July 7, 1938. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five LOCALS | : -=Miss Betty Bowman, of Clarion, | 1s spending a month's vacation in Bellefonte with her grandparents, | Mr. and M's. A. F. Landis, at their home on East Lamb Street. | James C. Bower, employed in the WPA offices in Harrisburg. spent the Fourth of July vacation in Bellefonte with his father, John J. Bower and family, at their home on East Linn street —A feature of a Fourth of July houseparty at the Mrs, Mary Gray summer cottage at Hecla Park was the celebration of the 25th wed- ding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs Harold Kirk, of West High street, Bellefonte Mr, and and daughter fda, and Mrs Mrs. Donald Morriss Joan, of Vilas, Fior- Evelyn Moriiss, of Blairsville, spent Friday in Belle- fonte as guests of M:. and Mrs. J D. Thomas, at their home on Thomas Street. Mr. Morriss is a disiunet ranger in the Apalachicola National Forest, Florida. -Mr. and Mrs. L. and children, Edward of Clearfleld, former residents of Bellefonte. stopped here Saturday en route to Bryn Mawr where they will spend a two weeks’ vacation as guests of Mrs. Hempfield's sister, Mrs. H.W. Lee. Mr. Hempfield is employed in the offices of the State Highway Department at Clearfield. ~The following Bellefonte young womsn are among a group spending this week at the O. A. Kline cottage at Hecla Park; Mildred Reese, Marg- aret Reese, Geraldine Benner, Alice Dowdell Mary Musser, Aileen Ross- man, Margaret Dowdell, Betty Jones, Margaret Heverly and Charlotte Esmore, the last named of New York. Mrs. Eugene Sellers is acting as chaperone —Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Bain- bridge, of Webster, Pa. are the hap- py paren.s of a fine baby boy, born lat week. The new arrival is the first child in the family and both he and M:s. Bainbridge are reported to be getting along nicely. Mrs Bainbridge, before r marriage three years ago was Miss Helen Brown of Bellefonte. He: husband ts employed by the American Wire ani Cables Company at Webster, —Roy Held of Madisonburg, em- ployed as an enforcement officer for the State Liquor Control Board, at Indiana, Pa. who was a business caller at Friday, an- nounced that he will be a candidate for Sheriff of Centre county next year. Mr. Held will seek election on the publican ticket Widely known throughout Penn Valley Mr. Held wes formerly forest ranger in the Madisonburg area and Is held in high regard ~The following members of the Wetzler Girls’ Band of Milesbury attended the annual banquet of that organization at the Autopori, South of State College, last Thurs- day evening: Lorraine Miller, Flor- ince Pers, Mary Bryan Marcella McKinley. Stella Bryan, all of Miles burg: Marion Ross, Centre Hall] Kathryn Shope, Lock Haven, Ersal Gilliland. State College; Martha Beezer Mabe! Houser, Ellen Has- ginger and Lucy Watson, all of Belle- fonte. —James J. Leitzell, of Milesburg, aghe of the foremost bass fishermen in the Bellefonte area, looked to his laurels d4uring the weekend and succeeded in catching several nice bass while angling in Bald Eagk creck. Of a total of four bass taken, one measured 18 inches lengid and another was 14 inches long. He caught them on grasshoppers. Leit- zeil’s companion, James Davidson, also of Milesburg, caught three nice bass. They were fishing in the How - ad vicinity ~The portrait of Governor Cur- tin, once in the possession of A K. McClure and recently sold by his wi.e at public auction, at the Free- mi + auc jon rooms, in Philadelphia was bid in by his granddaughter, Mrs. James D. Windsor, of “Hedge- ley.” Ardmore, for $625. The por- trait wag the work of Daniel Ridge- way Knight, who also did the “Burn- fiz of Chambersburg,” which hung in the hall of the Curtin residence on High street. Ridgeway Knigh luter became one of the best painters of his time. Min, Kathleen Dersiine of St John's General Hospital, Northside,’ Pittsburgh, was chosen as one of the nurses the National and State gov- ernments selected for duty on the! Battlefield of Gettysburg during the celebration and reunion there, One hundred nurses, selected from the larger