Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 27, 1939, Image 10

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    Pie Two
Visitors at the HH, BE. Garbrick
Y ome on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs,
’ aul Reber and daughter Jane of
ate College.
Those on the sick list this week
re Senge Anderson and Mrs, Nick |
I'ne condition of Jimmie Rote ig
much improved and is expected
Ie soon,
Rev. Byrd had Sunday dinner at
¢ William Rote home. Rev. Byrd
ft for W. Virginia to bring home
s wile, who has been seriously il.
The funeral of Norman Myers was
~y largely attended.
Donald Billett spent Wednesday |
ternoon and. evening of last week
a business 4rip to Altoona.
ie home of Mr. and Mrs, John Rut-
, of Bellefonte,
| along
| Several car loads of people from
| home of Joseph Stover and family | Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday callers at the Oscar Biljett !
ae were Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth |
{ouser and children Faye, Janet, |:
Jue and Sunday supper guests wi
ve Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Meeder of |
ck Haven, Mr. Donald Billett and
ss Edna Stein.
Mrs. John Resides and two daugh- |
5 Frances and Lois visited at the
nes Kelley home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Kellerman and |
0 children Patty and Sonny visit- |
Mr. Kellermans parents, E. T.
llerman on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Irvin and
children visited the Donald Davis
sme over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Stover and
wughter visited the Snyder Stover
me over the weekend. Mrs, Sny-
vr Stover was to State College on |
Those who attended Raymond
oungs birthday dinner on Sunday
re Mrs. Youngs parents, Mr. and |
3. Harry Williams, Mr, and Mrs.
ames Young and children, Billy,
\rlene, Jean and Joan and Thomas |
ir. and Mrs. George Thomas Jr,
daughter Connie visited the
g¢ Thomag home recently.
We just learned Larry Justice
ed away at 5 o'clock Monday
itors at the Fred Billett home
ursday evening were Mr. and
Mack Shay and children.
i — a ——
~“nurch notes for Sunday, April
1989. Sunday Church school at
0 a. m. There will be no Chris-
Endeavor this Sunday evening
. Pdgar Martin of Washington,
€', spent the weekend in Snyder-
1 visiting friends.
sis Elizabeth McCormick, Mir-
Beck and Mrs. Mildred Wenzke
» supper guests of the Fawcetls
day evening.
tr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Pawcett and
Meredith, spent Sunday
noon at the home of Prof. and
F. G, Rogers
Edgar Martin will offer at public
at the Martin home in Snyder-
1 on Saturday, May 20 at 1:39
mm. the household goods of the late
e, Mary Martin.
r. and Mrs. Alvin Beck spent
nday afternoon at the home of
' and Mrs, James Sebric and
(icorge Myers of Booneville, Miss
wothy Ertel of Lock Haven, Miss
el Lanen of Nittany and Ran-
Ertel of Rebersburg, called ai
lewis Beck home on Sunday
s. Agnes QGarbrick of Nittany
Sunday at the Ed Dorman
we Mother's and Daughter's Ban-
of the Nittany Valley Lutheran
rsh will be held during the week
day 14 in the basement of St.
i's church.
¥ commencement exercises of
Walker Township High School
as follows: Baccalaureate ser-
Sunday evening, May 21, at 7:30
Rev, Kline will deliver the ger-
on, Commencement exercises
y.rsday evening, May 25 at 8
“ome of our people are still on
sick list, we hope for their
ody recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Peters and
mily of Beech Creek spent Sun-
1 at the Willlam Haagen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dreese of
ate College spent Sunday at the
iam Haagen home.
Ihe Senior Class play of the
alker Township High School will
vresented the second time on Fri-
+ evening, May 5, at 8 o'clock In
Community Hall at Hublersburg,
he benefit of the Athletic Asso-
Mr. Smith who recently bought
tw Winters farm or (Twin Pine
Farm) is doing quite a lot of re-
: the weather seems to be g little
mote settled the farmers are busy
; ing for their spring seeding.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Dorman visited
Katle Hoy who is a patient In
Lock Haven Hospital on Satur-
Vidtors on Wednesday with Miss
ia Lucas were Mrs. Miles Etters
two children and Mrs. Amelia
pman and daughter Faye.
frs. Myrtle Lucas called on Mrs
:'la Chapman on Wednesday
Mr, and Mrs, Doyle Lucas and
nildren of Jacksonville, called on
Ls Ella Lucas on Saturday.
Tick Watkins called at the Duey
nay home on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs, Russell Jones and
n Ernle spent Saturday night at
¢ Amelia Chapman home.
