Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 10, 1938, Image 10

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March 10, 1938
Hote we are with a column of in
¥ "Liquid Tablets .
Salve. Nose Drops Headache, 30 minutes
Try “Ruby Ton World's best Lisimest
. WITH FLOWERS. Mr. John Erb of Helster street | , .
Central Oity vista. the home of inst s A flower to one we hold spent Sunday in Patton visiting his | terest, I hope, to our small commu- | The Bald Eagle Grange met ining held at Milesburg Methods:
Mr, John Crossmyer, Friday evening. most dear, {wife and daughter. (nity. Follow us up and you may pe
resgular session Tuesday evening, church on last Priday evening was
Mrs, Eleanor Grey of McKeesport, iT bring a little happiness with | Mr. and Mrs, William Henszey and | surprised to see your name.
| March 8, at which time an open |a fine success, there being 235 mem-
Cora Rhoads and Franklin Dyke of some Easter cheer i daughter, of Lemont salled Wednes- | Mrs. Bd, Minnemyer and daugh- meeting was held during the lectur- bers present. Rev. C, M. Piper be-
Milesburg, were visiting at Bdwin \ ter Emma Jean of Spruce Creek, is
tiny pot |day for Cairo, Egypt. is er's hour, The following health ing present, spoke of his Grange
Rhoades’ on Sunday. et 3 4 isttie De Eva Luce, daughter Ena visiting at the John Barr home in (program was given: HEALTH- relation for many years and #411 a
Mr, Thomas Garman visited at the | one we love a Jot. | Mrs. Walter Parsons, daughter Veda | Gatesburg. Mrs, Minnemyer can be Song—Smile, Smile, Smile: Roll member of Bald Eagle Grange
home of Lewis Pletcher of Howard | {and Mrs. Charles Koons all of State [remembered as the foimer Miss Call-/Three best qualities a man can | 8pring Mills Grange put on the pro-
on Saturday. And when you see its beauty College visited the Rebekah Lodge | Barr, {possess bY women opposite men. | gram. A talk was given on organi-
In the matter of the Estate of Bird.
le BR. Krape, late of Gregg Township,
The Grange Neighbor Night meet
first dny
testamentary in the above
estate having been granted to the
undemigned, all persons indebted 0
the said estate are requested 10 make
payment, and those having claims
w present the sane duly proven,
without delay to H. ¥ ERDIEY., DEL-
Boring Mills, Pa. John CG. Love, Attor-
ney x11
A gala occasion was held at the
home of Mr, William L. Garman on
Friday, March 4, square and round
dancing and games were the enter- |
tainment. The music of the evening
was furnished by Lester Reese and
his Drifting Pioneers. Refresh-
ments were served at 11 p. m. Those
present were Lois and Earl Aikey,
Helen, Betty, Frank, Sam, Ida and
John Barmhart, Berl and Candace
Crdassmyer, Stewart Pletcher, Anna
and Merril Fisher, Luella and Thom- |
as Garman, Walter Butler, Francis
Eisenhaur, Agnes Hazel, Lloyd and
Russell Rhoades, Franklin Swarm,
of Curtin and vicinity; Betty, Rob- |
ert and Harold Pletcher and Nelson |
MoClure of Howard, Laura Ann
Stere of Central City: Winifred
Oross of Axe Mann, Raymond and
Calvin McCloskey of Milesburg;
Alfred Peters of Jacksonville; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Lyons and daugh-
ters Olive and Ethel of Tyrone. The
party was chaperoned by Mr, and
Mrs. Willlam L. Garman and Mrs.
Harry Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cox are mov- |
ing into the Bald Eagle Supply Co.
building which has been remodeled
into a double house,
tela King visited her sister, Mrs.
John Bryan, of Howard, several days
last week.
Betty Barnhart spent Saturday
night at the home of her friend,
Luella Garman.
Ann Stere spent Friday night at |
the home of her friends, Berl and
Candace Crossmyer.
Those who spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Watson in honor of
Mr. Watson's 69h. birthday anni-
versary were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Watson and three sons, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Johnson and family, Mrs. M. C.
