Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 06, 1938, Image 2

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Page Two THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. \ January 6th, 1938
HOWARD SNOW SHOE REBERSBUR(G ik so oodrow Maer: | PLEASANT VALL’Y [Lizzie Heaton all of Tyrone, spent PINE GLE N ag Mr, William vistied. Max
iTeas Saturday night at the home of Wil win and Carl Folmor vi
George Regal returned to his work Christmas vacation is over and Ralph D. Smith of Pasadena, urer. Earl Burd (Boggs Township) lam Richner. Max Hoover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoover at the Philipsburg Hospiia
in New York state last Wednesday | again we hear the cld school bell California, was a week®nd guest at Mr. and Mr arvey Keeler © ferry to hear of Willlam Eiters| gunday Visitors at the home of w liam Hoover was admitted as a Sunday
after spending Christmas vacation for the second half of 1937-1938 the home of Rev. N. F. Douty, en- | Beaver Springs were guest tthe being in the hospital at Bellefonte. | Harvey Eminhizsr were Mr. and Mrs, | medical patie to thi Philipsburg
at his home, vears. The following girls and boys [route to Buesngg Aire Argentina,  K. 8. Breon home Friday 1 t and [for appendicitis. We wish him a carl Welsh Mrs. Lizzie Hea on of Flos pital on w ednesday
Miss Eleanor Leathers left for have rétumed to thelr different Ssu'h America, whe: he will bs! Saturdas spesdy recovery. Tyrone, Mrs. Loretta Miller and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Wertz
West Chester State Teachers College schools: Misses Eleanor Smith, Lock director of the Bible House of Latin Harvey Eminhizer had the misior- three children of Pleasant Valley, daughter, returned to Cuba, N,
A ™ re
Monday night. Haven Normal; Luctlle Thompson America
4 dav g yeh ie 1 Bundav, af grsery rior 13 { N ang Ml ris POLO Phil
Wi N { L ATE tun: to fall last Monday and break and Harty Janet, of Fleming on Bunday. alts r BX nding De nol i! soap Irwin F nor, F
Word was received Monday of the and Verna Ma Chambers, Indiana Thomas Neizser spent several 4 4
4 Aum 3 Wer os and % | 1.
a couple of ribs, which are prety Mrs. Gladys MoCartney and: sor invs here, | Hodge, Phylils W riz and Carl Fol
of Carlisle, Stat 1 Chai Tall, Tay- : White y fe wii m wdy re-. Mis, Gli 1 Mis a Viehdor! wurned on Mor were to Philipsburg Saturday
death of Mrs, Frank Foss of Carllsie, | State Fons omg B H dl T'AY~ ihe past week in Philadelphia, whete here will be preaching sen in (sore. We wish him a speedy 1 spent last Tuesday at Mile sburg at ie. y eo ithdo i pelurned on ! ; ig
& ra RY y TOY a stroke cx Ri n p } te i J ¢ 4 BSUNcay ic "HWASANL fil ner al
Mrs. Foss suffered from a Stroke. los Business College, Philadelphia. jy, ocived optical t the home of Mis. Agnes Shawiey. |DNf s/f slo AF 4 Aum .
