_ April 28, 1938. - —— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five LOCALS ¢ Jee H. Walker, Harrisburg spent the weekend in town with his father, W. Miles Walker and family Mrs. Paul Bohn and caunghter, Louise, of State College R. D. were welccme callers at ou’ office while in toan last Thursday A. F. Young, of Spring Mills, R called nt our office on Baturday add his name to our list of val- from Penns Val. t of ., to uable subscribers le} we NOS Cha Charles Eungar hole transac Saturday, office where wn on come John G called at our in town on business. Mi interested finuncially nil whi burnec near Coburn Mrs. Leah College, who win in Wayne this week. Ms Bellefonte shopper well of Coburn, ie Meyer olfice Saturday Ww Mever in the “1 i nas er caller at our office ME s Ida Wililam ast week attend Ce ntral "Penns ) the Methodist Williamsport, Martha church sec etary Pennsy. Grow y copal church delegate rom Miss Erm Sloop, Ebon Bower ad of the va rr \ Potato the week trip as the driving § ig ~The R ident: Street R Bla. 111 18 Linn leased (0 Lak Haven lumber DUSINESS who Defi Bossart Elecuri part of tendin 8q are has an ¢l Garde: of Pitt League pani was a gue Haas unti TUEQ Ar North their and ii BO Mrs Ln I \ petting to spend at tion as guests family, who have tives in Bel N ¥ Os lege tion of stitution Chicago se050M returned 4! week and rem ained at until Tuesday wh n drive to Chic Mrs mer before her marriage Was Eva Critsman, of Bellefonte ~During the past week th Junious Texas Lunch room o Hizh 8'reet been ijvenn A thoreugh spring rhauling, and | neat and modern ap- of the bulld- the portion the Broderick / began nome home n ti their Cio Miss retur Joh West ove DOW nDiesenty a pearance. The front ing was torn out and Mid A neat nolet tile former lin wainscoting has given way The woodwork. walls and ceiling the establishment have been painted to give more adoquale {liu- mmaton Ww popular eating vlace ~Congratula’ ions are extended (0 Mr. and Mrs. D. PP, Campbel vrone, probably the youngest greal- grandparents in the state of Pen sylvania, who celebrated vir this -fifth wedding anniversary at r home Priday. David P. Camp- il and Miss Mabel Irvin were ed in marriage at Belleionle ont March 22. 1903, by Justice of Prace John M. Keichline. Wih the exception of a few years, they have been residents of Tyrone since mar- riage, Four dJdaughteta and two sons blessed their happy union, of whom one son passed away. There are also nineteen grandchildren, one of whom is deceased, and one great. grandchild, born November 2, 1937 ~Phil “Peanut” Haupt, son of Mr and Mrs. James Haupt, of South Allegheny street, employed as a clerk in the Winner Market store on South Allegheny street, suffered 2 deep gash on the calf of his left Jeg jast Tuesday af ernoon when he ac cidentally ran into a sharp pointed knife exiending from a shelf back of the grocery counter in the store. Bully waiting on a customer at the time, he did not notice the knife and walked into the protruding blade which lodged in ‘he fleshy part of his leg. He was assisted to a back room where the knife was with- drawn and first ald treatment ren- dered until he was removed to the office of a local physician where the wound was dress:d. Precautionary treatment against lockjaw was ad- ministered and he was able to return to work the following day. the pla to tm, while pe oh ge tH iw ty thei b unit Pa the ible i 1 Mr, and Mrs known residents who have been at since last fall are this week. They Saturday Mrs pring porary Cente C 0 E. 8nyder, {f Sate College Stuart, Florida expected home eft Florida on Jack Montgomery, of North Stre has accepted a tem position in the offices of the County Thrift Corporation in the Penn Bella Holel bullding West High Street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pe'ers, levill became the proud aa born on ka have