THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. fod. March 2, 1939. Page Twd ” PINE GRO (Reported by PERSONALS FROM BELLEFONTE'S NEIGHBORING CITY VE MILLS G. Mac Fry) a ow —— 4 ae— Jay Harpster is breaking ground for new modern house on old school house site at new cemetery. The Car! Kocher family were din- ner guests last Sunday at the John Kocher home at Fairbrook. Don't forget the C. M. Trostle farm sale next Thursday, March 9th an excellent farm line of equipment Harold Martz, a student of U. of P. Pittsburgh, was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Martz Our good young friend Jack John- ston of Graysville underwent a tonsil oparation recently at Philipsburg State hospital Miss Corene Coply after spending the winter months with Bellwood | friends has returned to her country! home at Penna. Furnace Miss Nancy Stewart of Boalsburg was a recent supper guest at the A. K. Corl home on White Hall some of the boys are getting their brass bani in tune Miss Charlotte Kock who holds © nice stenographers position in State Capitol building, Harrisburg was | last weekend visitor with her rela- tives in town Sorry to relate the illness of Mrs, J. T. McCormick of State College. well known here in our valley with a host of friends who wish her a speedy recovery The Ladies Sunday School Class of the Luthegan church held their reg- ular monthly meeting at the Charles T. Homan home last Wednesday evening on the Branch. Among the grippe victims the past week were Mrs, Earl Bickle and C. E Frank both are improved at this} writing, also our paper man Dally Times is housed up. Donald Fry, un- der care of Dr. E B. Gaviute Newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell were feted with a small kitchen shower last Thursday even- ing at the Albright cabin on Tad- pole. Many expensive and useful gifts were received by the bride and groom The joint banquet of I. O, O. F 14 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reed spent Saturday evening at the G, H. Tres- sler home in Millbrook. Rev, Alburtus Groendyk and wile of Graysville Presbyterian charge were guests at the I. O. O. F. ban- quet., Messrs. J. M. Campbell Charles Henderson of State College, were short callers in town Saturday P. m Mr of Oak Grove were among the bid- ders at the Fry house sale Saturday last. Prof. A. Brooks Corl was a caller Saturday at the Philipsburg Hospit- al, bringing home with him Mrs, Corl and infant babe Nancy Sue Stockmen Miles Walker and Guy Kocher were among the bidders last Thursday at the George Owens farm equipment sale on Buffalo Run Messrs Joseph Harpster and Samuel Musser were pleasant callers Rock Springs last Wednesday evening, spreading good cheer on their way. Emnest Hess dental student of Temple University N. Y., spent a few days recently at his parental hame on the branch Mr. and Mrs. 8. M Hess Reports are that Russel Eyer has purchased the John Strayer home in Gatesburg and will flit from the Archy home in Pa, Furnace to his new home in the near future, Last Wednesday the James Mc- Kivisons vacated the G. Ed. Corl farm at Oak Grove and moved to the Geo. Dale homestead at Dales Summit, right man in right place. After spending the past three months in State College with her daughter Mrs. Maud Myers, Mrs Alice Irvin returned last week to her Balleyville home much improved in health Miss Eleanor Wasson who hold nice position at Polyclinic hospital Harrisburg spent the past weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr worth farms as and Rebekah lodges held last week was a real success. It was consider- ed the best banguet held in many years past. An excellent dinner and fine appropriate program enjoyed bv all present, 175 plates laid and all taken s Behrers are in house- Mr. and Mrs. Charl taking their Ist lessons keeping at the Haines house In Graysville Dr. Stork presented them with a