Page Six Over The County News Mrs. Robert Heckman, of Spring Mills, last week while cleaning house had the misfortune to fall from a chair. She received bruises and 4% slight cut on the head. No serious results have followed Mrs. Esther Minnich of Philips- burg, took part in the opening of the New York World's Pair last Sunday as Centre county's official represen tative there. During part of the duration of the Fair she will act as hostess Eight students of East Penns Val- ley high school and Bandmaster P F. Bartges, participated in the Sus quehanpa University All- Master High School band festival held last Friday and Saturday at Selinsgrove The students, selected among the 175 representative young musician from 30 central Penacylvania high schools, are Dick Bartges, Anna Hosterman, Betty Stover Pearl Stover, Jensen Mingle, Dean Wink Ieblech, Glenn Vonada and Guerne) Beran Bud Caldwell of East Bishop Street, who was angling for trout in the swift waters ¢f Spring Creek fust below the Lamb street bridge was quite surprised one day Iasi week when he hooked and landed # 14-inch bass. The remarkable part about the catch that up tw thai time no one has been known to have? ever seen anything resembling a bass in Spring Creek. Since the bass sea- son does nog come in until July 1 the angler tossed his catch back into the stream after he had showed it to a number of other nearby fishermen. Bud caught the bass 2 minnow While motoring last Sunday al- ternoon on the road leading from Howard to Hublersburg flash of lightning struck a large tree gnd iit erally tore it to pieces, close to a cal operated by William Kerlin 1s on Ji and carrying Mrs. Kerlin and Harvey Flink as passengers. Andther car was immediately opposite and closer to the tree than the Kerlin car, and for some utaccountable reason if stopped dead the instant the flash came. The Kerlin car drew up to the other car to ascertain whether any one was injured but the driver could give no reason for the car’ making the sudden stop. There was but one flash of lightning, and it came without a bit of warning — an COMPENSATION AUTOMOBILE & FIRE INSURANCE ED L. KEICHLINE BELLEFONTE Temple Court Phone 196 =) N KELVINATORS PHILCO RADIOS MELROY'S Phone 9599-K-1 FLEABANT GAP, Pa ABC and YOSS WASHERS BENDIX HOME LAUNDRY ELECTRIC STOVES —_— C. Y. WAGNER & COMPANY WAGNER'S Quality Flour 6 Bard Whest Pai Flom WAGNER'S Our Best Flour 4-60 Blend WAGNER'S Very Best Flour Winter Wheat Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed Wagner's Horse Feed Wagner's Pig Meal Wagner's Egg Mash Wagner's Chick Starter and Grower. Wagner's Turkey Starter and Grower. Wagner's Scratch Feed Wagner's Medium Berateh Feed. Wagner's Chick Feed Hydes Cream Calf Meal a—— Eshelman’s Dog Feed All kinds of high protein feeds for mixing with yow awn feed. Dealers in All Kinds of Grains BELLEFONTE, PA. Johnny Oskewitz, of Sunnyside, near Bellefonte, was bitten by = copperhead snake one day recently The lad was on his way to school when the shake bit him. He was taken to the office of a Bellefonte physician where he received the usual snake-bite treatment F. M. Pisher, of Centre Hall, Is patiently waiting on a new Dodge car marooned in an ice floe on Lake Erie. The car was ordered shipped from Detroit to Buffalo by boat by the Dodge dealer, and was so ship- ped, but the port was DOL reached for the reason stated The oar seaplane green WAS purchased through the R 8S. Haagen agency Centre Hall Joseph Myers, of Pleasant Gab caught a brook trout 18 inches long and weighing 2% pounds last Thurs- morning while fishing with an minnow in Spring Creek mt, an unusually well propor- exceptionally and attracted fishermen briefly at and Harold Bellefonte da} artificial The 1 tioned specimen was large 1 the nr that sj mn { many was displ laved Poorman 's eCies atrentic when Sam Pp garage station Spicher’s service C. M. Smith, of Miibeim, has re- signed from the sales department of the Andrews Stove company which represented number W accep sales Maou- he for a ol JETER EE TE §) Majestic Qt YERI Ss a a supervisor for the turing C« Mo makers of the Majestic range. Mi Smith, who will