May 5, 1938, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Thred ——_——_—_ INTERESTING LITTLE NEWS ITEMS FROM CLARENCE AND ITS IMMEDIATE VICINITY wil The note in the last paper that a state publicity man was in Belie- fante expounding the theory of seeing Pennsylvania first, Natural- ly our state has many spots of scen- lc beauty but we'd love to boast that Centre county and our own Snow Shoe township cannot be ri- valed in nature's bounty for early Spring and fall grandeur, The M. E. Conference which con- yehed last week gave Rev. Dershen an appointment at East Waterford which transfers him from here and brings io his stead, Rev. Hammond from Cherry Tree. We extend an aurevoir to the former and welcome to the latter. May you be gratefully received iu your new field of en- deavor. The three musketeers teered mews from Poormanside languished on the job and gave your hopeful readers a distressing jolt. An item we note anyhow is that school closes there too for the term this week. Miss Peters, present teacher, is being retained for an- other term The woods adjoining school is anything but having been cut ov for left with stumps and brush of ruthless slashings Andy and Mary Poultis are again living together after a brief separ- ation due to a matrimoupial squab- bie The rendition of musical the County's Banjo Band unde direction Mr. Pifer, at Shoe. Tuesday evening was well re- ceived. The entire 90 pleces were not present but all that were per formed superbly and nothing but the best of comments were noted. Mr. Stephens ran a local bus to accommodate local fans in witnessing the event Mr Mrs. Walter McCloskey and sister, of Beech Creek w ] tosh Sunday visiting at U McLaughlin home. Mrs. Carol Padisak's who volun- MS now and evidence the P lovely er props the Snow nF ol chool banjo an 181 Ie Ml Din 4921 Specializing in Surgery 22 Years Practical Experience PR. A. A. DONAHOE VETERINARIAN Deg & Cat Hospital Gen. Practice 123 North Barnard Street STATE COLLEGE REMEMBER When You Want Anything in Lumber Millwork, Doors, Sash, Roofing W.R.SHOPE BELLEFONTE, PA. Phone 432 Satisfaction Guaranteed IN EVERY DEAL In Every Particular Baby Chicks ! From UTILITY MATINGS Prices On p= 5 100 8. C. White Leg....$2.00 $3.50 § 6.50 Bar. Piym. Rocks.. 2235 400 7.359 White Pym. Rocks 2.25 400 7.50 White Wyandottes 225 400 750 Rhode Island Redz 225 400 7.50 New Hamp. Reds.. 2.25 40 7.50 While Leg. Pullets 3.95 650 12.00 Custom Hsiching Jc per chick. ’ Telephone Zien 2324, Hecla Poultry Farm, BELLEFONTE PENNA. “A THREEsMINUTE TELEPHONE CALL JUST SAVED ME A THREEHOUR TRIP TO TOWN. ON MY FARM, THE TELEPHONE MORE THAN PAYS ITS WAY.” wa No. 10, was injured at the mines re« cently Mr. Lon Wagner, of Moshannon, also figured In a mine aceident early In the week at Poormanside, Lehigh's mine, Since the accident he has been a patient at the Phil ipsburg State hospital and Is ex- pected to recover, Miss Betty Little, of Drifting spent last week-end at the Carlson home in Scotchtown. St. Michael's ing a dance month. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Shive, of Snow Shee, called on the home folks here Wednesday The ball game Friday Boadsburg and Snow Shoe resulted in a score of 13 to 3 In favor of Stow Shoe. In a previous game with Port Matilda Snow Shoe lost Shoe graduates one of the smallest classes in its June ] At it time the following mem- bers of the senior class will matricu- late. Of the total 13, these 8 are from outside the borough: Robert Burkey, P Glen; Edward Drap- and Johnny Danko, Clarence; Lewis, Maxine Schnars, Ger- Cartwrig! and Clarence of Moshanpon church for = SPONSoOr- sometime this between Snow { history t » t 131 #3 ine cho Hope aldine Quick, all For the examinations held Satur- day for entrance high 58 pupils from Clarence eighth grade and nine from Moshannon were recommended. What a sum of tul- tion the township will be burdened with next year, Mrs. George Parnay neighbor Mrs. John day Mrs Hill aowuostairs week. Mr Lewis Lex superintendent of schools, hi iness in this end of 1 Fridav, and while | irkets for school Lewistown Fair | An automobile wreck OC - Osewall’s garage cari Duivers of the mac kacwn to t sci be 5b 34 » Lo school 3 1 Me called on her Balush, Mon- Julia Tulidy., of Windy completed the papering of two rooms al hex ¥ me 1 + HOC 1806 hart children to Aug cred frome iret A Lt! " i 4] wie for forget Don't the best ma ing prim ta vole OF . f ! rie Mr. Lee husines Saturday Work is brickyard but worse The advance of summer makes mining slack The Alexander teamsicrs 3 Hing ground fc in and about town Mrs. E D Myers and Patricia. of Lock Haven, is this week with her mother Shive Mrs. F. J. McGowan and ter Jane were Sungiay p. m at the home of Mr. and M: Shive ow Shoe Miss Martha Kerin non. called at the McGowan here Sunday evening The names to ft sketch for local we some low ance made re family Jersey and i Moore trip Sn at ih mines usually fohiil SRY £ better irtsak busy and Je: extremely ¢ daughter spending Mrs aug. visitor Harry Oi home the character teachers which t back fol- of their appear- 4 Mr. Brungard. Mr. Kach Miss Hackenberg, Miss Duke youngest published time in the order Miss Mee Miss Buddinger, McGowan Mr Morgan and Mr Car! Kochik and Mrs. Steve Ko while playing about hool Friday Full details of the accident aside from a leg injury are not yet avail- abie School for pupils of ended the 20th of April for the term averaged 90 With the exception of four, all pupils were promoted to the next grade The names of those who were en- titled to senls or certificates perfect attendance follow: June Cacison. Elizabeth Dubesky, Heien Koshko, Eleanor Martonchik, Anna Bea Sinclair, Gladys Wenrick, Wil- liam Koshko and Joseph Kachon- ik. Awards were not available to be t distributed last day as they had not yet been received by the County Supt. from the Department of Pub- lic Instruction at Harrisburg School at Kato and Cherry Run {also closed last week. Most of the other schools in the township will finish this week. Filth grade hag about five pupils {with perfect attendance records, (among them being Lenore Moore, { Fred Herr and Frank Koshko. They are planning a bike, fishing jaunt and weiner roast picnic for their last day of school this Friday Martin Stashko, eldest son of (Mr. and Mrs, Mike Btashko, was to t# Philipsburg State hospital i Priday to consult physicians there concerning bis chronic illness, Mrs. Shive and dawghter Mrs. Myers, called at the same institu tion Sunday afternoon to visit the fomner's brother, William Houser, who has been a patient there for a week. His condition remains about the same and his malady has not | been [ully diagnosed. Boys who spent some time al the Brungard apartments Friday cven- ing were Paul Casher, Fred Herr, Edward Martonchick, Ralph Kochik and Edward Pubalio T= Zewa'k biothers, owners of the Zownlk store building along the boulevard and now residents of Ohlo, spent a few days here the past week. Mrs. John Zimmerman visited Thursday evening with the Bulaghes ‘on Pancake Pike, Several beer gardens aboul town imported entertainers and spon- sored dances the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huey were visiting in Scotchtown Monday at the Lauck home, The