. Harris | does good work and he has a large i run around among the farmers, Sunday guests at the home of | Ira Benner were William MeCon- ! nell from Bellefonte; Jack Lose | from Waddie; Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Liicas and three sons, James, | { and Charles from Bellefonte: James Rider, wife and three accomplish- ed young daughters Lydia, Thanna ! and Freda from Tyrone. {| Mr. and Mrs. Bdward Dugen {an family from Bellefonte visited with Frank Dugan and wile at | Klondike on Sunday. Lester Marshall, John Krape's right hand man, spent Sunday with his sister's family, at Houserville, | | Bob Walters’. { Farmers around through here all have their wheat crop cut and in the barns and are now ready to] thresh. Some farmers are plow. {ing for their fall crop. they say while the ground is in good shape as | they fear they may have a drought | later on, Calvin Solt is working for Rey- | | nolds Shope on the saw mill. Mr 8hope is now sawing lumber on the | Hartle track along Spring Creek. | William Yeager one of Reynolds | Shopes right hand men, has built | himself a shanty on the lumber job | and il board himself in place [0 | boarding elsewhere. Charles Smith enjoyed Sunday f amorig Red Roost. i friends a MOSHANNON There were B2 present at the M EE. Sunday School Sunday, July 16, {offering $2.06. Hope Lewis of Williamsport spent the weekend at her parental home here. Sunday afternoon actcom- panied by Jack Ross of Karthaus she visited with her {friend Jane Hazel of Boalsburg Mr, and Mrs, Edward Altoona, and Mr. and Plubell and daughter Genevieve of AMport were Sunay visitors at the Frank Viehdor{er home Donna Jean Powell, of Lewistown spent week al the home of her uncle, Mr. Isaac Powell The recent mrariage Bealrice Powell of Reading and Robert Crain Johnson of Pittsburgh, has jus! been announced. The wedding took place in Reading and was perform ed by the Presbyterian minister that place. Mis. Johnson formerly of Moshannon, spent several days at home of her parents, Mi Mrs. 1saac Powell, la week The ball game played on the home field, Moshan- non vs. Pine Glen ended with score of 7-4, Pine Glen team walk off with mn What DOV YOu cat Fasside!l of Mrs. Moran recently a of of the and Sunday a the “ba s, don't ing the matier spinach? Mr children Adolphus Smit! Marvin and Marie ay Visi men er home Mrs. Maude Stroup Bobb HL guests al ome Tuesday Fve 5 wag rom panie Harm YO! John exec! werk Dixie J NOTH TS wile Bed Ine Sunday alter a ome of hor a Clearfielc e Wa ne { Marri of LNNer Nes Max Confer upper nome of Schnars Mr, and Mrs Belsens, Pa home, Sunday. Mrs. Mame Ca ra Snow Shoe evening Mrs Tuesday his aunt, Howard dene wi nel DASE two Loomis wi Lomison abd atide nm and ~ 8 { their on wer S0me © Quick Miss 131 aister, Mrs. Calvin Marian Folmer of Drifting spent the weekend al Craft home, while here visited at Alden Quick's Mrs. Lucy Dutton returned to her after sp some home of her sister Quick, Miss Elizabeth Pittsburgh another sister ed a longer Their broth- er, Charles Fleming who has been ili for some time. is reported a little betier at this writing Mrs Annie Norton, Schmoke and Mrs. Wharton Pye spent Sunday at Mr. Schmoke's sister's, Mrs. Lee Craham, of Lock Haven Evels the Ernest she als Roches Sunday titne at ihe Mis. Rusl Fieming 0 remain- of tor aome nang i $ H f OT Mr visit Thomas | © were Livergood and Forest weekend guests al the horne LeContes Mills Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harkins Willlamsport, were at the Minnie Fye home Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kelley, U 8 Army. Philadelphia, were guests of the Charles McGowan's the past week Miss Mary MeGowan spent weekend at Houtzdale Mrs. Austin Kerin and grand- daughter Joan May have been en- joying a short vacation at Holli- daysburg, visiting at the home of Mrs. Kerin's niece Mrs. Maud Pye visited relatives at Glenn Union and Renovo over the weekend. in 4 of % “ie Rondom Notes (Continued from page one) terms of Boss DeHaas and Horace J. Hartranit do not expire this year and grapevine reports have it that if Mr. Hazel is not a candidate for | re-election, Hartranft is siated for the presidency of the school board | Whoever gets it has a lot of re- | sponsibility on his hands. How many of us are afraid to | say what we think because we [ear | somebody