THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. —— Page Three, pimp June 3rd, 1937. S—— tm — “ Milesburg a —— the home of Mrs, Mary Andrews day of last week. After the Mr. and MrS. Blair Sliker and two [pusiness of the evening was transacted sons of Niagara Falls were weekend | refreshments were served by the hostess guests of Mr. and Mrs, George Newman. {and a social hous Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wallace and | present. Those attending family of Boston, are visiting Mr. Wal- | were Mrs. Harriet Woomer, lace’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs, James |rice Sampsell, Mr Minerva Wallace. Mrs. Maude Grove Mrs. Anna Shuey, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Bullock and son | Mrs, Hattie White. Mrs. Grice Shuey Bobby ‘of Philadelphia, are guests of | Mrs. Esther Ralston, Mrs. Grace Corl, FL. Wetzler and family | Miss Hilda Grove, Mr Blla Gfirerer, Mr. and Mrs. Bar] Leathers and two Mrs. Lena Rote, Mi Margaret Ray, daughters and Mr, William Fulton, of | Miss Blanche Walters, Mrs. Blanche Stubenville. Ohio, and Mrs, Edward | Rice, Mrs. Mary le, Mrs. Madge Cullen of Wilkinsburg, were Justice and Mrs. Mary Andrews guesis of Miss Albina Fulton The Ladies’ Ald will hold a bake sale Mr.’ Irvin Noll Lansdown, at the Bellefonle Hardware June on some of his friends last week 13th, Y« help is solicited will Mr. Merritt Adams and Mr. and Mrs. | be gppreciated. Don't forget time William Adams of Watsontown, Mr. | and place. and Mrs. Richard Vanaman and little | p————— daughter of Harrisburg and Mr. and vy - Ms G. N. Haupt and Betty Jane oi Fairview State: College were guests of Misse llers Tuesday Jennfe and Anna Adams and attended the Memorial services in Milesburg an ! Etter Dick Sunday Watkins and J. B. Lucas of this place t Valley, Mi id two sons evening ] | | | the Mrs meeting Beat - Stee weekena Of called on and the uy he Charles Chap- Malvin Lucas on - Axe Mann Mrs. Gust Armor of Bellefo Thursday with Mrs. Rac! baugh. Mrs. Blanche Rice alter and Daughter banquet evening of week at Brethren church of Bellefonte Kenneth A brigl Greanst visited over the Rote visited on Lucas acl Friday nd Mr: a daugh- : ¢ alte a V4 . Pleas- wOoEACILIAQ home Mr. and Mrs. Harn day evening calle: Heverly home Mr. and Mrs. Frank olf of Mansfield, sp » weekend at L.A. Woomer Mr. and Mis day evening home Mr. and were gue iS at Loe Mr. and Mrs. Elme on Sunday eve Mr... Harold O'Bryar ind Monday in Greensburg Mr Mi P.B ind Mars e and family ne | Ra Just) ning and #téended th M " Bellefonte on nda Mrs. Ted Hartn College Si n Mr. and Mr Margaret of Milesburg, child Allen Weave; week al the Mrs. J. C Tuesday of the sudden death of brother-in-law, l'om Love of Al- Richard Charles Wilhelm Phi ipsbury tooma Mal Elizabet Wood Phili The Ladies Aid of Axe ann n tJ h ne Ti ! Moshannoy nnon Ani ———————— he Licenses to Wed ou n iman College leaders— Mary Stuart Clement State ( M youn the are Dress Materials, Don't deny it i ean sew with the modern patterns you are a money saver. Save about two thirds GARMANS Megs one that tilda 2 GENUINE sino AND KEENER 24 BRAKE LINING Rt. ed 7 12 ¢ Batteries Recharged For safety’s sake replace worn |X ake hining at Special Low Prices ——— Chemically Treat POUSHING clomm Fine for shin 9 yp » dusty car. st BATTERIES 4 Volt 39 PLATE ; $3.39 i — Lion Auto Stores . Pens Belle Hoth Bldg..». Bellefonte, Pa. Thurs- § was enjoyed by all | Gehret, | TE ——————————— Martha Furnace. | M Quay Williams and his sister, Miss | Bleanor Williams of Akron, Qhlo, vis- ited theiy ‘parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. C Willlams over the weekend, also Miss Betty Rover of Centre Hall Mr, and Mrs. Ardell of Tyrone tended the Memorial service at Brown cemetery Sunday afternoon, Quiie a nice crowd were gathered in Lhe Brown cemetery Sunday afternoon Rev. D. A. Sower made a very excellent address. Mrs. Margaret Calhoun gave a reading. Much credit is due those {who so generously