Thursday, December 11th, 1913, Eon THE CENTRE DE MOCRAT, BELLEFONT en oHoROmoNoNON -«Miss Reble Noll departed Tues- day afternoon on a visit to friends in Warriorsmark. +Mr. Isaac Gates, of Tyrone, Bellefonte over Tuesday night meeting of the Masonic was at in tending a der, «Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson return- home on Monday from a two visit to her daughter-in-law, ed week's at Kane, Pa A new heen reported at eph Apt on East Bishop street. Dr. E. K. Musser, the dentist, has closed his office and gone to Philadel phia for a two Bo kg vacation «Mr. and Mrs near Hellefonte, ing for Reading, meeting of the State -“A Girl of the be the attraction Saturday, Dex evening -=Stop ware (Co, store They sing all half the night ~Mrs. Paul rived in Bellefonte way to visit her parents, Mr. ar William #. Noll at Pleasant Miss Nell C spending some time Mr. J. Coburn Rogers, afternoon for er | has Jos- fever residence of of scarlet the L8e Grove, who reside Tuesday morn attend a Grange, to Underworld” will opera house | afternoon and at the 20th, at the Potter-Hoy thelr « FHArd- | Aries and | |] in ar day and seg hours of Adv Keller, of Altoona Wednesday on d Gam the ar- her | Mrs. | ainnon, who George Keeler 18s driver Monday ywned position and taxi-cab « bus 34] the Monday Kansas after at the home T. Fox of East Miss Commer cember 15 Christmas ever mmodadal open the acc trons. ngage pairing wood The i C. Williams he will give herd of towards sion 25x middle D. B in Clear days Stine this o« custom ing at The church i ing next Friday evening at 7:4 Prof. G. F. Ritter, of the B« Academy will make an addre men in town are ited And member is urged present occasion wtTwo to the tussell visit at ir good demo sitors county vere woo Nn Marion id Mex peat tt Stamm, and the veneral Union We had a long chat = gentlemen, the former of whom progressive farmer, and the latter well, the youngest old hap township imels township, key. of th hot i CI in in his Miller, who division, “Hamuel the Bunbury family and household goods to North umberiand. The house vacated by Mr Miller, on south Water street, has been | leased by Thomas Walker, an employ ee of the Lauvderbach-Barber Co., who | moved into it this week Mr. Walker formerly resided in Coleville “Mra. Denlug' gchool will hold a baked bean supper at the | home of Mra. Harry Smith, east Lo- gan street, on Friday evening of this week, from 5:30 to ® o'clock. A charge of 16 cents will be made for the sup- per, the proceeds of which will go to the benefit of the Lutheran parsonage Ice cream and cake ‘will also be on sale, «While making an experiment in chemistry at the Academy Mpnday evening Prof. A. H. Sloop had the left wide of his face badly bugned by nitrie-acid, Several drops of water from a leaking water pipe accidentals ly fell on the fulcum containing the acid and it was thrown over his face and clothes, Mr, Sloop lost a good suit of clothes as well as uffering the pain from his injury, but none of the ter braking on | moved his 18.) has Sunday class Scenic this afternoon and evening, home friends burg, Harry L of erat day N Bister, Spring conductor, no to afternoon Mrs fr Adie SASL | | Fel rible acid reached his eyes, neReRomeNe In and About Bellefonte § PHOMONONNONONO HONOR NINO NONONONONONONOR Don't forget “Hiawatha” at the Freda Baum has returned | two weeks’ visit among | York City | Cadwallader, week-end guest of this place and little callers at in town Miss from a in New Ww. ¥ Was a Garber, of of Pitts- Mrs Mr grandson, the Demo dh Wednes Lutz were while Harvey Nittany, office WwW. Tripple, of Sunday at the Harry Yeager Rochester, home of his on North (‘harles Y., spent Mrs street, railroad list, wa returning the same the veteran the retired wr Monday, Lewishurg H Cook, Ww Bellefont visite home on his of Mill Mrs street Hall, (jeorge Sanderson, home of Linn til after Ci Miss a guest Potter, Kate ast She 1Irist Loganton week Mr and Mins heen fonte as William Tammie Boob, of ) spending the In wnd ther past of IAS elle ends Robert 1 = nd anide June has mmittes of parts one thousand of