hw April 6, 1939. i ea ' HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. -— “ LOCALS —John L. Barr returned recently to Fortress Monroe, Va. after spend- | ing 2 months with his mother, Mrs Lydia Barr, at Mingoville, Pa Mrs. James Clark, West Stree, has duties at the Katz store well known establishment —H. W. Alkens, of Juniata, stop- ped at our office Monday, while on a short visit with his mother, Mrs Carrie M. Alkens and his brother Forrest F. Alkens who reside north ot Mlilesburg Mis. Robert FP. Hunter and uaughter, Hepr'ctta, last Thursday motored to Pl. alelphia, for a visit with Mrs. Honter's sister, and her son: Miss Butts and Graham Hun- and fam.'y, ~Mrs. Wilcox, the former Eleanor Ardell, and her daughter, Marv Carey, of Norfolk, Va, were in Belle - fonte last week for a visit with Mrs wileox's sister, Mrs. H, L. Curtin the Driscoll aparisments ~Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 1. Corl well known Ferguson township resi- dents, were in Bellefonte Monday on a combined business and pleasure trip. They were pleasant callers at our office where they are always wel- come —A\Irs. Nathan Aful'. who has been «ith her bro.oer-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs Bruce Burlingame, at Cazenovia, N Y. since December has returned 10 Bellefonte to reopen her home on Curtin Street for the summer Mrs, C. Edward Robb of North Allegheny Street will leave tomor- row for & motor trip to Annapolis Md. to spend Easter with her son Midshipmen Richard Robb, 3rd. cias:, of the United States Naval Acgdemy. -Mr, and Mrs. Charles Garbrick of Wilowbank street hid as their guects Sunday their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Eheffuer and son Billie, and Mr Garbrick’s brother and élster-in- law, Mr.'and Mrs. John Garbrick, of Bishop street —Mr,; and Mrs H. Russell Smith of Harrisburg, spent the weekend in Milesburg as guesis of Mr. Smith father, W. H. Smith, who is slowly recuperating at his home from Lhe effects of a recent illness. Although he is not confined to bed, Mr. Smith 15 quite weak and has not been able to be outdoors. Week, Jr. of Wilkins. burg, arrived in Bellefonte Wednes- day of last week to be with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Meek of North Spring Street, until after Easter. He is convalescing from & threatened attack of pneumonia, {or which he underwent treaiment in a Wilkinsburg Hospital before coming home ~—Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Dubbs, of North Thomas Street, motored t) Rochester ‘N. YY." during the latter part of the week, Mrs. Dubbs ex- pecting (0 remain there until Easter as a guest of her brother-in-law ana sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tor- rens. Mr. Dubbs returned home Sunday. The Torrens will spend the Eater season at the Hoag fam- ily home in Bellefonte, according to present plans ~The Rev. J W. Yiesley, of Mill- mont, was in charge of the morning gervice at St. John's Reformed church, Sunday, owing to the ili. ne#as of the pastor, the Rev. C. Nevin Stamm, who has been suffering from a severe attack of lumbago Although he has not éntirely recoy- ered his health, the pastor has been condutting services every evening this week, and expects to be in charge of Easter services, Bunday morning ;=Mrs. Harry C. Menold returned tn her home on West Curtin Street Sunday night from Wellsburg, West Virginia, where she attended the fu- neral of her father, Charles P. Dick- el . Os —(George R ert. of Harrisburg, Pa. who died at | | the Polyclinic Hospital, Harrisburg oh Priday. Puneral services were held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Wellsburg. The death of her father was an unusually severe blow to Mrs. Menold. since Rust six weeks 220 her mother, Mrs. Dickert, pass- ed away —iMrs. Elizabeth Larimer who for sce time has been employed bY the Pennsylvania Power and Light ComMany at Allentown, arrived in Belleforte on Priday for a visit with hér parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Lorimer, at their home on West High Street. The purpose of her