January 6th, 1938 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page Five EE ——————— LOCA oN we A LS o> ~—Mr. Aaron J. Hall, of Fleming, Pa. was a welcome caller at our office on Thursday. Mr. Hall has been a reader of the Centre Demo- crat for thirty-three years. —While on one of his trips to Bellefonte, D. C. Harpster, ~=Mr, na Mrs. R. Weiler of Han- over, of ent from Thursday until Sunda# vith the latter's mothir Mrs. ‘Herbert Miller on East High | Street, frequent | ~Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, of | Jersey Shore, were guests of Mr, and of Stormstown, found time Thurs-| day to visit our office where he Is always welcome, —Mrs. Mona Darlington. of Granville, Pa., spent Thursday in Bellefonte visiting friends and rela- tives. Edward Hartman on New coming to Bellefonle to Hartman-8nyder wed- Mrs. Year's Day. attend the ding Clare! we M. Hoy of Axe Mann | won a pair of elictric air horns val- {ued at —Homer M. Walker, well known | Pine Grove Mills resident, was transacting business in town on Thursday. Mr, Walker found time to call at our office before return- ing home, —Mis. R. Gi. Bulick accompanied by her daughter-in-law, Mrs, H. E Bulick, both of Warriors Mark, Pa. were welceme callers at our office on Tues!ay. while in town on busi- DesS. —Miss Martha Hoover, of Pitis- burgh, visited this past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Everett on PBast Howard Stieet, Miss Hoover formerly resided in Belle- fonte and is a professional nurse. —Miss Marguerite Krape, of Co- burn, who, up until a few months ago, was employed as floor supervis- or at the Centre County Hcspital bas gone to Pittsburgh. where she bas accepted a posiiion in the Me:cy Hospiial Mrs. Sabra Nealson. of Lock Ha ven, who spent the holiday season with Mrs. G. Oscar Gray and family, at their home on West High Stree, departed Saturday for Harrisburg v h re she is the guest this week of her daughter. Mrs. A. W Cha les Martin, who located New York Ciy past three years. arrived fonte Tuesdey for a h his mother, Mrs How ar tin, at hor home on Pike Stree with other relatives Y this vicinity —Miss Mary Bickett Mr. and Mrs. W. W. B Cadillac apartments, Street, re turned to ¢ the General Electric Comj Buffalo, N. Y., Monday aft spent the Christmas and New Year season at her parental hom ing the holiday and Mrs home oO aged to hi Crossby. has been for the in Belle- ay v d M in nL, - : PO i ar an MICS wi - A an in kett, West Bishop t with ne uc 500 or - After sp A son with his parenis, Mr. Guy D. Floray, at thelr Beaver Street, Albert Floray 12 years, reiutned Tuesday studies at the Overbrook School for the Blind. near Philad jelphia. He made the trip as the di ving quest oi his father, who retu hom? immeadiately. —The condition of Mrs. Thomas Caldwell of East Bishop Street, roe The v ho on Wedn wnship h ¥ I h recow as pidly XC ling to reports he will 1 to resunte hig duties at Tn the 1 Mingovilie TT oa H. Haag received of Penn an last week and welcome Christmas from her grandson. Kenncth Me- Mullen, of Brownsville, Texas, in th ford: of a crate of fresh frults in luding grapefruit, oranges and tan- gerines. The fruit arrived in excellent condition despite its long journey. Mr. McMullen. a former Bellefonte resident, lefi here 12 year ago and has never returned here since that time, consequently he 15 always eager for news of his form- er friends and acquaintances, At the present time he is engaged in forestty service at Dallas, Texas, Richard Haag, soventeen-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haag of Huntingdon. formerly of Belle- fonte, early last week underwent an operation for the removal of tonslis at the Huntingdon Hospital, and ac- cording to word received here is not recovering as rapidly as bad been anticipated. His long conva- lescence is attributed partly to the fact that Infected tonsils had caus- ed