DALE FAMILIES MEET IN REUNION The second annual reunion of the descendants of John and Catherine Dale, of Houserville, was held at Grange Park, Centre Hall, Satur day, July 2. One hundred thirty-eight attend. ed this year. The officers were re- elected as follows: honorary presi- dent, 8. J. Dale, DuBois; president, Jerome R. Dale, Renovo; vice-pres- ident, Lucian Dale, Pittsburgh; re- cording secretary. J. A. Dale, Le- mont; corresponding secretary, Win- nie Dale Philips, Northumberland; treasurer, Rev. Jared Eminhizer, Three Springs, Pa, The reunion will be held at the same place, Monday, July 3rd, next year. It is rather remarkable that forty- five attending last year, being ab- sent, were replaced by forty-five new in attendance this year. It is hoped that still others will find it possible to attend in the future, rlong with the former attendance Those in attendance were as fol- lows: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Dale, DuBois; Mr. and Mrs. Guy A. Dale, Helen and Robert Dale, Akron, O,; Mr and Mrs. Lucian Dale and Lu- clan. Jr. Pittsburgh: Mr. and Mrs. Jérome R. Dale, Janet, Jerome, Jr. Allce and Jan Dale. Renovo; Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dale, Maxwell, Ken- neth, Paul, Kermit, Rhelda and Mary Dale, Mifflinburg; Mr. and Mrs, William Dale and son Jimmie, Lewisburg; Mr. and Mrs, William Earl Dale, Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dale, Jeanne, Mary. Patricia, Marian and Andrea Dale, Lemont; Mr and Mrs. Joe W. Behers, Joseph E., Mary Altoona; Miss C. Ruth Behers, Ray Behers, Misses Mildred, Gladys and Marian Behers, Bellefonte; Mr. and Mus. Donald Bowles, Cleve- land: Mr. and Mrs. David Brown, Pleasant Gap; Mrs. M. Broskley, Florence and Anthony raskley, Bellefonte, R. D.; Mr. and Mrs william Balley and Catherine Bai- ley. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Coble, Charles, Dorothy, Emest, Donald, Freda and Roberta Coble, Belle. fonte, R. D.; Bud and Betty Coble, Westwood, N. J; Mr. and Mrs Bruce Corman, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eminhizer, Mary A. and Helen Em- inhizer, Bellefonte, R. D.; Rev. and Mrs. J. 8. Eminhizer and daughter Hilda. Three Springs: Mrs. George Eminhizer, Russell, Donald and Bobby Eminhizer. John W. Emin- hizer, Shamokin: Mrs. Roy Houtz and son Teddy, Bellefonte R. D.; Mrs. Helen Irwin and son Joseph Jr. Williamsport: Mrs. Vesta Jor- dan, Thelma, Vesta and Sonny Jor- dan, State College, R. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lee and son Gordon, Bellefonte, R. D.; Mrs. Blanche MacMillan, Cleveland; Mrs. Bonna Newell, Akron: Mrs. Winnie Dale Philips and Miss “Ora Lee” Philips, Northumberland; Pred Royer. Har- risburg: Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Smith, Betty, Joseph, Ruth, Eddie, Olive Maze and Robert Smith, Knoxdale; Byron Smith, Middleburg; Mr, and Mrs. J. H. M. Stover, Sara and Glen Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tress- ler, Bellefonte, R. D.; Mr. and Mrs Kearney Walker, Robert. Paul. Sam, Jerry and Patsy Ann Walker, Le-' mont: Mr. and Mrs. John White Pauline and Elwood White, Belle- fonte, R. D.; Dotinie, Dick Weaver, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Miles Walker, Edward and Richard Walker, State College, R. D. Guests: Mrs. H. I. Ailman, fonte, R. D.; Mr, and Mrs. Don D Foltz, Brookville: Mrs. Gertrude W. willlams and Walsh Williams, Du- Bois: Charles Maggi, Hillsdale. N J.: Mrs. Sara White, Centre Hall; Josephine Weeder, Centre Hall; George Nelson, Bellefonte R. D. << Helen and Robert Behers, | Buddy and Belle | the HUBLERSBURG Misses June and Edna Bierly spent Wednesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Rockey of Hecla Mr. and Mrs, Doyle HeMnan and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Charles | Heltman, of Mackeyville, visited al the homes of Mr, and Mrs. James Camer and Mr. and Mrs, F. E, Vo- nada on Wednesday evening, Master Daniel Kerstetter, of Ty- lersville, spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes