Odd and Curious News \. Kicked About Pants Nick Theiphonis came to court at Chicago the other day in a blanket bed room stppers and hgh dadgeon He complained against the relief ad- ministration as follows “1 ask for sige 42 pants. They give me size 38. 1 send them back." Judge Thomas Green informed the defen dant was an alien, stated: “You have a lot of nerve, After being 'n this country 19 years without be coming a citizen and after living off relief for five years, you kick about it ff you don't like this country—or the pants-—get out’ He fined Theo phanis $200 on a disorderly conduct charge $500 For Stone Last year a stone was found along the Carolina Coast which carried a message of the hardships exper- jenced when colonists’ supplies from England failed to reach this coun- try ‘in 1587 It is believed to have been carved by the Lost Colony Roanoke Island and mentioned second stone. Dr. H. J. Pearce, pres- ident of Brenau College, Gaines- ville, Ga., has offered $5600 reward for the finding of the second stone believing it might solve the 352- year-old mystery of Vitglua Dare and the Lost Colony on No Bum Steer it's time for spring plowing in Berks county and time for Blackie the tO start dragging a horse plow. Blackie the licized Ferdinand chance to loll about smelling flowers. Fou been helping Charles the earth of a nine-a Reading and Miller Blackie is better than any horse he ever own ed. When Blackie Isn't the lion's share of the plowing he drags logs and hauls his mas in 4 cart Into to steer two [ib had a EWee!l- unlike never snidiing SIX yeul Miller farm neal hes turn re Says doing ter wn Big Goose Egg A goose egg, even larger than proverbial zero tion report, has Miffiintown, by W Mifflintown R. D. 2, who #2 Bock of geese ON his monster egg measured ni in circumference len gthwi and was six and one-fourth inches side- wite. Tt weighed JUST- {WO ounces This weight much as that giZ7¢ hen eggs Rattle-Trap Charles 1. Esheiman, sdvertising executive of Cleveland dgecided 10 vestigate tha! rear-end raftie in his esr witch had been bothering nim for weeks He threw open the trunk compartment--and a rattle snake greeted him with a thrust of its fangs The thickness of 1 coats prevented the fangs from piercing the man's arm Eshelnan kilied the snake with an umbrella Softies Cornell university ers will have t their traveling ground the 1200 acre campus on bicycles. Head Coach Carl Snavely Fas ruled automobiles out as means of transportation and prescribed bikes for travel wo cla and the practice fle “American youth has softened up, physically Snavels said, “through the modern t to rage arcana 100KS cn an exami been exhibited ince more of a Acer Qozen wo football play- i ao Ses i automo Accommodating Noticing s fire on the roof fe Ne WAS pass Truck Drive George Hunter of Denver, Colo turned in a fire alarm and proceed ed on his way, only to be stopped a few minutes jater and Informed that his truckload of Turniture was on fire Sparks from the blazing roof had apparently ignited his load Chairs | 19 Years Old A Northumberland County grand jury's complain: that chairs in ifs quarters were uncomfortable and hould be replaced sent the county commissioners to investicate, Alter digging through musty records for the date of purchase, the commis- sioners agreed the chairs had been in service long enough. They were purchased 119 years ago | SR of a Shou Pe — 1 ——————————— | ——— ——— A SECOND SECTION e— Cenfre Democral VOLUME B68, ——————————— TRAGEDY AVERTED BY DISCOVERY OF MISSING STICKS OF DYNAMITE Morrisdale Coal Company Workers Search Loaded Cars for Bag of Explosive Acci- dentally Mixed With Coal by Miner When Paul Lubuda, a young Hawk Run miner employed by the Morris- dale Coal Company near Philips- burg, forgot to remove a bag of dynamite from an empty car awalt ing 10 be loaded, he unloosed a chain of events that kept official and fellow workers in a sweat Tor several days