gave of their time land strength in cleaning the brush, ele fropr Mme cemelery, It was in good condition We regret to learn that Mrs. T. B | Apple of Altoona, is in the Merey Hos- pital in Altoona. While this in only for observation, we hope no serious condition may be discovered Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Melcher and son at- the Webster of Swissvale and Miss Lenora | Melcher of Wilkinsburg, paid a short visit to their aunt Miss Ida R. William: Monday night on their return Northamnton, Pa, Other visitors to Sylvan Crest this last week were Mrs. Erma Hollen ana son Alvin of Altoona. Mrs. Joseph Wil liams, Mrs. Jean Gensemer, Miss Flor- ence Steel, Mrs. D. R. Richards, Mr and Mrs, Lundy Steele and Morris, Mrs A. C, Williams, Miss Eleanor William Miss Betty Royer, Mrs. Mary Pringle Mrs. Ada Malishal, Miss Gummo, Mr and Mrs. Welch of Tyrone, ele LeRoy Snyder spent the weekend with his grandparents in Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Knarr weve to Rochester, N. Y., Friday on of the serious lliness Of Kparr's mother Quite a few of our attended the Quarterly conference in the Han- Thursday p. m Children ervice in Met hureh Sunday evening, June 20 at 8 Ch i. ac Mr ed count peopie nah church the hodist o'clock Mr. and Mrs. William Hassinger and { Nori ! family JAITIY Ol Pitts Robison of Chaney of Mamorial Day at Latrobe Frank Miller underwent an ; in the State Hospital at Philips- burg last week for appendicitis. She getting along well as can be expected Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman’s new home is being built quite rapidly Mr. and Mrs Jasper MoeDonald faugh Jean, and son ted among Memo 1 ¥.] Mr M1 “ra on eT fe "ry ia th N ier Dé M1 d Mrs. John MeDonald Mrs. Reeder Patton and y of Lancaster the weekend he William Richirds Among others who y Aller st spent nome Men MET Was nin our miki and alien Willams Clark Steele Altoona, Mrs. Care: M Stanford Artz, and ¥ Matild 1 ene 4 were n Don and Imager, wrvices at Mr. and Mrs M | of Cit I's and M M Mr. and adelphia and Mr Glogh! na n : Mrs. Cle: William Mr. and Mrs. LL. C. Sprankle and thei five dau of Warriors Mark, State C Mr. and Mis. Rober! ver and ffarvey, Bellwood: Mr and Mrs, George OO. Fink of bu Mr. and Mrs. Th Fillmore. Rev. and M em ghter Ana lege: Sti MON Huey ol G. Herr mas A ure. Bellefonte Morgan visited his Richard of Jers old Iriends Steele Saturday afternoon Miss Amanda Myers, wl employed al Slate College to help her summer, ——————————_ Yarnell visitors at the Elmer Pow. were: FoF. Lose and family; Mrs. Ella Clements, George R. Purnell, Sr.. Reeder Jodon, Gliberi Cox, all Bellefonte; Clair Shawley, of Yarnell, and Owen Coakley, of Axe Mann. Orris McCloskey, Jr., of Willlamspors called at the Pownell home one day last week Mr. and Mrs Harry Walker and daughters Relda and John Davis of Barree, Mary Miller, James Wagner, Stanley isalerman from Bigler, Pear) Miller of Bellefonte; Ray Walker, Maude Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Walker ol | Bigler, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Walker {of Barree, were weekend visitors at (the H. O, Miller home Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young and family, Mr. Harry Kessiing and daugh- ter, Viola and son Arthur from Marsh {Creek, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Emel ol | Mill Hall, and Henry Kev'ing who is employed at Mill Hall, Mr. and Mrs Emel, Ambrose Wagner of Lewistown, (Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kessling of Moose | Run, were weekend visitors at the Fred | Kessling home. Mr, and Mra, Clay Shope and family {of Avia, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Brown of [{MUesburg: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth | Brown and daughter of Bellefonte; and IMF. and Mrs. Wilson Walker and family {from here were Monday callers at the | Charles Brown home. | Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Walker and son (spent