N————— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. June 3rd, 1937, ——— — a a THE NEWS OF CENTRE COUNTY Little Sunday evening Runville Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witherite visited with John Walker last Tuesday David Willams a G. A. R. soldier In an auto with other folks stopped at John Furl's home last Thursday. He stated he spent last winter in Califor- nia, at (pects to return there. Herman Fye Lemont, ome folks over the weekend. Earl Milton who is employed at Lew- Pa. visited with home folks over called on th We ekend patient at William Howel Saturday holds an electri Nittany visi at the Earl! Harter home were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Geiser, Mrs. Roy Hoy and daughter, | Betty, son Meivin, all of Hecla, Mr. and Ira Haagen and daughter Pauline, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vonada and son Paul. Visitors at the C. A day were: D. A. McoDowell on wWil- | h liam of Axe Mann, Elliott Wasson and Dollie Thomas of 1« Haven Mr, and Mrs. Orvis Clark Mrs. Earl Strouse who is a the Lock Haven Hospital evening. Mrs. Richard McCaleb daughters and Dan Boone ven, and Mrs. Nevin Dolan and daugh ter of Mill Hall, R. D., assisted Mrs William Boone clean house one day las week Visitors al the Dullen Sunday were: Mi Mrs Spangler and baby of Mill Hall, Wasson and Dollie Thomas Haven. Mrs. Hannah McCommi How - ard spent a week with relatives here Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Orvis Clark were Norman Clark of Marianna, Elizabeth Askey Karth- aus, Mrs. Robert Carr of Youngsville Mrs. Carl McKinley and Howard. and Edward Hal. Kills Pain Anywhere mat pain LUE- SERS KA- NO- MOR CAPSULES (also known as Ak-n will find it and stop pain The most neuraigia in hea d % y 1 ( are qui LUEBERT'S KA I TRE NO. C APSU LES. They work : magic y na it MAKE THIS QUICK TEST ed t or decay Ti A t mall ttl Sorbo -Quadruple oll may be taken iI _ ore liniment. PF zoitre they contair Ppiy Lwice y. TI have gerous abit for nz dr I'he | Leveq i 1 y 5 sub- quick’y relieve menstr pail 1 star needed by » thyroid gland. package viled 1 t Y [ not in work or pleas- get LU EBERT S KA NO- MOR SULES at any druggist, « price 30c, 60c and $1:20 per A. G. LU EBERT, P. D.. tors 0 1d ex Dolan home Sun- of and istown N. Ya John Auburn, ian job for here, of who Bott motored wit} » folks over the weekend M1 WwW. A Walker Goldy Williamsport, ited here attended Memorial services i he Advent cemetery Mr. and E. R. Kontz, ter, Pa with relatd Memorial Day vacation Bottorf., of Ak over the weekend Mrs. Maggie Bottor! and Mr snd Mrs, John wi lkesBar Pa., visited Clara Bottorf last Sunday d on il eriou AS Frank She orf there and two of Lock Ha- and vis- Day daughte of and Yes over John and home John Elliott JOCK John ona was home of lefonte, of of Bel Brochart, with whose con- ngs of A Mrs SOT Snow Clara Bott Mr to Mt Mr . pe and three of 3 Mrs motored ited with » of Con- time lice Rodger: nd Daughters Sun- friend he Ace ly rel lieved by simp.e usands { at Par- wed by a reg- Mrs. A A Philadelphia Iadly about her success yol-Quadruple x24 TU } CAP Vv mail 2 box ician . Coatesville, F ; Ri Parris 41) ige Ave 375 HEAD OF CANADIAN HOLSTEINS AT AN ALL DAY PUBLIC SALE On Tuesday, June 8 At Middletown, Pa. 10 time and clack Starting promntly at a. m. Standard running on until 10 ¢ . at nicht. POSITIVELY YOUR the new reo and other Dalry ( from Bang's 4! that no cows Stats wherein months apart coeded In lar went ints eMort Blood Tented Cana one male In the II 80 HEAD OF FRESH cows ™ afl freshening from A 3+ ev fF 15 re TO 20 CALF MEIFERS fresh nd 15th to Oectnber 151% 100 HEAD OF 1ST CALF HEIFERS fresher Movember 1 A fow fresh now 18 HEAD OF MIM BULLS from fifteen A) 100 HEAD OF CANADIAN WEANED CALVES weeks old. heifers and hulls fram the ’ Pp AAR NOW'S