THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, Page Eight A ————————— OBIT UARY ee OCKER. Ocker, G3 the home of nis William Mcor linton Coun HShcemage! ADAM C. Adam Ciarence suddenly Friday at step-daughter, Mrs gon, in Lek Haven ty Coroner W. J suming his dotles alter an absenc while recuperating from Injuries stiffered tn gan automobile acclden was called to investigate, He found death due to hardening of the av teries ahd declare] an inquest un necessary. ‘Other survivors are his wite, a daughter, Mrs. Frank Walker of Mill Hall; a son of Wil Bamspart, and a B Neatlerode of South Bend, Ind. Fu neral serv were held Monday ternoon at Lock Haven and ment wag made at Blanchard. MES. THULIE STERR Mrs. Tillie Sterr, 82 widow of Ed ward Sterr, Civil War veteran, died early Saturday morning at the home of her niece, Mrs. W. H. Spangle: Blanchard, with whom had Ul two wears. She had been al valid for some time, suffering from complications. Mrs. Sterr was bom in New Jersey and was a resident of Fhiladelphia when she Si was 8 ‘member the Weth church. Other swrvivors are a ter Mrs. Annie Nixon of Len J. and several other nieces. ¥ &l services were conducted at 7 p Sunday at the Spangler home by Rev. Ralph Davie. The body taken to Philadelphia Monday burial in the Mt. Pes e come die Ie Ciel Se step-son Tk 2 ne ved {0 unt LWO Veul a0 Blanchal : came « ol ola Hner- els MES. WILLIAM BERKSTRESSER Mrs. Bert { Mad- gencville and Reber widow of William Bei k:tress home { her gtresser, of ! morning. May 2 a Death was due to a he Ehe was born in Pali was a daughter { Jane Prive) ed At aged 55 year Burviving are Berkstresser, of Scranton ard D Berkstre of Millheim daughter, Tillie Luetia Berkstre preceded ner moths in dealt sister, Mh William Hammons Ealtillo- a b her Ru snail, of Huntingd,m B bby Berkstresse: tWO Nephew a services were held ¢ Baptist chureh, Hun ty. May 4. The Rev Mi. Union officiated Was made in the Bap! ha Berkstresse: SOLUTE er, died al soil, Robert Scranton cana nn COURS John W Gutshial) the Lune 11 monghs and - two son ., and Rich- SET GALLAGHER na Belle- CLARENCE MM. Clarence Michael Callaghe tive and lifelong resident of fante assed away at home West Logan Street ut 8:30 « laste Wednesday might of sompll tion: resulting from san atiack pleusd Mr. Gallagher was of Bernard anid Julia Markle Gala ger and wa Mar 27, 1885, making his age at death 9 years. 1 month and 3 His wile, the former Helen Lyon: Lvonstown pa AWAY sbott years ago. Survivi are tag dien; Bernard { and Paul D EUTVIVIRIG are a e15- Miss All John, of Bost of VanMeter nera of Hi ROT WN ie On Bellefonte the Re ‘ made : i Por many years was employed at the plant and for the pa or more served as atchmagn Cotnty Garage WILLIAM F. MEESE Following a sudden paralytic sticke ane month ago, William Franklin Meese died at his home in Philipsburg last Thursday evening Mr. Meese was widely known in Philipsburg where for 40 years he was assoctaied with the milling bus- iness. He went to Philipsburg from Buffalo Run Valley and worked as miller for the C. T. Pryberger grist mill and served in the same capac ity when the mill became the prop erty of J. O. Reed. Ten years ago he retired from active work. Mr. Meese was born in Buffalo Run Valley February 11, 1858 He was a son of George and Mary Meese In 1800 the same vear moved to Philips- burg, he married Miss Anme Gill of Waddie, who survives him He was a member of the Trinity Meth- odist church here and affiliated with Modern Woodmen of America. Sur- viving are his wife, one sister. Mrs Miles Wrye, of Bald Eagle, and four children. Mrs. Florence