Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 12, 1914, Image 4

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A —————
Page 4.
Cm E———— a——
The Centre Bemocvat, PALMER FOR U. S. SENATOR
4 (Continued from first page)
Thursday, February 12th, 1914,
All The Leading Public Sales in Centre Co.
Experience has proven that a notice In
this column is of more value than sale
bills. Our change is §1. Free to persons
having their bills printed at this office,
Editor and Proprietor,
of Harrisburg, who from the beginning has been a leader in our move:
ment in Pennsylvania, will be a candidate for governor.”
“I have no doubt whatever, that he will receive the nomination, for
he personifies, as no other man in the state, the plans, alms and purposes
of the progressive Democracy of Pennsylvania, His success will sound
the death-knell of the bi-partisan alllance through which the great in-
terests have long dominated the states affairs”
Mr. Palmer saw the reporters at his office later’ and there issued
formal statement and commented upon the Issues In the Pennsylvania fight,
Associate Editor and Business Manager.
on the Elizabeth Green farm, will sell, | 3 riding cultivators~one good as pew, Hoosler
x] fine mated teams, § good milch cows, | double row corn planter, Deering double disk
Jettey bull coming % years old, 4 |barrow «00d as new, Osborne bay tedder, spring
1eifers, brood mow, lot of shoats, full | lever harrow; lever spike harrow, Corn sOrnper
PESTS NR o line of farm Implements and house. |2 Vulcan plows 2 four inch tire w % and
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18—Admin- | hol ‘goods San’ inqhts and Harry [4 ingh sheln ow ine, Deh thre Saaous hind
istrators of Henry M. Krebs, late of py Th, .
Ferguson twp, will sell real estate, ¥. in Wo auot Spring wagon. 3 tg Funkos lugasrs, Wagon box
WEDNESDA Y, MARCH 18: WW a Pp 2 seated cuter, cutting bench log
Sale at 10 a, m. on the premises in
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : ” Pine Grove Mill Re : ; i, | Chains. couplers, grabs. Jockey poles single
HRP I : , ” y was asked. ne Grove 8. meman, 3 miles west of Centre Hall, , ’ . )
Will you make your issue on the tariff he wi will well live stock and farm imple. | and double trees, forks, hay rope, pulleys, 2
i AA r
Subssription in ad $1.50 Pap You Senatorial lssue. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20:-.J, O. Confer, ments | siogle 8nd 2 double harpoons, set chain Lraoe
strictly in advance. . : : 4 miles east of Howard will sell: 3] : | DArnass, 2 sets tug haroess, set single driv.
“The issue will be what President Wilson has done for the country horses, 1 colt, 14 head of cattle, and | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18—Thos. Shell, | 108 Bertess, castrating girth sod outhit. bridies
and what Mr, Penrose has done to it,” he replied. farm implements, Sale at 10 a 1m. i% mile east of Madisonurg, will sell: | Vues. By nets. ete,
“The fight which the reorganizers made aguinst the Old Guard will Free lunch served, 1. F. Mayes, auct 6 horses, 10 cows (fresh by time of | _Domestle Sissoline Jagine, 3% og power
N v ‘av by v ‘bee ror Li " ’ m » 20 O00 ruck, good as new 0 fost 5 ir
be continued In a clean-cut way, Mr, McCormick has been ever to the TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 H, Lee sale), 4 bulla, b haiftry, 8 ewes, 2 brood CALVES belting, Poeriess No. 4 teed chop ot from
front in fighting for good government and for the redemption of the state Brooks, one mile northeast of Linden a AR, Jolt uid full line of farm | 1aval Alpha cream separator, milk cat 14 ei
from its long era of corruption and incompetency.” Hall, will sell: "6 horses and colts, atioa m. “Wi “8 Tian) BOs. 0e | jos cream freezer, grind stone, dinperbeil
“Do you regard Mr. Ryan as the candidate of the Old Guard?” he was black mare 10 years old, with foal; bay y : hi ubler, auets scythes, shovels hoes, some household yoods.
asked : driving mare 4 vears old, fearless of | THURBDAY, MARCH 19- L. E. Bartges, | SWYe, potatoes. and many articles to numer.
