Page Two_ , THE CENTRE DEMOCR AT, BELLEFONTE, PA. May 11, 1939, VALLEY VIEW There were 106 at Sunday School last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Eminhizer and three boys of Shamokin, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William King, Mrs. Eminhizer's parents Those who spent Sunday with Christ Eckley were Mr. and Mrs. George Eckley, and Mr, and Mrs Abe Eckley of Altoona Stanley Jones spent with his lady friend Eukley. Valley View the weekend Miss Belly was presented with the Christian Endeavor Banner a Rally held at Centre Line last Friday evening, Mr bert of Altoona, spent Sunday Mr and Mrs, Paul King. and Mrs, Jack Kelley motored ao Rr " Mr to Aitoona, Saturday shopping. Margaret Fogleman riday afternoon with Margie Hampton Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ishler and family of Centre Hall, Mr. and Mrs Henchel! Heaton of Altoona, and Mrs, Clifford Quick of Milesburg spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed H lo "ni “We » a ith niser Mary Hampton \ with her grandmother Ber { Coleville, 1iss Pearl Poorman better Red, spent the weekend with Miss rena Rider Mr. and Mrs last week tha Shope known Houser and two with Thoma Gray Sunday jast week) and Mrs. Jerome Dale Renovo, Mil Gladys Behers Bellefonte and Mr (From of red, Ronald Sunday uce Corman School closed t ynn Corman's Wednes Friday wile school at Mr now new within here on day time by fay Jose d into ready ger and two Wednesday of Bellefonte ss Hilda Corman, County Reg- s il t report to th Mr were Mr Mr. and zh and Mrs Tuesday “urn Powers Dor- 3 argaret Power Marjorie Palmer, Betty Baney y Haagen, Norman Stover Harry Lannen, Alvi ery Wallzer, Glen Rogers 1 J. Keller and Junior Hinds Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lutz and Mrs Binger of Meadville spent Satur at the Harvey Lutz home Mrs. Will Sunday ton at the Harvey Miriam Beck and Mrs spent Sunday afternoon 3s Paucetlt home, at imnday tz home. Max Markle of and Mrs Nevin spent Sanday llefonte and Mr ver and daughter the Elmer Stover home URE, at | and Mrs. Mike Kelley and son | some | and and 4 | day | Fisher of Belle | Wen- | the RUNVILLE The last quarterly conference for the vear was held last Wednesday evening at the U. B. church, Dr Learich, presiding ent they elected Mr. Robert Neldigh as delegate and Mr. H. B. Walker of Yarnell as alternate delegate tn the annual conference at Altoona Second U. B. church in September The Royal Sons and Daughters Sunday School Class will meet a Arthur Purl's home Frida May 12th to ! thelr meeting Michael town, last F tives even busines wold to John th rela Furl riday motored to visit wi Furl and motored Friday ward Hela last Mrs. E and Junior Va Mr. and Lewis Mr to Hampton morning. Mrs, William Wat and son Vic tor of Bellefonte, and Mr, Edward (ross Bellwood, motored here and vi with Mr. and Mrs, New- ton Lou Sunday rey early m Ol ited k last Roy #&ticas m the hospital Walker and of Howard, weekend Le med Helen here Miss motored ter met wi nan Re. more 1 at ba f meant ZION (From last week) x \Mrz Jar Vil Ha Corman and their school Kane Letter. " Saturday Cantre Hall Mrs. Nevin Glime spent the weekeny Pleasant Gap. Miss Hannah Bovie spent weekend with her sister in Renovo, Jean Schaffer is staying with Mrs, Noll Mr Tuesday with relatives al the rot and even Mrs M Guy Carner spent ng at the Charles a: Poiters Mila ——— — Solving Mysteries of the Brain icience fs making rema kable reading mysterious mes- out. Read teresting article issue of The Ameri. istribited with the y American. On ands Boone home Sre8s in Ad es send the May 