hospitals in the state com- prised the nursing staff. Miss Der- stine was oni of ten chosen at Pitis- burgh. She bs a daughter of the jate Jobn and Mrs. Derstine and was born and grew to womanhood here After graduating from 8t John's Hospital, Pittsburgh, she spent thoes years on the Pacific Coa. Eigh- te#ni months ago she returned to Pittsburgh. «i, C. Heineman secretary of the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A., was called to Pittsburgh Wednesday of last week owing to the critical illness > his brother, Charles G. Heineman, of tisbuargh, who was injured some- time ago in a motor accident. Mr, Heineman departed immediately for Pittsburgh but upon arriving ail the Sewickley Valley Hospital, where his brother was under treatment, he learned that death had occurred just a thort time before. Chai leg Heine- man waa 57 years old last October and was employed as sales manager for a manufacturing company In that city. Mr. Heineman and his wife were injured when their car vas struck by another machine near Pittsburgh some weeks ago, Mrs. | Heineman had both legs and one! arm fractured and Is still under | treatment at the Sewickley Valley | Hospital. Mr. Heineman suffered a fractured leg, and his death resulted when an infection developed under the cast which had been placed on the member. The funeral was held Friday with interment in the Alle- gheny County Memorial Park. Sur- | viving, in addition to the local ¥Y. M. Hempfield and Nancy, P Hh ae this ol ice a 3 uf 4 i 4 in ~Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McKin- ley, of Half Moon Hill, spent the weskend at Bowers Beach, fishing on Delaware Bay. —Mi. and Mrs. Robert Hood, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hood Jr. and son, Robert 111, motored to Bradford to spend the weekend and the Fourth with relatives ~The office of Register John L Wetzler reports that during June 1038 nine fewer marriage licenses were issued in Centre county than for the corresponding period for 1937. Last month 46 couples were granted permits to wed, while in June 1937, the total was 55. Mr. and Mrs. HL. Phipps and daughter, Mary Ixe, of Barbeton Ohlo, spent the weekend in Belle- fonte as guests of Mr. and Mrs, Karl E. Kusse, at their home on Wesl Linn Street, Mary Lee is remaining here for a two weeks" vacation, Mr, Phipps is president of the Phipps Plumbing and Heating Company at Barberton ~James R. Hughes returned to his home here last Wednesday after having spent two weeks In Princeton New York, and Washington. Upon leaving here he had expected to be gone a month or more, but the busi- ness matters he had tw aitend to we.e accomplished with s0 little difficulty he was able to return home in half that time, -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eckenrode arrived in Bellefonte Sunday night from a two weeks’ wedding trip in the Adirondack mountains and along Lake Erie, and they are now living for the time being In the Samuel Tressler apartment on East Curtin street, which Mrs. Eckenrode, the former Miss Eleanor J. Smith occupied for several years before her marriage, June 18 After spending several Bell days In her broth- and Mr apart. fonte as a guest of er-in-law and sister, Mr Willlam Brachbill, at thel ment on Logan Street, Miss Cornel Tinstman returned to her parent home in Twtle Creek, Tuepday She was accompanied by Mn Brachbill who will be with her pal ents and Mrs. C i a house tor Yas - Electric Co, vid Beliefonte, wer and f the Bellefonte Acad latier part of the 20 to 1830. Alter grad rom the Acadamy Mr. Var to New York University wi he was a prominent member of that institution's baseball and foolball teams -Fuests Mr Tressler at their Bellefonte alrport during the week included the following: Wil Im Resides. of Sandy Ridge, the Rev. Robert Tresgler and Mm T es- sler and two daughters, of Rich- mond. Va, Mr. and Mrs. William Trésiler, of Howard Street, Bel forte: Mr Mrs. Russell Wol and da Irene, and Earl of Akron, Ohio, and Mr { niece, Betty, of Millheim, and Mis AM. Mar daughter Gloria, of Pitt —Mr. and Mrs daughters Mary McKeesport went Harry tae past of and Mrs home