Alexander twins (girls), An- | nie and Mary, observed their birth- Sunday, May lst won of Mr kK. was hurt grade four Attendance i r ots and gardens © for ° ] i Need we remind you that all mo- thers worthy of the name should be duly honored next Sunday, May Bh? Mildred Paskovigh and Lillian Fye were visitors at the Carlson's Saturday Bobby Breen Is coming by picture to the loeal theatre soon. He is one of the stars we like to recommend. II the public would so incline they coud demand a more cultural type of product than the usual run of thrills now shown Mrs. Lan Wagner had pany Sunday some of het late relatives from ‘Tyrone We suggest that the C 4 special correspondent area so that out of town as come immed- D. secure for this teachers can have the benefit of local news | for the summer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pierce, now located at Jersey Shore, are expect- ed to move to Moshannon this week and again occupy their home there Miss Sue Wagner, chief manager at the Wagner homestead near Gils lentown station Is commissioned to help with the housecleaning at Groes store in Moshannon for the next couple weeks Andy Tracks Halsnik family, wa Camp home P. T A meeting evening had not About 50 res pit the Lhely of visiting at recently and party the turn- cent of but only parents, Light amusemen and refreshments fol meeting which it was decided to acquire sev- " Se Sugar The riday expected per nt al lowed Lhe wine sral sets of bLOOKs for literary in upper grade summer were called of A. gathering will not convene until econd Tuesday In September Gaspers hon having At ks called at hom Mr were ea the thi and and company naay f by ame + these Matthew Murga Mr Botson William daughters Erma Christine and Frances: Mr. and Mrs. Andy Van- gar and daughter Gloyga and Bar- Vangar enti bara Sunday ev John Bala im r Mavdavers ad Li i Mr. and Ws luded n fed inci Bugosh Bs nk Waxmunsky r leti ready by atrice planned th #41 a airmail [; i anking item keep for reporling mched ) 5 column our reputation 1! 2 f ve f 1 | § ' 0 ungard H Bi ————— ———— —" STATE COLLEGE rt wit Ay Your Jame 1 ta i Street South Allen Street weekend guest Ul of Norwood and Mrs. Homer Walker Col.iege ited Iniex rt weekend Bara E Hedsle: pen: the weekend with her dau and son-in-law, Mr. and MY ald Lanker of Harrisburg Re i Bro of Pine Furnace spent the weekend home of Rev. and Mrs. Wagne: West Deaver Avenue Mrs Hubert William: Furnace spent i weekend al home of mother, Mrs. Hannah Hicks Beaver Aven Faiinauns b of IGS ha ip wad lin well 4 ¢ nan od A H #3 # Avenue with he We acoepted a position Sha: pless Solvent Company of andoite chigan The following people allended Tri-Siate 1. O. OF Harrisburg on Saturday Dora Meridith Iren Josephine Yearick Mary Poorman, Mary Gar- Grace Reeder Beryle Womer, poebe Probst. Lucy Beman, Cora Mr. and Mrs N. XK. Han wick, Mrs. Elenhool, Mr. and Mrs C. L. Hollobaugh and May Pena- ington. Ru Wood of Altoona ; Lytle of West Cx nue 8 the weekend with re- latives in Bellelonie Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dally of rton Street had ag hei heir danghier Ruth ron iiege ER of Sout pod on eral day { Scranton Mrs. Emma of Burrowes end a: the home and daughter Mr in Bellefonte Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hussey North Burrowes Street has as their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs James Fields of Aliquippa. The [following members Lady State Rebekah degree team motored (0 Harrisburg Satusday where they put on degree work a the-Stale 1. O. O. F. convention. Hannah VanZant, Emma Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kerstetter, Edith