“He undoubtedly represents that faction, His candidacy was an- anything: 2 colts rising 2 vears old; 2 two miles mouth of Aaronsburg will | ous 0 mention. Terms will be made known
0 v y — . colts rising 1 year old; shorthorn bull well: 6 work horses, 27 head of well | 00 day of sale. L. F. Mayes, suct
M iwell f that faction, who In a statement sald the
nounced by Mr. Bonndwell, 0 " . 1% years old; 10 head of young cattle bred Jersey cattle, Registered Jersey |
fight would be made to overthrow the reorganizers. Therefore, Mr. Ryan { brood sows, 26 suckling pigs, 16 | 3 A 7's sraey |
must be classed as of the Old Guard and |
ull wad © _— oe HE . iid
is being supported by them.” shoats. L. F. Mayes, auct a ful head Of Sheep, 28 shoats. “Ev: | Tuesday March 10th— Oscar C Homag
i ————————— { ’ . y
a All line of farm implements. Ev-
-_ FYB EH . ie tA TY . erything practically new, Bale at 10
I'H1 RSI IAY, 9. EBRI ARY I 8. m Wise & Hubler, auct. two and one-half
Shirey, 3 miles northeast of Cave, along Brush
will sell live stock and LIVE BTOCK~- Bay mare, 13 yrs. old
ments Sale at 10 a works single, wt. 1200, good brood mare
Bet ; ; : Brown brood mare, bE |
BATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2% I. A. Bpl years old, works in all
cer, on what 8 known as the Hoy harness, welght 1600 Bay
farm, northwest of State College, will mare, fearless of steam
sell b horses, 5 mileh cows farrow glx weeks preceding sale) and | and autoes and i» an ex-
fresh by time of sale; 4 head of young full line farm implements. Bale at $1 tra family beast, 17 years
cattle, and some farming implements & m. sharp, E E Morris, suct old, weight about 1200
Sale at 1 p. m. L. F. Mayes, auct [THURBDAY. MARCH 1% [Brown horse coit, 2 years old; will make
MONDAY, ) XC 2 T eightod | ie 1 1a motive of 12 EE Wl horse till filled out and | 5
We wanted a united party, so that the success of the party in the nation, gg iw MC iE self on into] { - Brothel of Haliatputa, tr | Kind all horsemen are look- iid 18 the
would be followed up by success in the State. What's the alm of that farm miles east of Salona, about young cattle: also a full line of farm. |'PE for. Bteel gray mare,
attack? To disrupt the party organization, It's the old guard, that sec- 0 head of cattle. Sale at 1 p. m. A mia Bean a fl Bo My househnid | O1€ year old; will make a
tion of the bipartisan machine, trying to get back. Let the voters decide C. MeClintie, auct ode, Sale at 12 m. sharg Harry | 1400 mare this is a percheron
Democrats who wish to vote at the “The odd part of the attack which accompanied the launching of the FTUBSDAY, MARCH 3 rove, auet s and Silt Jake on extra good
primaries must be registered and en- Ryan candidacy was that it came at a time Ww hen the State organization on the Capt John A MARCH 20 . noo n oo Ny are OB re tla
lled. The last opportunity in town- was about to complete the redemption of the State. It was an attempt to Se pn Aa i® farm, one mil gt of Re- a heron and has good style and
ro . ie ast. op ' : destroy the State organization as an effective instrument for the public Hain ive stock farm Hon. 4 two-year old heifers, tw
ships and boroughs is March 18th, good. WEE IAs usehold goods fresh by the first of May: these ¢
p— has. Baker shorthorn stock and are well bres
H ' miles north o
F:2m Editorial in the Patriot, Mr. McCormick's paper : |
Local Editor,
Tae OeNTRE DEMOCRAT clubs with
N. Y. thrice a-week World for. ,.......
Published weekly, every Thursday morning.
Entered in the postofice at Bellefonte, Pa. as
ASS matter.
The date your subscription expires is plainly
printed or the label bearing your name, All
orodits are given by a change of label the first
fssue of each month. Watch that, after you
remit. We send no receipts unless by special
nest. Watch date on vour label,
bsoribers changing postofoe address, and
notifying us, are liable for same.
Bubscriptions will be continued, unlessother-
"Both Teleph et
We employ no collector. You are expected wo
send or bring the money to thisoMoe.
Unionville, |
farm imple. | THURSDAY !
m. LF, Mayes bright, 315 miles east of Loganton, will!
well 4 horses, 12 milch cows (Bhort-
horn and Holstein), 12 head young cat. |
tie (Shorthorn and Holstein—bulls ana |
heifers), 36 shoats, 4 brood sows (will |
miles east of
Valley road will sell:
In a running comment on the situation, Mr, McCormick sald
“This will be a fight to determine whether or not the people are back
of the reorganization movement. I believe they are, and that we will win
in the primary. | welcome the fight, 1 believe most fully in the direct
primary system; now the people will have a chance to choose for them-
selves, :
“Just look at the Ryan candidacy; it was launched with an attack on
the State organization by Mr. Bonniwell, of Philadelphia. We wanted a
harmonious party. Does it look like the Ryan backers wanted the same?
MARCH 19:A. P. A
South Americans have found
one thing we never suspected about
“T. R.” They find he is diplomatic.