Sunday at the home of their son | Merrill Walker and family at Parmers | Mills, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Yorks of Belle- foie, Mr, and Mrs. Yorks and two sons of Milesburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wil. lam MoClellan, and family of Clears | fleld were Monday visitors at the Law- rence Bhawley home. ontey School next Sunday morning. (yo Orye had ime home ast week ler with the work (his Weekend nell home - _— TT " Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray of Beech Creek were guests of Rev. and Mrs. R L. Morris Tuesday evening. L. Morris drove to Huntingson Satur- day afternoon to see Harris “Slugger” Heverly perform in the Juniata-Leb- anon Valley baseball game Willard Pletcher and Donaid Gard- ner will represent the Howard Metho- dist Episcopal Church at the coming convention of the Centre County Coun- cil of Christian Bducation in Philips burg next week. Mrs. R. 1. Morris and Morris drove to Coalport ternoon Mary Louise Sunday af- RL day James Morris has returned again after gn extended v Morris and family at dinner S8un- home Sit with his rip to} | Mrs ot on- | of State! ™' 2 | "Dilipa~ Shore been | of | grandparents in Smoke Run. Betty Jane Twigg of Smoke Run is | visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. L. Mor-« {ris, lor a few days, Rev. and Mrs. Jame: | Hublersburg called at | parsonage Monday aflernoon { Holy Communion will be celebrated lin the Beech Creek Methodist Episco- pal Church Sunday at 10:46 a. m. and |in the Howard Methodist Episcopa church at 7:30 p. m Howard Methodist Episcopal Rev, R. L. Morris, Minister | Run—Morning Worship 9:30 Preachingy’ Chugh School 10:39, Edga: superintendent. Sen- lor Epworth League 7:30; Beech Creek Church School 9:30, Perry Mann, su perintendent. Holy Communion 10:45 Our Rendezvous with Destiny.” Of- ficial Board meeting Tuesday evening 7:30. Howard-—-Church School 9:30 Wilbur Hall up Senior Epworth | League 6:45 Holy Communic Qur Rendezvous with Destiny Epworth Leag Tuesday 6:45 p m Church School 9:30 Jack Curtin-—-Church School 19:30, Irvin van, Superintendent Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Dreese. Mi: Malcolm Nagner daughter and Mon B. Musser of the Methodist y ’™ Parish Hunter “Our Job Bechdel, m 7:30 Junio: ie | Kennedy | Leathe: upt Bi and JO hy wi : Over Memorial 24 friend Mi: rant kend In Howard 1 Mrs. Russell Haye York City Mrs i Mrs Wn, Virginia, and son spent Sunday at the Bessie Daughenbaugh Tom Robb and swstown, Ill, Mr and Rey f Toms in daugh- Alber Br ! M unong Howard re Lioyd B« home of the ¥ nent th 4 " nia pen i AJAY hdel ha late Jacob Robb Dong ad by Postmaster ad Dr amy Mrs. W., C. Hensyl and Carolyn and Serah of Ber- | and ! | wick spent Saturday and Sunday at the i | daughters me of Dr. and Mrs. Kurs | Alva Weirick and wile of Altoona spent Bunday with Mr. WSsrick's moth Mrs. Jennie Weirick Mrs. Harold M { Mave i pent Sunday a Pi at oe Nome Mle of Mi Rocks will Russell Pletcher the weekend with via Pletcher cher R N. of ner Dome on vacation Robert Wallace Sinhday at New 5 4 ol ¥ Friday to i Maris Bolis J Vogue Beauly Schoo! fron Confer and many graduates \ 3.9010 which Miss count} | CUKkure | Mr. and of Cent: BiTiS are in beauty ! Mrs Robert Holter and son Robert Jr, of Rochester, N. Y.. spent Saturday and Sunday in Howard friends and relatives Mrs. Charles DeHaas and Mrs. leslie Stover Saturday evening home and Buddy Hall spent he Willard Nef! Mr. and Mrs. ©. C { thelr 56th wedding | Tuesday June 1 ittie on Mill ol at Breth observed AMiversary on Their daughter and son«in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Middaugh of (Fredonia, N. Y., spent Saturday and Sunday wilh them : Gee Lucas returned home Satur day from the South where he had been employed and hag secured a position in State College HOWARD BORO SBCHOOL NEWS The thirty-first annual Commence- ment exercises of Howard High School will be held on Friday evening, June 14, at 8 o'clock