begin his new work this week in a territory consisting of Pennsylvania and New York, was in Loui Lh UE of Louis fag =e Si last week gelling acquaint new JOO Hawk, of Mo Irwin, of Snow court on $5040 ball ea oq ire in Bellefonte last ving while ftillam hannon and Donald Shoe we { i Harold Monday on intoxicated Hawk was » held tor wil hearing before SOW or charges of dri lrwin whale Dal to and 8 Now next term ted Saturda) township Fin Dy furnistied awaiting Lhe Of court Both were Hawk in Snow Shoe liceman GW B townsiup fai® in Jal alre state Irwin man Pe Ml J. J Ralph Brand! man, retur nesday [ter an RES pole Mignos na Millheim business ned 10 hig hame luntary Ralph | companied Bethard Keller gn expe itl 1 a ane ol y Staten Lo & Hospital eastward t When very his tri} Island, in rived a big truch De vot rire trod ne there he i Al Al- taken Lo a ittempted lentown, however, he wa hospital where he received reat ment and remained until lass Tue on. Having a diabetic L CK Nat vered at this Wa A VETY lly re tiry ine Marshals {rom Coviug Kentucky, transported four prisoners to the Pederal Penitentiary (at Lewisburg and passing through Centre Hall took '& noon lunch at the Coldron restaurant The priconers were coupled by pairs Garage a stop was the prisoners LOing On returning the ne of them displayed a cuff- left wrist to the Marshal grinning and informing him was a “back d * The slip- Ping of the uf created a chuckle among the grows Before leaving uf! wis unlocked and replaced tightly, specilators g ime Two U. 8 Lon O00 on tne Hagan for was t w LOLet 10 i Large there x Lhe nGTe Two per were injured last Saturday morning in a crash two miles west of Miflinburg when the sedan operated by Rev. 1. A Wag- of Ce ¢ Hall, and the truck of Thurlow Strickler of Welkert, col ded. Rev. Wagner suffered lacer- ations of the chin and chest brulses and Miss Lena Petterolf, also of left eye. ‘Their sedan was following Centre Hall, suffered a cut over the the truck, which attetnpted to turn left off the highway at the same time the Centre Hall operator was attempting to pass. The right side of the sedan collided with the left side of the truck, forcing it into a : culvert. Damage 10 the sedan was estimated at about $175 and to the truck about $25 There is one 275-acre tract of land in Central Penna. that, typographi- tally speaking looks as if it might have been lifted bodily from Sen William E. Borah's state, idaho, gnd set down again near Nefl’s Mills, | Shavers Creek Velley, Huntingdon county. This is the stock ranch of | Wm. Gregory Moore, author-ranch- er. where western ranch methods are followed almost exclusively. Last season BO head of eatile ranged ove: this ranch from spring until fall The owner follows the custom of pasturing young cattle from the herds of Central Penna, dairymen which are supervised closely along i with the animals belonging to him Nearly all of his 275 acre tract .s well-caught in bluegrass. A saddle {horse is available for round-ups Much of the hay is stacked In the fields western style. When a young man the Shavers Creek Valley writer Apert a year on cattle ranches in the West, observing first-hand’ the methods in vogue there. One speci ality followed at the ranch is the production of veal on a wholesale Plan res Ons ner | Dynamite Used To Wreck Porch ———— (Continued from Page 1) ed. A charge of dynamite caved the whole drift mouth In i Investigation revealed that sever- ial cars came down the road from { the mine shortly after the blasts { ahd were seeti hy u passerby. A | plece of dynamite paber Wis found ! outside the mine | Family members reported that | the mine had not beéens Operating | the previous two weeks mm a— DL ————" Ome of these days we hope that the flow of money will exceed the | output of checks and thus enable Us | to maintaifi a respectable balance : : i {where 4 rb. ought to be main- | | tained, ——— REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Waldo BE. Homan, et ux, to Edward D. Zong, et ux, of Oak Hall, tract in | Harris Twp. $1 A. F Bower, to M. M. Bower, of Aaronsbwrg, tract In Halnes Twp, $50 A. F. Bower, et ux, to Michael M Bower, of