Page Twa HOWARD Miss Miriam Pickes and Miss Kathryn Pickes of New York City arrived this week to visit their par- €nts, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Fickes. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Miss Mae Orr and Miss Helene Weber of Philadelphia motored to Howard Friday. The Moore's visited at the home of Mrs. Kate Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeArment at- tended the commencement exercises in Boalsburg, Monday evening. John Wagner and daughter were entertained at the Cepria cabin near Lock Haven Tuesday afternoon. Miss Eleanor Leathers attended Alutnm Day in West Chester Satur- ay. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wagner of Johnstown are visiting at the home of Mr. J. H. Wagner, Mrs. George Regal’s brother Harry Coder of Conshohocken died at his home. He was buried Wednesday. Beveral car loads from Howard at- tended the funeral Miss Kathryn Cummings of Har risburg attended graduation excr- cises in Howard Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Lee Justice of Axe- Mann, Miss Jane Allison of Harris- burg were at the Mr. Ray Allison home over the weekend Miss Virginia Schenck and Les- ter PFickes were married Monday evening by the Rev. R. E. Fleck Both young people graduated from Hieh School Friday evening Robert Pletcher and Charles Hev- erly, Jr. spent Wednesday in Belle- fonte. They attended the picnic of the first and second grade of the | Dale School The High School closes today (Thursday). The graduating class will leave for Washington, D. C. Friday morning. ‘There are 24 In the class The Dramatic Club of the How- ard Grange will have its regular meeting Friday, June 2, at the home of Nancy Stauffer. All members are urged to be present C. E. RALLY TO BE HELD AT ORVISTON, JUNE 9 The North Branch Christian En- deavor Rally will be held evening. June 9, in the Church of Christ A fine program has been arranged consisting of devotions by the Jack- gonville C. E. Society, special mus. and speaking by a well speaker. All C. E. members urged to be present, especially those from Orviston, Monument, Blanch- Howard, Hublersburg, and Jacksonville. This meeting will be in charge of Harry T. Bieghtol, president of the North Branch ard, | ing Friday | Orviston | "RUNVILLE | BLANCHARD The choir of 19 members of Phil- ipsburg U. B, church motored here last Wednesday evening to the U. B. church and gave a message in cholce sfections of sacred songs, which was up-lifting and inspiring to all who heard them. Wg heartily In- ite them back again Mr. and Mrs, Barl Kepler of Belle- fonte, moved last week into the one end of his father's house where he lived before going to Bellefonte; Mrs. Joseph Reese is reported on the sick list at the Kepler home The stork made a visit at the Cen- tre County Hospital last Tuesday and left a fing baby girl thera for Mrs. Philip Confer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Poorman of Williamsport motored here over the weekend visited with home folks, Lester Walker and lady friend, Miss Helen Fleisher of Howard, mo- tored here last Monday and visited with home folks. Mrs. Cora Witherite and son Bur- tice, of Osceola Mills and Mrs. Lyda Irvin, of Wingate, made a pleasant | call at the John Furl home last Sat- urday. Rev. W. B. Tobias gave a fine memorial address at the Fairview cemetery last Sunday afternoon to a good crowd, who gathered to de- corate the graves of the Howard dead Rev. W. B. Mobias' sister, Mrs Swathmore and son George and daughter and her two children MeCartney, Pa Bas’ last Thursday Children's day program will rendered on June 18th, be PORT MATILDA Billy Lytle and Malin Woodring of Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. William Morrison Mrs. Nora Blocm and Mrs. Lillian Spencer and little daughter of Cur- wensville, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. E M Woodring Mrz. Mabel Yeager has been tak- treatment at the Philipsburg hospital for goitre Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoover of Al- tocna, spent Monday in town The Port Matilda High School will hold the annual commencement | dance at Flatrock Inn, Friday, June known | 2nd. 1939, from 10:00 p. m. to 1:00 are | a, m. All alumni, parents, and friends of the students are cordially invited to attend Jack Mndlay's orchestra of Al- toona will furnish music for the dancing Admission, Students 25¢ Adults 35¢ motor car. little sway. \d I The 1939 Ford V-8 is a beautiful, modern Its 85-horsepower engine gives you economical, well-balanced performance over the entire speed range — and the 60- horsepower engine is even more economical. 