THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PE. April 27, 1939. that the educ ational process of these children will be ex. tended beyond the normal period of years, The Centre Demorvat, | Te angthet tring to wonsider.: Not ’ ma THE year Ang there I tte Ahoy fe a Y ae) or petty oh ny Query and Answer Column ANA | Orrice Car | strikes directed at actions w hich they did not like on the | 8 ws, such as firing football coaches y wu ; . W #0 A OC DERR........... | part of chool authorities, s | “ PROBLEM: What animal is it that has the characteristics of a cow, PAUL 1. DUBHS and other things. They have pretty well gotten over the | A Little Nonsense Now and Then, looks like a cow, bul does not give milk? (Answer elsewhere in this de- J . STs ata nn .e CECIL A. WALKER strike idea. But what is likely to be the situation now | Is Relished by the Wisest Men” partment.) among the students, with the teachers setting the example | N. G—~Why are Italians called “dago”? And what Is the origin of of strike? |® the term? THE IRISH JUBILEE ; re ~This term applies to the Bpanish and Portuguese as well as to { the Ital a We 5 A corruption of the Bpanis nror ; AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY | A short ime ago, boys, an Irishman named Dougherty bf Salta. 116 hiaig th : E lien ¥ holt i I Spa bir Homey TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ‘ai " | was elected to the Senate by a very large rity Lif pag / § Ag habm : : Wr HY or tf sald in advan The foreign policy of the United States should he Ha o so elated that he went to A homing QTR, Josey I arh-wcnmed oi SN a Win tage. Alar oan 8 y ‘ | 4 a . e 4 nis Cass ' saliors first called the West Indians HNegos” because so many of them $2.00 per year, if not pald in advance | based upon a realistic conception of the interest of the | who owned a saloon of a very large capacity had that hame “James.” as we have ald y vy.» people of this country. No action should be taken, in any He sald to Cassidy: “Go over to the brewer G. R~Was Jefferson Davis hanged for treasor If 50. when and The date your subscription expires is plainly printed on the 0 umstances, except when necessary to protect these in For a thousand kegs of lager beer and give them to the poor: where was the execution? label bearing your name. All credits are given by a change on the terests, Then go over to the butcher shop and order up a ton of meat; | Ans --Jeflerson Davis was not executed for treason, While he Was date of label the first issue of each month, We send no receipts Practicall wervy A "ipep itizen will agree to the Be sure and see that the boys and girls have all they want to drink and | | indicted on that charge by the District of Columbia grand jury, he was unless upon special request, Watch date on your label after you Fae iin By lic tli nl 4 tl 1 eal not brought Jo trial after two years of bic Ker ng on the part of govern re i atement icy outlined in the above para wn BaBud uiuy Bhp foi Mostar Phin a de remit ge . ’ \ le i mn ! Po Hiv — i t opinions as to ha at Send out invitations in twenty different 1snguage | nent and court. He was released on ball, and was included in the General Matters for publication, whether news or advertising, must graph. There wi " many { Verge n Op + Eig hi And don't forget to tell them all to bring their own sandwiches Amnesty Act of Congress passed In reach the Centre Democrat office not later than Tuesday noon to ! are the Intere it gs of the United States. They may be rather They've made me their Senator, and now to show my gralitude 8. J~What is the correct way to pronoun spot”? American, swe publication that week. Advertising copy received after difficult of definition. They'll have the finest supper ever given in this latitude English and French dictionaries differ. And I see the American diction- e ; st ts © oe . v Ver rut nr serond ochole mn the nrortineis tion g prog wir Wi In Sa dvert t There are some peop ie in this country who believe | Tell them the music will be furnished by O'Rafferty ary gives Iirst and second choice in the pronunciation Pe o . 