Emeigh, Al- toona; Mahlon Meese, DuBois; Nor- chur emetery Mr. Gallagher Kelley ice two years night Chevrolet had Lhe he at he man San Antonio of Philipsburg Fun were held Sunday the Meese residence Walter William pa I'rinity Methodist Mg. Burial was made Tex 1s afternoon with sLO1 church in Philipsbiug and Cray ral ervices from the Rey ol the officiut MES. VERNA DEITCH Mrs, Verna of Harry Leonard Tuesday sfternoon Altoona after an weeks 8.00 whid Delt ut sie Was Belle K nn died in Tamndly cide Col.ege:. Wo wild Martha Jane ane son, C. Russell ville three brothel Ralph Gwin Russell Gwin, ol SITAR SH (Ko hey dauglite Ix and anda Ded MES M1 I wite of Chirk rane: SORTA MoCle Bone i conten BRWLY al Lhe Mi William Mil at 1 « after a iw omplication Clenal ind orn in Monte 1868 [1] maxing VERT Hu Ole PIERCE M A Mr. Ca culture Pennavivania t of i fife dn ( Clie pal tie wa me mabe H GA of MRS. EMELINE been con longer en children af Mary M. Bolt Gate Cow ana nad voeks or One thirst ain 1 October 3, 1867 her T2nd year Mos! life was spent in moon township, December 24, 1888, she C. Dixon for Hved moved Dixon was emploved man in the Lorain Carnegie-1inoi until his death She is survived Mrs. H Earl Ling. Miss Ruth Dixon Cyprus avenue school and Herbert C bacteriologist for town. Another died in May where he wa drug store. Surviving sister are: C. L forte: Mrs Robert C Warriors Mark Lewistown, and Earl Colo. 8he wis a Avenue Methodist in Moxham, and Rev. George R of the funeral near =Y Of ana ta by fe WIT 1935 Epi (Chwin Deitch De iliness of Born in Altoona a daughter pp) 1934. Member mot Delt bot State C4 Harry CHARLES Mc naan Mire hed of 3 family Forge. in SIX YPurs it Warriors Mark. In 1008 they Johnstown, plant Steel CX twelve three of acher ih the city of Johns Merrill Gates Kustenborde: Benner L.. of Denver member her Haden services widow teh ied home in three January 27 of Michael Ciwin Mi of the hel her, of Slale Adda Belle th at home Ol Mead |! L! 1 Of Altoona Heg sShom CiWil CLENAHAN Med enahian assed RAY spenicing Fiitre the TES PIXON nn WHO 3] YER of and bed David she was born Spruce Val- hence Was In of rer girlhood Loveviiie, in Half- Centre county on married Hay they where Mi as a drafts of the rparation years ago children Somerset in the Johnstown irmacist and Dixon at Pottavilie manager of a Ligee! brothers and of Bele. (i. Cates of Grove copal church pastor. the had charge held at her in WM. J. MOKLE Marble and Granite Memorials BELLEFONTE, PENNA, until Memorial Day. and Markers that we are offering at R NOTICE—Our Place of Business Will Be OPEN EVENINGS We have a complete Hine of Monuments EDUCED PRICES *) HERRERA ER, | at 2 o'clock on Monday burial having been made in Grandview late home afternoon in the Limily cee ery, Juhimstown lot M. YOUNG imfant daugh Laura May parent 6 ocluck Hines infancy April 24 addition tw both at held Higli~ Mi Wa GLADYS Gladys M. Young ter of Lioyd and Schenck Young, died at hex | home near Howard at Tuesday morning after an with a disease common Ww he child was born tins year. Surviving the parents are two home Funeral servioes eaterday atternoon wt toe church with the Rey officiating Lnterment In the church cemetery on in sinters were nua avis made HOWARD W. ZIEGLER fol Howard J at the Evangel Aged, near Lew sSLIEE was conducted Wednesday morning by the Rev. Frank H. San ded superintendent I the home af Milhelm burial will el I Yor Haturda) Hospital Dee SAIVIiCes a guest tw Funeral Zlegler, 71 Home weal for Ze it wi i nelive and In helm cemel died vangell the hone December entre county made In Mi [1H al He 1931 had im of jest oe Jd | vived by hil wife and two sister uest t Lhe Done BENNER Centre WISS BRUEZE Hel Mere wl Laewistiowl Friday Weer i the CIUUK " COL TAR TH aughter of Wi Ben ton on Noy Ham and } wl He wu emo al nkirk Fleming making her gage val y mont: and + two brother n B. Beoner, and Benner wll 8 IneInoer Lie 26 ut chiuren Centre wedge held IER vail GEORGE LES BRYAN lalmire lin cemetery MES. ALBERT BARGER Pmma Barger week Ompiichis born in Boggs tember 28 1870 and was pears. 