THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. BLANCHARD BOALSBURG The festival for the community Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Drye seriou fire equipment will be held at Beech Mr. and Mrs, McQuigg., of Pitts- July Creek Thursday, Friday and Satur- burgh, were recent callers at the Quite a number of people gathere day evenings of this week. Music matthew Goheen home on the banks of Bald Eagle Creek will be furnished the first evening Mrs. Ackerman spent the weekend on Sunday afternoon w wines th by The Smoky Mountain Boys, en- with relatives at Spring Mill baptismal ceremonies held by tertainers over WRAK, the second : / ae © I mambes evening by an accordian player also Bion Mi, b i Bier Lids 10s \ family of Altoona, spent Sunday from WRAK and on Saturday even. re and Mrs. Smith and Were with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hoover nd bw the Lock Haven High School children of Punxsulawney were re Jesse EB Smith Militars cent guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Langley Field Va Robert Erhard of Greensburg, re- The de} from our W. C.F. U ach- | \ hs { 8 ay after several we delegates Om Our w t da tloueh wit} lowed by class meeting. No preach-| ag. ang Mrs. Allen Rumberger and | turned home Sunday after s to Bellefonte for the convention last Bip Meo. Jali Tuam lay furlough with Mr. a i 8. JOIN me ing service tn the evening. Belle- | cong of Tyrone, were callers at the | weeks visit with his grandparents, 9 } rch-—Pra, ) Y : r . p Thursday were Mrs, V. C. Ridge fonte church—Prayer service thisiya,.. of his sister, Miss Laura Rum- Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson He Th Nielson, Mi: Hatin Monday at Huntingdon with Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m. Sun- | yon. on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Henderson, of | = Mrs. William Prey and Miss On and daughter-in-law, Mi day School on Sunday morning at Miss Bell Williams is spending Trafford City attended the home Anna Bechdel iy TA Mrs. Paul Durner 10 hm Ne preps x0e Al | some time with her sister and hus- coming at Mt. Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. John Florey of Al- Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lindeman anc Styne grey 3 rogress 2 | band, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nason | Mrs. Viola Whittle and sons BUY | on, “none several days of jest! SON spent the weekend with rela nite TB jh 3 ap | of Philadelphia, Pa and Eddie of Philadelphia, are vis- week with Mr. and Mrs. Jame Mar tives at Meyersdale ya | Miss Lorraine Parsons, student ai Ing relatives here tin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hess Methodist Church Services—Pray- | pann State College this Summer, Recent visitors at the home of Mr daughter. spent the weekend er service this Thursday evening. | nent the weekend with her parents, and Mrs. W. E Shively were, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey and Sunday School on Sunday moming | yg. ang Mrs. E I, Parsons Mrs. Harry Sroh and daughter at Greensburg at the usual hour, followed by the Mrs. Stella Parsons of State Col- Helen, Miss Evelyn Thomas, Mr and Mr preaching service at 10:30 a. Re With | lege. spent the weekend with her Mrs. J. Irvin Thomas, Philils, Thel- visitor FREE by the Paster, Rey in the SON and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clair ma, and Jay Thomas all of Altoona Mr Raul. Ra m. at A time | Parsons of Union Township Weekend Centre g ' ot wl in| Mrs. W. B. Parsons, returned to Mr. and Mis fonte the boys who spent last week in drain rm Newton Hamilton Training Camp | her home on Monday, after a weeks mM by Mrs ie, irs. ill give their rt visit with relatives in McKeesport [Charles Jordon, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd will give report. | and Morgantown, West Virginia Jordan, Mrs. Melvin Jordan and 5 { 3 i8= . aughter 3 sburg wy Pliner of Irvom, b So Mrs. Margaret Keatley left re- ugh ro! ee neo N amd Es TAT Jpralenl name | cently to accompany her son Harold | WT. and Mrs. raul Poorman. 