visit at this time i to take 5 com- plete rest ordered by her physician. After a week or ten days in bed, Miss Larimer expects to continue her rest at the parental home for a month or six weeks before returning to her dutles jn Allentown Jack Wilkinson, proprietor of the stationery store in the Plaza theatre building. West High street, is resting comfortably at the Cen- tre County Hospital from an oper- ation he underwent on Monday Jack was in the act of carrying a heavy box up from a basement room | of his store when he made a mis- «fp and fell, suffering a major in- jury. Although an immediate oper- ation was not necessary, surgical treatment would have been required eventually gud it was decided to have the ordeal over at once. Yes- terday predictions were that he'd | be able to leave the hospital about | April 18. ~Mijor and Mrs. Ralph T. Smith, of Harrisburg, spent the forepart of this week in Bellefonte as guests of their respective parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Smith, of East Linn Street, and Mr. and Mn, W. D. Rider; of Willowbank Street, Ma jor Smith, who recently resigned his post as comptroller in the Depart- ment of Military Affairs at Harris. burg, has accepted a position with | the Shell Of] Corporation and for the next few months will be engaged inh creating a sales organization in the grea including Centre, Clinton, fycoming, Blair and Clearfield counties, for the distribution of a new type of road binding material. Major continue w ——————— —— High | resumed her clerical | ufter a | year's absence from the staff of thay | Mr, Howard McCloskey and little son Ralph, of Clarence, were callers at our office on Saturday. ~Roy J. Crater, of Spring Mills, ? D. called at our office Thursday while on a business trip to Belle- fonte, —Wateh for Mrs. George Miller's | annual Easter flower sale beginning | Thursday, April 6th, at Miller's | store, High street x14 Miss Lorraina Kirk, of Luthers- | burg, 1s spending some time at the | | home of her uncle and aunt, Dr, and Mrs. M. A. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Robert have returned to their Mingoville after having winter at Irwin, Pa Have your eyes examined now! Broken lenses replaced. Howard F. Bauer, Optometrist, Crossley Jewel- ry store, Brockerhoff Hotel block, Bellefonte 101 Harnisn home in spent the ~-Approximately 90 women from | M!lesburg and vicinity attended a style show held by the Milesburg Woman's Club in the Milesburg Presbyterian church, Tuesday nigh=, After a display of spring fashions by various Bellefonte clothing stores, a social hour was enjoyed and re- ireshments gerved. A daughter was at the Centre County Mr. and Mrs. Richard of State College. The new arrival is the third child and the first daughter in the family, and both she and her mother, the former Miss Lorraine Murphy, of Bellefonte, are reported to be getting along nice- iy born Sunday Hospital tw M. Bottorf, While visiting in Philadelphia last week Mrs. leonard “Pete” Glenn, of Milesburg made a mis- step and fell to the sidewalk frac- turing one leg in two places between the knee and hip. After the frac- tures had been reduced and splints applied, Mrs. Glenn was brought to her home where che will remain during her convalescence —A motor party consisting of the Misses Pauline Witmer, Helen Jen- kins, Eleanor Love, Helen Garbrick, and Betty Jane Funk, and William tenkins, John Kelleher, John Over- ! olts, Bamne! QGriest and William Fick, will leave this weekend for a trip to Washington, D. C. to view the famous cherry blossoms and to take in other sights of interest in snd about the capitol city —A regular meeting of the Belle- foute Mothers’ Club will be held at the home of Mrs. R. C. Blaney East Curtin Street, at 8 o'clock Mon day evening, April 10. Mrs. Blaney and Mrs. Samuel! Shallcross will hove charge of the program. the tople for which will be “Taxation The entertainment will include mu- sic. A representative tumout of ciub members is hoped for —Mr. and Mrs, Clyde Boggs have they spent the winter months, and have leased one of the