www CENTRE COUNTY'S FAMILY NEWSPAPER MAMMALIA IAM AMAMAMMAM MMW MAAR he Centre Democrat = pwassssane THOUSANDS READ a 3 - [HE CLASSIFIED ADS VOLUME 57. NUMBER 18. BELLEFONTE, PA. TH - J URSDAY, MAY 1938. SUBSCRIPTION—$1.50 PER YEAR NEW $100,000 PLANT TO OPEN PRODUCTION OF AMIESITE AT Elderly Man PLEASANT GAP BEGINS SOON Fires Bullet New Industry to Supply iq hterials For Resur- facing Snow Shoe and C. tain Roads; Will Have ot of Five Hundred \ Producti next week Amiesite plant Construction Co., of / the Whiterock Quarry Pleasant Gap, here terday With orders on 30.000 tons with ceived ramore operation of additional the new Industry is bower, of West Curtin st ximately twe paves | will be requ lired 0 ADDI ive ular to keep th sian On hand Man, 65, Fails in Suicide Attempt John Barnes, Pleasant Gap, Rescued From Deadly Fumes in Garage John Barne Picasant Gap covering: moely what is bel tempted suic county within a WO De I # is reported at his home ioved Ui AVE Heel the th ides urd week's Lime faint health aid mea wa: brought Hospita when permit home. wl amiu— Funeral Director Undergoes Operation Willard Nef! of Howard rector in th fli Bunday and was rust SON ol Lott H well known funeral at borough, was stricken aternoon at 1 o'clock ed to the Lock Haven Hospital where an emergency op- eration for appendicitis was per- formed at 3 o'clock the same after- noon. Although Mr. Nel operation nicely, a cold which is Neff hi- withst the he has coniracted retarding his re- covery somewhat, but which is not expected to cause serious compli- cations. Mr. Neff Is widely known throughout Bald Eagle and Nittany Valleys ood accomod ~ > % re Hall Moun- VY Sepueity € * Whit ale I State Commends Hospital Board Thanks Trustees For Effort Being Made to Comply With Department Suggestions this board of 5 County Hospital Secretar Continued even) ————————— Earl R. Ryne Named Cashier College Bank nm Dage Quarry Workers Struck by Stones and Arnold Dean employed at Neidigh Brothers Limestone Company at State Col- lege, were injured Thursday of last when they were struck by of stone following a dis- of harles Rudy HW the week pie €35 charge dynamite Both men suffered injuries the eyes, hands, arms and is reported. but neither were seriously injured brought to the Centre Ci pital, Belicfonte, about faces, it them They were unty Hos- treatment of for Barring Non-Resident Pupils No Solution to High School Problem (Editor's B00 ond This is the series of articles pres by the Bellefonte School Board relative to the proposed bond issue and bulld- ing program. The first of this series pointed crowded conditions in the Belle~ fonte High school the necessity ‘for making certfln improve ments, and the desirability of extending the school plant) ’ Gg: a tea article out the A commonly suggested solution Lo the problem of over-crowding is to refuse admission to non-resident pupils. It is contended that the room space would then be sufiic- fent to accommodate the resident pupils. It is the purpose of this ar- ticle to discuss non-resident pupil fiom the (financial, educational and community points of view The problem is by no means pe- culiar to Bellefonte, Nearly every town which 8 a community center has the same condition. Bellefonte has over 300 non-resident high | school fightly enrollment Some ident number is he high school achool non-res- follows high enrollments are a: other 400 135 450 210 140 129 585 350 In these school districts, non-res- ident pupils have been received and accepted as an asset to the school system. Are non-resident pupils an asset to the Bellefonte school sys- tem? From the financial point of view it is well to note that the average receipts from tuition for the ten year period from 1928 to 1937 have been $18.154.77 per year The other sources of school reve enue for both elementary and sec- (Continued on page six) . Philipsburg State College Lock Haven Danville Miiton Tyrone Clearfield Huntingdon Into Head William F. Woodward, Found Dead in Yard; Used Small Calibre Rifle Boob, WORRY OVER HEALTH ASSIGNED AS REASON Goes U heard by Mem- Funeral Held Monday Shot of Family; at hers Home, Bars Coercion of County Workers Democratic Committee Savs No Employes Under Compul- sion to Make Contribution Machine Gun Troop Receives High Rating TY aly y ¥ Forty n Herber g of “excel ¢ commanded M. Beever ent” for the past year commendation Nd noncommissioned ke are complimented