THE CENTRE DEMO Page Two I ——— omer sa m— | — NEWS IN BRIEF AND PERSONALS OF | UNIONVILLE | (Reported by Special Correspondent) W. C. T. U. Meeting—The month- | business meeting of the W. C. T was held on Wednesday evening the home of Mrs. Nannle Wil- | Lams. Free Methodist Church Services: Prayer service on Friday evening. | sunday School and a special Moth- er's Day program in the morning, preaching service with sermon by the pastor, Rev, G. A. Garrelt, in| the (vening at 7:30 p. m Tee and lee oream--The jce plant at the Smith grist mill 18 now in operation and lee can be secured at any time. They are also making home-made ice cream for sale, The proprietor, Ralph Smith, offers prompt and efficient service, Memorial Day Plans: Plans are being made for Memorial Day ser- vices which we can give in part al this time, James E. VanZandt, yep- resentative in Congress of the 23ri District, Washington, D, C., will be the speaker at the Oak Ridge ceme- in the afternoon at 1:45 p.m other plans we will be able to give at Inter date. Watch column for particulars Methodist Church Services—Prav- er service this Thursday evening and ible Study, followed by rehearsal by the young folks for Mother's Da} services; Sunday School on Sunday morning at usual time followed b+ special Mother's Day al 10:30 a. m. which consists of a pag- eant, “Mother's Gift" and “The Se- cret” and talk Mother's Da bv past Epworth League In the evening at 6:30 p. m Garden Club Meeting organized Garden Club (it Wednesday ever 730 p. m, hk 1s¢.. All per gardens and flowers are urged tend meeting ang [4 YOu flow LA have a real flower show in with the meeting We ing whether the members of Garden Club will Community flower bed w be done soon. tery this ha | program on the r will meet May 17th Community hi this ir choice tion { are wonder 10 th Lae Forrest Bauder confined lids home over the weekend with ¢ attack of C. E. Eckenroth jaughter and was the grippe be irs, Harold was held on Monday n t the Methodist church in Howard, Pa. Miss Mary Brugger has been il} for several days and confined to her bed with a2 severe attack the gr Her many friends hope her compl recovery may be speedy. Presbyterian nday evening as the pastor Rey Mot s Day mpanied by Communion C. John Greensourg ent several days last week th his mother and husba and Mrs. G. A. Garrett Mrs. G. A. Garnet was jll couple days the forepart of th suffering from asthma much better at ¢ writing, wh her many friends and neighborg are glad to hear. Sunday guests of Mrs. C. E Ecken- foth were Prof. and Mrs. H.W, Hol- ter and daughter Nancy Mr. Ray Underwood of Bucknell Unive sity all of Lewisburg, Pa. and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holter of Howard Pa Pearce Rumberger and Eleanor Lucas were married at the home of | Miss Lucas on Tuesday afternoon May 9th, at 4 o'clock. Congratula- tions young folks and may there be many good things in store for you as you travel the path of life Miss Ruth Lucas, teacher in the schools at Milesburg, Pa term on Mon.ay of this week. Last F:iday she accompanied her schoo! with other grades In the same school. on a picnic In honor of the last day of school. They visited Martin's Grove in the evening, The young folks from here who expect to graduate from Bellefonte high school next month are: Mary Brugger, Louise Tingue, Ida Maa Barton, Basil Robison and William Barton. There are several from the township who will graduate includ- ing Julia Barton and Eloise Harper. Miss Martha Brugger and gentle- man friend of Wilmington Del were weekend guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Brugger. They were accompanied home by her brother Joseph Brugger who is em- ployed near Media, Pa hey re- turned to their duties on Sunday af- ternoon, Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Holtzworth of