| Odd and Curious News A Visitor In Seven Thousand Homes Each Week. SECOND SECTION -— The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County. Che Centre De mocraf VOLUME B58, — Pinning Contest The community of Greenbelt, Md which has been described as having more bables per capita than any other town in America, Is going te give the mothers a good laugh “We have decided explained Town Manager Roy Braden, “to hold » diaper-pinning contest for fathers 1t won't be compulsory, but we rat - er expect every male parent Lo par- ticipate.” The town of 3,100 sans, set in the piney hills near the national capital settled Oct. 1, 1937 Since then, 350 pables have been born. The diaper- pinning contest is set tentatively for Mother's Day-—but it may postponed until summer A Friendly Ad Farmer WT. May of Tenn., has decided that time to get back certain borrowed fmplements. In a town newspape! he inserted Uu advertisement ‘Look here, dear old friend 1 would be glad #f you would return my lespedeza pan, my Cyclone sowers, my cider mill and my tree sprayers. 1 hope you have en- joyed their use and that they served you well I will take care of them for of the winter. With greetings, 1 am, yow May Manchester it is about us seed the balance the season’ friend, W. T ———— Victim His Father Hurridly summoned to the emer gency ward to treat tim, Dr. Robert GG. Heath the Mercy Hospital Pittsburgh walked to the stretcher and lifted the blankets. The victim Was his father. Dr. Robert M. Heath year-old physiclal 1, who had critically injured by a truck alighting from his dy le legs were broken and hu skull tured an acc intern 62- been while Both frac Feathered Fireman Old Miles Standish, a rooster with a Plymouth Rock background changed overnight from a chicken silad prospect a hero. For when a night fire flamed through the hen- house of the Rev. D H. Wilcox Winston-Salem, N. C., Old Miles | all his 23 hens through a opening to safet) “T'm said the minister that an) with his steel nerve would be toligh to eat” ora 10 Really Terrible When a customer coasted across his yard, yelling “Quick, fix m) brakesKtheyre in terrible shape Garageman Pete Buschman, of Weatherford Okla. ran for his tools When he retirned, he found no trace of car or driver until a shout | came from a nearby gully. The car had coasted into the ravine Dead Four Days Two women, looking for al rent in Los Angeles, found a 5-year- old girl, Marie Anderson, sitting in a chair, staring at the nude body of her mother, lying dead on the floor The mother, Mrs. Rose Anderson, 88 had been dead 18Y The child ill with the measles and hungry, was taken toa h 80 Cents An Hour A garden plot, 105 feet square, kepi by Jack Finley, 13, of Hillsboro, N C. paid him at the rate of 80 cents an hour for 69 hours of work he spent tending it. He sold $3.56 worth of vegetables. Seed, fertilizer and other items cost him $1755 leaving him a profit of $56.20 Behind the 5-Ball If Glenn Ardell Shubert of Gram- plan, were ever to stoop to rolling dice local residents are sure he would roil 5. Glenn was 5 years old on the 5th day of the 5th month He's the fifth child in the family and has 5 i in his first name Cat Adopts Rabbits When the mother of Bobby Mun ster’s five little white rabbits died, at Pair Lawn, N. Y.. Bobby, 10, in troduced them to his cat, who had given birth to kittens twa days earlier. Without protesting, the cat dopted the five little bunnies - - Wwuse 10 Arty AS sspital Civilization isn't what it ought to be when a world has to listen to 2 guy lke Hitler before knowing whether there will be peace or war a RECENT Commenting upon the recent double-drowning at Centre Hall, the “Centre Reporter” recalls the previous accidenal drowning in that community 48 years ago, ag follows “The last previous accidental drowning of a Centre Hall youth was also on 8 Saturday, in 18683, on the 5th day of August Kurtz, Reparter. The youth was 19 years, 4 months of age He met his death in a deep hole In Penns Creek at a bridge on the east side of Paddy Mountain tunnel. He was seized with cramp, surrounded by ocom- panions among whom was a brother, J. red Kurtz, but. 2 one agnt. | also be pressed, State Motor Police ly trained to switn was near him The brother, dissuaded from going to the rescue Later, mill hands dived into the twelve feet of water and brought the limp, lifeless body up. “The young people had gone 10 a weekend camping, | the site for leaving here on the Saturday morn- ing train. The life of the youth was snuffed out after the pleasure seek- per- | Marviand | Was | be | | Wednesda | from | Shaffer | East Church apple | have | be glad to | { evel | foot emel