- Wp ce I Ee ———— EE - Thursday, December 11th, 1913, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PENNA, Page 5. ma taxation, but this pledge can not be EERE REER EE RE ERR RE J BALEY'S PROPOSITION. fulfilled if the big navy boomers are His Card. A Throat or a Promise? i ; / Ang 1% » ac . » [J » * —— to have thelr way, or having their E. H. Sothern, the actor, confesses : Sl : * Down Wilkes-Barre Way hd “My answer to the demands of the | way, they are not required themselves | to a habit which sometimes has its John, a rather backward rustic, sat | €® | big navy boomers is the bill iIntro-|to foot the bill | disadvantages It Is his custom to at one end of the sofa and his sweet | 'e y providing for a super tax “Personally I regard this naval com- 4 3 he he jot} ind ere | 'T EERE TEE duced by me providing J ) . ta . totes . reart at the other, loth minds were . *Yeeoo 4 of 6 per cent. on Incomes of a | cotires as in the last degree unwise, | muke memoranda of things which oc too full to carry on conversation, but! Long, thick, heavy hair. Want this kind? (Contributed) and over to meet the cost of naval | There should be a ‘naval holiday’ and | cur to him from time to time on his fu 5 ’ | § Ayer’'s Hair Vigor promotes growth, Please observe the hyphen! If you | onstruction” sald Warren Worth |it should last, not for a year, but in- | calling cards or other odd bits of pa at last the lady spoke Does not color the hair. write it Wilkesbarre you violate the | Bailey of the Nineteenth district of | definitely, There Is no more sense in| per he may have In his pockets, He “John. what are you thinking about?" | Ask Your Doctor { O. Ae: Ou v . " $ . ke } 4 " r ar " . A's i i) i 3 4 LOLA, 3 " : . w Wf nem law and offend the patriotism of ev- | Pennsylvania. | nations going around armed than tells this as one of his experiences John, awakened from his dreams, an- | “" » . " of i { ¢ . Pa ot N wriv ‘ wo a ke - y [ ( » 4 » srl oN i ery devotee to the honor of the two | My proposition in brief is, that the there 8 in the ! debi : itize nm iking } yd ov I a swered with a drawl, “Oh, jest the great British statesmen and Colonels | naval establishement should be lim. {of himself a walking arsenal. Just as | “I had occasion to call at the home of o ) Wilkes and Barre, from which illus- | ited in size only by the patriotism of { we have progressed In civillzation we Grover Cleveland, and 1 sent up my | sane as you ure,” and was surprised to | MoDevitt Again in Clover. trious names we derive our urban | our millionaires, They are the real|have dispensed with the loaded hip card In a few minutes Mrs. Cleve | get the retort John J. MeD tt of WA >t FTE 4 [4 i 4 i 1 [* 4 i MICKe H is | i ‘ { ye unon : ’ . 4 Bh . * | ‘ ’ " s | : ; g fl oe 4 it nym. Be it known that this hyphen- | big navy boomers and they ought to | pocket; and it is . mat rial blot upon rot uf ad . the card » “1f you do I'll slap you! Ladies’ | the “Millionaire for a Day. ated city is now a commissionatea | Pe given a fair chance to pay for what | this civilization that we have not lke and cnme In to receive me, the card | H ! } urvavst 4% BOB: ess municipality. It is worthy of note they so ardently demand. We do not | wise abandoned the national hip pock- | till fu her hand and about her mouth | HOME Journal lone occasion that the Mayor Kosek who has Billy hesitate to draft men from the latory ot yi symbolized ir our reat navy a rather odd smile | Money J ‘ Vista 3 g n \ : wo | An ¢ when any nNgnting needs to nd our great standing arm) | . | Bundayed this once wide open space |8ud farm when any RENting neecs io anc our greil # all ing am “‘I think perhaps 1 had better re-| A Strict Sense of Duty. {tery but he } on the map, Is now only a nominal | Pe done. Our millionaires rarely But if w mu ha th | | "he tourinr oar