Possible tragedy averted by the take alterwards eighteen of the 20 to company s siding and could irs and disaster wa discovery of the mis- By that time 30 cars on the Deen which sO0n loaded of the They enough had tell we explosive that it was no one wed tl Knew, however to wreck a train destroy a house if by chance It exploded Miners officials at Searc fOr yhnamite raliroad car ding contan or and once be the d and run 1) ne Ding Empty the al Hix were parallel and Philipsburg Boy Doomed To Die Philadelphia Specialists Un- to Tumor From Child able Remove Brain Little Johnny Zurick schoolboy of Ramey ipsburg, is die Philadelphia ts wh ed him last declare t! 10 remove a nine-y Phil- because exam can ear- old near doomed to speciall week Lumaon ey that! lurks nn the childs brain Johnny, the War veteran phia by the H Post, who purpose The boy wa following the announcement by surgeons that his wa now will youngster | incertain tated gead World was sent Ww Philadel- utzdale «Freeburg Le- fumis for the ne brought Iu the hoe le hope les gion raiseg Case come to medical Just eight months ago Zurrick Was a normal brigi id in every way. Teachers first notic change in his physical makeup when he was unable to make his writing fol the lines on the paper he used at school Exhaustive examinstion disclosed the suffering from & brain WOW DON was tumor Zurrick is one of five children of Mrs Katherine Zurtick Rl Runaway Youths Return To Home Three Inmates of Children's Institution at Clearfield ‘Visit’ Philipsburg A desire to visit a realtive of three youths who ran of ane away from Home at Clearfieid Was given their leave the Children last Tuesday by the 0s Without the reason boys for EWO day ah The youth Chester Hil Moran Walker New Liberty, and William DeCario, Falls Creek, left the home at Clearfield Tuesday, following a check-up the bovs had not attended classe Following 8 search of nearby counties, the boys were returied to the Institution Thursday The youngsters told the superintendent of the school that they had walked to Philipsburg to see the uncle of one of the boys. The uncle met them at Phillipsburg and inuned- iately returnad them to the home The head of the home said the bovs, who are In the early ‘teen age, would not be punished for their abeenice without leave William Merle FiCK that ————— People in middle-age are apt to overlook the Importance of reading the Bible but it's a mistake TL — LOCAL PAROLE OFFICE MAINTAINS FINE RECORD Any criticism of parole, especially in District No. 5, State Parole Of- fice, located at 20 West High street, Bellefonte 4s dispelled when the ex- cellent record compiled during the past three years by Joseph R. Mil ier, Senior Agent in charge of the district, and his Junior Agents, Wil- Ham F. Lucas and Joseph L Paglia, is rontidered Miss Helen M. Schaef | fer of Bellefonte is the stenograph- er. Only 16.1 per cent of the men on parole wnder the supervision of Bellefonte office had to be returned to penal irstitutions for general viclgtion of parole rules or for com- mitting new erimes during the past | three years. This makes a yearly average failure of compared with from 16 to 26 per cent per year in Pennsylvania snd | other states 52 per cent as! report to Mr. Miller Investigations made past vear by the Agents vers by mail during are fe the fol. 33 14 45 Eoard of Pardon Fastern Peritentiar Western Penitentia. v Pa. Industrial School 119 tozether with 98 special investiga- tions and arrests reports, and 37 for other states. This makes the total muimber of Investigations completed ms The total number of visits made ito Parolees’ homes during the 12 months period waa 26515, or an av- erage of over 200 visits per month The agents attended 11 Magistrate ‘and Justice of the Peace hearings, and 4 court trials, approved 22 per mits for parolees to secure thelr operator's licenses, and dis-approved 138, gave food and shelter to 14, fi- During the past