the United ited upon Congress and Wilson, to ask for the sub amendment to the con will ver prohibit sale, importation, ex. of all beverage Iw if this commities for Washington Tuesday ( night he will speak , And incidents of t) 8 Congregation The me fr all States \ Pres mission citizens m dent of h fore 116 d trar yr A =. portation TE ane left n on 1} o ty Susquehanna Clee Club. wh delighted here Fri ernl ox nsione have will lefonte an con, day ev of next week, Dec and give a concert In the opera house for the benefit of the Lutheran church The personnel of the club this vear embraces nineteen members. five more than carried heretofore, and their Ape pearance promises to he a rare mus ical treat. General admission will 25 cents, and reserved seats 15 Reservation of seats mav be had at Clement Dale's law office the day pre ceding the concert he ening be Beautiful Paintings Free. Particular attention Is called to the large advertisement of the Philadel phia Public Ledger on page five of this issue, announcing the offer of that paper to give away absolutely free handsome reproductions of the fam- ous Violet Oakley paintings in the Pennsylvania State Capitol at Harris. burg. This is one of the most liberal offers ever made by a newspaper, and is done at great expense. urn to page five and read how the pictures may be obtained without a cent of cost to yourself, cents, | | | Bellefonte Elks Held Impressive Ser- dred of Vi | not £). | ( first 8 of their bered eph S I | Jenki Benevolent Wis { ternoon THEIR LODGE OF SORROW, | vices at Petrikin Hall Sunday. Befori an audience of several hun people Including many members the order, the annual memorial es of the Bellefonte Lodge, No Protective Order of Petrikin Hall, Sunday o'clock That death does end the belief of the 1B. P us is proven by the edict of the odie which apart the mda 'ecember of each vear un day commemoration of members who Since Hellefonts { ed four of rossed tl Het 1004 Folks held nf nt all Is irand in of have Lodge members and vid namel John ring her The afternoon wa Have jm I lent river de Hon d, and d ip 8. Fi inday LI the irnes among OG n ear nr ervice I an the past entire most impressive mil 19th. | he i a hed d The members { the cl T exercises Were Exalted Ruler irmed his manner AN. vile JULI AARONSBURG. ARN \ y Y ELL. nfer helped Mrs rd hited ) or ia ’ this lark church 14 r 11 menting week 1ellof 11 nta her Trixie (Cone 3 ace Mrs spent of this Mr. and Milesburg, fora or Wilson Sunday at J A. CO n Flizabeth Breth, of is spending a couple Mra, Katie Jacobs, surprise party was home of Henry Confer's an evening in honor Philip. All report a M jan ven with A Lock of Ha- weeks held at last Thurs. of their son delightful time the MANNTOWN. Here we are again after a long rest. Miss Daisy Mann spent Sunday af- ternoon with Miss Bessie Butler. Miss Gladys, Zyiphin and Andrey Walker and Dora Nyman spent Sun- day with their friends, Rena and Francis Emenhizer Butchering is all the go around here at present, Mrs. Harry Long spent one night Inst week at the home of Mr. Harry Walker, Miss Daley Mann returned home last Sunday from Lock Haven, George Walker came home from Or- viston last week suffering with a pain in his side. | He ment Heaton of | RECENT DEATHS. SPITZER: — Francis Spitzer, an old soldier, died on Wednesday morning of last week at hig farm home in Rush |! township, of a complication of dis- eases incident to the infirmitjes of age. had been {ll about elght weeks, | His age was 79 years and 11 days, | Surviving is his wife and an adopted |! daughter, Mrs end Meek Inter- | wis made Oncenla afternoon NORRIS aed resident unday, Of dren James Altoona, at on ! Mrs of November William Strong the widow maiden name ws due to general dent to held the follow being conducted terment at Zion EMERICK xty-four ve Sarah Norris, Potter township, 30th, at near Colyer James an died home She ' the Norris and Kuhn Death breaking down T he funeral w Tuesda gervl Rey Bierly of Was in old age am | on | In Ing Dy aged | ini Emerick found dead Freeport, 11 He was ba there many P arried-——divor had not enteen