THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. July 21, 1988, SL m—— PERSONALS FROM BELLEFONTE'S NEIGHBORING CITY ~ JACKSONVILLE (Reported by Special Correspondent) — = Church services on Sunday, July ing at the home of her brother, Miles M4, as follows: Sunday school 9:30; Bartley, and family, worship with sermon at 10:30, and | Mrs Ira Haagen and Mrs. Henry SE dO Th, SD, Tupi | Vonada spent Tuesday at the E. R or NS | Bartley home Si SHY ane Country to Our Nation- | ap. nq Mrs. ©. E Aley and .. daughter Betty and son Leon spent Mr. and Mrs. Willard Corman | magn home in Lock Haven, They al- ang og aha Sieve; Miss Bec Sunday afternoon at the C. E. Poor- orman onte, were “so called at the Harvey Elsaman nesday evening callers at the D. P. ' home In Flemington to see Mrs Ertley home. Aley's aunt, Mis. Hannah Elsaman Miss Geraldine Swope and friend. and learned that she Is improving James Lucas, were Sunday guests glowly of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lucas and | ay and Mrs. Harry Baird and son Mervin, of Milesburg, by ac- | con Ralph, of Bellefonte, were Sun- companying them on a motoring | 4,¢ dinner guests at the home of trip to Hershey and enjoyed the ne. father, Mr. A. A Garrett and day at the park. {echildren. In the afternoon all mo- Mis, Christ Heaton and children tored to Rebersbwrg to the G. P. were callers at the Sumner Noll | Garrett home home on Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dalley, of After spending a week visiting Ib | ojiaona, were weekend guests at Lock Haven, Miss Adella Garbrick {he DP. Ertley home. Saturday ev- returned home on Sunday. |ening callews were Mrsy Matilda Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aley gave an | Ertley and granddaughter, Patty ice cream party on Friday evening | Long, of Howard in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Har- | wi Lizzie Boone, of Zion, spent ter and children of St. Louls, Those | Friday with her niece. Mis. Ted Dreeent gps hy and SO Jona Dixson, and called on her old-time chaefler and daughter Nancy, Of friend, Alice Betz Centre Hall; Mr. Charles Beightol, A tN air R : d ¢ Howard: Miss Mildred Aley and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Rossman an a Jack M bus of Hecla Park: Mr. | Sister, Shirley Rossman, and Ella and » Tow Harte ) children. y Donter of Lower Nittany Valley ron : er + as [Spent Sunday at the John Dietz Alma, Mildred and George, of St. | ome Souls, xi Mr nd urs, ny ley Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Joan é dren, 140 d { " " very enjoyable evening was spent. | Williams and Rober Ho Sa en: Mr. Calvin Kline, who had been Sunday at the Roy Clements hom employed on the Roy Oyler farm | Mis. any Baird poy d sun Raigh wi ELC Ww, h ¢ h 8 ¥ for the summer, left and went 10! Dietz and children, of Lock Haven his home in Renovo on Sunday, leav- | visited the Winfield Dietz home on ing his girl friend sad and lonely. |. Su ld How about i. Dot? | Tunday Betz is spending a Mrs. Harry Lyons and daughter |... "yp iother, Harold Isabelle, of Lock Haven, and Mrs | tamil of Hownrd Alice Betz, were Wednesday ater | Thursday evening callers: at ‘the noon visitors at the William Beigh- ey home were Mr. and Mr home. Evening callers were Mrs lc E. Aley home were Mr. and 2 rs Wo ODA Rogers and children Bil- {C. E Poorman and daughter Paul- Symon. and Jane of Bellefonte | ¢ and friend, Mr. William Bar R D. 1 . . GEE | tholomew, Mr. and Mrs. John Beck 1 and son Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Miss Lois Tate and Miss Rowe [Sd son ana 2s Martha Yeur- of Cortland, Ohio, were Priday vis- ck all of Lock ‘Haven itors at the D. P Ertley home 1 Miss Kathryn