hear and tor - “ ghler On » and eS iva urga . Edwin Beer Ann 1d motored to Bellefonte, Saturday, to be guests of Judge and Mrs. Ivan Walker and family at their summer home at Hecla Park Mr. Beer returned to McKeesport after the Fourth while Mrs. Beer and children are remaining here for the week. Both Mr. and Beer are well known the former having been a Bellefonte Academy student. while Mrs. Beer before her marriage was Miss Alice Lowery, a} one time a resident this community RIN i J a1 Jane, of srt Mrs in Bellefonte of In a collision of two cars on East Bishop street, Friday after- noon, no one was injured but total damage to the machines was esti- mated at about $50 A car driven by James R. Wilson, of Pittsburgh. was traveling down the Bishop street hill, while a machine oper- ated by Henry Heaton, of Belle. fonte, R. D. 3. was proceeding in the opposite direction. As Heaton neared the Gulf service station at the foot of the hill. he is reported to have swung to the left to enter the station, his car crossing in the path of the Wilson machire. Belle- fonte borotgh police officer Donald Johnson investigated the crash. ~As thiz item Is being written, carryings-in such as wouldn't be tol- erated in front of the lowest pool hall or beer joint in town are in progress in front of the Y M. C. A. building. Tt isn't merely that the hoodiums who hang out in front of the building are engaged in scaring the wits oui of cassersby by settling off firecrackers on the sidewalk: nor it isn't because such actions are a source of real dangzy of pedestrians and motorists. The real cause for complaint a that 24 any hour of the day or pvening the front of the Y. M. C. A. is peopled with boys and young men who use language fit for no one to hear. Profanity and vul- if passing gitls and women can't hear the snide remacks made they're stone deal. The sidewalk is contin- | i oh i ‘wedding anniversary of ually drenched with the expectora- | tiong of the mob. Pass po limes are sprayed by boys who hold their thumbs over the water foun- tain. Although this office has re- ceived many complaints during the past few months regarding condi- tions in front of an institution which is supposed to represent the finest training for boys and young men. we've withheld comment up to this time out of deference to the “YY” management, which we realize has other duties to perform aside from keeping a continual eye on the gang out front. There's only one cure, and if its enforced it will work. The cure ig to forbid the loitering of any persons on the porch or side walks in front of the “YY”. The in- stitution could enforce the reguia-~ C. A. official, are three other broth- | tion with little trouble and the gang a Would soon break up. Wat ‘was a small quantity spilled on top {Centre County Hospital dispensary ‘where an examination showed his | — - —— RE -Last Thursday was the 51st Mr. and of East Mrs. Willlam © Bishop street, -~Mr. and Mrs. George Balr, of Enola, spent the weekend in Belle- fonte and vicinity as guests of rela- tives and friends of Mrs. Balr, who before her marriage wos Miss Ros- alle Yearick. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph W. Swee- ney, of Lemont, are the proud par- ents of a baby girl born to them yesterday morning at their home Both mother and baby are doing nicely Mrs. W. Wetzler and grand- daughter, Elizabeth Ann Waetzler, and John Weaver, all of Milesburg, spent the Fourth of July weekend at Centreville, Md., as guests of Mr and Mrs. J. B, Mingle and family ~The July meeting of the Belle. fonte (farden Club will be a basket pienic held at the cabin of Mrs. H A. Rossman near Curtin, on Wed- nesday afternoon. July 13. The pro- gram includes a tramp through the woods for identification of wild flowers Miss Ma:lon McCloskey of Lock Haven, was a holiday guest of Harry E Vonada at the home of his par- ents Boyd C. Vonada and accom- panied them to Gettysburg on Sun- day, July 3, to witness the dedica- tion of the Eternal Light Peace Movement by President Roosevelt -Jack Montgomery, of Rochester, N. Y., spent the Fourth of July sea- son in Bellefonte with Mrs. Mont gomery