/ J » ’ 13 VI ae tute iil # fo 8 4 2 ho ow ’ “berg wend ot wl pp \ seria of p
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dearment lef! Sam Na »,  Pranklin -Mars shal nA AN. . a | afternoo: 9 a } hy ¢e Richner and daughter Vivian, | wr. Haze! Griffith and two onl. | Vl gp nd he rest of the p hureh vis y Bunday even
Tuesday to attend the funeral ancaster; Frank Shope Ames | re home vy ywers and | Rev. 1 5 Kil w public 18 were both on the sick Hast last week. | qren of Yarnell spent last week —0€ 18 & student in the High Behool Ing at 6:15 p. m. all this month
Perry Mann and N. J. Weikert Stark. George Bland and Bul Gap mily at Spring Mil Ws welcome jut are both beter oh th re with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
spent several days in Philadelphia | inger, State Cx e. an NY LUGS. 1 hE rp rR a ‘ pvangelical Su V i A Mis Relda Greek spent New (1a Richner, Hazel
last week. Steven's Trace Schceol, Lancaster sv Seino Di ’ : " aed -ahothal COPAY] Year's at the home of Mrs, Harvey | sok
D. L. Welsh is resting comfort- adies’ Ald of the BIO | OE A on th. Tr turer. | 713 were tweniy-one who a | Eminhizer,
ably at his home afler the amputa weld their monthly n Ling or Jed- | IN rg hy at onal B ik, 33 TL ae . ot n tor the DRY Clair Richner and bovs of Summit
4 of } lee In K Wven « ‘needav eveni A 1.8 m the ol V i Noa thc noua moe a. ’ . AEs wmat gs a Hill. visite is parents on Sunday
tion of his leg in Leck Hi He isda Jad : 11 ra: Jeni irray, Mae Mur H ted his parer
pital. Mrs. Welsh Is confined 10 ficers | the NE Fely Were AI FOO A a 4 tn 78 Jas Mi Eugene David. | #fLernoon
her heme suffffering from fin ] dd, T meeting was held at 0 + ! fa with A rs a : a ell Ivan Fisher Mr: and Mrs. Orvis Lucas of Yar-
Little ‘Daniel Boone, son ‘rank Mm lam Dixon's eve Curing ios and ‘a ICOTEALL® | g her Iva Summe wae | NEN were Sunday evening i
Boone died of pneumonia Monday Mrs, David Heshley is still visiting zation will fodow al a mee 4 : s ers 1 ; Miriam Mur, | #t the home rill
He was aged about thr vears and he n Lisher Heshley and famil fool SR Deb pin a ; Fiatas) Ww. Dorothy Rest R \ Su wy M: Hazel Griffith
s survived by his parents » sister | Mr. Heshley has had an attack of 1 NONOCAY, MIS. DB. AM. WE fas ear § : pau) dren returned home v
and two broth N Burial on Wed- blood pe ning Wio Das been v uss BE aa Das n Mrs Glenn Mitchell Ma irs, Rose Lucas al
kK. M May Woomer. Philipsburg, or some time in ReDersburg, ieat 4 wba bes AA nl 1 SP Milesburg. were Sunday evening
is suffering from and 1 y Re Pittsburgh; vis- her home in Washingion, D : ST eat, Tal lg : visitors at the home of her daugh-
I'he Howard Parent-Teachers Hs Roeser, over the holiday i I er, Mi MEyels 4M. A Ah daa x Mr. and Mrs. Cail Wel Mr
Id its Jar meet- I M i Frank  famil) t /illia We pa i Ret DUT ! V \ Vel
Harold Mulhollan of Altoona
spent a few days this week at Vieh-
being «
list while at home
A & P Slashes
8 O’CLOCK 31% 41°
S Single pound
Red C ircle. 2 1b 39c¢ Boker 2 1b 43¢
The First National Bark | Se somone | MOLINE
Marriage Licenses
I ———————— te
doa p g 2 3 we ne.
3 1 > eache 2 big cans 35¢
Powder 2 12-0z. ens 29¢ . a 2
Pure Apricots 2 big cans 3%¢
Extracts 2-0z. bil. 1
: . on By
Pears 2 big cans 39¢
CAPITAL $200,000.00 | | 55 vom | 0 022
10,000 Shares Par Value $20.00 SPRY Ca M1 of 3 a  49¢
SURPLUS 6477.230.00 | || BUEeR suns vin 2 1s 75¢
DEPOSITS $2.081,781.00 Tu ‘ancy Week-End Produce!