chubby baby boy last Mr. Geo. Irvin of the Goodyear { Tire and Rubber Co. with headquar- [ters in California drove in across the states last week to spend some- time with his aged mother Mr Daniel Irvin in Balleyville At the W. D. Port property on E. Main street was knocked down by Auct L Frank Mayes at $1225 to Miss Edna Ward who will take possession April 1, 1839 Thursday. Chester W Jr. and grandpa C. W. is pushing out ihe ood cigars this week or » ss S——— NICIPA MILLHEIM, PA. MUNICIPAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY {March 3rd & 41h) SPECIAL DOUBLE-FEATURE No. 1—Ralph Bellamy, in: Smashing the Spy Ring” Glenda Farrell, in: 2 Dn “Torchy In Chinatown” No. MONDAY & TUESDAY {March 6th & 7th) Maureen O'Sullivan, Henry Fonda, in: “Let Us Live” Chapter No. 11 of “THE LONE RANGER" WEDNESDAY & THUR. {March 8th & 9th) Loretta Young, and Richard Greene, in, "KENTUCKY" (All color.) ALWAYS THE FINEST OF SELECTED SHORTS : day Men's Bible Class of Balley- ville Sunday School will be enter- tained Thursday evening March 2nd at the Willis Schilling home on E Main Street, a good turn out is de- sired. Good program. good eats election of officers for coming year PLEASANT VIEW Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Packer and children Woodrow and Mollie Lou of Axe Mann spent the weekend with his parents, the Charles Packer family. Howard Young and Uncle George Spicer and Lioyd, Odie. and Ray- mond Spicer were guests on Tues- with Mr. Young's sister Mrs Earl Brenneman of Lewistown Mrs. C. E. Packer spent over Mon- day night with her daughter, Mrs Ralph Hook and family at Houser- ville Milson Packer and friend Miss Minnie Mulbarger of Bellefonte, were Sunday guests at his parental home The Howard Young family, who moved onto the Henszy farm in Patton township a year ago, Is mov- ing back this spring to Lewistown where they came from The George Spicer family will moved from the Henzy Valley farm. | which recently became a Pennsylva- ‘nia State College farm, to the Hen- szy farm vacated by the Young fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hook and children Lois Jean and Charles were supper guests at the Charles Pack- er home Tuesday evening We | what good is an education lo a man or woman who cannot get a | job? i OR SALE In order to make room for my spring ship- ment of farm machinery, ing used mackinery at a I am offering the follow- great reduction: 1 John Deere Two-Way Sulkey Plow. 1 John Deere Sul 1 Oliver Sulkey Gang Plow. key Gang Plow. , rd 1 Tractor Harrow, 28 disc. 1 Wallis Tractor. 2 Fordson Tracto 1 F-12 Tractor wi 2 Hay Loaders. ar rs. th cultivator attch. 1 Corn Cultivator. All of the above imp condition. lements are in first class C. W. Behrer Phone Warriors Mark — 13-R-3 PENNA. FURNACE, PA. Dn al and Mrs. Albert Henninger | Samuel B, Wasson at the Awl- | the public sale last Saturday of | N— N—— "BLANCHARD | Our community lost another val- | ued citizen, when J, H. Slaterbeck | [passed away last Wednesday and we | {wish to express our sympathy to his | (family. An odd coincident occurred | {death of J. H, Slaterbeck on Wed- | 'nesday when a few hours later his | sister of Salona, visiting in Altoona, | also passed Into the Great Beyond. | ——————— ———— ——————— Mrs. Irene Naditsky Onder went to Ohio a week ago where she has ob- tained employment, Miss Another Poormanside girl Marcida Poultds who works at Lock in the Slaterbeck family with the |Haven was home for the weekend. Irregular meeting for P. T. A. of February convened the 21st, Miss Morgan condescended to do a read- ing; Emil Anderson, one 8th grade | JACKSONVILLE | Church services on Sunday March |, are as follows: Sunday School {9:30; Worship with sermon | {sudent of the Theological Bemin- | ary, C. E 6:45, Topic for discussion | Urban American a New Frontier The Cheerful Helpers Class will hold their next monthly meeting