Isaac Tress-
Joseph Eckley, F (
Hunter farm at
farm stock and
Bale at 10 a. m L P
{FRIDAY 1, 1 aid
———— AR. 4
President Wilson seems determined re
to leave the progressive party with
nothing much to do, but endorse his
wise acts,
Miss Margaret Woodrow Wilson's
plea for the use of the school house
as social centers shows that she has
inherited a fair share of Papa's brains.
Tiger skins are the latest fad In
Paris. New York has one It would
be willing to dispose of cheaply, but
unfortunately it is still the Tam-
many Tiger.
p 1
on cattle
4 broo
24 head sheeg
Chives: 42
certify Berkshire
are the chang
the on
east of
Those Republican Congressmen who Ra
have been turned down for endorse-
ment by the Washington Party people
of their districts have only themselves
to blame for their dilemma. Either
they decelved progressive voters in
1812 into believing that they were pro-
Rressive or th4y deceived the Repub-
lican voters in that year into believ-
Ing they were conservative or reac-
tionary. This was clearly pointed out
by their Democratic opponents at the
time. If they have chosen to be Pen-
rose followers since they have
no claim the of Pro-
gressives, their rec-
ord shows
of cattle
(On |
MARCH 24.--Frank
mile northwest of
sell Hye stock and
implements, J. 1
at farm
upon suffrage
this is what of 106
only day
and at
aaa of
We have to find
Service reformer who
a part of the merit system, such
tions as that of President Taft
placing 40,000 Republican postmasters
under a blanket just
fore the administration
entered the
tention of the civil reformers
to perpetuate a or a party
control of all service. It
was their intention to take
vice out of hands of politicians
and give any man, of whatever party.
a chance to enter the without
being barred by the interference of
some petty politician President Wil.
son's order requiring genuine compe-
tition and appointment on merit of
the postmasters covered by President
Taft's order is much more in keeping
with the spirit of the civil
act than was the Taft order
yet a genuine Civil
will as der stock
: exa wording
enrollment in
of the first
Bd or
civil service be. val
office It
rows 80-100 he) lke harrow, wooden spike harrow
Stwo-horse wagons, 3 good a8 Dew, Dew wp
| STINE Wagon. new 1wo seated carriage. good
0p bagey. good eorn sheller, Osborne wonder
Was never in- #8 ¢
service wi
the public
the ser-
Wednesday, March 25th—C. S. Garbrick
wil at his residence on
mestead, & mi
on the Jacksonville
the following
STOCK :—8eal Brown Percheron
Rex.” wt, 1550 Ibs., § yrs. old
License No. 214; a sure
foal getter; kind and gen-
tie, works any place, sin-
le or double. Mated seal
own team, wt,
one mare, 6
heavy with foal. One Gelding, 4
old; both will work any place, single
double. Team of sorrel mares § re.
old, wt. 2700 Ibs.. one heavy with foal.
both work any place, single or double
Team of bay mares, 7 and 8 yra. eid
respectively, wt. 2600 Ibs ;
with foal
the Gar
east of Belle-
road, at 9.20
| Btallion
service | Stalik
itself, 14:-J, G. Royer,
Horse, cow and house-
Sale at 12 m. A Mee
National Chairman Lauds Palmer.
After holding a conference with
President Wilson, recently Wil-
liam F. McCombs, Democratic Nation.
al Chairman, complimented Congress.