’ A Ffi()’s 2 heads lle
BOOK VALUE OF SHARES $47.72 || | | Ciittornia pascal Celerygontts 2 sath 126
. a Turnips, fancy hs 15¢ Tangerines 2 doz. 25¢
. ’ | PINK SALMON 2 Ib cans 25¢
of is § ‘ LES. L4oC
DIVIDENDS PAID SINCE 1863 | | cor orice
No Suspension During Depression
i Wa tidont I.1 X
Present Rate 6 | Toilet Tissue rolls 2 Toilet Soap
i <r { , Rinso
We passed through the severe tests |! Scotl Tissue roil Small Size
> :
of the depression without restrictions
and with no sacrifice from our
High Quality Meats at Low Prices !
Tender Tasty Chuck Roast Ib 14¢
Fresh Pork Shoulder - = «3 1
Meaty Pork Butts Ib 1Re
We have quick assets of U. S. | | ALL STEAKS - - - . . . . base
Bonds and other marketable | | SMOKED HAMS, Medi bh 19¢
SMOKED HAMS—Small Ib. 21e¢
securities, cash and reserve of | TANS
91,322,000. A & P Food Stores
Appliance Co. Announces
Housewives Say:
(Names on Request)
CHEAP !—“Operating cost of my elec-
tric range averages even less than the
2.20 a month I had been told it
would be."—MRS. O.S.L.
FAST!—"1 never knew any range
could reach a 400-degree oven heat in
11 minutes, but my electric range does.
Surface cooking, too, is as fast as any
I have ever experienced.”
CLEAN |—"How nice and clean—such
a wonderful cooking service!”
COOL "My kitchen never becomes
overheated now that I have an electric
EVENINGS ---7 and SP. MW
Low Electric Rates Here Prompt
Action by Forward-Looking Store
THURSDAY jack Purher of Nortl Wd. is range. If the temperature goes up at
all, the cook certainly doesn’t feel it.”
EASY "It is wonderful to be able
to place the foods in the oven and
come back hours later to serve a per-
fectly cooked meal.” MRS. J.CB.
BETTER RESULTS!—"I am getting
much tastier cooked foods—both in the
oven and on the surface units.”
“Trouble In T: Always on the alert for new or time-
xin Chas : tient in the tested merchandise that offers best
Se = py Friday morn Lv a ai value and service to customers — this electric cooking is CHEAP. Present
AN. T & wih "Mi and Mis. Tavior Gcofer and | store now enters the Electric Range models give you ANY SPEED YOU
mot. | od end a ck" 44 business, | WANT:
“JUDGE PRIEST” | mis vistea win Mr. and Mm, We recognize that the Electric Range We are pleased to present a line of
Truly a picture you should see. | 7m ~- ot Bosth Creek of today offers an all efficient type of quality built Electric Ranges—each
ar | service. It is clean. It is cool It is safe,
difficult to attain. Further, OPERATING
COST is DOWN to the point where
If you have seen it-—see it again
Latest News “Broken Toys”
“Single Reels”
JAN. 10 & 11th.
‘Love Takes Flight’
Bruce Cabot and Beairice
A comedy that will please the
entire family,
“GIFT NITE" Every TUES, Nite
$20.00 in CASH FREE.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunter and
Mrs. Andrew Hunter of Beliwood.
pent Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mr. Charles A. Myers.
Miss Bertha ©. Myers is now em-
ployed in Altoona.
Mr. and Mrs. Delos Weaver of
DuBois, and James Mock of Pbllips-
burg, spent Sunday afternoon at the
home of Charles A. Myers.
There are selfish poopie in avery |
jcommunity who seem to get along,
PTE SRR tir se
a ta lh wow A
i WY a ;
a bY Bod wad Hoa ad fo aol i
attention-free. utterly dependable.
And the 1938 models are easier to
operate and more beautiful than ever.
An Electric Range consistently cooks
foods to a tastiness that is
representing the big value that 1s
always expected here.
Inspect Our New Line of 1938 Electric Ranges -
Have Your Questions About Electric Cookery Answered