2 an Weekly Baltim« a} ie Te at all newsst No Extra C harge for the Fun... this big, flashing silver bullet of a car LOOKS like fun—but you don’t know the half of it! A new kind of engine, 99 h.p., lets you own the road--an amazing Fourth Speed Forward® feels like wings’. travel from dust, A "Weather Eye'"* frees dirt, chilling drafts, Special soundproofing, 117-inch wheels base keep you rested. At night you sleep in Nash's big Convertible Bed. All this extra fun costs no more in a Nash. Look at the price! ip————————" | ry Outtonal Brpmigment- Bight Entra Cot 2 J 4 CA { Gilliland | Mrs. a number pres- | ville vi ing, | { ville, Mr. This Pig 6 Passenger Victoria Sedan "810 CY that mew NASH THE CAR EVERYRODY LIKES r At Factory Standard Equipment and Federal Taxes iwcinded (White Bdowsll Tirem and Boar Wiavioh wide™) RACE STREET Spring Motor Co. BELLEFONTE, PA. PHONE 220, BENNER TWP. | Sorry to note the dea'h of William of Slate College, father of Fred Marshall of this place family from Housers Fred Ma: shall and Bob Walter's ted with on Sunday Wilbur Orn James and dau Saturday evening very the home of C ersburg An a the Me) wife son dort wile thier Ba and ah, spent pleasantly at alvin Young's at Hud heen made by Association of $200 a year Lo lot owner ot those having relatives burled The money to be used Lo pay caretaker cemetery and be nald to Ex Miimore essment hag ‘ers vemetery each thee the of can ome park h Jessie Confer spent Ella Lucas h Bowman and Summit Hil ih her The Rev, ) Fi ister Mi fiss R wv OTENOE Thomas We nesday Miles Etters iting at preser ! Fred Haine § per Marian The Barbara and Confer of Bellefonte spent end with thelr aunt Miss 5 Imogene the werk- Ella Lu- Mi Cas af § fio Vial at n Saturday the Malvin Lucas home were Miss Almeda Lu- ‘as of Bellefonte, Morgan Loecas of Marsh Creek, Mrs. Ira Glibert of Pleasant Valley and Mrs. Myrtle Lucas and son Robert of this place We are sorry to say that J Lucas has been quite [ll the few days we hope for speedy recovery The Rev, Miss Ruth Bowman and Miss Florence Wren of S8ummit Hill were supper guests at the Amelia Chapman home on Wednesday Sunday visitors at the Miss Ella Lucas home were Mr, and Mrs, Wil ard Hoy and children of Jackson- and Mra. Roll Pelmlee and randdaughter Nora and Mrs. Guy Feimlee and son of Orviston, Mr, and Mrs. Taylor Confer and children of Bellefonte, Faye Chapman, Oscar and Dick Watking of this place Mr. and Mrs, baby and Miss Ruby Mitchell of Mileshurg spent Saturday night at the Alfred Lucas home, Cemetery Group to Meet, The Advent Cemetery Association will hold a meeting at the Advent church on Monday night at 7:30 o'clock, at which tional members are to be elected to the committee, ested in the Association and its work are invited to attend. Ladies will have an equal chance with men 0 B past and him a on the committee. At the meeting | plans will be made for the Memoria] | Day services as well as for the an- nual festival of the association, ! sisted by Jake Mitchell and | time three addi- | All persons inter- | REBERSBURG On May 21, the bacea. laureate sermon for the present graduating class of the Miles Town. ship high school will be delivered by Rev. Babcock in the Evangel church, On the following T E Muay the C will be held In A colorful program | b prepared with all the bers of class, fifteen number, participating, They » puplis {r the other A pl appropi iat for the been ch . It combine wit t usual ne ram : i ¢ hi Sunday esday “ri : } in Nigh Lh evenin exercise rch ny Line ch How memes the Senior in Rie ns om wy Star Dust lasses Occasion oO! Cla pro Lor hecy, pre