had turoed upside ]and thinks chief, the four commissioners having | any fighting Their patriotism takes navy, it is my thought that it shoul turn th to you," she said A If car Ma Irn Ips IY nie nt met and parceled out all the main |the form usually of loaning money athe supported by the eclal Interest: “I took it. On the back 1 had writ | 90Wn. burying the motorist under it, : functions and left to his honorable | Digh rates to the government In times | that never miss in 101 ten: ‘Soni pujainas ne dozen col | but the village constable was not to be Koseky the chiefhood of weights and | Of hi 1dly A ril Pi p oy m n do Es ht i for It hat | oh : lars.’ "—New York Tribune thus lightly turned from his duty. wit whan $ mm ay > WET fighting is they who brave 1e | which | Ck of y 1 L . ne Ok ne . . measures! he “true inwardness” ot | "5% i " : 3 : Te tuts Pant kee. “It's no use your hiding thee,” he this is the insatiate vearning of the | wden hail and the hardly less fear y “business interests.” for a return to (ful ordeals of the camp In times of rh i 5 ise. 3 A Hearty Welcome snld severely I must have your 2" ators rt dH arrass aly » | war ny she Fn } ov ’ / name and address.” Exchange $He ajorusald wideopenness! Hot "i _olterk ar ini} ro juarries has been increased by, Mrs, Clay telephoned to a friend that Sig ed ¥CLang amales ahead a offering ou Hionaire \ A son and daughter of Charlie Beck, | first real chance they have L$ we road of g y Dre of Smuliton, reside here at No. 52 8. | in this country to show the genui worl with their quarries st of | 98Y Welles street. The son is employed in | ness of their patriotism They should | pro, gant HEY omplete t! t-1 “Well, her | "she exclaimed | y 1} s A n d LA % | nit ap | n el Fr O | ‘ ¥ ! aim " Cou 1 the adding maching works and is mak- | seize it with joy and houi X | t will be furths ! ed cheerily the little daughter of the units of strength. while the same | FT of the y nt E oi: ing good, jolly, rotund, thrifty and | their tre n endous influence in favor | hostess OF amount of skimmilk will give 34 and | A ¥y happy. of my bill According to lcula pen . LO There is a healthy example of the | tions t ill will raise te reve . Hobson's Ointment Heals Itchy | “Yes, replied the child; “I'm glad to of split peas 250 political “boomerang” on tap hers ie of $143,.081,2060, a litt less hat a Eczema. County jobs were tied up because the | the estimates of Mr. Underwood and he constantly itching four Common Pleas judges divided | Mr. Simmons of the amount required ition and other blishment for the f 4 of himsel i LO she woul lown and spend the Food Values. A pound of parsnips only gives see vou, and 1 know mother will be ’ glad, too, fo ¢ snid this morning There Is no greater loss than the low when you pho \ we was thank- | of ime. —Old Baying irning ) bie forms of ind equally Usually a divided and tied court aflirms the decision. Garman | Cal ye I 8 far i ! ike | eruptions promptly I wy Dr it ful she way ing to have the visit and Fuller were on one side and |out, the great body of the people a On #8 Fi ! intmen i "| over with , poincott's Malaproprian, Strouse and O'Boyle on the other, So ot suller for a Mig 1 The de tel f Mende il. 8 4 pur : Visitor--Your the sempiternal Garman bobbed p for naval exploitation 8 al ' . X of Lr 18 gentiment out of | serenely at Harrisburg last wint and got another judge to bre the tie. | Whom the super ta 1d 1 na nce the vil r, navi en " ps the mo The judge appointed feel that vil t protest |« mar loctors ne ha riven J aaon Fl The Drage Fly. quick—Goodn. " disgusting to } petition h as that whict he big fforer s} try . ; ; "afm esate Causes Lots of Trouble. ould Swerve Dan from what 2° 2° aovy boome: tvoonta + rake nitive i i Bl Re Bub A Pe idan A Cra} vd Most of the trouble is due t evel to be ight 