_Mavch 2, 1939. A Eid NEWS 1 UN N BRIEF AND PERSONALS OF IONVILLE (Reported by Special Correspondent) — SPA Se A a Methodist cinl Evengelis ing with s the Trinity ch Bervices sermon by M, the Bunday by JRE In Fred Prayer Sunday at 9:30 a ing, mg © hurch service Rev { of ser mon by urch on "Friday e our forme: H. Crawford of O regular serv School a the the evi INIg ry on ™ Sahoo! or m. follow preaching at ce om Hdtie Marc) of fire Wi Mr Pittsbaryh leomt Orie H few days last week but to he du for an dre thankful Mts, Ste fa shioned quills and n had neighbors invited A number ten Batu can We Mrs Bh al Bark on} errel O the meet rday afte mer ded Oscar f Alt W the om an {Mr ahd Mi Mis Bre over the wecke formes Mrs aunt Pierce restime ing MASSEY-HARRIS ! ; ; : ‘i At State College, Monday Evening, March 6 by Engineers from the factory, by about Lock venin Mirthodist Church Services—Spe- | There til evell- Davidson ol Haver with Preach efrvice i) 1 p SOTVIOes Av i. BUSH HOLLOW ser and Mase fhe da oy COME AND SEE THE NEW 101 TRACTOR Also “CLIPPER” THE COMBINE you have been reading about in your BES | A STARTING AT TWIN Farm Paper : POINT CLIPRLR COMBINE, 8 P. M., IN THE JUDGING PAVILION POWER [“101" TE CEE TAM e380 "MOVING PICTURES AND LECTURES C. Phone 13-R-3, 10 Other Machines that are pied on a farm will be on display. Everybody Welcome ! ~ worsen enim W. BEHRER Penna. Furnace, Pa. 1 p % 4 HOWARD t | Glenn of Net: York on Monday Miss Prances City was “operated appendicitis Mrs. TT. R. Robb Butler motored with more, over the weckend to visi wih Mr. and Mrs, Preston Robb, Mr. William Mayes was admitied to the Ci yunty hospital last Thursday nigh He | A well as can be expected Mr Mrs reCeivVIIE CONRra arrival of « ‘son, born Saturda) Bobby Pletoher Mr, Mr Varion Pletcher, had tb fortun slocauing blade, Monday, while a ale of Ralph Pletcher, Mr. Asbury Pletohier wa njured while working al the Cou ity Home Monday He wi ken lo o Coens and Mr friends to Bal- nire Cx restlig Charles Taylor art lations over the and and mise der » b I. Plle In FC SUTToOU alam Wy Lave Froest ¥y oteni:z A ———— A a ——~ ORVISTON t Aen Haven spent UU George Walker 34) of Lock weekend a the home, Hatte Cot ntet daughlsr Mry, Rober: Songs sk al writing «ith ne My May : and Bran Heats na Lomison of Tack Has 44) day fitertioan” an & even Pau! Lomd at Toe The 50) Ab ties al Mrs James DELong on. night” for thst “regular meeting Emaiiné Butler ¢_weeend LE fe 0 Wi ot Mr. and Rejlik Paul A anen? 834 i= ity. .a%- the He hime 67 Thursday monthly af Fivrard, spent weakend” With ber A Mrs Bd Confer r. al Mrs. Jenn arid OO. B.C; ne mother at Oak BaAenis Rhoa hae H 0) nefit the d Annie of Howard, weekend at » Sherman an : Hite H I. E Confer and Ciillespie ad ’ Bal tha Condo paw week wif) Chaties Neverly the Mrs Haven The Mission regular mont home of "MY on Monday. n Pr as np meet a DeBoer at Sonutent fight the fo ring yore present: Mrs JB Oflespie. Mit Clair Botler, "Nore. Ean Leison Mrs. Willis Tham: on, Mrs A 3 Shank, "Mrs. Walter “Shank. Mra Ed. Confer. Mrs. Grant Hain, Mr I. C. Barner, Mrs. W. O. Gray and Mrz. DeBoer, C—O SO li TU HAY IN THE MOW HELPS KEEP DAIRY BARN DRY May in fhe mos Sbed id P fnshife toni and helps keep the dairy barn warth, cial: County Agent R. C. Blaney. Some [ifmer: hdYe ans wittingly beeli Lie Calise of dampness in their at tables by leavihg bate apile on the mow floors. THE results ins cold celling Balow oft which molstire — onder Tt 15'a good plan to have 4 tower ing of ‘at least two fee; Of hay of straw over abatement dalty stable If part of the oeill 0g i below 4 barn floor which most Be Kept clear, ile insulttion tan he applied on the under side of ed 1s. Ordinary ‘fosulating sheeting of fivetighthie Inch, thickness is not sufficient, Besser protection will be ‘obtained If either fill