Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 06, 1938, Image 8

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    ie Fight — v THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. January’ 6th, 1938
} on i KE
CLARENCE GROSS, IR Potters Mills, and four grandehild. SAMUEL WEBB HART and 29 days, On March 25, 1913 he 66, died at her home in Carlisle with a complication ol domes. pr
| Clarence Gross, Jr, aged 8 ren. Funeral services c Were held gamuel Webb Hart, former vice was united in marriage with Pam- following a stroke suffered on Fri- Auman was a daughter of William
F gm nths and 28 days, son of tom the family Tesce nee vatup. president of the Charles Willams ¢la Cable, who survives with two day, She is survived by ber hus- A. and Matilda Fryer Auman, and
larence and Eiva Gross, of Belle- “aY¥ afternoon, in charge 0: the sail order house, passed awa at sisters at whose home death took band and the following children: was born in Penn township on Au-
| fonte, R. D. 1, passedl away at the Rey Delag R. Keener, of Centre : ; the Wis Ince. There are no children and - 8., Pleasant Gap; Dwight gust 21, 188] f 2 1] g i
le home of his sisters Thomas making her age. al
Centre County Hospital at 12:35 Hall Interment wis made in the Mie Lome of i Hn Barto lho other avivers tn the immer. in odin RE a Bo Ith: of death 10 iaing 2 satu
o'clock yesterday morning after an Sprucetown cemetery, near Potlers North Spring Street, Bellefonte, at ate familly. Puneral services will lah DeArment, Howard; M: Viv- On Kovember 21, 1911, she was unit-
CHARLES F. CORMAN 1. 1. CUSHEN il 88 | ith pneumonia The child Mills, Mr. Smit hy retired farmer, 2:45 o'clock yesterday morning, fol be he ld nt 11 o'clock Friday morn- ian Norwalk, Newport; Abbot, Bun- €d in muiriage with Harry 8 Au-
wh ~~ “ Z ; : was born near Bellefgnte on April was a memoer ol the Reformed lowing an illness with a heart con- Ing from the Hart family residence bury: Herbert, Mildred, and Paul, man, who survives with four chil
Charles F. Corman, 81, engin er Funeral services, for: Thoma J. 1g 1037 and in addition to his par- church, and also was a member of dition. when Mr. and Mrs. Hart on North Spring Street, in charge a t home. The {amily had lived | dren Mrs. Alber: Boob of Coburn:
for th? Pennsylvania Raliroad Com- Cu nen, 69 01 Renovo, were held | ents, is survived by a sister, Donna the Knights of the Golden Eagle, came here from their home in of the Rev, Robert J, Budlow, rec- f I VER in Centre Hall and MM Florence Auman. Millhetm:
Jans. Re ana dusk 1x ws Ne Wedne _ ME CE yi Jaana jos her nl Jervis il Spring Mills Lodge No. 289 Brooklyn, N. ¥Y., last Aug 18s Mi 04 of St. John 4 Epl Copal church four vears in Howard I uneral ser- J Han } and Stay Be Auth; al
Cresscn. A native of Ogntre Coun: | gio of a heart aitack Christmas neon from a a ole DAVID WARD BOON Hart, was not in good health, Por) lnterment wii be miace in the Un-, vices were held in Sues VaCey) oiters Mills, alt sur ire pie
ty, Mr. Corman was born June 10. oriamoon while visiting his daugh- Hoa! ot oy A s i §: Yogi Bi iw ; An Reed -t ood ie time he showed marked improve- n cemetery, Bellefonte vesterday morning. ; gules I S10 BI pole Ph