decided to call the Fay Elizabeth Both } Lh £ sot, of vho iilen 0 ident at th Pharmacy he sburgh today to New York Saturday to Tish and his bride em- h neymoon cruise to Rio Biaxzll end Mt " it ao Pal ra Janeiro 3 Co.or Dan g - Philadel; Millan { by the O. B. Malin The Fox family expects to mos the home sometime in the though no definite arras been made have they Neither quar.ers secured there T have been and Mrs. Albert Thompson any, former local ident Sunday in Bellefonte as guesis their son and daughter-in-law, and Mrs ence Thompson family High ing the 66t1 elder Mr, of Nit sre of Mr and West ri red the afternd 8prin with Frank that Thompson the family motored to spend a few hours Thompson's brother ley, at home along As birthday giits th nor receiver a Westin frigerator from her hus- and equally worthwhile pres. fr the Clarence Thompson and Mis. Thompson about 36 years ago conducts a garage tion at Nittany. OT g Creek lar ream his H lle TO band ents family were Mr. and mi Mr arvied npson service Tha -A number of members of Crystia; Springs Rebekah lodge No. 25 of Bellefonte who expect to attend a Tri-State 1. O. O. P. rally at Harria- burg Baturday of this week, will make the trip in a chartered bus Those who are planning to attend the rally ase: Mrs. Mame Scheckler, Mr: Emma Saaserman, Marie Wilson, Mrs. Myla Hoover, Mrs Grace Haupt, Miss Ida Showers, Miss Orace Schenck, Mrs, Verna Gehret, Mrs, Meriam Garbick, Mrs Harry Badger, Mrs. Anna Boyer, Mrs. Raymond Brooks, Mrs. Leo Bo den, Mrs. Harry Buller, Ms. W. J Benford, Mrs. Levica Martin, Mrs Harry Alters, Mrs. Edward Decker Miss Annette Decker, Miss Ann Badger, Mrs. Murray Decker, Miss Elizabeth Dixon, Mrs. Marie Quick. Mis Bara Symmonds, Miss Mary Swartz, Ms. Minnie Roberts, Mra Samuel Roberts, Mrs. H, C. Bwartz, Mrs. Elizabeth Weaver, Mrs. Ray White, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Show- (ers, and Mrs. Mame Bariett. well Parrish. | The Music Section of the Belle- | fonte Women's Club will meet at the | home of Mls Marie Chandler, on Half Moon Terrace, Wednesday evening, May 4, Mr. and Mrs, Mack Housel, Mr and Mrs. Ben Kincard, Miss Clara Kineard and boy friend, Bill Achard, all of Altoona, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Housel of Cole- ville Max Kelley, of Bellefonte, is spending this week in Bloomsburg undergoing training in a dairy store in that city preparatory to becoming manager of a dalry store in Wil- lamsport. The Centre County doors are never closed vours when trouble descends upon you, Bhow your appreciation by contributing liberally to the Com- munity Welfare Fund Mr, and Mrs, Cloyd Walter, of Burnham, stopped at our office Monday enroute to the lat- ter's parent's home, Mr. and Mrs Frank Grove, east of town, where y spent the afternoon If yeu ummer complete st ture at Taub's change Hospital to you or while he anything for your CAMD, We Carry a good used fur price. Call Furniture Bellef need home or xk of the right Second Hand Bush Ar Lie mite, May Harel nape Ie dresses t for only $2.88, florals, navy, and | Rayon sand Crepe youtl paisieys wine brown “Open 0 20 an Play Logan fein rdware Ha hile walk Rne Ng George his leg In nitire a nerve BUGS Emmi Lf is 35 on Samuel G. Tressier, of East Street, president of the Cen- tre County Hospital Nurses’ Alumni Association, yesterday received word from J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the Federal Bureau restigation, at Washington, D. C, that it will be impossible for the Bureau to aend a speaker to Beliefonte this month Mrs. Tressier had asked that a special agent in the narcotics divi- sion be sent here to address a public mesting Mr. Hoover wrote that owing to the fact that Depars- ment is unusually busy at this time, he is unable to spare a man during May Ww speak here. Another effort will be made this fall by the Alumni A ation W obiain