November 17, 1938. A —————— —— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. | with the latter's parents in Snow | Shoe. --Mrs. Philip H. Johnston has been confined to her home on East an AE dAL- sa ~Mrs. F. W. Cole of Philipsburg, was the weekend guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schaefer, of East High Street. Charles Jodon, of near Melle fonte, and J. Arthur Dubbs, of Wil- Jowbank Street, spent Armistice Day | ahd the weekend with friends in Mercer and vicinity. ~Miss Mary Swartz, R. N, Mrs Frank Uzzle and Miss Ebeth Swartz, all of Bellefonte spent Armistice Day at Snow Shee with the former's mother, Mrs. H. W. Rabert, ~Miss Rpxie Mingle and Robert Hoffer, a freshman at Penn State, motored to Philadelphia, Friday, to see the Penn State-Penn football, game, and returned home Sunday. ~—Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Herr, of Clearfield, visited the latler's mother, Mrs. Alma Alexander, in Milesburg for a few hours Sunday, while enroute home from a weekend visit to Philadelphia. -Dr. Richards Hoffman and his mather. Mrs, Bertha Hoffman, of North Allegheny Street motored to Philadelphia, Friday, Dr. Hoffman to attend the Penn State-Penn foot- ball game, and Mrs. Hoffman to see her sister, Mrs. Welrick, at Abington, ~Mrs. Harvey Wetzel of South Thomas Street, returned to her home on Saturday after a two week's visit with her family at New Market, Va, She was the driving guest on the home trip of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parrow, of New Market, Jesse Klinger, an employe of the Titan Metal Company, has been confined to the home of his mother, Mrs. Fdward N. Klinger on East Howard street since last Thursday becanse of 2 severe attack of grippe ahd tonsilitls. Yesterday no mark- ed Improvement in his condition vas SnTErent. — Anthony Ficarro has purchased from Mrs. Lulu Rine Straw, of Har- risburg, the small building on West High S.reet in which his cobbler’s shop has been located since he started in business several years ago. Mr. Fica:ro has adied a wing to the {ding, making general repairs, and painted the entire structure. ~Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kofman and family have vacated their home on South Thomas street and are residing temporarily at Wallrun, Snow Shoe Intersection. Mr. and Mrs. Kofman and daughter, Freda, gre making plans to go to Florida again this winter, expecting (0 make he trip south in their tralier early in December, —The Misses Meiba Graves and Louise Loveless, of Yonkers, N. Y.. spent the weekend in Bellefonte as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hev- erly, at their home on East High Strvet. The ladies employed as school teachers in New York, and the Heverly's became acquainted at the fishing resort in Northern Can- nd thelr summer | sda, where they spe A vacations A 5. Net's Poorman, who makes her home with her daughier, Mra Fdward Heaton, at Yarnell, spent the weekend in Bellefonte with her’ son, Claude Poorman and family. Mrs. Poorman quietly celebrated her 85 h. birthday . 1 Tuesday. Despite her advanced age, Mrs. Poorman en- £2 unusually good health. We join many friends in wishing her the privilege of living to enjoy many hore happy birthday anniversaries. ~The Women's Auxiliary of the Centre County Medical Society was entertained lag: Thursday afternoon by Mrs. E H. Adams and Mrs. Paul M. Corman at the Adams residence on N. Allegheny Street. A Juncheon was served at 7 o'clock to the eigh- tren members present. A business meeting was held after the luncheon at which Mrs. P. H. Dale of Slate College, read a very interesiing pa- per on the history of Centre County doctors. —Charles Clavk, of Harrisburg, ar- rived in Bellefonte Friday to as-! sume his duties at the Department of Agriculture weather station at the Bellefonte afrport. Mr. Clark has bad ten years of experience in the gervice, and will have charge of the local station. He succeeds James T. Wollon, of Pleasant Gap, who has been transferred to Washington, D 0. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and their two children wil] live in the Belle- fonte area. -Mrs. G. Ross Howard Street, Parker, of dren, expecting to be gone until after Christmar Her itinerary in- cludes visits with her daughters, Mrs, | Denny, in Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Henry Keller, of New Brunswick, N.| J: and Mrs. Earl McCreedy, at Isonia, N. J. and with her son Grorge R. Parker, Jr. near Prince- ton, N. J. During her absence the residénce 1s being occupied by her mother and sister, Mrs. James Schofield and Mrs. MoGinnds, ~The Gradale Sorority of Lock Haven will hold an induction cere- mony, Monday night, November 21 | et 8 o'clock, at the United Brethren church. At and members of the Bellefonte Gra- dale Sorority will be Inducted. This Sorority is a recently formed group of young giris interested in religious and educational activitiez and Is a continuation of the Tri-Hi-Y. The newlys-lected officers to be inducted ote: Marie Miles, president; Gert- rude Poorman. vice president; Paul- ine tine, secretary, Petrer;. treasurer. The and to be guests of Mr. Abelson's . bed at her home in Coleville since West | Jeft last week for her annual winter visit with her chil- | | Mra, Millard Hartewick, his time the officers’ | Curtin street for the past several days because of a severe cold. ~Miss Mayme Strunk, of West Linn street, was awarded a valuable electric toaster given away Saturday night at the close of a contest at " Ye parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Abel- |) “Golaman Food Store. son during the weekend. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M — ,| =—Mr. and Mrs. Josep eyers 8. G. A. Spearly, who has not | 4 4aughter Kay, of Pleasant Gap, been in good health for the past two | " : . and Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Meyers weeks or more, has been confined to and son Harold, of Runville. spent | the weekend at a hunting camp on Enow Shoe mountain. Milton R. Johnson, resident of Bellefonte, heart attack at his home on North Spring street at noon, Tuesday, ind was in extremely serious condi- {tion until yesterday, when he was reported to be showing some im- provement, Homer Barnes, of street, wis taken to the County Hospital Monday night to undergo treatment for ptomaine poisoning, which is reported to have been caused by eating salmon. He is reported to be responding nicely to treatment «Mr. and Mrs. Morton Abelson | motored to Philadelphia to attend! the Penn State-Penn football game Friday, and is spending ndeely ment, --No one was injured and damage | was negligible about 5:10 o'clock Sunday afternoon when cars driven by Mrs. James Boscaino, Bellefonte, and Dean K. Belghtol, also of Belle- fonte, collided on North Allegheny street. ~Mliss Kathryn Musser, of the Jo- don apartments, on High Street, is visiting in Pittsburgh and suburbs, having gone out Monday of this week as the driving guest of Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Stewart, at whose home she will spend some time, —~ Clarence Smith, of Willlamsport, has been named a Prudential In- surance agent in this district succeed Harry Snyder, and he and his wife and two child:en have mov- ed to Bellefonte where they expec! to make thelr permanent home, Among those from Bellefonte who are planning to go to Philadel- phia to attend the annual Army- Navy football classic, Saturday, are: Mrs. C. Edward Robb, whose son, Richard, {s a Midshipman at Anna- polis; Miss Geraldine Noonan, and Mr. and Mrs, Mark WW. Williams. Clyde M. Siewart, of Sast Bishop Street, has purchased from the Ar- mor estate two adjoining lots on the south side of East Linn Street, and is planning to build a home there sometime in the near future, Mr, Blewar is manager of the Wolf Pur. niture Company store in Bellefonte —Mrs. Floyd Hill, of East Bishop Btreet, was taken to the Centre County Hospital, Tuesday moming to undergo observation and treat- ment. Last fall before moving to Bellefonte, M:s. Hill underwent an operation and had apparently been in goad health until about ten days reported to be re- to medical treat- well known suffered a East High Centre -To