Rachan, Hannah EgGniston, Eda Long, Carriq Gast. Verna Dunkle. Mary Krumrine, Mr, and Mis. Clif fordr Reed, Jennie Shope, Clara Lynch, Anna Markle, Alice John. ston, Elizabeth Bender, Margare! Smith, Sarah Marshall Edna Luce. Edna Gray, Anna Parsons, Naomi Bunn, Eva Luce, Mary Glenn, Ma: garet Minnich, Maude Ewing, Mr and Mrs, George Jackson, Phoebe Breon, Josephine Pennington, Sara Erb, John Erb Veda Parsons, Amanda Brown, Margaret Puilon, ald Louise Rinehart. Miss Ruth Graham of Allen stree: and Rilia Kelier of Fairmount Ave, spent the weckend visiting friends in West Chester, Mr. and Mis. Waller Parsons and daughter Veda of Heiser sweet Fisted in Bellefonte Tuesday even- ng. Snyder and daughters gireet spent the week- of her son-in-law and Mis. Hartman of - Lightning Fires Large Barn A bolt of lightning from the worst electrical storm so far this vear. Is blamed for a $6000 fire which de- stroyed a large barn on the Chaiies H. Moyer, Deibler's Station near Sunbury. In addition to the bam which was one of the largest and most modern In this section, the bblaze consumed one mule, four hogs and three calves, a corn erib nearly three-quarters full. an excep. tionally large quantity of grain and all farm equipment and machinery on meeting In the series The seventh Neighbor Night wis held Thursday evening, April 28th, at Hublersburg and was of Interest to A num- grange the 282 members attending ber of Clinton friends were with u The schedule of Night hoping our county which pleased thet much Nelghbop and we attend some ol We i real pleasure and benefit from contact with our neighboring granges and enjoy interesting exchange of idea Come ag friends, and bring others wit The Thursday eve Walker grange, who gave of thoughtul preparation meeting. The window displayed the color ver and tl carried out fruit and blossom: and our were vere meetings wis are we can 4 Ret 1) thelr programs Lhe wil nh You Ost HIN wa evidence fon the scheme Ol curtain idea by 11 gold; " stage the "marketing vegetable cut-aia 0 lovel at emblem of conspicuous In th presented Refreshment iso val their sil occasion Washingto fa il inaeqg by vO presented thi doubt it wa demonstrated a long drive bu do ali can work as pmnned which i by ow 1 ' they being our Reberstnrg mal J by Lhe women, aku ber Yarnell Sc SCIHOEK,. CALENDAR POR 1037-738 YARNELL : will etn Trustit VEOAr Election ’ 31.9% FARE © of yet hon he by 14) - Vara yp - oy DA vacal.or 4 BH # wy 24-28 Wr Qant TOM 8 Churiatima Jan, JNO waves LOns the o ang Lry Many mumps Feb MeOry 5 12 and FO me Lincoin 25-We Smoyer Feb ior Mrs a AO0OWE ROW We Me wonder - to me Bhirley Temple of Sunnybrook Farm enjoyed the show. April l-—April Fool's Day and beginning of the “Last Round April 26--Our went hike, and now the final wing up of our schoo] term. we'll be ooking for- ward 10 good times along the sireams and in (he woos. A Favorite Poem. Goodbye, books! My pocket’s {ull of fishing hooks I've found my old last year’s straw hat, My swimming bat. I'm going to grandpa’s house nex week swim all summer in Suga Creek, And whether it shines of whether & pours, Grandpa and I are going out-doors, Well cook by the camp fire, and talk about When Im old enough to be a scou! And we don't want to be in house at all, TH the school bell rings again next fall Author-—-Rose ‘Waldo, Child Life Magazine Attendance Record Grammar Room--Helen Kessling, neither tardy nor abso; Roy Barndt, not absent, Primary room-—John Luca, neith- er tardy nor absent; Maxine and Jane EBagler, neither tardy nor ab- sent; Lee Baney, not absent. Honor Roll for Terss George