a speaker on narcotics ~Rosg Orilfin, pular manager of the Winner Market on South Allegheny street, usually has plenty material for conversation in ordin- ary times, but this week it's differ- ent, for he has real news. Monday he became the proud father of an 8 pound, 11 ounce boy, born at the Centre County Hospital, and while everyone who deals at the store knows all about it, we're writing this paragraph for the benefit of young William Paul Griffin. who will be known to his football team- mates in 1953 as "Bill" He is the first child in the family and he and his mother are reported to be get- ting along nicely. Crystal Springs Rebekah Lodge of Bellefonte held installation of officers in the 1. O. O. P. lodge hall, Friday night. About 100 were pres. ent. Mrs. Elizabeth Hagel disirict depu'y president, Bellefonte, was the installing officer. Those who as- sumed offices at Friday night's cere- mony were Betty Swartz, noble grand; Annette Decker, vice grand; and Mayme Sheckler, recording sec- retary. Following the ceremonies the regular momthiy birthday party was held, The honor guest was Mrs. Busan Wetzel of East High stréet, oldest member present. 8he was presented with a dozen roses and a handkerchief shower was held in her honor. Fourteen others, whose biithdays came during April, | be wal te ia Curt Wits nis PO§ were also guesis of the lodge. Re- | | ireshments were served, noses! Roses! Noses! only 40 cents and guaranteed to grow this ! at the Bellefonte Hardware sSeuson Co. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Penrod and family expect to vacate the north side of the Moore double house Ou North Spring Street in the nel future, and will make their home #4 Zion The A. M. E. church is wor thy religious organization whose small congregation is dependent upon outside help for its existence Your contribution to the Commun* ity Welfare Fund will be shared by this church Mr. and Mis. 8. Claude Herr and daughter, Elizabeth, of East Curlin Street, who have been in Florida since early in January, expect Wo begin the return trip north i day according to word received by mein bers of the family this week M. 8, Goldman, who recen iy purchased the Carpeneto Greed Grocery o uth Alleghe ny Sreet vester ame the "baby" mem- bey Bellefonte Chamber Of Commerce when he was members that n Bu day De mt ' Of the a into in organi nip tion A bag, a coal, and made mothe Moths Day Bellefonte is fully t requiremen pre d hat, s othe res A good looking {lk hose and a spring r sensible items, woud happy indeed ¢ The Lintz prepared to m vy Sore Lag week the Thom East Logan being cream Hever ness. hborhood » on cheme < 3 H out i some youll wile miscalculution and bud & Es 4 rdants 4 4 tie ractice continues prac mase a ten days ¢ aay tl 2, ¢ & wd § Fat - death of his fourth son. aho was on he original members of Lhe popu day } toward the EX HTERY Cally men Le Dis aot w upon reminded Fire LATS CAT FAM here in ahir Ty of slew] Dem upon the Apa ithin the next known srg Led front , hemselves in the chairs, wi : ~ be seen during their Jeisure ours {rom now until the wild gees The five are: Bill Hurk their ever pre «1 ge full he Jake Bare stogie and Bob Morris will arette. D. Paul Fortney mo ly occupied a chair in the secon row. Upon convenient perches the porch railing were their court of honor, consisting of the Eiks' mas- cots, a black cat and a bob-lalied cat. With this worthy crew al the helm, we're sure Spring will wane summer pass with everything under control — Circus Here May 14 Downie Brothers Circus is sched- uled to appear in Bellefonte on Saturday, May 14, it was announced here this week. The circus will be located at the Witmer field, East Bishop street Last year the same circus visited Bellefonte and many comments were heard regarding the fine per. formances given, The acts were many and varied, the costumes and equipment in excellent condition and the wild animal exhibits were most complete, May 14 wili be the first Saturday circus day in Bellefonte for a Sumibes of years, and Centre coun- , long known as a “good” circus py will probably turn out a rece ord-breaking crowd. oo Out ns wn a his cig eslly © and well — Why not have roses and roses that will bloom all summer, only 40 cents at the Bellefonte Hard- rare Co. * FOR SALE! ! 