3) y " i Ata . . " rls - 1" war ” P I ele 1: «led w tors rmterniational tinmare as SM fndine ee marie d : EE er Sten t that the interests of Phe | nited States are limited to the Assisted on the bagpipes by Felix McCafferty Wr We Jamtr an n r Webster International Dictionary as ces and all real estate advertisements cents per ota rhatever the expenses are. remember I'll put up the tir WOTILY Dee-po,” with accent on the {irst syllable is first choice | fonge . nts I 'nited State from invasion Wha | remember ut up the Un Am amas tf edt? e . line each Issue. || defense of continental : ‘ And anyone who doesn’t come, be sure and do not let them in Which means that s preferred, Highbrows and others who want to be Subscribers changing postoffice address, and not notifying us, : : . | affected will say are liable for same the protection of all territory over which the American A. VI + that doves are known as the symbol of peace be- All subscriptions will be continued unless otherwise directed flag flies. Another extension of our definition would he Some Came on bleycles biciuse they Tad no fare 46 buy chiise they broad enough to include the protection of the Western And those that didn’t come at all made up their minds — 1 | | Issued weekly, every Thursday morning Entered In the postofMce at Bellefonte, Pa. as second class matter, Among other groups, the definition is widened to includ Cassidy at once sent out the invitations And everyone who came was a credit to the nation An No. Tha ar d tradition that reall 15 no foundation re ciate a" Eanara iis . Doves have § CIRCULATION OVER 1.000 COPIES EACH WEEK Hemisphere aga it Invasion I'wo by three they marched into the dining hall FT Even with the extensions made above, the definition roung men and old men, and girls that were not Ans Irish Free L. Y~T¢ because The ant-ecater 18 a native of the tropics ne of South Amer- t1 ! LE ! harmless to man ‘ fv " nrc: pitank "ik a . It lives chiefly on ins of all is, but goes after ants mostly because onomic attack. » then sald as manager he would try to fill the chair ¢ a A L 9 y or : : { numerous colonies it can find iE D | y 0 R I Even if we accept these definitions of American ir + then sat down and looked at the bill of fare ws i ! ‘ M. H-—-Who was | al Anthony’ And what was her middie terests and resolve 1 protect them. there is considerable There was pigshead and gol sh, mocking birds and ostriche name? l . : : } . ' pr ot h f ar " cream and oold cream. vaseline and sandwiches igi ' "INT difference of opinion as to the proper method of accon } dwich a sss mh as i iia app . CROP CONTROL LEG. ALIZED 3 bat } bin Bluefish, greenfisn, fishhooks and partridge 4 amp , ; as: pif 7 als 3 iy 18 hy p a nich "es : ‘ » OL} ‘ rad i { 3 67, for which N "ye f the ot fe : Sun va % " " : Baseballs and football cannon balls and cartridge: ried Sample . A h hat ' I a . . . I he Seuision . i United " y I] reme ( ourt, , J ul A LENS would attempt to insulate ih The we ate oatmes int we - | ho bout he fo +4 i dg sa 1] Gin mile o the United Slate ande« wn last wed upholds the rigl Vo "W Nea : " hen almea: until we oolid hardly str abou % tit wn. Bhe died in 1808 withou eT or 1ife's } r rome rue 38 vown. ast. pNP ; ples * We tern Hemisphere against the rest of the | catsup and hurry up, sweet kraut and sauer kraut St rome ment to control interstate commerce in farm products . 14 . that t} $i wd States, the worl ye 0 phd / At UU poston “lea party” prior to ti evolution, how much th ‘ l " : world. ners 1! 15% nat the nite Lal us 14 rid’ Dressed beef, naked beef an bee! with g te tresnes G2 w Maps Atie A int . Fated ‘ arbrad 2 A o about op at y 1notas ' as “oa ? i ¥ ‘ Wii 4 i : 1 oO By i a h 110 ngiane co ! 4 rougn marketing quotas. richest nation its strongest, cannot live alone and orned bee! and horned of, and bee! u'd never be enlarged by many people to include the protec : i men and deal men and men who had their teeth in With some le men and double men and men who had their gla » many minutes nearly every chair was taken front room and ushroom were packed to suffocation would tion of this country agi it economic attacks this would include the protection of American commerce With others. the interests of the United Staets would ACTIVE | Ste | mEMaLe everyone was seated they started to lay out the feast; 1 tira . 