Reese and children Mrs. Walter
Sweitzer and daughter, Mrs. Olive
Rhoades and children, Mr. and Mrs.
George Margargel Jr., and children;
Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Watson and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sheesley and sons,
Mrs. Miles Stauffer and two chil-
dren, Loraine Crawford, Alfred
Catherman and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Wesley and son and daughter could
not be present but the daughter Mrs.
Fyfe who lives in New York City
called by telephone on Sunday af-
teTnoon and gave her greetings and
best wishes to home folks
Mrs. Bdith Burd and son spent
the weekend with relatives, at Yar-
Mrs. Ben Peizer of Mleshurz,
spent Friday with Mrs. Lee Johnson
and assisted in quilting.
Mr, and Mrs. Lester Mayes and
son of Runville, spent Priday even-
ing with friends at this place,
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Lucas visited
relatives at Bellefonte and Pleasant
Gap on Sunday of list week.
MQford Fetzer of Petzertown,
greeted friends at this place re-
Mr. and Mrs, Willard Harter at-
tended Neighbor Night meeting at
Bald Eagle Grange at Milesburg,
Friday night.
Miss Annie Dullen spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Spangler, at Mill Hall
Mr, and Mrs. C. N. Phillips and
family spent Friday evening at the
Fred Lowery home at Castanea.
Visitors at the John Dullen home
Sunday evenitig were William Dol-
an and Edward Dullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brickley, of
Avis, spent Sunday with the lat.
ter's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Dolan
and family,
It is always harder to do work
that has been unduly postponed,
and the results «fl your labor will
probably be below par, whatever
your “par” mar be.
73 Is ngerous
Jt is dangerous to sell a SUBSTI-
TUTE for 6668 just to make three or
four cents more. Customers are your
best assets; lose them and you lose
Your business. #86 lv worth three or
four times as much as a Substitute.
———— Ty
Dial 4021 Specializing in Surgery
22 Years Practical Experience
Dog & Cat Hospital Gen. Practice
123 North Barnard Street
Bellefonte, Po.
Mot Sefer monthly pain sad delay dueto
(of the
{the Democratic
{which let us have it at the usual
| try.
Its fragrance you inhale,
Just remember the three W's
{Will have these flowers on sale,
| The W. W. W. Class of girls of the
| Presbyterian
{have a flower and bake sale in the
near future, (Watch for the time
land place.)
The Missionary Soclety of the
| Presbyterian church were entertain.
fed at the home of Miss Catherine
| Baldridge on Thursday afternoon of
{last week.
| Mrs, Eleanor Gray, of Pittsburgh
{and Mrs. Ralph Curvan, of Altoona,
{are visiting at the home of thelr sis-
iter, Mrs. Grant Dyke and family,
The death of Mrs. Lucy Elmore, a
|sister of Mrs, Blanche Jones, occur
red In Harrisburg on Thursday last.
{Funeral services were held in Al-
toona on Monday of this week. Mrs.
{Elmore will be remembered as Lucy
{Smith and is survived by ene other
sister, Mrs. Jennie Logan, of El-
mira, N. Y,, and several nieces and
nephews, besides her immediate
| family.
Mrs. Grant Dyke wishes to thank
{her many friends for the presents,
also her neighbors for the beauti-
ful floral tribute on her birthday
which was last Friday, and for the
| kindness shown her during her ili- |
ness. Her condition l§ improved
land we join In wishing her many
{more birthdays and a retum to
| health,
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8S. Walker and
daughter Louise, of Bellefonte, were
supper guests Thursday at the home
of the former's parents, the occasion
being Mrs. Peters’ birthday. In
{spite of her advanced years and afi-
diction, Mrs, Peters is very cheerful
and always has a sunny smile for
her friends.
Mrs. M. H. Hall retumed Sunday
from a week's visit at Latrobe,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peters and
family, of Lewistown, calied at the
home of the former's parents, Sun-
What our town needs Is a recrea-
ton hall where our young folk
ooud go and amuse themselves and
where we could have plays and
amusements for young and old
{What do you thrink
Elmer Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs
Edward Brian is home on a ten-day
furlough. He is stationed at For
Madison in New York State, which
is near the Canada line. He state
that at times this winter it hag been
32 degrees below zero. Some cold.
