Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 20, 1938, Image 1

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    CENTRE COUNTY'S swwawvsswm
he Cenfre Democraf
Report Shows 1,426 “den
400 Women
Sorry . . Regulations COURT SETTLES
Witho & Jobs| Were ModetoBe [CONTROVERSY ON
Census Tabulation as Completed at Washing-
ton, Indicates Additional 1680 Persons
Employed on Relief Schedules
Registration of totally unemploy-
ed persons in Centre county totaled
1826, John D. Biggers, adminis-
trator of the unemployment cen-
sus conducted November 16-20, re-
ported to President Roosevelt here
An additional 1,680 persons re-
ed that they were working on
WPA. CCC, NYA or other work re-
Mel jobs, and 1,655 persons signi-
fied that they were partly em-
ployed but wanted more work
This report thus indicated that
5041 persons needed jobs or addi-
tional work in the county. Popula-
tion of Centre county in 1830 was
However, sald Bigs
ber of totally unempl
was undoubtedly greater than this
becatise & door to door check of
1950000 people on 1864 postal
routes indicated that the
cenius wag about per
total unemployment Bi
clared that the fig
probably lie somewhere
the low figure of
registration. and the high
the - house-to-house census
Another [actor that
unemployment greater
cated by the voluntary census
the business recession which
the nume-
d persons
y Ol
$4 1p
a UL
figure of
id make
Rearing Horse
Injures Farmer
Edwin Fiedler, of Near Zion
Undergoes Operation After
Being Trampled
opening of an umbrella is be-
a heen te cares of Bn
accident Monday morning, which
resulted In Edwin Fiedler, tenant
on the John Cofman tenant farm
near Zion, sustaining serious in-
Mr. Fledler was leading one of hi
horses to the watering trou; shen
the animal believed to have become
frightened when a neighbor leavin
the house opened an umbrella
protect herself ffom a heavy snow
storm, suddenly reared. knocked M
Fiedler to the ground and trampled
The injured man’s cries brought
his wife to his side, and she assisted
him to the house. A physician whe
examined Mr. Fiedler a short tim
later advised hi=s immediate rer
to the Centre Tounty Hesp
he was brought to the institution
John Corman and Edward Harish
Shortly alter Ns admission to t
hospital Mr. Fiedier underwent
operation, during which a ldrge
quantity of coagulated blood was re
moved from the a%iomea, and
was found that the man's liver had
been Injured.
Acgording to latest reports from
the institution the accident victim
is resting comfortably and no pers
manent Il effects are expected to
result. The horse 8 described as
being a docile animal and hereto
fore has shown no signs of vicious.
Bays Curtin Street Property
Miss Blanche K. Poorman of
Bellefonte, last week purchased
from the Hayes estate the double
house on East Curtin Street tenant.
ed by Mrs. Harry A. Delozier and
the Ralph C. Blaney family. The
purchase was made a8 an invest
met, and the present tenants wil
continue to occupy the premises it
is reported. The sale was negotiat-
ed through the B. O. Harvey agency
a  ——
Aids With Tax Returns
Joseph Crowley, tax examiner,
of Harrisburg, will sit in the library
of the Court House Wednesday
Thursday, and Priday of each week
until February 15, for the purpose
of aiding the public in making out
affidavits for the State personal
property tax, No eharge is made for
Mr. Crowley's services, and he has
the proper blanks on which to file
Bo ——.
Congressman Ging
Federal Obligation to Veterans
multitude of existing
€ As vVieweq U
the writer, who a
lished without
ibility fo;
1 rl 3
week received an inter
communication covering a
evils in Belle-
gh the eyes ol
hat It be pub- |
Kept-Not Broken SQURE'S POWERS
Justice of The Peace to be
Notified to Operate Only
in Own District
VY 1eEpon-
In other
or failed,
time the cards
set in at the
were filled out and
By sex, the number
ployed in Centre county
426 men and 400 women
of unem- dig
were: 1,- of I ‘
totally | aD ste some Of the boro
unemployed, 1544 men and 136° wang ah us ath nung
women, on work-relief jobs, and “© B® Ue.