man A. Mitchell Palmer for the clever
way in which he is handling the
leadership in Pennsylvania. Mr. Mo-
Combs also stated, that he had dis-
cussed at length the “various state
situations,” preparatory to the fall
Congressional campaign, “I tld the
Chairman McCombs said,
about Pennsylvania
. 1 have found In
my visit to Philadelphia and other
cities in Pennsylvania that Mr. Pal-
mer has bullt up a formidable fighting
organization; one that Is sure to get
results at the fall election. I am very
hopeful that Pennsylvania will redeem
itself; that it shall place Democrats In
Howard, on the Peter | FRIDAY, MARCH 20 Rober hers fine ewes and one yearling buck
] Robb farm, will sell head of horses, ter, on the James Grove sheep 5 Chesterw
“ y » 25) |] 2 P IRORS." | Ek head : shoals and 2
MR. RYAN ANI Is Bh IN R we | Sale at 1 p. m Free lunch horses and mules gaat OP Dave pigs by time of
“The announcement of Michael J. Ryan, City Bolicitor, of Philadelphia, served. David Wensel, auct broad sows and p En, IMPLEMENTS —Perry #pring-tooth
y Nemants Bb
FRIDAY. MARCH Ww farm implements and and Drumgold cultivator,
Pennsylvania, with its attendant and preceding circumstances bears all mile 5 double-row
the ear-marks of a Penrose bi-partisan scheme to weaken and embarrass driving horse 1 # miich | FRIDAY, MARCH a {corn binder, used one season and is just
a x . 4 » State. COWS ! heifers, bu wri BOW ® William Ta
the Democratic party in the tat y v Hitarr 14 team DBArness, bridles and Colors. ‘oad
as the sponsor of Mr. Rayn and who was recently elected a Judge in Me- shiner) (nd hoitapy hofsaho a goods fire n Heh un SHOrL : at 1 o'clock
- Male | | LI ? Ty ul rove : 2 7 4 cnt : w "
Nichol's bailiwick, did all he possibly could to prevent the success of the a J A m ar 3 ©, Ru INR crttle LE
a : . farm miles south of Centre Hail, ine of farmir | Tuesday, March 17th—Wilkiam Bradferd
in the hands of the Hall-Donnelly-Ryan bi-partisan traders who had re- farm stock and implements. Sale ai household a
peatedly betrayed the party and sold it out to the Penrose machine ,
i BLiD. will sell
the old gang who put forth all thelr efforts to prevent the recrganization Bome of the late 1 . LIVE STOCK ~Pair bay horses. 7 and § yrs
of the State Committee and the redemption of the party, Hal 1. u V id goods, et Sale at 1 Dowe wi, 1700: gray mare, 10 years oid
party m ‘ Mayes, sauct wi. 1800; bay gelding coming 2
and the enthusiastic support of its candidates and its policies by Wagner
man who believes in Democratic principies jut harmony will never on the John p Helbert farm, 4 miles fons. drive: a —  ETay
wt of Bellefonte ¢ years old. making «
Senator Penrose gays the Mexican west of Bellefonte, SH well: 32 novus, | i. making
o Eh PAP - \ 3 . . Soe ’ ¥ - seh i the ¢ nals OY af ichael in SU-horsepowe A
question will be an issue in the ap- gang, which all the evidence shows is behind andida it Michael International oll and gasoline traction making of good brood mare: bay mare
y "ard . % " * fom th WO 18 He. y OG} 1 fn rib
proaching state campaign Senator, J. Ryan engine and full line of farm imple- i FIs Gid, wi well-bred Holestlen un
auct Rs . s " bf ToedTow « | Holeswein 4 | year old Holestels bu
day ’ 1 . Mei stein heifers 9 Holesteir
quake in Japan, or the Panama-Pa- TUESDAY. MARCH 10-J. ¥. Garner. on the shoats. weigh from 70 Ww
~ ition ? ay 4 | te SROEBO hat they have brood sow
cific Exposition? They all as ; i! A oh hssebaor a eT RY 8 16 horses. 36 milch cows. 2% head of young oat IMPLEMENTS —new £ horse wagon 24}
near to the issue in Pennsylvania and Chairman Roland 8. Morris, the | ef Laeir party LEE vaas J | tie, 5 sheep. 9 head of bogs, and double lips wagons, New 1dea manure spreader, MoCorm lok
Democratic State Committee, re- those who by mistake or *Hikn in the of farm implements. Sale at 9 6. m shar Marc} binder. 7-ft cut. MoCormick mower. 5%. ft cut
. i resi | pew Deering mower, 5-11 cut, used | year’ hay
The senator cannot be blamed for teemen of the state organization, and and who now wish t vote In I TUESDAY, MARCH Oscar C
wantin gto take eyes off of the Penn- [also by special appeal to » precinct | Washington Party or Democrat ie man, 2% m} on Penn Cave whe! i larg ‘ of ty | ar lis—ail In Food condition 2 Henot riding
sylvania situation committeemen through the state, has | primaries, must expressly state this | @a‘ong Brushva will sell live nd full ine of Cuitivalors, good as new, land roller "bi on
é 8 & ‘ . wt ty i GIS Rr
— wil . : : -h 1] m (Full description this sale | TURSDAY MARCH | row, 3 spring teeth barrows
portance of registration and enroli- | place either March 17th or Mareh will appear in this in a few be iy niki east of | planter, corn harvester. rolling sereen for clean-
ment under the new primary and elec- | 18th In towns and boroughs and not weeks.) Brockerboff farm, w» ing seed wheat, % 100th harrow. spike tooth
tion laws passed at the session of 1913. (later than April 156th registration day -
4 5 roy Frys 1 buggies. grind stone, corn sheller, 2 sets of hav
der, i n west of Madisonburg, will 80 farm : ry ta "
oughs and townships of the state, as- | Pot later than April 29th In third I: 1 bay horse, 1 grey horse, sor- | fork fo FD OT Oh Tart ba ilies, hisrgane
MENS an ti si y 8 2 " + { fo i line © i i se srk
f . btn sala viass cities mare colts, rising one, two auct ] .