MoCrea spent Mrs. Laura Glossner, of Mill Hall, day with her girl friend was a supper guest at the Sumner Christine Burd. and in the Noll home on Friday evening noon hitch-hiked to Hecla and Mr. and Mis. Ted Dixson and | ced the ahow hilkdren and Mr. and Mrs Wm Messrs. Ellsworth Conaway and Dixson and grandson, Dickey Mc- Guy Stull of Beech Creek. were Crea. spent Sunday at the homes | Sunday forenoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dixson, of | "v0 gone’ brother Robert Clearfield, and called! on his brother, Conaw ay and family Mr. Harry Dixson, of Philipsburg Mr and Mrs Delmer Ertley and Mx Elliot Wasson, of Lock Hav- won Kenneth, Mr. Guyer Ertley and and Mr. Claude Loder, of Can- |e. walter Dalley motored to Se- ton, were Sunday callers on their linsgrove on Sunday soe the! oid-time friends in Jacksonville ‘brother Paul, and found him able Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harter " ork q £ " and daughter spent Sunday even- — few days Betz, and Ha Sun- Mis after wit- om to to join thelr party and enjoy a pic- nic dinner together Miss Louise Beightol spent al days last week with her Mrs. John Dunkle, and family, of Bellefonte ! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Punk and daughters, of Lamar, spent Sunday afternoon at the ER. Bartley home Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Noll and children, Dickey and Bisie Jane, the weekend with Mr. Noli's SOSYEAGER'S SHOE STORE®®$ $1.39 Growing Girls BLACK AND TAN 1 OXFORDS "eee BELLEFONTE. PA hadead | spent eck End Specials at A &P Food Store ‘It's Smart to Buy Ann Page Gelatins, Puddings, Ice Cream Powders 3» 10c SPARKLE 9-0z. jar 7c Ann Page Mustard . Ann Page Ketchup. 2 14-0. bt. 25¢ Ann Page Tomato Juice. . 2 cans 13c¢ Ann Page Stuf. Olives. 4" ox. bt. 17¢ Ann Page Preserves. .2 16-0x. jrs 29¢ xcept Raspberry and Strawberry) om, GOLD MEDAL WHEATIES 2 pkgs. 23¢ ove sister ER 3 22.01 cans 26¢ can 15¢ ramet wm 29 medium cake Se 2 large packages 39¢ Elberta Peaches - 5 Ibs 25¢ Cantaloupes, 36's - 2 for 25¢ Iceberg Lettuce 2 hds. 17¢ Hi-Ball Celery - 2 stlks 11c¢ Staley's Cream 3 Ib pgs. 25¢ DINNER SULTANA KIDNEY BEANS or Ilona SPAGHETTI Dill Pickles NECTAR ORANGE Fancy Smoked Short Shank TASTY RING BOLOGNA American Beauty Smoked, Skinned Salad Dressing Corn Starch Doggie 3 1b cans 25¢ Acme Chlorinated LIME - 2 12-0z. cans 25¢ Peanut Butter 2» 25¢ Sultana Red Dit Mas on ASPARAGUS TIPS IVORY SOAP OXYDOL. ... Mixed Tea “1b pks. 19¢ PEKOE %-1b ks. Ge Small Picnics VEAL SHOULDER CHOPS Chuck Roast «|b 18¢ MEATY ENGLISH OR CENTER CHUCK .. Ib 24¢ Hams ve. see. svoie we suns ae |b 25¢ A. & P. Food Stores | mother, Mis. Elsle Noll, | College, | In reading the {tems in last week's (issue the writer noticed tluee er- rors of which she wishes to hereby correct. The first was that that birthday dinner was given at the home of Mrs, Willlam Boone and not at Beightol's, as stated. Second, it was Willard Weaver who was In- Jured by losing his balance on the wood plle and not Willlam Weav- er. Third, It was Miss Rebecca Bartley who Joined her uncle Phil- ip Neff on his tour, and not Mis, Rebecca Bartley, HUBLERSBURG Miss Evelyn Heaton, of Jackson- ville, spent last weok visiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Charles Heaton. Mr. and Mrs family, of Nittany, evening at the home Markle Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred McKinley, of Lamar, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Boyd Whit- man Mr. and Mrs. Harry family, of Lock Haven, Laura Hayes, of spent the weekend at their parents, Mr. and Hayes Mr. and Mrs. C. H and Mrs. IL. A. Porter ter attended the funeral of Mr George Moneval at East