and their son, at the M. B Runkle f home on North Spring Street. They had as their guests on the Fourth Mr. and Mrs Wiliam Grimberg, of New Jersey -The festival committee of The logan Drama Club met Tuesday evening, July 5, to discuss plans for their festival to be held in Noll's Grove at Pleasant Gap, August 11. The music will be furnished by Jim and Jane and thelr Western Vaga- bonds radio station WRAK. The place at which the next meeting July 11. is be held, was changed from the State Park in the Skyven Mountains to Hecla Park. Supper to be at 6 o'clock Sunday vi Walker home at were Mrs. T. W ter Miss Mildred ward Laird and and Mrs. Ralph Laird and of Sharon: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bowmaster and Mr. and Mrs. Roy on of Lock Haven; Mr Bellefonte, R. D WwW. Walke Yarnell, ¢ of Bellefonte, and Saturday ials are o Agios Cassidy, FP amily analy of Lo Harold RD ana daugn- Ed- en, Mr son, all at Bellefonte Laird Mr. and Mrs two childr chica ior ne rick, of Mrs. 1 iren. of hi.aren Ciul in Walker, —Friday f following spe $1.00 i panr; mens work sox, Bec pair; mens at union suits at 48c. The Lintz Store, Belle- fonte. Walter Cohen, manager * ~Join Luther Dale, who will be known familiarly as “Jack,” made his appearance in the world at the C ¢ Co y Hospital at 1 o'clock a ne summer- weight otis hietic ¥ Lar gh School Jack 5 the Ralph Dale, of Eas and tipped the scales 5, 3 ounces af birth. He | n the family and both and Mis Dale are reporied to be getiing along nicely S00 year of Altoona v James BR. Coxey William Moorhead of were among those out- came here Tuesday for Mrs. Ella Rothrock. Enroute to Bellefonte, Sunday, Mr. Coxey. who is related to the W. ¢. Coxey fam- ily in Bellefonte, and who a li censed photographer in Altoona, stopped at Unionville to take sev eral photog of Richard C. duPont and the sailplane he landed on the Edward lick farm there early Sunday afternoon after a motoriess flight from Elmira, N. Y. where the national soaring contest is tak- ing place and Ing Pa of-town who the funeral liana J ¢ he ~Friday marked the 21st anni. versary of the arrival of the Rev Father Willlam E. Downes in Belle. fonte as rector of 8L John's Cath- olic church. He came here from 8t Thomas church, Bedford. to take charge of the parish made vacant by the sudden death of the Rev Pather P. McArdle, During his more than two decades of service in the community Father Downes has become widely known and well liked, for his qualities of sporis. manship. broadness ~f view and his amiable disposition make him a welcome member of any group, re- gardless of religious affiliations Winners of a period design con- test sponsored by the Wolf Purniture | Store, Bellefonte, were: 1st. $150 liv- ing room suite, Mrs. J. E Taylor; 2nd. $125 dining room. suite. Mrs Samuel Tressier, Bast Curtin Street; 3:d. $85 bedroom suite, Mrs, Lillian Crow, 118 Atherton Street, Siate College: 4th. $4050 oil range, P. M Dubbs, E. Linn Street; 5th. $35.50 matiress, Mrs. Charles P. Smith, Pine Street; 6th. secretary desk, Dora E. Henninger, 432 E. College Ave. State College, and 7th. $3 lounge chair, Lenors Morgan, 303 E. Howard 8t. In addition 300 con- | garity are heard at their lowest and |30Ia‘lon prizes were awarded by the judges, Mayor H. P. Harris, and Thomas H. Mensch, Bellefonte, and William K. Ulerich, State College. «Donald Hassinger, three-year. old son of Mr. and Mrs. William XK. | Hassinger, of North Thomas Street, | was painfully bummed about the mouth, lips and face Tuesday morn- ing when he attempted to eat lye. | The little boy's mother was washing | and had gone into the to hang | out the clothes when boy found | a can of lye in the kitchen and placed gome of the caustic in his mouth. Fortunately the lid was on the can and all he was able to get of the can. He was taken to the tongue, the roof of his mouth, lips, and face painfully but not seriously burned. Afier receiving treatment he was permitted to return home. Surgeons believe none of the was swallowed by the lad poison throughout : county. “The venerable DF. Young, re- tired carpenter residing at Tussey- ville, was