upon degree of proficie al troop officers ing Officers Col winger and Major Mauri widged that the Machine Troop is an oulstanding organiza- tion In morale, discipline, and ira ing. Major General Shannon, com mander of the Pennsylvania Nation al Guard, added his felicitations 0 the officers for the high degree of efficiency attalidsd during the yea: while Biig. Gen. E. J. Stackpole and Col. B. C. Jones, who attended the inspection, extended their congratu- lations to officers and members {or their splendid showing Emma Guffey Miller to Speak Here Monday Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller United States Senator Joseph F Gufley, Is scheduled 0 speak at the Court House, Bellefonte, at 8 o'clock Monday evening, May 9. in the in- terests of the candidacy of Thomas Kennedy for Governor Kennedy's running-mate, Judge Ralph Smith, candidate for Lieutenant Governor aiso will speak Mrs. Miller throng at yesterday Homer ¢ Row Gun sinter of delighted a the Grange Fair, Ceutre Hall, last fall with an address full of facts, figures, humor and plain common sense. Since Mrs. Miller is closely associated with many State activities she is in a position to bring first-hand information to the voters of the county. The public is invited to atiend the meeting ———— Mailing List Corrected To any and all of our patrons who paid their subscription during the month of April, we suggest they examine the figures on this week's label and determine its correctness, Ii an error is discovered, please notify us at once. The monthly correction of the Democrat's mail. ing list was completed over the week-end, and all credits appear on iarge the labels at the end of the sub- The scriber’s name. Girl Scouts Ready For May Day Fete, Saturday, Court House Lawn | “4 Winifred Fleming (Top Miss Dorothy Stevens Five Changes in Polling Places ivy I'ransfers Include Polls in Two Wards of Bellefonte; Ef- fective atl Primaries nite West cree Ward voters building on RK which unty thie FP. & F. ary Ver Previously the jo the West Ward at the Dunlap Ford Garage The Howard Borough s been transferred from Cook building on Walnut street the Howard Fire Company building Citizens of the East Precinct of Haines township. who have been ting basement of ihe Wooiward wail henceforth cast their ballots in the ysement the P.O. 8 of A willding Woodward The polling place for the Norih Precinct of Potler township has peen transferred from the Shaller home. about 350 feet east of lhe Old Fort Hotel building. to the new tion house along the Eariysiown road, about 1000 feet from the in- of that road with the Hall-Potlers Mills highway Rd MS A——— Treasure Hunt Means Money in Your Pocket street ce for polling the to piace in the £100 Diouse at pe. of in elec tersection Cent y i re shar’s gold in them thar hills sald an old prospector once as be pointed in the direction of a dis- tant mountain rmrge where ht was shout to hunt for the precious met- we say you that even we are off the gold standard yuntry, “thar's gold” amit. in Bellefonte's stores on May 23 fhe enterprising merchants whe ar: members of Beliefonte's Cham- ber of Commerce have arranged an interesting and quite profitable Treasure Humt” in whizsh custom- ers who visit these stores on that day may participate Walch our local newspapers for further information regardihg this coming event. It will be stupendous, eclowtal, extraordinary! a — B. HM. 8. Commencement June 9 Bellefonte High School commen. cement exercises will be held on Thursday evening, June 9 ii was unofficially announced yesterday nigh us ( you foncay (in the Plaza theatre, exercises will probably be held | . Seo Day Festival Saturday noon, Ma 0 o'clock, on the Courthou sfien Winifred Fleming, Forme: Judge and Mis Fleming, will be crowned vities by het ns, daughter Stevens rt wil] consi May alte y Oi ahd Lad) { Honor: Peggy Jane Rum-~ Bet! Ladie Maz iello nd y Peters ee Anne K nd Sara Risan e Musser and Ewvely Jean 1 will be headed Dy Dunn and Mar) »aOwed : chen ' Lord ana n Camp- Wallzer Hl Jean Purnell erinad Lentz and m “ Hd rk Chain Anne Ma Dotworth garel Mu Mary Kath- ie Weteler, we . av iat «County Plans For Air Mail Week Four Towns to Sponsor Pony Air Mail Service; Issue Special Cachels NeRr LOATI 8 ren special 3 played In mail xplana- Miller air line east of Belie- out transcontinental 1 the Beaver fa That establis mall stog of (Con Haled on pame