Aaronsburg, tract in Haines Twp.; $1,000 Michael M. Bower, to Musser, of Coburn trac Twp. 81 Grace M. Musser, to M. M. Bower et ux, of Aaronsburg, tract in Haines Twp. §l M. M. Bower Bower, of Aaronsburg, Haines Twp.; $1 Mabel R. Bowel et ux, of Aaronsburg Twp.; $1 M. M Bowe: of Aaronsbuhg $l Michael Bower of Hales Twp Mabel R et In, Haines Twp. , J. F. Gates Jellefonte I'wp.; $1 Adella D. Sy of Centre Hall I Twp $! s¢ MeGlirk. to 4 ux, of Po Philipsburg: $1800 Jeanette Wilkinson Fry. et ux, of Bellefonte i ges Twp. $50 Elsle K. Wall, to A J ix of Stormstown Moan Twp £85 Barbara Kutches Jurinich bar, ol D. tract in Spring Twp. $20 Calvin C. Coble, 10 Bessie A Cobie { Oak Hall, tract ln Coliege Tw} ] Cirace M in Haines to Mable R tract in el ux to M tract M. Bowel in Miles Mable R Bower in Milles Twp 10 tract R in Mabel tract M. Bower, to Aawondoury $1 Bower to M Adronsburg $l to tract M. Bower wakt in Elsie K. Walle, of Mi Hall Moon FP Raine tract in Pot angler to C RD. 1 Andrew L. Ben son, et DUrg, tract mn Hp to Samuel J RD. tract Tomco, ¢ Hall tract wu to Ruby R et ¢ Dat el Bellefonte t Welland to ichreffier, of Howard Twp ‘alker Twp. $560 Allo Holmes to Paul ol ux, of Ferguson Twp uson Twp, 81 John LL. Holmes, ot Kern, et ux State College in Perguson Twp: $400 Curtls Neidigh ux. § Elizabeth Kern State Coll tract in Ferguson Twp. $860 George BR. Meek, ot gl Union church, Spring Twp ring Twp. $i Eva D Luse et al, to TU 1X. of State Cx liege, 35.500 Rocfing Co. to Lil Tyrone, tract in Tayl Mary D tract in al, 10 Chars of tralt Mars eye ~ Q of Porge rag to L $41 Buri Spri Wmas C wuege, Ia it al. to Katye M Wp. tracy in State E Keller Wa to Ray Manchester, Mass oliege: $1 County H of Bellefonte $2260 Shirk of $1500 ale Centre Yakici 1 al Patton Twp Samuel P Young, et al Union Twp. Merle F. Homan, et D. Wagner, ot al. of tract in College Twp American Lime ang Alvin J. Fisher, et al tract in Spring Twp Alvin J. Pisher et Willams, of wp. $800 Jennie Juilan, to B® al. to Cyrus State College $! Stotie CO of Bellefonte $950 ai Julian, tract Ethel May Hill to Milford W. Cox et al, of Bellefomte, tract Marion Twp: $1 000 IL. M Narehood. +t al to Hahn, et &l. of Moshannon in Burnside Twp. $20 if Noah tract - Forest Fires Keep Wardens on Jump (Continued from pegs oue) Deen 44 fires in the nil Forest District reports District For- ester Hogeland, burning over about 1100 acres of Hmberland Philipsburg and nearby territory's dry woods made ideal tinder as six forest fires peppered the landscape over Saturday and Bunday All day Sunday fire crews and members of COC camps re uggied to keep fires under control. Fire towers Monday morning stated all fires had been extinguished Fears were expressed for the lives of fire fighters in the Black Bear section at 8ix Mile Run Bunday af- ternoon when the area's worst fire licked up scrub pine trees there and raced across 250 acres of dry woods Several times fire fighting crews from Philipsburg battled their way to safety when the fire threatened to encircle them Another serious fire broke out in Cabbage Hollow on the upper end of Cold Stream. First reported to be in the Bandy Ridge arez the fire was finally located above Cold Stream. Nearly one hundred acres were destroyed in the blaze Nearby territories all had a taste of forest fires. A blaze broke out in the Aliport-Morrisdale section Sunday while Saturday afternoon al Phoenix near Osceola, CCC crews fought a fire on the hills there A small fire was reported near Gear- hartville while Pleasant Hill was the scene of a slight fire which broke out near the Meese mine tipple Wr a forest Spr SUNBURY WOMAN, #2, HEROINE ON BOAT MISHAP An 82-year-old Sunbury woman is still receiving the plaudits of traveling companions for in song keeping up the spirits of scores of passengers on a ferryboat lost in Long Island Sound. Bunday night The boat, ferrying between Mam- aroneck and the World's Fair went aground near Execution Rock near New Rochelle and then lost bearings Aware of the situation, Mrs. Jea- nette Bmith, began leading the pas- sengers in singing “Smile, Bmile, Smile,” and similar songs Mrs. James