April 28, 1938, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BRLLEFONTE, PA. Page Three A——— (GC PERSONALS, ANNOUNCESFENTS, CHURCH NEWS, OF UNIO VILLE (Reported by Special Correspondent) — B————— + Methodist Church Servicess Pray. er service this Thursday #vening 8unday School on Sunday morning | ot the usual hour and ‘Epworth League in the ning at#:30 p. m Free Methodist Churel Services Rev. G. A. Garett of the Free Methodist church has gdvised that they will be out of gquirantine this week, their home axl the church will be fumigated ow Friday noon or Saturday ndming and ser- vices for Sunday will be follows Sunday School at ing service in theevening at m. with sermon py the pastor, G. A. Garret Praver servic Friday eveningft 7:30 p. m Bellefonte chirch there prayer service on Thur Sunday Schad! on Sunday at 10 a. m. ahd preaching ¢ 11 o'clock with sermon by tor, Rev. Qarrett, Preaching terian chur at 7:30 p.m tor, Rev. H Rey. D Methadist while at liamspor very lHamspo:t heart attack as 7:30 p Re Ol the day evening morning ervice § the 0 ay 4 in with sermon by the pe E. Oakwood D. Kauffman, of church, ook suddenly i ndi ng Conference at Wil- st week, pol is still in a condition in the Wil- hospital, He suffered His many friend this community are hoping hi plete recovery may be speedy that he may be able to return puplit here for another year Up Week: ~The Week May 1st. which is next week, wil obcerved over the entire “Clean Up Week." Let part in our little communi on oS seriou Clean of us ous ty and se | Public Sales SATURDAY Pitch will sell at hel m. a Tull line niture, good as new 5 p. m. H. J. Stover, au SATUR DAY, APRIL 23 will sell a carload horses and mules near Centre Hall ao APRIL of SATURDAY, APRIL Henry will offer at public sale at his barn at 118 E. Louther St. Car- Male, Pa., 60 head of horses, mules and colts. Sale at 1 po mm. shap. SATURDAY, APRIL 23-E C. Wa ner will offer at public sale at his residence at Potters Millis, a Tull line hold goods. Sale at. 1 p.m 23-—Charles Me- APRIL 30 the X Hul piéments, ef id be brought in before Sale at # ooo, L WwW. C. Smelt artic.es ¥ of sale F. Mayes, al clerk. SATURDAY, APRIL Harpeter will offer Lemont some ! duding a kit Bosch Badio, jece bed room M. Smith, aurt SATURDAY, APRIL 30—Mre et Hosterman, Administer Estate of Wesley Hoste offer at lk sale Pa. a roll Hine of hous Sale at 12 lock no Mayes Yer, aucts SATU BDAY. APRII I Robi | r ict 30 «JRugunnd at Du blic in 1 wood {aire L ft and 3 and st 30 Bed room sults bed, lamps chairs wt TelCheOTge Cc sale H. Cox at the or farm at xe f eo of howe oh d aor SOT rie bu tener; i ng toc and a an butter Ket Sale at 1:30 Credit 90 “ny s time = April : Will offer at theran English , ¢ the 1a 1 Ag Pine Grove Mil items reed ad oak leather chairs Karpen tahis: table; 10x13 d ing room Ung room chair leather three Karpen rocking chal reed rocking oak bedroom suit, complete; lather couch: dining room Kitchen ie, oak Iv kitchen cabinet bed springs; three porch rockers; large fssortment of pictures; crocks and glass jars; planet Jr, garden plow with attachments; Peeney dust spraye er; floor and table tamps Sale at 1 p.m. Terns cash. Auct, H. 1. Harp- ster, x16-17 April 30 : : : : John Matis Will ‘continue the Community Sale at his farm In Hublersb urg, Pa. There will be offered for sale livestock and implements. Articles for sale should be brought in before day of sale RMPLEMENTS: ~Superios grain drill, 11 hoe; Parmery Favorite grain drill. 