six) B.C. R. R. Shows Gain in Income George McClellan Elevated to Vice Presidency Annual Organization Meeting Eection of George E MeCiellan of Belicfonte, ag vice president, and announcement that he net income of the road for the past year ghowed a substantial increase over 1936 [ea- tured the annual stockholders’ and eciors’ meetings of the Bellefonte Central Railroad Co. held at the general offices on North Spring Street, Monday. In addition to his new duties as Vice president. Mr McClellan will retain his former offices as reas urer and general manager of the road. C. 85 Wesley. of Philadelphia was re-elected president; Robert Walker. of Los Angeles California, was reeiecled secretary. W. J. Emer. ick, of Bellefonte, was otained as astisiant secretary to act in the ab- sence of Mr. Walker; Barl M. Cart. wright, of Bellefonte, wag elected to another term as assistant treasurer, and T. D. Geoghegan, of Washing- ton, D. C., wag made traffic manager Two new directors were elected al the stockholders’ meeting which preceded the meeting of diredlors The newly elected directors are (Continued on page &ix) Seek Charter for New Stone Corporat'n Here Ray C Noll. general manager of Whiterock Quarries, and Joseph Mills and E. BR. SBcheuner, this week filed notice that they are seeking a at Ady Aid chartet for a oorporation to be’ known as the peliefofite Stone Pro- | ducts Corporation The new corporation would be empowered to engage in the mining and processing of all Kinds of stone; to engage in land and business fansactions and to conduct a gene | {etal business in stone, Application for a charter has been made to the | | Department of State, Grand Jury Returns 13 True Bills Judge W alicer Sentences Four Who Enter Guilty Pleas; Light Docket Today MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE IS UPHELD BY JURY Indictment For Rape Ignored: Doom Two Trees on Court House Lawn TT { vr » 4 Liu OF He Tegal Lier Jury Court Tuesday “ Lala May lerm ol completed y tins : ation aivernoon t deliber eg oe inspec wh 4 i Lion Walker, the Gr tment LMrue oil Of their ins follow We WMDCag raliing on the second repaired ormenaged ie Welfare Drive Gets Under Way Names of Early Contributors Listed as Campaign For $17.000 Progresses when chairmen final of A WOT instructions the Commun Monday of given MnNg campaign the ope: Wellare whet H Johnston, presiden soci was in ¢ ng and explained budget wh E been year ¢ arge the $17. rove ¥ a ww meet LEA] f cur A Po He an percent of mone 1937 been io the 1g der (oot Neigh bor year make 8 np i residents of Bellefonte on estimate what they to each of the ons Individual (Continued on page seven) all and jeind give a - Louise ar is Named Head of C.D.A. Louise Carprieto grand regent of Court Ardie. No. #8 Catholic Daughte: of America at a regula: meeting held Monday night in ghe hall over the Parochial school East Bishoo Bireet, Bellefonte Following the business meeting, election of offieers was heid About 4 women were present, Other officers chosen were Martha Beeger, vice regent; Anna Mas Haupt, histotian. Mary J Gray treasurer; Elizabeth Duniap. finan: cial gocretary; Mary Hartle pro- photons. Mary Rogers, ecturer, Rose Pearl, monitor; Anna Sepiish, sen- tinel; Mary MM. Beeser. musician, Alice Fox and Edith Anderson, rus tees Installation and mitiation oere mones will be held the latter part ol this month was elecied Patrick M Colored League Game Definitely Scheduled Arrangements have been complet ed for a Negro National Baseball League game between the Home- ead Grays. World's Colored Cham plots of 1937. and the New York Black Yankees at the Community Athletic Field. Bellefonte. on Tues day. May 17. The game will begin at 4:30 p. m. Admission to this major league game will be 50 cents. The Home- stead Crays feature Josh Gibson billed as the worlds best baseball player Vic Harris. Ray Brown. Buck Leonard and an all-star club. A percentage of the gate will go to the Bellefonte Athletic Association Mass Meeting Tonight A mass meeting. sponsored by the Bellefonte School Board and the Chamber of Commerce will be held in the Court House at 7:30 o'ciock ‘this Thursday night for the purpose of clarifying the proposed school bond issue which volers of Belle- fonte borough will vote upon at the primary election. May 17. The various phases of the prop ‘ofition will be explained briefly by Barl K. Stock, supervising principal 6f schools. alter