ident 5 1C= i at | | street treated | manner Alwine met death ! Altoona, | and Members of the family include his | two sisters and three bro- | i thers ] lass | | Coburn where they and was | Walter Kurtz son of Hon. Prederick | he founder of the Centre | ew e | found guilty of disorderly conduct | | after an accident ! Route 64, when he was unable to | | stap his ear and crashed into the | rear of the car ahead, which had unable to swim, was | LOCK HAVEN WOMAN IS KILLED JUMPING FROM SMOKE-FILLED AUTO Victim and Another Passenger Leap From Car They Thought Was Afire While Descending Mountain Road One Lock Haven woman was kill- ed and another geriously injured last night when they leaped automobile which they was burning. Mrs. Florencs 80, wife of John W. Shaffer died almost im while her A. Lannen street escape hurt the an thought treet mediately Mrs. Joseph Bald Eagle tempted Seriously curred as the Ne Berwick Four other women in the car, in luding Mrs. Lloyd C Daugherty, 295 South Jones Street sald two women apparently be the car was afire when smoke through the floor boards. The brake had bad and the gency was used in de- companion NN Of who from the ¢ The acci nt wa lescending italin road Wa UN Cal Mout copeck neat the drive: the ase EOhe being Driver of Bus Is Burned By Lye Showered With Scorching Li- quid as He Falls Down Flight of Steps Martin Romanack, of ( a Fullington bus di burned with lye water o'clock Monday morning shoved the chair aside, which ed the Becond street the Hotel Philips slipped on the wet the flight of steps and upset ‘learfield Was at iver Daaly 10:38 when he block of ntrance water walter He there were Cyrone Norman Hicks cleaning the lye solution The upper ing into the hallway bad been blocked with a large chair Hicks left the scene just long enough for the accident to happen. Sandy, the hotel dog. had tried to get tn the door and Hicks led him around to the front entrance Romansck was unable to complete his run snd, after being ined to Clearfield Altoona War Vet Killed By Train Body of William H. Found Along Tracks on Outskirts of City wie! employe with door fead- been entrance he Tyrone ret Alwine of William H Altoona WPA i War an inmday morning by a ng the Pennsylvania road main line tracks near the city Limits. Alwine, who lived at 3410 Pine avenue, was last seen at mn Saturday when he left his home Investigation by the coroner and police failed to disclose In just what but it is hit by a loco- tim's right hand was aiso suffered The OoCCur- Sunday morn- walking on The body 45-year-old Ww Alwine and veler Was early 8 train crew ak rail- wn believed Alwine was motive. The vi almost severed and he a severe laceration of the head accident is believed to have red about 2 o'clock ing as the victim was the roadbed William H the son (MeCauley) Alwine was born in Maggie Alwine mother Young Patient Allen Lorah had dental trouble early in life. The af 10 teeth. A dentist yanked them out because he said they might be- come loose, fall out gnd be swallow- ed by the child EE am DROWNING RECALLS TRAGEDY OF 46 YEARS AGO ers had had their first supper in camp. The body was conveyed to Centre Hall on a hand car, while the remainder of the campers walked to were met by busses.” | BLANCHARD MAN FINED i AFTER AUTO COLLISION D C Swarts, of Blanchard, was Saturday on | stopped at the crest of a hill be- | hind a horse-drawn wagon Charges of reckless driving will} informed Sunday. Donald C. Shear- er, Lock Haven, was driving car ahead of Swartz which was | damaged to the extent of $100 in! the bumping. Swartz, who suffered facial body bruises and whose car was damaged to the extent of $25 was fined for disorderly conduct at a | hearing before Justice of the Peace | 8. Cross, Mill Hall four-week-old | boy. of Reading, was born with a set | the | and ' scending high Wa) The « from women Lhe long al Was Lhe point a, out £Ngery mountajn halted a where the Lwo ' he f ANd Lhe TOU hundred feel en pe othey climbed oul nurt pa ining wo Lock in Haz recently com the Salva Iwo commu from ee Dralion The Haven {1 celebrating a group was rel On a victory dinnes ) eon pleted contest bet=een PH Lim About 55 person Lhe attended ti taken treatment Lannen Mr Berwick Wi hospital for head injurie The other were Mis Liberty cled at £ pn sLurds ation Army ( aimniord with inte emeler fade] B rent IRSLoOwWnN | Captain the D In leaves Shaffer at home (“Sy y re On ishand she Miss Olive and Miss Ruth Both are tes addition to two daughter Shaffer of Berwick Ho Lhe tated that Mr from Week 30 Dad “ident provement. Her xi R. Helvly and Mrs. Wh ] accompanied by Arthur Bamford visited her id Ravmond A. House (Continusd