Page 2. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT) BELLEFONTE, PENNA, Thursday, February 12th, 1914, Correspondence (Continued) CURTIN. Barney MeGovern Thomas and Philip, visited her parents, Mrs. Calvin Bathurst, on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clemons daughter, Miss Catharine, of’ visited her sister, Mrs. Edward an, on Sunday Mrs. Ed. Bryan, Charles Stanley were pers on Saturday. Miss Sara Martin of Bellefonte, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Miles Doughman, over Sunday. Miss Bernice Doughman went to Sunbury on Wednesday to spend some months with John Osman and wife. The Misses Alkey visited and of Belle. Mr. and Sunday. and | Zion, Bry - Mrs, sons, fonte, Mrs shop- and Mr. and Bellefonte Fannie and Worence their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Alkey on Sunday. Mrs. Stanley, of Milesburg, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Bathurst, The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Shope and left their daughter, Mrs. Homer Gentzel a ten- pound baby girl; both mother and child are getting along nicely. Two ladies of our town went to Bellefonte recently to attend the show and when ready to come home, got on the wrong car, taking the one that went to Pleasant Gap. On their way home one her muff and the other her pocketbook, when coming to Milesburg, and Mr. Sheats came to the rescue. How about it, A, and B.? Mr. and Mrs. George Bryan are re- joicing over the arrival of a fine baby girl which came to their home to stay, both mother and child are getting along nicely. Mrs. George Lannen Mr. Able Statton, of Mill Mr. and Mrs. John day, Mrs. Statton, Qur sick this Gentzle, Mrs. | Shultz and Mrs. John Statton; hope for their speedy recovery. A series of meetings is being held in the M 3. church; we wish them suc- cess with a and glorious revival Latime of Graceton, was the g mother, Mrs BE Curtin, lost father, visited Thurs- and Hall, Statton on being ill ire, Mrs Bathurst, Homer Bilis we 3 CeR Jima great Curtin, of hi week. was give Harry r daugl is were and Vv n at the home Roch " ter, Miss Mar | ake eam 2 CURTIN, No. two | of |. recently, { served | PLEASANT GAP. Miss Alvina Corman is sometime visiting friends Shore, Mr, ‘dren spending at Jersey chil- of and home and Mrs, Jno, spent Sunday Mrs. Jno. Bilger, Mr. and Mrs. H. iSundayed at J A | The Ladies’ Ald society eran church met at BE | Royer at the T. Meyer and chlid Meyer's of the Lauth- E. Swartz's last Thursday Mrs. Annie Long is spending a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Atty Rothrock Too bad those two young ladies | wi alked so far to church the other ev- jening and then found there was no | service, As they were seen only by {a couple of people 1 will not men- ition any names | Miss Margaret {ing with her sister | going to school at her parents at this day Rev. G lecture in Thursday on what while on Swartz, who at Altoona, that place, place over is stay - and is visitea Sun- E. Hawes gave a very good the M. E. church last evening, his lecture being he heard Bill Sunday say a recent visit In Pittsburg; everyone in the house certainly en- joyed his talk very much, Protracted meeting closed at this place last Monday night with no con- versions. The writer, himself, has been on the sick list for a few days, Hand your news to the scribe it will be sent in for publication. William Hoy is busy hauling tiles to Bellefonte for William Knoffsinger. How many teachers at Pleasant Gap are drilling their scholars for Washington's birthday? You have to get up and shake vourself to get ahead Mi Helen of the Gentzel { sch Ww visitor and of 88 ool H. Walker, of Clearfield, it the home of his sister, Albert Gill, and also at Lester at Pleasant Gap Nathaniel his property sum of nine hundred There are going to be quite a few changes around here in the spring Hiram Gill, of