which an open HEART ATTACK FATALTO E. E. WEISER, In Honor of MOTHER'S DAY Sunday, May 8 10 CIVIL CASES LISTED FOR TRIAL Senator Thompson | Chosen as Speaker | at Spring Forum | ward J gry rt ator Ed ipsburg nia Sen ana He prine ipal lecturers at Lhe anne gs sponsored mes : AN H Clearfield be one Of ate resent Centre counties. will spring fon Cornell University Facully and student represenia- tives of Cornell, University of Peun- svivania Darton sth University and other ading eastern institution will convene at Cornell, Ithaca N. Y Friday and Saturday, April 28 for conferences and meelings on hs subject “Making Democracy Work Senator Thompson. an atiorne and authority gover oper - ation. was selecied to BOCA and civic science groups {Continued On in meetin 30 on rad in GisCus~ page eight) Union Membership On College Building Projects All workmen Union membership is the first requisite for obtaining a job on any of the buildings being erected by the General State Authority on the Penn State Campus. Kenneth B Waterbury. of State College, head of the general labor union in that community said yesterday fn an in- terview with a representative of The Centre Democrat The union was organized last fall among workmen on the Women's Dormitory on the campus, and pres. ent union requirements on the $5.- 000.000 building program at Penn State are an outgrowth of the ear. lier affiliation of workers under the American Federation of Labor Explaining how jobs are given out on the college projects, Mr. Wa- terbury declared that alter an ap- plicant has either established his union affiliation. or has agreed to join the union, he is given first pre- ference if he ix on relief and lives in the State College area. Second preference goes to persons not on relief but living in the State Col ‘lege area Third preference goes io forum wili be held during which | time any questions asked by mem- bers of the audience will be an- lswered. A representative tournout of the town's citizens is urgently | | hoped for, persons on relief living outside the State Colicge area. aid last prefer ence is atcorded persons not on re- lief and living outside the college area While the limits of the Slate College area were not defined, it is taken to include communities sur { Tonnding that town, and inciuding AUTO DEALER While in Dies at Physician's Hospital Hours Later Stricken Office: HELD FRIDAY FUNERAL TO BE AT COLLEGE, Had Conducted Here Number of Years State College Resident Business For page EX ces — ———— Farm Home Razed By Fire, Sunday Hd Log House on Strouse Farm Burns to Ground; Hundreds See Blaze Guild to Present Living ‘Family Album’ T Yr ng We ans Beli present if the church will Album” in liv- Presbyterian 12 8 o- iid ywwterian The Family ng piclures at the irsday. May chapel. Tin ock The every at lude practically id, also ad- cast will in member of §itd talent Mrs. Ray Noll and Noll will present the dialogue de- scribing the “Family Album.” Mrs M Gettig will have charge of music to accompany the program Vocal ne Gui ional Dr. Richard Sse the the will be. rendered by Jack Yeager Miss Gunnell Bjialme Miss Dorothy Eberhart Leroy Plumb and Miss Clara Lou Wetael A silver offering will be taken. 80408 Mandatory ity uraon Beiittonte and vicin the projecis are 1 xpi non officer declared that in mens for work the present on members is gone over id then non-members, win willingnesz to join the are selected with preference sx outlined above Membership in the hod-cariiery’ and laborers’ union Waterbam stated. entails a fee of $5 If 2a non man is signed up for work the stipulation that he in Union, he required to pad ali the membership fee al the end if the first week's work. and the re. maining $250 at the end of the second week, “We try jo make t as easy as possible for the men © pay their membership fess” Wa. terbury said. Fees for memixrship in the carpenters’ amd plumbers’ unions are higher Asked why it wag that of a group of 25 or more Bellefonte men who are reported to have apuiied for work at the College. only one or two were sccepted Waterbury ex. plained that some of them refused to join the Union while others could not command precedence through relief! and residence requirements. 11 was explained that the Union syctem enables men to obtain work without having to first be or relief, although relief recipients are given preference. men, Wa- Ung a non riven union for the is