will n There jon of some same umber On the { ing, May 26 wierman ant Ww ni communi Male Chee mnled to sing several The public is mos! 0 attend this evertt Mr. and Mrs. Ira Harer Hamsport were Sunday visi Mr. and Mrs. 8 CC. Mallory Mr, and Mrs. Charles Coleman of Beavertown, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. E Bair ~n Sunday Mr. and Mrs, Paul Winters, Mrs Roy Brunga son and were business calle in Saturday Rev. Prank H, Sanders. Superin tend of the Evangelical Homes Lewisburg and Philadeiphia, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bussard, Mrs. Etward Busard and daughter Ethel of Ha gerstown, Md. were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Rev. and Mr: R. A. Babcock. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Brown and tws daughters were Sunday callers with relatives at Fiedler. Mrs. Alma Haines, Mrs. Della Shaffer and Mrs, Adah Hubler visit. ed Mrs, Emerick at Centre Hall last | Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Breon left Tuesiay for Hephzibah Height Montery, Mass, where they will | #pend the summer, i H.C. Zeigler Mr. and Mrs. W. 11 Ziegler, und Mr, and Mrs, Pred Wite. hill vidted relatives at Nesbit and Lock Haven on Sunday, Mrs. Charles Gramley and lady friend of Flemington are occupying the Oramley farm west of town for the summer. months, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Wert of Co. burn were callers in town last Fri. day evening. special select cordially invited of Wil- or of daurhier Bellefor t¢ ’ Lad Bd of Wt. The world Is plagued bY citizens who believe that without them the | World would be ruined. Al | STATE COLLEGE Mr. and Mr: Dean Marble Ridge Avenue had ga their weekend guest, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gren. sell and son of Elizabeth Russell Anstead of Hel Sunday at the ts in Cresson of strect of ler spent home his paren Dorothy Baum of pent the weekend Ww West Falrmount avenue in Wash- ington, D. C Mr. and Mrs Helsted street had a guests their son Howa Garis of Jonestown Mrs Alice Du street entertained the Ladies Bible cl gelical church al evening Mr McAlll over Cayuga and Mr Walter Pare thelr 1 and Russell ons of weekend f McAllist member K Lhe 0 weexena New Yok John Erb of Hester 1 Ha ie Weer n Baltimore, 4 ’ BOALSBURG of the Boal Cl eld thei: regular Meoling ON f MM: | good may list caliers at ii tained Mrs Mi HOLTS HOLLOW Our revival is still in progress with interest, we hope that others come join in Evang work and and the i Mr John John on Inaay Mrs, EL. Heat Mrs. Let the Boyd Buffalo Run Mr. and J. M. Keichline Insurance Agency ANN W. KFICHLINE, Agent, Temple Court Phone 190 POBODIBICBIGIBIBIDIAIOILGOS OB Mary Poorman Merrill Poorman of | M:s. Ray Woomer of Md Emerick { Be aLve i M ann Oo Hefonte auring Mrs the SAVE OCTAGON COUPONS FOR VALUABLE PREMIUMS MEMMED COLORFUL CANNON DISH TOWELS 3 for 50 Coupons STURDY ALUMINUM POT and COVIR 100 Coupons Bring Your Coupons To HOMER P. BARNES Montgomery's Store Bellefonte, Pa. CLLY OLIVER CHILLED SHARES a) L % Hg A ——— SSE. SRR 7 RA ANT # 2 A (7) 8) (9) Here's why Cenuine Oliver Chilled Shares give you more for your money: 1 —=They Gt Moldboards exactly ~maintaining Oliver's reputation fur good scouring 2 Bolts fit perfectly. 3—This label - 4—~Made from No. | grade iron instead of cheaper materials that are and light draft. protects you against “mis-fit"" shares. often brittle and short-lived. 5—Only Oliver can cast from original share patterns. Limitators must use in. G—Oliver Shares are extra-hard bucked by resistant to wear and breakage. 7—They hold cutting ge longer! B