YOUR CHANCE THE TIME Prices are bound advance ’ lane premium his Fall and at ot —_— hia + TERMS ARE 4 CASH RALANCE 3 FOAL PAYMENTS, 2.4 AND 8 MONTHS CATALOG ON SALE DAY, FREE DELIVERY Remember the date. Av ERANR VIEW FARMS Tuesaday, June Sth ft 10 P. M,, Standard time S ERR & CO. Owners Harrishurg and 20 Miles Middletown Ia Located 8 Miles © West of Lancaster 210 NO FALL SALES AS of ™ Fired State Mu whirh or any rtwn tents 1st and we sur the Hema Accraditan probably LAST CHANCE ations erning tt} admission re Unattle ttle fr or any other all dllutic Can for ne st come cortifiad hor In ne means shinned fr be 1 ron ne be herd on ean or the T™ le elther ada ott ot AO, clean iy roginintian a ortive In MFEFAD 1] ean) have mor rn than was Ainge 278 ade prior to this We = Hol spintoreA ana old on teins wan ever we mnringers half of which are 15h fresher Oetnher fall Ing from August ing from August to CLA®S PILUE BLOODED CANADIAN " 1 from 4 in 10 tn mtart Kresdis 4 he at » to tested rows will eet or ih ’ on Route [aus LIKE ATLANT THERE'S "MORE MILES FOR YOUR RINTAR Ca YOU GET “LONGER DRIVES’ WITH ATLANTIC PRODUCTS because they keep down carbon, reduce normal engine wear, guard against big repair bills. Remember, they kept six stock cars in new-car condition for 100,000 miles apiece, without carbon removal or repairs to any lubri- cated engine parts! Change to Atlantic — today! Mone Wiss 0 Jon Wome ATLANTIC Ex: MOTOR 0) in) CLUB RICATIC LK visited with i | and | Mills visiting | Blerly [ of Lancas- | Mrs. | Rebersburo Mr. and Mrs. James Corman are the proud parents of a daughter, born al the Centre County Hospital on Satur- day, May 29 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fromm of Salina, ! spent Memorial Day al the H. H. Royer home Mr, and Mrs, Boyd Haze! ter Margaret, Mr. William Madisonburg, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Mark Mrs. Emanuel] Eungard, of Spring were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. E Limbert on Sunday Guests entertained at the C. M. Bierly | home over the weekend were: Mrs Martha Doerr Erie, Mies Bernice Crouse, of N. Y.; Mr. Winan of Noiris- town; Joe Gilroy and their son Eugene of Pittston. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wolfe daughters of Jersey Shore wxere rial Day guests of Mr. Wolfe's mother, Mrs. C. M. Gramley. Mrs. John Ocker and daug of Bellefonte, spent the her , Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heller latter's sister of Canton, Ohio, Mr. Heller's mother, Mrs. Mary over ' Memorial Day Mahlon Cummiz Pittsburgh, sj M1: and daugh- Limbert, of Of and two ghier Julia weekend with parents Ww. Pr and the visited Heller gs, who Is employed xnt the weekend with and Mrs. A. G. Cum- at Mi naren’ fils parents. mings. Mr sons and Mrs. My of Mifflinburg with Mr. Mill les Miller were 8 parents, and two Sunday vis}- tors Mr. and Fred Wolfe, son Akron, Ohio, spent Memorial Day with t Mr. and Mrs the Mrs A. B. Weaver and Weav- Weay Mf Reading nts, Mr. and Orang e N J McEachron weton, N. J. spent MIs. Frank Mrs. Gingerich Minnie Rora- Raudabaugh of ner of East Mrs Prir last week with a Bilerl; and n Peter of and AE. M1 FUESts al FrGay or caler He en Shultz Philadelphia and Burns Media, were weekend guests of the former's aunt | Mrs, Maude Winters at Smullto On Saturday He nn Satu ! me of Mrs John Cooner of friend, Miss Mary of " WW A. E Arer nd Mrs Mr Cl Limbert Dieh! and Stanton were weekend { his moth Mrs. RO. Diehl ia Hubler spent last Harry and fami oe Hor weexena Ne week an { Mr aere Mrs Mr. and Mrs ws mot ers mo i over and Mr: (yor "we Clark } ’ her of ne « Rachau and were Sunday Mrs mother Mrs Mr Charles Walle f Wilkinsburg spent last week with his Clara Waite Mi Mildred Wolfe Lewistown visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R Ww the weekend Mrs. Walter Weaver of Le mt Sunday with Mr. Weaver's arents. Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Weaver, Jr and Mrs. J. R. Brown, their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Cornie and granddaughter Fern Orabert, Mr. Frank Eschelman and sister, Mrs | Rev. Meckstroth, all of Esterly were gussts of Mrs. Emma Corman on Sun- (day and Monday Mr. and Mrs. Rusee’]l Zacharias of Al- [lentown, Mrs. Ezra Breon and daugh ter af Columbus, Ohio, were guests over the weekend at the W, J Fackmberg home Mr. and Mr John Metzgar and son | and daughter of Pennbrook spent the | weekend with Mrs. Metzgar's mother | Mrs, Ida Weaver. Mrs. Weaver accom- | panied the Metzgar's to Pennbrook on | | Monday to attend commencement at | Harrieburg H. 8. where her grandson {John Metzgar 1s a member of the grad- | uating class | Mr. and Mme, Lee Bholl and three daughters, of Turtle Creek visited re- latives In town over Memorial Day. Mra. William Tarbet of Manor and (™ ter Mrs, IIrial IHIarlellrT lalndl {sister Mrs. Ira Harer and thelr parents, | Mr, and Mrs. C. O. Mallory of Willlams- | port, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 8. O. Mallory on Memorial Day. Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Babcock visited relatives and friends al Belmont, N Y. Ad Erle Co, the past week, Mrs. Baboock's brother-in-law and sister, Rev. and Mrs. O, K. Wheelock live at Rachau's and several day mother, Mrs of Je Mr over And ait pen Henry Kline as pastor. Rev, Baboock's mother and other relatives reside at Union City in Erie County. Commencement exercises will be held in the Friday a Doglicnl Shel LA cordially Invited. | bc | ——_ | Monday at | Memo- | | Johnsonburg ison S Bierly. | loons, and | | day | Babcock was Belmont, where the former Is serving | Pine Glen Some of our people were Memorial Day services at cemetery oh Sunday, while different places Lee Wilson and Mise Anne Wilson, of Washington, Pa., spent the week atl Camp Bob and enjoyed a real annual vacation. While here they have been trying our trout streams but their best catches have been at Spring Creek near Bellefonte, Miss Wilson out-doing her father, both in size and number. They left for Washingt Tuesday where Miss Wilson nurse in training Miss Dorothy McCuliough, student nurse at Philipsburg, spent a few hour: here and attended commencement, Charles Newlan Heny Ray Snyder, Renovo, at Benton for he weekend Mr the Shoe spent al Snow olhers 5 a and of were of Watson this week and Wil- here a Mrs. Willlam were seen here August Smeal Rew Cily, were and Mr Mr meal, of few days Miss Helen Hoover on Monday Miss Alta Meeker Mills on Monday where sl ment Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Loy and Bumgardner, of Lock Haven, on business Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Phyllis Wertz, of C here for Memorial Day Miss R Askey home her the an and returned to Al- to ba Spring emplo went ie Mrs were here Wertz uba Erie, 1 week nd rman Askey's of Pierce de . Bells Charles Hipp ; r A! f Wi { Mrs. Earl Mrs. Susal Clyde s visit Smartt F illmore ¢ fesliva Ni ALR Bernas LATeNnce Ri um- iladeiphia Rockey and t the Henry Rockey hoi Mr and M burg. visited Sunda) Mr. and M: of State Col Crust home on Mr. and Mrs. Barl Huey and Bethel of Juniatt, aso Mr. and Mis Kuhns, of State College, visited at Frank Hul home on Sunday The Decoration services which held at the Meyers cemetery last Sun- were very largely attended. Rev the speaker The Plimore M. E Sunday Schoo Is planning on having a Children’s Day exercise Female Weakness Sets Every Nerve Huey on Mark and famil the Roy Philip Re visited al Sunday George the were Do you lack energy? Do you worry over tri. flen, fool like a bundle of norves, have blue Ata, temper often on edge T Do you often feel suffocated, have arying spells, hysteria, head. sehen, hot