The three W's class of girls had
their regular meeting in the Pres-
byterian Sunday School room on
Friday night. A covered dish lunch-
eon was served.
The choir of the Presbyterian
church visited at the Baptist church
on Sunday and rendered some speci-
al music. Rev. Sheet: was in charge
And still we are being ruled bj
Mr. Bad Luck. In this case it was
Mr. John Burng who Is empioyed at
State College in a garage and while
working he ran a screw-driver in hi
eye, We are glad to say the ight
is not Injured. Hope he will soon
be able to retum to work.
Mrs. OG. C. Merryman gave a
quilting party Thursday of las week,
Yes! we know the dinner was the one
even: of the day, although we are
sorry we had to miss it.
Clark McKinley who has been
having a time getting his stomach to
retain enough food to keep a man
going, has returned home from the
Philipsburg hospital slightly improv-
od. Hope for a speedy return of his
good health,
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Johnson and
Mr. and Mrs. William Carson and
family spent Saturday with friends
in Lewistown
The Poormans entertained a
bunch of young folks Sunday even-
ing from Bellefonte and State Col-
Mrs. Cora Holt of Tyrone, who
came down to see her mother Mrs.
Candis Alkens was taken sick anc
{unable to return home for a few
Now while we don't seem to be
enlightened a great deal more on
ithe New Deal, we surely will have
better lights In our homes and don't
forget it was some new rulings in
ratings, without the cost of our line
While we think of the New Deal It
would be wise for all to read our
Presidents explanation on what was
meant by the the New Deal: also
you eritics jook up the Preamble of
the Constitution made years ago
. and see just how he has tried to
make it serve the posterity of the
men who fought to make our coun -
Republican but am a Bible rea ler,
also believe its teachings.
Kenneth and Adelene Garner
| spent Tuesday evening of last week
{a the Heury Spearly home.
| Mr. and Mrs, Bud Benner visited |
iat the Charles Lutz home one day
spent Sunday will
Leroy Bammer.
I am nefher a Democrat or a |
in Rebersburg last Monday evening. |
Carl Martin of Allen Street visii-
led with friends in Millhelm on Wed-
| nedday evening.
Sunday School will |
Misses Anne Krumrine and Kaih-
[rym Humphreys of West College ave-
| nue spent Saturday in Altoona.
Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Wahl of
| South Pugh street had as their re- up and about again.
eent gues's Mr. and Mrs. Clair El- leg was in a cast he was able to walk
{bert and son of Sandy Lake.
Mr. and M:s. Frank Homan of
Mrs. Lillian Edmondson spent
Wednesday at the home of Mr. and
{ Mrs. Robert Billett in Bellefonte,
Mrs. M. L. Hamilton of North Al-
{herton street entertained with a Harpster,
bridge party Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Lloyd Parsons of Harrisburg
spent several days recently at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Parsons of Helster street,
Miss Edith Breon of West Beaver
avenue entertained a group of her
friends with a dance at Eagles Inn
Saturday evening.
Miss Joey Riest of North Allen
Street Is confined to her home be-
cause of measles.
Mrs. Margaret Garner and daugh-
ter Julia of East College avenue
made a business trip to Bellefonte
Miss Maude Musser of the Branch
is confined to her home because of
Miss Edith Corl of Bellefonte spent
several days of her vacation wih
Mr. and Mrs. Bar] Arnold Matson of
Mrs, William Spotts of East Beav-
er avenue had as her guests on Sun-
day her son and daughter-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spotts of
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Northrup of
South Gil] street have as thelr guest
thelr son Harry of Youngstown,
Charles Myers who was a surgical
patient In the Centre County Hos-
pital returned to his home on Sotuh |!
ugh street on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs
Pine Mall had ax their gue
day Mrs. George Straw
Mrs. P. OO Ammerman of West
College avenue 18 visiting friends in
Tyrone and Altoona.