2 The structural strength of the Ford car — frame, bracing, axles, body — makes not only for safety, but durability and long life. N Ford hydraulic brakes are exceptionally large and strong in proportion to car weight. 4 The Ford car is stabilized for comfortable riding. Its springbase, the distance between front and rear suspension, is 123 inches. Seats are toward the center, perfectly balanced. The ear does not bob or dip and can have very These four points — power, strength, safety, comfort — are by far the most important essentials in any motor car. They form the basic value of your investment. With this solid foundation to build on, the Ford V-8 has been made beautiful, spacious, easy to drive. It is richly upholstered and has all the modern features which add to the lux. ury and pleasure of motoring. You can see these things when you take a trial drive, but do not forget that the main value is in the things you do not readily see — quality of materials, precision of manufacture, fundamental engincering. << romp vV-8 EXCELS IN THE THINGS THAT COUNT visited at Rev. To- | i | Lucas { family of Columbus | spent Saturday afternoon | toona _THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. The Memoria) week is always the dents of our town. Mr. and Mrs | Lowell Wahl of Weymouth, Mass, have arrived for the weekend prior to Memorial Day. They are visit- ing with Mrs, James Eagan and other relatives | The Bald Eagle Mountaineers gave an open alr concert from the porch lof the Helchel home on Saturday | evening. They have recently pur- | chased a new sound effect equip. | | ment which will enable them to give | satisfactory out door ments Mr. and Mrs, Otis Stull and fam- lly of Cherry Tree were | guests of Mrs. Ellen Kunes at her home with Mr. and Mrs Kunes, Mrs. Thomas Shay and daughter of Howard, spent the weekend with Mrs. Shay's parents, Mr. and Mrs MoClellan Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler of New York City made their usual Memorial season visit to our com- munity during the weekend James Eagan returned fo the As- pinwall Veterans Hospital last Tues- day for continued trea ments Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burd of Clear- field are visiting relatives here Weekend guests at the Harry Kunes home were Mr. Lorenza Kim- mer of Lock Haven, and Miss Elva Kunes and Paul Bowman of Empori- um Mark Goodwin of near Emporium, died suddenly at his home thig past week. Mrs. Bertha Goodwin and son Dean accompanied Mr. and Mrs George Lingle to Emporium for the funeral Mr. and Mrs. Sherlock Bolopue are moving on Wednesday to occupy two rooms of the James Bowes house, formerly owned by Nichclas Mr. Lucas expected Lo make his home with his son Lloyd but has { changed his mind and is boarding with Mr and Mrs. John Campbell Miss Mary Lingle has been keep- ing house for ex-judge Lingle of Emporium, for the past three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Tony Poleto and family of Renovo were Memorial Day guests of Mrs. Emma Kunes Mr. and Mrs Ralph Miller and family of near Endicott, N. Y., are visiting relatives here Miss Mabe! Bechdel, accompanied by her mother and brother George, returned to the Clearfield hospital on Saturday. hoping she had recov. ered enough from her recent oper- ation to remain on duty As this was not possible she came home for another two weeks Mr. and Mrs Merrill Smith and Ohio, are hime for a short vacation On Friday evening word was re- ceived by the E. T. Bechdel family that Donald a patient of