November 24, 1988. - TE —— woven CENTRE COUNTY'S LEADING Public Sale Regie! | All interested buyers of Live Stock, Implements, Household Goods, ete, at public sale, turn their eyes to these columns first, Make sure your ad in full description, appears in this sale register, A a de POST LTC + TITHE SHH LU SILL UBL S LUD L HILT S CHT Te HE He (HLL STOTT ES TET NOV. 26-Harry A. Con- | FRIDAY, MARCH 10--D. C. Bohn will fer, Bxec., will offer at public sale offer at public sale on the Brock- gt the late Thomas O. Cardner erhoff farm, 4 mile gouth of Old home, locnted 2 miles north of How Fort along Lewistown road, full oe ard, on the road to Marsh Creek, a of fm implements and Hve stock full line of household goods, Sale Clean-up sale, Sale at 10 a.m. EK at 12:30 M. Smith, suot, SATURDAY, NOV, 26-J. R. Miler, SATURDAY, MARCH 11. Attorney nh fact for the W. FP. Cal Stover on the 1. A. Meyer ver heirs, will offer at public sale mu west of Coburn will the late residence on Penn Street hog anle, consisting about Millheim, Pa. a full line of house- head. Sale at 13 © BD. m hold goods. Also at the same time and Hubler, and place the Colyer homestead will MONDAY, MARCH 13 dT Me 12:30 will offer at publi Mever, farm located east of Rebersbure, farm Mnplesns Sale \ L) ' Lp aut SATURDAY, Park A farm, 4 hold a 100 Wise of Clock auct Day HK. Le w wie on J ro hies oun livestock and 10 o'elock Wise & x49 D. Ker- + sale On baie Mt vis x oH. ar 'Y can at his barn Carlisle, Pa males and colts SATURDAY, NOV. 26-—-The signed adn : the of the late | offer a public sale in the of Pine Grove Mills the following discribed valuable real estate; frame dwelling house on Main Street 1d all necessary outbulldings bids will be received farm. M mil Mayes, Lemont, Pa livestock and farm College 2842) until date of ! | ments neu ng S Yan Mac Fry, a intatrats L. Fran end Seeara ,. Py ihe Ming Mayes, auctioneer | m. SATURDAY DEC, offer at public Salona, Pa, a Nt nie, of at he TUESDAY, MARCH 14—C stotter will offer at public the J. Prank Long farm, | of Clintondale on State wo Look Haven, Uv under. estate 1 Hage MARCH 14 will offer at “T. R nub JESDAY Robb lmple- Up sa Hubler 14 1939- nut y ON ota John Lhe of fise & X UBSDAY MARCH 3-E. B. Seyler will ack will offer at sale at his home at yr E farm iil line of household Coburn 1 vest POOds consisting ique fur- ments and some niture, stoves, dishes, carpeis, rugs, Clean-up sale clocks, in fact it will be one of the Maves & Stov largest ——-— is held WEDNESDAY ‘ Kaufman will wm. Ross farm 1 Hevea SlOCK, npied Stover north Pa ¢ lle ock, I OWN] Wale a uct MARCH fler at of ant or, 15-—Fhn er * sale at ear Pleasant nents and 19 id Sale at 10a. m SATURDAY, DEC offer gt puis near hows m WED? N ESDAY Chap Sarma bowusshaold # Deo E. M. Smith, 1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, Weaver & Stover will offer at sale on the A Wenner f miles west of Millhel Pa. stock and farm np pons Poo at 12 i in i \ at ¥ A. In Mayes & Biover, at auctioneer WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15--Elmer Sto- for ot wibltic sale © 7 4 1 ) ¢ pu n TI 3 CRSDAY CE, H E Mauck farm mile east farm 6 miles west Hubleraburg, Nvestook six il § N implements, andl ne Lou a of Fi t i & 4 . ' A 8 hh Sale at 12 poor 1030 public rm, 2 live. DEC PU i nera Bale ver will © mile oo farm implement 3% wt 10 an y E. M. Smith lar FRIDAY, DEC. aut : IURSDAY. pill offer MARCH 161 L at publie VOLS Pur ul Whoo) Waddie of farm Lmpiem £1 Sale at 9:30 a Over, aluots Compile of this sale we Grove Mills, road leading to il farm stock and including about 35 tered Holstein oattle E. M. Smith, suctionesar. BATT DAY DEC, 10 Wade H Harp- $ Dagiel 1 H Lor, execu- “1 State of glock and St fed Inter, FRIDAY head YY . MARCH 17 tors Danist all offer at public premises 1G miles © of or, aot, yo FRIDAY, MARCH 17—Eimer Witmer, lies \ Sta DECEMBER {il offer at ! one mile north of Tussey ar ding to Pi miles southwest } 4 farm stock. fall & Sale , auctioneer _ DEC EMBER SATURDAY, MARCH 18-—-Frank Ha P= ster will offer at publ mle F K. Stewart farm, 2 on 8 l Rate Highwt pietnenis tye ‘Sale at 30 a m ftemined list of this sale will publi ater. E M. Smith BH Harpster, auctioneers SATURDAY, Lit pyre LOD Mvestock, farm implement farm and some household ph Bale at 4 p.m. J H Gilliland, atuct rms onal SATURDAY Be! nt Irnsce rye L DECEMBER ust Co 3 MARCH 18 1 of on the J ¢ preemies in Un Borough a full Hone of ——— goods and real estate Sale at | 1 L. Frank May aut MARCH 1--The Nit- MONDAY, Farms owned by Mrs - the Lakea-to-Hea No, 321, leading to Harrisburg, < sale a plus of " 0 2:30 idk £ fer near Sorin 3 farm implensen ce rere JESDAY, MARCH 21 "Pram or will at miles east of re Hall on Highway lead to Madisonburg. livestock . and farm implement Sale at 10 a E. M Smith, auct WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22-0. Mac Fry will offer at public sale on his farm Rock Springs, four miles o'clo n. NM. Smit N west of Pine Grove Mills, on State o'clock a. m. E. M. Smith, auct Highyay route 45 leading to Tyrone WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8M. H e of Hveetock and farming Swartz will offer at public sale, on imple including a latge hey the Allison farm, one mille north of Bale forts | promptiy at p Milihedm, livestock and implements mn bis will be one of the lar Sale at 9:30. Wise & Hubler aucts st onl he spring season. B MONDAY, MARCH -V hotor D THURSDAY Thompson will offer at - iblic sale or Earon, wii the Lyon's farm, @ os east of hie fartn 3 Ballefobte, along Jacksonville road, | . 2 Pa livestock and pnplements. Sale al > " and Bull tin 9 * ho Js ale a . RE " Smith. ra Clean-up sal E. M Complete itemised ilet of will appear later. Ener TUESDAY, MARCH 7—Walter Smith _suct will offer at public sale on the FRIDAY, MARCH 24-—IrviK Charles Hosterman farm, 2% miles Schenck will offer at public sale, 1 southwest of Millhelm, on the Para- mile east of Howard, lUvestock and dise rond, livestock and farming im- farm implements. This is a cleap- plaments. Sale at 10 a, m. tal : up sale, Starting of 10 o'Clock a end Stover aucts. This Is a cledn~ m. Wise and Hubler, auch, Nav. 25 : F., Merrill Dunkle and Clara Dunkle Exectutors of the state of Harvey D Dunkle, will offer at public sale at 1 nie residence, 1 mile east of Hecla, along public highway, the following personal property: LIVESTOCK .~1 brood sow, 4 pigs ten wooks old, and 12 chickens, FARM IMPLEMENTS Wagon, 4- inch tres; ‘wagon, 3-inch ‘tires with stone boards; wagon With narrow tires, Internationsl manure spreader, roller; lime aprender; lever har- tooth spike harrow; l8«tcoth spike harrow; 18-tooth spring hatrow, Hoosier corn planter; Superior grain drill; Deering binder, 6-foot oat, Little Willy cultivator, Syracuse plow, dump hny rake; ssi] chop mil; Witte 4 Dorsepower gas engine. Wwoodsaw. large grindstone wit ih pulley; small grindstone with pulley; canvas belt; her belt; clipper leaner with siave; bag wagon: bobsled: harpoo 100 feet of rape and pulleys 3 harness, reins, bridles; collars, haiters, fly nets: about 300 bushel clon ver seed; shout 10 tons of clover and timothy hay, corn fodder: shout 300 bushel of corn oh, *ats, pine, hemiock and ghest- nut boards, loctist and ehastnus fente posts; tool chest and carpenter tools; PUBLIC SALE! AT MY BARN, 118 E. LOUTHER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. SATURDAY, NOV. 26th, 1938 AT 1:00 O'CLOCK P. M. SHARP 65 Head Horses, Mules & Colts, Consisting of 24 Head