'alster daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. | 4" oie0 of Washington, D. C. on a three daughteis of Trafford are vis- Renovo were gu r , wh i tine with the latters aunt I Wy LNOVO were g Cail Piss | months vacation to the Pocono : ng hie he ales wn My Anna Bowes on Sunday Mrs. Way and her dayghter and Mountains on Vaughn ~D » Ra 1 e | Mrs slizabeth ixon Is visiting N and Mrs . I hes > Shale 0 | Miss Martha Rose her daughter Mrs. Harry William two daughters with Mir y eof Mice - gentleman friend, Mr = Hareb er rte. orate DeHaas former's sister Miss Jennie Fisher Wilmington. Del. spent Mrs. Chester Thompson and fam nn i : 4 : a y of Altoona, are spending a week of the “Blue Boas Nancy and Jane Weignt, of as guests of her parents at their summer home her Gettysburg on liefonte, spent § I y gue: Mrs. C. K. Brugger Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lagory Mr. and of Miss Ann Holtzworth, at the home Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fox and sister, |sons Lewis J { Jac) re f he i : a Mn X anda sisiel ns Lewis Jr. and Jackie of al and her grandiattier, 3. Dune! But Miss Myra Underwood motored down {ord are visiting with relative Ros: Rev. H E Oakwood of the Pres- | NHtany valley on Sunday where Miss Flo Shively, student at Al- Harry Taylor of byterian church is having his Vaca- | pigs Underwood will visit for a time toona School of Commerce at the tion this month and will therefore | ui, ar and Mrs. Frank Ingram the weekend witis her have no preaching service at this ' Mrs. WE. Shively July 7, 1938. Roslin Myers, and Mrs Bhawver and iL.» son Nearhoo! oi MILESBURG are glad to teport, no } " if the Fourth of 3 ’ ail ol PORT MATILDA R. D. 1 Mrs. E. Lloyd Ashcroft, ang son Buddy, Mr, and Mis. Dick Jarvis Mr. and Mrs, E. Lloyd Ashcroft Jr, and daughter Shitley, all of Ports mouth, Virginia, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E Shively Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoover and JULIA Day has | and Pittsbu. Pa PERSONALS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, CHURCH NEWS, OF UNIONVILLE (Reported by Special Correspondent) Clady We accident anda over and minster Coley LUCAS FAMILY HOLDS REUNION church of baptized Free Methodist Church Services: | Ardery Calhoun of Pittsburgh, —Unionville church: Prayer service | spent the holiday with his parents, on Friday evening, Sunday School | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calhoun of this on Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m. fol- | place. a» Danny Swyers was with his Bwyeis parent Miss Wagner pent a Mrs. Amber Jan week recently Felwr and Thompson Bechdel, returned fiom Oll City on Wednesday until afte: the weekend holiday, The Company did not want to begin ciation until after the Fourth Willlam Spangler son of M: Mrs. T. K. Spangler spent a days at home before departin nh a group of CCC boys for a camp in and Texas day with Mr Maxon and family Sunday Mr . ter Jane Sleel John Patterson with Wis a recent Oy friends at Zieglerville and Mn Rimmey o Hall pl ale, of Belle and Mr ] Vog! iaughter of Ceoige ana ¥ guests at the home ol in John Henderson were Wilbur Erhard, Mrs Raymond suffered tack of asthma on Betty on of Crom Hamsport Brugger and Southernd of the Fourth Mr. and REVIVAL! attended the | JULY 5th to 17th and Gray Reunio Monday Mrs. B H John HEAR Michael J. Anzalone Youthful Nalian Evangelist, Con Auto Mechanic and Roman Catholic Pletcher on thel m Jb Mi Of dvalizalu i : : WO WEEKS ONLY M Mrs. Sue McEwen spent the past a Trap Hunting Cotlag on Monds oF A I¥ nt