on Page 6) been taken U howed sign daughters the a0 FURTHER ADVENTU (Contributed The adventures highwaymen have always been a source of fas cination to both suthors snd read- ers. Josephus refers to them in i account he gives of Abraham send- ing “the ancientist of his Servants to betroth Rebecca for a wife tw his son Isaac’ of messenger on his through Mes it was tedious winter for th and In » and beside there cOm mitts voided by t bef of the Was ) pass » umm reha and yen hike of Richmond height of fashion rei 8 fine gallant by gentier sex Macaulay » and his . oach, in a Lreasure £2 000 of e took whi four money ch hung ind that h pounds, and allowed the fair owner to ransom the rest by dancing with him on the wild, inhospitable heath Nearly everybody In Centre county has heard of David Lewis snd some of the exciting episodes in his chequered life “One of these took place in Adams county. A robbery, causing the loss of a considerable sum of money was credited to him. On the ensu- {ing morning several persons start- {ed In pursuit. They overtook a well- only one hundred ————— — PA / BELLEFONTE, , THU Ri DAY, MAY 11, 1989, MOTHER CAN LICR THE SFOON - [] MOTHE R15 BREAKFAST MOTHER i fWILL YOU MOME OP ANI \ HELP ME? { WHERE ( ¢ Pore / NN CHING Mother s Day WO [74 wu SEE MY HAT ANYWHERE ? i MOTHER N77 fo | Hat I TAKE A PATH po LURIGH THREE TAKEN TO PHILIPSBURG HOSPITAL AFTER CARS SMASH 5 expected Vice eXRIina- JG be mage He Roamed the Mountains to Rob. In a recent issue Lewis and Connelly, a brief the famous highwayvmen, time conducted a reign of Aderror in Centre county, was published of who for a The article sketch attracted considerable attention and since its pub- | lication the writer has come into additional information concerning the career of David Lewis, which is related as it was communicated to us. wither cabin in possibly to extort plunder, but when ened by an elderly signs of distress he wrong. and being stable was con for arrearages twenty dollars take a receipt the door Whe lady who ¢ agoked what told that 8 to take her he gave her instructions to she paid i ¥ - rent with wien hort distance awaiting with a pistol overed his own which the the ahead woman had od rofit the highwayman reimbi i a peroentage of § atinfy money-lender of the vould doubtless greedy i time born at Car 4th of March parents were poor but re- In 1792 the family re- Northumberland county, « the father of David was ap- deputy district surveyor hich ition he held until time of his death. several years lat- Lewis Pa on His was the David ther continued to live with his until 1807 when he enlisted ith a military squad at Bellefonte, but being disciplined for some fence he deserted and ran sway | | | | | of- | A——— NEWS, FEATURES — ————— —————— wg NUMBER 19. DYNAMITE USED TO ‘WRECK PORCH OF HAWK! RUN COAL OPERATOR ‘One Arrest Follows Attempt to Blow Up Mine Owner's Home-Hartshorne Mine Also Dynamited Sunday Morning urred Over dynamite outrages Oo Philipsburg coal area of which was aun nome Twi the weekend al & mine stick of explo: have been hurled from a jestroved 1 of the of Schnar at Sunda} one owner s believed Ww speeding front resi ive a sect) Raymond Hawk Run ren morn ~ Renner : ars Hawk in the wi pera t the time Of the h k the Hawk Ru m Mr Ini req Mr his mine he from where was retu Mile ring Run guard duty when Hastening moke 11 the Jiners al been a Lhe One nao Gn he Leal for region a8 Cad of his wen ne SAW home, hie Qiscove H ront pe been danage 1 the three-fo0tl section was fo ving The Hawk Rw preted the Liast 85 8 DOSS) Wern- ing for him to stop Work al his mine st One Mile Run been operating during lhe iendlock The Bchnars being operated mily Andrew Poli rrest pass had eX PI0sIon A i fuse the porch Lor bie y Leal Oper inter wh soft coal mine al present members of LE Uy Lhe k, Hawk Run, has y Clearfield anc se of Cieorge Hartshorn, s small nd RES OF LEWIS he enlisted company the name of The compsny where Lewis made | an attempt through a lawyer to be {relieved on the plea of being under age, but the effort proved unsuccess- ful A Inter wil Irvin's LEht artiliery unger Armstrong Lewis went to Carligie Ham an exposure of and David was and sen- This afigir Jed previous conduct ried by court martis! und gulity of desertion tenced to be shot The mother, to whom writen went to Carlisle through her pleading and the kind atervention of Gen Wilkinson, his sentence was commuted 0 impris- onment in the guard house “From this be soon nasaged 10 cape, and having knowledge of a not far from Carlisle, oon - cealed wig 8 part of it called the devil's dining room,’ until mid- w hen he emerged from his piace and farted