in the high school audi toriim. The theme selected for this year's coimmencement Is “Youth Facing the Future.” The program will include an address by the guest speaker. Dr North, Head of the English Department of the Lock Haven State Teachers’ Ool- lege, a commencement speech entitled “Idieness or What?” by Harry Haines. a member of the graduating class. and | “Our Problems” (0 be given by Donald Tie an orchestra. The Junior-8enior Prom held in the ing, May 28, was a successful affair. A program was presented from 8:00 to by Mr. James Hughes, of Bellefonte, and a playlet entitled “The Strike of the Flowers” given by grade of the Bellefonte schools, Musi- cal numbers were presented by the Junior orehestra of the Bellefonte schools and by private individuals. Re- freshments were then served and the remaining hours from 9 until 12 were Wied for dancing. The gymnasium was attractively decorated in the colors of both classes; blue and gold and pink and white, Howard and Snow Shoe High Schools will play the final champlonship game this Priday, June 4 at 2:30 to deter- ine the wim hp BeAr, to the re County Champlong donated Heverly's Sporting Goods Co., of Bellefonte. Bach team has won this far, «The Jarior class Js holding a festival Alma Pletcher, and Rev. and Mrs. R Mrs. Stella Williams enterlained Rev. | Gardner, also of tMe graduating class. | Music for the opcasion will be furnished | ed by the Lock Haven male quartet and high school gymnasium Priday even- | 0:00 which included an address given | the second | Tr — ' | fon the school grounds on Saturday | (night, June 5. The music will be fur- inished by the Howard Band, There (will be bingo and all sorts of refresh- | ments, Pleasant Gap Mrs. Nelle Gheen, sons Charles and George spent from Saturday afternoon funtil Sunday evening Rauchtown | with Grandma Gheen, Chris Keene, wile and three daugh- ters, of Akron, Ohjo spent the weekend with the Edward Mulfingers, Mrs. Charles Schreier entertained | her sister and husband of Akron, Ohio, | Saturday and Sunday Mrs. Paul Kelier and daughter Betty Philadelphia, were weekend visitors the W. H. Noll home John Herman and son Jack the weekend with relatives here Mrs. Merton Tate who was quite ill for a few days is able to be about again, ‘Stork Smith who opened a garage at Axe Mann about g¢ month ago moved his household goods here from: State College last week and will store same while he and his wife will] make their home with the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Noll they are able obtain a house Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kaiser of New Bloomfield spent the weekend with the ‘alter’'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charle Stiizer Kenneth Zerby was home from Har- riburg to spend the weekend nas wife Mise panion spent a with 1} George Showers Abner Mus from the Frank Irvins hg this time to atte al ol al spent until LO with Kauffman Mis gavs who is Emma Noll at Memorial the Ida Lo few er a com~ Zon Day and over nephew! spent wilh come a of Mrs iS Wo the funeral ries Richa afer: Mi daught« 1o0n and 1 | Mi and RP Evelyn Knoffsinger Josephine Holube Brooks M:s Hoover Noll, Blaine Brooks, Miss Mary Stoner, Prof. For- ! a nd Elwood Budd and y 3 ¢ i ETL OY alu UE Was 8p Misses Rost Mr. and Mr mal mor s Charjotte Heim W. Ken Md. Sunda NO 8 =a tuden Miss He ims Friday when : month's Noll and today for flier re i Wii ave ) a Lee rruise to foreign lands Mr sister, Mrs. Ray Melroy lef Annapo is where they will remain un- til Samuel and will bring Me Noll Migs Heims home with them The State Highway between here and Rockview opened for traffic on June Ist Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Millward and Mr and Mrs. Gerald Millward spent a S8un- day recently in Gettysburg Mr. and Mrs Harry Twitmyer WilmerdMng spent Sunday and Monday with relatives here making their head quarters at the home of the former's ister, Mrs. Wade BEvey Beach Schreffler of East McKeespor! and