Ross Wallace houses in Milesburg They had their furniture brought up ror Philadelphia where it was in stor- ege, and are now fixing up the Milesburg property as a more or le permanent home. The Boggs usu- ally spend the winters in Florida and the hot summer month in Maine Twenty-one member; of Belle- fonte chapter. No. 151, Women of the Moose, me: last Thursday night at Spring Street Cds, senior regent, Katherine Smith, Washington, D. C June for installation ceremonies Mrs. Mary Sager, chairman, sub- mitted a report of items sent to Moosenart, children’s home main- ained by the lodge at Mooehart ml ~The second edition of the “Fam- ily Album” will be presented by the Young Women's Guild of the Belle- fonte Presbyterian Church April 27 it was announced yesterday by Guild officers. The affair will b2 held in the Presbyterian chape] and will be in charge of Miss Ethel Cri- der. Mrs. Samuel Shallcross is pre- paring the scripe to be used. Bongs Cora Lau- Miss with Mrs presiding grand recorder of will be here in end instrumental music will be fea. | tured in addition to the “pictures that will be portrayed. Admission is 25 cents. ~Announcement by Mrs. John L. VanPelt, of near Bellefonte of the engagement of het | daughter, Miss Rachael Van Pelt, of Chambersburg, to Alexander Oal- braith, of New Britain Conn date has been set {or the wedding. Miss VanPelt is a graduate of the | Bellefonte High School and Temple | the | Uriversity, Philadelphia. For past five years she has been a teach- er of commercial subjects at Penn | Hall, Chambersburg. Mr, Galbraith alse (s a graduate of Temple Uni- | versity, ~dAnnouncement cf the engage- | ment, of Miss Lenore Morgan and J. | Ernest Martin, both of Bellefonte, was made Saturday night at a din- ner party given hy Miss Mary Flem- ing ai the home of her parents, for- mer Judge and Mrs. M. Ward Flem- ing, on East Linn Street, No date Pas been set for the wedding. Miss Morgan, daughter of Mrs, O. G | Morgan, of East Howard Street, is a graduate of the Bellefonte High Bchool and of the Pennsylvania | State College. She later was award- led a Master's degree at Penn State where she established a record as an exceptional student. For the past several years Miss Morgan has been teaching English and civics at the | focal high school, where she is di- rector ¢f the schoo] glee club. She also directs the junior choir of St. John's Lutheran church. Mr. Mar- | tin, son of James Martin, of North Spring Street, is a graduate of the local high school, is a member of | College, and is now part owner of tre Pe-Ro dairy store in Bellefonte, Those present at the announcement party were Miss Jane McGOliivera, of i Canton, Pa.; Mrs. Nathan Krauss, of Bloomsburg, and the Misses Erma 8loop, Mary Baum, Jane Beatty and Marie Carr, all of Bellefonte. Fol- lowing the dinner cards were play- ed. with prizes being awarded to Mrs. and Miss Bouts | ference, returned north from Florida where | have | the L. O. O. M. home on North | hag been made | No | | the Campus Owls orchestra at State i | Bee Crossley for the finest blue —Our mailing lst was corrected | { white diamonds; loose or mounted. ‘WE. Crossley, Jeweler, Brockerhoff | Hotel Building, Bellefonte 10t1 | ~Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Kusse and | | daughter, Joan, of Fast High Street, | any payments { will motor to Barberton, Ohlo, Fri- { day, to spend the Easter season with | Mr, Kusse's mother, Mrs, Ella Kusse, | subscription is noted {in that city. —Mrs, Wells Daggett, of East | | L'nn Street, has as her guest this | week Mrs. Maynard Murch, of Cle- i veland, Ohlo, who motored here { Monday. Mrs. Murch will return to ! ber home tomorrow | ~Mrs, Benjamin J. Beezer, of East Bishop street, who about three | weeks ago underwent an emergency Operation at the Centre County Hospital, is convalescing rapidly and [15 now expected to be discharged | from that institution tomorrow | ~=Mrs. Lloyd Loewer, of Brooklyn, N.Y, arrived in Bellefonte Saturday { for a visit with her parents, Mr, anc { Mrs, A, C. Smith, at their home on { Bast Bishop