from from AIS mrding house about ten da Aro Hall, but left He w twice m f¢ ind for "ey women children in NOx rm inj ars | ed Centr ond Are KERN Mr Spring foil \W y TOLHOWINng Ld | Ben = | disease nd tor ¥ M Jaffa Tem na Funeral home on | Hes which {1 ] elle Monday, inter from the 7 train being made direct | emeter ocum, I), D the Metl mducted the servies HAREHI wrget |S ) f t ROGER rmet rs dey | : Het Bellefonte lawyer i f Altoona, died inst Friday monia and x long 11 the inst 4 } The de Ww J kor township, Centre county, June 10th, 154% and was aged 64 vears montha and 26 days He was the of David and Nancy Rhone Harshberger, both long since decvased Mr Harehberger's early years were spent on his father's farm [in his native county, but his educa. tion was comnleted at Dickinson sem- inary in Willlamsport. He the: came a teacher, and after three years as Superintendent of the Orphan's School at Chester Springs, Pa., he pre pared for the legal profession, taking a course in the law school at Albany, N. Y., graduating in 1872, and subse. quently spent a year In the office of the late Judge Adam Hoy. He later taught school for several yoars and finally in 1882 he was admitted to the bar of Centre county, forming a part nership with the Hon, Seth H. Yocum, wince deceased, He continued to prac- tice up until A few years ago when falling health caused him to give up practice. He removed to Altoona seve eral years ago and became ¢ traveling salesman. Mr, Harshberger was mar- ried twice, his first wife was Miss admitted November 18 born In vas | consed w gon | 29th, | {survives him and member for plivce Sunday | 0 Were {A Happy | “mith | Hams BY Julia C, Barnhart, whe died January K94. Ey this union survive, B., of His Tompkins, with IAlllan, of of the ten Years Methodist Funeral home three chil- Ralph CC, of Pittsburg. | Johnstown and Mary, of | second wife was Miss of Bellefonte, who two children Henry | Altoona He was al Methodist chur ana was superintendent of | Bunday school at this ser were held ar in Saturday Sunda morning the remains to Curtin, Pa,, where in made He w nN memes Hellefonte ‘amt itr | lara h he vices is late Altoona Vening taken erment r ol f the m Was the (lolden her Kagle, attended ted ser nerd were condu grave 1 UNIONVILLE. | will quarter) meet the Free Methodist next Frida ever inue Saturda eveni Sunday evening k be present re nning ont in d nda ine. wily re week | in wl dasghter, Jose ] | the | Fisher | fonte | WANTED BASKET SALE. Special Christmas Sale of Delle~ taskets at China Hall, Belle- fonte, Pa commencing Dec 13th. All Baskets will be sold at attractive prices This is pportunity to pur- chase vour Christmas Presents x44 M. I. GARDNER an o Penny a Word Adv. Any subscriber can insert a want advertises ment in this column one Issue free, If iL dose not exceed 26 words, charges to others, ons cent & word, first issue, no advertisement lose than 25 cents; two issues 40 cents; threes lssuss 80 cents, No advertisements will be answers from this oMoe M. Kelchline x60 Bald Eagle xiv Inquire Of 8-1 your choice 191.1 HOUSES :— For sale anc Beliefonwe. Pa FOR SALE: ~Plgs of all Swocv Farm. Howard, Pa FOR ct ENT. House in Toner Hugg, Milesburye FOR SALLE of two. .( rent. J Bizen vy MM ood al Shuey nr 13¢ A home with » fare quire M M ars. Jos "a HOT 8 Hetonte r a boy four Bellefonve ia In WANTED ~ At the Haag ho girl, also one in k Belietonte., Pa FOR SALE Team « welght about 27} Niuvany yours « Apply when bE ¢ years oi ash or Lime G FORSALE years old F en or aOaress FOR SALE: —Thirt Buick Roadster, 2224 T Brooks Pa FOR Sie Agent, Curtin Helton Pa FOR 00 He (ond abot Bellefont | Be ard 4 i Couple ad tom orls me have to wit othing syrup to levi H. K Harr Mrs inte of s emsel vos the gorge Hard P fF were ark, Mrs Bul- Lucas, Mr Mre, Sarah Miles, J Wilbur Mra Abednego Wil. Mrs. A. F. Holderman Prof. J. Fox, Harry and daughter Mr, ("ora Kreps, J. J. Morris Mr, and Mra, Wm, Summers and three dauvehters.ahe or cing In parinership with the butchering, each furnishing one 350.11 hog Had the writer been ston ve would give the readers