( THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Elderly Man Fires May 5, 19: —— TE — Page Seven A ——— will be entitled to a free member- ing to achieve such standards, and described an follows, 10 BROINNING: at nn slone So IHEMTHERT ITE CORMIIAEIIN II ON HOG, Downie Bros, Feature Many Clowns — | Pictured above are a few of the the kids from eight to eighty Downie Bros. Circus exhibits in funny fellows who will delight all years of age with their antics when Bellefonte on Saturday, May 14th. nned to play in perience wilh WINRAR OESUHBOHBHRNEO INNO mat ANNOUNCEMENT! The Woodward Inn AT WOODWARD, PA. & ’ Will be Open for Business MAY 1st, 1938. Under New Management. C. HH. HOSTERMAN 1 sat mI a3 La TITITEH o FTTH HiT o HEI HE TET g TTT ge HEAR CHARLES J. MARGIOTTI rr Weliare Drive “Save the Farms at 9:30 D.S.T. over State-Wide Network ANNIVERSARY SALE! th MAY 5, 6&7 Noodles Matches Applebutter - Toilet Paper 2:0 23¢ 6: 19¢ 2..-29¢ 6 23¢ - 10-1b sack 48¢ Ib box 12¢ 2-1b jar 22¢ 2 lge. cans 37¢ 2 lge. cans 43¢ Ige. bottle 10c¢ SUGAR (1 to customer) GRAHAM CRACKERS PEANUT BUTTER . PEACHES - PINEAPPLE CATSUP FREIHOFER'S BREAD AND CAKES FRESH DAILY Perfect Loaf 12c¢ Ib 19¢ 4 cans 25¢ Puffed Wheat 3 pkgs. 25¢ Wheaties 2 pkgs. 23¢ (Telescope Pree) Shred. Wheat, Corn Flakes Longhorn Cheese Milk COFFEE Old Settlement 2 Ibs. 29¢ Suncrest 2 Ib. 35¢ Bliss Vac. Pack, 2 Ib. 45¢ Chase Sanborn 2 Ib. 50¢ 2 pkgs. 23¢ 3 pkgs. 19¢ Purasnow Flour +. 99¢ Every Sack Guaranteed. (Sugar & Cream Set Free with Each Sack) Musser’s Store West ( ‘ollege Avenue R. D. Phone 3396. State College, Pa. Life's earthly Gets Under Way FRIDAY, MAY Sth | Dledae one cent out of every dofinr ‘by your ship In the Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. A pledge of at least $6 entitles the memberships in the Bellefonte Community Ath- Centre donor to additional letic Association County Hospital Under the plan year ill bovs and girls 16 vears old In cinity are given memberships. The ing 1s most flexible, and pe wishing any definite part or thelr pledges to go to titutions may indicate ferences on thelr pledge Beneficiary agencles amounts to be received to the budget are as follows C. A. $5400: Centre ital, $4,500; Salvation A. M. E. church, $300; fire company, $75; Undine gan fire companies, each $300; Scouts, $1,000: Girl Scouts Athletic association, 81.350; hildren, $300; associated $150 The following contributors been reported to date by the munit Welfare Fund As: Additional names will be weekly until the names of ws have been listed $100 to S500 Bellefonte Trust Co Ivan Walker (Judge) Fitan Metal Co Sieg Vagner & and the Corporation Inaugurated between 10 free ¥Y. M. C. A thelr cards YM Army ociation Murphy Emerick * R Meek Centre County Hetnem An G. Love Telephon yrawford tre Oll & State Commends Hospital Board tinued from page one) Representative, Miss made a special ntre County Hoapital what progress had OSI Sra Ts improve general hose | the Ce te det ermis beer [ n made & pital standards In our letter to vit 1037, following the official in- ¢ Hospital, November 8 number of recommenda- tions were made-—some with a view 0 general improvement others with regard to specific compliance with the Rules and Regulations of this Department governing Hospi tals receiving State-aid. We are pleased to note that favorable ac- tion has been taken on several of the recommendations and the are being carefully studied Board to determine the best method of procedure The governing Board, the various professional staffs and the person- nel of a community hospital carry a heavy responsibility. Budgets