1ga6, a son of Harfy Corman, de- Burton Hiller, Philadel of tha 8 wing Cre tw Earp David Ward B Xn, “ 4 3 4 i ws, ment, but in recent weeks had S—— A Evie 3 ry, i» re ia ye rds y at-
e hn ii taf ; wy wb ih ’ als 1 Ud ALS 110Aad1, JIE obidhs hgh {OC ONSCIous d f hree days 7 ; Nange nured
th ran o a vy ip Be RE on Ae REDOYY oe HE | Bellefonte. Interment will be made Sunday afternoon at his parental anor to his death, Mr, Hart was a Death Monday claimed Mrs. Cora airy Maule ‘Elizsbeth Auman Woodward, with the Rev. Harry
on ne. In eddition te y : th , Se Bn’ 2: hoo in Lhe yers cemetery, Bullalo home after a three days’ iLness son of Willlam and Amelia Webb Ca y Poss, wife of the Rev, Frank wife of Harr) 8 Auinan. of Wood Ra TAA ok ' ol —_ Bogie
his mother, Mr. Corman leaves his | i To \ ow hing wd \ Sed thy Dll Bi ih ) with pneumonia rhe child was the Hart and was born at Bloomsburg OLS former pastor of he v p tied a he Gelsing r H spi ’ ; : in Od wns me
widow. Mis. Anna Corman, and a oo" 0 0 foreman at § youngest of a family of four child= on Apri 6, 1872, making his age entre Hall and Boward Evangel. al, Danville, at 3 oclock Sa
sister, Mrs. Frank Schwalter, Cres Pa ta Wiis 3 p, gS HARRY. 8. MILLER en Funeral Jove : were held time of death 55 yes: g months ical churcs Mrs. Poss, who was after: n filer a two-day
son, His church affiliations were! oF ht Anil enoinam Harry 8. Miller, former well Wednesday afternoon from
with the Methodist Episcopal | 5, ~~ ie Taker iimetirin known Bellefonte and State College OMe 8nd Interment
Church. Cresson, He was a mem- °° e Paoinkere are was: ag) contractor, wnased away at hi
" fi ny ! Ask Us
ber of Cresson Lodge No. 720, 1. 0. O.1 0 the Tan iz Ome ireen Briar, in Penn rp. bea Ask Us ; : . 4
# and the Pennsy lvania Railroad ” abe ’ 4 k a ‘ rN . A owl { at cloc} M tay RB. BOYD GLENN Neglect ed colds lead to For Yous
sociation uneral rvice , \ en EL Ae - y ; an 1114 vith i Joyd jlenn, associated all ‘or Your : '
> a Fed Moh \ th interment oF A BUrysve. J n Rnd oN ’ : i scl ha B3 “" Ris ; ‘a the carpet and ar For other ills. No need to let \ Cy
at Crosson dig 7 vo bye: : Be epi | irios ' Vi ttn Wher he Wa ¢ furniture business in Altoona, DR. MILES a cold get the best of DR. MILES
ome me . y ” ee . wed in a fail ; (iller wv died at his apartment in that
| CT ——— LL — ——
iy, ‘ ,
you, when we have so Weather
JOSEPH K. BITNER lonta Haga 0 WH" Ison of Issac and Amelia Straub lest Thursday of heart trouble. He Weather es
aw | ’ h fated. with vi "businesses in QUIGHLY y ® many fine remedies to Calendar
ay help you fight it off.. We NOW
) {. Bitner, widely :
hE | (Calendar
have everything from
HARRY L. SHIREY . p Wi AG ‘ve A na for more than half a cen
! Han Y= i month 3 vd a jay H fall al > tin Mi ifnn va a nati s{ NOW
: ne 2 Re on . { BW : ; ; preventive remedies to
an : a COMPANY. | Bicerarel § Af I 1c Mors | the employ Jof Balizell brothas. Mihai B iy Wo after a cold. Only reme- yr
he id last Donald 8. Mille: of Pro ert " who conducted a department store COMB i J | Gt, i | Sfived elfciene! BRUSH
i ; (with case) : \ i Sw i” Yi are carried in our stock. 19
c 3 aa AR 3 Don’t wait until you y
0 { Ly. &- 5 pd start sneezing. Be pre-
pared with vour favorite
) 8 n the | man ! 4d : 27, X Bestmaid
sisters. Mrs. Blanche Long, of New- of Kawl in. Additions v- y Ailter § 1 Risin himself wm T Sai, gid B FARA ¢ 2h emedie n hand.