the Jew- ish hospital of Philadelphia, had suffered a relapse. Reports from the hospital on Saturday were not favorable, so on Sunday morning Claude Bechdel, of Beech Creek Mrs. Harry Jones of Bellefonte and Mrs. Merrill Smith of Ohio, went to Philadelphia to be near their broth. er. ARhough he is under a specia- list his condition remains serious Mr. and Mrs Roy Burlew and gon of Owensboro, Ky. are guests of Mrs. D. M. Burlew Russell Bechdel is visiting Mayme Shaw during the weekend It may be well for the ones who are stoning pedestrians near Bum- gardners Hill 10 note that the mat. ter has been reported to the Motor | Patrol ————— ————— JULIAN A birthday party was given at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Gill In honor of their daughter Marie on last Wednesday evening Those present were: Mrs Lottie Fleisher, Donna Johnson, Esther and Rosella Sones Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Flack, Jr, and daughter Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. George Dillon, and daughter Phyllis Sue Chandler, Esther Chandler, Hazel Dando, Gall Dando Bruce and Paul Holt, Virginia Fahr. Calvin Fahr, Alma Fry, Raymond Weller, Russell Flack, Thomas Tur- ner, Loyd Patterson Lloyd Wertz. Minnie Gill, Robert and Elwood Martin, Charles Margaret, Hazel and Bennie Gill. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed by all, playing games, and some very delightful string music mas rendered. A de- liclous lunch was served at a late hour and the guests departed, wish- ing Marie many more happy birth- days Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. E B. Williams were Mr and Mrs. Eugene Markle and daugh- ter Carol of Pleasant Gap, and Mrs Melvin Williams of Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs A. T. Irwin of Buf- | falo, and Miss Nina Davis of Me- | Keesport, Pa, are spending several ! days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J H. Turner, Nancy and Ruth Weller of Kane, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mra Angus Weller. Mr. and Mrs. Waller Chandler in Al- Mr. and Mrs. Ellie Shawver and { son, and Mr. and Mrs Ralph Myers. | of Vandergrift, Pa, spent the week- end with their grandparents M? and Mrs. 1. G. Holt. Esther Boyer of Altoona spent | | Bunday with her mother, Mrs. Mar- | garet Boyer Sunday guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Chandler were. | Mr. and Mrs. F. Randolph and fam- | Ny, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koch, and { daughter, Rite of Pine Orove Milla, Mrs. Edward Houser and son. { Chandler of Pleasant Gap, Miss Ann | Shank. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Chandler icf Bellefonte, Mr. and Mrs. Guy | Barger, of Clearfield, Mr. and Mrs | William and Harold Parsons from {| Blue Ball | Mz and Mrs. John White and son | Dwain and granddaughter, Arden | Weaver of Altoona, and ares. Alice | | Marks of Tyrone visited at the home {of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Greens on | Bunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Shope and son | iil | Robert of Bellefonte, visited at the | | home of Mrs. Nora Breon. | Mrs. William Chandler and | daughter, Esther visited Mr. and | Mrs Fred Rhoades at Tyrone on Saturday, home coming season for former resi- | entertain- Sunday | Donald | REBERSBURG Glen Chambers of Peekskill, N Y., spent several days ast week vis. | Hing Norman F. Douty Mr. and Mrs, John Klinefelter of | Millhelm were Bunday visitors at | the home of Mr, and Mrs, J E Zieg- ler Mrs. Anna Stover departed on Thursday for Maple Park, Ill, where she plans to spend the summer with her son Mahlon C. Stover and fam- Ay Harry J. Shaffer of Blairsville was a visitor In town over the weekend. George of Fiedler, and Mrs. Jennie | Kelb of Aaronsburg, called at home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown ‘and family on Sunday Mrs. Ira Spangler of Carlisle vis. ited her nlece and family, Mr ang Mrs. John Wert several days last week Clymer Tyson and friend of Har- | risburg, visited the former's