Odd and Curious News > Night in Woods Ed. Growden, 75-year-old Blair county man went huckleberry pick ing with a friend. They got separ- ated. Ed. couldnt find his way of the woods so holding on to his gallon of berries he sat the night out on a was found early the next by Con- stable Diamond who was informed when the aged man did not show up the night before. That he was none the worse for his experience wis the general opinion those who Tound him although admit wis mighty hungry and his friend, Jack Jones about the sami decided on the huckleberry expedition but after a few wood neither managed to home but Ed dark I just way back he out log and morning of aia Ed a Hniso he ne ARE picking hours could quit said Remembered Lincoln farmer comrade thered looked back to 1864 called him White House Company 1 Carney a cold ny night in President Lincoin the the Carney privat 135th Pennsylvan guard duly ed back light from th glinted light dimmed i wie was framed in the window. The President SKIS in his beck: out of called when ink sheler and on his bayonet and a tall at the dr PROK wrapped looked uj glanced at senlry roost and then Come in Pre drenched ned to rain Private Cat Kills the ! And Elephant Mahe! phant, known Man 16- yes i an Dest the Hagenbeck-V loading for day &t Coroner man. Georg Ca bull-hook by butting feed truck door handle He died enro him int Page fractur ie Dog a Kidnapper Nipper. a tiny fox terrier } guarded three from a nearby hou ecalo ly Kitten napped” squeezed through her private ing pane! in a rear screen Sunday and stole the Kittens her master, Louis Abrams, of Ph deiphia, = AWA Carn x it she brought and pi SWiNg door last wile ia as 4 them & , Abrams remais all visitors Got Wrong Number ’ y chair sed since, scotning Hike $ v god The WEEeLy WO K* he fh fork is if Simmons hm tiers arour Se N0IG Simmons the ore again soon was 2 mix his wile Triplet boy ’ Kept ‘Abuse Score When Mr R. Hollenbaug! 24 weit Lo court at Media for a divorce displayed the lowing fe she kept husband Struck an at hed 72) she had abiises kicked mstiiied puiled 12 time out of Lines, er Sates 2a Fp ao Limes. oe, She got her divorce n . Finds Fireworks Alfred A Cole, of Manchester, N H. got up early to light the kitchen stove When the smoke cleared awry and Cote had picked himsell up from a corner of the kitchen, hi wife explained she had the children’s Fourth of July lireworks in the oven put Injured in an automobile accident on her way to be married, Mis Elaine Seward Evansville, Ind borrowed crutches, went to the wedding. and then went to a hos- pital for treatment Killed by Golf Ball Miss Alice Krause, 24-year oid Federal soll conservation clerk, died at Spokane, Wash. of injuries re- oeived when she was struck on the head by a golf ball Is Your Daughter Ever Too OM to Be Spanked? Eminent Psychologist points ou’ that it may be painfully embarrass- ing at times but a spanking is still an effective corrective measure Read this fascinating article in the July 17th issue of The American Weekly. distributed with the Baiti- more Sunday American. On sale al all newsstands. of on Costly Oversight When officers stopped the car ol Ban and Max Silk at Elkhart, Ind. because they falled to display a headlight, they found 328 quarts of liquor in the machine. The lack of a 30-cent headlight bulb cost them $110 each in fines, their car worth $500, and the liquor, valued at $700. Weds Third Wife Twice Because he enjoyed the experi- ence and “got a kick out of it,” Harry memoers Ric |——————=="1 A Visitor in Seven Thousand Homes Each Week. ; | SECOND .