1432 men and 123 women partially
Jobs will. not hgve to be provided
order to end
Biggers said. Usual-
breadwinner of a fam-
played there are two or
more member
publication we
Judge Walker Sentences
Drunken Driver to Pay Costs,
$25 Fine, 10 Days in Jail
for. all these people In Settling a controversy which has
been underway in this locality for
some time, Judge Ivan Walker, at
a special session of c¢ourt here
Tuesday morning, directed that
Justice of
man, who was elected to that office
by the citizens of Milesburg, be
communities | WE | Ri i Tage) id notified to discontinue the practice
Biggers Ain char © : rs ina bit | of holding hearings at his garage
able adh walltnpht (nto the yawning offices on North Water Street,
‘ ; imt——_— For some time persons taken be-
ia va ‘Squire Rossman on various
C. of C. May Hold
Fashion Show
ing K
ithdraw from the
Figures for local
Were that
nos the inirig
been 03 NTE
report «
organization has just
combliete tabulation,
House charges have been given hearings
at the garage offices in Bellefonte
Tuesday's action by Judge Walker
came when a defendant protested
that ‘Squire Rossman wis not en-
titled to conduct hearings any-
(Continued on pege three)
Oldest Citizen is
Prepare Folders Describing
e 903
Scenic and Historie Beauties
86 for Widespread Distribution
; 1.168 y {fice & { | & 4] Bellefonte
1937 Fire Loss this week from the second floor of
. the Logan House on East Howard
Low in Borough Street, to the second floor of the
YM. C. A} n West High
Thomas B. Hamilton Honored
at Delightful Affair on
—— 00 .
Fire Marshall's Report Testi- 100th Birthday
fies to Efficiency of Belle-
fonte Firemen
ne suited
{ Commerce head-
nicely furnished |
located. Karl E.
secretary of the Chamber,
| hag moved all his fles and records |
to the new loeation and is on rog- |
giar duty there
Among the features being tenta-
tively planned for the spring sea-
on is a g¢ fashion show,
which will probably be held In one
of the local theatres. This event is
n the formative stage and
compete details will be an-
inced the plans progres
An folder picturing
and deseribing some of the natural
{ 1 beauties Belle -
» and Centre County is
wssembled for wholesale dis-
during the coming tourist
In attaining the remarkable age
100 years, Thursday of
week, Thomas Brew Hamilton,
Belielonte’s volunieer fire depart.
nett aifabliehed o pew cotord In
1937 when the per capita fire loss in
ihe borough was held to 366 ¢
first citizen In the 137 yours of
Sellefonte’s Nisthry ever 10 reac
dhe erntury mark
Climaxed by a dinner
¥ : be
rship of the
These ipHn
rahall John
Bellefonte Chamber
Jommerce, the birthday was an
sublly active one of the coun-
¥'s oldest citizen. Up eArly as
ial, Mr. Hamilton walked to St
John's Catholic church to atiend a
special mass, and during The re-
mainder of the day he was
now | occupied in receiving friends who
called al the home to offer felici-
tations. Boores of messages. inchid-
ing from President Roosevelt
Al Bmith, and Governor Herbert
Lehman New York, are treas-
ured mementos of the important
anniversary in Mr. Hambiton's life
At the birthday dinner, Thursday
night, Mr. Hamilton appeared in
{Continued on page #ight)
rn————— so LA
Drivers in Accidents
Must Submit to Tests
gainst railic falsiities have
brought forth & new penalty for
motorists involved in serjous scci-
| dents~testy to prove their ability
to operate an automobile,
J. 4
repors LO now
more 18+
8 i 8
in fires jast year was $71 witractive
toial fire damage to such ;
. niy $1280. Thei; torical of fully
: ¥ one
(€ 1d on page eight) .