Aushes, ary hands and feet, back. neha, cramps, hip and leg pains, heart pal. pltation or genaral rundown condition You may think you have many diseases - real cause lo constant weakness or congestion of female organs—or even tempo. rary irregularity or delay. Has Helped Women for 25 Years Take GRETREN, the preserd Hon of a world. women's specialist, droge, Gestren LA lama, Bains at worries of wumes for 2% when ordinary rmedisg falled. hate ‘odes. eit ana tone tress of | but | sure orial | vonia on man, | | Randal { and Roy Wrteoird Sheed 9y Mis, Jolm home fronr he one day last we far from confined to her complication of Mr Mrs Paul, as a Memorial summer home 1 glad and Among those Day and Mis son, Jean Fu Mr. and iren, Mr and chil KOS Mr Don't to be sored 8 nel » P by in z ist Robert Kel: and Mrs, John Genevieve Mem of Mr thelr home Fultz Mr. and Mrs er, Joa: t were Memorial Day Mr. Motz’: M: ed wk re of Philade to greet who decor Sunday Harwi d.er and daugh i Francis H Ketner Holts Hollow 9:30 ; Mrs. Closir and wife, of Burk- Norman brought Sunday School a Hox improve Was Mary Packer somewnal wovered, 8he Is stil i k iridge pita irom d bed and from a diseases Ray Orndor iphia, spent a | Day vacation ere in town m again Lhe attended the ation exercises wel od, Mi M Mr Clye Miu r Lowe and Esther Omdor{ and Id next Sunday 0 =D ontecs (fraduating J Send your congratulations by Rates reduced on long distance telephone ! are calls of 32 miles or more night after all every seven and day Sunday. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNIYLVANIA DAIRYMEN AGREE Watkins New Improved Fly Spray Does a Better Job and alt a lower cost Watkins wal on your n for a as one of 'u gril more a greater kill and has shown it to be is clean and odorless, used in the 0 clean that it can curtains, rugs or one, for you can has been recognized long time before, Ye gt! better than ever knockd after test It vour and can be the milk. It is staining or the n faster Test sold before 1 nes i CAUSE L] 5a flies for i tin have will repel Ve much superior to ar will nol gum the hair or hide COWS kh the up barn or mil without tainting he VEL Se without draperie tuy Watk ns Fl it both in th house and It's economical {on be only half I's used in house discoloring Npray the Aus and barn many dairyme many gallons of Watkins Fh further A. McDOWELL The Watkins Dealer BELLEFONTE vou get (wo In usr that they have Spray to gel the same report sult cheaper heca D. Hse 1 goes PFHONE R B\ Mt son! BUICK PRICES? YOU'VE GOT WHAT IT TAKES! Maybe the big, sleck, rich look of Buick makes you think it's a little beyond your means, F you're looking for the pleasantest place in the world to spend your summer-just put yourself behind the wheel of this sparkling new Buick and : But the price on the Buick SreciaL is you're there! not only the lowest in all Buick history You sit in a seat that seems tailored to but lower even than on some sixes. your frame. Your hand's on a wheel that feels more at home than your mashie. Your toe's on a treadle that un. leashes the surging power of the ablest engine of its size in the world-Buick's valve-in-head straight-gight engine! So before you buy any car, get the figures on a Buick. The place for you this summer is in the leader's secat— get your order in now and be sure of a wonderful time. * * * * TUNE IN! BRADDOCK-LOUIS CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT BROADCAST BY BUICK June 220d, N. B.C. Red and Blue Networks == consult your paper for time and stations, You've brakes to halt you quick and easy —lullaby springs to cradle you softly over bad spots —you've got the bellwether car of the year! WES |p we #4 QUICK THEM \ wild po” Your MONEY GOES rARTHIR ~e gS ES IE STA SERIA IL. C. PENROD Bishop and Wilion Sra. Phone 472.-W ‘Bellefonte, Pa. i il ie i