sessors will sit at the polling Jrnces . . \ i : i 4 TUESDAY mentioned. Salest 10 o'clock sharp LL. FF
for the purpose of receiving certifi-| [If mistakes have been made by the ” i heifers, brood sow with | nington Mares. auot : Ph 1a
| the enroiiment ine of farm Ample i
of those who have enrolled up to this of voters, such volers may have cor ments 0a m Wise & Hu- |  jine ot ig k
time. This means that March 15th is | rections made in the b er, aucts | suot Friday
the last day upon wheh enroliments | the correction and amendment of the i WEDNESDAY, MARCH I) A. V, M1). TUESDAY, MARCH 24--J. 8B Guisewite | ’
Tull wm State Road, will sell at the he x, 15 head of cattle shoats wen. 10 & 11 year a igh ¢
ai any time up to ten days before the yh Bi | 4 horse i head of ca : horses, 10 & 11 years old. weight 2000 [bs
ships , ‘ 1 H wie, v me ry ¥ “th at oy 3 afor Me vv former's residence Jot of farm stoex brood sow, bu and a general line of | pea % & 9 years old. weight 3000. sorre] hor
April 156th is the only registration | Primary election the nt inti Maj and implements. Bale at 1 a m. 8 farm implements. Sale at If a & years old. weight 1150; grey horse 12 years old
day before the primaries in first and
However the voler may feel regard. | THURBDAY, MARCH 12:-D. IL. Bart- lw EDNESBDAY. MARCH 25... 0oits. 45 head of ch i
burgh, Scranton and Philadelphia, and [ing the merits of the Enrollment Act ges, Centre Hall, will sell farm stock ¢ mile west of Centre Hall bic I BOWE, some fu
on this day unregistered and unen- | Chairman Morris has pointed out the mpiements and household goods. I. i § ‘work horses, # milch cows aa a eins, Guern-
Foiled voters have thelr only opportun- THURSDAY, MARCH Eml. Bun-| good Hine of farming implen Ld 2. young cattle, 3 fall blooded
sires to help nominate good candidates | froth 1.” 1 thilon rent * Pe a Cast household goods. Sale at | Holstein Balls. 2 years, | year and € monihs old
" : ~ . % . Tn e househo as. =X 0 oc * i of sale
primaries ; on any ticks ; to take the necessary | fe § horses 13 good milct Harry F. Grove, auct 20 cows frestiby time of sale
April 28th is the steps outlined above for } 4
i 3 * | Binder, rearly new; Deering
for registration before the primary cattie head of sheep, brick, Jacksonville, 5 miles | buy vedder. 2 Derring mowers.
election Chesterwhite brood sow lellefonte, will sells about 100 head {5 & € fr. eu; Osborge self rake
this time party preference of . complete Peelis threshing outfit. Cham live farm implements and some
n be resist wr changed | Great Dane loader, Dee
hr ' follow . Arh the hged Government Ownership. aii in good condition; also a full line of auvct ne hay PRE Tarn iPavorine gral
he following | 1e : f TL Pr . " hy " win :
Postmaster-general Burleson is en- Arming implements and some house- | ...ocener, 3 be Clover Leal mas weader, ron
Nh a : g \ hold goods. Sale at %:30 a. m | THU RSI AX s MARC H 2% he Ww, : ho mane spresdes, 140n
listricts outside of cities man, i mile west of Curtin, will
HT ABARE SE bl authorizing the government to RC 2800, grey team wi Bisck Hawk double row cor
second and third class take over the entire telephone and | west of State College on the J. T. Me sorrel {eam dou bie cultivators, single cal
The assessor or registry assessor |“ ektabh sSvStems ' the ] ant 4 All | Cormick farm. Live stock andgfarw § yre. oid; 2 colts, 2 yr. old; bay horse, |
telegraph system o ie country. All {mplements, Bale at 1 o'clock. id. ¥ bay roan, bay horse: 3 fresh cows, 5}
h han ities of the first, 2 brood sows
Sth a Ar Ti > t ned a} all wscertain | (his recommendation on the part of | pRIDAY MARCH 13M © NoasmaaR. |} pigs. £5 hogs: also
. ; Mo el 't wa the | the Postmaster-general and thousands | 4 miles State Colles ‘ car and full line of new farm imple.