Point, Ti- oga on Saturday Mrs. Harkinson of State Wilbur Dunkle and spent Friday of Mrs. Ida Warfield and and Miss Williamsport, he home of Mrs. John and Mi and daugh- Lee count and family and Mr. Sam Kling, of Altoona, and Miss Anna Mary Garner, of Sate College, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Yearick Miss Phyllis Walker Pleasant Gap, spent several days last week visiting with her grandparents, Mr and Mis. P. A. Hinds Mr. Bob Kerns spent the weekend vi home of Mr. and Mrs man Dr May per of of Eaglesmere siting at the Boyd Whit- Arthur Gates daughter of Coalport, were Sunday sup- guests at the hone Mr. and Mrs. EL. MoClintock Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baughman, of Renovo, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Caner Mrs and { of Nora Eckenroth Mary Markle Mrs Ear! Markie and daughter Donnie Mrs Georg Gheen and daughter Dotty, all of Pleasant Gap, spent Friday of las week at the P. A. Hinds home and celebrated thelr daughter Mada birthday. Friday evening vi Mr. and Mra Rober Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. W. E Mill Hali R D., called Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haye urday evening Mrs. Earl Yearick Joel to Altoona where she | ing several days with al.ves Mr Ivny! iyns lors Funk ree of Yearick, of at the home on Sal accompanied pend visiting rel. and Mrs. Milired Heaton an family, of Jacksonville, spent an (evening ast week at the home of Mr. and Mra James Carnet, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lee were Sun- day dinner guests at the home of J. C. Crow of Clintondale Mr. Charles Decker and daugh- ter. of Pittsburgh, a former resi- dent of this place, greeted many oid friends here on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Johnson Williamsport, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Truckenmiller. Mr. Johnson was a {former music teacher in the valley Mrs. Jennie Long. of Lock Haven 8 visiting at the home of Mraz. Mar- garet Decker Little Norris Myer, of Allotdba spent the past week with her grand- mother, Mrs rirude Fleck, and her parents spent the weekend here Bunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hinds were Mr and Mrs. N. BR Walker of Pleasant Gap and Mr. and Mrs. Lather Gren- obie of Lock Haven The Hublersburg 4-H Club met om July 14th under direction of the president. The pledge wag given Then the minutes were read and approved. The president asked for nex or old business, and there be- ing none of either the president tumed the meeting over to Mrs Eckenroth and the girl workers This was followed by games and songs. The next meeting will be held July 28th in the Social Hall at Hublersburg HOWARD A party of young girls, chaperon- ed by Miss Alice Leathers of Mi Eagle, left Sunday for a week's camping in Potter county. The young ladies were: Mary Lomison, Mary E Schenck, Ann Daughen- {baugh, Betty Schenck. Phyllis and Marjorie Love, Margery Jacobs, Verda Woomer and Margaret Poor- man Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Wensel and children spent Monday in Belle- fonte at the home of Mrs. Wensel's parents. Little Johnnie Tice, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tice, who has been suffering from pneumonia for the past few weeks, is improving slow- ly Kenneth Pifer and George Fisher twill leave Sunday for Camp Mench Mills to attend church camp for two weeks. { Mrs Clyde Long has been suffer ling for.the past week with an in- | fected hand. | Ouests at the Mr. W. A Brum- ibaugh home this past week were: ’ oi Mr, Howard Stubbs of Mapleton Depot, and Mr. Robert C. Brum- |baugh, of Philadelphia. Mra, | visited at the home of Mr. John H. | Wagner this week. | Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shope and ison Paul jeft Sunday morning and motored to Wellsboro and the State i | : i jJecionn at She MCDnte Bom: Sar: | Wand, Mr iy Yoyts Clyde Long attended the! . turned Bertha Kunkle, of Yok | T | STATE COLLEGE Mrs. John Parsons and daughter Maxine, Mrs. Albert Kerstetler and daughter Mary, ali of East Beaver avenue, visited friends in Bellefonte on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs, Walter Paisons, Helster street, had as thelr guests on Wednesday thelr son Lloyd, Thelma and Geraldine Shope, all of Harrisburg, and Paul Keller, of Hummelstown Mr, and Mis P. Burrell, of |Hartswick avenue, had as thelr guests on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs John Birungard, of Rebersburg Mrs. Lillian Edmonds, of West College avenue, ls a patient in the Bellefonte Hospital Mrs. Sara Erb, Mr. and Mrs, John Erb, of Helster street, spent Sunday visiting friends in Patton, The lat- ter'’s daughter, having spent geveral days in Patton, returned home with her parents, Mrs. Glenn Royer, of Stal lege, visited friends In Cailiske Mr. and Mrs, George Crawley and two children, of East Foster avenue spent the weekend visiting Mr Crawley's parenis, Mr. and Mrs homas Crawley, in Eagles Mere Mrs. Bihel Bottor! and daughter Helen, of Frazier street, left ie- cently for a vacation mots trip through the New England States Miss Clara Jackson, of South Al- len street visiting Mr. and Mrs Cliff Jenkins in Edgewood Mr. and Mrs. David Slagle, of Frazier street, have announced marriage of their daughter. Helen to Einest Booth Watmueh of Glennside, June 9, in Cumberland Maryland Mr. and Mrs. Harry lo daughter, of East Foster isited relatives In Howard day Anna Mary Garner street, spent the weekend friends in Hublersburg William Reed, of Burrows treet and Walter Parsons, Jr, of street the latter's in Har Monday day Mr erton and Mis. C Ohio Mr. and Mir J. OM Mr. and Mrs Victor Gordon Oil City, spent the ing Mr. and Mm Mr ang Allen Mr. of A Coil in he and of wer Heister visited sburg Jennie t reset Shope ha As laude Shope were street and Mr Blrewt Elwoo had Mr: Pa Edward the home ¢ Parsons tw weeks Mrs street day at Walter returned to Lovevill werend i On Harkins Mrs W J day for a zhort of Rev. Mr in Blaine Mrs. Margaret Botlor! of fonte, Is visiting at the home « and Mrs George Harper, of College avenue Mr and Mm D 8 Neidigh, of State College R DD. had a weekend guests Mr. and Mn Orr and family of Mill Hall Mrs. Elsie Noll, of Eas Colle avenue, had as her weekend guests Mr. and Mrs Sumner Noll snd fam- uy Jacksonville Alice Kelly and son Clar- ence have moved from thelr home on Eas: College avenue to thelr newly built home in Bellefonte Jean Clark, of West Beaver ave eve, left Monday for a girls’ camo Wt Spruce Creek where will pend some Ume Mr. and Mrs paren Wagner at paren and visit Harkins wr Leo rege of Mra she Frank Soott we. to their home at the Eve:- greens from their wedding hrough the New England States —— — 5 COLEVILLE The home of Harry Shaffer wa quarantined the past week for =ca: let fever, the daughter tiy having contracted the disease Those who attended Bible School from our town were Alice Hillar Ruth Anderson. Dona Kelley, Mar- garet Lowery. Sarah Martin, Alene and Bernice Lee, Julia Coble, Thel- ma Irvin, Mildred and Grace Kel- jerman and Mary Young Mr. and Mrs. Homer Justice and daughter Atina Marie expect leave Tuesday night for New Yoix to visit thelr daughter Violet Visitors the past week at the Pred Billett home were Mr. and Mrs Howard Boone, of Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack leather, of Mi Eagle land the Mac Shay family, of