Fairmont, West Virginia, with their two daughters Ann and Mary Alice spent last weekend at Holtzmorth bome and at the home of her father Mr, Daniel Buck. Mr. Buck accom- panied them here after having spent several weeks visiting in Palrmont with his daughter and family. George Irwin and Willlam Resides took Kenneth Hall's truck on Tues. day and motored over the mountain with the expectation of securing a load of ccal. As they passed the picket line of strikers, stones were thrown a} their truck and almost demolished the truck, one of the Wg a of seping with he - had stones striking the occupants of the | truck. William Resides is a pati- ent in the Clearfield hospital. We have not learned the extent of his injuries but hope they are not seri- ous. George Irwin was able to re- turn to his home. ———— i A a — ——— It is interesting to hear parents, who rarely read a book, criticising children for not studying. Misses closed her i HOWARD John Brickley of Ancho, Mexico, Is visiting with Mrs. Vernie Butler Robb Mrs. Thurman Hustler of Milton has been vistting at the home of her dster Mrs, Kline Wolf. Mrs, Hustler was called far the funeral her uncle, Ambroce Holler Lamar Miss Emma Robb was admitted (0 the Lock Haven hospital Tuesday [Or OD.ervaLion The ladies of the W. C. T me! at the home of Mrs. George D. Rega. Friday night A tea was heli at the home of Anua and Nelle Holter, Sat afternoon for the officers of XIeLy I New Isters T™ R nis Mrs and r hele Mtr Le urday he Missionary Se of the cow New WwW. F Pdwin wb of the home of Hall over the weekend. Kenneth Bitne; George Bitner Frida son of Mr, and laying baseball He was everal Frederick Bellefonte at parents, Mr ze! Mr fleld, Pa wife, Mr Arg taken t tite he S reeter sing Mrs. G Cheesman of Williamsport spent a few days a’ home of Mr. and Pe Pau the Long Rev Dillsbt parents of hem al Rev Rebecea llefonte it Gardner Eugene are faughter we k James wat - hi ith her « Mr ang Mr Mrs. Lewis and field at 5 ¢ ternoon, May POTTERS MILLS Mar Kimport of Sts visited over the als raret 3 ried Those who t MoCormick 01 I d } H. E Mh Ohio E GG. Mingle Aaronsburg: Miss Isabel Bradford f Bellefonte and R. H. McClormick of State College Mra Charles seriously {ll 4 the home of laughter Mrs, William C H Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Faust ‘riends from Potisville, vii Sunfay among relatives Harry Hubler wife i daughters, Miss Chilcoat from Lock Haven, Mrs. Minerva Hubler, Miss Kate Predericks from Spring Mills alled friend; on Sunday after- noon Mrs, Margaret spend- ing some time a’ the home cf her son, George Sweeney in Centre Hall, Chal Vroman and friend Miss Amelia Copenhaver of Philipsbure, | Miss Orpha Fleisher of State Col- lege, visited over the weekend at he H. E Foust home. Callers on Sunday at Foust home were Harry Ishler from State Ccllece Philip Vonada from Coburn, Mr and Mrs. D. 8parr Wert {rom Aaronsburg Lester Goss and family visited o Sunday at the home of R. M. Royer Mrs. BEd. Sweetwood and Mrs Laura McCormick are both confined to bed f O » 4} 5 Moy ae McClenaha ~oy fm i ot ang t= “ on Sweeney is the SMULLTON Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Confer and Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Harter and young son were Sunday visitors al the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilbert at Wolf's Store M:s. V. W. Fletcher of State Col- lege spent last Tuesday with Mrs, W. D. Meyer, Mrs. Ida Walizer and Mr. and Mr i Barl Weber and daughter and Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Brungart of Re- bersburg, were visitors on Sunday at Penns Cave at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Long. Mrs, Carrie Dviwilg and Donald and family of Aaronsburg ere visitors at Lewisburg on Bun- y J. G. Winkleblech who has been on the sick list, is much