~ 21, 1938. LOCALS Ee YY S LRA I LLL A A ~—Miss Ethel Dale returned Tues- day from & visit with friends in Williamsport, Philadelphia and At- lantie City. -Mr, and Mrs, George W. Allison | are | and at their! Vir- | of the Newcomb apartments, visiting ¢t York, Pa, former home at Winchester, ginla, ~Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoag have | as thelr guests Miss Gertrude Dow- dell, of Johnstown, their granddaughter, and Miss Jane Haag, of Tyrone, a granddaughter. Cieorge Finkbeiner, of the Belle- fonte headquarters, State Police, left Friday for the police training school at Myerstown undergo a three months’ course of instruction ~Mrs. Bert Beightol, of Roches- ter, N. Y., who is spending the sum- mer months at Pine Glen, county, was a visitor at our office on Saturday. by Mrs. Ivan Plubeil, of Pine Glen —Mr. E. M. Walters, of Willlams- port, while spending the weekend in Centre county with relatives and | friends, found time Saturday to pay us a visit, Mr. Walters is a na- tive of this county and is a son of the late Mose Walters ~Mrs. Joseph Thomas last Thes- day en‘ertained the Ladies’ Bible Class of the United Brethern church at her cottage along Spring Creek. | Sixteen members of the class were present at the outing. The after- noon was gpent in music and games Mr. and Mrs. Ralph 8S. Brown, of Snow Hill, Md., returned to their | home Monday after having spent the weekend in Bellefonte as guests of Arthur H. Sloop apd family at their home on East (urtin street. Mrs. Brown Is a sister-in-law of Mr. Sloop Franklin Schad, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Schad of | North Spring Street, Belicfonle broke his colla bone Wednesday of last week, while playing home, bor’s steps, feet. —The Bellefonte Red Cross com- mittee announces that Miss Bertha Rimmey, Rad Cross nuise will be on her vacation until Monday, Augusi g. No substitute will during Miss Rimmel's cause of financial reasons, mittee stales. ~Councilman and tinsmith Harry Badger, of East Bishop street, Tues- day of this week observed the 48th gnniversary of his arrival in Belle fonte from Mifflinburg. Mr Badger for many years employed by the late W. T. Twitmire, of Bellefonte has been conducting his own shop on East Bishop street since Twitmire shop passed out of exist- ence, —A group of Bellefonte ladies, with Mrs. Deborah Dobel- bower acting as chaperone, eave Saturday morning for a ten a distance of about 12 absence be- the com- days’ outing at Ocean City, .N. J.§ In the group will be the Misses Car- oline Caldwell, Mary Louise John- | son. Jean Eckley, Nelma Koski, Hel- en Louise Hartsock, Betiy ng Mirga:et Capers, Clara Beatty and Thomazine Curtin. -—Mr and Mrs. Russell Nelson, of the Petrikin apartments, West High street, are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a fine baby girl | torn at their home at 2:40 o'clock Friday aiternoon. The little girl | who weighed eight pounds at birth, has been named Beverly Grace, She is the first child in the family and both she and her mother, the for- mer Esther Enist, of Potters Mills are getting along nicely. ~—Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Benford, ¢ Pleasant Gap, became the happy parents of a seven-pound, eight- gunce girl bo:n at the Centre Coun- ty Hospital list Thursday. The hew arrival 1s the first child in the fam- ily and has been named Delores Jean. Mrs. Benford before her | marriage was Miss Adeline Brooks, | of Pleasant Gap, who for some year was employed in the offices of Whiterock Quarries, Bellefone —-At the 14th annual banquet of the W. T. Rawl