Axe- mann Little Sonny Tanallio, who live at the Pele Hockenberry home, was taken to the hospital Monday wi pneumonia Rev. Lint and family and Mrs Strahl departed Friday for Allen town Mr. and Mrs. William Billeti, Mr and Mrs. Bdward Billett, daughter Nancy. Mrs. Woodrow Bloom son Freddie, and Mrs. Thomas Martin motored to Altoona last Wednesda: to consult a doctor in regards (0 Mra. Martin's eyes Mrs. James Wion, who hag been ill for the past week, was admitted to the Centre County Hospits] for further treatment. Our town offers its sympathy the Smith family in their bereave- ment Charles Smith was well known and well liked in this com- munity. The Gray Housel family, who ‘have been vacationing at Wildwood. Atlantic City, Cape May and Johns town, have returned home. Mrs. Luther Spotta and new baby of Bush Hollow, have returned from the hospital and are spending 2 few days with Her mother, Mr ‘Charles King. Mr. and Mrs Harry MeMurtrie and Norman McMurtrie of Belle- fonte, and Pred McMurtrie of Cleve- land, Ohio, motored to Sunbury on | Saturday to attend the 28th Divis- fon of the A. EF. convention that {was held there from the 14th © 16th. Harry met 21 of his old war buddies and had a nice reunion | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stine spent [Bunday evening at Matte: nville | with Howard's mother, Mrs. Ma'- tern. | Mrs. Chalmers Sellers returned home from the hospital on Satur- | |dny with a nice big baby girl, SASSY SisiE w TRE, PORT MATILDA Rev. Leroy T. Kulp, of Trafford, Pa, formerly of this place, spent a short but pleasant visit with © R. Cowher family on Thursday Rev. Mr. Kulp and wife are to be congratulated for the wonderful radio broadcast known as the "Go pel Joy Biingers,” or better known as “Study Your Bible Crusade’ which can be heard over station WHJB, Greensburg, Pa Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Woodring and Mr. and Mrs. Dan McCullough, of Williamsport, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E M. Wood- ring Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Maure: are the proud parents of a baby girl this being the second gir] and nam- ed Irene Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark chiidren, of Juniata, made a call at T. R. Cowher's Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs, W. 8. Martz and My Patsy, of Altoona spent Sunday atl the Cowher home Mrs. Alice Harshberger burg, has opened her home the summer. Her nephew, Thomp- on Bowen, of Washington, D. C is spending some time with her Mrs. J. C. Young been in Philipsburg Hospital a lew for treatment and short of Cla here [on ha f - i A0r Gay reta burgh Mr. and Mrs. Ri Hams Nea:ly on friends met Mrs. Robert t present Edward Meyers of Julian; Mr. and of Lock Haven Mrs. Strand and two childrer Lock Haven: Mr Merryman four Sar Mert nose were and child and yinan Lydia dren, of De wey Cowher Mis Mar fan ren od rieurned home fyom Windber shere ghe spent sev. eral weeks with relalives Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller. o gan were eden Ward Kmape hon h be remembered as Emma K is piace Miss Mae i visiting at the home Shirley Ishi Sunday from Lemont spent the past week with Mrs. Elizabeth Herman Haven. spent a few days with her son Milford and Mr. and Mrs. Charics and Dean Emerick were allers atl the S8harer-Emerick home Mr. and Mrs Joe Baird and son ¥ Lemont, called Sun Mrs. Condo al the Wil Dome Miss Eva spent a few parents, Mr mer Mr. and Mrs sons, of Jersey days last week with Noil. Dean Vonada spent last with relatives in Buffalo Run Miss Gertrude lshler, of Centre Hall. spent last week with Miss Lot- tie Kauffman Mrs. Oeorge Vonmda spent days last week with