So. ang Ms Rare eye: include two | 1s, Oscar A fonte, at 2:30 o'clock several ye | been proprietor TOOTH gr SR y a Wg TOOTH
held Monday afternoon from the || Ada M. | , 2 ©. Am : tablishment at the BRUSH —— BRUSH
HOLDER — Te Reg. 35¢ value
MICHAEL SMITH i€ [All bre rollers Qe
Miz. Anna R. McAllister, of Pine i este y
night in the Centre County h ; el, 2 2:18 Ki ad : i 3-Heat = ) : i CITRATE
pi] fiom comyfications, fokow- : y it A Whe. af Hi de : = . uy “-
in | ELECTRIC £1 a ol
of William
engast Ralston who s ve n Nt h 41 intl the end nsistory and of Ja {1 wine PAD " :
July 6, 1920 she married Albe: a, Sag yale A ser bis 0 Was & HEA ne Alig 13 SOU” LEGHENY ST. BELLEFONTE, PA. 16°
McAllister, ho rvives with one ' n teas BL that ha: siti ii : ’ S — )
ia Ann. Mrs. Mc- as S8 foam 8 H tt Tabven Ol " , ] ( i n am iN ow 0 ge Pe “
Wy yf the Pine Cyd: Fish 0 ost his life 4 himself MRS. MARY J. GETTIG WEAVER 98 . ~<a F "YOUR 3 iy Lyon 5 69
Roi owl os Mg on Mi ‘ | Emuision UJC
Neidigh, MM: ohn Trost MIS. T% Fushbut Mrs. LC Ha Var Ann Smit i: l moming after Joh re Y dr HET p’ 5 ; Men's 10c
Paul Bohn ar Willard alston ‘ 1 : . ¢ Pir Giove M 84 six mont iliness With 3M. Johnson i 4 Ky : ; :
all of Sta ollege: Mrs. Hen Senta’ fr PlohBure yotober  Fiity-eight 0s. For Some yom 4 ’ at te a Handkerch’fs
Elder, of Pine Grove Mills, and w.c 5 me » Colle : he was united in mar- ? weaver had divid or time SFLOOR WAX J, AE. ELIT \ ’
Ralph Ralston Belicfont I : i ] Ww Lemon th M Lena rdon 3 t \ faughter ra. Gehret
net vices : ‘ neld 44 1 I é be SR AWA) in ai anole an ir .
Thur day at 2 o'clock from the wy nu 1 { TION ! 1 Naver 938. Ht S : last ierman, of Philadelphia A d on 69
Pine Hall Reformed church, with the Koch Funcial Home at Stale ryivi y : oy t
wember of a family f ter of Samuel and Sarah Hone
Rev. J 1 Vink officiating. Inter- College, in charge of the Rov. J. F nine children. Surviving in di jettiz, Mra, Weaver was porn at y Ms PYLORI
ment will be made at the Pine arkir Intery ’ i n tion to the nn. Ros s a daugh rsvil linton County, amd In
iil sorew | ALLAN RY | T00TH PASTE 29: | sing |
re - a be an % et hos M Oral Solution pint 3 £1.00 W. & T. Cold Tablets bos Yoon
C 75¢ Pepiodent Antiseptic 5¢ Grove's Tablets 2 do 3 for
Edward " a ol CH Je J ste t. Throat : USTREX S5¢ Four Way Cold Tabs
roithes Iie ad Cia iy " Gargle 35 Se Caneara. Cold Taba
: f pl { invin 3 To H 2 C : lane's Tablets
X MM Rhinitis Tablets
ML 80 ht i Hub ol. Tart “ x Ve x5 vd 5 oy touts Wash 3 TABLETS W. & T. Cold Capsules
Sack C . rea ara i : 5. | vr. 8 ADHESIVE A Sensational Offer!