year Mr Miller's | nancial aid fo 10, and shelter to 5, office supervised an gverage of 209 parolees from Penneylvania institn- tions, and 32 {rom other states whe are vesiding in the 11 counties ém- priced by District No. 5 These men | gre visited at least onee a month by | the agents sand their activities checked through the parolees local sponsor and other reputable people in the community. The parolee is also required to submit a monthly approved 12 marriages proved 9 To complete this large volume of work the agents traveled 556508 mils or enough distance to cir eumvent the world twice during the past year. All records of visits are written, which requires many reams of paper and a huge amoum of ciericul work. However, the yearly (Ooutinued om Page §) and disap- | the Joseph stable, | stood an impassible barrier to the spread of the fire to the northeast, mine: were ring the coal The workers were cautioned to be careful in uncovering the hidden Menace so as not i explode the dungerou What pat by to work hand transfer shoveling Cap was [first a long drawn-out 18 loaded ralirosd a brief hunt when wens fTenred Le fine Cal 8 $1 found the would combing ot proved but anda ay day Cap numite the R'% uMain next SCONGa Car sear ¢ nding the Tol innocent moved owl the hiipment Calise of Lubuda the excitement miner had been nn them on ti Lae ane rect aeemed Cops To Have ( Pict i vidence Lid 'h Cha of Bev ¥ midget 4 ane AIeTas VIN Are te ¢ Blair dered (} has oF regulation equi; radio patrol eB — Ridge Man Hurt of Sandy Ridge Sandy A Visitor In Seven ' Thousand Homes Each Week. = EELLEFONTE, PA THURSDAY The Most Widely Read Newspaper In Centre County. Random NEWS, EATURES tems APRIL 6, 1939 NUMEER 14 Esler () S Dorin RING-NECKED PHEASANT HOW TWBY Cad AFEOLD YT ON PROJECT PLANNED FOR CENTRE COUNTY AREA Propogation Scheme Explained At Annual Fishermen's Banquet at State College; Expect to Rear 500 to 1000 Birds VRLION | UU 8 ERsall Ca ermian Hi WV Js COLIegs 180 PRISONER SALVES BODY AND ESCAPES JAIL THROUGH HOLE sc cri fie Siu: oop fy Come wr To Go On Trial For Slaying Baby COC CAMPS CENTRE (0 BOYS New Bloomfield Attorney Ac Ap pointed to Defend cused Youth Bellefo three thealres tage any PETA ‘Opera’ being acceptable for every form of entertainment upon the stages O° Sribes The ea public amusement halle were Reynolds opera house 10 cated on ficor of a build ing adijou v Ie present Wei Food store oi legheny street and the Hume ra houses that pied a f the Hume where Exchange sucosesively rtering respeciive then as aimaost shown traveling oom i 17 the setOng WO Crider port the hs ang no stiempt them. The Garman later by Daniel raman used 25 A Wie theatre is t OTUY eINRining piay- ie to remind of former day" can recollect the Re the town made T_T a a PETAR DOA oo ite left Those who ids opera house thealre } number I 168 fell pre wiped out business place m of Harel to the Wei It was th the present } Allegheny street al Bann treet toric fire that sept away part of trye nnine Corner tion of the town that becime famow for its unsavory atmosphere About 8 o'clo March 20th. th #8 I ery of fire rang out on the frosty air sand was taken up by the startled citizens all town. Flames were seen issu- fro mth eprivate stables of the the night over Brockerhoff estate at the rear of the | | jot adjoining the alley. Both the Undine and Logan fire companies responded and went to work in sarnest to subdue the fame The horse and vehicles were re- moved from all the stables adjoin ing the burning structure but nothing coulll be rescued from the | Brockerhoff stable except a which was turned loose In the Cow yard A valuable team of horses, carriage, |: buggies sleighs, ete were destroyed harness northwest and the greedy flames soon wrapped in their embrace the stables on the east side of the alley that ran north from Bishop street Joseph Brothers, who conducted the dry goods store now owned by | Hazel & Co., maintained a stable atl the rear of their store, and adjoin- | ing it was the stable of Cal Lose and | a shop used by R. B. Spangler who was engaged in cabinet making and furniture painting. The Lose stable and Spangler building were of frame construction and quickly burned, but built of stone, To this fact, and the watchful- ness of people on the ™ofs of their houses, was due to the safety of that portion of the town, south of High street. By 8 o'clock the firemen had the conflagration under control ani confined their efforts 10 keep the smoldering embers from being blown about the premises, During all the time the sparks and burning shingles were flying in every direction. and men with buck ety of wEler were on svery roof, put- ting out fires as fast as they caught Tyrone and Lock Haven had been telephoned early in the evening for | | assistance, and afterwards when the | pr— Centre Democrat's ne of the events not of a famous Bellel Democrat which ner bullding. The ms Dery WRY au of pment when ing opposite the Bush J suffered Ly The nls fire nag it paper ont quart aw my Lent { the roof of i respons: hoCses an wet gheny steel were saved The 1 desta of that section again SREY SO host the went on Disaster Starts Anew tigen f Grea en g ¥ Oe x 4 ewine alter moxe N. Bauer nobody bel in the bullding smoke from the fire I For twenty SETI] but no one it Finally 1) We cox and firemen began io play and crockery Ww rooms Lhere BOL appear 10 be any fire. Ina minutes ver the flames bu forth from a doen places and from building Then began the second and mot destruct of the evening as much of a the stables thie alley been SAE Bishop thers was it was old back in the al ninut ea soe of the paid any attentio ¥ Gn ved vr raid mn POAT of Duy wr was broke HINA WaAre we, but 8 1 Wwe the he fire 7x origin the fire wa mysiet aga in on the we of i ais It has said that the firene : | were denied permission (0 enter A high wind was blowing from the | budlding, a ol be Li0%s n 1d WOuld refs that fire proceeding found in today's This delay, it is beld bie Tor the destruction of the in the entire block along wa buildings Allegheny street The fire forced ita way i Bishop street and north along | West glde of Allegheny street until it had enveloped every building on the along {he First Baptism of Fire Bi Le D008 cl } i WENe arTesies Severs other opposed leaving the hd arr - Jt. v Wl Fortunately the fire uy #4 Corp ithary y, TE Sy TA ne gives “401 State Motor Policé qo the : Aas : : x th 4 ‘ r— A “- Gown a: ar w¥ the 7, Vie ey ok] aia LEN QEVESGD SaT0UN. Walle extinguished a few were Tiel “Wiiite or buff, the would: be im- and ver & oat of the gide- cetling larger fire win Eels Of water nie fire- 2 Firemen Hurt When Inn Burns Suffer and Cuts fingers and as though they were fread ONAL When Chimney Collapses &ICLU are the firemen Nad also aad Bruises included Alleghes store: § z Sidelights of the Fire nith Bros While nobody threw furniture f the windows Tad 3 ; fe wr bed do expedition at Spruce Creek Fire Gidsr i pangier's iunteer mormimng the O0KINDE firemen were and ywiistalirs ve 4 4 CRITieq many ial FO00 OVe wa wang i ot st Lae principal of Saved x Robert Porter oi mEeEmne Bay com; tly after Thy oe v4 cafsl lailiag Beda Tat reet srming has he Bee Hive was bumniz : 3 £ endeavoring to Catholic Church on Fie th ral seichels headed off the fire a seven ghooter. Te dropped plunder : Dullding ii Eilenberger (Conoued on page sx) arge of ® caretaker, who ‘was | Tig INS) leap to safety from an up- | certainly goes 3 jong way tn many window | Insta &. This department congrat- Pressure from a hose stream col- | TiEtes- The Bank wnd Messenger the two tall remain- | JONES on thet ‘mutual step forward and as the other top- | . a Yidse PR vrs i Boned own ¢ three Hiremen without | Beefonte ahd Hfes warning. They were able &« to | that on June 1 he their homes aftér tredtmen an | Dimsel a candidate Tor the lexandria