March 10, . 1938. ‘THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELIEFONTE, PA. Pape Thres. Louisa’s Letter TE C—O ————"—" * These two letters from were wWrittén'’ in December regret verpamuechk that it has 80 long to answer them. 1 Virginia md 1 taken Dear Louisa: My proWlém 18 more than 1 handle and I wish some ohe to advise me amd 1 am sure yeu can it anyone can My husi we were er twels Cll Sd Ley he seemed Then 3 with { married ong ents: won't or go out girl cannot go o Keen het { that 1 aliow with me boys wnswer We! 4 JOUr prone You on and credl WIroy Erste by x yen No I have been in k for several mofth won't sliow us to other lately I see Der 8 by sneaking Ing 80. Since we to think of advice with a girl Hey write or way 1 out and do- are iar tbo young marriage I ask mother see each CAL Your WORRIED Anwwer: It 3 advise ried. as I do not and as you have neglected to tell me why the girlz mother object to you. Have you ssted in Any way to make her disdrust you? Try to make somuthing of your- self and it will not be long before she will be glad to have you pay- ing attention to her dadghter I would not greek out If 1 were you. It is a bad idea ou Wor. ENOw Your age LOUIBA Doar Louisa: I met a boy all went with him YOUR 25¢ BACK IF GETTING UP NIGHTS 18 fot bY TERIB 4 DAY TEST when due to fubctional kid- | our 25¢ back if it your hu FORTH the bride how ful il h one S00 ty (80 man with and for ang ow my Ome LOUISA - —— PEACH YELLOW DISEASE WANES IN PENRBYLVANIA ow disease wag ess pre- hards of nia inspected In 19897 than Smite Bureau of Plan reported at the ie of its inspection peach or Lhe y 415 infected trees were found 103.682 Inspected in sixteen The 1937 infection was slightly mnder that of 1036 and far below average for ast seve onteen yOars All "yellow trees ed by Lhe inspec destroyed later fa the isa me among ointies the the found are mark. and removed and by the grower. This only known control for the This method continued annually since 1931 has reduced in- fection in Pennsylvania from ap proximately 5 per cent to loss than winc-tenth of 1 per cent Ea A ——— YARNELL On Thursday afternoon the Ladies Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. John Shawley for thelr regular monthly meeting Mr. and Mm. Toner Petzer and Mrs, H. B. Walker and son Ralph, returned to thelr home on Wednes- day night after visiting a big Wo in Florida, They all reported a time and saw much scenery of ont interest LOT rwmommommdd CUGGESTION FOR TIMELY LENTEN SEASON DISH Our Weekly nm English Lesson pil ———— Weeds Often Bowl nded tha mothey a ne Misused ng is n wling u health ful il fy manager ol the Tamous Restauran Rockefelle suggests Shel of Bea Food Ha Dr. Weaver Quits At State College Ie one) Expert on Tax Problems Liberty Bell To Remain at Home Words Often Misspelled for Ten Commandments Men one Indes } he King f “Weg AS WTNH truth | nen Aa thal needs not ine comeliness {Der $4 I hr mobile | iny more goif BK PPT! CIaM i Reas reales: enamy stat ia doubting od skepticism of saperstition WOODW ARD ‘ reside ® ods for ———s Marriage No Bar To Compensation {Conti adv lk YS #4 form soath- stored the rwitile wnt ww 10 rent nued from page one) dismissed fro the she wis engased baca ¥ x Mr Ha A Woihan u in which se of company wdded dismissed OOCALSe | viodatey company rule such a oking or bolsterong conduct, she d still be entitled to compensa if all the other elements regui- to onaining Unemploymen Compensation were present Besides, the general prohibition Against marriage Br one clearly ea ablished as against public policy and were (0 receive benefits cause she were discharged for any of the other reasons enumerated, she would certainly be entitled to som- pensation if she enters a matrimoni- Al carver come on NOY frou employment he other who h iif wool a as been complication ol is making decided steps ery C. D Motz B8r ot beter than ahat he had wometime A oames Bl Enora Elsenhuth and a sister of Steward Blsenhuth who tenderly carried on the domestio duties dur. ing Mrs, Steward Elsenhuth's iline the mumps, left for her home at Miffiinburg last Thursday On last Sunday evening Rev. H A. Houseal fittingly closed his years’ work as pastor of the Miliheim cha of the Evangelicdl church Il the financial obligations of the charge consisting of four appoint ments were met. There 18 much Cause (or rejoicing aside of just the francial obligations. The spiritual aimosphere is lols better. The charge iz locking forward to the re- | turn of their pastor and also a betler year's work ahead He delivered a forceful discourse at this appoint | ment on Sunday morning on “Ps 126:3. The revival gervivds here at | this place were a decided SUCCESS | DEWSPADET type, id the mentorship as a whole ls | probable that you have a very much encouraged fault, it api linia IL 0. 0. F. Initiation There will be & class Initiation for candidates from Centre and Clinton counties in Bellefomts camp room | (1. 