\ | SECTION VOLUME 57 GUNMAN GETS $40 IN HOLDUP The Most Widely Read Newspaper in Centre County, Is It Right or dhe Centre Democraf NEWS, FEATURES OF FLEMINGTON GAS STATION Masked Intruder Makes Get-away After Forcing Attendant to Hand Over Receipts of Cash Register With talement his is a [ 4 ml he simple hold calmly 1» up.” a Asked voung man ybbed Donald K. Pa in Flemingt« $60 Saturday ervice sta- $40 about M Ser'- between norning at in James the # gun Altoona CCC Boy Killed In Crash Six Other Blair County Boys Injured in Virginia Road Mishap camp at New Carl grade } Keith Junior High He was a membe Laitheran church ag Ridge this yes fd | tioned at Ast 7 al April 7 of Members of the W ail two Wilbur Frees: aun brother: Ras Jr Samuel and father, five Mari Joan an Jack home B ft - - BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD FOR MRS, NANCY PACKER party given In honor of Mrs. Nancy Packer's 88th birthday by her grand-daughter Miss Relda Greak, the following persons were present: Mr. and Mrs Fred Kessling and son Clarence and daughter Mabel, and Mrs. Kessling's mother, Mrs. Lucy Conaway. Har- vey Healon and housekeeper, Ellen Packer, Ira P. Confer and house- keeper, Mrs. Margaret Tice and granddaughter, Lila Tice, of Union- ville; Hubert Neil and Marshall Packer, Bellefonte; Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Emel and daughter Nancy Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCart- ney amd sons David, Joseph and Buzzie, all of Pleasant Valley. and Toner Packer, Howard Packer Faye McCartney and Richard McCart- ney Nancy Packer and Relda CGreak All told present At a birthday there were twenty-five UR CIEN ALTOONA PRIEST HURT IN AUTOMOBILE COLLISION The Rev. Father Roger 8 ODon- nell. pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes church, Altoona. was admitted to Mercy hospital late Friday after. noon with injuries suffered in a collision of automobiles that oc- curred within sight of the parish rectory on Broad avenue, The priest received a laceration of the right side of the head, an injury to the right shoulder and possible rib fractures. His condition Is not serious. Accarding to police, the Rev. Father O'Donnell was hurt when his machine was struck by a light delivery truck operated by Nello Langdon, comedian, and his third DeSantes. wile, Mabel Langdon, were married again. They were first married in Tucson, Ariz, in Pebruary, 1934, and Local market report. Bill collec tors active; demand, persistent; have a three-year old son, Harry, Jr. | receipts, very light, slouch hat rob- where in the gel-away tween prefaced his with “This is a stickup mont The thief made his auey lark robbery 4 4 street, toward robbery, ‘ Ol tigation Bryerton tigation WALIOnN Pet Deer Gets : ‘Hospital’ Care Union County of Keeping Animal in Seclusion (‘ase Against Farmer Includes Charge ner 3 2 Garkenegd at or two Your the animal has been a victim of ™ ’ : at als Lhe preserve ag i condit 5 po ivi tls HH had 0 an Bart pal when he a Union Coun- the peace and was fined charge of Keeping the he found the ani- » Winter of 1035-36, It was i ¥ H pon i during a a ng YW he took it Ww his own farm (Continued on page four) - YOUNG ALTOONA WOMAN SUFFERS BULLET WOUND Miss Neviing, 24. of East Belle Altoona, is a patient in Altoona hospital with a gunshot wound of the abdomen. Her condi- tion was regarded as critical Miss Neviing was injured. acoord- ing to police. with a J38-calibre pis. They listed the case as an ate tempted suicide but reported they were unable 10 determine » motive Miss Neviing asserted the shooting was accidental, hospital attaches said Hannah Avenue 04 New Low Record Set For every 1.000 live births during 1937, there were 545 deaths of chil- dren under one year of age the infant mortality rate in the history of this country. lowest All should know the riuies safety in the water. It might prove to be valuable informa- tion Swimmers of —— BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 198 Leaving 'Em All Behind WH LL GEY COME BACK WAIT, BOVS --. WHEN THEY MN -~ ira Pennsylvania Supreme Court Holds 44-Hour Week Unconstutional Court d« ih Friday 1 Mami Ung employment men forty-four he a week, one of 130 jC ne The State Lhe ent onstitut pre ed UK Hin Iw of NTS eR ALAN om i aoe OTHER POINTS IN ERROR In view of thls, the Supreme ( i vith the law because |! a ipted 10 hand over to Federal au- iy *** plenary power to ie working hours in Pennsyl- icked first by Hol- Kane. Then oint of MT PDALLICS throwing Gul a4 aw ame not mterfere will {or women and bec allackec DAUPHIN COUNTY COURT Dauphin County Court per - Od ERLE BRLIW essary oulgrowih of ¢ MEGTY © ve pu . * Henna 1 page fo Sixteen Pallbearers Needed To Carry 526-Pound Mountaineer 526 Bixteen palibtarers carried 53 pound Walt Cagle to his final rest pice in 8 COULArY