visitor her : M wi . % ! od vy i Night Except Monday piace. week as guest of her nephew and Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Al- Elaine and Marths ! Walter Korman a: i . : " SUNDAY 00 AND 7:30 Mrs. George S. Bullock of Phlla- | ire Mr and Mrs. Howard Bricker toona, are spending a week at thelr companied Mr. and Wilson Near Bishop deiphia, spent the holiday as a gues: | 51 Millheim, and attended the cele- summer home here Pittsburgh where YO! WELCOME ° ‘ of her husband, at the home of his | bration being held there (his week Mr. and Mrs. Lambert spend parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Bul- Mr. and Mrs. Milford Spotis of spent lock. North Chili, N. Y., spent the week- Mrs. Winifred Peters, who is em- | and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs ployed in Howard, Pa.. spent Sunday | clarence Houtz and her sister and with relatives and friends in the | puehang Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall community. She returned to her Mrs. J. E Brugger had the mis- duties on Monday morning fortune of falling down the stair- Pearce Rumberger of Middle Riv- | sions last Saturday. She received no er, near Baltimore, Md. spent the | proken bones but was badly stoved weekend with his aunt Miss Laura | on and bruised. She is feeling bet- Rumberger and other relatives in| ior a+ this writing . > Tr de the community. He returned t0 his| yr, * nome JMughters Geraldine and Gl duties on Tuesday morning rei Baten returned heme yrs. George “joore und : of from Pittsburgh last Saturday afler ghirley Ann and Dale of Californ Rev. and Mrs. E C. John and , two weeks vacation with his sister ve with Mr three children, of Greensburg, Pa. | and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Warren sith sone epefit last week visiting with DIS! wilson They accompanied him to mother and her husband, Rev. and | his home here by auto and spent the Mrs. G. A. Garrett of this place. | Fourth at the Barton home They spent the greater part of the Some of the friends and neighbor time fishing in our streams and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- Sammie -Lucas, son of Mr. and peth Robinson, met at his home jas! Mrs. Boyd Lucas, who has been In 2 | Priday evening and showered them CCC camp in Virginia, for the past | g4th gifts with which to start house- six months, returned to his hom? xeeping. they having recently here on Sunday. Sammie was glad | married They received some to get back home and his friends useful and pretty gifts * , i ‘nn were pleased to greet him again Mrs. Amanda Way returned to he Basil Robison Paul Resides and home here on Saturday after a three Donald McElwain, who spent last Leaps vacation with friends and re- week at the Newton Hamilton Train. latives in Washington, D. C. and ing Camp for Methodist Youth, re- Harrisburg, Guests at her home on turned to their home on Sunday veTY | gunday were Mrs. Gertrude Swarts much elated over their week In AMD | yng daughter, Charlotte and gentie- and are looking forwand to another | an friend of Harrisburg Mr: week In camp next year. Walter Brower of Beaver Falls, Pa We wish to advise through these | and Mr. and Mrs. William Hall of columns that Miss Eva Rowan has Altoona Pa. a property which she would like to John C. Stere. student at Moun! dispose of. Any one interested in| 45. in the Forestry Department of purchasing a property, with lar?e | pannsvivania State College spen lot and lawn, all out buildings, in- | 4. Fourth of July with his parents cluding a nice garage, will profit b¥ | ner and Mrs J B. Stere. He re- calling on Miss Rowan at her home sored 10 his duties on Tuesday here at any time. The price will be morning being accompanied on hi right. way by his sister and husband, Mr Miss Laura Rumberger returned and Mrs Ceci] Stevenson and Mr to her home on