» : at the ti 3 naking the simi I 7 an niles west of State ollege., And » Oar ne i ine n Ar Hn {a ’ 3 :
if possible a ¢ time of ma 1g of letters are pouring in to CONEress- miles south of Beotia, will sell live ments and household goods Sale at 4 pb Ssa¥y hs. palit of Hrht eid hos
station eK we or oi I _ Leams oo
quiry of the elector the party politics, | 16 n ? ot - " r : set
refe rences or affiliations of the elec. | the country urging them to support| 9 & m L . Mayes. au . Sally, a ¥ Mayen. a » ‘3r  W Sst singleharness fly nets, collars straps ete
. - s " ii * 1 th same | the proposed measure. Only a few | FRIDAY, MARCH 12:Mrs J P. Krape FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20:-R E Wert, 30 log chains, all sizes, and lengths: boom
jor, and note and record -the same, | ...5" ago Great Britain took over| M mile north of Lamar, will sell: 5! 2 miles east of Penn Cave miles | chains, grate std coupling to Bt any Jumbe:-
lars required in making the assess os . g f young cattie, brood sow, § shoats, and Puck farm, will sel 3 horses COIL, | jot of household goods. Sale to begin st 9
ment: and In case the elector is not (Jom and they have rendered much| 5 full line of farm Implements and 3 fine milch cows, 3 young cattle, Hol- | g'siock sharp SA. C. MeClintie. ace. Free lunch
at this residence at the time the said | Petier service and at much less cost | household goods. Sale at 10 a m stein bull, 2 brood sows, 5 shoals, and
: od 3] i 8 i ] o Hit ——
: R A 14 ubl wets, H
jj | private enterprise. Nearly all of Eu- | SATURDAY. MARCH 14—Claretoe A. Yearick 10 a m. Wise Jubler, aucts
the dence the elector. he shall p ’ “ : } , & Jn chat n lunch
BE OR ag of enrollment whik h trope now owns and operates the tele-| 3 miies east of Jacksonville, will sell: Bay! BP hs rankenberger, bork I iin .
the elects r may fill out and K ve to | raph and the telephone, and we are | driving mare, 14 milch cows, € bulls. # fat | SATURDAY, MARCH 28: L. Krape well
: HeCctlo i ’ an : : :
AESesSOr Af | ip Y of sheep. | Shropshire buck 2 brood sows, 18! sell: Live stock and farm implements
some time prior to or on the sixty-| Bpaetl Thete Jhisifs re Raturgl Wao { eight weeksold pigs, 11 fat hogs, § shoats; | Sale at 10 a. m. A, C. McClintie, avet
5 » Ht ¥ - - - w I’
second or sixty-third day preceding oy oho hg y- biic ake the. pone of oats. corn and clover seed. Sale at 13 Boob | GATURDAY, MARCH 28:~J. A. Year
‘Te 0 © 24 +] Ji~
3 clerk n ye stock and full line of farm
sessor or registry assessor shall sit IR re ’ . | ell ve § |
terest of the stockholders as at pres. |BATURDAY, MARCH implements. Sale at 10 a mm. L Fr
at the polling place and receive said ent Zion. will sell Mayes, auct :
certificate; at which time the same
Clintie, auot
" b
registry assessor in the register.” Act A subscriber from Gilltown writes | MONDAY, MAROH 16-8. BE Shearer. on the fam Waiter mn, Borhatl) enanted 21
of 1913. us that some bad boys in that vicin- | Geiss farm, % mile cast of Linden Hail, wiil View, College Twp. will sell: 8 ho or
: ege ‘
It should also be borne In mind by |ity are chasing rabbits with dogs and Be raurk Dantas a re
: 7 heifers, somejfreshby time bulls-extra stock: 12 bead of young cattle, 3
rolled last fall, or have since enrolled | voivers. This is a bad practice f ull. 2 heifer calves. 5 shoats, and los of sale | rong sows, will farrow by time of sale: §
t them in| Iurmimplements, Sale as 10a. m. L. F. Mayes. | oli, "und ull line of farm Implements gros
as Republicans, that designation will |bhoys and is lable to get them In| soe : - \
remain after their names on the reg- | trouble
f - is 4 fine flock of
of cattie and some farm imple north of Lemont, Chesterwhite brood s
that he is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor of o ; I harrow, Hench
east of Waddle se aLldam “ walking cultivator: Johnson
like new. One set of ful eather trace
“During the reorganization movement lonniwell, who now appears shonts, and full ne of new farm ma Hall, will se
"I ; Th the N we and 1 boar
reorganization movement and to keep the control of the party machinery FRIDAY, MARCH 6:—On the Dr. Les a5 1
10a m L F Mayes Harry F on the Taylor farm at Old Fort, Potter town
“All of Mr. Ryan's support, so far as it has developed, is confined to
Dr. lee lex east { OM, wi 2700. gray mare ® years old. with foal
“The sincere Democrats of Pennsylvania want harmony in the
every |MONDAY, MARCH 9 —C, ¥ Fears Gid. wt. 1800; £ray horse a
secured by a surrender to or compromise with the Penrose bi-partisan iy Be ppt will sell: 13 horses brood mare: sorrel col
Sale at 10 a M. L. FF. Mayes cows, fresh by time of sale; 2 year old t
why not the Balkan War, the earth- :
1 1 YOBr ok
{ istry books until they expressly 125 ihe
Musser farm, east of State College. will sell
» Ores
o » hen N b !