11 Shares Bellefonte Trust Co. $90.00 per share Advise Prompily H. N. Nash & Co. i 1421 Chestnut S46. PHILA, PA. false. ©. Twat St, Bellefonte, ‘Prank P. Stover, M-R-3. EMERICK HEIRS TO MEET regular monthly meeting of Emerick Helrs of Centre and Clinton counties will meet in the 1 QO. O, F. Hall, Centre Hall, Batur- day, April 30, at 7:30 p. m There will be present meeting Mr. Wilson EF Howard wood, president { the Rochester it Emerick Helrs, As Just returned from ng gone there at the law firm who are representing the Emerick Helrs in the recovery I the will and other very important papers from Mr. C. 1. Hoy, which is necessary 0 have befoye any brought Iu the New the Astors Es- of the upposed have been left John Nicholas Emerick i brothers Christopher Valentine, decendants will be your opport he information you may want Mr. Carr and the Group Rochester have been able get thelr lon ime« il or the The hie at this Carr and and group Pa. Group Mr. Carr St Louls of ender « of ti ia request cin be Courts for Lune trust against the recovery vast lo by ‘ two unity Lo “ave a a Lo very last ars, and you will ha questions ’ PAL * 1 DPOsSes a lot of WiAnt papers Iie two ve You | have to ask, so don't forget the time end come ready to ask for the information you want ww have EE A — ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT FORMER BELLEFONTE MAN Announcement of the engage- ment and approaching marriage of Miss Margaret Hombach, daughter Dr. and Mrs, W. H. Hombach, to Mr. Eugene J Robb, of Chicago son of Mr C. E. Robb of Belle fonte, was made Sunday afternoon when Dr. and Mrs. Hombach were host y to about seventy of the young- er set at a tea given atl their home, 504 Bouth Grant street, Grand Is- land, Nebraska, Miss Hombach is a graduate of Duchesme College in Omaha. Mr. Robb 1s a graduate University of Pennsylvania und for some time past has been assoce inated with the Eastman Kodak Company in Chicago. He Is a mem- ber of Lamda Chi Alpha Fraternity of of - - : The Crippled Children Boclety wonderful work community in helping rebulld I bodies that are deformed and ail ing your appreciation by con- tributing liber 10 the Commun- ity We Fund hig done n our ttle a Show ally Hare BELLEFONTE BANJO BAND CONTINUES CONCERT SERIES Tuesday the Bellefonte Banjo sand played the sixth of its out-of town concerts this yeRr, al Bnow Shoe High school auditorium which | wha filled to capacity, Baturdsy night of this week band travels to Grassfiat, where will present a concert sed the Graasllat Baseball Club Thursdny appears ni E. church artists appearing band are: Charles Guyer, and Mary lols Bryan and Wilson, dancers The Banjoleers gauged Ww provide Hublersburg High school cominence- ment, Clare Poorman, Martha Re de and Virginia Torsel Bai Band drum majors BOUT ceive new uni work summer the ts BOT by of band the M next week the Mackeyville in with the planist, Donna Cuost en the [S41 have been music for forms ' iis ———— & x 4 Friday and 1 “ Batur~ Dushni~ efonte Special for day, large two-year-ol 48 cent t the + Co yO Bel i SEVERAL FERSONS INJURED IN MOTOR ACCIDENTS A wii Fisher Mark was damaged of about $100 Tuesday it turned over on its back road between Curtin, Fisher was sharp left curve at the focigent. No one ror J rd oy ol Warriors to extent when side on Lhe Milesbwrg and rounding of on i the night " the was iesday two iy injured and two mac aed Ww 1 smnount of approxi mately 870 when Lhe; Lied