Friday of last week, Basi] Robison. who expected to go to after having spent the past six Baltimore and do some fishing be- months recuperating from a broken fore returning home hip, at the home of Mrs. Harriet! ng. Cora McMinn and daughter Aszkins, She 4s still compelled to Dorothy of DuBois, Pa. were guests walk with crutches but very much 1a.t Thursday of her sister Miss improved and glad to get back homie. | jennie Pisher. On Thursday even- Mrs. William Rumberger of Phillps- | ino they motored to State College burg is staying with her for the pres« | and spent the night with another eat time sister and from their departed for The following is a list of the con- | Baltimore, Md., where Miss Jennie tributors to the Hospital Drive which entered a hospital for treatmen was put on in the community re- Her many friends in the community cently in which the sum of $43 was trust her treatment may be benefici- realized here: Mr. Daniel Buck: Mrs. | al to her. lice B. Bosworth: P. W, Bmith; | Our community was greatly stirred Frank Pratt; Mrs. J. C. Fox; John on Sunday afternoon when Richard Robison; Forest Homan; Willlam C. duPont of Wilmington, Del. land- Summers; Ruth Parsons: Mrs, Jack ed his motorless sailplane on one of Brink; Mrs. G. W. Bullock, J B. the fields of the Edward Flick farm Holtzworth; G. W. Holt, J. B. Stere; | above town. The flight started at L. C. McElwain: Mrs. J. R. Willams, | Elmira, N. Y.. where the national Nell Willlams; Mrs, Joseph Spolts: | soaring contest was taking place Mrs. Sue McEwen; C. W. Stam- The distance was 98 miles. A large baugh: D. H. Custer; Charles Eck- crowd of spectators were on the field enroth; C. W. Flick; Marfan Stere; soon after i landed. no one was in- Sensor Sisters; Mrs. B. BE Holt; | jured and the glider was taken back Ruth Lucas: Arthur Hanscom, J. E [to Emi: Hall; Mr Feadow family and { verted JULIAN NO spen’ feslt Mr home of parents ers mreel ARE four or five Cowher Sunday and Mrs, John Cowher, Miss Betty Dayton spent a few davs with her Miss Marguerite Kerin Mr. and Mrs. Walter ! and daughter Dorothy and son Rich ard, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr y h th het nt M ind Wil DATs ne qaugner R : with il / : M. A Kerin , HO Schenck rihday party was held B , ' . M 1 " Sul Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collet: r. at 5 Clyde 5 Thursda Roland Young A He 2 Jane NICIPA MILLHEIM MY THURSDAY 71} Day Onl “Paradise for Three” Rorabai L | fine Robert Young ang Mrs spent Sunday with ther J WH AlQuipps il ang Mr i he N 4 od ‘ M / Frank Morgas Fd 1938 Mr. and his Deck 3 ns Rs j NOTE—Thi Sanford Newman celebrated hurt Saturday evening wh ine Young of t wx M and M3 ! tor ; ( entire famil AN « Golden weddis anniversary t H ut Li ( i 200 friend them celebrate the picture SELECTED SHORTS FRIDAY & SATURDAY Tul Eth and Sih ter June i one of mu been attraction, a golden vase very colored roses entire of the table cakes Sanford the weekend Rit } DIR Harry adorned and two Packer Walter Lindsay ‘ ' few ane and Viioke Vesa nes “Judge Hardy's Children” immense Mr are ” ‘ "Ine large Mrs respected citizens and life lo i dents of ti community. They cisitors have three children Mrs. Grace Or- wick of Port Matilda and Carrie and Mr. and Mrs Jack Clark of Ovens . Amos at home. Three grandchil- porn Ky. arrived in town on Sully : Miss Mary Bie a : 4 “ ola : dren and one great-grandchild for a two weeks vacation with thew [°F 08¥s with her aunt, Mrs. Ernest EE A a x Ad a " Sinak 3 A Ae | JULY Their many friends wish them many respective parent Siraudb Hall i Os0eoiag M ir. a : : vy H Vit | more years of happiness. Guests were present from Ohio, Pittsburgh Altoona, Tyrone. Julian Osceola Mills, Philipsburg and Port Matilda The Baid Eagle Grange No. 1390 held their quarterly birthday party for persons born in April. May