better and | able to be out again Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mever were i visitors at Preeburg and Northum- berland on Sunday, { Mrs. Carrie Delwiler spent last | Monday with friends a Aaronsbure {| Miss Carolyn Bennett is visiting i with her brother and wife at Salona jfor a couple of weeks, ¢ | son | JACKSONVILLE { Church gervices on Sunday May | 14, (Mothers' Day) Sunday School [Mrs W. H Spangler passed has | 0:30 and a special Invitation been given to encourage all mothers who can come to come and partici- pate In all our services here on Sun- day: C. E. 6:46 Topic for discus n “When Is a Home Christian?" Wor- | ship with sermon by the pastor Rev John R. Gulick at 7:30 The Ladies Ald held on Sa urday evening home of Ms, Miles Bartley well att by the members seve al guests, glad to report that one guest became a member, and a joyable evening wag spent Sumner Noll and children and Elsie Jane spent Satur het ter Mrs, CGeor land and family of Pine Grove fet meeting the ol at Was very and ended very en Mrs Dickey day with Whee Mills Betty and Glad ter of Little ET evening with yn and Lue re were Tuesday evening vi + Robert Yarnell home Foster Shamp Hublersburqg Sunday with ! Mr Deitz an Robb of spent Ler Winfield Mi nine evenin home were Mr and ard away and chil- and Harry spent { last week at the Dolan home and Mrs, John Dunkle and son Paul of Bellefonte were Sunday evening supper of 4 Ker Bare 8 10st her paren in Grange pent Wed- I with an i Conaway Sunday evening supper guesis of Mr and Mrs. Sumner Noll The wet and cold spring delaved the iarmers considerable neverthe- less many have their oats sowed and ready to plant corn and potatoes and these warm davs are surely making the gardens grow but in need of a good soaking rain, Mr and M:s. John Tice and chil- dren Betty and Marlin of Salona, R. D.. were pleasant visitors ag the Wil- liam Beightol home on Monday evening of this week. AAS —— — s—— BLANCHARD Another transfer of property has been effected in our community re- cently. Mr. Nickolas Lucas hag sold his home on Lingle Street fo Mr Clair Bowes. As soon as Mr, Lucas can dispose of his household furn- ishinga at public sale, James Bowes and family will take possession of the house, Mr. Lucas expects in the future Due to the recent iliness of mother, Mrs. Prank Courter, Miss Louise Courter has jelt her position in the hospital at Phtsburgh, and returned home A son wag born to Mrs. Harold Packer in the Lock Haven Hospital on PFiiday morning, Mrs, John DeHaas spent Thursday with her sister in Tyrone, M's Andrews has recently returned home from the Philipsburg hospital wher? she was receiving medical treat- ment | Earl Shilling, recently elected Sunday School superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school beean hi, {duties in timt capacity on Sundar morning. Other officers are Asst Supt. John DeHaas: Secv. Gardner; Asst, Scey. Jane Williams; Treas, Trenna Dietz; Planist Mrs. i Tile Kunes, Librarian, Blanche [ | by | m inl make his home with his son Lloyd | Louise | and townefolks chose to exhibit | them to assist the committee in res Williams; Margaret Beatty, John | Helichel and Dean Conler, Ms. Tillle Sterr. aged aunt of AWay a’ the Spangler home, Saturday at 4 a. m, following a lingering illness dus to her advanced age. A shor. funer- nduc. ed by Rev, Davies Creek, was held Sunday evening was taken to Philade an Claude Bechdd and Mrs. W. H. 8pang- Kunes, and nuise Miss with Rev, Duvies come funeral party which left Monday morning ginia Bealtly left begin work al service i Beech home on The body Mor Lid al Mi TT M Jones Lit here early Miss Vir ming Haven Donald sulierin the p.m Iphi'la ior oul ler Lod prised Monday to Lock Bechdel who rom a Deaq in Den CL OPE aon in Philade tion | Lill rious, aithoug! again operated upon on