Near Snow Bhoe Wiliam H. Chapman, Kato, received lacerations of the left hand and his daught Mar on, cuts about the scalp and Lips The vehicles were driven man Matthew Stven of Clar~ ence. persons were slight hines dam. Lif A + vy Cha Pe and te ASSOCIA by aha chlgaren secure } anc ted Charities Means needy roper man Y ; of ¢ CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS 30,000 People R That's why The Centre partment has become 80 amMazing.y benefits derived, 1 n Counter RATES Advertisements FL ry week Whe Ei of each than tweily A rent we t and 15 cents for OLLIE ore X EAL ESTATE “ising -—sale or KEYED ADS his office, must Please do not cal at the office for it nia hers ser BECRIBER EY as Lhe publis PR VILEGE woul aus +] priviege call ea at——— Help Wanted ERY OF more WY nen. he free 0 1 fsportatic nbs Average hee Anes fronts 81800 to 828 00 weekly See Misa Brown. at Ostman Hotel, from 7 © l Friday and Saturday evenings | x17 WANTED Two CAIN NER Work Wanted nan desires work by nieeD out It gure a home Coleviile Pa. x17 WANTED Wo aay Wik Joseph Peters WANTED Boy 168 ym. old with perience wanis we wk on farm phone No. #11-R-13 Beljefonte, eX. Cail Pa x17 WANTED--Boy wants work “on by the month lawrence Ammer man. Julian, Pa. (2 miles West of Unionville.) x17 A maiden lady ; the week in a mmndl family Belisfonte, Onan give good Write postoffice box 154 Pa WANTED work by in or pear references Bellefonte Wanted to Buy WANTED--We will buy clean washed | Centre Demo rags free from lint : 104 erat office WANTED—To buy cattle, “calves, hogs | 1 pay the MeCaleb, Pa. Phone and poultry of all kinds most best for the best, R. H P08 W. 8rd St, Lock Haven, a20.J x22 WANTED-~1 am In the market for hogs, cattle. cheep, calves and chickens, Call Centre Hall SM-R-11 or drop a card to Bidney T. Riegal Centre Hall, Pa E82 popular & undisputably Centre County's C addit «five Worcs, straight ohe of All advertisements that be complied wilh by are not permuted “farm i desires | x17 ead This Column Democrat's classi) vertis ing de- wl RIG ly Ba ad ads Considering its low qnmul less 25 cents 10r Where advertise- Olle CElil a woI'd Is charged words inser nty-five or ona Lion ent a word Is charged for re 16st replies to be mal fF ALNSWering the agdvelills won acvel wo divuige req LO fore LOol'ma concerning such y name of Lhe nalne of x very su ba LIM LLL De uC SK Lies PU ey ey wily r wae taken gd hiss never Deen afivone needing a Can be seen have aU silos ent Bl a Come pee Spit wmhie decide {or Dogs, Pets, Etc. 3 fuakes Myer. Ju- xia y AW hite Col ie pupe of farm dogs. EP .. Pa. Phone §31-R-31 Hay and Grain POR BALE- Loose alfalf fa “hay, John 8 lambert, 8 ring Street, Belle. | fonte, Pa Phone 3-0 x17 ron BALE Several tons good mixed | hay and Joowe straw, Sylvan Crest Guarder w Martha Pus te Pa x17 Fon BALE~ 000d mi xed loone hay at Port Matilda and Martha anna, Thompson Henry, Martha Purnion, Ps x17 Garden Plants POR SALE-Buy our perennial plants at Sylvan Crest Gardens. All perennials 10 cents or three for 25 Syivan Crest Gardens, Martha Pur- | mee xi Au tomotive Phone $35-J-4. ask for information, xXiq | Howard 81. | POR SALF—A 8-room house on Half POR SALE--Ford 1096 sedan, 2 door, | Tractors, Etc. Per Were FOR BALE 1 y 1 Der WD B20 100; man es work any oo L 0 Pine Grove Mrs. Kepler farm. Jas Hoover. Sale or r Exchange FOR SALE--Or ex hange for cattle, choice of team of mules or tewm of horses. Both teams quiet and will work anywhere Cheap 10 guick buyer. R. E Brobeck, Hubie =. pure Pa x15% Real Estate - For Sale SALE New York FOR State farm, Slook #3, MeGraw, New York PON SALE--Bullding lots 4 mile Fast of Bwmte Coliege Borough Restric. Hugh C. Dale, R. D. State Oa Pa FOR BALE —A try room cabin, one mile south of Mili Hall Pa. for in- formation see Harry Polmar, 1138 E Bellefonte, Pa x17 x17 tions lage, Moon Hill with bath, furnace and electricity, on MR S0x1560. Apoly Ber nice Rinne, Half Moon Hill, Bellefonte, Pa. x20 CAR BARGAINE 1938 Chevrolet ort Sedan: 1086 Plymouth sedan, 1933 Plymouth Sedan; 1832 Ford | coach; 1082 Plymouth Sport Coupe. 