his grneral condition to be weak- ‘ened, Yesterday members of the family reported that no alarm 8 felt over his condition, and they be- leve it will be only a matter of days until he hag regained his strength. ~+Al a gathering of members and | friends of the W. J. Love family at! their home on Penn Street, Christ. | mas Eve, announcement was mads | of the engagement of Miss Florence “Biilie” Volynch, daughter of Mra { Mabel Volynch, of North Bpring | | Street. Bellefonte, to David Love | son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Love |The wedding is tentatively schedul. ed to take piace in June. Miss Vol- vneh Ig a graduste of the Bellefonte High School and for the past num- ber of months has been employed al he White Brothers Drug Store on unu- gift here {very much appreciated. ~John Ward, 4'%.year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chapman Ward, of North Spring Street, sustained a fracture of the collar bone, Sunday, while playing In front of his paren- tal home, The fracture has been reduced and the youth is now recov- ering nicely at his home, although his freedom to play will be consid- erably curtailed until the injury has healed, VETERANS HOLD ANNU AL BANQUET (C ontinued from page one) tressing partic ularly the career of the late Lt. George Jackson, who died while serving In the Philip- pines during the Spanish-American War, Judge M terminated his of Centre County ing his views on national defense, quoted the senti- ment of an earlier American who said: “Trust in God and keep your powder dry.” Judge Ivan Walker, who on Mon- day succeeded Judge Fieming on the bench, upheld the opinion of the late Newton D. Baker, secre- tary of war, to express his views on international relations, Although Baker was a pacifist Walker aid. his actions during the World War were his of the proper course to be taken In the event war lireatens Roy Wilkinson held proper education the America in the problems © single factor program Father Willlam E of 8t. John's Cath- drew a 1 allel be- sons of patriotism and of peace Always a t and forceful Ix wnes expressed being able to atiend health In LO re ard Fleming. who career on the bench Monday, in giv- world peace and Ww Mr ie ideas the th of peace a that vou f a of reatest in long-range The Rev Downes, Church tween the peace reclor Nit JOF medal omen's i by com- auxil- com- of Walter H Brooks- Doll 8 Zahnizer, 4 the Post Baley banjo James Coble TO HONOR LOCAL MAN ON 100TH BIRTHDAY ‘nUnued from page one) without on, in i undue excitement deference be confusi honor guest Po 11% 4 +h wae to =iso be relatives Hamil- Mr, fn. neph- rk City Bro rk State College tor Potter, of siter of whom Brew Plans ! several Bellefonte and guests of yonor will following aren ms of h oe by the of oe forte deri the Rev. Father rector of Bt ch. and John efonte at- at the f 1; his life, I ince bouguet 4 rtainment program may few addresses but these limited in time. The planning a brief vio- and vocal concert and jana will play Mr. Hamil- rom numbers Owing 0 the fact that the seat- ing melts the hotel dining room is limited to 150 persons, the sale of tickets will be discontinued when that number has been reach- ed, Tickets will go on sale this week at $1.25 each, and they may be obtained from Mrs. Thompson or any member of the committee - wl —— —— County Sing in M. E Church There will be a county sing in the M. E. church of Bellefonte, Sunday Jan. 9. at 2:30 p.m. This is a coun- y affair, and will be participated In by ali Churches of the county, and will be held every month except July and August. It will also be held In different sections of the county, Dec. 19h the first service was held in Pine Grove Mills, with a very creditable turnout for the first meeting, and was enjoyed by all present. The Male Chorus had a large share in the program. and were We all fie] that spirtfual life of the