7 moths and 2 Ow Her parents were Andrew G. and Cath. rine Walker and she was Lhe a f hes fami twice magrie i, het Jamé A | man % Novem toa nshily aged tia ie LR VEArs av Ie wa ui at) riage o1*h Alber Barger wo 3 SUT mber of ne ard nephew Barge A y member of the Mil \ethodis ireh al were conducted pastor ‘ue Rev. Mr Meth church, May ° ment wis made in the A tery a: Milesbury, (3) | Rlevens JOSEPH KROWHER CONFER Joseph Krowder Confer well known farmer of Spring Mills, pass- ed away at his home near that com- munity at 5:30 o'clock on Monday afternoon after an illness with a complication of diseases He was a son of Jonas and Sarah Lingle Con- fer and was born In Cregg town- ship an June 24. 1867, making his age at time of death 71 years, 10 months and 14 days. On March 2 1880 he was united in marriage with Carrie Confer vho survives with two children Clarence DD. Confer and Mrs. William R. Stoner, both of Centre Hall: two brothers, For- est M., of Nesbit, and Asher C., of Spring Mills: 4 grandchildren, and 1 greit-grandehild. Funeral ser- vices will be held at 9:30 o'clock Friday moming at the Holy Cross church, Georges Valley, in charge { the Rey. Harry A. Houseal In- erment will be made in the Geor- Valley cemetery. Mr. Confer been & member of the Evan- church for 45 years in HS HAE. i. SNOW SHOE George Wenrick and Mr. Dodd, ¢ Bavnesville. Va. visited a couple of hours on Friday with George mother, Mrs. Eva Wenrick. George has been in the OCC camp at Bay- nesville since January 1938. He is looking fine O:le Conaway, Mrs. Eva Wenrick and children Doro hyMae, Leonard CHadyz and Lloyd visited on Satur day at the Blair Mann home In Howard RD. 2 Mr. and Mra. Albert Hamard and infant gon Albert Jr, called on friends In our town on Sunday inna MP S—— Four Deer Killed While three male deer and a doe carrying two young were crossing the highway in front of Rockview Penitentiary about 5:80 o'clock lait Thursday morning, they were struck and killed by a ear driven by an un. iieqtified person. The bodies of the deer were burned by officials at Rockview ges had ¥ $ elves a Suggested topic for debate: “"Re- (solved, Thet Fishing Was Developed | Bigger Liars Than Golf.” Recent Weddings Ia Ma Weber Altre Meter Mi Frunk Moon Terrace augliter of Mets Bellefont und Eine Lasilla, son of Mr. "rs Nester Lasilla, of Willowbs root were married Baturday nied Anil 29 In Bt John's Rev. Pather William E ormed the ceremony. My Novosel of Hull Moon Ty tended the bride Wirlle Bauer of West Beaver street go) fonte served as best man Follo the ceremony a reception w at the home of the bride Mrs. Lasilia Is 8 graduate john's Parochial school, and attended thu Pleo High 8 For the past | she has been emploved by eral Match Company. M { Palnsdal Hi Polosdale, Mich, is emnple Chemicon! Lime Compad:y Ko Lo housekeeping bride Latte Miss and Mr Hull Catholic i) hool raduale © the —————— Revder—Benzie Btedln Bene yi "wy Hewdes Aan Joh ried Sat of Bullak Bennwr One {owns Line Bivon | Smith tre Hal Deparime Ce Cour 1% emplaved the lillie As present hwy wil Both young paaolle ther tance of ite Fes Rumberger—Lueas Laicas | the The wa amg Gomck., When Gavngnter oF Ih mon,