Shawley, grade 1; Hazel Robinson, grade J; Richard Flax, grade 2; William Jones, grade 2. Jane Bagler, grade 2; Pauline Reese, grade 2; Bdith Pye, grade 2; Melvin Shawley, grade 3; Joseph Haagen, grade 4; Helen Kessling, grade 4: George Emel, grade 5; Gerald Mil- Jer, grade 6; Lola Barndt, grade 8: | Violet Jacobs, grade 6; Edith Rob- up school for school house! Goodbye suit and Gaseball to live Ld POMONA GRANGE NEWS 1 —-—-—— —— ————— Th Theme Thought Deed Obening Selection, Plano Mrs. Charles Gephart Rearick Reading mn 19387 07) program follows: Prater lism of Charity Duet Mi Do We Need Fraternity M1 Vila Ciroup ol Play 0! “No Man Aloe” character Clara Huell Mi Sid Huet! Sue Brig Hewlilt Hewitt SW Fr Fred Paul Hackman? Fraucl Hazel 1 Whit Lerinu unk I Mi Gladys 2 wun nson Anderson Hewitt Lal OR Ue ph 8 Dean of Gul Drama? uj Bird hool Notes Regrets ‘ rot en a a———— CHURCHES John's Evangelical Reformed Ne Niamm P ch School 8:30. J. M Hanlawick ” 104 C m vd 30 pm. Pleas Sebo) #30 30. Boalsburg 30 E 630 Motlier's Sunday Jorship School 10 @ C id sermon obwerved in all Rev. Kaufman, Pasior Bellefonte United Brethren OG. E Householder, Pastor, Sun- day schoo at 9:30 a. ma. J. R. Shope Supt, preaching at 10:45 a. m. OY Lhe pastor. The Dependable clase of the Sunday School will render a Mother's Day program at 7:30 p. m Christian Endeavor at 6:30; Prayer and Bible study Wednosday ev al 7:30; Choir hearsal evening Milesburg Presbyterian Miesburg Presbyterian Chureh anoonces a service of special In. teiest exe Sutiday evening a4 7:30 it is known as a “May Lilac Festi- val” and is in recognition of Mother and children. The music and other features of this unusual service will give emphasis 0 pature’s beauty in this season of the year and the pubs lic to attend, Children may be pre- scented for baptism. Bald Eagie Methodist Patish Rev. Robert BE Fieek, minister Hunter Run-divine Worship 9.80 Church School 10:30, Bdgar Bechdel, Supt. Epworth League 7:30. Beech Creek-~Church School 9:30, Divin# | Worship 10:48 Howard Church | Behoot 9:30. Wilbur Hall, 8upt. Ep- iworth League 6:45; Divine Worship | 7:30. Kennedy-Church School 8:30 id. O. leathers, Supt. Curtin {Church Sehool 9:30, Irvin Bryan | Supt. | SL John's Lwheran, Bellefonte { The Third Sunday after Easter, May 8. 9:30 a. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. The Service and Sermon: 1“My Pathers House." 7:30 p m Mother's Day Service. The program will be in charge of the young peobis of the congregation. The Ladics’ [Ald Society will meet on Monday night at 7.30 o'clock. The Willing an [Re Day three churches FER § Friday | day anniversar Individuals whe ply Healy xes inson, grade 7; Arlene Walker, grade Workers will fheet on Tuesday night They are aged 14 Aba pupils a rarely Pr Sl tax 8. Paulirie Shay, grade 8; Florence at 4:08 clock. Clarence B Amoid. sixth gre. grade 8. {pastor, Puul Rew n Wert 12 cle y on ty Cephart bw Shoe Attended Trtitute Preyhy bes wn * git i Woman Named (o Fost | R| I's 11.00 Behool Lila fu UMITED STEP LADDER OR 1 GAL. TURPENTINE ( WITH PURCHASE OF PAINT | AMOUNTING TO FIVE GALLONS OROQVER vb 4 A Es POLISH \®5ALLO0V TROUT % "8 FOOT - WORTH 1.50 # STEEL RODS" EE RIG NEW LINE OF FISHING TREX fou Ee SA 2 - ~~ 4 AN Fart a . DUPONTS GLINT Gunt CHAMOIS } » Fi ames SOFT AND DURABLY $ ve GAS L&E TANK CAPS A FITS MOST #5 \COTTER A PINS |) FOLDING BRUSHES g RAY 35¢ SIZE SPECIAL bed 3 A Bh BRING YOUR CONTAINER, COMPARE WITH ANY IHC 0UALTY OIL igi WW L'MIT- 3 GALLONS TDA TOMER INE You SAVE 25 PER QT. — Pave » » D4 PUT GP ORDER OUR LAREL TO SAVE YOU MONEY % p An ) a 74 WEST HIGH STREET BELLEFONTE, PA. i