a welcome caller at our office while in town on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. W, Bickett mo- tored to Niagara Falls to spend the weekend and the Fourth as guests of thelr daughter, Mary, and Mr and Mrs, J, H. Hull and family. Upon thelr return to Bellefonte they were accompanied by Miss Erma Sloop, who had spent a week's va- cation in that city as a guest of Miss Bickett, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis and family, who for the past four years have occupied one side of the G Edward Haupt house on East Linn street, will move September 1 to the Mrs. N. R. Mull house on West Cur- tin street. The Hill family. present | tenants of the Mull property are re- ported to be planning to move into an apartment Charles L. Gates for the past 34 years an editor of the Democratic Watchman, Is taking his first vaca- tion in that time this week. He and his daughter, Winifred, an employe of the West Penn Power Company went to Philadelphia, Tuesday, and from there expected to go where. ever their fahecy dictated for the remainder of the week ~Mrs. Joseph Lannan, of Lock Haven, and her brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs, E. H Smith of Alllance, Ohio, spent the week- end and the Fourth at the old Smith homestead near Bellefonte G. W. Smith and family are the present occupants of the homestead farm, Mr. Smith, E. H. Smith and Mrs, Lannan being brothers and sister Brown and daughter Nancy, and sons Richard and Jams departed vesterday for thelr home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, alter having spent a month or more in Bellefonte as guests of Mrs. J M Bricker. at her home on Reynold avenue. Mrs. Brown will ! here until another daughter, ! returns from the trip to which was given her Lion present —Louls H Ie a Mr Mra. Thomas Tressler Bellefonte with the Mrs. H C. Burket Mark, last Tuesday to Atlantic City, having been called there ov to the death of Walter B. Kauffman a relative, They funeral services FP wi auffman and former of Ware rec of jutor er asst riors mol tended the which were litary honors been and J Wetlre! nandoah riers, at the Weozel-Fa row home near New Market, Va see Lhe Chinchillas 8s (Ey -«Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Snyder. of Scranton, well known formes red. dents of Centre county, were guests atl the home of Thomas Beaver and famil n West Nn street during the weekend ge here 4 Philipsburg where they were by their son, now a Pittsburgh, for a several days Saturday a mhotor party oon of Mr. 8nyder, Mr. Beaver Newell B. Long. LL. Frank Mave and John McCoy motored to Getiys burg to spend the day attending the festivitl 1 connection with the Blue Gray reunion on Gettysburg battlefield ¥y« 0" salsa 43) JOLT resident of yaca- es 11 (eT ang M:g Cecil A Walker and young daughter, Margaret, of the Driscc apartments, departed Tuesday [0 Pittsburgh where the little girl wil undergo a series of tests by a specia lint to determine the source of an ir ritation which has retarded her re covery from an attack of whooping cough last winter. The purpose the tests is to Jearn what polien other substance has an unfavorable reaction upon her aystem. When the cause of the irritation is deter- mined a special serum fo counteract ita effects Is perpared and adminis- tered. The method usually resul s in a complete cur A surprise virthday party was held In honor of David Rice at his home on South Spring street, Sal- urday evening. The evening was spent in games and music, and re- freshments were served. Guests in- cluded his son. James ad famils from Alexandria, Ky. and his daughters, Mrs. Charles Eminhizer and Mrs. Charles Knapp, both of Bellefonte. The complete list of guests follows: Mr. and Mrs. James Rice and son Ray, of Alexandria, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emin- hizer and daughter, Lena Jay. Mr and Mrs. Charles Knapp and child-~ ren, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob 8hirk, Mr and Mrs. David Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gehret, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shope, Mrs. Lulu