of Extra Good South Dakota Colfs: 23 Head of Indiana Horses, Mules and Colts; 18 Head of Horses, Mules and Colts, bought in the nearby counties. Theses horses, mules and colts range in age from 2 to 7 years, and weigh 1200 to 1600 Ibs each. Several extra good Mares with foal. In this lot will be 8 spans of mules. Several well mated teams Gf horses snd Colts. Celok, Roan, Dapple Grey, Sorrel, Bay and Blacks. stock will be in my barn Wednesday for inspection. Will take surplus stock in trade. Will deliver any reasonable distance. RAYMOND WISE, Clerk. ; Jer Berkshi NOs y of stock will be Mt later at 11 a.m. E M. Smith, auct FRIDAY, MARCH 3-C. E Clark, % mile west of Centre Hall, Cweferer farm, will sell : and farm implements. Sale at Len "wr m alt MARCH offer Zenon C at his Hutier, M Hall, will sell Hvestock and fuil line | of farm Implements. Clean-up sale, beginning at 9 a.m. E M. Smith, suct. sou THURSDAY, MARCH 0--Geo, K. Long 1 mile west of Madisonburg will of- fer at public sale Mve stock and farm implements. Sale at § o'clock, Thisz is a clean-up sale, Wise & Hubler, aut. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8-—-Roy Me- Kinley, 8 miles east of Centre Hall, on the Lieb farm slong state high- way leading to Petite Cave, will sell ve stork and farm implements. Sale at 10a. m. BE M Smith, suct E. M. SMITH AUCTIONEER 3 ont Call and reserve dates—~Re- verse charges, Phone State College 2715 or | erndle; wire fenoing: trees; Ti aingle trees, si forks; grain corn shedler; wheelbarrow, Aplit axe, Crosout saws: hamaners; fence gtreteher: shovels: ohains: holst. Ing jack crow bars: and many other articies 100 pumercus Hn mention, Mis a clean-up sale. Sale at 1:80 PD Terma oash BE. M. Bmith swol 47 double m Nov. 26 : N. A. Duck and A. Duck, Intraton the Esta ick will offer at publi 2 miles wes! of Madison foll hed farm under i barn, slo and outbuildings in good condi under good roofy most of them wing coment floors, elect Hghta farm from West Penn System, ran n house and ba ned vith pe from never stream of the ale : ie he farm Route 85, the The lewan weriand bank Wily dev conviall Aultivat oesn more or Li nores lead p + + Johu H. Shuey 1 bres - Je a Bre Pa y fol wt pub Lt Lhe near Lem wWeLve ‘ | ATO RTI N ’ on WP VESTOCK f wt Sarah Ishler Paul 1. Wrigles Holste tail, Detwes 1 old from State (ollese hor ro #5 . TB PALEY FAR 2 IE 1 Weber an wheat » mony I i= RUNVILLE itehering this in will be the mal week In our conmtmunity © Sheety with Mrs left Lutz and Eva Pri- last Aas Rev. Tobias and wif Mrs. John Purl last Tuesday the district UB interest] ence, Mr. C. M. Hockenberry and Mrs May McClincy, and Mrs. Sallie Purl attehded the Pomona Grange meet. ing at Pleasant Gap last Saturday They report about 200 present and had a very interesting program al- though it rained all day Mr. and Mrs. Harris Watson and Miss Myrtle Watsoh of Brow Shoe, visited ir. and Mrs. Lloyd Walker unday and attended the B Es irch services in the evening. Mrs Clair Poorman and daughter “leq, and Mr. Houtz. of Hornell. N. YY. Shatored here Friday visiting with relatives returning Sunday The Sunda school took action last Bunday and will hold a Christ. mas program. M. A. Watson, super. intendent, appoitited the program committee, as follows: Mrs. John Furl, Miss Mary Reese, Miss Hilda Leathers, and Miss Mary Confer. LIoyd Shank is on the sick Hst but Js improving at this writing Mts. Bertha Erway, a sister of Mrs. May McClincy, who ha¥ been | visiting her from New York State, took a stroke last Thursday evening {and Is under the doctor's care. {| Rev. W. T. Tobias delivered a | Thanksgiving message last Sunday | evening to a good crowd. | Next Sunday evening the message will be “Making a Living and Mak- e and Mr. and