4 Hono
Safe Driving
Plan Activities
For Girl Scouts
Training Camp to Open at
Barree June 12 for
Two Weeks Work
A special meeting of the Batree
Girl Scout Camp Committee was
held at the Arlington Hotel in Ty-
rone, Thursday  motning of last
week, Mrs. Ivan Walker, commis
sioner, represented the Bellefonte
Council. G. 1. Phillips, of Alexan-
dria, chairman of the building
committee, outlined the building
program for the coming year, and
Barree will be ready for occupancy
this summer
Miss Christy expects to hold a
training camp ior counselors at
Barree Irom June 12 to 25th and
a two weeks advanced leaders
training course from July 3rd to
17th. Girl Scouts will be at the
camp from July 3 to July 31, Mrs,
Henry Robb, as director, Mrs
Robb is not a stranger to Belle-
fonte, ns ghe came here last Peb- |
ruary as an iterant director and !
expects Yo be here February 15 this |
year, for another two weeks, i
Barree Camp will consist of
girls from the following towns: |
Lewistown, Huntingdon, Alexan-
dria, State College, Clearfield, |
Curwensville, Roaring Springs, Ty-
rone, PRillpsbarg ahd Bellefonte,
Fmploves With Record
100.000 Miles Without
\ecidents, Join Club
Four telephone
fonite were
men from Belle
honored Monday, Jan
iary 17th when they were presented
with charter membershipe in the
Bell Telephone Hundred Thousand
Mile Club
sir at
campaigning As
men who received their
Harry A. Delozier, 148
2. Curtin Street; Earl H. Miller, 330
E ishop Street, Jacob A. Wilson
36 W. Bishop Sireet and Chester W
Wolf. of 203 E Howard Street. Th
wb i formed organiza
von composed of Belle Telephone
drivers who have operated company
cars fo without
that the tests will be inaugurated
March 1 for all drivers found
{guilty in serious accidents.
“In spite of our best efforts there
| are many drivers on the road today
{who are either inadequately train-
ed or not
great responsibility.” the governor
The governor previously an-
nounced that drivers convicted of
exceeding the 50-mile-an-hour
mit would lose their
| privileges for $0 days.
A —_——
Sheriff Takes Byrol
2 recently
east Len yeas
(Continued on page three)
Workers’ Alliance to
Hold Mass Meeting
The Workers' Alliance of Penn-
sylvania will hold a public mass
mevting Tuesday® evening, January
25 at 7:30 p. m.. in the Limestone
Workers’ Hall in the Farmers Na-
tional Bank building, Bellefonte
All W. P. A. workers and farmers
are especially wrged to attend this
meeting, to hear J. Dean Weiner,
State Secretary of the Workers
Alllante in the matter of jobs, re-
Hef, social security. All are wel
come—admission free
Eric Byrol, Central Pennsylvania
[for the criminal insane at Parview
| Saturday. by Sheriff Hasty V. Keel
Severed Tendons of | D*Wuty Merrill Showers, and Clyse
h |N. Lee,
Wrist, Killing Chicken | By was brought here from the
| Western Penitentiary at Pittsburgh
Lawrence Bender, 18-year-old gon | 18st week, Bui the trip to Parview
of Mr. and Mrs, Pred Bender of | Wis postponed because of the dan:
‘State College, is recovering from in. | #eIous condition of highways be-
Jurfes received last Thursday even- | (Ween here and the Wayne County
ing when he sevvered the tendons on | IDstitution. The prisoner, recently
ery E xplains |
Aesiring to keep war veterans in- | pilalization, compensation and
formed of their rights under the sions for both veterans and thelr o'clock In the afternoon when an axe |
Federal laws, and to olarily any lack |
of comprehension that may exist,
der the Federal laws,” and writes as
follows. ;
the 10D of his left wrist. declared insane, is serving a term of
+30 | from 23 to 46 years for crimes com-
The accident occurred about 4:3 mitted In this county in 1033,
State College Bank
Elects New Officers
Ofcers for 1038 were elected a
assistance in payment of their ad- De was using to behead a chicken |
justed compensation, and advice of slipped and struk him on the t.