Huntingdon, paid a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Gil, and Mrs. Ray Rum- phrey, Coley Mrs, Thomas has gone to till spring Mr. and Mrs spent Sunday the mountain wand Calvin Elwood was a Mrs Gill's of to Huntingdon, Jay Crust for dollars, Gill here the Lino fille Adams, of State © of Milesbursg, College, to work Noll, on of Peru, David, William Ai80O Br of MOV ks SAYS 10 spring BENORE. church is | have by ind Evan- still some Revs iper Dunning gelical p 20 Rev most they Our wre ing In | help a cause y oat says, there is music in Heavy our souls if we vith works Mr sick from colds it are mo now, ermons sang a evening navi h § Dovpt the alright Lona in progress lors, lidayshurg clipping «iso s Resolutions unanimo ae requesting Boggs tir pastor of chure Ve ejo } hear ROW .L5 LPDTe wo 18 good of man? Kind I latimer Curt Ws his mot p nd otl last week Rey Wer Rev that this here with ne and tHe ) his friends He looked well wd to him He had endance John Reed's funtingdon Mrs oh ellefonte sper friends a this pl Mrs day wi Mrs pectat Mrs guests Potter Green Our si Shultz is Mon Helen groat 8 getting spent d M ox Greg CENTRE OAK. The certaini i showing what don't b Wilbur cut his while « slipped kJ ndhog A those afortune to R8-CuUt saw mountain he had t} m vith th dows ind fell Vonada hs most laid for is in a hurry to Bland and from Miilheim Sunday with Frankenberger Miss Maud Hosterman, onsburg, is spending a with J. W. Zerby Mrs. Harry IRer an had severe attacks of pn at this writing are able again Ww. B der In machir Mrs ty last serihe rm the on » foundation al- stack the lime burnt Frankenberger, saturday Harry LY the got Sumner gpent t hed le, AAr- weeks from fon Ad Lexter but Stier son umonia oe 4 to shire orn fod. thrashing work ding ith a ipka section w It does real Maud Mark had Saturday, and had a bid i scribe was more inter ner than the quilting Mrs. John F. Hagen proving: hope she will to get around H. E. Shreckengast rented his home at the it will make a nice home good of course the am afraid the sted in the din- How about It? is slewly Ime. soon be has not yet Union church for someone SPRING MILLS. Last Thursday evening the ladies of the K. G. E. gave a birthday sur- prise party in honor of Mrs, W. H Smith; the evening was apent very pleasantly playing games, after which refreshments, consisting of ice cream, cake and coffee, was served; about fifty were present, Quite a number of our young people attended the dance in the Grange Hall at Centre Hall, last Friday evening. C. C. Bartges, G0. Cleve Gentzel and G. Blain Bitner furnished the musle for the occasion. Mrs. Philip Helm is spending this week visiting at Pleasant Gap, Mrs. Bruce MoCormick, of Bunbury, is here gotting her furniture ready to move to Sunbury. James Osman, section boss for the P. R BR Co, Is contemplat moving to Linden Hall, In the near future. Meyer, who Is employed In Altoona, is spending some time with his parents, The debate for the Penn Literary Corman: negative, unit. | # good | | The fate a | night | We at | who Davy | and | around | t quilting par- | able | been | pastors | Sunday Daywalit College James Hillar Stine and Mrs I on lam State good | { heen 'g better | paper ; (3! Fil | ¥h t { of Ww acd { time Jake having a Lramer qullig friends irs. | ing pakt Those | Stine Eave 5 hbrr Mrs Verna Mra White Sallie Yeakl : nd hi Know We saw what ORVISTON. dre: nd | \ ery Cig ix attendance xt good ull p Harr HIM TR Marshall dinner | port The home baby bos Miller the stork of and wife iam tis Yer The with tw Sunday night versions and on sermon of Lock Was ore. Link Ber loged on con Monda dination Moss Knell Revs in the night an or was Haven vhen | dained to the and Porte preached by Res Henm minister etter tasisted vices Mrs Mack M the three minist Linkletter at a Monday Mrs Blamct Mr. and Mrs Mra, Jennie Li f Tuesday Mr snd Mrs Tuesday at R« Iver Harve { Monday Writing Mrs proved Mable Pa Blanchard Closkey Moss lock enterts Porter dinner and on ers Rix 0O'¢ evenirs John ard E Fravel is visiting on on Mann called Howard John 8 near Ammon Miller spent mola Ed, Yeager is not much im. ge visited over Sunday at LIVONIA. Those of our people who have been on the sick list are Mrs. Adam Stover, Mrs. Martin Schade, Mrs. John Wirth, | Nelson Stover, Loretta Stover, Harvey Haugh, Woodrow Wolf, and Ethel | Gingerich, All, we are glad say, are recovering Rov Snook Greenburr Miss Mary Houtz has been spending a week with her parents in Sugar val- ley Walter and Edith Stover, of Logan- ton, were with us over Sunday. Coasting Is fine and the youngsters are making good use of it The pupils of our school will hold an entertainment on the evening be fore the 22nd, for the purpose of buy- ing a flag for ihe school house. Ad- mission five and ten cents; everybody come; you will be richly entertained. to and wife spent Sunday at TYLERSVILLE. Mr. Washburn, of Rosecrans, died Tuesday afternoon, Services were and was buried at this piace last held in the Evangelical church, A surprise party was held for Abble Vance on Monday evening, A large number of people were there The time for local Institute has heen changed from Feb, 14 to Friday evening, Feb, 20, and Saturday, 21st, Theres has been ne school in the primary school room on account of the sickness of the teacher, A motor man on one of our street ear lines ls sure that the company Wm. Hosterman and Ralph Kreamer. would go to ruln if he would quit, jo Te Sune | sweetest ined | sola | | which intoxicated | reasonable at | | fr {at own | Tau { tional ast { members fine | Myrtle | Katie | Friends ¢ | | Sunday at | | W. Bishop St. State College's Good Luck Four donations for scholarships were announced at the annual meet- ing of the trustees of State College at Harrisburg last week and bids op- ened for the $90,000 liberal arts bulld- ing. The trustees were addressed by Gov. Tener at thelr opening and the work of the college commended, The donations for scholarships were: Mrs, T, R. Hays, Bellefonte, $8,000; C. F. Barclay, Sinnemahoning, $8,000; Federation of Women's clubs, Pennsylvania, $6,000: Pennsylvania society, Daughters of American Rev- olution, $1,000, Plans were adopted for the building to cost $560,000, and try bullding to cost $70,000, teen bids were received on the liberal arts bullding, but no award made, The election resulted as follows: President, ex-Governor James leaver, Bellefonte; vice president, W. Mitchell, Pittsburg; secretary, Edwin E. Sparks, State College treasurer, John I Thompson, College, The executive committee is: KE. 8. Bayard, Pittsburg; James A. Beaver, Bellefonte; J. E. Quigley, Pittsburg; M. W. Lowry, Scranton] H. W. Mitchell, Pittsburg; Vance C. McCormick, Harrisburg, and HH. Vv. White, Bloomsburg Governor Tener was liver the commencement address next June and it was decided that at the annual delegate elections for trustees no proxies should hereafter be allow- ed. mining chemis- Nine- A, H. Dr. and State selected invited to de- Must Guard Boozy Passengers. The Pennsylvania supreme has made a ruling which is of more than ordinary importance to the gen- eral public and street car and railroad and other transportation confpanies, Under this decision of the court em- ployees of a transportation company must not put an Intoxicated from car at any place without regard to may be caused persons on thelr danger of later by geting on struck by can only ejed where for able Ng eam an Su Injury track car, but sons at and being they a Bil preca part apparently themselves, thus responsibility road for the person from ters the oar ym the track point ¥ » that tion tions not putt on si of of for of en lO Care or trolley Care the time until st his h a one safely atid en- he is away n or has as- ked after dest BOM ere the road BUrandces