at | the home of Miss June Yearick on | James Eagan returned to the As- | pupil sang. The greater part of the Priday evening, March 3 |pinwall Veterans Hospital, last { Thursday for medical treatment, {while he had remained at home his condition grew steadily worse, so he | { observation. | William Bechdel and family mov- ied from the brick house on the Diamond, being converted into a {mortuary, to Beech Creek last] Thursday | E. W. Gardner's physical condi- tion shows litle improvement, Mrs {Joseph Heverly of Lock Haven is assisting In caring for him W. H, Spangler was recalled to Willamsport last week to resume his employment with a Drug Com- pany there, | John Beam of Lock Haven, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Annie James Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pletcher, Mr {Hayes Pletcher, with Mrs. Calvin Pletcher of Howard motored to the | Clearfield Hospital on Saturday LO visit with Calvin Pletcher who has been a patient there for the past week as a result of an automobile accident. Five X-ray pictures have been taken of Mr. Pletcher's injury. and after the report of these picture: has been received the seriousness the injury can be determined Miss Jane Bolopue was home from Lock Haven, with her parents, Mr (and Mrs, L. S, Bolopue, on Sunday Rev. and Mrs. Nellson with their daughter Isabelle departed on Mon- day for Indiana Rev. Neilson preached his farewell sermon on Sunday moming. His last minis. terial act for his congregation here, was to baptize June Miller and Lo- raine Heverly in the icy waters of Beech Creek on Sunday afternoon The two girls had made thelr con- fession at the service Sunday morn- Hing Mr, and Mrs Williams and json Jack expect to attend the wed- {ding of Mr. Willlam's son Glen on Saturday evening at p. m. in the Tempie Baptist church of Philadel- phia. The ceremony wili be per- formed by Rev. Dan Poling who is pastor of that church. Little Jack Williams will be the ring bearer al the wedding. "Glen Williams, afler his graduation from Medical Col- lege, will begin his internship at Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia The regular meeting of the W CG, will b> held with Mrs R Spangler on Friday evening The meeting of the Local W. C T. U. was held with Mrs. Harris Clark on Wednesday afternoon Mr and Mrs. Rov Burlew and son jof Owensboro, Ky. arrived in town ton Monday to pass inspection upon {the remodeling of the Burlew home {here. An escalator has been in- stalled and the lower floor redec- | orated. The excitement proved 100 much for Mrs. D. M. Burlew, who is quite 1 Mrs. T. K Spangler wishes to thank those who helped in the time of sorrow over the death of her father. She takes this means of expressing her appreciation for the cars, floral tributes and for all the help given her during the illness and death of J. H. Siaterbeck Miss Helen Everly of Smethport was a weeksnd guest of Miss Jean Kunes, The angel of death has again pass. ed over our town: this time claiming Mr. Alva Winslow. Mr. Winslow has been ill for some time. We ex- tend r sympathy to the bercaved family ' of S88 : w J JULIAN Mr. and Mra. Harry Dillion motor ed to Lewistown on Saturday. Mrs Dillion is visiting her parents al that place Mrs. Robert Wellar of Aloona, spent Priday at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Edward Donley. | Amanda Moran Is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Reese. Mr. and Mrs. John Tallhelm spent Bunday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mollie Tallhelm. Edna Jean Alaxander has been ill for the last week and has been un- able to attend school There will be preaching services in the M. E. church on Sunday even- ing at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Jane Tallhelm spent Tuesday in Bellefonte, Mrs. Harold Alexander and daugh- ter Roce sper Saturday at thy home ‘of Mrs. Myer's