0.0. ¥ mw) on ovens | fine ing, March 12th. Mill Hall degree |Veam will do the work rec : ah formerly Ahe ¢r BD en of married in defiance or In violation of a rule of the establishment ppevent her from recetving com pensagion Any other act of violation of which the might be guilty were also yol- mtary ac's.” concluded Mr. Bashore | iN pointing cut reasons why benefits should be granted women losing em- | ployment throtigh no fault of their own rye I ———— I ——— EYES JUMP 5 TIMES TO READ SINGLE LINE IN NEWSPAPER If your eyes jump more than five times as you read a line of ordinary |Search professor of education and the head of the clinic at the Pennéyivania muiritains The normal number of three and five, A Why should the fact that she was then it f« highly | reading Dr, Emmett A, Beffs, re- State College, | “Jats” in reading each Awo-inch | {line of ewSpapet type ja between | PLAN NEW CUPBOARD TO Fri EQU IPMENT ON HAND Shaul | wn ready-made cuphoard a That 3 LLL | what some rural homemakers consider buving a or build Pennsyl- ure ask. one here are if you board | advantages to both, but on building a cup- may be planned to hold the utensils on hand and those needed it that working center, says Mi le anor J. Smith, Home Economics e entative of Centre County i" a necded near the tove of all the dishes Lem and stpplie used there, ni overs, Irving pan en aecide E R ipboard col! » i Last od phoard to fit 1 building a 4 5 the correct three inche Twenty-four mches long is a Allow at Work rd anove worg counter helght recessed ace inches 36 com ¥ 1 5 15 uw Shelves 11 ines lor cups an from 5 Inch ections will cupboards ala Most gesirable r and cutlery and Lie parti mm Lhe rangement Pennsyivania's Executions am IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, CALL THE NEAREST WEST PREPARATION OF BOIL FOR STARTING common belief, from fields or for starting glass whether or hotbeds, Buch hard, dries out rapid- not very fertile, aceord- County Agent R. C. Blaney, oll can be prepared In a pile one year before the needed, A rectangular pile wide any any length de- ired ean be bullt of alternate lay- ors of bamyard nisnure and top iil until the pile is about four feet } he top should be flat and ral inches of soll i 3 heavy, a little sed ighten it method the compo wd or alternate and zoll. Uf Spring, a well ready by full to ior Lise iO Lhe oll ideal under Contrary ordinary top arden is not arly plants in greenhouse oll become | and is Hig Lo Ciood Compr 1 oll is 4 L046 ve and to 1 It another pile is bull layer {f manure, god thn done In the deg: mixiure u sLOTe the greenhouse { spring vhen ne comj for the use of manure one-Lhurd wail, or of owing Lhird wp one-fourth Wp» sbil and later thoro . and will not will hold a goog Buch gh ROVERS TO ATTEND JOHNSTOWN MEETING Rover Rover eVEn~ Pennsylvania the home of ‘oble Friday decide Lp on contingent Bellefonte Bilwer Van ed ynolds PLANTS pr. Ee — — The Household Scrapbook Castor OU lieve not, to WOOLY, Stiueere the mil & lemon into a Lane; then pour in the i oll. Add a pinch then the emo bonat It is possibile mak fulce of ol or Castor oil A vall canton ginger of the 1easpoon blear- ald siir iil foam the oll into at thoy 4 LIA | of ground JLOK from Now add % the rest briskly Hee 5008 tng WAY cannot flere New Frying Pan potato peeling are bol Jed a, fry rin ey TE not be 80 need ia hap- thein or CALL Liniger NOL waver pver Always reer to hola the flame Testing Lien hen a partial cided wpon J¢ Laken of eight arried the ADOUL seven other scouts i anc the in member - ui warren few drt A mixture of t pet ine mie wii nev, Cnrea wien in and ori Aft t REVIV I'v ne eR A Se ting ( thes LOR CoOr Wii ( afler washing by ips of oll of levande as Oilcloth and warm make We oliviot] OJ ine Channing Stone oo Wet Fur Coals one has been tan the { onal i I ear y Oat ir ¥ y eT oh y an open wi pag WANG The Refrigerator Sharpening Knives thes 8 stone [or sharpen should bear In mind that Lhe he bets "0 Th. h i! each AL. SERVICE TO BE HELD AT VALLEY VIEW FR rite of Tuevival Ser i# begin in the Va View Brethren church next Sane 3 be held pling Sal online evening, Ley TONE . i A ervk Mrs will meet. ch ev ening giver school and with musical selections series Thien pasistexd Fev. meeling {idhren's —from REDDY KILOWATT “Fly your kite in an open field, away from all traffic, electric lines, trolley wires and trans- mission towers. Avoid houses, trees, roads and streets. “Use strong cord —no wire or tinsel —and keep it dry. Wet string will conduct electric ity or lightning —and metal can cause a ‘short’ if your kite should land on wires. “Keep a steady pull on the string. If the wind slackens, haul the kite down. Add more tail if the kite darts or dives. “If your kite should land on wires or a pole, don't climb after it or try to knock it down with sticks and stones. The kite is sure to be worth. less anyway ~ind you may damage wires, Wipe, cutting off the electricity from many homes.”