parents, | Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Tyson, over the weekend Mr, and Mrs Mr. and Mrs | daughter, spent Mr. and Mrs Stroudsburg Miss Mildred Wolfe of Lewistown, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs E R. Wolfe on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clare Brungart of Erie, spent the weekend and Mem- orial Day, at the home of the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brungart, east of town Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Yearick, sons David and Norman, and the former's mother, all of M1ii Hall called at the C. 8. Hosterman home one evening inst week Mrs. Eva Dippery of State Col. lege, spent the weekend with Miss Anna Miller Miss Laura E Gayley of New York City, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Douty ast week On Sunday June 4 Miss Kramer, child musician and ey list of Shamokin will be at Missionary Church at Wolfe afternoon and evening. The is cordially invited Mr. and Mrs. Bugens lee and family of State College were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8 A Bers M:s. Alice Crouse spent several days last week at the 8 M Camp- bell home in Millheim. Sunday visitors of Mr. and W. H Ziegler included. Mr and Mrs Raymond Ziegler and son Ric! of Flemington Mr. and Mrs Pres. ton Ziegler, and family, Mr and Mrs. Noues, eI! Sf MoAllisterville Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wolfe and family of Akron. Ohio, are visiting Mr and Mrs. A. B. Wolfe this week Mr. and Mrs. Clare Carey of Grand Rapids, Mich, were weekend guests at the NP. Douty home The pupils of the local High School held their annual school 1 nic at Hecla Park. last Priday. Al those present enjoyed the outing Bunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs erine Mark and Mr. and Mrs. Wood. rox Mark of Altoona. and Mr. and Mrz. Richard Mann of Beech Creek Mr. and Mrs lee Kidder and ‘family spent the weekend with Ms and Mrs Fred Eversmen at Pills burgh Mr. and Mrs Adam Relish and Lewis Ream and the weekend with Orien Relish at Betty Ange. God's Elore public ard Clare Brungart of Erie, and Mrs. John Brungart daughter Hazel and sons Ralph Dean and David, and Mrs. Roy Brungart and two children of town, visited reistives at State College and Boalsburg on Monday of this week Mrs. Kate Beck son Harry family of Chicags, ll. spent several dns last week with Mr. John Bpangler Mrs. James Bradford of Centre Hall visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller on Sunday On Saturday May 27. Mrs R W Mever accompanied Miss Kathryn DeChant and Messrs. Warren De- Chant and William White to loomsburg Teachers’ College where they attended their class reunion and also participated in celebrating the centennial of the college Mrs. Lulu Mallory of State Col. lege, and Mr. and Mrs Charles Probst of Lock Haven, spent 8un- Muy at the formers home in west Rebersburg Mr. and Mrs Clark Cooper of Phil. adelphia, and Mrs George Adams of Elysburg visited at the T. L. Ha t- man home during the past weekend Eugene 8mull. daughter Kathryn, and friend, and Mr. and Mrs James Deere of Pittsburgh, spent Sunday | at "Gravel Spring Lodge” while en- route to a convention held at Harris burg Quite a number of people attend. ed the Memorial Day services held a Livonia and Madisonburg, on ‘Sunday. The servios were well | rendered at both plac Messrs. Woodrow and Paul Bierly of Beranton, and State College. re- | spectively, visited at the home of {their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C M | Bierly, over the weekend. Woodrow Bierly was accompanied on his re- turn trip oh Sunday by Mr. and Mrs Blerly and daughters Ruth and | Edythe, { Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown and two ; daughters, and Mrs. R. E Breon and | family were business visitors gt Lewistown on Saturday. { The members and their families of {Class No. 5 of th= local Reformed | Sunday School held a dinner at | “Gravel Spring Lodge” on Sunday, to welcome the | their class. The [following people | were present: Mr and Mrs. Cyrus (Lynn and Wayne, Master | Moyer and three children