R. Thompson, Mr, { Thompsoni, and Mr. and Mrs. Pred- erick Eber, all of Bunbury. The boat anchored until dawn and then proceeded to the fair Not every pocket book bulges with | mcney. its | Others | in Mrs. Smith's party were her niece | THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, Further Adventures of Lewis (Continued from Page 1) when, in an unguarded moment he passed some Spurious notes in pay ment for a horse which he had bought from General Root, who had invited him to crack a bottle of wine and drink 10 Lhe succes of Governor Tompkins The worthless characte: money being discovered, Lewls was arrested and confined in the Troy jail, from which he made his escape through the connivance of the jai) daughter and another young woman whom he designated a an intimate friend’ of the but who had become ensmored Lewis and was frequently to his cell of the ers Other ol admilled Tews now assumed the name Peter Van Buren, and the who sccompanied him, that linda. ‘They in a few Albany where Marri The wile | Joined thieves thelr just of # went any they were heard of Lewis and York City, where vy aividend st next in New oath-bound declared a [Lad] who rendezvous every as Lhe COCK Eave FOWw Having been severely beater evelrlng ny cused Lim uabie aoe abstracted ni of which he CLAD Pa Laon wh COLCP RIE OT clalme in a store from vet bag of Mi John Jacob he Jeft New York wile hil jowrneyed to New Brunswick, whe mall house in week 1 fe wl thie ve Aslor wile wl he renied a inte 8 Ifw a daughter Lewis finally fow Pennsylvania again landed In Bedford | charge of ounter ey. He entenced wai ha w sid event aso passing « Teit tried, IK tel yours Was und gut wo i Lhe | 5 u 1 ler by ern Penltentialy, b A Vest WAS pardoned ernol Het } reCovel had lormerly but the bank official to honor his check again reduced to Aisisz “It thi Lewis met Connells name Rumbaugh Hanson, 9% SOME INODey to Bedford nh money uiniing some of the deposited w Was On OCR BON first whose re and snoths rk wis man named about to get A Mr McClellan happened pping in Bedford He was om Pittsburgh to and it was nolsed large sun of money Lewis i ie way | phila sarod he had & POs seRs oT ang 4 determine sid COnCceRiing hens ¢ wi Ae {ri ups t TENG IPI Ca, i it where UM ’ g dense forest Mr £136 tive RINDOUTILGS ad pa they McC io & throug rised and INCHES McClellan AFMNE & rotibed I ! affair wae man vent y Lewis and Connelly were ¢ narrate hem in poe LHLiRD A LHe would spare 182 where Their last exploit was the Seven Mountains by McGuire, they robbed gs of Hammond & Page mercant on aided ther ¥ Ww BREOL 30:1 "we 5 GUILE Bells 8 RIES Hite were Mars maxing of Lewis we ’ "e v v ip the Mi nosed 1 Le mot ne home While engag fhe toen § were surprised Ly there Ly the ascendil arrested manage followed the & ood brace. which 1 # They to the Drills A ended i f ITIVE ARN tH, where shooting hous of Samuel Bm halted to withess a contest in which a Gumber and boys were taking part In the meantime MoGhes Jonn Hammond WHllam Am Paul Lebo, Peter Dysell and Joss Putier. citizens of Ba&liefonte, had started in pursuit & the robbers How they were captured has related before in these columns “In the conflict which ensued Lewis was shot twice Connelly reached the brink of and when in the act of plunging o was struck in the abdomen the wound beibg 30 large that the « trails protruded and caused death on the 2nd dav of August ‘Lewis was conveyed 10 the Belle fonte jail, where, refusing to | hit arm amputated, be died on th 12th day of August, 1820. His re. mains were buried In the Bap cemetery at Milesburg “Lewis’ mother, who was know by the early settlers as "Granns Leathers.” previous to going to Si nemaboning had found her way Clearfield and occupied a sma building on the east bank of Susquehanna, which was wards used by A. B. Reed. Enq. a a spring house, bit was destroyed by fire in 1850 8he wis represented as a mild and kind old lady. and it was a matter of regret that the clos. ing vears of her life were clouded by the sad end of her wayward son In the summer of 1803 #t was rumored around that David lewis during the latter part of his life had concealed $62.000 of