he wi JO New Fraternity Chapter at State. On Friday of | the Al Omega install at Pennsylvan Bis ig For VEeArs | : WN IT 38 ni fratern narter granted piter Car The in tweer examination upon the club duly Ti ceren Friday evening, Saturday afternoon of three and six a recep- tendered the club tx of hapter ‘te Del ng the 1 the wh haif during Was 1 mid Car beer gs time the led as Was ceremony instal {took mn the hours tion was the co is Saturday held at Nittany the frien 3 1 which mn members reated ¢ mbued Were hapter with the spirit Oldest Bucktail Swuviver. Camer inty, and mad« Harris - irg with his le West Branch Unionville. meeling Union jusive 10 Friends Meeting at Centre Quarter will heid at i4th to 16th meeting hours m “The Dut Community the Sunday invitation cordial vi to present The ile The m 4 tre ¥ Fe WWUATS a ind Pp the the 3 will afters n meeting © extended 1 be at in he Women’s Confidence in the efficacy of this thoroughly tried home remedy is never misplaced, In every way-—in health, strength, spir- its and in looks—women find them- selves mely use of BEECHAM'S Victor-Victrola has a place in every home Its artistic design and beau. tiful music have made it wel- come in homes of wealth and refinement everywhere And the many different styles of the Victor-Victrola make it possible for every home to have one of these wonderful instru. ments, Come in and see abont yours to day. $15 to $200--and if desired we'll arrange it 50 you can enjoy your Victor- Victrola while paying for it. Ceatre Co. Credit Co., Bell Phone. Bellefonte, Pa court | person |) road ! i ntoxicated UAry, | elween | andl | newly i Church 3 consider | 0 | where | Cedar and ev i xmail { build cottage or an «l | frm | Dr EE. College was mentioned last week the Philadelphia papers for gover of the commonwealth, The ment was made without from Dr. Sparks and this week made the following statement: “My only information the newspapers. I fear I am the t be that in valling at { have been the general this time, mention | all possibili exhausted and the imy sibles are being given an airing candidacy is too manifestly in the ter class to warrant any considerat I am known to be 80 strong a parti for one state institution that I she be suspected of a desire to empty contents of the state treasury into lap. But as Wolcott says, ‘It's be to damned than mentioned all’ “Personally party will such recog he I have faith lace In ized Integrity cholce of any one of them will rant a government of progres ideas, sane reforms, public ment, and a consideration of the Interests of every citizen vania." that that Our little came into our square, if nothing fellow, as always, excepting Leap Year, has only 28 days, friend, February, midst recently, is on eine, This but | consti { quality happens this time that they four even weeks, beginning | day and ending on Saturday | Little February its siceve for the for the sec nd Fri day 13th, there | the 13." for | work t themsel i have Iittle t} ¢ wii think th ndusive of on superstitious in it falls on “Fri velpers If Bing i amity VER the ou upon any luck, try { means side ~slep and “Friday, its hoodoos disnsters no 8 perform whic hard Dr. Sparks on the Governorhi. Hparks, president of State | by nor | announce | authority he comes from | nr- | get for some practical joker or it may J. ties | YOR ~ My lat- ion. san wuld the its titer | at every nomination men of | the War- | Hive | enlight- best | of Pennsyl- | “Friday, the 13th” Falls This Month who the little during | t BO | HARD COLDS When they first come, the best time to break them up. One standard remedy Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Sold for 70 years. Ask Your Doctor. 