fnaulation % | added oy two thi $e Of the mia terial used. Material upreinnied with waterpr withatand the | penetration "of tire better and. have gredtes pi to prevent hedl passage, “Wet Insulation gives lide. protection. MATS y I protection fs destred agatha’ ¥. were ‘al Hedito Medker, Jr. has been ads tag. P, { | Myr. Shevaan says: The Zostie Shirld ipossible fires, sheet metal can be used fof the ceiling, and fl imsoin- tion placed between it and the floor! above. Two thicknesses of floorin | with sheet meld! between Jive peso {lent protection against fire damage Ventilation of dairy stables is often poor. Usually the construction of & single flue, floor outtake Evaten with {numerous amall inlets will solve the problem. Plans for its sofsituction ean Be omained ww ihe OMics Of Ue county agricuitiral ‘cxtenslon asso- cintion office in Bellefonte, i geese governed. by the | Any country, Ba a labot | business class, will and cheap raw Tost THE. fof | John i and hin int lehves yor, mix well this | {will be held Satur the i ES Sarah Ann's Cooking Class ——) Lettuce, celery, ming and parsie’ have made a reputation. Lottuce is eaten to the very last leaf; there are many ways in which wo serve. It, Célery ig the most versatile of them all, its varied. uses enable the house- keeper to make use of the coarse stalks as well as the crisp. Mine has a distinct appeal to the appelitn and appears in the form of wence and oll, 8 piquant addition. to and should be served allen Braised Lettuce Ke D0 Wedges a nittesed broiler fifteen y basting. frequently with me! wrve very hot, nd cook mils od on a Hes bitter Buttered Beets With Celery cup cooked beets tablespoons butler CALDOON Villegwr POON sugar Ouiside stalks of celery cup waler or s0cK Cut beets in quarters or in small pieces apd pul In ssucepan wigh vinegar and sugar; keep Hot ready to serve, Cut outside om a bunch of celery. In 2% lees crosswise cook in ender, Drain and seas ablespoons of. bulter, of yvegelable dish and th beets, —— Braised Celery in Green Pepper Rings inch of ler ¥ cup of beat Stock onion pig of 1 2 Oh butler until Lalks Ir inch tock unl and on. with 2 eter nd wi b a parsiey pepper { and ; 1 piece Place een celery and cut in in a CALSETOe parsiey, cover bake J DoS, serve. JN HOES * TA e 4: i Medes iw 1A] Va [4 + a Gn. sliced with bee! Remove Currant Mint Sauce les on of 1 far: . bread umbs Iv chopped celery cup chopped stulled olives, ss REDOOn pepDel. Melt Ia, add opimbs, salt and pepper and mix well. Add. otlery and olives and mix thoroughly Use wifling roast shoulder of pores. Current Mint Sauce ¢ WOT LALEIPOONS coped nut AbIrDOONS chopped min! leaves Add nuts Eerve & a pelish, wiih sosel jamod - p—— Pour 1 cup of sony green Lea over p Labiespocn finely chopped m da a, cup Of Jemon “Juloe, Yop cradle Jee, Js ap, SUEAT Audty » fox grainy Of salt and the rind from I cucUupher, oul in gaipa, . Lev sand nil sped Strain and chill Just hel tre hg pour pad a lemonade Jig had Tali oi pe 3 Add i Rp nerr> Jules, gngerale a noflaled waler, Garuian Rok of tins, thin glces of and Hn, orange Mint Glazed Carrots 3 meditim siden Carrols ‘e cUp iter, ‘es Cup sugar ableapoon chopped ming ‘eaves ips cooked peas all, pepper 5 a v nn tape and cut carrdls in then in sirfps. Cook boiling salted walel, rain. Cook alowly with pu or, sd gar, and mint eaves ames soli 400 flaiad. Add peas. Season with Guts WI, sail ald pepher. ices tA : th 0 menue Vegetable Crogueties leftover chtrots, hirnips, beans or Peds. make tasty sgieiies nel combingd with bealedl Eds H Calis Sch four and a generous amount of Chopped parsley. ‘ te. alo fa sakes and IMy Bere very. hot with ites Darley. A Creamed Shrimp, est not 4m 1 cup of rich cream i Ser Judy w wrve, Aig.1 Ta jp SHOP. ped Du and pi wilh Slices of. bard viled ope... Raw Vegetable Salad 1 cup Tosly chopped: STs: pepPer 1 cup grajed raw carmols. : cup finely Shredded Jettuce 's paid An n Ahaoge gral Ta yOnnase, Mix sad, vegetable separaie! 