Mrs. Joseph Ammerman We
College avenue had as her week-end
guest Cliarles Marsh of Philadel.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Haupt of
West Prospect avenue had as their
weekend guests Mr, and Mrs. Wil
Lam Adams and son of Watsontown
Dr. and Mrs. R. I. Robinson of
Garner streen spent the weekend
at the Ambrcse home in Osceola
Mr. and Mrs. William Garner of
McAllister street spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Garner's sister In
Osceola Mills.
Mr. and M:s. Elwood Parsons and
daughter Janice Ann of McAllister
Bireet, sper’. Sunday visiting Mrs
Parsons’ pa.ents, in Philipsburg
Mrs. D. B. Fletcher and Mrs. San
ton Sun
of Turtle
Weber are on the sick jist
Mrs. L. E Swartz and zon Row- |
land of Howard spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Fietch-
Mrs. Lenna Peters returnees Lome
after spending some time with het
daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Zim.
merman of Mingoville,
M's. Margaret Decker and son
John, of Snydertown, spent Sunday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mn
C. L. Long.
Mrs. George long and grand
daughter Shirley spent geveral Jay
lay week with her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Yearick of Tylersville,
Mr. and Mrs. Bdwin Pidder of
| Zion, sgert Thursday wih Mrs
Fiddler's mother, Mrs. Sara Weoer,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dorman and
daughter Betty of Lock Haven,
her sister Mrs.
Mrs. Tillie Peck
spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Ida Holmes of
Sheriff Keeler and family of Belles
fonte, spent Sunday afternoon al
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Peck.
Mrs. Pauline Miller and daughter
Joy spent the weekend with her sis
ter, Mrs. Shed Gummo.
Mr. and Mis. Lawrence Lowers
spent Baturday afternoon with Mrs.
| Lowery's
mother, Mrs, Arbella
Greninger of Logan Mills,
Mr, and Mrs. George Grove and
family spent Sunday with Mm
Grove's mother, Mrs. Minnle Pooi-
man of Bellefonte.
Mrs. Sara Orove and granddaugh-
ter Evelyn spent Saturday with her
Lather Strouse of lo
Clare Burng had quite a mistor.
[tune last week when the radiator of
{his truck froze up, damaging not
{only that part but the block, also,
| However his truck ls seeing service
| again,
Jack Harpster, who met with an
| accident some time ago 1s able to be
Although his
about with the aid of crutches
Lee DeArmit is suffering from a
{State College, R. D. had as their |blood infection.
{ guests on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs, A.
|B. Ziegler and Mrs. Adeline Kline of [ger entertained some of cur ladies
| State College.
| Wednesday Mrs. Eugene Ellenber-
ito a sumptuous dinner. In return
[the good folks sat down and quilied
a nice hap. Those to attend were:
| Mrs. Elsie Barto, Mrs. Lee DeArmit,
Mrs. Grace Albright Mrs Pele
Mrs. Albert Eves, Mrs,
Maud Ellenberger, Mrs. Alva John
ston, Mrs, Ear] Johnston and Mra.
Eugene Ellenberger.
Last Sunday our Luthersn ininis-
ter, Rev. John English announced
his resignation from the pulpit ef-
fective the last of March. We
gret his going “very much. It has
been seventeen years since Mr, Eng-
lish arrived here to take up his work.
We hope he enjoys the rest which he
badly needs.
The whooping cough seems to be
the epidemic of today. Several
our families have it.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ride: sold
thelr farm jas! week. They will sel
thelr farm implements and stock on
March 26. Rumors have {tt tha
they will move Into the BI
Gates home In Gatesburg,
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Daud and
family of Lawrenceville, visitel at
the Daud home in Gatesburg last
Mr. and Mss
go had as their guest thi
Stivers brother.
The DeArmits motored ‘0 P
ipsburg Sunday afternoon and visit.
ed at the 8 ate Hospital with Mr
DeArmits brother Perry Griffin who
is se: ly ill there
Joe Stiver of Mare
§ Wik, Mr
to calch a
have two first
there nesding a housekes
labor, eats and
Barto. a studer
Mark High spent the =
at der home tear Galesburg
Our good Methodist minister R
Nayior anpadounced recently tha
afer April first he will devote nn
tDiire ime 10 farming and
froon the ministty. A most
liked man and we hate to see
wave. Mr. Naylor has been
for severa] years
Wednesiay evening the Love 5
Loyalty Bunday School Class
at the home of Mrs Grace Albrigh
Chere was quite a large atlendac
A very interesting talk was given b
Mr. 8'iver, the guest of the even.