will laugh at us? WHEN WINDS GET ROUGH A Windstorm Policy Protecis You From Pinandial Loss, See John F. Gray & Son We regret to report the fast but Fthe idea that taxes will be lowered i greatly in the future i an idle wish, BHURH St. John's Evangelical Reformed Rev, C. Nevin Stamm "a | Morning Worship 8:15 a. m,, church {school 0:30 a. m SL John's Lutheran, Bellefonte The Rey Arnold. pa Ltor, Beventh Bani after July 23 a.m, the STrmon Man Common or Clarence B Trin B ervice clean Ps m., Sunday schoo Milesburg ¥ chool 6 chool Presbyterian Ouk wood JO a.m m. Port m Howard Bible Endeavor Bible Services mini Christ Matild No chur 9 in HEL Lie wstlon LON C TM Unionville Mon Study cla i the immer 10 n Dix Run Baptist SCHhood §.340, [010 evening at erite wa at lad Hublersbur Evangelical Reformed Tat Coleville Pllgrim Holiness A. Byrd t ¥ Clark Ja iraiay bs and with fami and Mrs called atl the William Ri Valie family Neidig y me Sunday William Tobias at the Robert Neldig h The Ladies Aid United Brethren church hot roast on the Raymond Wednesday Aug. 2 lock Home-made cakes and ¢ will be for sale. Price 25 cents Mrs. Robert Neidig Katie Savers were Altoona Saturday. ome Sunds the will sandwich Coakley # on ¢ irom in chicken eight o% Cream, NODE YOU on When a sweet young thing tells a strong young man how wonderfu he is, Cupid looks for other work co Ley COMPENSATION AUTOMOBILE & FIRE INSURANCE ED L. KEICHLINE BELLEFONTE Temple Court Phone 190 F | | | | "Grange Day” (Continued from Page 1) August clusive from 24 until Septem Hal ber 1, IN pietured walker peared float of which Have Uh Inst ye {he and TA in "Very ars parade, ore f he Th Cirange ow tim anid other enjovable paris of Li dozen many of for day ial program more than »n representin nate (Grange 0 exhibiten byt The LWO CLALSS will Durade (3 | In alr ymbolizi and hae mmitiee an Hunters will Have Month of Gunning fr from Continued Page 1) Legal Notices EXECLTOR'S NOT ICH Ma inte « ter of t yf Bellefon the above debled vy granted requested Thome sane duly MARTIN J ’ Bellefonte, Pa r Attorney sx testamentary Ail BONS to make having claims Droyen with MILLER John FEXECLTOR'S NOTICE, above 0 the the ted testament ng a KELVINATORS PHILCO RADIOS MELROY'S Phone 8589-R-1 PLEASANT GAP, PA. ABC and VOSS 1atters a I ——— ——————— _—— 1 ’ | undersigned, all persons Indebted 10 | walker Towns ie | the suld estate are requested to make 9 payment, and those having claims 1o present the smme duly proven with Fle RD. 2. Bellefonte Pa I 00 o out deiny to HOMER W. PITMIUS, 228 | W. 1 DETTRICH Secs talivered within 50 Gay hth. BL. Lewistown, Pa, LEONARD K ’ ‘ J contract to Lhe several ahool PETERS, 120 Btratford Ave, We “ 5 pry tod } h ratd mont, N. J, Executors, W. H. Walk HiDS WANTED Bove iW ne Bond er. Attorney x0 bids Ww , yA ’ mately 300 Tons of p Isitager coal for the 4 % ( ¢ Bohool District SPproxi- f which shall be silo nwards hool Ihstyict re or approx nerve i 10 race I nevis any o reine the righ “st hid Adres hia wont rede ty th Henled he yea EXECUTORS NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of John VF. Hagan, late of Cregg ‘Township Centre (ounty., Pa doce ned Letters testamentary the iale having been granied undersignd, all persons 1ndebted the aid catate Are reguptedg nn payment! and those having present the same duly proves witty wit delay to BRUCE W. HAGEN Bellefonte, Pa. John G1 Attorney ahove lo Lhe aim cto } Belle ‘ HO ErRKen ADMINIFTRATOR'S NOTICE In the Matter of the Peters of Be: “and [#ters wisi tats dey Etat Bibs WANTED state of " ; ner Tow y ‘ ‘ inl nD ~ pe gned det ereln are diate payment aime abd demand ent wo HOME! Lewint WwW. Han BIDS in 10430 WANTED WwW. H DERICH NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION of ereby given that e Pu otoring pl Get a real thr Il o Flash, M regularly 15 Three " foney, TLANTIC 5... LISTEN TO ATLANTIC FOR THE BEST IN SPORTS BROADCASTING . 4 3 BIDS WANTED w be recs "LET'S GO LOOK “AT THE NEW “ELECTRIC “ROASTERS! T0 EASIER COORING WASHERS BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY Cc CARASIER LIVING ELECTRIC STOVES i ER TCR CET GITEL CIE DECKER MOTOR (O. SOUTH SPRING STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. dale | RYE v SAVES FOOD, TIME, WORK AND MONEY! v' ASSURES DELICIOUSLY COOKED MEALS! + PORTABLE! COOKS EVERY WAY . . . GOES EVERYWHERE!