4 with 7) mayopLALe 10. bind, On a leal of jetilice piace 2 moling of ears ros, Pads a nd of Jeftuce on Wp Of GALROLS and top with § mound of green pepper, sprinkle wilh Serve. wi Avr arteaing. | Mis a ————y 5; PINE Grin The anit sin § A 6 yr unity Match $th Relreslinents will be joid. The t fro | (eonds tof the Sanday School. Caf i1abd Bel a good chyse Mr. and Mims. Wiliam Hall and daughter Sandra, of Towanda y 2 fis fecently. Marvy mitied 0 regiment. Jack and RN. B. Burkey, Lioyd Kerin and Floyd Meeker of (he C0- burp OOO cautip shenit the weekend’ at their homes. Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Folmor were shopping at Philipsburg on Satire FS Muthorlan Bt Altoona. spehit weekend al home. . : Burke { the week-' STENT LAd family Mrs. Wiliam Hoover and wore Booting in lock " lock Maven RP the Clearfield Hospital for ySairday Heese. of the CERTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PX.’ Recent Weddings Dot hyBovd Donachy, Jr. Ch granason C: C. 8hiu y, Bellefonte Boyd, p f Chi and Kingston Arle wr son of Donachy, of Mr. and Mrs. ofl East Bishop street, Miss Harriet Ruth of Mr. and Mrs of Forty-Fort, were in marriage on Friday; ¥ebe 24, ni the home of the bride's They will reside at Forty Donnchy is a graduate of tom High school and Wyom- OFREDArY, and ano studied al Uj of Pennsylvania cmpioyed for the Lorillard Mr, Lies of and « ughter : A. Boyd uniied FUATY parent Fart, Mi King ing ivopeiLy Caorl-=Rurkholder Mi F. E Miwire richold But IRhve BHLOUNOR Ville of Lhe Mari Peter Earl Mr. wm Mrs. A. K wate Coleg he ceremony jer f Rev, J. 8. English at ay evening. The atiend- Mir Mi Wilbur 1 ol Bellefonte, The h% 8 Jersey Bhore : LJ IA he Cent County for the past two engaged In private ing. Mr. Corl Is a graduste of the Btite Col High and is emj Shoemaker Hrothers Blate ( the dangle LAr Cori, ol Orme Baxiofl Pri nt anda ide is High Aine Hau Years Nurk- hae bes ege Choo] Ly niege Curtin—~Holfman ongnent has bean ma lefonte ! well known Bellefonte through fréqiien bere, attended Darlington fF yY, West Chester, I ’ ! ad Vile ii curin 1s High LSC001 Acadetny, and the Stale Colisge, For t he hag beth eguoyed by t Mohican Pencil. Compaty. in Phila deiohia Mi. and AG, Curtin wil make thelr Lote. In Bellefinte ———— 3 Lae SavioneUlrich Rose Baxion, of Lemont, be. aia Liye Liide 2 Kepneil Ulrich, at ol a sd M Haley, Vit M0, al. Bo « Bing Bellefonte, a 8 CETOIMOLY perf wed an Frid AY Tat BL. Joh: labhetar SB with the Arnold offielat Wu of the wed al a 2plise shower home of Mi Wednesda stent, Felrus Such tales A PLETE of #4T £ 1 ho hel Lhirrh's Vane Si Rey Ane A ; at a & al fn hrother aru reise he ride. Both Mr, and Mrs, aales of Belles mite High school, dnd Mrs. Ulrich has been employed lor ome tine Shaffer store at Sate Cols Mr. Ukich 6 empioyed by Whitesock Quarries at Pleasant Gan. They expeel lo £0 t0-hol Keeping In the . near Tutur bride 5 a daughter of Mr and Mm Wilbur SBaxion f&mont hb! vackinRpHtiger Virginls Springer, daugh sod Mis, Guy 8. Springer West Poster aveligie, Blale College eame he. Igide of John feCrackhan Trauger, al nv held at 3 o'clock Saturday af poof an Grade ayieren Church tv Coege, sith the. Rev, J. H tarkiny officiating. The bce was given | arriage by Ber (at! Dy hey ter Gene Me of | : burgh. wad best man. Jay Keunedy oresided at the organ Phe ride etn layed fy the Pen Stade Alun. wi office a graduate of the State College H igh schoul and the College, The boideggoom 8 ule a graduaie of thr Calldgs tof 33 He | at present em acy ed by. We Mine ty Agoliabics Company of Pitts wirgh. Following « shorl wedding ip Mr and. Ms. McCracken will be at home in Mt Lebanon. EE ————— Robinson