accommodate the exceptions ally large crowds which have been attending the Bingo games spon- sored by the Logan Fire Company, the organization his decided to hold 4 game on Saturday, November 19, as well as on the regularly sched- uled dates, November 17, 21 and 22 --Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Kusse moved early this week from the H Laird Curtin property on West Linn street, to the Dr. M. A. Kirk prop- erty on East High street, which hag been sub-leased from Clark N. Aik- ey. The Alkeys are now residing at the Nittany Country Club in thelr capacity as stewards --Last Thursday morning Attor- ney John G. Love addressed the or assembly of the senior class of the Bellefonte High school on “The Significance of Armistice Day,” while the same $femnoon James BR. Hughes, former headmas- ter at the Academy, spoke to the junior assembly on the same sub- ject Jack Spangler and his brother, Reuben, of North Spring street, spent last week in Philadelphia as guests of their sister, Mrs. William Prear, of Upper Darby, and their brother, James, who is a student at the University of Pennsylvania While in Philadelphia they attended the Penn State-Penn football game Saturday ~Ciuests at the home of Mr. and ! Mrs Willlam Johnstonbaugh, at tries. Axemann, during the weekend in- The Logan Drama Club held its cluded Mrs. Ge orge Vetter, of Pitts- regular monthly meeting Monday, burgh, her son-in-law and daugh- November 14. at 7:30 o'clock in the ter, Mr. and Mrs, Francis Barron, Pleasant Jan Grange Hall, at of Altoona, and Mrs. FP. P. Barron, which time they presented the first also of Altoona. Mrs. Vetter, Mrs of a series of one-act plays which Barron and Mrs. Johnstonbaugh are being coached and acted by club are sisters. members in their study of dramat- _sajor H. Laird Curtin, who has les. The public may see these plays peen undergoing medical treatment for the admission of 10 cents. at the Centre County Hospital for ~The condition of David E the past elght weeks, {s recovering Washburn, who has been confined slowly but steadily, and is expected to bed at his home on East Curlin ' to leave the institition in the near street for a week or more, yester- future. Major Curtin takes this day was reported to be showing means of expressing his thanks to marked improvement, and he hopes his legion of friends for thelr many to be out of bed by the latter part friendly acts during his prolonged of this week. Mr. Washburn 15 re- | illness, ported to be suffering from an In- feetion somewhat similar to arth- ritis. -Mrs. John MoStay and daughter, Joan, returned to their home In Harrisburg, Sunday, afier having spent a week in Bellefonte a guests of Mrs. McStay's patents Mr. and Mrs. E. Leroy Plumb, at their home In the Parrish apari- (ments, They made the trip home with Mr. McStay who spent Jas! week on a business mission (n Pitis. burgh. --A party was held Monday night at the Nurses Home of the Centre County Houpital in honor of Miss { Mabel Heltman, who resigned her duties as operating room supervisor, effective Tuesday. Cuests included all nurses gt the institution except the ones on duty. The evening was spent in a social way and delicious refreshments were served Miss Heltman is to become a bride in the near future. ~The card party held by the Pleasant Gap Sportsmen’s Club was ' 8 great success. The Club will hold {its next regular meeting Monday, December 5, at 8 o'clock in the Lo- gan Grange Hall, Pleasant Gap, at which time wildlife pictures of the Game Commission will be shown. The public 1s invited to attend. All children must be accompanied by | thelr parents. No admission charged. ler visit. ~The regular monthly meeting ‘of the Bellefonte Mothers’ Club was held Monday evening at the home of Reynolds | | Avenue, with Mrs. Pat McGrority as | -The annual Thanksgiving ser- vices of the Women's Missonary Society of the Bellefonte Presbyteri- an church will be held in the chapel at 3:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, No- vember 18. Willlam Walsh, of State Ceol ge, w." speak on his recent trav- els in China and other Oriental coun -~Bellefonte High school lost the last home game at the Community Athlclic fleld here on Armistice Day when the Red Ralders bowed in defeat to a powerful Jersey Shore High team by a score of 13 t0 0 Bellefonte will close the season on Thanksgiving Day with the tradi. tional holiday contest with State College High at State College. In- variably both teams appear at their best {or this classic ~8ibscriptions make enjoyable litle to magazines “hristmas Gifts. 