Rider, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houtz, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson, Franklin Pennington, Miss Louise Walker, Miss Dorothy Rishel and Wade Robinson, all of Belle- fonte, and Mrs. Alice Hockenberry and daughter, Miss Ruth. and Lee Nevling. of State College, ~Local friends of the Haswell family of Williamsport, formerly of Bellefonte, will regret to lerrn of ithe death of Fred E. Haswell, aged 72, who passed away at the Wil- lamsport Hospital at 11:30 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mr. Haswell was the father of Earl A. Haswell, and made his home here with his son until last October when the latter, a representative of the Prudential Insurance Company, was transferred to Williamsport from Bellefonte. In addition to the son, Earl. Mr. Has well is survived by another son, Al- fred. and a daughter, Mrs, Willard Potter, both of Williamsport. He was [the last surviving member of his immediate family. Puneral services will be held at 3 o'clock Friday af- ternoon from the Bastian Funeral Tong Home in W . and inter- ment will be made in the Wildwood cemetery, that city. During the time the family resided in Bellefonte they | became well and well liked central part of the rie ‘A Mr D BR Rumberger, of Harris. burg, spent the weekend in Hublers- burg with relatives, While in town Eaturday Mr. Rumberger took the time to call at our office, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Poorman and sn and daughter, Guy and Gertrude, of East Howard street, spent the holiday weekend in Hor. nell, N.Y, with Mrs. Poorman's sister, Mrs. Clalr Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Gar Young, of Ardmore. are receiving congratula- tions upon the birth of a daughter at a hospital in that city, Thursday of last week. The new arrival is the third child and the second daughter in the family, Mrs. Young before her marriage, was Miss Mary Curtin, daughter of Maj. and Mrs H. L. Curtin, of Curtin. Mrs. Curtin has with her daughter since early last week been Mr. and Mrs. Samuel MceGin- ley, of Bellefonte, and Mrs, Me. Ginley's brother, Raymond Leitch, of Howard, motored to Crystal Beach, Canada, where they spent the weekend and the Fourth ~The Misses Kay Yost, Bylvia Hutton. Eleanor McDonnell and Lona Hunson, nurses at the Ceis- finger Hospital, Danville, spent the Fourth with Miss Janet Lyons at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Guy Lyons, on Wilowbank street A penny used to replace a blown-out fuse was assigned as the cause of a slight fire in the P. M Blair apartment in the “Little Bush Arcade” building, west High street late Baturday night. Total damage was estimated at about $5. Both fire companies responded (0 a gen- eral alarm ~Mr., and Mrs. E. L. Bowes, of Enst Bishop street, spent the Fourth in Clearfield as the guest of Mr and Mrs, E. H. Daugherty -Mr., and Mrs, Willlam F. Bras. baugh and children, Helen and Robert, spent a week at Dr. Eva B Roan’s cabin, “Beven Pines ut Spruce Creek John Ff Lambert of Bring street Is spending weeks with his son-in daughter, Mr. and Mrs son and family at their Warriors Mark Mr. Joseph Cook and son Riche ard, of (Meveland ived in town Bunday for a visit with Mr. Cook's father. Charles PP, Cook and daugh- ters. Joe h resident of Cleveland since 1014 and is em- by the McWilliams Lette; Company Le ] ind Hugh Wi nome at nw ari as heen 4 puoyed Gopal Dervice Aa Dr. Paul Corman, George Har- vey, George CHiboney and Dr. Rich- ards Hoffman, will Baturday for Lake Batiste, Canada, where they will spend a week fishing for bass and plckerel | N RY e Mrs. Rosie Prossestown I they Ward ail ighter aeparied HLGRY Laat Vite » WA ith Ma Mary JA i Wer % A] Europe today tl any between teun Linn [CLASSIFIED ADVELRTISEMENTS | 30,000 People Read This Column every week. That's why The Centre Democrat's classified advertising de- FOR SALE partment has become so amazingly popular. R- Considering ils low cost and the benefits derived, it is undisputably Centre County's Community Bar- gain Counter, RATES -Advertisemen's of twenty-five words or less, 25 cents I10r first issue, and 15 cents for