Rumberger and family of Harrisburg, arrived here Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs, PF, E. Vonada whete they visited, and also called among other friends, while here. They returned to their home on Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs, Earl Fulton, of Johnstown, and Mrs. Eliza Fulton, of Stoyestown, arrived here Thursday and spent the weekend visiting among relatives, returning home on Monday Mr. and Mis. Alton Deitrich and daughter, of New Bethlehem, spent the weekend visiting with his moth- er, Mrs. Emeline Deftrich., Mrs. Ida White, of Woolrich visited at the same home on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. James Delong and children of Orviston, are spending some time with her grandparents Mr. and Mr Charles Krape, Mr, and Mrs. Moris Braumgar and son, of Renovo, spent Monday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harry Stitzer Mrs. Jacob Weaver visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Dietz of Jacksonville, on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Blerly, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Blerly and sons, Mr, and Mrs. Nevin Blerly and daugh- ters, of Bellefonte, R. D. and Mr and Mrs. E. L. Markle were Saturday evening supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Markle Mr. and Mrs. Charles Minnie daughters h and 5, of Reading, and the for- mer’s mother, Mrs. Nearhood, of State College, former residents of thls place, visited among old friends on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Heichel and daughter, of Orviston, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Heaton. Mrs. James B. Musser and Mr. P A. Hinds have both been under the doctor's care for the past week Their many friends hope for their speedy recovery Miss Catherine Vonada accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vonada to their home near Pittsburgh, on Mon- day where she will spend this week visiting with them Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Tayior, of Fill- more, spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weave: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kling and chil. dren, of Lamar, were Priday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Williard Truckenmiller. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clutz and child, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Pred Hayes and family, of Bellefonte, visited at the home of Mr. and Mis. PF. E. Vonada on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Yarnell and children visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Yamell of Hecla on Sunday. and Mm. Chester Nittany of Mr Heckman spent Sunday and Mrs. Boyd Mr. and Mrs Bellefonte, vigited Mr. and Mrs Sunday Lynn Krape, of af the home Charivs Krape of on Employing an out her personal and income tax. a Pueblo, Colo, woman paid the tax expert $18 and gent the Government a three-cent stamgp in payment tax due acoount ant to figure of - fr Remember YOU FORGOT LAST YEAR! bering instead of the usual slam. 127 E. Howard St. That Wedding Anniversary ! Register “Say It With Flowers” in your sub-consclious mind and receive a litle praise for remem - Woodring's Floral Gardens PHONE 64. Bellefonte, Pa. or, Ans STATE COLLEGE DRY CLEANING WORKS HAS OPENED A BRANCH OFFICE ON BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. They are offering you the serviee of the most standard equip- ped plant in Central Pennsylvania. Also offer you the mest con- venient cash and carry prices GIVE US A CALL WE CLEAN CLEAN. Al work Is in- sured against fire and theft, and is guaranteed or ne charge. For further information consult clerk, THE ONE CUSTOMER Who gives us the most work during the month of July Will receive a $2.50 GOLD PIECE Fur Vault Service Offered Including cleaning and glazing with State Heensed fumigators, ¥ Look for the White Front 20 WEST BISHOP STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. G. W. ELLIS, Manager. BTORE