must be carefully made and public monies spent wisely in order to re- turn 0 the community its due the highest possible standards of service, It is heartening to know that you are awake to this respon. sibility and are earnestly endeavor- wi of December others F —- N YOUR EYES AND OUR SERVICE A Series of Articles by DR. EVA ROAN Bellefonte and State College Bellefonte Office hours Wed- nesday 2 to 8; Saturday 9:30 to 8:30. Closed Thursday after- noon at State College office. May 5, 1938. That it is pos- sible to sce well with Imperfect eyes is well known to all whose duties Include a complite exam- ination of the eves. In such cases a constant gtrain is imposed upon the eyes, with results that are distincily detrimental. The above suggests that many should be suspicious of thelr eyes as the POSSIBLE cause of thelr bodily ills, Continued week after next, last and to be continued this year, and Bellefonte and vi- system of pledg- ISON all of certain In- pre- and the according County Hos- $2560; Milesburg and Lo- Boy $060: crippled Sunday charities have Com- published all don- We should appreciate from you from time to time regard- Ing your progres: We trust may be able to solve your COUrRgeous'y and without undue delay You have made improvements in the and we thank you for your sj co-operation with this Department We wish you in your humanitarian Very truly CHARLES 1 Secretary of By Rosemary many des continued WOrk VYOUrs, EUNGARD Welfare Reinhold Director Bureau of Community Work CHURCHE Dix Run Baptist, School Sunday HE Elmer Hosband iperin followed with meet ing. Preaching at good Hnony ANCE WA! Come again, you Shuey, pa: toy Bellefonte School of (he Bible On 3rd Noor of the Bu vy May Rebersburg Evangelical Charge al A. Babcock, Pastor. M Day Serv Hublersburg Evangelical Reformed Rev. Jame B. Musser 9:30 ed a os mm, Bap isn pe ¢ Howard Evangelical Rew lewis E Kline Parish Posten wr a ay 8 Bellefonte wr Evangelical been W. H Geis May A ch a Ch Eo £ 6.30 1 The Iw Rev Superintendent be prea hed b District Coleville Pilgrim Holiness Franklin Lint Paso 8:30 Mr. Bernard M Sunday May 8, will be wiih D2 i that wii) Mot ‘ WTS D AY the mother with largest family presen to the oldest mother award 0 the your ent; fourth award present with his or her mother: fifth award to the youngest chiid present Revival services are continuing every evening this week, closing on Sunday evening. The Holden Sis- ters from Camden, Delaware are the Evangelists the eoond award present; third west mother pres- o the oldest chi LEGION TO QUIZ VETERANS’ POSTS IN CENTRAL PENNA. As a part of their program for ei- tablishing a Vetsrang Hospi‘al In Centre County Brooks-Doll Ameri- can Legion, Beliefonte, this week launched a move to obtain accurate information as to the number of veterans in Central Pennsylvania requiring hospital treatment. All Legion and Veterans of For- eign War posts within a radius of 75 miles of Bellefonte are to be asked Wo fill out a questionnaire showing how many veteians from their re- spective posts are in need of ade- quate hospitalization When the replies have heen re- ceived, the results will be tabulated and the local post will then have concrete facts to substantiate their vontention that Central Pennsyl- vania is in dire need of an institu- won for the treatment of veterans. FL — h— Silo Blown Over at Waddle. Duting a heavy windstorm pre- ceeding the thunder shower that visited this section late Tuesday 1 afternoon a silo on the Willism © Baxion farm at Waddie was blown over, causing considerable damage | % the empty structure. Charles | Lohr is tenant on