motored to Tyrone afternoon, atlending fall Conference at the chitrch. They report a very and instructive confers : wor with {come and learn the difference, {| Earl Milton motored to Lewistown this weekend on business, 100 Weekly Cash Prizes. Try your hand at solving easy { puzzles and you may share in week- ily eash awards. Every Sunday in {the Comic Weekly, distributed with { the Baltimore American. On gale at jal newsstands, | | | | WELCOME, STRANGER | A farmer at Mars, Pa. has estab- | lished a haven for hunters. Instead 4d the usual “no trespassing” sign ted one th read: Wan you ( {ing 8 Life.” Everybody is welcome to! | delicious THE CENTRE DEMOCRAY, BELLEFONTE, PA. Modern Etiquette mies ag fo wyed In 1. Is it good to comment on the food se friends 2. What young man himself, hi busines oes? manner home? it indicate when ontinuou does talks ac about ) mpl How dos How should * Ios mag woo nh were 0 nu Answers botiom eof column. frien emark about a close 3 the and know nat umrue, should she whl Necessary to answer | invitation? wuld a year U dinner? man mvita~ should ing formal formal affalr to both 1 in them, or husband whom flv +9 mu —— Louisa’ s Letter \ CI —————— A —— — writer UNIONVILLE Methodist Church Services f nurs ny ie this 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Philipsburg were Sunday he home of his sister imbe Mra Rumberger callers Laura Mis reer Cla who, with her Berg tenant 8 petils uniter Ju recently she has hot three rabbit and ar house where the live, 8he is going to gee to It that family is enjoying the wild game in season Roy Calhoun is addition to property here, He hag been working on the founda- tiont himself for some weeks Das but-it = now g erected bY car peters from in and vicinity he family have been occupy- ing the tenant house of M+ HT Elway, vacated jast week one das and are now residen of Oentiral City. Milesburg. Grange Play: Don't forget plays to be given by the Grange of this place, this Thursday and Frida; evening in their hall hers, The i hort plays among the ohe which they gave a8 the Orange Picnic in August. Ad- mie will be 10 and 20c Miss Patty Lou Garrett is confined {0 her home with the Whooping cough. There are evidences of others who may be taking the same disedse We trust it may not spread as it is of long duration Hunters of the community are oil- ing up thelr guns and getting things in readiness to hunt deer on Mon- day, the 28th, Somes women of the community expect to fry their luck If you work on a schedule you can keep up with your work by ad- justing the schedule. Re a Th Re in OL ound the her while Mr it is uilding an i a who tha th S&aOn a - fansite diets fanily Gia LE Gua may Mrye of 9] 3 Cary el ough in treating several oY the most Prompt m ttention mediate jaboratory ne pal he ype { the eXamin ents sputum to de hen ¢reatiment with gerum partic type ale the Lhnee in a pHeUmMmOon:a case geable well ob- ab ponaibie { Jugh er ASO prevalence of pneumonia than the habits that prevall among human beings during the winter, Severely cold waves and sharp va- riations in the weather sarly In win- ter are not followed. as a rile, increases of a like magnitude in the prevalents of and deaths from pnefis nis. Higher numbers Cases and deaths winter and early # cumulative effects habits season. Indivi selves well during the winter DO YOU ENOW Taschalkowsky, Russian composer, produced his now famous 8ixth Sym- phony on October 28, 1883, at St Petersburg Ten days later dead from cholera, caused by driz ing unfiltered water, Hogs are not particularly dist, though they do wallow in mud termine FEE by Ver pr w the er of pneu nia ng the late spri ng thdieate the duri of the cold winte: reughout hroughout Bebauss they have no sweat glands | they submerge themselves in mud in order to cool 8 Haves. Deciding that dirigibles still have a place in the Navy's President Roosevelt recently auth- orized the construction of a new dirigible airship for “training, ex- perimental and development pur- poses” at a cost not to exceed $3. 