OPEN 3:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Pigs Thres PLEASANT GAP The Loyal Workers of the Luther. an church gave a farewell party for Mrs. Nelle Gheen at her home Wed. nesday evening. The Gheens are moving thelr household goods Ww Sunbury on the 16th, and will occupy apartments gn Catawisy Street quite near the Mary Packer hospital where Miss Stella holds a permanent position. Charles will make his home with his brother Royden for the present and continue his work here, The ladles of the Bridge club of which Nelle Gheen is a member en- tertained her at a Bridge luncheon at Green Gables today. Mr. and Mrs. Errick Marks and son Samuel, of West Viiginia were dinner guests of the Wade Eveyz on Tuesday evening Mr, and Mrs. Wade panied by Mr. and Mrs Bellefonte, motored to where they attended the reunion on Sunday The Harry Bllger's entertained some friends from Mifflin at a pic- nic dinner on wp of the Seven Mountains Monday. Master Gene Lego had fortune of having his hand quite badly hurt when a fire-ciacke: which a boy threw down near him exploded, tear the palm his hand as well ag his fingers Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roth Samue] and William, are SOmMe Storock cabin in Kri of the day time being George Margargel 8S Harold MacClintock Nolls flying students had as hi guests over the Fourth father and [riend, Mrs. Powers of Camden N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Clintock of Philadelphia Harold MacClintock and Daryl Romig made a motorcycle trip Asbury Park Monday Charles Stallzre visited weekend with his parents at ing Summit Mr Evey accom- Al Grove ol! Pl Hall wil Hams the mis- of and sons of MeKeesport time he e valley, most pent with family one of H. T spending at the is over the Keat - and Mr Sunday with the Unionville Mr. and Mrs. Harold daughlier Alice are Jers pend a few cottage whigh was r home in Green Valley A family reunion was held 8 Sat1 irday The George Dubler family accom- panied by Annabel and Thelma Bower, of Rote, motored to Hershey for the day on Sunday Mrs. J. W. Wood and Avingston attended the Bri uncheon which Mrs. Hutchison gave at her hd last week for her newl married daughter Among those wi Sesqui~-Centennial Millheim Monday Noll and daughter Mrs. Clay Poorman Betty and Gertrude, Mr Martin Keller and daughter garet, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood and the Robert Livingston famib On Sunday H. T. Noll and three students made an airplane trip 10 Gettysburg and on the Porth H. T Noll, son Terry and two students made a trip by plane w Elmira New York and return Mr. and Mrs 8r., and Mr the consistory ph fay July lat, Mr nd Mrs. Thomas and three friends were Phil hy David Hall spent formers parents, a Warner and here [rom New seeks at thel ry the ey Lo Mrs. Robert fon “r & me A attended ce ebration Mri Ext her ery daughte Mr Mar- on ang Margarge attended Pris George C. C. Lucas nic al Ashurst adelphia 0 spend 1 Mra Eta Grether Rev. Henry and wile ing two weeks al a collage Valley Mem held et] rial be 17th. The Logan Drama club will a festival on the evening of Aug. 1 The FP. D. and Cerald Millward families spent the Fourth with friends at Osceola Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Wilson visited over the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Mill- ward The Orrie Mulbargers spent day evening at the John Hinds at Hublersbhurg Mra. Herber in 14h Al Liye ui home Koche of State Col- lege, guve a miscellaneous shower for Miss Margaret Smeltzer last week one evening The Pleasant Gap Piremen are making preparations for a carnival which they plan to hold about the middle of ily. Proceeds to help pay for the new fire truck recently purchased. The Derr family will move into the Noll house which will be vacat- ed by the Cheens next week. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Koingh were re- cent guess at the 8 E. Noll home Mrs. John Noll spent a few days recently with the Pred Clemens, at their home in Northumberland Mis. Harry Showers entertained last week one evening at two tables of Bridge. Miss Thelma Ishler of Jackson- ville has accepted a position in the Stover Tea room, The drawing for the electric elock given away by the Amaranth was made at Melroys last Tuesday. The hicky lady being a resident of Har- risburg. (From last week) Mrs. Charles Ross and son Harri- son of Niagara Falls were recent | guests at the Roy Bell home The J. W. Gill ramily motored to |Aoona and Cresson recently where they spend a day calling upon old friends, among whom were the {Edgar Sarvis family, Mr, Sarvis ‘being a son of a former Methodist {minister of this place. Mrs. Msthear Woomer of State {Coliege. Mrs. Hutchison, of Rock view, Mrs. Edward O. Dyer, of Blan- chard, and Mrs. Wallace Ward of | Bellefonte were callers of the Mel- rays’ on Tuesday Ray Melroy and wife were lunch- son guests of Mrs. E. O. Dyer at her home at Blanchard Sunday evening. Amorig those who attended the meeting of the Centre County Coun- efl of Republican Women held at (he home of Mrs. BE. O. Dyer of Blanch- ‘ard, Sdturday were Ray Melroy and wité, Mr. and Mrs. John Hotken- berry. Mrs, George White, Mrs. Mus- ser Irvin Miss Virgie Bilger, “Ars Mary Corman, Mrs. Lester Batum- gaidner, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keller jand Mrs. Linguist, | The festival held by the Civic Club ladies Saturday evening was qiute a | sucess, considering the number of near by attractions and the condi- |tion of the weather, Four of the Penna. Motor Police went to Gettysburg for ten days, during the celebration there Mrs. F. B. Henry took her mother, Mrs. Cump who has been visiting al the parsonage for the last month, 10 her home in Chambersburg and re- mained for a short visit, Her hus- band Rev. Henry jeft the beginning of the week for Newton Hamilton where he will attend summer camp sr ———— ———— REBERSBURG and Mrs. Steryl Moyer and and Mrs. Mary Bart- College, were Sunday home of Mr, and Mrs Mr two children ges of Slate callers at the P. J. Yearick Rev, and Mrs. RK. L ganton were Vis Evangelical parsonage day of last week Miss Annle Walker of port spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Corman The Class of 1982 of the Jocal high chool held annual reunion at Halry John's al Woodward on Sunda) July 3:d. The following attended, Mr and Mu Harvey Keifer, of Beaver Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ream of Boalsburg; Mr and Mrs. Albert Miller of Brackney Mr. and Mis. Richard Mann Beech Creek, Mr. aid Mrs. Merrill Brungar: of Coburn, James Mallory and friend Miss Houser of Slale College, Margaret Hazel Madison- burg. Floyd Gllbert Wolle Store M: Preas of Lo- at the local on Wednes ors williams- the by Wit id Park of of and of WwW. E the home of Mr Loganton and Mr visitors at Lamey at Mr, and Mr family of Max of Bair were Bun- Har Mever the Henry Hackenberg wa ent Muncy H H | Ira Hosp last week Pau nin Mr. and daumiter Mar jor al Hershey and pa ital Dean, and and weekend ungart Spat hha ttyvebu Jae Mallory and friend College Cie Mi spent he home of the former Lalu Mallory Mr. and Mr John Weaver family, and Mr. and Mi Pau Brown al v0 child were busi- ba ls Bellefonte on Satur- day. M al H weekend at mother, Mr user of State 4 anc wd or ro 1 en a ya i Mrs. J. O iy of Milroy Pennypacker were Sunday of Mrs JBdith a al Logs s Garrett and relatives weekend empioyed weeReT wil the nd Mra Rebersburg and Loganton among {rien Mrs, Mary days at the home of Mr: Ed. Miller a: Millheln, Weekend guests gt the LA Rid: were Mr. and Mme PH Mm and der home Reading John Ocker Julia of Belles the Iatierrs W. FP. Bierly H H 8 stermal n kieb) eck of at a rckenbery me were Mr. and Mrs Russell Zachar of All Rev. and Mrs. C. FP. Catherman and two sons of Hanover Mr and Mrs daughter Jahn days with entown Masteller ang sof weveral Mr Ray danghter Gloria Bloomsburg, spent 3 the latter's parents and Mrs. Nevin Moyer Rev. and Mrs. John Weaver and son of Lairdsville and Rev. and Mrs Charles