Mrs, Myrtle Lucas and son Robert
ited on Saturday with Mrs. Bryce
Hoover at Howard,
faa 5 SSisicie ent Min
Lucas and | planted on Monday.
{dren are hephew and nieces of Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Confer and and Mrs, Kreamer.
X | Poor home icy are
iursday evening he had supper at |
Kenneth Garner, of near
John Krape is plowing the Mar-
One hundred cars were counted home on Friday of last week
Spring Creek] on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Huey were call |
Pittsburgh and Altoona came here | evening last week
to look through the Benner mansion | Miss Jane Harshbarger Is
which seems a great treasure to old | at the Boyd Johnson home while
friends and Benner relatives, | Mrs. Johnson its at the hospital,
Miss Thelma Kline and brother | Miss Betty Spearly was a caller
from lower Spring Creek, visited at the Edward Smeltzer home on
here at the home of Wilbur Orndorf | Sunday afternoon,
and family on Sunday { Mr. and Mrs. James Bowmaster
Floyd Stiver and wife from Belle- | were callers at the Frank Hull home
fonte were Sunday guests at the [on Sunda)
Harold Blodm and
daughter Beryl were visitors at the |
home of his parents,
Corl Bloom on Sunday.
Miss Winifred Lose spent Sun- |
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Lose of Valley View,
Lester Crust and
at Klondike,
John Solt is carpentering at the |
building in
Francis Benner and Lewls Solt are day
working for Reynolds Shope on the | Clair
lumber job here, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Smith spent Saturday | daughters Evelyn and Erma visited
vening and Sunday at Red Roosl | at the Earl Crust home on Sunday
th some of his best friend Adelene Garner and Ibra Breon
Sunday guests at the nome of Ira | visited with his parents, Mr. and
Benner were John Myers from Al- Mrs. Roy Breon of Valley View on
oona and his lady friend Miss Sunday.
Hazel Rhoades and June Rhoades The Young Ladies’ Class
from Curtin and John Lose from  FMllmore M. E. Sunday
Waddle, hold annual festival
The part of the road that the  Pilimore church on Satur
WPA workers have been working on | ing, June 4
this winter is about completed and Miss Ermatrude Spearly U
they will soon be ready to start on ]
hrough Rock to the Benner man-
We understand that Fred Tressler
living near Lemont is working for
William Spotts on the Ishler farm
We have been told that Cal Rider
s having lumber sawed here at Rey-
nold Shope’s saw mill and will build
small house where the shanty
burned down.
Joseph Stiver is working at the
fish hatchery at Axe Mann
Trucks are hauling the wood away
from the saw mill as fast as it Is
awed. The woods will soon be all
wed out in lumber and the people
ill think they are living out on the
Vincent Spearly has been going
to Lock Have en once a week Lo see a
yetor. He has been on the sick list
rr some time.
Jess Witherite is very busy plow-
ing and making fences on his farm
this spring.
Paul Blair has been sawing his
summer wood With his cycle saw
hile the weather was to wet 0 Benner
ow, . | cemetery t
Eb r—— years
Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Steele and sons
Don and Max of Altoona visited '
with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Williams on
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
on of Buffalo N. Y.,
ones of Belle
the home of tI
sther Sones
Rev Weaver regul
erest ing sermon o
Mrs. Amanda M oran of Unionville
visited her sister Mrs, James Reess
The Hannah and Mt. Pleasant :
Prayer Band held Prayer services by the cold weather, the buds hay
st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- t been far enough to be frozen
ence Flack on Sunday afternoon junday School was largely
Mrs. Emma Holt has been {ll the ded on Sunday morning
past week but able to be out again ens————————
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler SUMMIT HiL!