Miss Joanna Decker of Bellelonts spent Sunday afternoon with relatives and friends here H. OG. Gettig who closed his meat market and retired from business re- cently due 10 poor health rented his shop to Russell Brooks well known plumber, who i now established there and conducting busness from that place L. 8. O'Donnell, local insurance agent was promoted recently to the position of inspector. We wish to congratulate him upon his advancement and are glad he will remain a resident of our town. | George Smith who recently purchas- ed a Jot from Bd. Nol has staried to excavate a cellar for the house which | {he hopes to erect soon Potters Mills Mr. McIntyre and family from Alex | andria visited on Saturday at the FP. F {| Palmer home Thomas Haney, daugh®r and grand- daughter, from Latrobe were callers on (relatives and friends on Saturday, Joseph Bresnowilz of Garfield. N. Y [13 visiting at the home of his friend Mr IR H. MtCormick. Rufus Ray and wife, Russell Copen- haver, wife and daughter, and Mrs Gillen all of Bellefonte, took supper | Monday evening at the H. E Foust! home. Lee Welland snd family picnicked with friends in Mifflin County on Mon - day. i Mr, and Mrs. George Waite and Mrs. | Harvey Musser of Rebersburg attended | Decoration at Sprucetown on Saturday. | Miss Betty Lou Sweeney from Centre | Hall iy visiting with her grandmother, | Mrs. W. M. Sweeney. i The body of Howard Bingham, Jr. 18, of Shamokin, was recovered from | the Busquehanna River near Sunbury, after an all-night search. Companions aves ana was of ' i one game in the three-game vaya UL | Mr. and Mrs. Ear] 8ims ahd son Jr. and and Mrs. Myers of PiUlsburg spent the weekend with the former's a ibid mother, Mrs. Jennie Sims, cited {f Niagara Falls friends over Decora on and made his epecial calling point our burg at Mrs. Candis Alken’ Mr. and Mrs. William Carson family spent the weekend at Mill Creek Pleasant Valley ; Bages Township) Gilbert spe i week Mrs, Paul Crissman al Mr Betty la her aunt fonte Mr. and Mrs Valley, are the girl, porn at we wi Sunday visitors a lam Richner were Dunlap grandson and two chi and Mrs. Frank dren of Bellefonte ner children nm Sliker 0 circu- iat among oid ' 3.4in . od Frank Emel of Pleagant ; proud parents, of a bay Bellelonte peedy in Lhe y nem a na $n a at the Nancy Alkens noms Mrs, Hattie Alk of Harrighur hom Poor - M: Mi li of Clearfield iren, al Ccoration were Meredilh ftore at the Clyde Viondas re Mr d Mrs MM lair Ri man and Blanchard Poorman of John and children of Summit Hill own. Ethel Poorman and Mary Clem Sunday visitors at the Har { Bellefonte, hizer's were William Haffley ville and Linnie Richne: children, Lin Billy Pleasant Theodore Emenhizer lagt week with hi Mrs. Howard Miller he weekend with } Mee y of Be Lee Richne Nesday evening days at Port D nney Mir —-— ast and Mrs 2 Seprich an two cn Vi Poorman and Mrs and ( ar and Emen- of Mackey two gral Ven 0 Merryman her Mr rankie goa (alin Of Joe we College WA vs Wd ‘ g 4 { ained paren and Mrs a and { Valle Yd pr VaucTy . ! 4 Green ang gaughnier Est Dec right Mileehy be le er Bitner retun 1 hom §} g are inie] Ri Mi grand da Harve Jane ana nviiie Al Dry Top (Boggs Township) Mrs. Harry Alken Gramiey Al {ormer thin Mur: Joh from & I FIS PURE FOOD STORES FANCY ROLL OR TUB BUTTER Watch Store Cards and Windows | for Special Prices! int eis Leader Coffee 2» 39 Weis Quality Coffee »>=25; Family Flour 93: 25¢ = — - 7b 24-Ib bag 45e bag HEINZ Baked Beans SHEFFORD’'S W. American - Pimente Chevelle CHEESE or Borden's Chateau 29: AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour WEIS QUALITY Peas or Corn LOTUS BRAND Cut Beets Fancy Ketchup Ice Cream Salt 2 wig 25¢ Super Suds 2 sin pkg 9%¢ 18-02 Cans Y%-Ib pugs 35c¢ rkg 20¢ 3=ulTc large pkgs CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS Palmolive Soap OCTAGON ; ‘POWDER or TOILET SOAP {OCTAGON GIANT SOAP MEAT SPECIALS HAMBURG - wie VEAL CHOPS sowie VEAL ROAST re BAKED LOAVES 2%» BOILED HAM } Sliced 1b