sister. Mrs. Robert | Hassinger Joseph Swisher has been ill for several days | Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Alexander of Blate College called on friends and ‘relatives on Friday | Melvin Willlams spent the week- end with his wife in Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eichelberger of Bellefonte, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chandler on Sunday } JULIAN R. D., Mrs. Wiliam Richards of this] I place has been jl for a short time. We wish her a speedy recovery. | Clarence Sager and family are; | contemplating moving away from four neighborhood in the near future | We regret their going. i | May we say that Pebruary wen'| lout like a lion, causing the roads 10 | i for = years. Thanks to the | Brecker Boy for his assistance to | the lion. | We were very sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Newton Fisher of | Pittsburgh, met with an accident so {near the end of their journey home {last week. While Mr. James talks [of the government whipping indus- ‘try into tax formation. Mr. James {himself should be thinking about | whipping some friction on some of {these ice paved roadways, | Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Nearhooff of {this place are the proud parents of a nice big six pound brand new 1939 {boy baby. i | We wish to complement the Belle- |fonte school system for their quick icomebeak In their functioning. | The pay-off in the business world pot upon your in ition iproved by depends upon delivering the goods, | tentions, rest of entertainment program, A thankless job, was successfully ren- dered by COrades Four. Seventeen of the old members were present. and returned to the hospital for closer Some paid dues for the new year) 1929. The old president finally agreed to stay in office until the end of the school term when an elec of officers may occur, ‘The plan on beautifying school by planting of hedge and ladles lands {shrubbery collapsed when not en- dorsed by men members school board. has brand nor ap- Caviocks cow a new cad. y Cole of Moshannon is to be operated on today, Tuesday at the state hospital, Philipsburg Miss Peters and Mr. Brungard took supper Wednesday evening with their aged friend Mrs. Cordelia Craft at her comfortable home on Windy Hill. The occasion being a Wash- ple was a menu specialty Robert Cole punil of Grade Eight here, only survivor of the truck sled collision at Cherry Run, a month ago, was discharged from the Phil- ipsburg hospital and is again ag his home Presbyterians of Moshannon had nd Vespers the past Sunday evening due to inclement weather and Indis- position of allendants 81. Michaels Clarence has church every Priday night during Lent. All good Catholics locally should form the habit of attending The John Lohr family tain have a new baby Fourth Grade invited Mls Smi and her pupils of Third grade thelr Washington's birthday pro. gram Wednesday p. m. which they accented and witnessed, Mm, Tar- man was the only pare sho found + convenient to be there The John Gaviocx family were Bellefonte shopping Saturday The Clarence Banjo Band is giv ing thelr concert in the auditorium the Presbyterian church Friday 17th. beginning nrombdplly a! 8:00 p. m. Admission to all pupil going to any one of 12 grade schools 1-12 inc. is only 10 cents. Others Ii 0c. We know the orogram varied instrumental. vocal, marches hymns will meet your approval Bince 1's St. Palrick™ dav Banjoers will likely wear groen and piay some Irish alrs John Balash Snow Shoe Manor, who an appendiciomy at Lhe hospital aboui 10 days ago, has re- covered sufficiently to be removed to his home There he is nos ooh valescing Clifton Reiter and family visited with his mother Mrs. Stone al Kar- thaus Sunday A correction from jast weeks | cis was in the name of one of We Drapcho party goers. IL was ro! Miss Frances MoGowan who Was to Dripcho’s