a general mature. |e ras Wut th Lib Gentes Coun -
“As a result of the knowledge hus | tY where It was necessary
gained in the handling of these '© sew the tendons together, He
cases, this article will cover the fun. | "oa released the following morning.
damental rights of veterans under -
exisling Federal Laws and Regu a-
"In applying for a pension, appli
option musi be made on a pardoular
gipilea by the Veterans Ad-
mins’ . Great care should be
taken to fill out these forms strictly
in accordance with accompanying
instructions; otherwise It may mean
(ConMnued on page wix)
the Peace Hurty RoOSs- |
Inst |
of |
fully conscious of their!
To Penal Institution
{Stockholders of Bellefonte
Banking House Hold
Annual Meeting
| Assemblage at Banquet Hear
| Address by W, Harrison
Walker, Esq.
¢ Stockholders of the
Trust Company
| meeting In
iesday, January 18 at
The meeting was well at.
and a large percentage of
tock was represented either in
| Pe nn by proxy.
Walker was selected
of meeting
| Ax
: i
| Loy !
on 1
j o'clock
2 *
} th
{ for
i Al
i re
i a copy
i MH gain
| psiments
practically all de-
| st
on page four)
Kiwanis Speaker
Feted and Dined| Stresses Service
| Members of Local Organiza
i tion Hear of Activities
Among 2000 Clubs
| With a membership of over 90,000
ite In various communities of the
4 club, that of Detroit, received
Ted chmrter frome Git 'Biate of
Michigan on January 21, 1915. The
of the twenty-third anniversary of
the birth of Klwahis
The speaker for the occasion was
(Continued on Dale #ight)
$260,880 To Be
Spent on Roads
Improvement of County High-
wavs Gets Approval of
President Roosevelt
Congressman Don Gihgery bas
been notified the President has ap-
proved a W. P. A project In the
1 of $26088000 for the improve
it of highways throughout Cen-
{Ue County by grading, providing
drainage stabilizing, widening
shoulders and pavements, eliminnt.
{ing hazards and performing Other
incidental work. This is not a part
of the Federal Ald Highway Sys
tem, Headqnarters Yor the super
ivision of this work will be located
al Clearfield. The sponsor is the
Gov. George H. Earle Announces Pennsylvania Dephrtment of High- |
Be va
Also approval of an allotment in
the sum of $2030300 for Centre
(County providing for County-wide |
community sanitation by the elim
ination of insanity devices by
the eonstruction of sanitary privies
in rural arens and suburban terri
(Continded oh pate five)
Pomona Grange
Installs Officers
All Day Meeting al
Pleasant Gap
badman, was taken from Rockview |
penitentiary to the state Institution
Centre County Pomona Orange
instailed newly clotted officers for
1038 at an all-day meoting at Loe
An Grange Hall In Pleasant Gap,
Saturday, while the new officers
for Logah Orange were ndocted
Into office at the Grange hall Fri.
day evening, January 7. L. E. Bid
die, of Bellefonte, will head Pom-
oha Grange, while Malcolm Musser
Is the key officer of Logan Grange,
Saturday, January 15, Centre
County Pomona Orange, No. 13,
met in Logan Grange Hall with
Logan Orange as host for an all-
Belle- |
held their |
the Court House |
W. Harrison |
chairman |
Ivan Walker |
of |
and accounts |
Company |
report was in|
and each stockholder |
showed a sub- |
wre sre 1.032 Kiwanis clubs serv- |
Two State College
Youths are Handed
‘Light’ Sentences
{ Because they insisted on exting
| wishing the flares used to warn mo-
{ toriste that certain streets in Stat
{College have bten set aside for
coasting. two youths of that place
have been given he 0b of lighting
these flares at 5 o'clock every even-
{ ing for ohe month.