1 have special prices for gift sub- setintions at this time of the year Try my Club Plan. For example, ¥ou can get a year’s subscription to the Cosmopolitan and Good House- keeping magazines, for 1 year, for only $4.25 for the two. Many other club bargains. Subscriptions taken for any length of time. Mrs. Gordon Lewis, East Curtin Street, Belle. fonte, Pa. Phone 104-R 8 Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thompson and daughters, Mrs. Ralph McKen- na and Mrs. William McKibben, all of Cleveland, Ohlo, motored to Bellefonte, Friday, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson's son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. | Carl Moersohbacher, at thelr home on East Hig, street, Mr. Thompaon ireturned to Cleveland, Sunday, | leaving the others here for a long- Mrs. McKenna iz the for- mer Jane Thompson and Mrs. Mc. Kibben will be remembered as the former Gussie Thompson. -~Don’t take any hunting tales told by Frank Sasserman, clerk at i the lower Shaffer store, too serious- ly. Early this week while hunting bear near Port Matilda Prank chuckled with delight when a group iof hunters walked under a d.~d | tree without knowledge alarge bear | had sought refuge there, After the hunters had disappeared, Frank ary Bociety of the Methodist Epls- | edged up to the tree, took steady copal church held its regular month- | aim and fired. The bear looked lv meeting recently at the home of | around, sniffed the air, clambored Mrs. Charles Hipple on East Lind | leisurely from his hiding place, and street. A large number of members ambled up the mountain, unhurt. re Mrs. 8. G. Tressler, The hunter, who hasn't missed a COLUmMe, | hear for many a year was too dumb- on India. founded, apparently, to do anything ap charge of | about it. ~Mr. and Mrs. sentative who gave an interesting | talk on “Nutrition.” At the conclu- gion of the meeting refreshments | were served. ~The Woman's Foreign Mission. | 11 me ho iE | : David Miller en- 3 oJ it 1 § | and Mrs. william Gingher, Mr. and a James Saylor and daughter, ly, Mr. and Mrs. David Miller | and children, Margaret and Ralph: and Mrs Thomas Miller and g iF LEE i 1h in, Pauline Myers, Dorothy ght, Margaret Harter, Norman , Paul Ripka, Robert A. t, altar Bese Willis Shen rers. Charles Aki 3 Bd ii Es 5 3% EE H Se F £ E] 4 3 E r. and Mrs. Russell Stover, , Bertha Kuhns, Mr. I i ; eh | 3 E § 3 7 i is H x BER 4 ' sale, ; Young was attended by Harold Daw- | ‘son, of Beliefonte. Immediately fol- Mr. | home at 311 8. Allegheny street. orn and Jimmie, Mrs. Mc- | (ing at Blanchard a few days ago. ing more serious injuries, Newman and sons, - —Wade Robison and Miss Edith | —~Up until yesterday the John | ‘St. Clair spent Tuesday evening | LOCALS | Bullock family residence on Curtin | street, which Is being offered for | has not been sold, ~Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale and | Mrs. John 8. Dubbs spent yesterday | in Cumberland, Md., Mr. Dale and | | Mr. Dubbs having gone to that city | to visit the new million-dollar Fort | Hill High school ————— Banks to Deal Out $111,550! (Continued from Page 1 amount 10 be distributed would to- tal $68.957. Officials estimated that | through missed payments on some acoounts, the actual cash distribu- tion will be about $54,000, which Is considerably larger than last year's figure, The First National Bank at Spring Mills and the First National Bank at Howard both show slight increases, while the Community Bank at Port Matilda reports af slight decrease. All banks carrying Christmas Savings Funds this year expect to open funds for 1939 with- in the next month The First National Bank of Cen- tre Hall, the Rebersburg Bank and the Farmers’ National] Bank at Millheim, do not conduct Christmas Savings Funds. The People’s Na- tional! Bank, at State College, calls its fund a “Thrift Fund,” but since it is similar to a Christmas Fund, the figures have always eluded in the Christmas Savings summary. All banks, with the ex- ception of one, mall out checks to depositors. The exception is the People's National of State College, where payments are made at the bank Following is a comparative showing Christmas Funds in the various banks for 1036. 