columns of spiey reading on ject of temperance, Woman the doings at the Bellefonte A... et cetra—arguments indulged women and men—and the It was that nearly every one agreed with every other one. At all events we had a good jolly hour of chin music pre ceding the dinner A Sad Accident : Clyde Brower, son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Brower, of Union twp, was so badly Injured in a rail road accident in the vicinity of Greensburg on Sun- day night that he died at the Greens. burg hospital the following Tuesday evening, His leg was so badly crush. ed that it had to be amputated which was the cause of his death, Deceased was a most esteemable young man, 18 years of age and is survived by his parents, and eleven brothers and mis. ters, his being the first death in the family. On Wednesday, the remains were taken to undertaker, Wetzler's at Milesburg who prepared it for burial Funeral services were held at the home of deceased and were conducted by the Rev. M. Piper, assisted by Rev. Ash and Collins. Interment in ceme- tery east of Unionville, elle Smith and Mr. and two children, Diwain, Mrs and Jones dn and iatt werapher several the sub Bufferage M. C in In res RAW paid nd wil w FOR SA LE Re ng} 8 Be INSURANCE Insure 3 OBES Promptly efonte Pa FORRENT--AQ ge Bu red by the best Jap's Flash | FARM For sale or wiles west of He being clear bank barn ar lon farm WV for prog« Address | about { house | and we r exchange mont reo fonte, Route | | FOR SALE Prize Pekin Ducks. 8 ( { and White Leghorns White Barred Rocks. 8. C. Buf! On {Geese Fine ocockerels. puilets hens Get your breaders now fr winners Locust H i Pa Brown W yandoties, Embden yearling ngLons LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT. ADMINISTRATRIX'S ! © matter t f antate of NOTICE. we enn n W. Harter against present H ART ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. the matter of the estate of Fidw 4 L SE oliege Towt CaN letters of Administration the above named estate having been granted to the ndersigned by the Register of Willis of Centre County, Pennsylvania, all persons indebted t the sald estate are hereby requeste make payment and per- sons having claims against sald estate Are reo ue 1 to present the same duly Lauthenticaled without delay to W. D. MARSHALL. Ads MSLOWT + ’ . shit R s x5 ADMIN STRATRIX'S NOTICE. in mater of the estate of Mary E. Beani- | son. late of Howard Borough, deceased | Letters of Administration in the above | named estate having been granted to the | undersigned by the Register of Wills of | Centre County, Pennsylvania, all persons indebted to the sald estate are hereby | requested to make payment and all per- ipone having calms against sald estates | are requested to present the same duly authenticated without delay to MRS. GERTRUDE GARDNER, ADMRX Howard Pa the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, | In the matter of the estate of J. M. Goodhart | late of Gregg township. deceased | Letters of Administration in the above [named estate having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills of | Centre County, Pennsylvania, all persons indebted to the sald estate are hereby | requested to make payment and all per- pone having calms against sald estate {are requested to t the same auly gr without delay to JOHN G. DAURERMAN, Centre Hall MRS. LETTIE GOODHART, Spring Millis & Administrators PUBLIC SALES, FRIDAY. DEC. 19-V. 8 Weston, on the A. § Willismos farm, midway between Port Matilda snd Martha Purbsee, will sell: 4 horses 3 milch cows. I young estile. chickens, farm im. Jlamatits grain and some household goods. Salest lpm LF. Maves, soot SATURDAY DEC. 20:~F. W. Gross, on the R 0. Way farm, four miles west of Stormstown, Halfmoon road, will sell: 2 horses, 12 oat neluding mileh cows: 3 head of fall line of implements and house. Salest 10a mm. George O, Walle, Orr, clerk. the, wae, wt o— Bellefonte—Grain. The following prices are paid by C Y. Wagner for grain, Whatt, ROE «oooovosovviiniisniia SYhant, VWHIME ..onuicrinsissesin, Ry» Corn Onts Barley .. AREA RE EE] EE EE SET] A ET EE ARE EE EEE EE