Chchya B Ala. last week Wearing a new pajr of wi measur #0 the giant of a man wi Philosopher of Sa Wik rd inches i The was buried in a specially Lt seven-foost coffin whine weather for meteorological ding a heart § ou nw of Doane mie {oriy-aeven i wear and make for winter generally ready for “ he ought mate Hi wile excel winieT Ciot hem the he wore His sige 13 usually to case his were ACIGEs LHC VOD feet Since 1038 Boaz merchants have slaged 8 Wall Cagle Day fall when the big fellow came to town and last year York for a He Car Only tis PS each he wet to New PETSONIA] ADPEATARoe made the rip In a baguage is Wigow sun Brother of Father Downes Is Commended by Newspaper Article Jame: RB Downes former Tyrone reddent, and assistant to the pred dent of the Pe Ivania Railroad comes in for merited tribute In the Philadelphia Record. He is a broth- the Rev. Father William E Downes, rector of 88. Johns Ca olic Church. Bellefonte: and of Pal- rick Dosnes. a 3 train maste Middie Division and Joan Downes. train director, Middle DD vision, Altoona, both of whom mm ide Tyrone The Philadelphia Record goes to say this about James R. Downes “Like every other high executive of the system, Mr, Downes glarted al the bottom. “It was a humble beginning for Mr. Downes. Born in 188 at Ty- rone, Pa. son of John and Cather- ine Cushen Downes, the boy started ailroading, while still in high school as a messenger on the Tyrone Divi- sion in 1900. “A year later, finished with high school, he entered the office of the \ pasa nnss er of ie in on — WEIS 3.000 000 Married Women Work According to Labor Departizent statistics, there are only approxi- mately 3.000000 married women em- ployed in this country. 36 per cent of whom are in domestic service and 9 per cent. in agriculture, If advice could solve the agricul- tural situation, the people on the farms would be millionaires. of the Mitsburgh clerk. Por five year he held various jobs on the Pitls- burgh Division until! March 1. 1906 when he was transferred to the gens eral manager's offior ai Philadelphia n January 1, 1914. he became Cie ing chief clerk of the office ‘He was appointed chief! clerk 0 the regional director of the Alle gheny Region, United States Rail- onl Administration June 1, 1918 and shen the government returned the roads to private operalion in 18320 Mr. Downes was named chief clerk to the vice president of the Central Region of the Pennsylvania Rall- road at Plitsburgh, scene of his ear- lest jobs “In 1922 he became superintendent of Preight Transportation of this region and five years jaler was Lran- sferred to Philadelphia as Chief! of Freight Transportation. September 16, 1834. he was promoted 10 assisl- ant vice president, (Continued on page four) ee SE saperintendens Division as a == Become Parents of Daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon V. Koons- man, of Spring Mills, are receiving congratuations on the birth of a daughter, Donna Maye, born at ihe Centre County Hospital. Bellefonte Wednesday of last week. Most men who have a monopoly in one line of business are believerg In stern competition in other fields. "7 il, NUMBER 2 ALTOONA WPA WORKERS ARE KILLED | N AUTO CRASH Driver Jailed After Cor. Hits Abutment Near Greenwood; Vehicle Was Totally Demolished WPA worker injured early Friday the automoblie in riding was demodlshed oncrete abutment on thu just below Greenwood Thur Both died in Two Altoona fatally ing when they were agaist a highway were mor win v n ict were Vaughn ton and John Ebersole, 19 Altoons hospital where it clock anit they wert ed at 7:30 « f 13 Qi Wat Cal Qi The drive; Georg Waytowice with minor mitted Blair fault of $2500 bond to awall a cor ners guest The accident, according Motor Police Private B. V occurred at 7:10 o'clock Greenwood and Oak ie machine, a sedan way west Lhe curve i ’ p 4 | bi Alloona injuries who ¢ com- oe capped war lo county n jL IEE Kiraine between Grove jell the t Oak just of Traveling for a distance of after striking the abutment which Waylowicz said resulted when he lost contral of the car because the wheels “shimmied th machine wed completely throwing Men CHAr Way allempting {eet front ( TT wi ain the towice Wid investigators thal