Irvin, | Bierly, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Winters, | Mr. and Mrs. John Relish, daughter | Bara Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Orvis | Swartz and family, Kathleen Burd, Mr. and Mrs. Gall Weaver son Wayne, Mr. and Mrs, Merle Gephart, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Grenninger and daughter Nancy, Mr. and Mrs Roy Brungart and two children, and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs Harold Hackenberg daughter Joan Mrs Velma Burd James Frank and Mr and Mrs. Paul Cummings and son Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Baboock are visiting Bryansville, and Delta, Pa in York County, a community in which he served as pastor of the Evangelical charge. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vonada and son | the | Mrs A E Limbert were Mrs Cath- | and. new memberg in | Billy | June 1, 1939. I a speaker at the Memorial Day ser- vices held at Bryansville on May 30 On Saturday, June 3 the members of the Grange wi sponsor a festival held on the looal school grounds Your patronage Is solicited, MILESBURG W.T. Chgrles of Tyrone, is spend- | Ing a pleasant vacation with his sis- | {ter and brother-in-law, Mr | and | Mrs. James Starett | Mrs. LeRoy Brian who underwent | an operation on Thursday last is | getting along very nicely spent the weekend with her par- | ents. Lester Jones had the misfortune {to cut his hand quite badly while | swimming on Friday afternoon, Jack | Quick Is another swimmer who cut his foot quite badly. It seems a good slogan for our swimmers would be | “Stop and look” please don't throw | glass In the creek Little Tommy Shawley received a | broken arm when he fell while play- ing sonny Peters who has been ill for the past week is getting along nicely Mr. and Mrs. John Hall have named their new daughter, Nancy | Jane James, son of Mr. and Mrs Prank Cox who was injured about two weeks ago. is getting along as well as can be expected Mrs. Roy Janes and daughter Anna Marie and Mr and Mrs George Smith motored to Lock Ha- ven Monday afternoon Raymond Fisher and son Richard of Tyrone were callers at the Wil. liam Eckenroth home Sunday william Peters Central City was taken ill on Monday morning and at this writing Is still confined to his bed Mr and Mrs. George Stanley and children of Baltimore were weekend and Memorial day guests of the for- mer's brother Robert and family Mrs. Emma Smith had as dinner guests Sunday, her daughter Marian and grandsons Carl and Bud Crone. miller all of Bellefonte Sunday night supper guests at the William Fisher home were: Mr George Gross, daughter Betty, Ken- neth and Betty MceClimet of Rar- thaus, Mrs. Grace McClimet, Miss Nancy Rhinesmith and Arthur Cathcart of Clearfield GREEN MOUNDS. The little green mounds where soldiers sleep Are sweet with fragrance of May And little gray mothers. a vigil keep For the boys who went marching Away YeArs of the The that have they sald “goodby’ nd sailed for a distant shore Have weighed on the ile gray mothers who Uy To soften the mem'ries of war The little green mounds where the soldiers dream passed since I Have many a tale to tell Hi Of the heroes who fashioned the khaki stream That mothers remember so well The tales are of bitterness, hunger and strife {| With ever a thought of peace often a prayer to the God of y life [That hatred and war might cease The little green mounds where the soldiers rest Are messages written in clay That teach us how well is our coun- try blest With peace—on Memorial Day. BENNER TWP. Borry (0 note that Dr. John Clark has been very seriously ill at his home the pas week Reynolds Shope moved his saw mill from Clark's woods here to the Shivery woods at Buffalo Run Memorial services were largely at- tended al the Myers cemetery at Buffalo Run on Sunday, the Lemont band played several selections Fumers say the hay and wheat wi/l be short In the straw on ac- cours of the dry weather Misa Virginia Young from Hub- lersburg and Miss Thelma Kline from lower Bpring Oreek spent 8un- day here al the home of Wilbur Omdor! Vince