Frazier of 8t. Clairsville were weekend guests at the home of Rev. J. J Weaver W. H. Hackenberg visited relative; at Muncy on Sunday and Monday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Katls, son and daughter of Pittsburg spent the weekend at Oravel Spring Lodge where they were guests of Mr. Eu- gene Smull and family Eugene Bierly and friend of Wash- ington, D. C. visited the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bierly ver the weekend. Mr. and M:s. Kenneth Breon and daughter Janet spent the weekend with friends at Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Rachau and son Larry .of Bellefonte, visited the latter's mother Mrs. Edith Gent- pel several days last week. FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jones and baby spent Jast week at the home of Mrs. Johe's parents. as Mrs. Russell Jones had the misfortune to bump het leg on an axe and cut jt pretty badly. 8he is under the care of Dr Ishler and is getting along fine, Miss June Lucas of Curtin, spent a rouple days last week at the Miles Etters home Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Chapman of Niagara Falls, were gupper guests on Saturday evening at the Charles Chapman home and Mr. and Mr Clair Chapmon and three children of the same plade visited from Satur- day until Tuesday Sunday visitors with Misg Ella Lu- cas were Mr. and Mr: Willard Hay and four children of Jacksonville, (Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Confer of Belle- fotite, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Etters and children, Miss Sylvia Lucas and Jack Wiatking of this place. Quite a few people from around here attended the festival on Sat- urday evening at Pleasant Valley. Sunday visitors at the Charles of Chapman home were Mr, Oscar Ny- | man and Mrs, Mary Jane Lucas of Mi. Eagle, Miss Norma Lucas Orviston, Mr. and Mrs. Dude and datighter of Akron Ohlo, Mrs. Stella Parker and three children of Scotia, | daughter Pear! and Glenn MeClos- key of Howard, R. D., J. B. Lucas and Dock Wat Kins of this place PINE GLEN Rev, Shirley would have announced that we no church services for two weeks. Rev, and Mrs. Shirley will spend part of his vacation at Williamsport The younger sel gave Sterling on Saturday, thelr guest being Miss Dorothy MeCullough, nurse at Philipsburg State Miss McCullough spent a vacation al home, returning G duty Tuesday William Hall, of was at Binton one day last Mr. and Mrs. James Dixson spent their Fourth with relatives Port Matilda Mrs, Clyde Hoover and children, Jean and Marvin, were at Clearfield Sunday red on Mi Falmai a picnic at tudent hospital week's Towanda N. ¥ week ut Kennedy, of Ty Burkey an the nd a1 rone 4th daughter ne, of Karthaus ere at the Ir- Foimar home for the Fourth and Mrs. Donald Gordon and two chlidren of Pittsburgh and H G Lewis, of Karthaus lied at the Robert Askey and rkey on Monday Mi Mrs. Lloyd Wertz, at ad with them over the Wertz Robert Wade, of Cuba pent Week ~ returning wo Mr. and Mr: mer's father, Mr who were for ed noen home and y Bob, hh eckend Terrell Haskins and Arch Miss Ruth Askey nd at her home ¢ on Monday Ray Meyers, the for Meyers and son Howard motor trig Fourth 1 B the here stopping here Velda Hoover from ty ho J and is gelling aon Ce Orgs 1 were 4 Benton wells Mrs. CG. D of Lancaster hame the Dorothy Holt, of OE & ¥ Week Jahinglo ner ho Jaki wii wl He wa lion fe Ome ‘who 1 ad the day Askey, Sher- the Mul- 1 dinners served of spending { 5 g 1" HOWARD d Mn Char i ke" 3 Tee RE at Lhe Mr. and MM: MePntire Mr. and Mus Prank Copp and Mr and Mrs, Edger Rader of Aleniows were guesta at the Mr H A Kline hte over ihe Miss Elranor Loatl ving Slowl) Ww SPENT MeVeral Mr. and J r of Denver Pa Jonfer Conf from pneus three weeks is considerabi« He & 8 patient in he Cen- Hospital are glad to report 4 s Williams k around again Mis REEL Wy piled at 5 5 1 x Ty Mr and ad able 10 be out land and children srman Confer home several days his Oe orge Holter of hiladelphia made a short viet at