Page Six mo oh ., si THY CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. MIE mrs, January 6th, 1038 ok I LL LT SR § 20h 5d FY pe de wa wth Fe bem, The Coat you Want is sure to be Among ; Jon BK A EG i he a hen Bad po Be ges JUST 1 i4 SUPERB the ns Saving Values in this lot Pr y | ; oa al on hor Gi FINER WINTER | tas INT SEW a Rw FUR COATS obi on rT P . . foo 4 . ad bit pt Jed 1 “ det wi on Mas orm a January C learance en CA 5 ADRAC Ne Ba Brew 1H C Js *—. “ale Prices F Eo EG A. rb AA Black Diamond Imperial ic SRE i Seals, Reg, $100,00, Now ol 2 aN ® : REE EN. Reo. $29.75 to $35.00 5 Rv : % Furs. Wolf, Seal. Men- ps es $70. O . x on 2 doza Beaver, Skunk, Per- 4] ® stan Lamb, : . ' , ” . Black Sealines, The extraordinary record of success that has marked our former “Clearance Sales Reg. $89.50—Now was achieved because we provided extraordinary values for every one of them. Now SG 5 with this year's JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE here, we again give you an oppor- . O Reg. $45.00 to $30.00 tunity for saving. You not only can huy the things you want for yourself and your dad , f "Patel oy. .3 . foza Beaver id trots Pesan family’s personal use but for your home as well, at way under regular prices. 2g. $79.50—~Now Lamb—iiue DY ec OY en Soft Mink—Squirrel. You'll be amazed how little it will cost you to supply all your needs at our January $59 50 - Clearance Sale. Be here when the door opens at 9 o'clock Friday morning and come every day, Wie oa Eaves i while the sale is on, because you will find real bargains in dependable merchandise. J prix, Paris. Reg. $115.00. y go Ro 'R No We are determined to make this a real “Clearance Sale.” Come early Friday Now “urs. ei eter ACCoon, Fox, Persian Lamb and morning. $B fin 4 S50 } Kalinsky. . = CL LE SA TR I tS ot PR4-CO) 5295 skating Sweat | STORIE | KNITTED SCARF AND | 575550 § Reg. $115.00~Now ers and Caps HAT SETS $89.50 Smart Coats made by the CI OSED most exclusive ereators f better tvpe coats. Fit- Heavy, all wool Sweaters with turtle a. Clever styles an eolor combinations 4] : 3 . “ * ted Coats. Flarea Coats, necks—in red and white—green and including Parka Hoods, Tassel Caps Swagrer and fitted mod- Swagger (eats—Every- white—royal and white, and brown § this stor ill be closed all day and Tappers—all at Clearance Sale els. Misses’ sizes. one with exciting treat- and gold combinations, “ § Prices, One Size 16— ments of handsome, hux- Fhursday to re-mark and arrange Silver Muskrat Coat : Misses’ Sizes. , ugieral urious furs—tailored to stoek. 5% values $1.00 values $1.50 values Reg. $159.00—Now perfection. Of fest avalits soft and knobby & 00 woolens. Black, Beige, $ ” D O C C $ 19 Brown. fireen, Wine and oors pen > wh 4 on oe. a Ras pe & wv Rust. All sizes, from 12 This is an outstanding (0 20-38% to 46 and 3315 group of selected Fur Coats. Each styled indis to 19Y4, idually in smart young medels. a iirc a ED A. OE... OL OL | 9 A. M. Friday morning, Jan. 7th. n I FO EIN OR Lp AT SR Lal i BL ANKE TS 3 January Crear once , | 79¢ Newest Dress Crepes § “TOWE ELS! Sale of Girdles, | %% &F ¢ a9¢ vi FOUNDATIONS 8A lf Yd SiiePai. Colas nd Prints. WELT ee) High quality. high fashion, high value! There's ati a4 : $ Le Ake LW A oh Ga bf A the story of this amazing collection of Fall and $1.00 values for 9¢ Pid REL SEN : “ X 50 values for 1.19 1.98 values for 1.49 NASHUA DOUBLE BLANKETS : 2.98 values for 2.39 ; 4 i 3 pi / 3 - 79¢ Silk Tweeds Cotton plaids in popular shades h 9 = of orchid. rose, hlue and green. S300 values for 2.79 SE pr EN N | L . : & ’ . we it x . #2 » 5.00 values for 1.00 id; Re : he now 59¢ Full 72x81 size. famous makes—“GCossard”, “Nemo” Winter weaves. 