straighter al mm of the ¢ 16 wheel t the sh he werved striking could swing when he [«¢ 0 the left glide the abutment back to the hig road he WRY Snow Shoe High Class in Reunion Graduates of 1933 Meet at Morgan's Camp; Was First Reunion of Any Class High original 22 members of Cass, 16 attended 1 reunion, follows Virginia Reese Miller Hamaport: Fare Goodyear 8in Snow Bhor, Virginia Sherman, 8in- nemahoning: Jane Kisling Belle- PFoeth Swartz Beliefont Marjorie Sharkey, Enos 8boe. Paul- ne Rogue, Clarence, Sara Ann Bud- Snow Shoe. Mary Elizabeth MoLaughlin: William Smith, Boos Shoe, Willlam Hel, Tonawanda Coeorge Sinclair. Snow Bhoe: Oscar Hann, Bnow 8hoe: James Butter- worth, Snow Bhoe: Donald Irwin Snow Shoe and Joe Padisak, Clar- Late of Since graduation on May 25, 1933 five members of Lhe class have been married. Those five are: Paye Good- car, now Mrs. Kenneth Sinclair Virginia Reese. now Mm Charle Miller: Daisy Stark now Mm. Mich Mclaughlin: Ethy! Dudish, now Ffilliam Burne, Jr. and Wi- liam Hall whose wile is the former Elnine Benton. To date the follow ing have children: Faye Goodwea Sinclair, a gon; Virginia Reese Mil- wr. a son: Dalsy Stark Melaughlin a daugitier, and Ethy! Dudish Burns a Son Those of the class who were un- able to attend the reunion were Daisy Stark Mclaughlin, who be- came the mother of a lovely bab; girl just laf week: Ethyl Dudish Burns, Lou Dudish, Virginia Oswalt Mary Duke, and Margaret Bamat Thomas H Stetier. who has been principal of the Snow Shoe High School since the Class of 1983 were freshmen, honored the class by his presence. Invited guests were: Jack Shope. Snow Shoe: Bill Gehring, Ere. and Bun Beaver, Bellefonte, Why People Disappear from Home. An absorbing article about “miss- ing persons” and an experts analy- sis reveal many surprising facts about what caused them 10 disap- pear. One of many interesting il- Of the tome nger ae) At va WATS justrated articles in the July 17th issue of The American Weekly, dis- tributed with the Baltimore Sunda) American. On sale at all news stands. il Cholera Kills 12.000, An epidemic of cholera, described as one of the worst in modern Is tory, has taken 2.000 lives in the past seven weeks in the United Provinoes in India’s extreme north. ma Wis iPped awa Jan demolisl about dire pact. Although chine tumed rest facing the TH - 28) ’ nad conu Passing motor whose nNaine McocCani r to hospital wi clock an Waviow ice 1 al 9 0 Fbersole a reporied Q COOK Doth remained Hd Wavtowi y / 5 Me Eenerally 0 make wi Pleasant Gap Gets New Pumper 500-Gallon Per Minute La France Apparatus is Dis- plaved During Weekend TN | The newly pure $4700 Pleasant JU sed fire « WUE was Gap Fire France ( aelivered tie Company the La pinay th of The Volunteer Fire Company paid $3400 for the new equipment at a special sales price. The pumper is mounted a 1836 Dodge truck with windshield, hydraulic brakes booster hook-up The pumper has pry minus tr. fioal tx vniigal Ly on special and 500-gaiion capacity and of cen- 5 ibh-galion ax pe. There 6 a booster tank ban wpe ine i The hose is latest with special automatic nozzles cluding a Siamese coupling The modern outfit has already been tested by Samuel Smith. La engineer. demonstrating at The pumper devel- Op pressure wherever the flow of water sufficient. It can be used al any available source of wa- ter as well stream. dam and consequently is 1 efficient at farms or France Pleasant fine Gap in such ughiy in town The booster trol a large spread of flame. and makes the damage from water as small as is physically possibie The community is justly proud of the new equipment which ensures more protection for the people of this area. The Fire Company in- vites all interested citizens fo look over the pumper tank alone Can oon- 2000- YEAR-OLD CART FROM EGYPT ON DISPLAY An used for ancient Egyplian ox transporting sacred mals to the sacrifice, some two hundred years before Christ. is on view ai the Museum of Science and Industry in Rockefeller Center The cart was found in a vault of an oid temple excavated on the banks of the Nile several years ago The vaull wag s0 securely sealed thal no water had penetrated it during the Nile's many floods in succeeding