1a We 3 ‘ gt dtd h s clude the protection of the tire Hemisphere again ‘assidy sald: "Rise up and give us each a cake of yeast This about wipes out the practical effect of the earlier must, therefore, p artic ipat in the affairs of the worl eefsteaks and mistakes were down on the bill of fs ns n the i Jd Decembes : xiv men who attended A case, decided in 1936, which held a Ie governmen Between these schools of thought there are many Xr ast ribs and spare ribs and ribs that we couldn't sp meeting in prot t taxation of imports from Great Britain, dis- could not control agricultur: roduction. This may be th including those who see civilization menaced by aggressor ; . Ans, DOATGEC a BI nped 342 chests of x » ‘ p law but marketing quotas, which are legal, are about the who contend that unless the United States a to Tight equivalent of production "| rol alone, it should adopt a policy designed to assist the de y di hy sy ng fons rom oid Erin sie mocracies of the world in a strong stand now. : 4 re was hot corn and cold corn. corn sal and honeycomb dison riginal NORTAD it ossession of Princelon t mav be taken for granted that the American lead sed birds and read books, ss and sea 10 fniversit nd n 23% tian in the confers OL the Engin. } a foam Ut rsity and | n exh n in i roo? { the Engin sald “they cantaloupe Les th Ceal steal Britain did nothing about it except ciose Lhe We think the decision will have a beneficial upon the welfare of the farmers. Now, at last, they are granted the legal weapon necessary to make effective their ers and the Ame rican people desire, first of all, if possibls ried lver and baked liver, and Carter's little liver pills decision as to crop control. It should be remembered that | \ he other nations of the world. Poy wd everyone was wondering who was going to pay the bills marketing quotas do not go In ffect upon any crop less approved by two-thirds of the growers in a secret bi st designed to maintain peace. That such a course ma lot election. ntail risk of war will not be enough to deter the Amer | ypting hazards that seem necessary interests of this country course of action w hich seen For ¢ rt * had tooth pick ice picks. and skipping rope WMARVINE soap TEACHER STRIKE mpathy of the American peopl From Greensburg Tribune vipat i Lhe American people Moreover, our sympathies go to ar ated peoples anywhere. As a natura an antipathy toward aggre ri a popular resentment OL tw ! Ee a Oy TS or Lar tyis Spl. three classes, appointed by the President except during the Wilson Ad- The reaction he 1 i TH known, and th "ACh i 108 nraci communities who revi ) collect tl hould not be allowed, however, to nie offices ose annual bush amounts to from $8000 to $40,000; third rted | weal n i Lris Ie lv 11 srder toy Bias 1 Af # OK Lore of these their slippers ton When th re under the merit system. were placed in the Roosevel The weir back pay may well be prepared | 1¢ same kind of publ feeling that expresses dange Nearly 200 teachers are involved in and " ets mol [ this country Some danced iis steps, door steps and highland flings ourth class of post off nist u with receipts below $1,500 | | i) 4 Ou . Aernbiy Loy siz brite N A 8 tr . # bs - about AN00 student « © ul ted ie teachers insist that } i { Stat i it i i [ § Ry rv a Ano oe pigeon ye n tut 3 ho 11ited State 4 Cond v { Oorejyg: A pet } . #4 $a pus Was Aver “erate s inl 155 thev will not return to ir cla until more than £200 oie Riel Silas, In 8 Toni yt Soren And when the dance was over, Oassidy then toid us ; . . ga . Sahib i irs. should be guided by the interests of Americans, it To jine hands together and sing this good old chorus ’ waa rut maul 000 in back salaries is paid and their salaries guaran ; ag Pr Yr itai : . dt old ' ' Ams~—There are siXty-stven counties Seed for the temaind t the term. Th Yoni is obvious that the policies of Great Britain, France, Italy, Should old acquaintances be forgot wherever we may be N. R~~Who was responsi yw the amendment in which bank de- 1 remainder of the term, © reason why © ) : 1 Think ¢ @ id times we hat . ; " . gh RE A Ao 4 " teachers have 1 Oh nid : } : ha Pi : I ; ol} Germany and Japan will be guided by the interests of the Think of the good old times we had at the Irish Jubllee lL posi’ Were: Suranioed? achers have not been paid 1s that the niadelipnia at g Readin Cc | i or C os 3 I aanaceD din ang nations named, as those interests are understood by re sh Th Pp " N Ans Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg of Michigan introduced the a r Oal ant iron ompany. now 1 . : -. i" : i gus 03 whe y ' rr ONS i 1 the respective countries olips at ass In The News amendment to the Glass-Steagall Banking Act for the immedi e appli- ization, has so far failed to pay 053,000 in delinquent 19° - (From a Kentucky Paper) cation of Pederal Deposit Insuras i advocated the insurance of iblican caucus which was held at Ripley Saturday for the bank deposits before the Roosevell {mit and 1938 taxes. of Germany, Italy and Japan « rn tos nk 4 t tha wrortsa f . “yt s Of s } % 4 " . We don’t wan : y ede. foe. as m to think that the interests of their people can be best Ou v ominating candidates for county Offices was well attended L BH. Wow much mon I i i i welll i | pe itt] in 41! y - | S~ . . 