1.0.47} 0s., Lowell, Mass, r— Will Cut Last Logs This Summer. This summer will in all probabilities see the cutting of the last logs at the big mill of the Hall and Kaul 1a ber company, located in the “ of St. Marys, and the history of the lumber has been the pring community for the are now being brought « Trout Run woods, and when this of timber is finished, together with a few small holdings in that vi- { einity, the buzz of the saws will cease, | This will not mean the laying off of all men employed about the big mill, {as the yards are stocked with many thousand feet of lumber which it will require many months to ship. The log trains will also be kept in opera- { tion, ag the hills in that vicinity con- | tain many thousands of feet of chem- ical wood, which will be brought to the | kindling wood factory, dependent up- jon the mill for its wood supply, will {also continue for an Indefinite period {as they have their yard stocked with {several thousands cords slabs m pal it 4 | logs | the | plece of tute i un- | also has a punch up | folk, the ny, to i ou n all h —For Our Cold Tablets | with | PER BOX 25. Krumrine’s Drug Stores, BELLEFONTE & STATE COLLEGE in company on rafts dog | . of | LUMBER FOR ALL PURPOSE lumber is ng, Spr JON, Maple, Oak ch, ery Gy pr wood oa building operations, in large lots Whether ropose large or a aborate or store or office hullding have the necessary lumber, the Bellefonte Lumber Co count on getting it just right and price My proas, for in ou p a hotel small tory must can BELLEFONTE LUMBER CO, BELLEFONTE, PA. 8 Pine Chestnut Hed or! tis mansion, fac- | You and you ini NE re ond ete dt LN wr aR BA Flexible Soles SHOES that have the ordina | bard on the feet 0° Ba you an secure “Aex- Die soles y uyin Queen lity Shoes. . They yield to every movement of the fool easy, graceful walking is th the result, New styles now y. Sole Agency DAD DW WS DD ¥ UE EE ME RR Ta a A hh Ei EX EL Cr sa EE BE EE EE EET OEE EE TS Killed Wild Animals. Franc and Henry Miller ville, employes of the Otzinach- Herve ) Rattlesnake the wi ‘ jong sure park } { ver 7 118 on which ney can ot Jesse Haney On Eamu pri : Hed ir the Among ‘Who Made the Demand? : burden | MEETING. Bare of Di. Company kbo ders there angers will at Orvision STOCKHOLDERS’ By virtue of a resolation of the rectors of the Centre Brick and C | notice is hereby given 10 the sto | of thet & meeting of the stock held at the office of the Ooms { Centre County. Pa 1914, st ven A. M., Tor the or against the conversion the sald Comp nt vent not exceeding $60.4 xe 3 Lhe Sr ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, In the estate of Job ton Twp. Centre Co Leviers of | above estate b signed, all person are requested Lo make payment GF claims 10 present Lhe sane { without delay. to we Woodring or Kin i Attorney Pa Jinistrat ving been granted 10 tb s indebted Ww LLOYD STIVER Martha, Pa EXECUTOR’'S NOTICE. f Tsras ereased in the matter of the estate Kau { man. lste of Bellefonte Boro, d Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of Centre County, Pennsylvania, all persons | indebted the sald estate are hereby requested to make payment and all per- sons having claims against said estate {are requested to present the same duly authenticated without delay to AMOS KAUFFMAN. Exccutor Clement Dale Zion ttorney to Pa 3 w NOTICE. the Cou Pleas in and for the ( of Centre No# May Term IN RE DIVORCE | To Mary Malinak Whereas | John Malinak bas flied a Tbe] In Common Pleas of Centre County | term 1012, praying for a divoree | now you are hereby rotified and requested wo | appear on or before the fourth Monday of Fel ruary. to answer the compiaint of your husband John Malinak, and to show cause if any you { have why the sald John Malinak should not be Ma In rn oof Oc 5 HRMON ynty | John Dax Mary Malinak IPI8, your husband the Court of No against you divoresd from the bonds of mairimony entered | | into with you and in default of such appearatoe | granted in you will be liable to have a divores your absence Sherift's ofMee ARTHURRB Beliefonte. Pa January 23rd LEE, Sheriff 