The youths were caught in the act
this week, following numerous com-
| plaints (0 the police office that the
{waming lights were not burning.
{ Burgess Wilbur F. Leitaell imposed
the penalty when the boys admitted
{their guit. The fine for tampering
with lights used for the safety of
{ vehicle traffic and pedestrians is
| $100, Burgess Leitzell said
The flares are used on the follow-
ing streets: four on Gill street, two
on Eas Foster avenue, two on Pugh
{&reet and two on Holmes street
eect i——
Hunters Must
Submit Reports
Nimrods Whe Failed to Re-
port Kill Prior to January 16
Subject to Fine
Uncle Sam has been delivering
five 0 ten bags of mall dally to
{ the Harrisburg office of the Game
Commission for = number of
weeks, In daily deluge of mall
{are thousands of game kill report
| submitted by holders of 1937 hunt-
{ing Heenbed In compliance with the
provision of the revised law which
requires that such reports be filled
on the convenient form issued as a
part of every license prior to Jan-!
| wary 18
According to
tector E M. Woodward of
| evidently numerous hunters
{Centre County who have not com-
plied with this requirement, appar-
| ently having
i The Commission has advised
‘Game Protector Woodward that
| the thousands of reports so far re-
the Beligionte Club met on Tuesday at | celved are being ported and check.
n Belle Hotel under the spon. | ht Penna Belle Hotel in celebration [ed 88 rapidly as possible against
the record of hunting licenses is-
usd. Later he will be Informbd
which holders of hunting licenses
(Contitiied on page sight)
Celebrations To
| Be Colorful Event
{Centre County Preparing to
Honor Birthday of Presi-
dent Roosevelt
1 ———
Plans are well on the way
| completion for the celebration
lin honor of the President's birth-
{day. All proceeds this year will be
turned into a nitional fund for the |
{study of infantile paralysis
The Bellefonte event in charge |,
[of Cecil A. Walker, chairman, will
{be held at Hecls Park, Friday
| evening, January 28. Various ocom-
[mittess named by Mr. Walker are
now sat In making arrange-
of the most polorful and unique
| celebrationg ever held locally in
| connection with the Presidents
| birthday.
Hoy Houck’s orchestra, of Belle-
{ fonte, which in recent months has
| sky-rocketed to statewide Tame as
| one of the state's leading new or-
chestras, will furnish music for
{the dance, The evening's festivities
| will begin with a grand march of
{ dancers, while the dancing pro-
gram includes “The Big Apple”
Refreshments will be available at
the pavilion.
| The affair will be of a semi-for-
] (Continued on page four)
| County Organization Holds, Seals Bring $55.57
The total sales of Tuberculosis |
feeals in the Centre Mall area over
{the Christmas poviod reached a
total of $5537. Eighty per cent of
this sum will be used for preventive
measures of tuberculosly among the
schoo! children. Persons who have
not returned seals or mohey should
do go at oes. Mist Orhce Smith
Frisians of County
ger to Aid Cause
District Game Pro- |
| East
| Bishop street, Bellefonte, there are
in |
overlooked mmiling
North Allegheny Street, became the United Stales and Canada. The he necessary reports i
ibe held throughout Centre Oounty |,
| ments for what promises 10 be one
Council Spent Less Than
Budget Allowance In 1937
Satisfactory Results Shown In First Year's
Report of New Plan; Ex-Judge Fleming
Appointed Borough Solicitor
during 1937
the first
town, ¢
Borough perating | police officers be retainec
actory to .