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. |
“han dler's brother, Curtis Wagner Harry filler i i of A eming-
f Altoona Pa ton visited on 8
F Russel Folger and mother of Lock Mrs Pred Watki
Haven, were pleasant callers at the Mr. and Mr e Walt er Boone and
ome of Mrs. Nora Breon, on Sun- son Manley of Howard, visited on
ay. Sunday at the Irvin Young home
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Yeager and
and daughter Catherine accom- daughter Katherine and Elva Fye
anted by Mrs. Jane Martin and | also Miss Ruth Bowman and Flor-
fennie Straw, motored to State Col-' ence Renn ¢ inner
ege to call on Irvin Dillog on Sun- | Y
tory v ’
s0Nie, SPeNL
ate dl I
s. William Richards and Mrs
"ora Dillon spent Monday in Har-
risburg. Pa
John Dimeling of Spokane, Wash, ] and Mrs Herbert Chapman
formerly of Clearfield, Pa., was a and daughter Janet and Mr. and
welcome caller at the home of Miss Sam Herr visited on Bunda;
Tryphena Tallhelm who some years the Irvin Young home
ago was his teacher in the public Ira Young spent. a couple d
chools of Clearfield. His visit was week with his sister, Mrs. Sam Herr
a very pleasant surprise to Miss of Orviston
Tallhelm, This ing Miss Tall-| Mrs. Gladys McCartney and fam-
helm's second term as teacher when lly of Pleasant Valley spent over the
John went to her as a pupil. weekend at the Clair Cowher home
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Williams, Mr Raymond Yor ng took dinner Sat-
and Mrs. Joe Cowher and family  urday with his cousin Floyd Warr
were pleasant callers at the home of Mrs. T. Garnder spent "last week
je0. Shipley on Sunday afternoon, with her daughter, Mrs. James Wat-
also a number of folks from State kins :
College were entertained at the Betty Young spent Saturday with
Shipley home on Sunday evening. Esther Warr
Charles Myers Jr, son of Bdward A quilting party was held at the
and Ethel Myers Is seriously {ll at home of Mrs. Lewis Heverly last
the Bellefonte hospital. We hope Thursday, where the ladies did fine
for a speedy recovery, work on the two beautiful quilts, also
Mr. and Mrs. Merril Alexander | a good dinner was relished by all
1ave moved from Martha Furnace ; Those present were: Sudie Nyman
to the house vacated by Flemue! Marie Nyman, Effie Yeager, Olive
Rupert. Yeager, Rev. Ruth Bowman, Flor-
Mrs, William Chandler spent Sun- ence Renn, Francis Watkins, Esther
day afternoon at the home of her Warr, Eleanor Pye, Abbit Woomer,
daughter, Mrs. Fred Rhoads of Ty- Mary Young, Hazel Miller, Dora
Woomer, Pauline Boone, Charlotie
| Nyman, Rena Nyman, Hazel Lucas,
| Dorothy Poorman, Lydia Karehoff,
| Mrs, Edna Heverly and family and
{ Mary Heverly.
Church gervices as usual: Sun-
day School at 9:30 followed by
{ preaching; Y. P. M. at 7:30, followed
by preaching. Everybody is wel.
Harold Ard had a Gulf gasoline
tank installed in town on Tuesday of
last week to supply gasoline for his
wo schoo] buses.
Harry Crader, Reuben Musser and
Howard Plank, Jr. of Camp Hill in
company with Harwood Kreamer npn Wi ——
attended the county C. E. convention Tr T
al Bellefonte on last Saturday. Li LE NI ANY
They all reported an interesting! Sunday visitors at the Earl Har-
meeting. ‘ter home were A. L. Henry and
Howard Plank Jr. and his sisters, | grandson Lawrence Lyons, of Mill
June and Gladys of Camp Hill, In Hall R. D. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shuey |
company with Mr. and Mrs. Harry and family of Milesburg and Mr,
Riley of Mt. Pleasant, were pleas- and Mrs. George Shuey of Bellefonte
antly entertained at the home of R. D.
Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Kreamer over the | Among those who visited at the |
weekend, Mrs. Riley is a sister of | Mary Delaney home on Sunday |
Mrs. Kreamer and the Plank chil- | were: Mrs, Mike Purl and family of |
| Runville, Rudy Askey of Pine Glen |
fand Mr, and Mrs. Vineen! Delaney |
Thus far very little farming was and family of Lock Haven.
| done on account of the rainy weath- | Miss Betty Harter spent Sunday |
‘er we had for some time. Some with Miss Louise Beightol at Jack. |
gardening was done last Friday. @ sonville. |
| Sunday and Monday were ideal Mrs. Hannah MeCommings, Mrs, |
| spring days. Some potatoes were Margaret McKinley and son Francis |
i and John Gallagher of Howard, vis- |
State |
shall farm with his tractor this week, | College visited at the Henry Rockey |
{ers at the Frank Hull home one |
working |
Mr. and Mrs
Easily Worth $801
2 Big Pes.
in Velvet
sn m= EBS
BIG, but not too large for small
living rooms! Covered in a silky
ray and cotton acetate vel
vet! Richly carved base!
Payment, Carrying Charge
Compare with $69.50 Sets |
World Range
7-Tube Radio
iT 88
ild bring
i nance
Week co
Toble Pad Included!