Churches in the county will be greatly bene- fitted by these services. Come bring your fIrierxis, everybody welcome Committee. A ———————— MP ———— P. T. A. Mecting Postponcd Because of other meetings sched- uled to be held In Hublersburg on Tuesday evening, January 4, the monthly meeting of the Walker Twp. ly iano ns Cal of | Parent-Teachers’ Association will be postponed until Tuesday evening | January 11. The address on “Cen- | tre County. With Especial Refer- | enee to Walker and Marion Town- ships” by Cyrus Hoy, deserves A jase audience, > Rb ee Bh feng tt od MELROY’S |KELVINATORS PHILCO RADIOS A. B. C. and VOSS WASHERS — Phone 9699-R1 ~ PLEASANT GAP, PA. Additional D:aths LEE AUSTIN STOVER Lee Austin Stover, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Lather Stover. of Ty- lersville, died at his parental home Thu me ening of last oo afler an {llness wi'h pneumor He Wis born a ry le:sville on a tober r making his age 1 year, : and 19 days. Burviving mits, Funeral services irday alternoon {rom church at Tylersville {f the Rev. G. A. Fred Gr nt was made at Tylers- Continued from page 1636 were the ir iD Pp Helm MRS. IDA M. EAITLEY with a compiica~ A daugh er of Mr rungart she was November ave 68 years, 1 Surviving are Mrs. J and Mrs JAMES SMITH 8 Th at } Nea of Everett, also survives. Lyman L. 8mith, of Bellefonte, and Mrs, Kate Lucas, of Bpring Mills, are Mr. Smith's nephew and niece, Mr. Bmith was a member of the Home- wood Lutheran church and a Span- ish-American War veteran. A for- mer resident of Willlamsport, he was affiliated with the I. O. O. F,, Masons, Knights of Malta, and the Keystone League of Willlamsport Mr. Bmith was a retired engineer for the Gulf Refining company with which he had been affiliated for 45 years. Puneral services were held from bis home in Pittsburgh and interment was made in the Homewood cemetery MRS. Mors G burg, home ELSIE ELIZABETH BRIGHT Elsie Elizabeth Bright, wife worpe W. Bright, of Aarons- passed away at the family there at 10 o'clock Monday after an ilness with a com- plie of dis: ases Jorn in haines township on November 15 1880. Mrs. Bright was aged 57 years 1 month and 18 day Her parents were Jams and Sarah Corman aver, S was married June 24, to George W. Bright, who sur- with the following children Mrs. Paul Krape, Paul, Vie or, Ray Earry, Ci and Boyd Bright M's. Marth a Breon and M:s. Esther wi ng art and a er a urvive namely: C. G We aver Weav Lewistow Weaver Ard Mill- held of rignt wrles er vmond Blanchhe Weaver will Bt 111: Anlc Wo and W. E 1 SeTvid« nyburg and theland LArge 0. Feemai FERN HUGHES Centre Years Y. paper home He Years Fais, N +d In a is ident of Nl YAR CINDK yi gara He Aenly was ago — I ago was united in marriage with Mrs, Belle Schreffler, who survives with seven children, namely: Jos- eph and Mrs, Merrel Wililams, of Tonawanda, N. Y.; lLeathed and Richard, of Nisgara Falls; Mrs Violet Kellerman, of Akron, Ohio and Marion, of Texas These brothers and sisters 0 survive; Mrs, Willlam R. Hoover, of Hub- lershurg; George Hughes Axe mann, and Harry Hughes, of Yeag- ertown, Before going to Niagara Falls to make his home Mr. Hughes was employed at the Nittany Iron Furnace in Bellefonte. Puneral ser- vices will be held from the home at Niagara Palls at 2:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon, followed by terment in that city ADDITIONAL WINNERS IN $600 CASH AWARDS ui of in- Thirteen more ped in Bellefonte during the Christmas season have claimed during the past week some of the $600 In cash awards giv the Retail Division of the onte Chamber of Commerce Twenty awards: one for one for $25: two $10 $5, and seventeen for $2 batn claimed Originally were 87 cash awards Awards week were Mrs. Ward E Ralph Blaney Jellefonte, $10 Charles Table John 8. Dubb william ls H persons who shop- oO en Dy Bede! four { $50, for not for three given Cul Krag Eat Bellefon