3 woul not \ mer avo | hy ‘ § “ll 1 Ww Fe 0# i can oh y + F " we \ od h the | tnuts Th Le 16 101 f mone re i t em a ne ! nded At Dirugiists . bg wifi ’ ‘ ne {ta «i that half of the [4 « tion resulted in Butler Woodward's rat t t Baltimore pledged f(t r mn 0 Pleiffer Chemical C " E i i the election to be judge ar here th ell t Li ng of t rder FiP elphia & l Ady De » { osition of body Ledger boomerang! jutler i tar wit H Strouse and O'Boyl¢ It seems that ju the veins of the old chief justi Speaking of governor again nda) I remember there was i meeting for Woodward and Rebersburg, in old Centre greatest parade of Democr with horses and chariots Brush valley ar lHeve by G assisted by ers. Among Cyrus T. There wa Gramly, Kreamer's Woodware narrow margi The Creasy since it has Palmer club of Pr endorsed Crea Pinchot for U Ss Ser for governor and Palmer Senator would ‘ I Verbum sap Bride of 12: Groom 65, Judge Frank I. Dur cult court for Baltin ) An ’ the that no wedding sued for the sixty-five Violet Oakley’s Paintings In the Pennsylvania State Capitol at Harrisburg The 15 famous mural paintings which adorn the walls of the Governor's Room at Harrisburg are now for the first time to be reproduced in color. Heretofore the only obtainable copies were carbon photographs at $7.50 be each. Recently improved methods in the making of color printing plates TCIOHN H GROVE direct from the walls now make possible their reproduction in color. The Urges Early Closing. expense of reproducing these pictures is very great, and but for the willing- SHINY In Ihe wa ness of the PUBLIC LEDGER to assume this expense these wonderful during the weeks preceding Christmas pictures might long have remained beyond the reach of the public to be other cities cote at ax orelocke wh momentarily enjoyed only by the few who might have occasion to see the Christman buyers to do. their shopping originals when “doing” the Capitol at Harrisburg. AS soon a8 possi light Akad Six of these pictures, reproduced in all their wonderful coloring, in sizes The proper plished by chants fn a community get Ing togeth- suitable for framing, will be issued as a and 1 the Ho + i i yo t) ” 1a) . Action should be at on anid jackson | earnest Supplement to the hopes that this Depart this kind of co-operation by the mer- chants and the people of the State, In ARETE bn SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER as the wording of the legislation pass- ed last winter, o Stomach Troubles Dissspear. December 14 weak nerves, lame back and female {lla dissapear when Electric Bitters are ’ * .'* . - . . ~ i used. Thousands of Vomen would not I'he remaining 9 of the series of 15 will be a part of the seven successive Sunday issues. w without a bottle Ir thel ome . . . 3 » . . v Bin: Pocs of Depew,” Othe! witout A limited edition of 125,000 is being printed and no more can be had when these are gone. ‘Electric Bitters raised me from my bed of sickness and suffering and has To make sure of obtaining a copy it will be necessary to place your order with your news agent in Sung eS UH of 5008: Ah ev: | advance. Or, eight weeks, by mail, postpaid, forty cents, with the order. Address Public Ledger, any ST I, Ang out an ] @ia Independence Square, Philadelphia. thousands of others, it surely will do | the same for yoi. Every bottle guar- | anteed, G0c. and $1.00. At all Drug- | : z gists, MH. E. Bucklen & Co. Phila. or | h ¥ . 8t. Louis~~Adv, Dee 7 " | y 4) : a | Women’s | SST t enn DAILY, TWO CENTS : . ; : . SUNDAY, FIVE CENTS Confidence in First Thing in the Morning Since 1836 the efficacy of tis thoroughly tried home remedy is never misplaced, In every way~in health, strength, spire its and in locks—women find them- selves better aficr timely use of AGEL BEV BEECHAMS G. SPIGELMEYER PILLS 0. Sold everywhere, In boxes, 10c., 28e. E