relatives Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. Miles Russ, of Wil- Hamsport, spent Satwiday at the C. F. Clevenstine home Mr. and Mrs. William Rhodes, of Johnstown. spent last week at the L. C. Penrod home. Miss Elizabeth Boone is relatives in Lock Haven Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Hoy have as their guest Mr. Hoy's niece, Miss Eleanor Williams, of near Wilkes- Barre Miss Jovoe is visiting at home Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Hoy granddaughter, Norma Dale, on a fishing trip Miss Mary Smeitzer, of Centre Hall. spent a few days last week at the Paul Clevenstine home. James and George Kane spent Sunday with relatives in Renovo Mrs. Paul Hironimus entertained the members and families of her Sunday school class at a weiner roast on Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clevenstine and family spent Sunday evening at the Orvis Smeltzer home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clevenstine are proud parents of a young son born on Monday night rT r ape of Weaver, of Bellefonte George Vonada home she er returned where relatives of Lock last week to wee Smith Harte of Bellefonte days last week with her and Mis Allen Wit- Kermitt Noll and Shore, spent a few Mrs. Emma week a few in visiting Millheim Shaffer Smith, of the William and are Curtain Catches Fire Prompt action by the Alpha Fire Company of State College pre vented serious damage about 9:15 o'clock Bunday morning when a curtain in the summer kitchen of the home of Mrs. Stover on North Atherton street. State College, caught fire, presumably when it blew into an electric range nearby. Pire was confined to the kitchen and the damage was negligible, Every issue we are forced to leave out of the columns of this newspaper items that are gent in without any name. Readers who fall to see thelr contributions in Jean are asked to MARTHA FURNACE The attention of Huston township taxpayerg is drawn to auditor's re. port of the school district accounts as published In this week's lssue The Baptist Bunday school will hold their annual picnic at Black Moshannon Park Baturday July 23. All friends wlll be welcomed Come with your basket enjoy the day with ws The W. C. 1 and U. will hold a fes- tival In the basement of the Meth odist church on Tuesday evening, July 26. Will have on ice cream cake, home-made candy hot dog andwiches, and fruit drink. Every- Ohe welcome I'he Methodist Bunday school nic will be held Baturday 13, in Joseph Willlams grove The W.C.T.U.and L. T. L held last Wednesday In 1 Si le pice August pie HL he Wi Han The Lime Loo. There grove Wks Kiddies of quite a had a ne OCH certainly Rood course 1 adie aid were and about M ! ana Mrs. William Maxine were and Hassinger Thelma weekend guests daughters and ristown nome N-lAw Charles E William former's and ister Kormai Adam Jame Peck Werke nd Buckame: h M 3 grandparents Mauer and also and Mrs " he farm work as- AT t ‘ ‘ sisting with MOSHANNON Katherine Snyder Hepburnvy were at the John Lucas hom Bugene Schmoke and ao Jack and grandson Kenneth, of Ohio, are visting at the Thomas Schmoke home Hope lewis is the guest of hes cousin Ermingarde Simpeon, of Pirasant Gap, this week Mr. John Cartwright, who was a suigical patient at the Philipsburg Hospital turned home Monday Mary Culver, of Tyrone. is visit- ing her uncle, Frank Culver, this week Mr. and Mrs LeRoy lewig and daughter Hope, and Grandma Lew. is, attended the P. P. Bliss Centen- ary at Elliot Park. Clearfield county, Sunday. July 10. It was a wonder ful celebration, about 5000 people being present Miss Lottie Miller is visiting her friend, Kerin, this week A miscellaneous shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Mike Skrepik at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holt. July 15th. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Alfred Borger, Mr and Mrs. Blair Borger, Mr. and Mrs Mahion Watson, Mr and Mrs. Or- vis Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Katchik, Mr. and Mrs Holiday, Mrs. Eliza Smith, Leslie Walker, William Bor ger, Gregg Borger, Kate and Lucille Quick. David Quick. John and Mar- gare: Skripik, Frank Moyer, Arthur Quick, Kate Spears. Bill and George Smith, Logan Guenot, Dorothy Carlson, leona Sinclair, Mildred MoClusick, Albert Katchik. A nice time was reported and they re- ceived many useful gifts Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lucas motors ed to Gettysburg. Washington, D C., and while at Washington visit. ed Arlington cemetery and Mt. Ver- non. On their return trip they vis- ited Mr. Albert C. Lucas’ home at Chester, and from there enjoyed a boat ride to Philadeiphia. They re- turned home by way of Harrisburg. having had a very pleasant trip. Miss Pear]! Connaway and Robert Butler, and the Misses Maxine Schnars, Evelyn Fye and Delphine ‘Martin motored to Roletle and Port Allegany. Saturday. and returned Sunday. They report a nice time, als UNE ERR Mrs Carl visitors Mr and of ille Sunda of Clearfied Miss Martha p——— -~ NEWS IN BRIEF AND PERSONALS OF PINE GROVE MILLS (Reported by G, Mae Fry) Mrs from a is under Cilenn Harpst My Mr Fey Alor na Helen Mange: Mrs. John and Re Bellefonte Shuey and wil Were PeaRsAn radar at ih z We LSeileTR Mis Ann Ward Democratic Stoomsgiosn ¢enthu woEney Tuesday the instic cal mesting. The Perguson Township Band furnished snappy music Our go iends, Ms: Joseph Owens, of Zion, were visit- ing with some of their fiiends here last Bunday Mrs James Markie. of Pine spent part of the week with h daughter and family, Mrs. Walkin Bell. of Waynesboro Mr. Ronald Gliligan commence his threshing operations for the season at the Gene Irvin farm. They report wheat yield fair and of good quality In some accidental manner Rossman, popular distributor Altoona Gas & Oil Co while shooting mark Jast Thursday with a friend, his 22 rifle discharged its contents into his leit foot. Ih. W son dressed the wound and the in- Jured member is doing as well a can be expected Mr. and Mrs. J H Gilliland, M: and Mrs. W. A. Schillings and fam- ily attended the funeral on Sunday of Mr. Gilliland's aunt at Psters- burg Prof. Robert have returned polit od fr and younger Alien for Lamnen and wife from a three weeks trip to Yellowstone National Park and are visiting this week at the E P. Parson and R. W. Reed homes Master James Oorl sustained a nasty injury Saturday evening in Jumping from the wheat mow no the mow hole The lad an upright pitchfork which pene. trated hig side and shoulder. His cries brought his father Albert Corl. who pulled the fork out and rushed him to Dr. W. 8 Glenn's office, who dressed the wound, The lad is doing very well at this writ- ing Farmer Melvin Peters, of the Glades, had the misfortune 10 lose one of his best horses recently. Mrs, Ralph Ricker, who is spend- ing the summer with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dale, is visiting this week with her husband in Chester, Pa. Retired farmer Emer C. Musser is driving a new Dodge coupe, pur- chased of the Jack Smith agency ai State College. The Roy Outes family of Prag town were recent guests at EI gen. Babee a "ALAS! MY OWNER STOPS EVERY FEW MILES FOR PA REFRESHING SODA -BUT SHE NEVER THINKS OF ME —— anit? MAY WE GIVE YOU A FEW TIPS ON COOL SUMMER {THANKS FOR THE THREE ) TIMELY TIPS, BOYS - ITS COOLER, SMOOTHER DRIVING janded on WHITE FLASH f.(ohge]l Melll 3 LUBRICATION