have about the same bearing upon it. cent talks the division commit- [fall of 1813 enrolled as Republicans L. F. Majyes, auct sell at in
He farm % mi tedder, hay rake. ® Farmers Favorie grain
§ 54 ok ni farm Sale at 1 wo MeClint i i | riding plows, ] Oliver walking plow
called attention to the very great im- [fact to assessors at the polling | rte hawk corn
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11:—J. W. Cra 22 head | barrow. sied. spring wagon. 200d as vew, 2 good
3 18 iin AN (iL oe i 418 f 4
March 17 and March 18 in bor- ist and second class cities, and goods
vers: § milch cows. short halter. bridies. aod (ot of bousebold goods, not
cates of party preference or affiliations | registry assessors in College
Sane manner as
can be made in boroughs and town- registry in other particulars are made er and H. M. Miles, 1% miles cast of 2 miles east of Rebersburg, will ses: | Smiles north of Mili Hall, will se
4 g » 4 . : 5
sth | K. Emerick, ausct H. H Miller. auct wi 1300, 38ne two year «14
second-class cities-—that is, Pitts. |
* ave 26 r i% he
urgent duty every voler who de F. Mayes, auct cattle O 1. « brood sow sey. 2 fine Jerseys head
ity to qualify for voting at the spring
ual : ; MPL EM ENTS Deering
Qualifying | cows, 2 shorthorn bulls, 5 head WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25.—C a
himself take part in 3
primaries in third-class
| pew Osborne side delivery rake
pion hay press. Roms f shredder household goods, Clark MoClintick
of the law regarding ergeticly urging congress to pass the | tato planter. potato digeer, Disk pot
THURSDAY, MARCH 12-2 miles north- bay team wi
yre, old, driving horses |
making enroliment in districts 3 " ;
: parts of the country are approving! Reed, suct. D. PF. Smith bullk. § heifers 9 calves
Cadilac touring
annual assessment by personal in- | ARR Sn A has # ton
a ‘ A men and senators from all parts of | stock and farm implements. Sale at 19 a. m. Four trains sto] plete. Two Hight set of double driving harness
| with the residence and other particu the telephones of the British King horses, 10 milch cows, bull, § head of | west of Madisonburg, on the James | op single trees, but chains. double trees. and
{ 4 he “fe vy | . ‘ . {M1 ull y i 3 1) Sale at |
AESessOr Or registry assessor visits | 10 the public than when operated by Free lunch A. C. MeClintie, auvct full line of farm gmp eine te
4 } ) 15 ail ) y 3 tation, wi OR Iu
the assessor or registry ¢ | Several years behind them in this re. | 10ers. 4154 year old steers. 6 heifers, 30 head | 1% mile south of Lamar station
sharp. Hayes Schenck auct: George Harter, f Hecla Park, will
each primary, at which time said as- ick, mile west o ecia Park, .
eh J n 3 fice department instead of in the in- A
hold goods. . ”
shall be recorded by the assessor or ——————————— TUESDAY. MARCH 31J. R. Irwin, on No. |
sell: § work horses. § miich cows, some yearlig ooit; # good milch cows. 2 Holstein
independent voters that if they en- | shooting at the “Bunnies” with re-
er portion are new; some household goods
MONDAY, MARCH 16:1. OO. Swartz, 1
mile northwest of Lamar Station, at
the County line, on the J. H. Huston
farm, will sell: 3 horses, 8 Jersey
cows, Jersey bull, 7 shoats, and large
line of farming implements and house.
hold goods. Rie at 10 a m A CC.
MeClintie, auet.
MONDAY, MARCH 16: Ammon Deck-
er, miles east of Aaronsburg, on
what is known as the Emanuel Musser
farm, will sell farm stock and imple.
ments. Sale at 10 o'clock a. m. ine
& Hubler, aucts,
TUESDAY. MARCH 17-7. G. Crownover, on
the Aulsworth farm, in Harris Township, on
road fi re Wo Pine Grove Mills, will
Sale at 10 a. m. sharp
Monday, Mar. 20d—Elmer A. Harshberger.