194 wm barn, a | | SHERIFF'S SALE. of the Court of Common Pleas of Cenure County to me directed. there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House | fonte. Pa. on ] MONDAY. F (A.D. at 130. p.m real estate, to wht All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground. situate in the Borough of Bellefonte EBRUARY 8rd the following described { in the County of Centre and State of Peansyl- | vanis. Bounded and described as follows tin street and Cowdriek alley, feet Wo a post ning. being a lot fronting one | feet on the southern side of Curtin street and extending south-wardly by Cowdrick alley with ! alley Being the same premises which John PP. Har IS, recorded in Deed Book M page 550, od and conveyed to Laura B. Miller, James A. B. Miiler) in fee and James A. B lier, her husband, | until the purchase mone Sheriff's OMoe AR Bellefonte, Pa. January ied, 19014 is paid in full HUR B, LEE Sheriff NEARLY ALL telligent people realize the value to heaith and comfort of being able to indulge in a daily bath, Even ani. mals and birds demonstrate this In stict that nature has Implanted in place of reason. A bath room fitted up with Anal A in your ring home In “a ou 2 should ri to the family . hai Alig inwtalied ours, AE. 8 SCHAD, were | W. H. Musser GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND PENSION ATTOBNEY, BELLEFONTE, PA. Beezer’'s Meat Mark: t HIGH 8ST, BELLEFONTE, Pa We keep none but the best quality of | BEEY, PORK, MUTTON, SBLICED EAN All kinds of Smoked Mest, Pork Sausage, ow If YOU wants nice Juley Steak, PHILIP BEE 1 John F, Gray & Son, Buccessor to Grant Hoover. FIRE, LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE. This Agency represents the Jargest fire insurance companies in the world. We are prepared to write large lines &t any time. ALSO SURETY BONDS, ire, Life, Accident & Tornado— Bonds of Harry Fenlon INSURANCE. Frederick K. Foster Burnside Every Description illiam || kets—slightly | ders, #2 May || By virtue of 8 writ of Fler] Pacias issued out | { | slit in the Borough of Belle. | Beginning at the southeastern corner of Cur. ! thenee by the | southern side of said Curtin street one hundred | thence at right angles to sald | Curtin street and pareliel with said alley south. | wardly two hundred feet to Church alley. thenoe | | by said Church alley west wardly one hundred | feet to sald Cowdrick alley, and thence by sald | Cowdrick alley north wardiy one hunorad feet to | the corner of Curtin street, the piace of begin. | hundred | | unusually { the same width two hundred feet to Church For Headaches, Dizziness, Eye- strain and Nervousness see DR. EVA B. ROAN, OPTOMETRIST, Eyes examined and Glasses fitted Repairing a speciality GLASSES TWO DOLLARS AND uP, years experience with one the leading optical firms of Philadelphia. Office hours: —€:30 to 11:30 A. M,; 6:30 to §% P. MM, 522 East College Ave, STATE COLLEGE, PA, Commercial Phone Seven of B&B Specials in bed blankets Country woven Blan- mixpd with cote ten to prevent shrinking— | White with Pink er Blue bor. also Plaids in Black and White, Red and Black, Blue and White and Pink and White— | special $3.50. *3 comforts 52.50 An exceptional value, extra heavy filled comfort, covered with fine satesn in at- tractive desig beautiful scroll hing, extra size, 80 by 90 inches. bed spreads special $1.25 White Crochet Bed Spreads, hemmed, handsome marseilies pattern, full doubie bed size, an good value. Prue Yalues True Taiues Ti~4 cotion BOCES & BUHL PITTSBURGH, PA, ris, Trustee, as aforesaid by Deed, dated July 98 | grant. | (wife of | Seized, levied upon. taken into execution and | 10 be sold as the property of Laura B. Miller | ii i | Terms of Sale, No Deed will be soknowledged liatde a Allegheny Street - - Bellefonte, Pa, GILLIAM’ DEPARTMENT STORE We have the autumn starting and with it we want fall dress goods. We have Prints, Ging-