1 submitting the report on th
srockerhoff pointed
d admir-
the INENRCE X FH at aab during the first Veal The
meeting of Council
At the ou of
Thoma Beaver
nounced his comunit le
Fire arss
named Por
succeed Judge
5 allowed
ry tT L 3
} $
under the
t 825.
trot oo]
l “
srockerhof! declared
{Continued on page six)
Ben. F. Swartz
Dies at Erie
Local Group to
Elect Officers
To Discuss
Native of Hublershurg Rose Dell
to Prominence and Wide Pop-'
ularity in Erie County
efonte Sportsmen Af
nual Meeting
Program For 193K
H. Poorman
Association, will preside at the
: Officials ast ni
i dial invitation 10 all persons 10 at-
tend this meeting, regardless of
| Benjamin Franklin Swarts, 8 na- | whether or net they are club meme
{live of Centre County and for ihe bers The meeting is Open to every-
past six years Register of Wills of one who is interested in any form
Erie County, died at his home In of sport, and all have equal rights
Erie about 4 o'clock Thursday af- ts participate in the discussions
ternoon of last we ] ¢re 13 n
¢ after an {liness TY
g from a ruptured appendix.
had en in falling
an operation
Cit Hospital He
Christmas holi-
death occurred at }
ior a
health year ang or
ast at
turned home for the
days, and
| A ia MY
, +31 - “ ri uty 1
popiarity In Erie county lies
niforcement {1
this aim
Hirst rile
=nang 1Oute
in the
Two Motor Accidents
During Weekend
DR. C. H. LIGHT TO Wor pe tn ts tha
The Jan ary m eting of 4
County Medica
at 8:30 ] Hel Aad G3
atl the Centre County Hospita
Dnt -
xk this
| fonte,
{the organimtion. presiding
Dr. Charles H. Light, of
Hall, recently compicted a post
graduate course at Columbia Uhni-
versity, will present a paper on “Re-
| cent Developments in Pediatrics.”
Centre kidding
octurred on i
Bear Meado
Wh 1 * WAR
farmhouse for
machine back
broke out. He had
amps bumning wh*n he went
help. The was valued at abou
A truck driven by Harry Confer
of Pleasant Gap. and a sedan driven
by Paul E. Bigelow, also of Pleasan
Gap, were damaged in a collision in
(hat community at noon Saturday
Bigelow was following the truck
toward Oehire Hall and struck th
ear of the Conder vehicle as Con-
fer swung wide 10 make a right tum
from the highway. Bigelow's sedan
was thrown against a stone wall and
was damaged 10 the amount of about
i$70. Damage to the truck was
placed at about $10
ditch. TH¢
{ leading
to the
WM. Aes
f vey
| on
Bank Elects Officers
{ The Farmers National Bank of
| Bellefonte held their annual meet-
{ing on Wednesday afiernoon. The
{ fol owing officers were elected: Pre-
isident, W. C. Bmeltzer; vice-prosi-
ident, Harry M. Smith; secretary
William M. Bottorf; cashier, Haye
Matiern, JY. The old directors were
re-elected as follows Harry M
[Smith, A. D. Smeltzer, Rdward Gar-
iman, William M. Bottor!, Lewis Len-
hart. 8. H. Hoy and W. C. Smeltzet
{A report of last year's business
| showed A very satisfactory increase
Fractmed Ankle in Fall
Mrs. C. L Krape of Hublersburg
{Tharsday of last week fel from a
‘chair at ber home, and fractured he
of the DONS tn her ankle. She was
brought to the Centre County Hos-
pial where X-ray photographs wry
made and the fracture reduced
The Commissioners yesterday an-/
nounced that Sealer of Weights
and Measures, Clyde N. Lee of
East Bishop Street, Bellefonte, has
resigned effective ms of January 15,
and that George Peters, of Phil
ipsburg, former tipsiaff under
Judge M. Ward Fleming, has been | Yesierday Mrs Krape wa reported
named to the position. This an- to be resting as comfortably ag can
nouncement confirms unofficial re- be expected. al hor home i Hub
ports current early In the year, | lersburyg.
At a
ee ws
New Typesetting Machine Added t
‘The Centre Democrat’ Equipment
. be St SE TE CT He I