Ing. Those present were Mra, War
ing and family, Mrs. Walker and
Curtis; Mrs Silver, Mr. and Mra
Giiber: Barto, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
DeArmit, Mra, Elmer Noll, Mrs. Aly
Johnston, Mr. and M:s. Albert Eves
Mrs. Sarah Smith, Mr. and Mm
Walters and son Norman, Mrs. Eu-
gene Elienberger, Miss Samah lLaw-
son, Mrs. Albright and family. 1
“Pig” was auctioned
Miss Anna and Bernic
are emploved nea: S
spent the weekend at
Someone ran over a dog near |
corner on Sunday morning, Jea
him helpless and moaning along
road. Later the dog was shor
Mrs. Mabel Lucas entertained the
Home Hygiene Club on last Frida)
night and to help celebrate he
daugbler Madge's birthday A
aho:t business meeting was called
after which Bingo and Games, were
the entertainment of the 4
At a late hour lunch was servi
Those present were Mrs. Doll
Brown, Mrs. Florence Bradley, Betty
Develln, Mrs. Edna Thompeon, Mra
Bertha Shaw, Mrs. Beo Healey
| Kathryn and Elizabeth Dixon, Mrs
Fay Sinclai:, Mrs. Gertrude Rees
Mrs. Julia Sinclair, Mrs. Mable Lu-
daughter Madge, Bh31 Hal
and Mrs. Lemoyne Lucas
Correction—dadies Ald of the M
E church was held at the home of
Mrs. Dershen, instead of Mrs. Prank
Shope on Wednesday.
Mrs, Frank Mennle entertained
the Ladies Ald of the Presbyterian
church on Thu:sday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hipple ar
rejoicing over a baby girl born In
the Philipsburg Stale Hospital
Mrs. Arch Marshall and Mr:
Drieboibis, shopped in  Bellefonie
last Thursday.
Lesher Heshley visited his mothe:
sister-in-law, Mrs. Minnemyer of |Mrd. Dave Heshley, Saturday at Hol-
| 8a
Buffalo Run.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Punk and | Geraldine Ba‘hgate has returned
daughter Alice, son Roy of Bells.
thome from the Philipsburg Stats
fonte, spent Sunday eveming with (Hospital, where she was a surgical
[Mis. Punk's mother, Mrs. Emma
We are sorry 0 note Mrs. Willlam
Charley Albright and son of Buf- | House, had a seriou~ fall In he
{ Clarence Walk,
Monologue-—*Ford's National Pills."
Margaret Reese; Recitation-—Soap
the Oppressor, Bernard Kerin: Bong
No. 68, The Patron; Monologue
Mrs. Kydelounds Views on Economy,
Marguerite Kerin; Talk, “Diet and
Health,” by Dr. Daugherty.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walk of Ty-
rone, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Walk,
Mrs. Elizabeth Ha:shbarger who
underwent a goitre operation at the
Philipsburg State Hospital is im-
proving slowly,
Miss Dorothy Cowher of Sandy
Ridge visited her gunt, Mrs. Curt!s
Misses Nannie and Frances Lewis
spent Thursday wih Mr. and Mrs
Walter Lewis,
Miss Marjorie Walk spent the
veckend with her sister Mrs. John
William Urban of Pittsburgh
spent the weekend with his mother,
Mrs. Veronica Urban.
Bernard Kerin has
shool after two weeks of {lness
On Thursday the following ladles
attended a quilting pay at the
home of Mrs. A. J. Collett, They
quilted and finished two large quills
Mrs. Arma Duey, Mrs. J. T. Beck-
with, Mrs. BE L Beckwith, Mrs
Mrs. John Walk
Mrs. Willlam Walk, Mr. Ruth Ker-
in, Mrs. C. W, Bolt, Mrs .Andy Stra-
sick, Mrs. Vera Irwin, Miss Ma:rgue-
rite Kerin.