his {ll-got fen gains in & cave near “"Woll's Rocks,” in a wild glen six or eight miles east of Philipsburg Many persons were drawn there, openly, others stealthily, in search of the money, but none was found “Lewis had a comparatively short but colorful career. He did not sess the instincts of a killer—on the contrary, on several! Sccasions prevented his companions Jame Deen the sMrean MY ihe after. from the WOMEN'S CLUB CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN POCONOS This year Pennsylvania Clubwom- en have chosen Lhe Pex ono Mountains the the 1936 state convention 24 and 25. Delegates and guests will have Aan opportunity of seeing spring in the Poconos when the con vention opens at the lun Buck Hill Falls The beautiful for “» FA] seene Muay aul in was planned for just such a purpose and | quale in every Aside from Joy of seeing nature at its best, Lhe committee has to it that the convenlion program is 0 be worth the time every clubwoman Junior and Senjor. Each department of state work will be represented on the formal program, in addition w conferences in private group sided over by state officer: state department chairmen time Ison idens will be given for ali ph ol bullt and ade Way the er of “nnd Ample Hd exchanges for disc of IUD WOIK date nor tempting Fhe inte will cidbwome; PUT [Ge I pent A wii CAUSE CONINTIONS SEES LANGUAGE OF WORLD he must bombing Irabue said When & PAL 8 Dew OTEaniees a manufact product CampaEn agveri Lage 4 newLpa per (EY WTiling Wi RL OW § th MITGQLEND ianguage ial cement Woman Killed In Leap From Auto (Continued fron page one) Enown visited ber Thursday If her condition continues 1 Prove Abe may be brought flock Haven hospital for treatment i Ata. NEXT SUNDAY... MOTHER'S DAY... o>, ALL ROADS LEAD TO HOME! By train . . . by plane . . . by sutomaobile . . . millions of people will go home this Sunday to spend the day me | PO8- | he | committing murder on their victims | {to him in early youth the story of Cain and Abel, and he was always {impressed by the lesson ™ San s———— Trade Union for Jobless Rovalty who has invited 77 other ouster yl. (ers to band together for better { breaks and bigger pensions. lly. trated story In the May 21st isons {of The American Weekly, distrib. led with the Baltimore Sunday | American. On sale ut all news. stands, The story of a pathetic old queen i He declared that his mother related REDUCED NIGHT RATES WILL BE IN EFFECT ON MOST LONG DISTANCE CALLS | ALL DAY MOTHER'S DAY! | gMA PALL TELEPHONE COMPANY | ’ OF PENNSYLVANIA Legal Notices EXECUTRIX NOTUE $47 114% ud In the Matter of the B } { ! ree Charles Garfield bel at ol t t aiid yh College Boroug Letters test estate having dersigund said payment present 1 out dels Executrix ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the Matter of Adis L. Ardery of Worth Township, deceased Laetters of administration on sid es Lhe ier 22. TDDIROS. The first and final sccount of Estella M. Parsons, execrx of etc, of Hannah M. 1ddings, iste of Unjonvilie Borough deceased . h 23. JOHNSTON I'he frst and debied ’ ’ ruial account I B. Johnston nein te a - mined y Att oa } Belle Job late inte ng eel granted Perso sted 10 make decreased Ww! OO BC anand gain Lh 1 witho : i. BE. ARDEILY Matin, Pa elite ar rey | ' k 2 REGISTERS NOTICES following ‘ it en clay 1 tie KEN Ad weount of It A 'E a el [re ir § { Lid MOSER ADMINISTHATRIN the Muller Gl NOTH) in \ E 8 deceased Las tals rhea mre req ment demand sent th he nut EXECUTRIN'S NOTCH In the Matter o ¢ ¥ 1 an iN Os MILAN my ED nite, ® OU er, Aly INE A ADM TRATOR ‘ 5 wt la 8) : ‘ £ NOTICE ’ BIssOLLTION NOTH « " REMEMBER When You Want REQUESTING BIDS h Gi Ihe § a 3 Anything In Lumber, y Department. oftce of te 55 Sadie Girerer. Wate of Critie ¥ Millwork, Doors, Sash, Roofing W. R. SHOPE BELLEFONTE, PA. Phone 432 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED IN EVERY DEAL IN EVERY PARTICULAR dee $ VER he Euner ( TIN " “GUESS AGAIN/” TQLECTRIC CO! 15 Lint LALCIRIC RY LLL % STYLED BY EXPERTS ON KITCHEN BEAUTY. n DESIGNED TO SAVE TIME, WORK AND TO COOK BETTER. % PRICED WITHIN THE MEANS OF ANY FAMILY. fast, clean, flameless