Speariy spent Monday even- ing a! Spring Mills with friends Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lutz from | State College and Mr and Mrs George Kline of Houserville, visited at tne home of Vince Spearly one {day this week Bill McConnell from the western | states is spending a few days here at the home of Joe Stover { Frank Crust wag over from Centre Hall and had a very nice monument erected for his wife in Myers ceme- tery before Memorial day. The jatest styles of monuments are now | low ones and in Pittsburgh in sev- | eral cemeteries the monuments are low slabs that the lawn mower can be run over country cemetery later on alto i Peach and plum trees were very {heavy with blossoms but very few | peaches and plums are left on the trees the blossoms were frozen Joe Btover has bought a Fordson | Tractor to do his farming this sum- i mer | George Dyke is bullding a home at | .oji04 on her brother-in-law here { Houserville, for themselves to live in on the same ground Mrs. Dykes parents, Bob Walter's bought Bob Walters is making improve- white. Fishermen were numerous along Tuesday Memorial Day several tents i Hl 3 HE 3d 83 2 Zs i! 2 i 35: Best g H] if 8s Mrs, W. 8 Walker of Bellefonte, | May be used in the {ments to his home by painting it | Spring Creek on Sunday and on | STATE COLLEGE Mrs. Grace Reeder of East College | of Philipsburg gave a recital at the | Avenue spent the weekend includ- | Ing Memorial Day with relatives in | Tyrone | Nettle Marghall of Pine Hall is a | patient in the Bellefonte Centre | County Hospital Mrs. Margaret Garner and daugh- ter Julls of Bast College Avenue motored to Bellefonte on Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Walter Parsons of Helster street had as their guests on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. H. N | Neely and son of Pittsburgh ‘Mrs. M. H. VanZant who was con - fined 10 her home on West Beaver Avenue because of illness, Is able [to be out again Eleanor Markle of North Patter- son street visited In Howard Friday evening Elsie Kresge of Bast Nittany Avenue spent the weekend visiting in Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Braucher of Heilster street had as thelr guests on Bunday, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Orr and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Neid- igh, all of State College R. D Rev. H. P. Babcock of East Beav- er avenue attended a meeting in Lewistown on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boal, daughter Betty and sons Junior and Charles of East Beaver Avenue spent Sun- day visiting in Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leonard of Bouth Gill street spent the holidays in Pittsburgh Mrs. H H. Lihler was given a sur- prise party by several friends in honor of her birthday at her home on West Beaver avenue Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schott of Bparks street spent the weekend in New York City Mrs. Eva Luse daughter Edna and Irvin Luse visited in Bellwood on Bunday Mrs. Elwood Parsons and daugh- ter Janice Ann spent several days this week at the home of Mrs Par SONS Mr and Mrs Edward Shaw William Welch Is spending summer vacation with his parents Mr and Mrs. R R Welch of Heister street. The former is a student In the Medical College in Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs W. 8 Wieland and Mr. and Mrs. A. P Wieland spent the weekend visiting in Willlams- port Mrs Etta Ward of Burrowes street is a patient in the Bellefonte Centre y Hospital Mr and Mrs. R R ter street and Mr Welch's mother Mrs T R Weich are visiting Biloxi, Mississippi. Mrs. T R. Welch who spent the winter with her son will remain in Biloxi Mr and Mr William Btine Port Matilda R DD. spent Saturday evening State College Mr and Mrs William Garner of MoAllister street had as their holi- day guest thelr son and daughter in-law, Mr and Mrs. William Garner of Cayuga. New York Florence Berry of Miles street ac- companied by several friends motor- ed to Cumberland, Maryland, on Wednesday Howard Parsons of Jonestown is spending several