each additional insertion Whee advertise ment containg more than twenty-five words, one cent a word is charged REAL ESTATE A straight one cent a word is charged for rea] esiale adveriising—sale or rent. KEYED ADS-All advertisements that request replies to be malled ‘0 this office, must be complied with by those answering Lhe advertisements Please do not call atl the office for information concerning such advertse- menis veriiser, SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVILEGE-—Every subscribe is entitied (0 a 25-Wurd adves clini ge. oCral Lost A and Found 1037 Waltham wrist wach Be Belielome Help Wanted ED y Wi K ir Work Wanted ANTED Work Reliable auperie ned KD 23 WANTED ~Buperieticed stenographer gesires etng ' thetie, Con Turns CoP O Box - TH WANT er H on nt 254 Wanted to Buy y all Kinds ¢ y Snow Bhoe 3-R-4 BUY FLORSHEIM ilke © buy unoers, sizes B83 office, giving last WANTED Lge Phone WANTED TO SHOR Would ones. with falr write BM, thi WANTED To buy cattle, calves, hogs and poultry of all kinds. 1 pay the most beat for the best, BH. MoCaleb, P08 W, 3rd 8L, Lock Haven, Pa. Phone 626-J x22 WANTED--1 am in the markel for hogs, cattle, sheep, calves and chickens, Call Centre Hall 5H4-R-11 or drop a card to Sidney T. Riegal Centre Hall, Pa ir Articles for Sale FOR BALE—Tvespass and no Suns day Paling signs at the Centre Democrat office ? oud POR SALE---Black cap ready about July 1st. C. M. Maurer Julian, Pa x27 POR SALE-White Leghorn cookereis Nine week: gid. Willam H. Bechdel Bianchard. Pa. Eagleville Station. x37 FOR SALE--Deico light plant and batteries cheap. also other 32 voit generators F. A. Humpion., Lanse Pa x27 POR SALE--Modern Electric Brooder, One year old, 300 capacity $40.00. Bargain. Beck Parm, eyvilie, Pa POR SALE--Red and Black raspber ries. Start picking July 1st Pick every day except Sundays. Edward T. Walker, Wingate, Penna. Box 35. x28 ueed o yo x # Adve raspberry ies, FOR SALB- a inds, lawn mowers sharpened, and ade usted, guaranteed to cut good as new ; Blectric and acetylene welding, power mower knives sharpened while you walt, cap bolts, ret screws, cold rolled steel in stock Shop, Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 32-R. Miscellaneous Swarie Machine I ———————— —— uy Le Removed Prong me al my expeline, p { b Le Bmith, Mest STOCK 1 PY ya Pa ARC E Pere JM nie, Pa FIRE INSBUR AT a reduced wWenty “il ent Keict REDUCED Lew ry smn prepared io Ls Festivals The Advent x rh 3 BRE _ FESTIVAL—The P.O. B. of hol “Ye Od Time Comnsnuny tival al Salona k . srday vening 14. in this Important business 10 be tm i terested ar present relativ invited and awiley Bring days basket IIE WALKER REUNION-—The 18th An- nual Walker Reunion will be held on Saturday 23rd. 1038 as arm home of Plummy Wilson, one mile east of Warriors Wark on the Center Line Road. All welcome. If you can. not attend. we would be pleased 0 receive A Mne from vou Bev HON Walker, Secretary, Bellwood Ps. x29 Personal ROTICE--Party 8 known who took parcel from oar parked at side of Court House Saturday night Re. turn to Shaffers Allegheny street store, and no questions will be asked Mark parcel J 8 1 x27 Jud 3 vidf a Io] Public Sales THURSDAY, JULY 7-The First Nat- ional Bank of State College, Pa. Executors of the Emerson KE Welser estate will offer at public sale all second hand automobiles, tools, ac- ocessorios, shop and office agnipment Sale starts at 10 o'clock a mm. Ses advertisement elsewhere In this 1s sue for the place where the various Memes will be sold. Terms cash. EK M. Smith, auct. W. Harrison Walk- er, attormey. SATURDAY, JULY 6-Mm 8 WM Hindman will offer at public sale at Ber home 1 mile east of Alexandria, Pa. a full line of household goods. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash HH. I. Harpster, auct POSTPONED The saie of the John household goods, which waz to have been held on the premises near Runvilie on Saturday, July 8. has been Postponed indefinitely, W Harrison ket, attorney for the sstate, announced yesterday ratte FREE MOVIES ! wossien BT soma HECLA PARK Sunday Night —_——— - - Administrators Wiaiker estate Gl rae EAS ON i Simoes