the home of his mother, Mrs. Alice Holter Miss Kathleen Rathmell, form- erly a Howard gir! and Harold Har- ter of Stale College were married Sunday in State College. Mr. and Mrs, Hater expect to live in the Poconos. Mr. Harter is employed by the State Mrs. John Shay of Renovo, visited at the home of her parents, this past week Miss Jane Allison of Harrisburg is spending her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Ms. Ray Allison POTTERS MILLS Charles Foust, wife and daughter after spending two weeks at the J. G. Boal home have returned (0 their home at Potlsviile Mrz. Laura MoeCormick and Miss Caroline McClaskey have returned home after visiting two weeks at the Mr. W. E. MeCormick home at Read- ing. Charles Caskey and family of Lock Haven, spent the Fourth at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Ed Swertwood. Mr, Cupples and family of Lewis- town spent Sunday at the Mr. Ho- mer Sweetwood home. Mrs. Nancy Carson Fleming, daughter, son Harry and wife from Williamsport, and Miss Witmer from Conn, visited on Sunday at the F F. Palmer home. Thomas Henney and daughter, Mrs. Erb, from Latrobe, called on friends on Monday. Miss Margaret Kimport and Mas- | ter Tommy Smith from State Col- lege visited bver the weekend at the ‘home of her cousin, Miss Liszie Slack, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oetiig, sons Jerry and Bud, daughter Freda, and of | Mra. Jasob Mast, Miss Savilla Pink- erton, and friend Mr. Thomas Cook all of Braddock, Mr Thomas Oettig | a few days Lancaster, of Chicago, are spen |Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mang abd at the Gettig summer —— __— Mr. and Mrs. George Donahey and Miss Orpha Fleisher of State Col- lege visited on Bunday at the Gettig home Ralph Horner, wife and daughters visited on Bunday at H. E. Foust home, Those who visited at the G. H, Mc- Cormick home over the weekend were Miss Laura Belle MoCormick of Merce:, W. E. McCormick, wile and s of Reading; Mr. W. E. Me- Cormick and friend, Miss Alice Tom- of Btate Coliege, Miss Jean of New Castle and Mis Jodon of Bellefonte Ella Wilkinson has improv Such ab exient that she wa he home of her daughter Henshall at State Colicge I————— PORT MATILDA wis held night Sunday present were: Johnny Martha Helen William Willian Ned Patton, Dean Betty Lou Vroman, Eu Mildred Vreoman, Pau Daughenbaugh, James Wi 210A Lytle, Madeline Fleck, Wa Ullams, Jean Mahue, Jack Wil. and Spencer Weaver, Mr. and Raymond Robison, Merrel ayed a joke on Jack four Lhe y HE] Hnson Walle Charles Mrs Lo taken Mrs. P ed to Pp A Park on bet Smith Cla t Rich Paul Rich gens at Lhe by Der- School weiner roast Wednes for day his Dose aids ard ard aber, Ned Ww Hams M1 Woome« Pp Lykens ner Mi Lioyd of Al and family new home LGiracey Clair maoveg have Alia a Mis. A B vin Woodring ¢ ouG parens a big boy bab) Weaver moved from the t hed pr of Kenneth R.C. Th vacated AO ONOn into by Mi Mrs. C Wensel, who moved (0 Birmu hast nouse Ouse alg Tar: PORT MATILDA NO Miasionary Society met at U £ } Mabe ] Friday evenin Davi and Mrs. Lane Cc. A Weaver and Fourth with. rela uncie. Mir and Mra spent Lhe iE Ray spent the auld Mr adi family ves in Lewd nd Mr » Willams, New- weekend Mr wil & Mr i palen alg i. Gieen ’ W. A Hoover, Mrs. 8 VRILOTS Hoover, on Bune. and Were Miw and Mm Mrs Mrs Philip C. A aig and rvs, visited hi Ora Shoberi, ob atid Mrs. J a who Bes OO visit from a 3 member Tarrytown, N. ¥ Mrs. A. J. Johnson quietly thelr fiftieth wedding an- niversary on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Morton two daughters, of Queen Sunday at the home of Mr H M Crain Rev. and Mis Sower, Misses Ida and Mabel Willams and Mrs. C. W Crain, attended the W. CC T. U Convention in Bellefonte on Thurs day Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E Williams on Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. E. Woomer and daugh- ters, Francis and Marcha, Pitls- burgh, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams and Malcolm, Washington, D. C., and son. Robert, of Langley Field, Va. Miss Rosemarie Woodring spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W, J Woodring. Lewis Sharer has returned from a trip to Toledo, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. Russell Artz, Mr. and Mrs, Stanford Artz of Altoona and State College, spent the Fourth at ihe home of their mother, Mis. W. H. Arte. Buddy leitze; is enjoying a short furiough from Langley Field. Misges Betty Jane and Faye Crain have returned from a visit 0 East Orange. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. E T. Spotts, Mr. M Woodring and Mrs, Sanderson gpent the Fourth al Hecla Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Crain, Pitta burgh, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson (nee Eunice Crain.) Cortland, N. Y., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J H. Crain. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mammer (nee Agnes Crain) returbed to Bast Or- ange, N. J, on Monday, accompani- | ed by Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Crain, who will enjoy a few days’ fishing | on the N. J. coast. i SNYDERTOWN Churel ‘News for July 10:-<8un- day School 9:30 3. m. Everybody wel. | come. The young people of the church and community will meet on Thurs. | day evening, at which time a busi- | ness meeting will be held in connec. | tioh with the social] gathering. All| interested are u to be present, Rev. and Mrs. Keller are spending | a few days in New York, visiting Mr. | and Mrs. Samue] Myers, Mr. and 2h, Luther Unkle, of | Young are en- daughte { the X12) joving thei: Ruth ” Mr. and celebrated Crain, and Pa. spent and Mrs SNOW SHOE and MM. C. A’ Thome on last Baturday honor of thelr daughter L birthday. Cards and game th entertain ne At a late wis served Those present were: Mr. and Mm Joe Marshall My Eimer Beightol Vivian Marshall Charlotte and L Halyl, Bob Lee Oswalt, Jame Carelson, Mise Re Jame Reasner, Merrill C Maxine Edna an eile Bobb mother M tertaines Vor en~- night in { icflle’s were of t vening ment hour luneh sua NwWay Thompson visiting his | Philipsburg Charles Bhope, of Ohio Mr anc For and oungslown visited Bhope Ceoree Mi Hall Reed Legal Notices LGA NOTICH ‘ Mutter # id ’ Laie ae er of the Clerk of the Orphany rt thelr petition praving for the sale of the following ren) estate of Lhe de- cadent at public sale All that certain Jot of ground situ ated In the Township of Spring County of Centre and State w gm. nia, represented on plot of Kell t y Pleasant Onn wt lote NOS and 20 § in Bection one and bounded and described as follows, to-wit Each lt having Gfty feet {pontege on Main streel and exiending back » ike width vwo hundred nine feel LO ‘ 1lley ax reference 0 plot or pian of maid Keller Addition recorded | My sorliansous Book "8B" page 428 1b we Office Fm of Deed { of Centre fl BA el He waer ye, ot erly Belsiu i WMT ae Jirmet Hn OC [SABRIIE MURRAY R msn ABETH SPICHER wee of Balale Cake Blake BACON HAMS WEINERS BOLOGNA Cheese Lagantion Spiced Ham Ib 25¢ Veal Loaf Ib 25¢ Press'd Ham Ib 25¢ Boiled Ham Ib 49¢ Oleo Winner Brand Lard vr Winner Brand Winner Brand” lb 23c th 27¢ 2 Ibs 29¢ 18¢ Spare Ribs Ib 1272 Neck Bones Ib 7c Pig Feet - Ib 6c Sausage Ib 25¢ 3.3% 2 19¢ Aged wr Mild PEAS TOMATOES RED KIDNEY BEANS GREEN Stringless BEANS 4 No. 2 Cans 25¢ KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES "21ge bxs 21¢ (FREE CREAM PITCHER) EVERGOOD CORN, crush. bantam, 2 COUNTY FAIR COFFEE ens 19¢ 3 ths. 39%¢ - - (Delicious for Teed Coffee) Good Hostess ORANGE PEKOE TEA MILLBROOK MILK S8-oz. pkg. 23¢ . 4 tall cans 25¢ By Colonial! CLUB CRACKERS—cello pkg. 18¢ N. B. C. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 23¢ IVORY SOAP—large size - IVORY FLAKES - OCTAGON LAUNDRY SOAP PALMOLIVE SOAP CRISCO - - - BELO... - CHIPSO—-OXYDOL 10¢ - box 23¢ 10 cakes 39% 3 cakes 17¢ 3 Ib. can 19%¢ 2 boxes 27¢ Ige box 2c = - - REAL PRODUCE VALUES! BANANAS NEW POTATOES TOMATOES CANTALOUPES. FRESH PEAS CABBAGE 3 Ws lie WATERMELONS 20 . 4