and June. The guess were: Dr A Boucher, Bamue! Friday Mr I. A Woomer, Mrs. Chaney Reese M:s Richard Lehner, Mrs. Straub. Mrs John Reeseman Mrs. M. A Kerin Miss Marguerite Kerin and Betty Dayton. The gift was a large box of bath powder, and delicious refreshments of cake, ice cream and sandwiches and candy were served The amusements of the evening wers a piano solo by Miss Mary lice nadstenden Stine song. Smiles yar) aoe ; Independence . $13 { and Mra. MoClellan Mille: i Gossip, by Mi Reuben Woomer. and Mrs. John Rudisell Mr and Mrs. Victor Woomer Mrs M A Michael Piet and 3 p Refs, Mrs. Hugh Tobin, Misses jame. of Lancaster ) v si x " Raid ig Joon! and Bet se Day. Pletcher. Mrs. Samuel tO A play called ber 3-loVers gongs Nelson and Russel] « The young lady with three Mr. and Mrs. Miller, a and Opal. Miss Betty Dayton; lover. wih Mr. Samuel Holter Willie Smudge, by Marguerite Kerin: Pletcher Edwin 8«¢ henck nd Mi: te . visilang be a ryt % v Saone | Al Nectar snd. lover, Tom Smithers, by Mary and Mrs Thomas Shay ri y Nu ; Ape Alice Stine; 3:4. lover Peter Tom- MIXED TEA accompanied the above kins, by Jim Morrisy. Both plays 4 Nectar Were Very good and greatly enjoyed Relatives fo Mack Noting : by ali present . of 4 I ad a ORANGE PEKOE Crownevers are building a house at Bald Eagle Mrs WW. W. Wyland has returned from the Philipsburg hospital afte: undergoing an operation for gall- stones and is geiting along nicely Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Walk and family spent Saturday in Tyrone Miss Cora Price spent a few days with her nephew Gordon Walk of iced In gold Newman of relatives § during the weekend Mra. Robert DeBoer THEATRE WILL NOT BE OPEN 11th AND 12th eins On Sunday a to “Halry John sard Narrows They were Mr Beaty and { : Mrs lda F Confer and . § At» Mr. and Mi Cy > Big Barg : ig Bargains Reed Dietz and j IN . Fiche and at low Prices and son and Mrs of New Kensingtos th relatives on Monday enrout their home from Williamsport Mr. and Mrs. TF Pittsburgh, spent Saturday and Sun- day at the home of Mr. and M en Pletcher hey 4 i p—_— ont ta | 10 2X 5% Dietz Mr family PRIM) vy n Clarem WHITH HOU SF MILK OLEQ WF = = « « = 21bs 19% GREEN BEANS 0) - - 47..25¢ SHREDDED RALSTON 2 |" 25¢ CHILI SAUCE 2 on Bc Alexander Day guest “Fr aey ANN PAGE jovers ist {O0L! KEEP YOU 12-1b pkg. 19¢ 12-1b pkg. 25¢ - = 51bs 25¢ 2 stalks 13¢ 2 Ibs 19¢ ea. 39¢ ICED TEA HELPS ie Young returt spending a week Gross Mark, of W A ————— DIX RUN Mr. and Mrs. LL. F. Lindenmuth new Funeral services Kunes of Pittsburgh was held in the Church of Chuist on Sunday after. noon. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining Ixiade chu a Visited their nephew, Herman Spicer ¢ ' aronning “id Tu 1 of near Lion. oO und for oOn Mrs. Kunes was a sister of Mrs. BE W 4 Ziok Bl Suniay lorenoos Gard Miss Amber Lindenmuth, of State Jardner and of Miss Emma Smith College, spent the weekend and over funeral party was entertained i. oO 4 bio the Fourth with her sister Mrs tt home of ) and ohn 3 3 ie of Mr Mrs. John Sara Bloom at Bellefonte, and her ALBERTA PEACHES irrkio CELERY - Hi-Ball PLUMS . . + . .. Olive Shawley of Milesburg drove io village on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Roy S8heesley song, of Stormstown, Mr Orvis Watson and sons our and Mrs the and size reeyyt spent Mrs. Estella Nelson weekend at her home. spent the Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCartney | and family of Monument, visited! with friends and home folks. Mrs. RdOert Alkey. | Washington. Malcolm Taylor of Bush Addition has been working at the Prank Hull home, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rumberger and daughter, Betty of Philadelphia of Belle- | Visited at the Ear] Crust home one fone, called on her mother, Mrs, H. | day last week. Harry Hull of COC camp is spend. Sunday