Street. According tw present plans she will be joined { here for Easter by her husband, and will accompany him back to New York early next week -Forty-one pupils of the Junigta Joint High school at Mifflintown i members of two sections of the chemistry class taught by Warren E. Lebo, motored to Bellefonte last week on a field trip. The students were taken on a tour of inspection through the mine, power plant, offi- ces and kilns of the Warner plant of the American Lime and Stone Company ~—Plans for lighting the section along Spring Creek near the High street bridge so tifat Bellefonte's big trout may be seen at night are being completed by a committee from the retail division of the Bellefonte Chamber of Commerce Lighting details are being worked out and additional plans to erect a souvenir stand are being made | the committee announces ~The Centre County Agricultural Extension Association is sponsoring an exhibit of 4-H Club slides ibis week in the show windows of the Jack Wilkinson store on West Hign Street. The display consists of 12 pictures, each of which is projected oh ag screen for about 30 seconds | before the next one automatically takes its place. Owing to light con- citlons, the display is presented onl! item 7 to 9 o'clock each night. ~Scmething unusual {5 being at- tempted at the Milesburg Bap church. This church is turning all : duties of the church to the young people of the congregation for one week ] i ts isl These duties will inch offices of the church such youth pastor, Sunday School s intendent, deacons, ‘trustees teachers, ¢ The vq n church will assume the work of the pastorate on the 23rd of April. and then on the 30th. the leadership will be returned to the regular officers after the preaching service A West Penn Power Company | rutomobile, specially equipped for focating the sources of radio inter. arrived in Bellefonte this week and is now engaged in a sys- tematic check-up of the couse of Bellefonte's notorious radio noises Up until late yesterday no serious trouble had been Jocated, but a rumder of miner sources of noises nad bern spoird and steps taken (0 correct them. The car is manned 7 sn expert on radio interference, shd iz Is expe ‘ted that much of the owns radio ly will be cotrected within the nex’ week or + uth will Mr. and Mrs. I. Cypres, of Ridg- i way, formerly of Beilefonie, became the happy parents of a 20f, born at their home at 6:30 o'clock Tuesaday night, The new arrival the sec- ond child and second son In the family. Mr. Cypres, former manager of the A. C. Turner store here, is a nephew of Mrs B. Goldman, of Bellefonte, This weekend Mr. and Mrs. Goldman upd son. of the Pet. rikin apartments will motor Ridgway to visit the Cypres family. and Mrs Coldman will remain ithere to oversee the care of the youngster for a week or so ~Mr. and Mrs. W. W._ Bickett and i Mrs. Erma Sloop are arranging to motor to Niagara Falls, NY. © spend the Easter season with Mr and Mrs. Bickett's daughter Miss i Mary Bickett. While in that city they will also call on Mrs. Bickett's gigter. Mrs. Clayton Baney, of Ni- agara Falls, who is In a hospital there undergoing treatment for in- juries suffered last Thursday morn- irg when she fell down the cellar stairs of her home. Mrs. Baney is suffering from fractures of both aims and several ribs, and for a | time her condition wag quite serious | The Baneys, former weil known i residents of Bellefonte, left here about 20 years ago. ~Miss Mildred Aley, daughter of i Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aley of Jackson- v'lle, will become the bride of Jack | L#Roy Mabus son of Mr. and Mrs | Blaine Mabus, of Pine Street, Belle- | fonte, at a ceremony to be per- formed at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) morning in the parsonage {of the Methodist Episcopal church, | Bellefonte. The Rev, H Willis Hartsock, pastor of the church will officiate. In the bridal party will be { the parents of the bride and bride- | { groom. together with the former's i sister, Miss Betty Aley, and Mr. | Mabus® brother, Blaine Mabus, Jr. | Immediately