party but Mrs. Franeh MoGowsan Toxnship teachers received long delayed pay checks last Frida What with rent. insurance, autes ets. it keeps them stepping fo keep up with the Jones’ Paul Kassik one of the bes! © in Crade Five Is confined to hi home with an infected hand and blood poisoning Charles Herrs are boasting a grandson born to their daughier Uving at Lock Haven Miss Annie Biggan second daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Big gan of Poormanside is home on va- cation for a week from her votk a fock Haven, while her employer it on a business trio to Plllsbursh The Howard MeClkekey fami visited Bayers of Yarnell Sunday p.m Mr. and Mr: Will and two children Clair and Ellen visited with grandma Cowher a! her Sandy Ridge home during ihe weekend Mr and Mrs. Kling and children of Bellefonte called Sunday #8 the home of the lady 5 pares. Mr and Mrs. Mitch Heatoix here Weather man gave us all kinds weather during the past week. Rain snow, sleet. windy, cloudy, fair and pero Arthur Stephen's family and ihe B. G. Carra’s were Bellefonte shop- pérs Saturday nigh We hear Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Myers have purchased a new car whereby they plan to enjoy the beauties of the county. Callers at ths Arthur Stephens home one evening last week were Mrs. Arthur Rockey and brother Al lison Watson from along the Snow Shoe-Bellefonte pike, Mr. and Mrs. B. OG. Carma and family were Subdav visitors at Becarria where they visited Mrs, Carra’s mother. Mts. Patsy Carra. who has been ill for some time is slowly recovering Sunday callers al the Btephens home was Miss Vivian Carlson of Bootchtown who called on her friends lsobel. The nmany friends of Mr. and Mra Frank Caprio of Lock Haven form- erly of Clarence will be glad te know they're the proud pares of a young son, she being one of our popular girls, Beulah Herr, Three Misses Biggan Anne, Mar. { Poun- th v i to of March ml ol erwent prourietor the » their uli New am Tarman of | Jersey and the two Jatter from Poor. Mr. and Mrs. Bovd Gensamer Miss on a drive to Snow Shoe Baturday . m, where they did some wee fonte, and Walter M. Puchs State College, at East ave- nue and Shortiidge and M Phillpebury ~~ ... | aren and Miss Ella Lucas spent last , of | The Ladies’ Ald Society will hold their next monthly meeting at the thome of Mrs. Willard Harter on Saturday cvening, March 4 {| Mr. and Mrs, Harry Baird and! ison, Ralph of Bellefonte, Messrs Ed. | $inrding and Paul Sinclair of Hyner OOC camp spent Sunday at the A A. Garreth home George Swope and Jamu spent Sunday at the Elmer home, cther callers were Mess E. Aley, Vincent Lucas and Vonada On Wednesday two cars ing the following Mr Daniel Stover and daughter Char- jotte Mrs Irvin Walker Peouna. Purnace Mrs. George Whee land and children Doris and Duane and Mrs. Earl Bickle of Pine Grove Mills, Mrs. Charles Rudy of Stau College, Mrs, Ray McGhes an daughters Eleanor and Barbara of Port Matlda motored wo the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Noll wher a very Enjoyable day was spent, tl ladies very ardently applied needle In assisting Mrs. Noll with 144 , quitting Lau anh Swope irs, C E E containe- and Mrs and of i i iM 4 ne Noll | evening callers at the Rob- ert Conaway home were his brother Mr. Ellsworth Conaway Beech Creek, Mr Mrs. John Dunks and son Paul of Bellefonte Mrs. Orin Pye Wednesday evening with Mrs. Ted. Dixson Mr Florence Rossman daughter Shirley, Mr 1d Mrs Rosman of Lower 4 5D mmday evening field Dietz home Mrs. Willlam Beightol eral days last week al her pwenis, Mr. and Harter brother Donald and family, near Kylertown, i ing In quilling in both homes vd afternoon calier home were Mrs. Ed Ferma of Bell Russell Pike « Sunda of and spent ar Clair ’ at »” “ 4 LO and i daughter 2, and employ petit the week Mr. ang 2 Bagie with Mra. All uti a window ehen door on Runkle vy Oyler