supper guests at the Rus- | ing his vacation at the G. B. Hoover sell Lucas home were, Mr, and Mrs. | James Summers and children, Mr. | and Mrs. Pred Heaton and son and Mrs. Oscar Summers of Wingate. weekend in the rattlesnakes. Miss Evelyn Lucas spent the 4th with friends at Wingate, Miss Olive S8hawley and Miss Fav Runkle called at their grandparents home Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McCartney and home, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cummings of | Buffalo, N. Y.. spent the Fourth at ithe J. E. Taylor Tiome. Mr. and Mrs. H. E Leathers and | Mrs. 8 R. McCartney spent the mountain hunting | Mr. and Mrs. Domer Smeltzer, of Centre Hall, spent Sunday at the Bernard Crust home. Kenneth Garner spent the week- end at the Andrew Rockey home near Zion son, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday at the Ed. Taylor home. Harold Gummo and friend, Jane Harshbarger, visited at his parents home at Lemont. Rufus Breon spent the weekend with friends at Coleville, Don't forget Sunday School next Sunday morning at 9:30; Epworth League Sunday evening at 7:45. When a mouse died, the town of . Quakertown, Pa, went in black but not In mourning. The mouse this place. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Miller and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and Mr and Mrs. Elwood Miler spent the #h of July at Blands Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jose MoCory of Pittsburgh, spent the 4th at the jat- ler's mothers, Mrs. Veronica Urban CLARENCE Mr. and Mrs. George Mizarex and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kozel. of Cleveland, O.. were week- end guests at the George Mizarek. 8r. home. Mrs. Kozel will be re- membered as Miss Agnes Mizarek. Miss Ann Strasko of New York City, visited home folks over the Fourth. Misses Ann and Albena Bugash of Detroit, Mich., were home over the weekend. Miss Betty Parmay of New York, is also home for a visit over the ! | holidays. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corman and | Edward Muirhead has come home gom the CCC camp In Baynesville, a. Mr. and Mrs, Orvis Moore and children, of Reading, visited with Mr. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs, ‘Dan Moore over the holidays. Mike Zimmerman, of Cleveland, O.. was home over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Moore and son Donnie spent the weekend with friends in Bigler. Mr. Orie Conaway. of Bnow Shoe, As last Thursday was the birthdas of Mrs. Tacie DeHaas the Baptist Ladies Ald met with her Mrs. Tillie Stere aged aunt of Mrz W. H. Spangler left on Tuesday fo: a few months visit with her sister in New Jersey ——— ————— VALLEY VIEW Those who are on the sick list are Miss Hilda Corman. Mr George King and Mrs. Robert Hillard's children. We wish them a speedy recovery. Most of the people spent Fourth of July at Hecla Park Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wion. Paul E Eckley, Marlin Houser and Margie Hampton attended the Christian Alliance revival service Priday eve. ning and enjoyed hearing Rey Shear deliver the message. Maylon King spent the Fourth in New Jersey and he says he had a wonderful time at the beach, Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Houser, daugh- ter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Pred Ishler and family. spent the Fourth at the Valley View hunting camp in the Allegheny Mountains. Miss Betty Wion spent the Fourth with Margie Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. George Eckley, of Altoona, spent Sunday with his father, Christopher Eckley. Miss Jane Brown, who has been spending some time with her sister. the Mrs. Lynn Corman. has returned | home. Marion Houser is spending a few parents on Dix Run A glider from New York State came down in Mr. Ed. Flicks field near the barn, along