1931 Chevrolet Conch. Above oars are priced right and can be bought on the easy O . A C. plan. Phone 10.B- | 14, Millheim. Bleriys C Re bersurg, Pa. Cheviolet De x17 | Household Goods | WANTED--To buy all Kinds of used furnitare. Will pay oash, of give allowances on trade ins. Call al Taubes Second Hand Furniture Ex- ohange, Bush Arcade, Bellefonte, +> ‘ Articles for Sale FOR BALE--An upright sell cheap tO a quick Sure Myre. Geo. Newman, sano, will! Mites | x17 FOR SALE--An old fashioned oak | wardrobe and double oui] kerosens hot smater heater, in good condition. Inquire of O. A. Spearly, Coleville, 4 POR BALE--Two buck rabbits. Im ©. Harpster, Penna. Purnace, Pa. x1 Coens a er Bl | ndition. nguire n West eo Street. Bellefonte, Pa. x17 Fa POR SALE Trespass and no Bune day Pishing signs at the Centre Degnocrat office? wou YOR 8 SALE—Baby bugey in very good condition. Price reasonable, apply at 138 N. Spring 5 FOR SALE “Magic Mistolstor” v etable & MN. BSiore, POR BALE—80 bushels Russet pota- en toss from certified seed. Inquire Mildheim, Pa. Phone | POR SALE--A Universal electric stove, in exoellent condition. Price | reasonable. Inquire of i LAR Suigley, E. Curtin Street, Bel onte, POR SALE--One roll top desk, one hundred pound oapacity joe re. Moore 121 Allegheny Street. Belle. fonte. Pa. x10 WANTED To sell dressers $4 75 up; chests of drawers 8475 up: Ironing | boards 89¢c. new 50 Jw. weight mat | trpanes single $6.98, full $605: New! ve rugs $2088 kitchen chairs 81 { en Utility Parlor sults $1275 (ond Hand Purniture | Arcade, ha Bush , Bellefonte, age, Bush | frigerator, ofie check writer, Mrs. 8. | Joes POR BALE--A § room bungalow with bath, «lectric light and furnace {Inquire of Mary M. Paubie Real Bs tate Broker, Bellefonte, Pa, Phone 628, eu tools, crop. Buy direct. Box | Phone 400-M. | Also machine spartnent ner of Boring Beoond Docker Nree-roum Ling floor Vv Cara wu ye Phone 674 Weston Lo ans to Farmers ToT . Ni 3 expense Hepat 100- Pop Ad Ealizer $1.00; Drops) * oll 80c; 3 receipt laboratories w Pharmacy, Beech Creek, postage and Daskin 8 Pat. om nedy for Asthn GLASSES REL installed new lens pe a chinery am pr repared to furnish glass. ef atl very aitructive prices, Also ear viasmes (fust out) for those with dee fective hearing. large and ve stock Oerman Artificial Eyes. You can do better bere than elsewhers Tipbing' Pharmacy, Clara M. Tibbins Drugs & Optical Goods. The Sight and Hearing Aid Btors, Beech Cress: a. Repairing Shop, Bellefonte, Pa. POREMAN'S UPHOLSTERY rii- ture repair shop, ing antiques a specialty. ne a rush seats. Modern upholstery. ad North Race 8t, rear Penn Belle ‘Hotel BOALES All makes of srales ired and put in first class tion, Agent for the Buflalo scale Co. Soales to meet any ulrement, machine work of all kind e at Keller's Ma- chine Shop, Bellefonte, Pa. x17 MACHINE WORK laws mowers, sharpened olled and adjusted TSO, repairs all Kinds. Acetylene and electric welding Bellefonte, Pa. Phone 32-R. Announcements POR BALE --An Broom home, with electric Hehts and 11 acres of land ion main highway, 3 miie west of Ree Be nquire of Charles C. Gh [POR SALE--Fatm or summer “home, jomted on Purdue mountoin, 4 miles from Bellefonte. Good bulld- ings, 60 acres of land Walter Eber. dh Bellefonte, Pa. Phone B508-M For Sole or Rent POR BALE OR RENT--House on Linn Street, Bellefonte, Pret class oofi- dition. Inomedinte oo R Apartments for Rent FOR RENT--A Pte Ro Fox id (Pa. Phone 61 Linn 8ireet, +R. Mansion house RR. Pa. All convenlences, Cali Haupt. x18 | Fr SALE -150-acre farm in Union Blair, Sate College, Pa. Phone | 3-room Inquire of aw L| Bafietonts, | FESTIVAL~