days with his par- ents, Mr and Mrs. Walter Parsons of Heister street, Next werk Mr Parsons wili jeave for Washington D. C with the Benior class of the Jonestown High School parents the Welch of Hels- in mt in cr ai — PORT MATILDA (Routh Side) . The revival which was being held in the Pilgrim Holiness church for the past (wo works was guile a suc- ceas with the Rev. Jack Donovan as evangelist Mrs. Bugene Steele 3 home again after a surgical operation in the State Hospital at Philipsburg Mr. and Mrs. Tom McKivison have with their family moved away from here on account of Mr. Rudy the new track foreman buying the house that Mr, McKivison occupied Rev. and Mrs Edward Crosser and sons Kenneth and Harold of Paxi- nos, near Sunbury, were visiting among old friends of the Pilgrim Holiness church here, on Monday Alex Robison is seen frequently on the highway with his automobile, and is generally acoompanied by his daughter Miss Nellie Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Robison of Unionville, circled among their friends here, on Bunday Those who attended church ser- vices wre on Sunday from Julian were: Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Walk and | daughter Miss Rosaline and sons William and Paul, Mrs Blanche Ruse Mrs, Cordia Richards and maughter Miss Mary, Mrs. Maggie Williams, Mrs. Isaac Holt, Craig and daughter, Mrs Richards, Miss Calaway, The song leader Mr. Shultz form- erly from Michigan, but now this state, was pleasing to the andience Mr, and Mrs, Irvin Roub, and Paul 'Roub, from Bellwood called on their aunt, Mrs. Wilson Stiver on Monday Everybody on this side of town had ample time to make garden and employed as plowman Mr. Ellery Knarr and Boyd Wagner of Martha | Furnace Mrs. Gertie Robison of Fleming. Lizzie on Saturday p m ————— A —— WOODWARD Harold Ard poured the concrete [for the walls of his bungalow on | Monday ! were Mrs i Katie (Hettie) Fults passed into | the Great Beyond rather unexpect- | Saturday at about One i | private, on Tuesday forenoon at 10 i . Interment was made in the | . i kid in charge of Rev. H. A. Houses was | 3 | : : i { 3 : SNOW SHOE The first Uniter Brethren church United Brethren church at Runville, under the direction of E. R. Hancock Runville being Mr. Hancock's home town. On thelr way home they stopped atl Bhopes Alling station and were served a Mrs. Frank Shope. Those present Mrs. Lucietia Farrell, Mrs Kathryn Shank Mrs Margaret 8mith, Mrs, Mildred Hughes, Bar- bara Hull, Bertha Louise Harper Carol Treasure, Phyllis Braund Olive Jane Mickey, Mrs ver, Freda Musser Clair Blover, Le- roy Woomer, Mrs. A. V. Miller, Merle Stodly, Haze] Mae Mickey, O. B Musser, Dan Musser, E R. Hancock visitors Mrs. EE R. Hancock and Howard Ashcroft The Peacelu] Bchool class met at the home of Madge Lucas for thelr monthly meeting. After the business meet- ing and a social chat lunch was served. Those present were: Misses Elizabeth and Geraldine Dixon Marie, Ruth and Mae France, Lu cille, Maxine and Edna Thompson leony Bincimir, June Rigle and Madge Lucas Mr. and Mrs. William Bates William spent the weekend relative Philipsburg Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mr. and Tom Dixon Marion, son Billy and Mrs. Ben Herr and son of Wat. sontown, are visiting at homes of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. James Quick Harry Price visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pownell of Osceola Mills, Pa Circle Bunday son with at A Whiteman Mrs daughter of Eimira NY the FILLMORE Harold Bloom and daughter Don Watson Mrs Beryl, visited at the nome on Ma visited at his hor iad week Mr. and Mrs. Jay Falls N Y ard Keebler and son Philadelphia and Mr. and Mrs W ter Crust and ch Mildred visited heme : H Mr and Boalsburg M. Huey he Mr. and Mrs. Barl H of Juni- fla. ani Mr and Mr: George Koons of Biate College ¥ tors at the Prank Hull home fisitors at the Bernard Sunday Mr per and fam Smeltzer wy were Bunday vis were Bmel Iwan Mrs Centre Clevens'ir and Mr Vv git a home on 8u Lester Crust Mrs Mr. and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marshall