farm with his parems, nkle of Mt A A Garret or I a 4 i rs ’ aL he were Beech Cr Sgtiieig little 4 caller home TONAWAY Monday visited her son ek 8 OTK #9 of m our the town time presenting Mr. and Mrs. Yar- nell Poorman with a seven pound baby girl which has been given the name of Shirley Irene, both mother | land babe are getting along fine and | ithe little miss says 1 think 1 will be cared for as I already have three older brothers A large number of our peopie are suffering with a severe head d and cough Mrs. Walter Dalley pent several days at the her brother Mr. D. P. Ertley v. the main object of her to roe the new arrival which has 1 given the name Margaret An will be surnamed Peggy Bunday callers at the Roy Ovier hom: were Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Olm- stead and son Ray and Ronald, of Lock Haven, Mr. and Mrs. William Benford and son Chester, of Belle- forte Harr, ona . Altoona home of arid anc is of visi ¥ 4] Al- and BE T. Beightol motored to on Sunday afternoon participated in the second C wrcadcast over WFBO Nevin Yearick made a business irin to lancaster on Monday Misses Rosetta and Dorothy Bart. ley spent Sunday with their grand- pares, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Nef of Howard Mrs. Walter Dalley of Itoona. wpenit Monday afternoon at the El- mer Swope home A A. Garrett and children spent Sunday evening with his father G Pr Garrett of Rebersburg Mis: Viola Fike spent Wednesday afsrnooty at the James Bhaffar home, Sunday callers were Mrs | Robert Conaway and children Kath- “nn. lacy, Lester and Harry and Louise Beightol Sunday dinner guests at the Wil- filam Reightol home were Mr. and | Mrs. Donald Harter and children | Beulah, Donnie and Zane of near | Kylertonn. Afternoon callers were | Mr. and Mri. Robert Conaway and | children Kathryn, Lucy, Lester and | $farry. Mary. June Harry and Johnny Fve, Betty Aley. Fred Belz, | Willard Weaver, Dick McCrea and | hilip Bartley. ! Priday evening callers at the Noll | nome were Viola Fike, Dorothy Belz, | Geraldine Swope, Mrs. Robert Con- away and children Kathryn, Lucy, | tester and Harry, Mrs. C. E. Aley | and daughter Beity of this place, | Miss Mildred Aley and Jack Mabus | of Bellefonte, the ladies assisted Mrs. | Noll in quilting. | George Gummo of Mill Hall was | a oaller at the Sumner Noll home on Saturday a. m FAIRVIEW Mrs. Miles Bitters and {wo children |yisited on Monday with Miss Ella (Lucas. Mrs. Miles Etters and two chil- . | | Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lucas at Curtin, Miss Barbara Confer spent Tues- day night with her grandmother, Mrs. Jessie Oonfer. ! Chapman of Summit Hill ‘on Friday. |" fussell Jones of Pleasant Valley ivisited on Sunday at the Malcolm | Jones home. | Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lucas and | two sons Lemuel and Jack and J. B. [Lucas visited on Sunday at the Fred | gaturday | rado, {at A at POTTERS MILLS Mr. and Altoona, v 10:30 {aldine, primary teacher) on Wash- in charge of Mr. Eli R. ¥ablan, a [ington's Birthday Charles Miss Amel the weeke home Mrs who Miss Caro Bunday w {Joseph Re few weeks Mrs. E. | Colyer brother-in who has been Charles Blue and his bed wi WwW. A friends in Mrs. W her bed Thoss v E MoCo birthday from State MoCorm Margaret Bollinger Reed who McCormick table were n Mrs. Edgar Hoover from The sited thelr daughter Ger 7 / fa nice they have Mrs. Anna Mn her Mr. and nounce the son whom Cilenn, at morning M tre Hall and son Pg lady friend led over E. Foust Vroman and la Copenhaver vi nd at the H } nome of Colo- been visiting line McClaskey home, on ent to Millhelim 0 the ifsnyder home to spend has v al the 3. Palmer spent a few days | helping to care her Jaw, Mr. Thomas Farner seriously {11 Boone proprietor White Inn i h an attack of pneumonis wii wi { on wreckin of of his sireet « car of UY 4 ¢ a confin Saturdas \ WOrk