on = journey to his mother’s Centre county, where he some time occasional visits to Bellefonte he formed the ac- quaintance of a tin peddier who | persuaded him to go to Burlington ‘Vt. and engage in a counterfeit is had ua hie Cave he in ding stealthy piace remained for On one of his the money enterprise, in which he suc- ceeded well Having an ambition to extend his business, he started on a trip to New York and Pennsylvania was getling along swimmingly, as he expressed it, in the Empire State | ({ConWouea on page six) of Joseph Philip | | BELLEVUE, OH10, COUPLE | WEDDED FIFTY YEARS | Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Royer, 225 | Plehsant street, Bellevue, Ohio, who | observed their golden wedding anni. | versary Saturday, April 20, were guests of honor at a lovely surprise dinner Sunday noon when their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Clyde Rover | of Bellevue, was hostess A delicious dinner was served at i noon to twenty-five guests. The | table was appointeg with three wed- | ding cakes, decorated in gold and white and with vases of yellow flow- i ers | Quests were present from Yind- i say, Premont, Gibsonburz and Belle { vue. Mr. and Mrs Glenn Rover, a nephew and niece, of State College, {were out-of state guests at the din ner Mr. and Mrs. Royer, who have spent a greater share of their mar- | vied fife in Bellevue and vicinity { received many gifts, flowers and | cards from relatives and friends Saturday night they observed the custom of open house when more {than 60 guests called to offer their | congratulations, Invalid Girl rl Swims Way te Health An unusual story of a child with an upside-down stomach four years iago who is now the “Swim for | Health Week” model. Ome of many | | lllustrated articles in the May 2ist issue of The American Weekly dis- | tributed with the Baltimore Sunday | American. On sale at ! stands, a —— Fined; Gets Ticket from Police Court at Seattle Wash, to pay a fine for speeding, he ound that he would have to return. parking ticket was attached to his oar, all news- | When William Murphy emerged aesnsmm— CHANGE IN COAL CAUSES LOCOMOTIVE TROUBLE Some Pennsylvania railroad trains on the Middle and Pitist 1 divi- sions have been experienc difm- culty in following their edule exactly because of the difference the type of coal the engines have been consuming since the miners holiday began, raflroaders report “Low pressure, dirty | ha: been the excuse offered for almost every schedule delay in the past month. Enginemen sav that trouble is experienced in keeping the boller pressure high enough to make a fast run. “The iron ain't used to the change in diet” the way one en- gineman puts it The railroad has been forced to use substitute coal because of the bituminous situation while miners and operators are attempting reach an agreement on a contract fire ons is two-year | WOULD DENY BALLOT TO TAX DELINQUENTS A proposal to bar Pennsylvanians m voting unless Lheir county and curtailment mcip approval by ght by a ; to 21 al taxes had been paid, won the Senate Monday straight party CLEARFIELD COUNTY TOWN WITHOUT COP, LIGHTS | Tax delinquencies have of public street lights and police protection in Coalport, a Clearfield vote of community of 1200 After the borough furloughed its The ban would be imposed by a single policeman and ordered street constitutional amendment, ed by wealthy Philadelphia Republican Democrat Jom Dent, Westmore- lind, led the attack on the bill, as- ting that under a Demoermtic SPONSOT Senator George Woodward, Laing, of borough lights discontinued, President J W firemen, said firemen had been asked to form a policing commitiee Another Clearfield county town, Osceola Mills, has asked volers to form of government nothing should approve & $10,000 bond issue to pay done to prevent any person from ting mn ie bill goes to the House for concurrence. It must be approved by two Legislatures and a ma jority off past due and current debts. The election will be held June 20 Four Sets of Twins Twins are common in the family of the people before it can take ef- of Sheriff and Mrs, Clyde Kaiser, of fect ———————- ~The most news for $1.50, | Ada, Oklahoma. Their fourth set, 8-pound girls, were Born last week {| There are three other children, 100 of | being | He | caused | services— | i county | wlio als that nis broken nto weekend notilieq overed Culd union Monday Stream mine and dynamited owe Mr. Hartshorn ms the Blate Motor P 1 mine oper morning had been Lh neQiklely a reward faaing (Continued on Page €) - Picket Turmoil Leads To Arrest | Morrisdale Trucker Charged With Pointing Gun at Group of Men fire- Rr BPPear- hearing