1037 and 1938. All figures are given approxi- mately Bellefonte First Nat Trust Co Farmer's Na State College } Nat Nat table 1936 $5,000 9.700 4.200 193% $8,000 8.500 8.750 1938 $6.000 10.000 5.000 11,500 6.000 14.000 People First Spring Mills First Nat Port Matilda Com. Bank 12.500 14.500 1.000 1.500 Howard First Nat 2,200 2.200 10 075 S0.850 Totals Philiguy irst Na 54,000 Total for 1038 1.550 Lrangd Labor Leaders Discuss Policies (Continued from page one) | clared ‘that the contractors will not sign any agreement with any Dion | wash and that the contractors will ROL | eo sign an agreement to Couumine. i only | Union labor, Clair clarified bre psd pany's ag Bey tion with the pb that they will bring only such outside labor here as are needed to fill key posi tions, even the Key men will be hired locally. He added that “the Berwick Lumber and Bupply Com- pany knows that the best piace to get good mechanics is through the Unions." Albert Mingle Unemployment offices, explained the procedure used In assigning men to WPA and PWA projecls, and repre- sentatives of various unions out. uned what their desires are In the matier of employing labor for the Poor Home. At the conclusion of the confer ence Mr. St Clair retired to his rooms in a local hotel, after inviting representatives of various Unlong to call upon him there, individually, determine matters of policy. Among those who attended conference were the following: Commissioners Balser Weber, Paul N. Eckley and Alfred N. Bowersox; Chief Clerk Sameul J. MeMulling Mr. 8t. Clair, representing the con- tractor; Sidney Willar, for the Plas terers’ and Cement Finishers’ Un- ion; D. C. Ross, business represen- tative of the Carpenters’ Union: J H. Copley, of the Electricians’ Un- fon; Orvis Reed, representing the Central Labor Organization; Ken- neth B. Waterbury, business agent for the International Hod Carriers, Building and Comman Laborers’ Union. Local 1111, of State College; Gordon Holt, representing the Stonemasons’ Union, others whose names were not learn- ed. The Commissioners report that excavation for the County Home is about 40 per cent completed Recent Weddings Young—Eminhizer Miss Grace Elizabeth Eminhiger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eminhizer, of Pike street, became the bride of Charles Young, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Young, also of Bellefonte. The ceremony took place Thursday night | at 7 o'clock in the United Brethren | church with the Rev. G. A. House- holder officiating. The bride was] attired in a robin's egg blue dress FOR with black accessories and wore a! Somage of roses. She was attended | {have a size for every home | partment has become 40 amazingly popular, { first issue, been In- a 10,000 W , head of the local . 0 * the ™ and several p | Washer, pH Five CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ] 30,000 People Read This Column every week. That'y why “ae Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- Considering its Jow cost and the benefits derived, it 1s undispulably Centre County's Commuaity Bar- | gain Counter. RATES Advertisements of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents for and 15 cents for each additional insertion. Where advertuse~ ment containg more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged. REAL ESTATE A gtralght one cent a word ls charged for rea) esla'e advertising sale or rent. KEYED ADS All advertisements that request replies to be mailed 0 this office, must be complied with by