On Friday evening quite a num
gathered at the home of Mrs
lego Collett and gave her quite a
surprise, Those present were: Mrs
Clarence Walk, Mrs J. D. Beckwith
Mis. E. R. Beckwith, Mr. and Mm
J. T. Beckwith, Mrs. Roy Beckwith
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Kerin, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Bolt, Mrs. Lottie Cow-
her, Rev. and Mrs. David Sowers
Misses Kathryne Beckwith. Doroths
Beskwith, Pauline and Arline Phil-
John Walk
Duey Sot, Tom-
vy Beckwith, Robert Beckwith and
ey 80. The evening w=
as spen’
ett many
Miss M
ri Cowher
and Mrs, David Harshbarger
pent Saturday in Tyrone
Mrs. J. T. Beckwith spent Prida
with his friend Mrs Mary Coliet:
Mrs. Leroy Beckwith and d he
er Barbar and Mrs. Ira Lane spent
Mursday at Altoona
A birthday dinner in
tle Miss Betty
daughter of Mr,
honor of
and Mrs. David
‘Marshbarger was held Sunday be-
ng her 1st birthday, also it wag the
baby’s aunt's birthday Miss Anns
Harshbarger. Quite a number were
Joseph Goss is quite
me His friends wish
WeeCy recovery.
Mrs. Leonia Walk who was on the
at h
aim a
sick list ks able to be around again
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mis. Elizabeth Harshbarger were
Mrs. Amanda Miler and son from
Boalsburg and Mrs. Alva Johnson
and son of Marengo Mrs. E R
Beckwith and daughter Dorothy
Kathryne Pouloris and Mrs A J
a2 Collett.
- A 4 hd Ld
A birthday suprise party was
wid at the Charles Prebosky home
n honor of Joseph Prebosky's 22nd
birthday. Those present were: Mr
and Mrs. Marlin Watson, Mrs
Walter Prebosky, Ann, Ruth and
Junior Prebosky, Violet Donley,
Maxine Schnarrs, Delphine Martin.
Bernice Prebosky, James Kelley,
James Borger, Max Pitzsimmons
and Joseph Prebosky. All report a
very nice time
We are glad to report Mrs. Jos-
eph Kachick Is able to be about
again after a Jong illness
Miss Amanda Lucas made a busi-
ness trip to Bellefonte Tuesday of
last week.
Miss Evelyn Fye spent Thursday
allernoon and evening with her
friend, Miss Ivy Hoit.
Mrs, Catherine Lucas is confined
to her home with a bad cold.
The Junior class of the Metho-
dist Sunday school held their an-
nual and business meeting Thurs.
day evening of last week at the
walter Holt home, Those present
were: Mrs. LeRoy Lewis, thelr
teacher Jean Martin, Ela Louise
and Dorothy Beales, Edna Cart.
ght, Elva Holt, Hazel Tressler,
(Hadys Fye and Marjory Borger.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Holt
two children, Gloria and Leonard,
aso Marion Holt, spent Sunday
with the former's sister, Mrs.
Thomas Collars, of Germania,
Mrs, Lillian Holt, of Clearfield, |
is spending some time with her sis-
ter, M
wriously ill at her home here.
returned to
parments. and
tiement to CLAUDE M. BROWN
0 the mid estate are
A a
estate having been granted
the sal
payment, and those having claims 0
present the same duly woven, with.
out dela
ston & Johnston, Attys
william Maurer who is
zation and leadership. Refresh.
ments were served in the basement
and all enjoyed the evening togeth-
ed. The next Neighbor Night
meeting will be held at State College
Tuesday night, March 15th. Bald
Eagle Grange fills the chairs and
Half Moon Grange puts the pro-
gram on. The therie “Faith”-—All
Grangers will arrange 10 be there,
We have a number In our commu-
nity who have no employment as
yet and by the reports it won't be
long until all will be working.