000,000. am Ra a atl i rf Answers to Modern Etiquette nad 1. Yes, provided she can say how it is, or praise gome parti- ular dish that she knows her hostess takes pride in. 18 is of colilse Very rude for a guest 10 any “1 have never cared for salads” | do not like lemon ple.” 2.. It indicates that he is very vain and conceited. This type of young man ia soon considered a bore, and seldom has but few friends, if any 3. A woman petaing her wrap, hai, and gloves: a man Jeaves his over- coat, hat, and gloves in the hall 4 "This i Prank's wile, Jean Jean, this is Martha Wilson, Woro- thy Hudson, and Bthel White.” 5. The candles should harmonize nen Hi Bnd | in colar with the bowl or base wat containg the flowers for the nd : piece. 6. Books, flowers, fruit. 7. Tell the young man frankly that it is not true. A man who candy, and makes such remarks is not worthy | of the friendship of a good girl 8 Yes wedding must be answered, as well as an invitation to a church wedding if | it includes the reception that follows. A dinner suit, or a conservative | business suit. 10. Yes: neither the husband noi the wife should be omitted. 11. Take the spoon in the righ hand, the fork in the left, 12. ‘With the woman whom he bay the esoarted to the dance. unhygieni duals should guard them- | fond of program, An invitation {0 a home | | | the GREGG TOWNSHIP | SCHOOL NEWS | —— | Thanksgiving Dance Friday Night at Spring Mills The senior clas of the Cregg Township Vocational school at Bpring Mills will hold a Thanksagly- ing dance in the gymnasium at Spring Mill Frid November 25th, starting at 8 p. m. Music will be furnished by “Bob” Lyon All- Star Junbury. There will be both round and square dancing. Admis- sion 25 cents. Everybody Is invited to part in the evening's darn ing. on Ly y Of § icipate Gregg Juniors To Give Class Play December 9th The of the school members of Gregg Tov will present Well Met by Moonligh on Priday night, December § auditorium at Spring Mil play was selected from a large ber of possibilitic and with doubt is one of the m ing and enjoyable year. Mrs. LeC recting the following cast preg Lhe the junior hip Vocational the three CIALS act comedy t in the The nume- wut a entertain- plays of the lalre PFetterol! ig di- yt aration of hwelller citing unge and re Station WSSC York. Three » th id AMMONE aumor ald Curtis Publishing Co. Magazines To Be Sold During Week of Nov, 28 The wl Curtis Publishing Co ngs am will be con- wn the ann the Gregg Te curing This cam- NA UCLe HN id le of magazines realized a which Christmas Seals To Be Sold In The Township Gregg township dred with 80 percent being returned to the Jocal district for heallh in the schools. Last Year u { years the Orege 4 4 ned have con- the with and ional hea, Yor of health and plas yeaa & T0- } in the interest health of { that A ing on sad sregk ated red hools of the ny townsh up will Thanksgiv- on Thursday and Fri- opening again on Mo moming. he Christmas vacation will ex- throughout the week of De- Jo other vacation per- get aide for the re- vear a two-day nday lowing Gregg Team Retains County Soccer Championship The Gregg Township Vocational school soccer team retained the county championship by defeating East Penn's Valley High of Mill helm on the college practice field last Friday by a score of 2-1. The two teams had played fb a 2-2 Ue during their only game of the ragu- lar season, and ended the regular season in a te at the top of the league. TWO