those answering “ve adve/tsements Please do not call at the office for information concerning such agvertive ments, ays Lhe publishers are not permitied Lo divulge the name of Lhe ad- vertiser, SB8UETCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE--Every subscribed to The Centre Dem- OCTal Ub entitled 10 a 20-wurd advertisement in these columns one time, free of charge. This privilege can be used six Limes a year at different intervals | FOR SALES plece breakfast set; 4x24 baby crib Mz 1 pra — | oposite Blg Soring. Beliefonte 4 yd full of men's , - in the vicinity i pOR SALE--A please return used 2 BLOTS X48 Inquire of M. N mites 3 Js A hound, color brown License No. 4013 write FOR DPD. ho. 1} 30% ! blue s College Jane Fiant Lost and Found sultease Tew here 1“ Fin Heatro practically ada, Bellelonte R x46 large sized er new Von POUND Jatin and hia Belle phone 3059 FOUND--A 1 UMB03 Owner calling we Cen nd paying thi Help Wonted WANTED-—CArl work Lng ule Belles one a SALE Majestic enamel; H. Miller, Phone 12.-W. Live Stock SALE-Boar ready for wries I. Lucas, Howard, Pa. R a ie Be Uefonte 910-1-15 nse pinte CAN have same re Dez MOCTAL office ement. x40 wk lloer adver VICE D 2 x46 POR Cl Phot «bred spotied ¢ Hitter of Po.x47 FOI SALE~ x40 Polang soma i pigs. Ralph L hustler with oar wy consumers with 200 Household necessities Thousands earns 830 to $100 weekly. Lf satisfied with such earnings state age, oocu~ ation Rawieigh Dept NK-04-Y, Pa x40 WANTED Dusiness | County. Bell direct to fn make M0 Wo % oU Wesily lay off Write today f L&) He Der Ww Coin I “tor “general “ho A + ¢ 40 Bate COwrtin Bt Phone 570-W Two Cain Grove, Nivtany pure WANTED Reliable " LO supnly neat Roan horse, weight 1800 horse weight 1700 Iw Sootts, Port Mat POR SALE POA IMCS Inquire of Pa Lada x46 FoR BALE -8ix pies B weeks ‘ a Dair or 318.00 for all of BhioaeTs a0 old 8 50 then I~ Old " precis ve to 160 Hil Hen nu “mM ONS rwvard You: ge 3640 1 25 Ww 40 It re wi SALE- Adve fy Hoist 30 ples DiGC EK Wanted to Boy WANTED- fiddies or pour offer "3. Box 104 WANTED--31, ine enpgiz DOG. Tung Phone Qn ! Inquire of J Bellefonte, Pa SALE --TDwo Ss od oid R three second © Write and stat Henry, Reedaville 3 146 Io bay VIO a Roy L Black oe sorted weight 16560 Ix Loyd D. 1, Howard, Pa horses FY wt 4 y 1600 weigh eperier enn Sanus 1% 3 equipped, In | i FOR SALE- breed GC et to 5 hors magneto orger y "Coliey ¢ 843. e large ite and - in boul a WANTED- 1 am Mat Jaa Rn how . chinks "rite O Pa. WANTED 1 Dogs, cstile chickens, Cal ofr @ron 8 card Centre Hall, Pa Articles for Sale FOR BALE Treaang J a8 the Ceqtre Detnocra FOR “SALE—A Delco ii ght plant with y fr a motor for Delco wg machine and fron [ogulire - A, A x44 ‘a Winn, . liesbure Pa FOR SALE—25 nice New } puliets a1 81.10 ing + Or $26.00 all. Bernard M Fe Fy omer | Ted Beoletonte vw rT, 42 #2 D3 Beenie, Pa. Biover FOR BALY- Fresh h pork. satmace abd POR SALE-White Holland fare. Call 216-W. Bellefonte will fancy dressed or live, inguire deliver. Crover Soearly. Bellefonte, Rooter: tow finden Hall or ¢ RD 47 Boal 3147 3 RN —" on SALE- New tent ai Poult ry 100 While Leghorn each. 8. N. Felver ’ nies > Lars Pa Seventy «fi e Plymouth Wis ready wo lay at $1.0( ire George K. Long, Madl- “AG HALE 65 oan WEE LE Ww yire 1 war yr 2d Ing fice FOR SAL Hock each | £314 #0: ug. hire 247 turkeys ol nile 51 FOIL SALE--New Hamgpwhire rhickens young and old, 1% from Mileaburg on back road © med 0 onsy one Red miies Bros Pin ne ow Al ” jire of Ewxk Befatonts ©. D. 1 POR SALE Les oY Cool ox sonal. ADDY 2 E Lamb FOR SALE 2 Sat age rifle aru guage Resningion tre Hall 1T2R-12 chickens and ca- and dressed at curd every Balurdsy on Wednesday } capons on turds y af Thanksmving Jackson Bealiefonte R D. 1 x40 BAILE-R. 1 Bed Cockerels rue 10 type, out of the weed na fock of 80000, 280 to 310 ogvx a year; age 7 months: weight 8 toB's he price $3.50. 