physician | Sherill, om the Re; . : | We have ‘no busines: meddling In | Republican patronage, Hut Jim has epent enough campaign money and sapuioty time In running for office {0 deserve § pretiy good job from ithe Grand Old Party. Hes gt a {way about him and = following in this fall's elect ghi mean the difference between surres: snd | failure for other Republicans who aspire to the Bhrievefly DOMins- tion dine hos - gel awa Was Thu voluntee summoned sho va: discovered said to be owned of Tyrone, was in | firmer ang Quicker ang | pearing has been stu note sounded By the uniform. Cloth- not make but i Ig res 0} OR Tes of the Cal the ithe § f the second bs ned (0 the new conflagration holic church Was twWite on Bre nan and the deep tone A ¢ a a LL ar ——— GW ——— r= eee Payment Begins On Sewage Plant First pas of the Administration 4 of $55,800 00 for th | lapsed : | lg Chime , ati Work friend, Jan grant construction of Disposal plant in Bellefonte a aS last week, PWA Resident Engineer Inspector Howard F. Meixner has announced The check | Pederal Belle fonte m Public jrigm With MMcials the money received, local will be able to dompiete final | dmtalled pans and pay comtractors, who will carry on the work. They in tum can pay their men employed |’ on the construction site and order | the necessary materials Jar con- glruction, a process which will cre. fe Over two and a half times a much employment throughout the nation's Industrial structure go Sewagy by siibalde "al ved here - . A Romance of Two Worlds Telling how the yearning svir't of | a doctor's departed wile assured him | ft would be all rig it for a 20laer wo- man 0 substitute for her on earth “The contribution of the Federal | One of many illustrated features in not only makes pos- | the April 16th is The Ameri construction of this and | can Weekly the big magazine dis- the prelimin- | of other new faclilties | tributed every Suaday with the Bal- ary expenses of the propeet and en- { throughout the country, but is al- | Himorg American. On sale by all ables local officials finance the | TOY having ‘a marked effect On | “EW dealers and newsboys first part of the work ! the building materials Industries to jand the transportation system of The purpose of the Act which | the country,” Engineer Howard F makes this money available is t™ | Meixner stated, “Aside from the em- provide employment and to ald the | ployment of local men here on ‘the nation’s hard hit heavy industries by enabling communities to bulla | | construction sité, we will soon be able to feel the effects of the seo- Worthwhile permanent public im- | provements #20 or $1800 00 from Lhe Govefnment received by officials marks the first actual transfer of Federal funds on the new project. This check for! Ripon pero of the total Cost re | Cravarmmem present Federal Government's | le the contribution towards | thousands 11 ai we of is Lae This writer tever Mitchell Cunningham his younger dave. Practically our en- fire mow iadge of him came through sitending Councll session during the past 16 years He differed from {most Councilmen in the! hie had a imind of his own. He wasnl afraid Oo Garner Fingerprinted i 3 Following the suggeilion of Pres. {ident Roosevell the! it would Iw 8 {good thing for evervone ‘to submit | voluntarily to fingerprinting, Vice | Pre: ident Garner submitted to bes ing fingerprinted by J. Edgar Hoo- | | ver, head of the FEI knew the late iw ondary employment created by this | progress.” dg ——-, Bp A — ow ‘KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES’ — Alarm Clock Proof HMOW ARE YOu COMING ALONG WITH YOUR BODY SUARD, THESE Dave, EDO ¥ / Mh A FA El La MR $A BODYGUARD? rE DOLAN IS A BODYGUARD, I'tt A ONE ~ AN ARMY Ad ——— pe WY, HE'S SOUND ASLEEP! J———————————————————————] THAT ANT TH HALE OF [T * LEMME SHOW YOu HOW GOOD A BODYGUARD HE REALLY 15 “~~ Ti. NOU OUGHT TO GET A GOOD WITCH - DOG == THIS COP 15 NO PROTECTION TO bi |