after the ceremony the | young couple will depart for a wed- d’'ng trip to Baltimore, Md., expect. | ing to be guests in that city of Mr. | Mabus brother and sister-in-law, | Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mabus. Upon | their return to Bellefonte they will | make their home for the time being | with Mr. Mabus' parents, The | bride-to-be was graduated frqm the Howard High School and for the | past four or five summers has been | employed by A. F. Hockman at Heels Park. Mr, Mabus, a gradu. ate of the Beliefonte High School. | attended Penn State two years, and | in 1997 was graduated from the | Fckeis School of Embalming in | Philadelphia. Since that time he! has been employed as an assistant | to Puneral Director Hardman P| Harris, of East Howard Street. | Bellefonte. Both members of the young couple are widely known throughout this area and have the best wishes of a wide circle of friends for happiness and prosper in theis-futuse life. is | president [Club at annual organization meet {ing held Monday night at the Elks | were: | and | McCulley, | April 1st. Kindly check the label jon your paper and eee if proper | [credit has been given you, If we have failed to give you credit for made during {month of March please advise us ut once. The expiration date of your on label. Now is a good time 0 check your label and see how you stand with the publishers 'W. H. Brouse Heads Local Elks’ Club Brouse was the Bellefonte elected Elks William H of Home, West High street, Other officers named for the year John CGalaida, vice president; Martin Miller, O. A. Kline and Wil- lam Yates, trustees, and William H. Brown, secretary and treasurer The business meeting followed @ turkey dinner served in the social rooms of the club. Music was fur- nished by the Phare Pleigh orches- tra of Bellefonte, which made it initial public appearance on that occasion ————————— BIBLE CONFERENCE IN PROGRESS AT at 7:30 o'clock of Detroit, Mich Bible Conference held in the Bellefonte Brethren church, upon the The Love Passion of head This will scheduled CHURCH Rev. W will ad- being United theme Cod- Tonight 8. Hottel dress the third of the which began Tuesday and will continue through- out the coming Sunday Rev. Mr Hottel, the teacher. js an outstand- ng Bible authority and lecturer. He is widely known in religious circles for his contributions to the Union Gospel! Press and the Sunday Sch Journal, His irational teachin has sown thoughts of greal wherever he has been called Themes for the Cx ing the balance of the Friday, 7:30 p m peope of the Cross Saturday, 7:30 Peatures of Christ's Sunday, 10:45 a. m rection of Christ” 7 Blessed Hope A cordial invitation is to everyone to attend Bible with you be Lhe SeS810NS 001 Insp good mierence dur week will be The Kaleido- m Peculiar Death The 30 pm Pp Resur- The extended Take your EVANGELICAL CHURCH WELCOMES NEW PASTOR Rey who reception in honor of the Jacobs and Mr Jacobs were transferred Wis members local Ev A HH recently Danville night by tion of the The Rev. Mr. Jacobs Rev. John B. Mayes the Bellefonte church Edward J Teaman Keller. E. M. Cartwright and James R. Hughes participated in the speaking program, while ih follow- ing entertainment was in charge of Foster Augustine: Miss Roxie John- from last Thursday of the congrega- church the here held angelical replaces a8 pastor Charles W goh, organ numbers.® selections by | Pine Grove Mills quarteits, prayer by Mrs. Blanche Peters: hymns by the congregation; a reading by Mrs Violet Miller; and accordion solos by Mr. Augustine and Robert Wayne. Refreshments in the social rooms climaxed the evenings ac- tivities C— i — YP ——— NEW ORCHESTRA MAKES DEBUT IN BELLEFONTE Bellefonte ganization made Monday night Pleigh Orchestra band. fumished annua! meeting Elks Club the West High street Composed of ten members ing in age from 15 to 20 yeirs orchestra shows considerable prom- ise of winning much popularity dur- ing the coming summer months Members of the organization are John ¥ Galaida Miles Ailkey, drums: Charles Coble and Donald Wion