previous play-off games had ended in ties, both games hay- {ing gone into extra periods. It was in the last extra period of the third | playoff last Friday, and the tie was {inaily broken. when Spayd dribbled for the Gregg boys, hearly hall the length of the field to shoot the de- | ciding score into the East Penh | goal. As may be readily seen, all the games were closely contested and were marked by spirited plays by both teams. Acts of good sporisman- ship were exhibited by those con pened many times Quring the con- testing of these games, and it jis creditable that this fine spirit be- | tween schools and individuals exists, i even though the issue to be decided is that of a championship. The Gregg officials, coaches, students and players salute East Penn's Val ley High for their fine sportsman- | ship throughout this series of games. | | Coach Bielicki is to be congratulated | in his first year at East Penn, for | the fine team he has developed, and | for the high standard of clean | [lar nd Spot Snatalip that he and hia bogs exhibit, The Gregg team will defend thelr | | Central Pennsylvania championship | | earned last year, When they meet | Covington High school, champions | | of Tioga county this week, in the | i first of a series of play-off games, "held under the direction of “Bill” | Jeffry, Penn State soccer coach. Sa A | ———-— Pictures of Your Favorite Movie Stars in Hollywood | Pictures taken studios, news about screen stars and other. interesting features will be found in the Green Spotlight, a bright. breezy section distributed | with the Baltimore Sunday Ameri- (can. On sale at all newsstands, ———— I ——— Cmmchoslovakia, It appears, 1s not aon childhood other and ¢ Thi a“ Sunday School Lesson belongs 10 another, the desire 10 g#t some thing without expending the necessary effort time and physi- enangy enuses some 0 zink 10 evel aking that certain thing either oy dealth, at the point gun or through fradulent manipuls tions There are Lesson Text: Exodus 20:15; Mat. however thew 19:16-22; Luke 19:1-10, poy ang. 15, 46; 20:9-16, Mute Aiahonesty- HONESTY IN ALL THINGS International Sunday School Lesion in for November 27, 1938 eal the | 14 of SAIN “Thou 20:16 GOLDEN TEXT 1." Exodus not steal formas dishon- which are not oul- Hyprocrisy is abso- the pretense of bee ing something when down in your heart you know you are not ginceie Jesus condemned this form of dis- honesty most severely Honen lives in one's soul and ahwyld be practiced in our every day . Ying of and of the Jesus’ dealing with Zaccheus ownership, | lustrates how he dealt ith a dis dividuals oy i be honest of yt rigm utter disregard of DAN as WO per- and property, is the basis for of the criminality in the world There is a dire need the The apparent the rights of others most Lodny teaching right of for { accep Laie rom Car we man. Instead of condemn- ing whi everyone knew to be crooked, he had fellowship wilh Zaceheus in his home and gave um the opportunity of appreciating Lhe beauty irability of and good taught 10 res; One nn nD. ¥nown estimated Some noms years ago, a well after m uch stuay ! ang oes ide people ( went 10 alia work to rking the ne an Lion dollars ea : Tag severing sum oould be ma- duced UI our people we put } practice tt ish Com- mal La teria of nent 4 oA 1A Thou shi Dobbins sa) The are that he Im Lately vention of giving half of vw poor and re fold 10 those whom Sonus el TERE the fact declared his n- is wealln ‘ wy " ’ t Orivio i ol Oring affficted tl he had chealseC another meldod hen Nave universally WUirousii- ag liave Leen rumes propert Unless these two came to the temple and found criminality are dealt with under the cloak of religion, trick suce { 1d robbing thelr lellowinen by sell animals for ‘ rire f # most wed with dishones » of Yow are ly and CHR YY ial 0:Q or {ization TE « 3 A God's Houw arove Lhe exclaiming House 13 a house of prayer 1 ve have made It 8 den of thieves.” Legardiess the exigencies modest Tn times, remains true, Po jared, “An esl man’s mm plest work God" The same hat applies 10 individuals 8is0 jarge business ©orpora~ and to nations. If all persc eas ” ae 14 wo lg precincts of the property ores, here government degrades the whi 80 Brings on aegel lity. Theft r wom We takes from him labor. Theft gant God noe of wid] [4] Wi wraiion of of {he iTulis © all a] ns In the were in their deal 1 more plea ant would MSaOnNAIDE In de Wot and individuals need alwa) in mind the words of Of ELS Commandment of God, “Thou steal het & 5 in defiance nd all nati SNOW SHOE io : 1 n honor of Mn A iam nd Mis Goldie who annual bazaar and ] d hel the E. church sponsored Aid was a deci Ms anuve supper of The o M TRAY by pe LY oe ang Fin : “re while x M “" Meet you; sore room in Port chudren Russel and family Miss Bunice Lucas, of phils, spent the weekend nother, Mra, Mabel Lucas Miss Pauline Lucas with Miss Eunice for a weeks visit The Friendly Circle Sunday Schoo Class met at the home of Miss Pearl’ Jeihdort iast Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barraclough Bellefonte, attended the bazaar and supper on Saturday night. Mrs. Ben Hen of Wat own. is siti ; Mrs. James Quick and Mn Chambers and families, Miss Pear! Velhdorfe mem ast m a fe be mother, Mrs. Mary r collector at th AAs A LE and returned er on Bel lefo mile week with he Veirnorfer anc Mrs aunt, Mrs son David ol Mahlon Waison t, and son Jay of Those who spent Monday at Mabel Lucas’ were her Henrietta Robertson, Drexel HUL Miz and daughter Jane Moshannon MARTHA Miss Joy Hartsock of Waddle spent weekend at her parental home Mr. and Mm. R 1. Hartsook. Among those who visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Hartsock Sun- day were: Mr and Mrs. Rev. A G Herr of Bellefonte; Mr. and Ms J BE. Meek and son Jack of Waddie: | Mr, and Mrs. Don Hartsook, Mr, and Mra, Myrie Hautsock, Mr. and Mrs Carl Lingerfelter, all of Alioona; | Wilbur Putt of Port Matilda; Grace Moore, Verna Dillen, Arlene Dilien and Johnny Cronister of Julian, Mrs. Quay Willams spent weekend atl Sylvan Crest S. T. Richards and his competent helpers are building a nice addition to the house of Ray Calhoun in Unionvilie, Mr. and Mis. A. C. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Quay Willams and Miss | Ids Williams attended a birthday dinner in Philipdburg Monday even- ing at. the home of B.-F. Williams. ES rer They'll Be Thankful! Ave the folks st home wondering whether vou'll be there for Thanks giving? Call them by Long Distance sod let them know when you'll arrive. Will your plans for the trip be changed st the last minute? Let them know! They'll be thaskful for your thoughtfulness. Or does something prevent your going home for the holiday? Thea have a telephone voloe visit instead. They'll be glad to hear your voice And you'll It be thankful for the fast, clear, accurate service on Long Dis tance calle—a service that makes it easy for you to reach slmost antone, soywhere by telepbone—at low cost. LONG DISTANCE RATES REDUCED ALL DAY THANKSGIVING! The low night rates in effect on most Long Distance calls every might after 7 and ali day Sunday will apply ALL THANKSGIVING DAY! ‘h i the THEBRFLLTELFPRHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA * Ld , mee a Ey Ce i aa aa re a lS a a RET ME J. M. Keichline Insurance Agency TEMPLE COURT—BELLEFONTE-PHONE 19 20 Percent Saving Open Evenings Plan Now To Eat Thanksgiving Dinner at the Brockerhoft ! 12to 2 P. M. 6to7P. M. $1.00 Brockerhoff Hotel On the Diamond Bellefonte, Pa.