8 hoe: Black Hawk manure spreader. McCormick cultivator; 3 Oliver Steel beam walking plows: De- Laval milkingg machine: 80 tooth spike harrow: 8 Albright cultivators Sapets. Ohio chap mill; @ lot of Oliver repairs, shears, mould boards, iri plow handles, gas- ehgine 2 h pp. 2 Byracuse plow beams: 4 Blacksmith anvils, and other articles 00 numeroug to mention. Sale gt 9 o'clock. Lunch will be served bv the Ladies Aid Hubler, auct ww C Smeitzer. clerk May 7, at T. M. Huey Farm at! Fillmore, the following: LIVESTOCK-—A horse, 10 years old, weight about 1250, aleo an old horse, a Guernsey odw, freeh 3 weeks. PARM IMPLEMENTS -McCormick- Deering mmnure spreader, a 2 two- horse Conklin wagon, mowing ma- chine foot cut; Pay ter; Oliver No. 4 wy cuse sulky plow: 18-4o00th spring har- row: harpoon fork: pullevs and 110 fi. of new rope; corn cultivator: one horse corn planter, set. of horness with 2 new collars and pads: grain drill; butchering tools: oil brooders two 400 enpacity and other tems %00 numerous to mention. Bale at 1:30. Terma cash. 1. P. Mayes, auct rk ing plow. Syra- after- | #:30 a. m. preach- | enailage cul. | | Elwaln, Eleanor Snook; : that our town is cleaned up of | winter debris. Street's, alleys, yards gardens and all conspicuous places {including the community flower bed, {which has been sadly neglected for some time, This Is by order of the town Burgess Miss Lorraine Parsons {girl friend of State College, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E L. Parsons, they resumed their studies at the college on Mon- day moming Mr. and Mrs. M companied by some Shore, called on his band, Mr. and Mrs on Sunday afteinoon Mr. and Mrs, Clark Williams atl- tende Conference of the Meth- odist church in Willamsport over the weekend. and her B. Ri friends sister WwW. B shards ac of Jerse and hus- Parson the wi Rumberger his sister HAL burg, called ira Rumberger at (he Harriet Asking, on Satu ernoon Pearce Rumberger returned (o hi duties in Maryland on Monday after ng a weeks vacation and visiting friends and relatives the nuiLy Nannie ual mee dy of the he Friends church at State C , on Sunday. She also visited h friends in Lemont on her way eturning on Monday evenit and Mrs. Thomas Jarret » sons of Pivisburgh, vi her aunts, Mrs. Harriet Asking Miss Louise Turner, also her broth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snook, over the Easter season We are sorry to jearn the death of one of our good ckizens last week in that of Joseph B. Mitchell, who died at the Lewistown hospital. Fu- neral services were conducted from his late home here on Sunday morn- ing, in charge of Rev. H, E. Oakwood the Presbyterian church, assisted r Rev. M. C. Piper, of the Metho- chuich. Interment was made in Stover cemetery. Mos sincere SY mat his are exten ta the family and friends in their hours of bereavement Don't fofget the community sing which will be Sunday al- ternoon in the Methodist church All persons interested in singing a welcome. Singing under che din tion of Mr. H. M, Miles and will be held at 3 o'clock The following pupils of take the Hig "ANCE examinalion tins in the Hig cl a Bel®fonte; Richard i; Forrest Lucas; Rose Henderson; Betty Ban- ey: John Barton and Joseph Way. George Shipley, who has been guf- fering from gevere burns receiv d some time ago, is able to be out and up sireet, also his daughter Kar who had been ill is abie to be oul and around again. Some one reported reoen tly that they heard a program over the Radi coming from Puerto Rico in which was a birthday song sung. in honor of Mrs. Martha Fisher, of U They remembered th hat M: had a alster, Mra Sayde: ationed In thal vi 4 husband as missionaries. Mrs. Cora McMinn of Du turned to } her home the the week, after having days with he: r sister, Fisher, helping her to home. While she was here the electric Hghts home Gue Aman n on hon rda in attended Friend ited wil of > ied held this eld Was the 8th 4 h School E 7 3 i being Bo. ee fore part of pent i Miss Jennie ” N fix up her hey had in tae BEVE tallied the home of Mrs over the weekend weir? Mrs. Way and daughter of Tyron Mrs. Bessie Alexander of Milesburg and Miss Chariotie Swarts of Har- risburg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eber bart and son Daniel of Bellelonte Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rhoades and family of near Belelonte The Junior League of the dist church wili have a shor: bibi¢ exercise during the meeting of the Epworth League on Sunday evening, this will be the closing of the Ju. nior League meetings for the sum- mer, Mr.and Mrs. BE Holt and G. W Holt made a business trip to Har- risburg last Wednesday ning home the same day Miss Ia Mae Barton, daughto~ of Mri. Hazel Barton, spent the weekend with relatives in Tyrone. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robison on Sunday were H. C. Woodring of Port Ma- tilda, father of Mrs. Robison: Rev and Mrs. G. J. Kelley and Rev. John Kelley of the Free Methodist church who were conducting services here over the weekend, and Mr, and Mrs Charlies Robison of this place. A mos. delicioug dinner was served al the noon hour. Some folks have been inquiring as to who the members of the newly organized tennis club are 50 we have been successful in oltaining the gomplete list to date which is as follows: President, Basil Robison; 8ecy., and Treas. Ralph Smith; Por- rest Bauder; Mary Brugger; Owen Reed Fox, Forrest Homan; Margue- rite Homan; Georgeanna Holt; Dor. othy Kerchner: Ruth Lucas: Donald McElwain; Harry McElwain: John Resides; Paul Resides: William Re- sides; Charlotte Stere; John Stere, J. B. 8tere; Cecil Stevenson: Louise Tingue; Mrs. Harold Watson; Nell Williams; Janie Zahniser; L. C. Mc- Ida Mae Barton; William Barton; lda Mae Lucas; Mrs, Clark Williams; Richard Hall; ‘GC. W. Holt; B. BE Holt; and al ila Way Metho- gd 11° reLul TE RCAC ACD § B. 0. HARVEY Houses And Buildings For Sale APARTMENTS FOR RENT! Insurance of All Kinds American Naval History Enshrined at Erie Proud days when the early American navy made history on Lake Erie are revived for tourists at Erie, where the | shown above and the older U.S.8. Niagara are preserved, The monument shown in the inset commemorates Perry's victory over a British fleet on the lake in 1813, Vr Put Prot v missing 8. 8, Wolverine Pe thirty-four a good group for them rea Milford Hall, making all which canstitutes of players We wish ess in their efforts far as we rned be Me have lea 0 preach hod { there will ’ ur : being st amsport Ho early he eff Vice in Sunday, Kauffman confined the Willis ! Report } Rev to d and Kauffman The many very thankful Jehn Talhelm has started some re- pair work to his property, havi torn down the back porch on Tue day and will erect another in J place, tm ——— HOWARD The choir | hrist, Blan the Church in Howard and Mrs. C M W. Wagner, spent Sunday. 3 and Mrs. Prank rom the Chur Hal gave of & of Wr Mr Mrs anne Mr Lge. will be t Seiinsbrove The Howard High School basebal teasn piayed Hublersburg Frid the score 5-3 in Howard's favor Mis Anna Holter entertained ladies of the sewing circle home, Tuesday evening The Senior Cla again this Ozark Cousin in } 14 [alate 23a H. Wagner and Tuesday ing Jahn Brickley Mexico, left Monday Mr. Brickley has been : Mis. T f ‘ even pre Thursda bullding. ¢ I¥y meeting high school Deel Duying vicinity 313 on them as the farms wit) npiement ten ants, stocking live. giock and to a number of industri ek, of Elmira of Tyrone and were enieriained at Jc hn Dich! home in Howard Mrs. Bella Noli, who spent He greater part of the winter with he son in Williamsport has ret to her home in Howard and has a man employed helltag her io arrange the home by beautifying with cholic flowers Rev. David Neilson, minister [0 the Church of Christ, located a Bianchard, whose church member ship numbers four hundred commu- nicants, was invited to bring his Church Choir to Howard last Sun- day evening and they came, 22 mem. bers in all was composed of di- visions: Solo, quartette, violin solo male quartette, supported excellen’ choir, one deserving praise {or their sacred music, which was well ren- dered. We mention a few names of the membeis of the choir: Mrs. Leo- nard Robb, Mrs. Emma Kunes, Mrs Mae Harter, Mrs. Maggie Packer Mrs. Emma Fry, and Miss Carrie Delong. We welcome you all to our church, come again. Rumor hath it a float, that Ches- ter Brickley, of Clinton Co., former- ly of Centre County, has purchased the Irvin Schenck, a fine productive farm, two miles north east of How- ard along the main highway. Samuel H. Pletcher, son of Ru- dolph, whose parents both passed away some years ago, he being the only child, occupied the home alone, upti] recently, has shared his home with an aged aunt, Mrs Mary Pletcher and her only daughter, Mra Tacy 8mith, where all live happily together on South Walnut street in Howard Borough. XT and Mrs. Ronald Archy have resided with Mra. Hattie Loder, who reared Mrs. Archey, Dr. Ishier pre- urned sented a nine pound baby girl last Monda i ¥. Mary 8B. Luse R. N. of Dr. San- ford’s private hospital Jersey Shore, was a Saturday visitor at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Schenck. Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Bixel and | daughter Marion of Jersey Shove, visited at the home of the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. ani Mrs. A. H. Schenck, on Sunday. { Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Tice visited | thelr daughter, Mrs. Lois Buckley, of | York State over the weekend. John F. Zeigler, retired farmer,’ > Julian Man Freed After Bail Is Set nued from page amount of ball under endant group for « to fix which In the were view del 10 be heid Of gunty ym Rock- plea of one scaping another for a fense: two for robbing camp; itwo operat devices and y fo money Cla Erie count Rockview Au four mont renocs from receiving ald of any kind Martha Armbruste State College for the years employed as a cook Phi Gamma Delta fraternity State Coll pleaded guilty 10 lnrceny of soap. towels, sheets erware ited at about the [raternity at the at the and $100 on The prosecutor in the case waz Officer John R. Juba, of the State College police, He reported that the thefts occurred over a period of two years and that after the wom- an's arrest most of the sioclen ticles were returned Defense attorneys offers to have the Hon. J. 1. Holmes, of State College: W. H. Noll and T. E. Jod- on, of Pleasant Gap, testily as to the defendant's good character, but such testimony was not re- quired by the court, Mrs. Armbruster was sentenced to undergo probation for two years, upon payment of the costs of pros- ecution and upon making restitu- tion of articles taken David McKean, of Philipsburg, who several months ago paid a $100 fine for operating gambling devices, was in court Monday on similar charges. In view of the fact that it was his second offense in a short period of time, McKean was sen- tenced to pay the costs of prosecu- tion and serve three months in the county jail According AAA AAS MANOA ar- aw BIG DAYS WHITE BROTHERS Allegheny Street Bellefonte, Pa. to officer Marshall vaine of 10 ween $20 rent hint entered Driver Sued for £25,535 Damages {Continued from page one) n8tens of i owing 0 fds side nire Counts he Pederal Count fact that Mrs. Pole of Brookivn at it edy. and is Now New Mexico, she | action in eithe In the not on Mullin yesterday directed appear before the Court in Scrantc within ten days’ time The accident which resulted in th damage suit against McoMullin and the charge against Bartley, ocour- red about 4:30 o'clock Saturday af ternoon, December 4, about a hall- mile enst of State College, and in- volved three cars Proceeding east along the road wai the Bartley car. followed by the Polete machine. From the opposite direction the machine driven by Mr MeMullin approached At the corner's inquest Bartley claimed something struck his car and an instant later he heard a crash behind him as the MeMullin machine plowed {nto Polete's car. MeMuilin claims that Bartley was attempting to pass a fourth car going in the same direction; that he saw he couldn't make the pass be- cause of the approaching McMullin machine and that as he tried to get back in line, the rear of his car struck the rear end of McMullin’s car, causing it to swing directly into the path of the Polele car back of Bartley, Polete was instantly killed: his wife and Mrs. MceMuliln were se verely injured, and Mr. MoMullin received painful but not serious ja- corations and bruises. The MeMul- lin and Polete cars were badly dam- aged. The Coroner's MeMullin of blame jand found that the tragedy had been caused by reason of the posi ition of Bartley's car on the highway " the time. State