Pesce at Chelter Hill Friday altern with rrisdaie Charged with assault arm. Robert Hubler, Nu D., posted $500 ineoe al cour held bel Bteele Butterworth Near ps burg Hubl a ball 1 OWINE 8 ore of the On s hearing was rrence near the EB Thursday morning when a } hich Hubil was al was foppea Ly & BrOMD pirkets Hubi charged with ort-Big ler Pe OL ~ d over for ooun give sufficient was an occ The case was boun when Hubler falled defense as 10 why pant of the truck a ne ue. w——— c—— Forest Fires Keep Wardens On Jump Members of ( ce ‘Camps Ren- der Valuable Service in Reducing Damage A forest fire at the head of Two Rock Run, Curtin township, Centre county, was controlled Sunday af ternoon, sfter burning 75 acres « private forest land, by a crew from Beech Creek under Forest Ranger Kenneth Miller and Warden Bob Farwell sand a crew from Orviston under Warden Clayton Emenhizer together with crews from Renovo under Forest Ranger Merle Whit- myer, Wardens Harry Cook and Harold Bissman and crews from CCC Camp 76 in charge of Fore- man Weaver and Freeburg Four small fires in the vicinity Pine Gien, Burnside township { of | Centre ocOunty | crews in charge of Warden Bisir Borger and Inspector Mike Botson and quickly brought under comtrol To date this spring there have (Continued on Page 6) | GUNSHOTS HEARD AS | MINE BUILDINGS BURN | The tipple and scale house of the old Biglow Run coal mine burned tw | the ground last Thursday night. The | cause of the blaze could not be jearned and damages were unoffici- | ally estimated to be about $500 The blaze was discovered shortly after midnight and burned until ! early Friday morning. The mine i: operated by Wycliffe 1. Todd, of Philipsburg, and John J. Ernest, of Osceola Mills The drift is located on the Vall property about one mile north of the Pennsylvania railroad round- house at Osceola. XI is sometimes called the old Milsom mine and jocated near the present Milsom working at Phoenix Residents living In that section stated that the mine has not been worked They reported hearing gunshots on a nearby hill side at the time of the fire. State Motor Police are investigai- | ne the cause of the fire. were combatied by | | Random Items’, a MORE SCHOOL FIREWORKS ol B ard KR. Hus Me impending stor Yes from m, ome, will arise from the 1 ree next year, IL hedued 0 Mondsy time the SEL a +. ani ” UNCLE CHARLIE DID BETTER IE TO IY Prom He des interest arument Our re- Yes- Ol le Aire pron of the er he hap- tHe tor- thie wing well ow wh 1008 e fon Bt gM 10 make allowar WHAT'S YOUR GUESS 7 |] How many of you folks can give off-hand, a clear definition of “The Oxford Movement” A hasty poll conducted this departinens re veals thay BET per cent of the peoples know thet it wag a religious move of some kind but further than that Cah only §u e85 THEN COMES THE GRAVE The Bellefonte CLAliOn ¢ Maki iron banguet tive grranger meeting of meeting of meeting of merce. Si Mayor a traffic oy News ig plans Kir Titers’ Asso Ir & grio- id. Tenta re-enact a Council; »a Board: a of Com- h hoo! the hamber de Skits would include Hardman P Harris chiding aw violator on the Dia- mond; something festuring the County officials The last act of the entertainment would be conducted by Dr WR Heston of Philipsburg. Centre Coumty Coroner, who after naming six men would say in his most professional voice “We are summoned to conduct an ihguest into the deaths of these Bellefonte newswriters, and to fix if possible, the responsibility for their violent aaah " rats ———— MANY TREE SEEDLINGS PLANTED BY OCC 192000 forest tree seedlings are being planted this spring by the four COC osunps in the Sproul State For- est atoording 1 information from {the District Fore wr: office at Re- novo Six forest tree plantations are also being made br private forest land j owners in this District | rior 10 this spring more than [two and a quarter million of seed- lings have been planted on this { Blate Forest, and three quarters o a million on private land Ordinarily one thousand tress are required to reforest an sore of land iq it Donates Recreational Center J. Franklin Long of Flemington has deeded three acres of and {fronting Woods avenue and extend. ing from Hager's corner 10 the canal, to the Flemington School District for an outdoor recrestionsl center. The field will be fitted wp for baseball, tennis snd possibly oer summer sports, of tentative pians being considered are carried out, oe Ee —— KEEPING. up WITH THE JONESES' — What a Plight for Eddie! Wii i eeonerinifl HE'S DOING BUT I'M TW ONE WHOS FRED LP! I'M GONNA TALK TO TH CHIGE AND HAVE HIM PUT DOLAN BACK ON TH BEAT --- HE'S NO HELP TO By POP MOM AND ALL. TH' BATING