14 & Thay ¢ : $ rye [ a ¥ ve - we find it | i t6 bel 1 : . : : rved by waging agg Ive War, They are opposed by 1 art of town. A few of the candidates chosen were from Lhe Ans In 1038 anproximately $1.530000000 was sper nr advertising 1 1arad 0 her 1 hi ’ ACNE Wott . mn 14 3 3 3 : 1 : $4 | - i . kl 3 hs 4 oe 4 . — : ] nar i 1€1 ACK Inti nations who aders lieve that the best interests of ! it th ajority were from the lower regions in the United States tive and go hungrs 1 : 3.4 y i wl nit for a few weeks or months Tl achers are arder: Gon. r people can d by peacs Under such circum (Los Angeles Examiner) A. R—~What physical amination is given before one Can enter suis 8 g sae stato dg ! stances, War ievitable unless the peace-wanting na- It war {or Busratt that wanda iin smd i n . | TH Everett that I made the swim, and today 1 am the hip- tract 1 t} 1} ] West Point? n on aring glasses pass the examination? ract, and their money will be paid eventually. And there i : : 4 i ! i oie ot} or = ¥ Inte : / ; And 1078 tions can produce a condition which will convince the piest (happiest) woman in the world Ans —He must undergo a complete physical examination while strip- wavs ined or 4 oitttion without res “tino to ¢ 3 p : N ! + p y ti Fleta t BY kot v 2 aA AE n in anps strik wi sision. hash gi os reverting to a leaders o 10 easive nations that it will not be to {ped of all artificial mean applia A cadet may wear glasses, but \ eo, 3 n . their interest to begin a war. If this can be accomplished, (Alhambra, Calif., Times) the examination must | nad ithout them for stigmatism_ oolor- T : : ; "1 he new president of the Optimists’ Club is prominent in ell civil | blindness and fon igh To eo Kin tudent : g i yy y nar there will be no war: if tl Sf 4 1 i 4 vay the Ad bv ’ a : ¥ i! ‘in u Civil 3 } fx 111 toy sift ] MA Di ' Ww 8) y war: if the idea cannot be sire ng ene Ny affairs and has been o y 4 " “ R \ , ; ] fal nd has n one of the greatest roosters (boosters) for the new- Reader—How old is an tre "1 bears acorns? ticular strike. If it continues anv length of time, the child concrete evidence which will produce the desired impres- ly completed Women's Club : i “. ren will | } i 4 t i f the dictat tt 1d will : 18 —There are many different kinds of oaks that bear acorns which ose something which will m ity hard to make sion In the minds o he dictators, the world will 86¢ an {rn not y until the tree matures They vary somewhat in turi uD. 4f it can be made uv. In som it will likely mes 4 oF . : : (Ad in Berkeley, Calif, Herald) 0 gt I until the tree matures. They vary somewhat in maturing p. if it can be made uj SOME CASeS, will likely mean other great struggle. . y The white oak (most common) begins to bear acorns in about twenty . on. ooliege girl secrelary, typist: day. g0 home YPATS is ——- s———— ma I" gt AT —— a (From a North Carolina Paper) PD. C~An American couple who are citizens of the United States are Lincols wrote the Gettysburg Address while riding from Washing- | ¢, Furope where after they are there but a few days the child is born—a 1 Who is Grover Cleveland ¥ } an enveiope | boy. Can that boy return to the United States before he is 21 and then Bergdoll? (Philadelphia Balletin) when he reaches the age of 35 run for President? be ‘ “et § ps 4 93 us § -_ y > ; ‘ “ 2. How efficient is the Russi _ "Chauffeur—Colored, wanted to drive traveling salesman out of Ans—Yes. The parents and the child are U. 8. citizens unless the army? 4 . parents swear allegiance to a forel gn country. In that case the child (Ad in Pittsburgh Gaaetie) would have to become naturalized after he became 21 years of age, but die from cancer every year? Musical instruments for sale Radio, victrola and bed springs would never be eligible for the Presidency - Hate § » X \ : ) some snakes “pickled” in alcohol t« es " 4 Is Congress likely lo approve (Ad in Salt Lake City News) | out Custos} have oe ake: Wiig in a hot 30 PIgatEve hg oi “ae BTA s m shevms + * " Lt i u : id 3 evaporitin an Puli more cohol in the Townsend old-age pension plan? For Bale—A folding bed, by a lady that shuts up and looks like & | jar or will the exposure 0 air Rarm Fv Su at t 3. How many people in the U i“ £ ‘hat is 1} ver esd : I . 