PLAST ER Tou can obtain this Erquitite Al HOT
Shaffer’s Have the Values!!!g YON Pi o : G x 0 = : ra's Alcohol 69c | = Rahat Tragmiess Cobian, To DAY WaTER
<X Veal BE bor faiiiien, ang Who lost 4 leg | Youss Reg. BOTTLE
VEAL STEW . . - 17: | SEigim®| =~ | © |. $9.58 fj ———
OU i astiled in Paiiluio Dut Yai BE wist- ‘ale
Veal Shoulder Roast__lb. 23c Shoulder Chops. Ib. 27¢ a oie of the outstanding eitizn ALKALIZEW
Veal Rib Chops Ib. 32¢ Del Monte { this ares meral sen
hel " : 4
. . 25¢ A-
: Boned and Rolled an dock this Th . ¥ morn aa , pr 4 ji pi | %
Rib Roast Ne Watts fo 32 Penn Alto — . St: John ot i Johnson = T ft qh fi e v . 2 k) Clapp’s
Fresh Beef Fresh Ground ...2™ 39¢ [Salmon a oaT U1 ory, Ca 1 BABY TALC 0) ar FU EG CANT eh BABY
Lean Breakfast Bacon. ™ 29¢ Ji" “ ™. 2|c [Penn Alto Rev. H. Willis Hartsock. pastor of . AL A SEL, ST a FOOD
Bacon Squares v. 32g [Green Beans 2 een wn Yemen we 19 sour SG sryiwooo | 1 Doz. Modes 3 for
F Solid Pack 4 Bh —.L ES hg This wptodete alarm clack Bs manctacion Y
ancy Solid Pac | Bong! ho 5 | 3 Doz Modess
Ingraham, Clockmpbers for a century, The cabiost
P - ” Tomatoes - 2 Ne . Go bh made of Selected Butt Walse' Veossr with
10 to 12-Ib. Ib . ane S i | Senvine Maraustry leisy and Boonied Bem
Inn ams Aversze . Cc Phillip's CRC INE EE wpe brary Clock Telly guarastaed in witing. PR
. 3 ; _ tad of NALLY vi) p ~
(Whole or Shank Half) T 10% ,.0n ( A MP H( mn 3 Hine . hou pK am guy iy boa whigionl for .
omato Soun "ci o A : os ry he mess eet Sen erncnet } Milli ‘of c |
Farmers... 'E Barbasol
PORK SHOULDER Cho Ib. 25¢ Fancy : ICE On ek) Dante ta NT . 1 Tube
Roast Ib. 19¢ Cut ons... paw (Hominy ___..2 ci Business Men... Shave Cream Magnesia ZINC
Housewives ‘oa i She Shiite : 1-oz.
Sugar Milk
HE —————— ) $1 Lysol
$1.25 Absorbine, Jr. :
PENNA. NO, | Shaffer's "Special" Students “ee i Se W. & ond Syrup 17
Potatoes :i25c/ COFFEE. .3=4Tc| oiher Telephone | ros % BRE
Horseshoe Curve Coffee. lb. 22¢ of $1.25 Barkolyn
Fancy Iceberg Lettuce 2 hds. 13¢ | Penn Alto Coffee ... Ib. 23¢ | #0c Rem Cough Syrup : $1.00
Solid Cabbage _..........": 3c | Sno Sheen bo. 27 Hydiogen — BEEF, IRON
Bananas Golden Ripe a o.. S¢ Cake Our : ad 4 Soc Lax Wafers WARIS CASTOR OR. . EIR
Baldwin or Winesaps California Michigan Hond Picked new Nauld NOX ACORN
. : $1 Agar and Ol Bie 0 ol Beem In few Auge. Abe Arie
ha, Ibs. - 100 Hinkle Pills or wld calluses. Keven wntsid -— winery y Comer §
Apples ..10™ 26¢ | Oranges 15c | Pea Beans. _...2 ®* 9c Se Chamhertains Pile. 39 2x :
Celery 2 walks [9c Farida HONEY GOLD T5¢ 0c Syrup Figs
Texas Seotlens Oranges... 25¢ OLEO .. 26. 39¢c 122 ( 3 Super Gestive Mir.
Grapefruit. 6 or 25¢ | Lemons. . 10c | FREE: Water Glass With Each Pound POWDER
"we Salad Dressing Js 17¢ ¢ 5 27¢| Oysters isi &. 25¢
OCTAGON SOAP .... 10&"43c¢ Phe 1998 Tdephon Almasae Sore Throats With
WALDORF Tolle Paper 4 rolls (9c Doggie Dinner ox Food _____3 can 28c Ask Tor your opyst your Bel LISTERINE
Super Suds we phe. |9c; 2 ree. phan. 19 Octagon Cleanser... 2% Gc are BR orque | A
es for Dishes—Biue Pkg for Clothes Octagon Toilet Soap... ...... "ke Bc Telephone Business Office. | Why) SESIC ntiseptic
* »
ime BELL TELEPMONE COMPANY | Luse 14 ox. 59¢
$F °F2