slide trombones; Robert Chesman, bass fiddle and violin; Charles Minnemyer, banjo, Robert Porsburg and Paul Everhart, trum- pets: Kenneth Fromm saxa phone Walter Porster, clarinet Wms o— LENTEN PLAY GIVEN BY PAROCHIAL SCHOOL PUPILS ————— The Lenten play The Upper Room.” givin by former pupils of 8t. John's Catholic school, last year, was given again Priday night in the parochial school hall of E Bishop street. A large audience was present to witness the popular play, direct- ed by the Sisters in charge of the school Those in leading roles were Rich- ard Austin, Anthony Boscaino, The Misses Mary O'Hara, Patricia Kel- ley, Anne Kelley, Jack Cole, John Drogan, Milo Sciabica, and Carolyn Kachik. Choral work was done by the following: Susan Torsell, Jean Teresa Fike, Molly Gher- rity. and Rosalie Miller ewest musi Or - deb here the hare ten piec Wing music for the the Bellefonte Elks Home Pe at on rang- the mano out that “Dated” look with DEVOE'S Rejuvenating Paints as low as $5.45 a month We'll arrange thru FHA CLASTERS’ the pink | Page Five I | every week. That's why 1 30,000 People Read This Column Je Centre Democrat's classified advertising de partment has become so amazingly popular Considering ils low cost aha | the benerits derived, it is undisputably Centre County's Comunu.iity Bar gain Counter. RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for first lssue, und 16 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertise- ment containg more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged. REAL ESTATE advertising—sale or rent. KEYED ADS- A stralght one cent a word ls charged for rea eslale ~All advertisemnenly that request replies Lo be mailed Ww this office, must be complied with by those answering “we adve:lisemenls | Please do not call at the office for information concerning such advertise | ments, as the publishers are not permitted Ww divulge the name of Lhe ad- vertiser, BUEBACRIBER'S PRIVILEGE -Every subscribed to The Centre Lem OCTAl 1s entitled Lo a 256-word advertisement iu these coluling oue ume free of charge, intervals Lost and Found FOUND 4 reside cure J and paying f omforier on Bellefonu slreet Owner nlormmation ad ny LOST 6 key Dew er Finde ane at M ji Help Wanted man Ww work Ardery. Nitta EIN RAsOLiDe CMD folder attached ivi and LLL] Lack P Roomers Wanted | WANTED Two Mn Alice M Bel gnte Pa ‘Wanted to Buy an in Inquire Log an roomers Showers i 24 for and «11 WANTED . Boge po ¥ chickens. Onli SrOp a I'd tre Hall market sheep calves Centr * Hall 54-R Sidney T. Risgul the Articles for Sale SAL 2 . Tre TDasg Signs the Centre Democral office POR a Inquire 3nd f old maga 1636 Fiemning. Pa xis 1918 - FOR SALE One Fordson condition will trade 1 ” Geo WwW Bartoa r A-l Fa xis A POR Rnplete Pr SALF-~A ¢ ing Out xl Ho fl Lot Russel) POR SALE {rigeratlor a bargain Ingud Pi easant Cap Pa OO SALE A Royal size, hard cosa of Frank A Pa. Phone 476 3 "1 1000 Inguire N ant Gap brooder ive, [ike hew Brooks, Pleas “H-3 x14 POR SALE--Don’t bulld « Pence with electricity at ov # COAL Co led. $975 w i By erhart, Btate College Pa. oetly FOR BALE--Simotids one man crowns. cut saw, 3 foot circular saw, one inch centre scythe, axe and chest of rawers. Inquire at 16 East Linn St Bellet: onte, Pa xi4 YOR SALE er; «100-chick capacity “Drok wl bedroom suite; baby bassinet chairs, stands. tables. Kerosene amps, Mra 8 B Barkha Bellefonte BR. D i Ph ne §38-R- xid POR SALE wo rockers one a wile low, also some potatoes and onions snd 8 hand clover seed sower. In. quire of Mrs. E D Roan Blanchard St. Bellefonte. Pa xi4 POR SALE--1 horsepower electric motor; Briegs & Stratton gasoline motor single cylinder engine and pumn jack combined, John Malls Bellefonte, R. D. 2 (Hublercburg) 14% FOR SALE-Hundreds of used tires, all sizes from 15 0 26 inch rims, Backed Ly written guarantee. Open evenings until § o'clock Walirun Ato service, Snow Shoe Intersection, Phone 753 E+ 4 POR SALE Three glase-top tables, 12 chairs to match, 2 marble-top tables, 3 dinette tables, 1 12+ft. fold- ing work table, 4 benches, 4-burner grill, 3