M Dean Swartz had the n nio the rear of ome from Alter re " rein way Saturday was able | John mproved ‘tark Hile family n the New Dose completed ! John Mulbarger ard and John, of Williams Mr. Gare Tressler were guest day at the Orrie Mulbarger | Three of the trucks belongi Millard Schreflier were da quite badly by strikers when ing coal in from the mine Tuesday night. One driver, Baine Brooks shad his lip cut and a! knocked out by being hit by thrown by one of them, and anot! driver had his clothes torn quit badly Don't forget Sunday 14th. Is Mother's Day. Mother andy, greeting cards, cam and a great vanety of gifts ms purchised at Melroy's Mrs. Henry Noll spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Brungart at their home at Rebersburg. Mrs. Grace Bliaer siting friends In Philadsiphia, The Ladies’ Ald of the Lutheran chureh will hold a bake sale at Stitzer's berber s®op on Saturday this May Day tions be is | morning. May 13 her | The Pleasant Gap Woman's Club met on Tuesday evening with a special progrigy for the disp of hobbles and talents the members It was a new departure and well worth | carrying on in future years. At the | | business meeting the president in. ! troduced Cloyd Sunday, chairman | of the Puture Sportsmen. Mr. Sun- | day gave the women an informal | talk on the purpose of the orcangs gation that he heads and asked pairing the lodge beside Green Vale ley Dam. They wish to make if us. able for the 60 boys between the ages of 10 and 18 years who make | up the aroun, After iis, the women voted to “give $10 for the work. Money was also set aside for the prives to be given to the schools | during this next mont These | © C. EVANS, P.O. Jonestown, Pa. | ummm asm “sh, i for | one-third receipts | fiend Selling Contest CRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. amounts, added to what has al- | ready been pald out this year brings | the Woman's Club's disbursements the past year up to $334.35 Of this, $60 has been pald to the Pleas- ant Gap Fire Company to be plied on thelr new pumper CLARENCE By JAMES H, BRUNGARD The past week As been tremely balmy weather peratures With brought summer atmosphere on the double quick. Dandelion ing her yellow curls and disporting a profusion of while forest and ghade hurriedly springihg to sth Ol all ht celebrated by having nenic w Total o ( np=- one of px» High tem- humidity how « friut | blossoms are Local grade DUS Lp trees eal Thursday taxing a Wh Cione and Mrs Philipsburg Mrs. Pete W Evelyn Clarence Ade Varniah had christened Bev. 1y took place Catholi newest bab The ceremcs Greek e the local wr Marie Myer PE anc Own over the Woodrow Res ns were fishin gre Eenag ler and John Stenh- et on Spring Creek the day the th grade were on a picnic and enjoyed a fine catch J. C. Pravel and lady friend Mrs yonder also Miss Bertha Gonder Rae Jean Lukens all of Osceola spent a few hours at the home Mr, Fravel's danghier, Mss Ar:hur Stephens on Saturday Forty-two pupils of grade four 3d their teacher Mr. Brungard en- besides a picnic nner at Penns Cave. Other stops made or prints of interest viewed were big fish at Bellefonte, Fish hatchery at Pleas- nt Gap, Nittarly Mt. top, Rockview penitentiary. Farm barns, equip- ment and live stock at State College and the most of Fishermans Para- diss. They all returned home before 7:00 po m. and reported the best outing ever, Money to defray ex- pensegs was procured as 4th grades in Jis Hygrade . We take this means of thanking ‘any and all who contributed toward the success of this column during the past school term. May you have a pleasing and profitable summer. Adios from the scribe, SALE OF Government Tractors At INDIANTOWN GAP, PENNA. Caterpillar make, crawler type, 5 ton or 35 size, slight usage, overhauled, cost over $7,000.00 each, price $275.00 ‘each. Also 10-ton