of Port Matilda, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kelley Jr. and two children of Phil- ipsburg, visited at the WD. Mar- shall home on Sunday - - ~The most news for §1 50 Glenn M r chicken supper, by | Bella 8to- | PINE GLEN Beginning this month, June, ths Bunday church services will be 8 {1:30 and Bunday Bchool at 10. The school is growing. A new contest is starting this Sunday so be on hand to get a start and hear the pews “You'll be glad you come.” A number of our people attended the Decoration services at the As- key cemetery al Bnow BShoe, on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs James Markel of Philadelphia, are home for the gum- mer James Holt was vo Johnstown on Baturday Those from here to attend the Baccalaureate sermon at Bnow Shoe Bunday evening included Phil Hodge, Mary Lou Burkey, Sara Pol- mar, Alma and Alta Viehdorfer Clyde and Don Hoover Gladys Hoover, Clyde Viehdorfer, Wesley Bchmoke, Rose Markel, Mary Ellen Famsy, Bet'y and Emma Jane Me- Cullough J E and J B Askey of Binns- mahoning. called at Robert Askey's on Bunday Mr and Mrs William Steele of Bellel tite, were also at Askey's Miss Emma Modlan was shopping Bnow Shoe, on Thursds) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Morrison, of Bellefonte, and their guest Miss Ellen Wilson and Mrs Hunter Dupont Place, Del. were calling on the Wertz family at Camp Bob Bun. gay Mr. and child at of Carley ani the Wertz Mrs. John of Renovo, were at home last Sunday Mrs. Clyde Hoover and daughter Miss Gladys Hoover had the pleas of atten’ing Pomona Grange at State College Saturday Mrs Hoover accompanied her mother E R Krone of shopping trip Yo Bellefonte and Altoona, Saturday The Local Boys sre playing ball again. With a pick up team Satur- day they defeated the neighbor Karthaus team 12-8. With encour. agement we feel our boys could pisy ball will Come on boys ge! busy, why not play every Saturday? Hurrah for Pine Glen Mis: Helen Butler Home BErono- mics Extension worker met with the §-H club girls on Thursday and or- ganized a food club for the summer Now for the eats! The following officers were elected: president Nan Burkey, vice-president, Lou Burkey: secretary and treasurer, Gladys Hoover Beng eater Betty Mc- Oullough. Game Leader, Phyllis Wertz. news reporter Dorothy Fe The neeting of the club will be at the Hall June 8th at 10 a m Miss Butler hopes to have a very profitable year with the ciub with its of work and fun and surely eats ng All girls between 10 and 29 should join. in fact you cannos af. ford to miss this opportunity with Miss Butler, come! The Local Grange hold #8 social at their place the community hall, June 10th. Your help is so- licited for the grange. Good eals and a good time planned ire on Russel] Mis Clarence, on a and will A sucoessful democratic form of government presupposes intelligent and unselfish citizenship EE —_—_— EL gro _ Shop and Save atA &P Spaghetti +r roa Jun [7 € Peanut Butter, Ann Page. DelMaize Niblets. Diamond Shaker Salt. . . . . . 2 pkgs 13¢ Fancy Rice, Blue Rose. . . . Graham Crackers, NBC. . . . . Ib pkg. 17¢ Sultana Red Salmon. Nutley Nut Oleo . . Ib jar 13¢ ..4 12-02. cans 21¢ Jivid ibs 6 ....41bcans 35¢ a3 ibs Ne Beverages, Yukon Club. . . 4 Ige. btls. 25¢ (Plus Bottle Charge) Cake Flour, Pillsbury. . .. . . ....pkg. 23¢ N.B.C. Bran New Cereal 2 pkgs. 19¢ CLEANS AND DISINFECTS pt. bil. Clorox 13¢ «= 23¢ Octagon Toilet Soap. . . . . . .4 cakes 15¢ _ Super Suds, red box for dishes 3 pkgs. 23¢ Ask Manager for Details on Dionne Quin Birthday Offer PALMOLIVE SOAP... . .5 cokes 29¢ Sliced Luncheon or Family BREAD 2 1 15¢ Pineapple Layer CAKE "&’ 35¢ NATIONAL DAIRY MONTH White House Evap. MILK 10 =..55¢ f-on. pkg. Olde Devon Cheese SPREAD 10¢ Brick or Longhorn CHEESE. . |b 15¢ STRAWBERRIES 2 qt. boxes 29¢ WATERMELONS vrs» »60ch 55¢ NEW POTATOES. . . . . .peck 37¢ Chuck Roa el [-T- Steaks, Round, Sirloin, Ten'loin Ib 30¢ Lean Bacon, any Hams, small S'f'l size piece. 19¢ d ready to serve |b 27¢ Ring or Long Bologna... ...... 1b 17¢ Pork Shoulder «vs » 14¢