3 5. What | he average eaming Ans You may add alcohol at any time you like. but before the jar of U B workers? —_— 1 n +h Pr " hg rev esl iv Ar ; | That's all. folke. Many auto wrecks are due fo tight nuts is closed be sure that the snakes are completely covered with the liquid roi oe While: Rouse mee" SCAT.” Answer to probiem: A calf lo 0 WH 8 tranauintie wie OUR OBSERVATION " Y — Men who fix autos, B. What is a legisiative "rider? Keep cleanly and nest 8 Is Germany economically By wiping their hands stronger today than in 1014? On the wheels or the seat 10. Have Ttalian troops left i——— Spain? I'l Take Urging, Too In a nearby town recently a baby gave the alarm for fire and roused y ol] i In Great Economy Run! mean oer | i. A World War dralt dodger) We urge that a campaign be started to have every householder install who escaped from custody in 1920, one of these useful little gadgets . . 2. Nobody knows; it has not been | Ask The Wissus ® Here's a fact you ought to know, ® Looking for economy? YOU'LL GET tested in war Ihe teacher was talking about the dolphin and its habits : 3 50,000 BEFORE you buy any automobile! IT IN A FORD V-8. About I 1 And just think. children.” she said impressively, "a single dolphin | RN 4 Not at this session will have two thousand baby dolphins.” ; . : 5. A recent study by the Social Good 1” exclaimed t : 1 at the foot of the class, “a ®* The February issue of Motor Age * Looking for style + + » comfort . . . Security Board indicates a sum be- how ny 00 hago in. = ok Y Yip on Sas, “ot reports that in the recent Gilmore. safety... and the outstanding perform- fween $800 and $975 for 1937 SEY ep ——— gp 8. The term is employed, usually, We Go Round And Round Yosemite Economy Run, the 85-horse- ance that only a V-type 8.cylinder > avoid irect quotation of the Living is getting a heap complicated these days, remarks “Froth” FOLLOW YOU R TEAM ; ———— Chief Executive i $ 3 in the Harrisburg Patriot, and these modern drug stores—so called-—are | pcewer Ford V-8 gave the GREATEST engine can give? 7. Pan American Airways sys- | doing nothing to simplify it. And according to this item we haven't seen tem, ki il bal Save d yet. FUEL-ECONOMY IN MILES PER «YOU'LL FIND THEM ALL IN THE | ouibound tfps & year would cost| “Lock Haven grocers who are turning florists should be WITH ATLANTIC i ’ . $3,130,000. GALLON of any standard-drive car 1939 FORD V-.8. This car excels in 8. An amendment to an impor- sshimied 9! ent ives 2 oak of enterprise. A DuBois drug . . » 4 tsiona h | with more than four cylinders! the things that count! fant wil ontaintug Provisions not If they ever start that around here we are going to be afraid to pass strength go into one of the places for a pack of cigarettes. But at that we can | but which the President cannot veto we Follow your favorite baseball team, again this year. over without killing the important mea- think of nothing queerer than this Lock Haven Express classified ad g y boii «Complete line of fishing tackle and Osborne's a convenient radio station , . . with Atlantic. 9. Options vary, but “no” is the Restaurant, Bellefonte Avenue. And follow the road to motoring pleasure and econ preponderant angwer. Hey waiter, a cup of coffee, hall a dozen fish hooks and a tandem omy with the famous three—Atlantic White Flash, Motor 10. NO; they are expected to SPINDEr ON rye—and make it snappy! Oil and Lubrication Service. Each is a star in its own leave goon. a . eT — | right; and together they work like a championship base. - sss ——— for transmission by the automatic | ball team, smoothly and effortlessly. Get all three — at Fine i the big red Atlautie 5 | od ign — today. Lyle E. McKean, of Beech Creek. | i gn — today © was sentenced 10 pay a fine of $35 and costs, and placed on probation | Automatic telegraph. the Iatest| neq i515 4 siot in the cabinet. An | for a year, at a special session of advance in modern telegraphy, will | exact facsmile of the message is ale | Clinton County court on priday, $0on be ready for commercial use iomatically received in the local | after pleading guilty to the opera- Western Union in Rockefeller | | telegraph office. : See your Ford dealer for gen- ting of illegal punch boards Center office buildings. Telegraph officials foresee the day | erous trade-in on all makes People h I a am pr Boallog. ov | when Sn an, un aia, : - ave uliar id | with an c te . appear in many oca of ¢ liberal | treedoms: 1t dows not tein ou et and key, which will permit him 1 | such as drug stores, transit ter- LISTEN TO ATLANTIC FOR THE BEST IN SPORTS BROADCASTING Lars eral terms | ign: to intrude upon others, {2404 dls own telegrams. Telegrams | minals and building lobbies.