Motor Police after an inde- | pendent hearing brought charges of | Hovoluntary manslaughter against | It is this charge upon | + te wis p re time of the tray of Cin titiad hg 5 ident r COUT re perved he 2 jury exonerated Mr ‘which the Grand Jury wil act next Tuesda s | ~The Salvation Army many times | reaches beyond where other forms {of charity “fears to tread.” Their mission is to administer to the body land soul of the downcast. Show your appreciation by contributing | liberally to | Fund, to the Community Welfare in the accident Club Contributes To Welfare Fund moet s commited nted Mrs ent Ww at he {out : uddle of out me time aboul the n the details worked of the business Harvey Scott several while nee of Ore porretary of Commission motion pice Atl meeting egtertained the conch Mrs JEON Mary the club with No selection the appearay Nn, executive Publicity who showed one tures of beautiful scenery in the Stale and advoested a more inten- jve effort on the part of everyone 160 advertise the advantages home community the State at large At the conclusion of Mr. Ritz- man's lalk light refreshments were served. reed of of their and on ——— School Burns At Stormstown ——— (Continued from page one) the entire bullding. located a short distance east of Stormstown, was involved, and it quickly burned to its foundations. The structure had not been used as a school for the past geveral years, and until two months ago a Mr. and Mrs. McNeal and family had resided there. The building is located on land leased by Clarence Pelers. Since the structure which was of frame construction one story in height has not been in use it will not be rebuilt About 11:30 o'clock Monday morning sparks from a rubbish fire at the rear of the Luther Smith | blacksmith shop on Cherry Alley, | Bellefonte, set fire to the lower por- ‘tion of the frame bullding. Both Logan and Undine Fire companies responded to an alarm and ing. Damage estimated. at about $25 iresulted from a roof fire at the | Charles Baney home at the comer of Logan and Ridge streels about 7:30 o'clock Sunday morning. The biage is believed to have originated from a spark from the chimney Bellefonte firemen had the fire un- der control before it had made much headway. on Gow motto on § makes wonie; the W HOWARD G RANGE NEWS about what js going Bhip of Buctes:, the some hing which whether You are putting houlder to the wheel The atts 85 jare thint WIE ake it Just you cClua mee, a fine 1 ¥ NAS Harry C routine ed. The ng Frida prograt aance wa Us meet Let's nn cae 1 aL on fe ah nie ial M unde meetin Wading Roy g An and open FUBLIK( South Dakota Horses AT VICKSBURG, PA SALE OF On i5 and Route Mifflinburg beiwern fewisburg Mon. May 2-7 p. m. Ages from 3 to 5 1468 ta 1806 1h vears old weight from luding a Hean 1000 pound Year Ine pony, 4 wi John Gruenwald THE SMART SHOP ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF Cotton Land Friday and Saturday 4 onte’s Newest Cotton Shep featuring ' Cotton Dresses exclusively! SEE WINDOW DISPLA Bellef OPENING DAY SPECIAL! Hand Blocked LINENS 1” EVERYONE WORTH TWICE THIS PRICE! Hundreds of Other COTTON FROCKS famous for art styling and caring qualities. a ) oN » these breathless, never. The most enchanting - the ultimate in beauty and quality - - - gorgeous sheer fabrics, new linens, smart iazzling new patterns in beauty prints in cascades of ¢ fully tailored sports and street styles. Sizes 12 to 52. Dark pique collar and cuffs on frock with gored skirt It's slenderising. into ecstacies over arietly dresses, \ \ fF tt LOAN i UE Seas] Opening Day Specials ! Qur Entire Stock of COATS at Reduced Prices DRESSES 2 FOR 2 FOR PS. mi. BARGAINS Every One of Them ! THE SMART SHOP “It's Smart to Be Thrifty” Persons who brag should be sure | {thas they have something io brag | Temple Court Bldg. «SAVE with SATETY wal?! DRUG STORE spends most. of his time in his gar- | den. He's the moot successful gard. | |ener op South Walnut Street, PHONE 506-3 BELLEFONTE, PA. 22 SOUTH ALLEGHENY ST. Congress nation’s legislative (sods oy hen table 0 Jubal.