3 for 810. Also i youns OF pteralite pige, price 85 Write Basil Mott, Shoring Mills, Pa. o phone Centre Hal 30-R- 2 44 Dogs, Pets, Etc. FOR SALE—Deagle puppies aid. Inquire of D M. Cross Bellefonte, Curiin's Gap ron SALE “Two genuine English pug pigevie:, male; oligible for A M. K registration: very reasonable, Mrs, J P. Felliinger, 3206 Sixth Ave. Altoona, Pa. 45 Sale or r Exchange FOR SALE OR FXCHANGE—On stock a 28 model Chrysler coupe-in good condition. Ida RB. Williams, Martha Furnace x46 Real Estate - For Sale FOR SALE-A land and plenty of water, 1 mile southeast of Spring Mills, Nestor S Heckman x46 POR SALE—A 250 acre farm. 4 miles Phone Cen POR SALE Yo pons. 1 Pons Second 1 via ition Mims Streat, Beliefonie repeaier rifle n Vii Not Sy repeater ngs of Mrs. Annabelle 2 oe King vw, Belictontes HL. D POR healt POR t FOR SALE~Some oak wood, Stove Jeng suitable for awed in grim Will saw any length fireplaces on eet Will deliver. A. C. Jodon. Bellefonte R. D. 2 Phone 723-3-3 4611 POR SALE--Penrayivania white pine, hemlock and or% rough or sur fared. Also North Caroling yellow ine Inquire of John Lyons and oh. Howns d. Pa Phone 131. 252 Pon BALE Hi indreds of used tires, all alesse from 15 10 26 (noch rims. Backed by written poarantee Oppeny evenings until @ o'cick. Wallrun Auto Service, Snow Shoe lunterseciion 51 aa “Victor Heater 4-5 room, | Deion light plant 2500 watts 120 volts with 58 bat. A-1 condition; '% 32 . C. Emerson motor; 3 h. p. D C, Cetitury motor, Brownies Place, Centre Hall, Pa x48 POR SALE Thinking of buying a Heater? the comforts of » | CALORIC We Call or write O. W. Houtz Li uber Co, Beats College, Penna. Phone 780, 87 FOR SALE-—14-Inoh tight “and Joose | Borin, off, Stat Qotiege, along oon- driving pulley with brongze bush- 0 Wer, st hapuire of Pros: Ings. This pulls, was taken off a new ty and Eider, State College, Pa. 464 machine and has never been used. A OT 1008 bargain for agyone needing a putes Sai Cot" Centre High All of this size. Can be seen at this... crs build and a silo. In- hd quire of Gardner , Centre Hall R. | = ron SALE—Deloo 1250 W ght plant ocompicte with bafterles Genco 1000 W. light plant with batteries, com- | plete set 32 yout equipments for light planta suon as electric motors, irons, we. cleaners, clippers eic. {Inauire of Cleve H. Bungard, Spring Milla. ™ 8 weeks circuiting Heater, ways. can be used as doubles hous®, {making self wupporting, good re- rons Ethel Confer, Beech Creek. room | house, ONS hank barn, and other TAR Frog AN of Wega! Land fut. Write Dox | 58, x48 | FOR “all kinds, | rey ripiiie fips Font ir. | bad lowing the ceremony a wedding din- ner was served at the groom's home. Following a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Young will be at Recovering From Injuries Clarence Barner, of Mill Hall, is recuperating from painful injuries to his back, sustained in a fall from a shed rvof which he was construct ae MI. Bamnsr missed his footing and | ave of wood, which prevented his head from striking the ground and suffer- f | fell backwards onto a wagon load (Pa. Household Goods FOR SAUB-—A oat im mands. Phone State College 3576. BALE--A gh Es Inquire SALE ET or | farm of 81 acres, #004 | X46 | Apartments for Rent room furnished E570 hent, hot waler 42 "Bas Ww Linn Bt. Belie- x47 FOIL WENT apartment and gus stove fone, Pa POR RENT--Unfurnished apartment 3 rooms and bath Mrs. Paul Car- ner, 125 North Thomas street, Belle. fone, Phone 182 434 Rooms For Rent "OR RENT. Inquire of High St., Bellet fonte, A furnished rooms Runkle, ¥ Two Mes. J. 1 Pa FOR HENT- Beds OTT, Y i hed Desirable location Phone Bellefonte 390 POR § Lo R ENT--2 fur ht housekeeping 1, 118 E. Logan nished Farms for Rent POR RENT--A wes, looated al in Spring tok and plenty of soph Ross, Wil FOR RENT--A farm cated 1 mile south of Beliefont : Twp. with NOCORAry ¥ and plenty of water £ C. Grove, Bellefonwe, B POR RENT--A farm of 100 acres ¢ locuwied 17, miles "west of Rebersd MS ies Twp wilh p bulldings and plenty of water 1 gulre of 85. Charlies Coram 31 Pred erick Bt. Flemington, Pa §411 farm about 150 Road owbank Bt of 166 acre all Ly Jos rif rman rY MR SA LY: od Lowest Be TVOe Bru Phone 158 POREMAN'S ture repair shop, Repairing UPHOLSTERY —Purni- repairing, restor- niques . spectalt ty. Cans and rush