centuries “This almost hermetically sealed condition.” according to the mus- eum, “probably accounts for the re- markabie state of preservation of the vehicle, whose wood. although deeply grooved by age. is still hard and firm” On the walls of the vaulf where the cart was found, a tablet stated that it was 10 be used only for the transportation of animals destined for sacrificial slaughter. Conical clay tablets scattered on the floor, covered with picture writing. estab. lished the date of the period of the temple and the cart as 225 B. C. carl ani- ‘KEEPING UP WITH THE ro JONESES’ — Luck—-Of a S IVE HAD FISHIN UP a CHANGE c'mon inst! TH BUM LUCK Ear IT Will. SEEM 00D TO OO SOMETHING HELSE FOR A By POP MOMAND Rh uu —— Is It Wrong By FREDERICK GATES (NOTE The following artigle was writen and submitied for pub- ici by Frederick Gales, North Allen Street Collge, PM There & no intention on the part of i 10 cast reflections on any Hgious worship, nor Wo igitimate sales of re- Interest will be found which the author that actually exist among the uneniighlened pop- wince of some portions of the south.) 5 on Blas he author form of ai 4 ii if I ge tL} parage Liu WUEAOUS WOT manner in aes rie cONaitions season of Salesman # Bouthern w» one nw approaching the LM year for Bible migration nl mall Corn unites migrat.on annual, and Year some ream: Lim he This each 8 harvest nestied of the Cum-~ population, of largely made grammar Their ex milled Numaville cisely In the shadows beriand Pla | §F u POSCREINE jcation WIE Tennewoe Call ome five hundred ip » PEO school ed ww y and 1 munediate Their powers of oon. msequent environment Aare are fi he erst tous OCIA Come Was manual wage A re en Ww 3 rood vid the tidings Holey, and Holey Publishing C« enough coming the commu- of the com- In. ernations es] ny a will wl man cipaled roascs throughout Baseman tie ny Our Apostolic eache:r having been advanced Information has of time 10 labuiate and gloat over the possible revenue for the church and for its leader. Through the Bible sales the churh receives i") percent. and the Prescher io! peroely, of the otal saies made with t flock. His church badly in salary, be- ing wo small msider as su “iso needs replenishing The Rev erend, therefore, prepmres a list those who can be frightened out of sevens to fifteen dollars by the thought of everlasting damnation another list of these pood for from seven dollars means church and betier if relief! checks have just been received ith free labor from the members the churches half of the forty dol- lnrs will just about put the edifice imo condition hetand an- given plenty Prd ang hn Wo ¢ need of repairs of thr ’ idle 0 = Hx USUALLY "0 fp i other twelve months of revivals The parsons ten percent gets him much needed pants and his good wife and Caughters a supply of gingham for new dresses Our Beciesiastical friend ig further elated over the coming of Mr George. He knows that Mr. George's sales talk will drive home. to each church member. the necessity of sal- vation and the fear of damnation in new and more persuasive Janguage Phrases. that will make the very Devil shake, will be driven home with such foroe that only a new and better Bible with which to read the Word, can possibly save the members of his flock. This sales revival will not only help the souls and the sale of Bibles but will also swell the weekly collection for the next two or three Sundays This annual migration is « spirit. ally economical boom The “light” arrives on schedule with his bag full of Bibles and his bead full of tricks. Mr. George is a most saintly and righteous man in appearance and bearing. One feels the light of purity radiating from him as one feels the heat of the sun. This char- avier trait appears particulary evi. dent to those who arent used to dealing with 5 smooth “bird” and this “bird” IS smooth. But to our Divine leader he is “God sent” In mote ways than one Our two guiding “lights” Saturday evening going over the list, that has been prepared Reverend, of those who are Bibically saved Individual ob aclenigtios of those listed are noted and well astablished in the mind of our good Mr. George. He also makes a list of all deceased persons and