39 inch width, wr NE A LE SL a a Hy FREE § his Rd he | 39¢ CANNON TURKISH BATH TOWELS Nov—t for $1.00 22x44 inches. Neatly colored horders of pink. blue, gold, or- chid or green. Extra heavy and absorbent, CANNON TURKISH TOWELS Reg. 19¢ ea.—6 for 79% 18x36 absorbent (owels—woven to give long service. Stock wp now al this price, $1.59 rr NASHUA PART WOOL E All are BLANKETS “Yenus' '—In ravon satin, Batiste and Lastex Not less than 5 wool. Bloek plaids in double blankets 72x81 82.69 wr 25% WOOL BLANKETS Double blankets in rich plaids of rose. bine, tan, oreen and orchid mercerized sateen binding to match. 72x81 size. $3.49 wr HET SHOR CIT IERIE The, LH 39 inch—=Nice heavy quality for beauty and service. Latest patterns in brown, navy, green. dip TE et EEELR EE CE IR LL 4 combinations. The fine variely includes a style 1 Hal 3 ad Ee “i a EAL for every figure bul not every size in every EL Be popes —" $1.50 Nubby Silk Crepe Brassieres Reduced 80¢ vd tras sieres—of all types at 20°: reduction dur- . : TW 10 inche=lbLavely quality for dresses. Black, 5 X ing this sale. \ od brown and rust. s————— All Occasion Frocks srs Semi-Annual Clearance of Just HURRY! HURRY! $1.00 PRACTICAL WOMEN'S yf | $5 7S $075 Jan, Clearance Sa SILK SLIPS it stvie. Come early! nwhE lx eal a ney —_— STRRRTNC BERU TEC SOG Seam UI AL RT Ba a a $a a 4 a ar eT OF IGRI MS TNE Bt Ho th us SE ie ” Only Furred or unfurred. First grade ¢ ¥ dpe. types, Values Values Values EACH $29.75-—=Now S106 to $09 $12.38 to $14.75 Mohawk Sheets at savings that come only once in 6 month, $19 75 Slips of beautiful, lustrous quality. : Comes’ AB aldo’ 4 Je 63x108.72199 O9¢c aa Pp $a 8 qualit ; ii Le rele 15 gauge Ot Values $19.50 $192 JI *18 50 $119 $1.19 « Tulloredt and lace trimmed in tearose on or se ) eig : - te within a heel for extra service, . sis s1.29 0 | $1.19 Silk Slips 89O¢ «ct Now. 66e Values $69.50 Values n 81x90 7Oc eo» Kayser guaranteed silk slips in £1.00 Kayser Sik © Now $16.50 to $10.75 : a to "ta tn Pillow Cases 42x36 B #everal styles. Tenrose and white. Hose, sheer ringless $44.75 4 RISER 2nd wriet weas, Bull Yolens, Velvets, 25¢ each Sizes 34 to 44. chiffon. Beautifully farred Silk Crepes a Iatelasses, Trimmings Sequins, | 15x36 30¢ ench Clearance Sale ! ; : - with raccoon, heav- Embroidery, Beads, Braids—St color contrasts, - # " : Now 79% pr. er Tnphn of Wolf. New silhouettes including (he aged waistline— § Empire Pillow Cases WOMEN'S KAYSERETTE TIGHTS $1.15 Kayser Fit-all Most all sizes, Bodice necent, shirred drapes, black, and the season's + 42x36 ; / top semi-service silk Smart shades most popular colors, All sizes from 12 lo 20-38 to 50 Hose, Excellent values and 16% 1026". . 0 Now 9¢ pr. All the selison’s most popular shades and all sizes, CO “y PR oh chew tind a LE] BAY vee, we wel