seats. Modern upholstery. Sn North Race 8%, rear Fen n Belle Hote Phone 406-M 184 FPURNTTURE REPAIRED Repa! BR made 0 all kinds of faraiture Uphoistering, and slip covers made Wm DD Thompson's Upbolstert Shop, 102 E. Lamd 8t, Fhone 539- Bellefonte, Pa MACHINE WORK We ir LOANS For Pay interest only number of days you You borrow on a 12 i Your own Livestock ang £ A485 security Ro endorsers n Bee CGeorge Mothers Monday morning i One al Miscellaneous ATTENTION PARMERS— YOu Cover and timo do custom cleaning | Hublemburg, Pa DEAL Call 676-33 Le Frock- “Removed promptly nytime atl my expense, phone L. Smith, Missburg 14 disabled reznoved Ceo. J Phone iu for free Try Td fdova WANTED —-Dwad, old ang cows, horses nd mules, free, Vogts Rendering Works og! , Centre Hall, Pa, our expenses. TO KHBUMATION—8ena booklist on Rbeumatism. bens “Triple Remedies for Rheuma- lin and get Rellef. Hepatico-Re- nalis Euminant and Alkalizer $1.00 Merit (Rheumastim Drops) B80c, Krood Of Rubbing oll 80c, Call of send by. mall on peceipt of Prepared In the laboratories of Tiobine barmacy, Beech Creek, Add 10 postage and packing GLASSES REDUCED-—Having installed new Jens grinding mas chinery am preparsd to furnish glass. fa atl very attractive prices. Also ead asses (Just out) ot those with ae eciive hearing e And complepe stock German Por rial Eyes. You can do beller here than elsewhere Tipbing' Pharmacy, Clara M. Tibbins Drogas & Optical Goods. The Bight Pa Hearing Ald Store, Beech Creek Rit Card of Thanks POTERS —We take this means of ex- pressing our thanks © neighbors and friends for the use of their oars, thelr Soral tributes and their many acta of kindly sympathy upon the death and funeral of the late Mrs. Jomeph , of Pera Peters and Pamily. ZIDCGLER We take this means of ex- Preseing our heartfelt thanks to friends and neighbors for the use of their cars Ru foal = tributes, and many acts ndly sympathy dur: the prolonged fliness and th of — I —————————————— Alpha Maude Ziegler, late of eM burg. The Pamily Announcements There will be a Townse nd every one invited, Shere whi speakers from out of town BAKE SA Bpworth League LE-{The of the Axe Mann Uinon church will! hold a bake sale on Saturday. vember 19, at t Your support wi No- Bellefonte Hardware be appreciated x46 BAKE SALE-—-The Ladies Ald 80- | ciety of the Reformed church. Belle FOR SALE--@-roomed house, 2 stair- | fonte, will hold its annual bake rale | sheny Btreet, on Wednesday Morning, | morni | November 23. y ny the Hazel & Co the Port Ma- a Methodist Shure - vite T on Thanks HO 8 p m. per SUPPER--A gat het af AUTOMOBILE & FIRE INSURANCE ED L. KEICHLINE BELLEFONTE tof A. hall New rw ma Joseph L | 2 o'tlock noon un- | ed 25 and 50 cents | iiouen and noodle sup. | es Charlies Harsh BUPPER supper will A chicken and be served in the P st Hublerstrureg on 18 from 5:80 lll 8:00 p.m prices of 20 and 30c with ae renin Bl extras oomt Priday The hate are AN rane ah x4f oe nie wo he Junior and Be r Methodint Epis hye s bake sie at Hardware store Rovere any ted Ore Thaker v and buy your ke or pie 10 Esgiving dinner CHICKEN DINNER G. EARLE HOFFER Insurance of All Kinds 21 East High St Phone BELLEFONTE, PA wey rp DANCE ! SQUARE & ROUND SATURDAY. NOV. 19 At HECLA PARK Music By Tussey Mt. Ramblers FREE—Admission—FRE} 1 JUCCORTL SILA DIOR NE TO ty THE TAVERN | Blair ith PA Avenue and TYRONE, Street re wn DANCING EVERY WED. FRI DAY AND SAT. NIGHTS TUBBY WHITE and his Orchestra FRIDAY, NOV. 12th In AMATEUR NIGHT: 2 Those wishing to enter must make © y application by Thurs, Nov. 17th Lg TE # EY em ne a a GOOD EATS, REFRESHME NTS; OF ALL KINDS, SPAGHETTI DINNERS, OUR SPECIALTY SuUIHImMIMT te ATI DOE DI BINGO wie FOR = TURKEYS Logan Fire House HOWARD STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. Nov. 17, 21 and 22 LARGE "URKEY GIVEN DOOR PRIZE. Benefit of Firemen Fall Advertises winter's approach in flaming leaf colors on the mountain side, and The time to change to winter lubricants is here — but First let us GRACO, clean and vitalize your motor — To give you less cost and peppy winter service. DECKER MOTOR CO. -