Mrs. C. P. Miller gave a birthday
supper on last Friday evening in
honor of Miss Vesta Blouser and her
son Eddie Miller, their birthdays be-
ing one day apart,
Mr. and Mrs. S8amuel Purl and
daughter Sarah of Willlamapo:rt,
malored here Sunday and visited
with home folks and took Mr. Ed-
ward Purl and wife along back for
a visit for a few days
Vistiors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Huey's Bundaly were
Mr. Huey's mother, Mrs. Gertrude
Huey and Mrs. Prank Hull of Pil-
more, also Mr. and Mrs. Earl Huey
of Juniata, Pa
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Louck and
daughter Shirley, motored to 8now
Shoe Bunday and visited with rela-
Harrison Walker was brought
home from the Hospital last Thurs-
gay afternoon and
nicely Mrs. leona Thompson
still in the hospital and is getting
along good at this writing Mr
Paul Meyers mas taken last
Tuesday and was rushed to the Cen-
i an
In the Matter of the Eviate of Baral
Boob, late of Miles Township, Centre
County, deceased
letters testamentary in the
estate having been lo the
undersigned debited 10
the sald estate pre requesied to make
payment, and t huving claims to
present the same duly prover with
out delay 10 REBPOCA WOLFE, Exe
cutrix, Asronshury, Pa Bpangier A
Campbell, Attorneys x14
In the Matter of the Estate of Joh:
A. Bpicer, late of Perguson Township
Letters testame:
d ing 1 ted
tary in the above
0 the
ined, all ns |
the sald ertate are requested Ww make
. $
out delay wo PERCY B
cutors, Blate College. Pa
Johnston, Attys
In the
and ou
esta le
Rotice is
of W
Matter of the Estate of ¥
MILLER, No. 13.284, late
Borough, deceased
Inlerested in
ais Wile
improving ior
1% bet Plan
tre County Hospital, was operated ios
f PR iT ]
on or appendicitis on
and reported
ast Thurs-
—— -
Lucky men will soon
st paying
large income taxes
Legal Notices
df An-
the Estate
of Bellefonte
on sald
the un-
indebted there
to make Immediate
those having claims of
demands against the same, will pre-
sent them without delay for sete
10 are requested
In the Matter of the Estate of 8
Kine Woxiring, late of Belefonte
Borough, deceased
Letters testamentary
esiate having been granted to the
undeghkmed ail pesos  Indabied
requested Ww
make payment, and those having
clalins to present the same uly
without delay to MARY C
Administratriy Belle
WW. Harrison Wo. ker, At
South Hil
the above
fonte. Pa
In the Matter of the Estate of Jane
late of Bpring Township, de-
Letters of
administration on sald
oxtate having been granted the under
payments, and those having claims or
demands against the same
sent them
Johnston, Atty.
all persons indedled thereto
requesied 10 make Immediate
will pre.
without delay for settle
to THOMAS KERIN. Moshan-
Pa. Administrator. Johnston &
In the Matter of the Estate of Wal-
ter CO. Talibhelm, late of Huston Town.
alip. deceased
Lotters testaunentary in the above
to the
undersigned, all persons indebled
estate are requested to make
ecutrix, Julian, Pa, Jobo
In the Matter of the Estate of Lucy
RR. Whiteman, late of Snow Shoe
Borough, deceased
Letters of administration on sald
estate having been granted to under
signed. all perrons indebted thereto
are requested to make
payments, and thore having claims or
ds against the same, will .
Katz on ihe
1 il 1 € - Jd
¥ Wm. 8
; the West side
eet, North 63
aGrgrees. Weel 25 feel 2 inches 10 ihe
piace of beginning CORTAINING
« Miuare feel De Lhe same
v.22 more
ent Allegte
a i
of Perry Alles 3
West 16 feet, 8;
to an iron pin, ihe
more ess. and
hereon ar oid or
Ig. Ww
isos, to 1} mid W. H. Miller
heirs and assigna, an undivided one-
fifth (1-8) interest in and to a oer.