the State road. on Sunday afternoon. causing quite a lot of excitement for a time. The piiot dismantied the sail- plane and a truck came from El- mira and took it home Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Beatty and Mrs. Marie Beatty of Altoona motored to Altoona on Saturday evening to spend the Fourth with relatives in that city Mrs. Dale Corl visited with parents over the Fourth Mrs. Dorothy Stitz has a dear Jit- tle boy. 8he is getting along very good at the Centre County Hospital and now Howard Stere is a proud grandpa. George Neimen spent the Fourth at his grandmother's, Mrs Pacie Stere. George used 0 live on Dix Run. but he has forgotten some of his old friends Martin Lindenmuth drove over to Penn's Valley on the Fourth having as his driving guests, his parents, Leemore and Helen Linden- muth, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hogencamp. Mrs. Lindenmuth put some flowers on her aunt and grandmother Weaver's graves. They also called at the former home of Charles Ulrich, who is Mrs, Linden- muth's cousin, and found a new tenant in the old Ulrich home, and that Charles had moved to Brush valley. They also motored to Pot- ter's Bank where Mrs. Lindenmuth her weekend at the mountain cabin and killed a large rattler Our friend and neighbor G P Heverly passed to his reward on Sunday morning. The friends our sympathy Clvde Watson Milesburg vizited place recently Nevin Watson attended the birth- dav supper which was held for Mrs Minnie Reese on Sunday Mrs. Nellie Edmiston and son vis- ited at the home of Gertie and Ar- villa Peter and picked cherries Mrs. Waller Sweitzer. Mrs. Olive Rhoades and children of Bellefonte visited relatives at this place on Wednesday of last week Mrs. Gertie Petzer and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Dean Petzer and aon of State College called on friends at this place recently. YARNELL Mr. and Mrs. Herman Koch and daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson. of Ardara gpent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Miller. The New Testament Bible Clas met jast Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Brown. Miss Pauling Snyder. of Rock. is spending a couple weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. HB Walker Quite a number of people from here attended the fastival at Pleas. NAVs and two sons of home folks at this WATERMELONS, Ig. NEW POTATOES - - peck 27¢ ute wae 91.99 $1.65 100-1b $1 85 Daily Scratch Feed }.. 180.16 COTTON BAG Growing Mash - - N.B.C. RITZ CRACKERS - Ib pkg. 21c FAMILY BREAD - - 3 giant loaves 25¢ 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE - - 3-Ib bag 43c¢ OCTAGON SOAP 10 Si 39%¢ PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 cakes 17¢ BRILLO package 15¢ TENDER Feonomy CHUCK ROAST 2" - Ib17c ENGLISH AND CENTER CHUCK ROAST ih 22% RIB AND RUMP ROAST Ih 25¢ Pork Loin Roast Ib 21c FANCY SUGAR CURED SMOKED SQUARES - Ib 17¢ 2 to 3b Rib Ends ant Valley. Saturday night bad gotten into contact with high . . Sh Kennett: Walker, of Moshannon Mrs. Arthur Miller and daughter days with her sister, Mrs. Fred more, Md., formerly of Curtin. Lea tension wires, short-circuited them and Mrs. Eva Wenrick. daughter Ishler, of Zion. bn Thompson of West Decatur, all en- | and plunged the whole town in dark- | Ellen and son Lloyd, attended the never been in that section of Centre Evelyn. of Milesburg, spent Satur- joyed a very pleasant time and a|ness until the trouble could be ad- P. M. Camp Meeting at Gearhart- —Classified ads cost littie—bring county and it was quite a novelty day aft at the pu ERE YOu COURANT tty tna | Ve OD Sunday evening. . good resula ol oo TORMRP sine. uh ss (parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. B. Walker, was born and lived until she was two years old. Mrs. Hogencamp had A. & P. Food Stores