the farm. hearing irable past two years Jendid SUCCOnS Bullet Thru Head (Continued from page one) you problems satisfactorily il roof erected over a depics- the rear vard where wate: mM uses wil ated In a large d Ie. Discovery was made abou B30 & wie, who had bees lawn, and by a & 10 the home m. OY IS mowing the Clair, who had gone cal on hiy parentt » i One 11 front parently heard the Anothu been plowing in ¢ field heard no sho!. nor Boob 0 bellevedd the ne IBWH mower drowned out ding catridge that eed who had dea h had been In 1 and it Is Hb lieved iinesy preyed HOWARD BOROUGH SCHOO! Howard Township + Lact Robert Love. Robert Crock. Betts Bechdel William Brownson Her Miller. John Bowmaster, Maud pma Gordon, Robert Me- Paul Mc- i The my =n Township Paul The npson., Margaret Log Pearl Giossner, Mary Dullen, Elmer Harter, Earl Harter Edwin Orn- dorf{, Dean Boone, Maxine Jeiries Curtin Jownhilp Glenn Weaver Beity Young. Stella Weaver, Fan ny Houdeshel, Emma Heverly, El eanor Mann, Thorus Nyman, Harry Fye, Helen Bambhart, Bud Chap- nin, May Watson, Violet Heaton, Paul Lomison, Relda Woomer, Ear- nestine Watkins, Harold Woomer, Harold Richner Liberty Township: Dalton Brum- gardner, Vaughn Johnson, Ethel Heverly, Agnes Hanley, James Yost, Millard Cole Howard Borough: Mary Ray Miller, Lioys Lomison, Strunk, Mildred Jacobs, Louise McCloskey, June Carson, Mabel Hinton, Hassel Cartwright, Louise Kingsley, Rebecca Bartiey, Dorothy Walker, Phyllis Brumbaugh The Senior class is working hard on the commencerient activities and has scheduled the Baccalaur- eate service for Sunday, May 22nd and Commencement on Friday, May 27th. Both of the programs are to be held in the high school auditor- ium, Stolte Willard ~Want ads bring results Legal Notices NOTICE. Notice gs hereby given that there | has been appraised and set apart 10 | widow of Horace B | Mary R Heng. Haring late Gregg Township, de- REAL ESTATE: All that certain mess | Township of , County of Cen- tre. Pa. near the village nn Hall, fing the Stwte H WAY Analog Loe | Bpring Mills NEWS remi estate to the amount of | $499.00 under the Fiduciaries Act of | usage, tene- | ment or tract of land, situate in the | along Jnrneds 7% degree lone In north 48 a ston re aust thence nic Reon ear nilong 3 of ¥. D tant 22 2410 tu ne devreos east “e 14 0-0 NOTICE ENROL] NOW with MISS ALBERTA M. KRADER Ritz Apt. High St., Bellefonte. Alberta M. Krader, Ritz Apt. Bellefonte, Pa. 1 am interested in learning to piano accordion. Please give me your lesson plan offer. play . Name Hoste ms Summer Will Soon Be With Us and so will the flies You Get Your Screens Wired NOW Special Until May 13th 6c Ie meh 3c 2¢ CLASTER'’S PHONE 8 Forest Fires—It Pay learn the Howell- Arefta System of plaving accordion, perfected by vears of development! It is taught in DBelle- fonte exclusively by Alberta M. Kra- der. of the Howell- Aretta Accordion Conservatory! It's Fun— Hove Amateur Nite at Home! Be a member . .. of Our Accordion Choir, The School Orches- tra or The Accord- ion Dand! ‘11t's Cheap- Note special offer below! Act now! PRIVATE weekly lessons Complete HOWELL. ARETTA course NEW piano accordion 42 lessons in all Pay the deposit and the accordion is YOURS TO TAKE HOME. No rental fee. No extra hidden charges. COME IN, Roorive » test lesson at no cost at all. You can find out what it's like. See if you would like to play. Come in and let us tell you all about it. SEE OUR DISPLAY OF ACCORDIONS Mail Coupon for Details High St. MRS J. KH KRADER represents the TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, South Markel Square, HARRISBURG, PA.