Win alley and areawsay Of courtyard
imunediately adjoin Lie above des
cried premises and other properties
ing =
he premires above
described, which open slley and ates
way or ard
shown upon the draft
described Dre ine ah E
thereto attached and made ag part of
the hereinafter recited deed and the
said aller and couriyard are more
fully deseribhed as follows. W0-wit
BROINNING at the Southwest oor
T of a brick stable on the Rast side
of Perry Alley. thence North 83%,
degrees. Fast 65% foet %0 an Iron pin
thence North 6% degrees. West 20 foe
Ww an ron pin: thence North Bly
degrees. Bast 18 feet, 4 inches 10 an
iron pin at the corner of tin shoo
thence South 6% degrees. Bast 20
feet. 2% Inches tO 3 Point thence
Noth B83 dexrees Bast 4 feet 8
inches to a point: thence South 6%
degrees, East 29 feet. 85 inches to a
int. thence South 83), degrees,
est 3 feet. B inches: thence North 20
Aegrees. West 4 feet: thenoe Kotiih
83; degrees, West 117 feel B Inches
to an fron pin on the Bast alde of
Perry Alley. the exit of sald twelve
foot alley into Perry Aller aforesaid
Being the same premises which
became vested in W. Harvey Miller
during his lifetime. by deed from
Thomas Rernolds Piersoint of al
dated December 1st. 1020. and record.
ed in the Recorder's Office of Centre
County at Bellefonte. Pa. U mber
8th, 1920. In Deed Book. Vol. 124. page
6606. A complete draft or survey of
the hereinbefore described real ee
Phone 497.)
HHA Windstorm Policy Protects You
From Financial Loss, See
John F. Gray & Son
General Insurance
Bellefonte, Pa
When You Want
tnything in Lumber
Millwork, Doors,
Sash, Roofing
Phone 432
Satisfaction Guaranteed
ie Every Portions
i» .
Quality Flour
A Hard Wheat Pat
Qur Best Flour
Very Best Flour
Winter Wheat
Dairy Feed
Wagner's Horse Feed
Wagner's Chick Starter
and Grower.
Wagner's T
Wagmer's Scratch Feed
Wag er's
Wagner's Chick Feed
Rydes Cream Calf Meal
Eshelman’s Dog Feed
All kinds of high protein
feeds for mixing with your
own feed.
Dealers in All Kinds
of Grains
\ dr ————
DAFYOUN strain, | ast week. (falo, N. Y., Mr, and Mrs. Dan Brown home. Mr. Houser who has been
pr pt Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rockey and | And _ § Pow er wl PRIMA GE i§ Dotter at this | + home Sunday were Mr, and
all dragte lor over 45 years. Ask lor g& IMs, and Mrs. Harry Spearly spent And Mr. and . nee p o Mrs, Lee Spriggel, Mr. and Mrs,| In the Matter of the Estate of Wil- “2. Page 74
| Tuesday evening at Milesburg where Of, and daughter Jean, of Belie-| Mr. and Mrs. Tony Nastase, visit- | N00" 0 a Mrs Pred Colbe, all lam O Lowery. jate of the Township | If Do exceptions are filed thereto
CHICHESTERS PILLS |all the Granges held Neighbor |fonte, called at the home of Mr. and | ed friends in Ndnty Gio one day las: | A : '" "7 |of Walker, Centre County, Pennayl- Of oblections made to the granting of
. \ Night. Mrs. Albers Thompson during the week. ’ vanls, - to Confirm aaid Private sale on Mon:
THE DIAMOND N | Mr. and M Ortle Kel and |Past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garbrick |
Mabel Lucas and family,
U7 [4av. March 28th, A. 1. 1988. at 10:00
| Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Dunkle and | Bellefonte, spent Wednesday afier. |
Baby Chicks!
aby Chicks !
Unionville, is
daughter Dorothy n [awa AM
Mr. and Mrs, Mahlon Watson
tate with the sxoeptions as therein
noted, ia recorded nn the Recorder's
Office aforesaid In Mat Book, Vol
Those who called at the Walter
CRCELIA MILLER, Executriz of
ternoon with Mr. W. HARVEY MILLER,
daughter Janet, sori Jay, spent Sun-
M. (W. Harrison Walker,
day with Mis. Wawsons mother,
| pody welcome, 1 .
"ve [cw y the the Orphans’ asa SOrIeY for Estate Se
Toul estate of the decedent s WARNING! DON'T ASK
stole is Serer. given’ Hat # [sale of real estate of | R
dges for the |
Improved Quick. pendable
Dont wait Get & box st once.
CIR en, |