Theodore er in ’ |another car bank Was his ana ( led Milroy M ith inl wugh Bweeney | heart attack gathered al 4 to heip Mi isiderab eelebDraty R. H Sollege; Miss La Miss Isabe n. of Bellefonte mick Wa COLEVILL Ma M igel ’ Mason Mr. E end a u ing Ng Martha oom ne i the death Morris 4 RI BOCK rie Gunsall Ralph Mason nome “r } V Minemvyer wnt _— i r f ie Guy Hous re 10 Se A A der who Mires iil) wr v rating loads perating wi byt 14 i DU a nam Sur Royer and daughter returned Lo few day: Mrs are they thei ns Elmer Snare had h 4 injuring himself when he lost contro whi about mor al an to Pre ol ” re WAN hers Teds oor C Box R3 HOLTZWORTH Ns ¥ Cloyd AS caring is Tit Linquest b 801i Jal PLEASANT GAP MARTHA FURNACE stork Royer home Feb pound Don't forget the eldcken and wal- fle supper in the basement of the M. E. church en Friday evening, March 10 Mr. and Mrs, George B. Harpster, State College, spent Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Gensamer home Cecil Maurer spent several days recently in Altoona, with his moc her Mrs. Ellery Knarr att nded the Garden Club, Thursday afternoon ab the home of Mrs. William Shultz at Port Matilda luncy Steele and Virgil Heaton, attended the School Directors oon vention at Bellefonte last Thursday -> sited the Richard 16th and left them daughter whom Dorothy Maxine who cared for ed day azo Russell Brooks an- iva) of an 8 pound have named Russell r home Saturday Brooks of Cen- for Mrs, Brooks the misfortune 3 car and seriously Blate urda going Co, plant unfortunate wit} er le driving 430 pm ning en on Gat Ba Get That New * 10 Meta was entanglement an } own Mr niureg pushed waertown Line- MEIN nage was done Lo n TED! nat tern ols gue pa CTI Bia CLASTERS’ PHONE & E————————— ’ types of ail 4 come {0 soe me Fleming, Pa Unionville ar Av & Q vaNA O° Buy Quality Pennsylvania Products at A&P During Penna. Davs rr p — I — Made In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania DELICIOUS HEINZ SOUPS " * Mo Med Vans on™ 2 Cane 25¢ HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP - - - Jf 1c Jersey Corn Flakes - - - Carnation Evap. Milk - 10. 63¢ Spaghetti Dinner..." .. N.B.C. Ritz Crackers - - ... 2lc Hershey Cocoa - - - - 2 Hershey Choc. Syrup - 2 cans 17¢ .wn---0 cakes 17¢ cakes at regular price and gel additional cake for lc Sw Buy Apple Butter YUKO CLUB Colonial Choc. Dainties 21b 29¢ Waldorf Tissue Scot Towels - - 3rolls 25¢ eetheart Soap 2 a 8-02 Pkg Aun Page Prepared SPAGHETTI Aun Page BEANS Ann Page Baking POWDER - 2—12-0z cans 2: Avn Page Pure EXTRACTS Smunnyficld WHEAT or RICE - 2 pgs. 9¢ Kentucky Club TOBACCO 5¢ 222-00. cans pk. 25¢ ib can 2-0%., btl 23c¢ tin llc Baked Goods Fresh From A & P's Altoona Bakery CUFF @® LAYER POUND CARES PASTRIES @ BUNS | DONUTS ® ETC. | AT LOW PRICES | i ! Penn Maid Beverages ..... charge N - - Introducing a New A & P Delicacy ! DUTCHESS LOAF ea. 19¢ 4 rolls 15¢ FAMILY BREAD 2 eee 13¢ Giant oaves Fresh Daily A-Penn MOTOR OIL - 2 gal. can $1.15 A-Penn Window CLEANER A-Penn Dry CLEANER Vel Naptha SOAP Austin Carpet CLEANER 3B-or Jar: large bils 25¢ 15¢ bil. 10¢ . x - gal. can 49%¢ 10 cakes 43¢ bil. 23¢ - - - Holders oa. 15¢ - - Roasted and Packed in A & P's Pittsburgh Plant ! 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE - - - - - 3-Ibbag 3% RED CIRCLE - Ib] 3rd NATIONAL CITRUS SALE! Florida 70's, 80's GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 19¢ Florida 220°s, 252’ ORANGES Red Ripe TOMATOES - - 2 doz. 27¢ Ib 10¢ - w Penna. Grown Produce ! TU Blue Label POTATOES - pk. bag3le APPLES PARSNIPS - 5 Ibs 25¢ 3 Ibs 10¢ 5 Ibs 19¢ RNIPS = - Tc BOKAR Tender Round and Sirloin Ib 19 STEAKS - - Ib27c¢ Fresh Pork Shoulders__Ib 16¢ Tender Center Cut Chuck Roast Mealy Rump or English Roasts Small Legs of Lamb____Ib 25¢ SQUARES - Ib 14c Ib Be Pollock Fillets. __ OYSTERS -- w19c FRYING - pint 25¢ ---=lb 20c¢ - A. & P. Food Stores