Bellefonte MONEY sori 14 Xs POR FAME : g seeds © LN Als hase of $2 Angela $2 Mra fonte, 2 Mrs. J. H Yeager, Awards not claimed Saturday, January 15 gigned new numbers - leurisy Vietim Improves am Musser, 14-yeal-oid John Mus Snow 8 vo Lx Carpeneto, Bellefonte M. E. Rumberger, Belle- Bellefonte, by midnls be $2 nt Aas will - | 1" ik Phi Snow dnprov Reg. U'. &. Pat One Month's Treatment 126 Iron Men The =uper Tonle Price $1.00 RED ACES FOR PALE FACES Skinny, Pale, Sickly Folks Often Vitamin and Mineral Stagved Red Bi On r Uood OG THIS SIMPLE TEST! 30, 000 People Read This Column why The Cet more than 1 STATE A siie Or rent ADS All ad t be comp. E. =Y ED mus vers flioe ed th ire ty ~iive CEA winenhls that with by Please do Dot cal at the office for informa od advertising de- onsidering ls low cost » County's Commununitly Democr Dulas Al's class Cx ih Bar- cents or vertise- word a word | L CEB 4 request replies to b ANSWEring Le aove jon concerning such acy matied 3 sements ertise ~e - Kunis as the publishers are nog penmitied 0 divulge the name of Lhe Ad veri SUBSCRIBER'S PRIVI wora MIE y a 35 ad ve Vige can AND FOUND Te LOST Fe asAnen vedow poid in Beiie- . V4 WANTED we Can Atle Rawiegh nodW CUMMOENETE Bais Way oi De satisfied wi weak 1 tart PNA 3-101 up h earns: age) * 5 tabie cant Woman onpanion home Jor must be dependable ne high priced need nol apply I an intelligent person. Inquire y home evenings after 6 o'clook ite W. C. Griffey, No. 2 West Linn Bellefonte, Pa xl WORK W ANTED WANTED for and deliver Lamb Street w ANTED An experienced young man lesires a position on farm. Inquire Mies DeMHans, Belldfonte R. D. 3 xi WANTED--Middle lady housek teping work by the Inquire of Mrs, Anna Ploray, Gen Bei iefonte, Pa w ANTED Floor sanding Mad ten years experience, new floors 1%ec. 8. TL ola Dial Prankiin Hout, 8514 Btate oe x2 Pam! ly washings wi no Mrs. Roy Hazel eal East xi of aged or wants day Del x1 WANTED—A middle aged widow de sires a position ss housekeeper in small family or widowers home. Write R J. in care of this office x1 WANTED Married man wants work on farm, or wishes to be tenant on stocked farm. Inquire Daie White, Bellefonte, R, D. 1, Box 241 Clo John White x3 Ww ANTED 1 T0 BUY EE a a a E——— WANTED To buy a second-hand motoreyele In falr condition at a reasonable price. Write stating price (or onll George Bkiles, Spring Mills, pa Every subs in nire Demn- ne wibed to The Lisement in these columns ohe WI used SIX Wes a year al dilleren BALE Good hotne pt, Inquire Ms 222 East Lani POR SALE for eithe mermill Sution Pa H] Service Potters Mills xl POR BALE — il YO ct DON'T BU 1 soe the Bis ker al a free estimate call ; t= 1 ber C 8 Phone 789 Y w wille oO. Ww ate College, P= noe, Boards 2x10. Roll Nywood and At © 1x8; 2x4 and r 0 W318 POR BALE 2x8; 2x8 Bee demmno- near x2 a“ Vi Ganderstep nang, g » Paultirss cooking like new BALE ike new tire 204 40 new New oom and oats Schultz, end of Loveville, or smith of _Stormstown POR BALE--Crown drill tivator, 16-tooth chain harmess, 2 horse 2 ten gallon milk cans, MeC Jormick Binder, 7 ft. cut, Osborne mower, 10 tons No. 1 timothy hay Inauire of 8 R. McCartney, Mt Bagle Pa x electric washer stove. large kige 36x5 8 ply ure Conrad 5 miles x3 Bmerson outs harrow, 2 collars, 22 inch FOR BALE--A 12-20 Case tractor in good copdition; New Oliver 3 wheel plow, used one year, changeable from an eleven to a 16 Inch bottom. Also a 32 volt Delco light piant with D. © ewrrent in good condition. Price rea sonable to quick buyer. Inquire of C. RB Korman, Port Matilda, Pa. R. D. 2 (Stormnstown ) x2 HOUSEHOLD GOODS POR SALE~Electrolux cleaner, model, In good condition reasonable. Write Box 20, Furnace, Pa 1937 Price Penna. xl FOR SALE-~One args Roabrola; one hot water heater. ohe ranall Ras heater, one large stove . aultable for hunting oamp naquire at 204 | East Howard Street, Belisfonte. Tele. phone 372