or 65 size, equip- ped with winch, $750.00 each. Very adaptable for logging, contracting, { farming, ofl field, county road and municipal work. Demonstration giv. en at any time, N. W. corner Gov't, Reservation, Indiantown Gap, Pa. | Come early for first choloe i MOSHANNON There were 09 present at the Methodist Sunday School and $234 collection. Rev ed 8 good sermon Regular services Methodist chureh, § 10 a. m. class preaching service 2:30 p.m body welcome, W. J. Kerry Mr, and Mrs. Herber. GU nu y, vinled & al the h of thelr aunt uncle, Mr Mr Frank Mi Leeder | rapidly Ire m hey jecemt Operation Matt, 13:44 ' the Pree naay ms ex 1] ¢ noo am Every- ¥ 11 at meeting ii pat f MAL OF 8 nda me and leeder ood ¥ fy over i ana Those who helped Mrs. Chale Guenot celebrate her birthday 8 day Cha Cuenot and the following c} Mr. and Mu Marvin of Rex Bedwell Dixie June Mr John J , n- were William Graham Fontonoe and 4 ¢ on sf 4 arieiqa Robert Pierce mmer home wre ORVISTON Bible Clase Cinir Hei TeRUIAT home kel night for their meeting Miss Doris Dales Rena Ines of Joh N peekend wih Mrs, Blanc Mr. and Mrs. Clair Butier ter Emeline. Otto Schenck ¢ rt £29 nos wonburg daugh- 4 John Nel a EJ afte Walls %iin Mii Ew and Mi anburg Miss Verna Shank of Tyrone spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shank Mr. and Mrs Clair Confer Robert Confer Mrs. Leonard Yeag- er and Mrs. Melinda Confer, spent Sunday afternoon at the Dill Con- fer home at Hunlers Rur William Barnhart and son Glen, spent Saturday and Sunday with parents, Mr and Mrs, William Barnhart, 8r., at Curtin Ms. A. M Shank. who has been under the doctors care for the past six weeks, is spending this week with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Poorman at State Coliege aa — Lots of people do things to ge! publicity and then become surprised over the publicity they get noon » Mrs his “v———— UNICIPA MILLHEIM, PA. M L FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY (May 12th & 13th) Wallace Beery Robert Taylor F. Rice, in: ‘Stand Up and Fight’ LATEST NEWS ISSUE BEST OF SELECTED SHORTS MONDAY R TUFSDAY (May 15th & 16th) Kent Taylor Buddy Ebsen Ann Rutherford ,Four Girls In White’ Chapter Ne. 3—“THE HAWK OF THE WILDERNESS” FRIDAY & SATURDAY FRL & SAT. May 19th & 20th “THE DUKE OF WEST POINT" Hammond deliver- | May 11, 1929. PERSONALS FROM BELLEFONTE'S NEIGHBORING CITY PINE GROVE MILLS (Reported by GO. Mac Fry) —) GP being pain Irvin refin- now empley- Penn 8la Maynard William x § c niete a ew montnes ¢ evening ion b shylie a P CONATa v h fon 4 lege Rey Line] tials Ho Jams Ha Mon tours home HUBLERSBURG ". (| EIEKIe Bl eX Crash at Centre Hall vis oN. 9:15 o'clock £. Damage to the were traveling n approximate injured Oi 1 1s vas $225. No one was gy Eye Opening Values Every Day al A&P Ilona Cocoa 2: 15¢ Ilona Corn 4: 23c¢ Ilona Peas 3 x: um 20¢ Spaghetti Ann Page Prepared 3 am J JC Corn Flakes sea 2: 15¢ Hershey Kisses » 19¢ USE “DAILY” FEEDS * n-p209 nk] 85 me 3 2% bag Apple Butter Penn Maid Sparkle Desserts Ann Page Brick or Longhorn Cheese Soda Crackers NBC Excell Nutley Nut Oleo - Scot Paper Towels Waldorf Tissue Raleigh Cigarettes Lux Flakes ” “ DG. Chick STAETER DAILY MILK 16% Dairy Feed won ve |, 25 2 38-0z jars 25¢ 3 pkgs 10¢ Ih 15¢ 2-1b pkg 13¢ 3 Ib 25¢ roll 10¢ 4 rolls 19¢ 2 pkgs 25¢ Ige pkg 21¢ DG FEED Chick DG. Growing MASH plus tax for fine laundering - Jceberq Lettuce 2-+13c¢ 2 Ibs 29¢ ....peck 45¢ Bananas x v= - 5» 25¢ Red Ripe Tomatoes. . New Potatoes .. ® Money-Saving Meat Specials ! * Round Roast or Swiss Steak. . . .. Ib 33¢ 4 to 5-1b Picnics Fresh Pork Shoulders... .. .. Ib 14¢ Tender Chuck Roast, first cuts. . . Ib 16¢ Fully Dressed—2 Ib 10 on. to 2 1b 15 on. Sunnyfield Roasting Chickens. . . . $1.03 Sea Trout or Porgies - Fresh Dressed Croakers. . . . . . 2 Ibs 25¢ A. & P. Food Stores