One mile east of Potters Mills, wi
LIVE BTOCK: «7 head of horses and
colts, § milk cows, ¢
young oattle, brood
sow and shoats,
Milwaukee binder,
esting mower, Keystone side rake, Os.
borne hay tedder, Superior grain dnl,
Albright cultivator, land
roller, 2 Oliver chilled
One bay Gelding,
1400 iba: works any place. a ps st
gle line leader. One Chestnut Sorrel!
old; will make a 1500
with foal. broken single or
Bay oolt rising 3 s will
make a 1400 Ib. horse: broken single or
double, Two-year-old bay ool,
make 1500 1b. horse Black
old colt, will make 1500 Ib,
ten-months-old bay oolt,
Holstein bull, Calvin De
Kol Duke, No. 7148; wt
2000 Ibs. certificate of reg-
istry given to buyer 3
The article in the first column is the concluding paragraph of an article
bearing upon the liquor licenses in Centre county, written by a Bellefonte
minister and published In a recent Issue of the “Keystone Gazette * In the
second column is the explanation of the first article, as found in last week's
issue of the “Gazette.” Both are submitted for careful perusal:
“Centre county can well take her
neighbor, Mifflin, as an exampie; ana
“There seems to have been a mis-
Interpretation placed on the last
power, and then only will the people
be given the laws for which they ap-
pealed in vain to the Republican Leg-
Islature. In business conditions
throughout the country, and I have
traveled a good deal of late, I found a
spirit of confidence and optimism, and
trade conditions have shown decided
improvement since the passage of the
Currency Aot”
Crisis Approaching.
The most sensational thing that has
ed In Washington for many
was the lifting by President
of the Embargo on arms and
ammunition Sxparied
This removes a hand!
Bellefonte may well emulate Lewis
town, Will we? We will. The peo-
ple who are against us in this mat-
ter may as well waken up to the sit.
uation, There is plenty of law on
the statute books of the common-
wealth to put this county dry. There
is plenty of sentiment In this county
to compel the application of these
laws to our local conditions, Belle-
fonte can be dry. Bellefonte must be
dry. After several conversations with
one “learned In the law” about what
we have done here, and the facts that
we have presented to the court, this
learned ntleman sald without hesi-
tation, o ficial discretion fea-
ture of the ks Law Is broad
sngugh to Justify the refusal of ev.
ery license against which you have
presented these damaging facts’ We
are more than thrice armed In this
Just cause. And we will see what we
will see. If not this year then next
oar; and if not next year-—there will
% no other next! Centre nty
paragraph of my article appearing in
the Keystone Gazette on Jan. 23, 1914,
entitled: “A Busy Week in a Dry
Town" Allow me to explain for the
benefit of those who adopted a mean-
ing from my words which was not in
my mind at the time of writing and
was not Intended to be expressed
thereby, At the next general election,
coming In the fall of the present year,
the people of the different counties of
the State will elect members to the
Legislature and that Legislature will,
beyond the question of a doubt, pass
n Option bill, and I venture the
opinion that Centre county will be
one of the very first counties In the
State to invoke the law. I would like
to further state that the Attorneys
representing the remonstrances In
Centre county knew, absol noth.
| about my letter until i
pis Heation, It was written and pub.
ished without consultation with them
and t did not know that I even
contemplated writing an article”
of mules. ® miloh cows, #5
of oats and com, farm (m-
household goods, Jas, I. Reed,
TUBSDAY, MARGH 17:—0. B. Miller, 2
miles west of Rebersbu , at Centre
™ sell: horses, § cows, some
wil rath bY time ol Agi 3 head
of you le, me fat oa
head of and buck 2 -
one will farrow by me of sale; ft)
hoats; several dogs, feckens, and
wll line of farm implements pome
household Sale at 10 a m
Wise & Hubler, aucts.
TUESDAY, MARCH 17-Miles M lL 8%
miles of Uslonville, slong the o
horses, 4 yPuring grade
Filer shoals Se
« Bue
orth of non will ok rn, 4 ile
eA ed
farm, at 10 a m.
lows, Oliver sulkey plow,
tooth harrow, new bob b
2 two-horse Ww
new {-inch
trees, lot
other articles too numerous to mention,
Sale will begin at 12 o'clock sharp when
«tooth harrow, spring-
gone A
wagon, set of 22-ft. hay
on hay fork with 130 feet
pullies, single double
rope an
of , fly nets and many
be made known, L. F.
Wednesday, March 4th--J. B. Gentzel
on the Mary Ross farm at Farmers Mills, will
offer at fc sale the following, beginning st
A fall cow,
cows, one fresh by time of sale,
Bey oow,
Shorthorn cows,
sie &
Jialgtuln cows, two of them
by time of sale; one
10 Holstein heifers, bred to
Holstein bull. 2 Guernsey
1 Jer.
fresh In the
head of hg Shit
1 full-blooded Duroc Jersey boar.
€ full blooded Chesterwhite sows and 1
Poland -China sow. will
a sale,
titer b time
aa a head of shoats, averasing
$ indars one a Yr Door
Cormick :