Big 9 Piece
Dining Room
8 458
Expensive matched
eneers! TWO host
lenza buffet! Exten-
seats 10! 4gide chairs!
A HOAKTH, Down Poyment,
£ yg Charge
Sale! Regular 39¢ Quality!
by the Yard
33c yd.
Ideal! for wall to wall cover
ing! The surface is stainless
enamel, baked on to resist wear!
Wide assortment of patterns!
6 and 9 ft. widths,
Compare with $35 Bike!
Built-in electric tail light! Twin
headlights — self-contained!
Streamlined chain guard! Stream-
lined handlebars and grips! See
it NOW!
Automatic Electric
Wi nk 543%
Enjoy running water in your
home at this low Ward Week
price! Pumps up to 250-gal. per
hour automatically, Tank —_—
"1 Sale Men's 98¢
™N\ Bp Dress Shirts
x 84°
Save extra now! 99% shrink.
proof! Cut full! New patterns,
whites; Wiltproof collars!
All Our 59,
Now! You can save more than
ever! New prints! Exciting
Bpring styles. Tubfast, 12.52
aie 55¢
ard AV Silk
* Chiffons
\ Pe
Ringless and first quality! Full
fashioned hose, lisle reinforced
feet. Also service weight!
Salel 1.98
Oxfords ;
$1 68
Save S4c on Wards comfort
Black or white “duty”
shoe, or black Gypsy style
by, Salel 84¢
4 Longwear
Fine Sheets
t. ! Sturdy, snow white
usling in the 81x99 in. size.
Solel 23¢ cases, 42x36 in
Salel Save 29¢|
Men's 1.59
Work Shoes
Buper-savings! Bturdy black
plain toe work shoe, Contrary
tion soles for extra wear!
Armored Cable
Size 14-2
Reduced to
$2.59 100 11,
Genuine “ABC™ cable! Heavy
galvanized steel armor, Exceeds
Underwriters rigid requirements.
tested at 1500 volts!
a resisting! Passes
wderwriters and Code tests,
$10 Valve!
Compare with others up to $101
45 heavy-duty plates . quick
starts, more starts! Price cutl
Regular $1.69
Camp Cot
Strong canvas top, hardwood
frame, Folds compactly. Com-
fortable. Save in this sale!
35-1b. Mica
Roll Roofing
§ y roll
Ree 00! Surfaced with mica,
instead of usual tale! Ideal for
temporary jobs or small bidgs,
April 27, 1939,
Matches $85 Bedrooms
Yeneered —
3 Pieces!
64% 88
matct ol ve
s! Bed, chest
"$100 a
Carrying Charge
¢ Y
5-Burner Kerosene Range
slashed 55
Bed, Spring Mattress!
3 Piece
Bed Outfit
| 1S Ea
Steel bed has wide, decors:
nel, chip-proof brown
tion matires
Dower Payment
ying Charge
Big 23-Gallon All White
on built De-
First Time of Cut Prices!
New “Ward
All sizes reduced! 1939's lowest
prices! The new Ward River-
side is longer wearing! Safer!
Warranted without limit as to
months, years or miles!
Save during Word Week!
$7.00 Valve!
14" cut, 4 seli-sharpening steel
blades. Easy-running ball-bear.
ing construction. 9” closed wheels
keep out all dirt. A real value.
1 gallon Linseed Oil and 3 gts.
of turpentine included with each
$ gailon purchase!
Mr. and Mrs. Steward BElsenhuth ited at the John Dullen home one |
improved their residence by having | day last week visitors at the same |
1 new fence put around their lot place on Sunday were: Frank Year. |
\iorgan Lucas of Marsh Creek | facing the new school building. ick and Mrs. Wheeland of Zion, Bd
alled on his mother Mrs. Myrtle The dramatic Bible play “Where | Yearick of Nittany and Edward
ins on Wednesday, ! Are the Nine will be presented in Dullen.
Malvin Lucas called on Ira Gilbert ‘he Evangelical church this coming, Mr. and Mrs. Phearas Fok and
#t Pleasant Valley on Saturday. | Sunday evening at 7:30 agony id daughter Donna and Verna Dullen
se A ss ‘4 aronsburg group. It of Williamsport, spent one day last
if you have more business than | worth while to enjoy. Everybody is week at the home of her parents, |
you want, don't advertise, i heartily invited to attend. | Mr. and Mrs, Jack Dullen, |
20 fi. Garden Hose... 87¢
tains constant pressure.