BELLEFONTE, rs ~ PA, Page 8. TE—— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, Thursday, October 30th, 1913. | } Mrs, Olive Kepner, at Altoona to see the new little girl After having been hospital and being town for several days, gal action which may have been be- gun by our attorney against the : { Pennsylvania Rallrond ompany In orres on RNC i hereby definitely withdrawn and abandoned.” —————— In concluding this arrangement, the | land was compelled to return to the (CONTINUED). . Company gave the Board a properly | hospital last Friday for further treat- we g fexecuted deed, signed by Vice Presi- [ment of his left hand which was bad- —~ " 4 : ; : SED OE OOM a dent W, W. Atterbury, and had it re- ly injured on the rip saw in the han- HOWARD, works at Mt dizcharged from about home and Alfred Strick- Our Second Openin of Ladies’ and Misses COATS & SUITS will take place Saturday, Nov. 1st Eagle some weeks corded at Bellefonte at ts own ex dle | bens This enriches the District by | Ago | Whatever may be the value of these | ap of his children with tears in order |lOB& as It had no title for the lots up | for sometime that they may read aright His prov. | Which the®houses formerly stood, [attention to egg idence and His commandments.— |NEVINE only the right to thelr use for | notably prolific Theodore L. Cuyler. school purposes; whereas now, If for |gent a quintette of his beauties, each any both of these |of which already has a record, last schools shall be the Dis- evening, to represent his flock trict will have a valuable property for |in the North American International will preach and administer the sacra-|8ele, for which It can give a clear ti- | peg-laving ompetition, now in prog- | ment of Lord's Supper, nt Marsh tie. In addition to this the Company | ress in Philadelphia Here's hoping Creek at half past ten; and wil preach | PBt far more work and upon the Howard biddies may win at Jacksonville at half past two, and [reorganizing of the two houses and in Howard at half past seven. thelr surroundings than 1t had prom Presbyterian—Pastor Walter Fay [18ed. Finding them in a badly worn Carson will preach at Port Matilda ac (8nd unfit condition, it re-roofed and eleven o'clock, and at Unionwlle at |re-floored them, put them on bet- |[S4Y, are half past seven ter foundations than the original ones, |2ble to be Methodist Episcopal—Pastor James painted them, as well as the fences Edwin Dunning will preach and con. and outbuildings, handsomely and led In duct communion service at thoroughly, inside and out, laid sub. {last Sunday Creek at half past ten, and at Hun- | stantial brick walks at all needed place. It ter's Run at half past two. At half | places, graded the grounds at large awny past seven he will preach in Howard. [€08t, and in short, spared no ex- United Evangelical—Pastor M. J, [pense to make them representative Snyder will preach and administer the |0f what the one-room country school Lord's Supper at Snow Shoe Inter. |house should be and far better than section at half past seven in the ev- |&ny other buildings and grounds own- ening of next Saturday, Nov. 1 Heed by the district. The Pennsylvania will hold similar services—preaching | Railroad Company deserves and re- and the observance of communion-—at | celves much credit for the large and ] Marion at half past ten, and at Cur- |liberal-handed way in which it has |ihe Epworth League by the minister, | Stormstown, and is 74 tin at half past seven, on the follow |dealt with proposition Rev. H. K. Ash | Her maiden name iing Sabbath, Nov. 2 Mr. and Mrs The Union prayer meeting for this |, ve attending the Friends an evening will be held in wal meeting at Baltimore Md. fo Evangelical church. The continuing last School District of Howard township, [interest in these meetings greatly en- N ohn Askens expect by reason of the acquirement by the courages the brethren of the Minister. | g thi y ; : . wrhizd Pennsylvania Railroad Company of a lial association. | Rldd dy a . right of for the Mt. Eagle cut off through of their grounds, has been amicably settled, and finally ar- | ranged. The two sub districts at fected were 1 “Furnace,” adjoining Howard borough on the east, and “Pletcher” adjoining the borough on | ither case did the railroad listurb the building or grounds, but ecause the new line unusable the old Clarence DD. Jonnson, who has been giving much of his | production, using the White l.eghorn hens, God sometimes washes the eyes reason one or abandoned, In Our Churches Next Sabbath, Reformed-—Pastor E H. Zechman Monday the cost that the UNIONVILLE, of the town, we are glad but, not The sick still improving, around Ralph Moran, who has been employ Altoona for some time, speny with his friends in thm was quite a temptation to from Unionville so long you Ralph junior choir of Episcopal church of dered the music last Sunday night for | preaching service. The singing was |Members of well known enjoved by all, being conducted by | 13 families, each of whom is thelr leader, Miss Rumberger There | #entative of a generation Mr Were several members taken into | Meese, the cider laay, resi leeon siny Glad The mre ——— to see Methodist rens- the this Representatives of Four Generations. In the above group are pictured four Centre place also Years this You are cordially invit- ed to visit our Garment de- partment and view the dif- ferent styles from the best manufacturers in this line. Abednego Williams | TE been School District Damages. The damage sustained by the Week will Friday way members three Erant This of the sale Art out nd proy successfu 8 | de Mrs. Elizabeth Luc Belle ! fonte visitor Friday | bit y 3 st Mrs. Ward Schenck spent Sunday | it | with friends in Lock Haver |p to n nto part « ! neh's | bers, §1 THE LYRIC THEATRE Programme SOM¢ Dunham interest sdied Internat! lens Star Course this Year the west occupied or rendered public highy though the valley (ti, compelled 0 a ground for | 4 uild a new highway ugh the listricts, and the mpensate Remember the date daturday, November 1st. was quire the purpose and this rar grounds of | practically |¢ Company |! dis THURSDAY NIGHT. the t Ser . Ir discussion, not on- | ighenbaug! Vere | t apt A d : nie n ovater in tw ree 0 ard and the rail ie : : among the | a8 to what |. sation and, larger number | following the Company | and it was unan- FRIDAY NIGHT recorded on the ison McKibben, of Mill Hall, was [#87 ent i . . His Ind Ww proposi RIS PETER sa, Special Measurements will be taken on this day. } 1, and Board hool nsylvania Railroad the brick dwell from the Lighthammer lot, and move the school house onto the said Lighthammer UI placing it upon and suitable foundation practi- where the Lighthammer house Mr. and stands, and repair all damage | Nittany, may have been dons to the |fonte on house during its vad wr in moving Rec pital | Butler he Furnace S Weber Miss Claude R work at Wilkes home over Mrs were “{a) Ths Pen . spent S Compan Vili remove Lou St SATURDAY NIGHT. medians ing house end MceClinti 7 be at week a good cally now which Edward passengers Friday's morning train A NCY Haven hos- | ration, Clair | andj vering at from minor op« “ has returned to his home KATZ & COMPANY The ides ex fence the lot the public high- wire fence ml house, and two ll, with proper |... 8 required by the | Compar epting v ith a good will rooms . N N 1 ut yening NOVembHer INL oven THM A . Brooks ar wife n * | will t opened to all Odd Fel ! va t ves At lock Margaret Kirk Ince died 5! f w= 1 be a 3 are closets . Grandpa then give the | tt] fee simple to so Lighthammer lot a SCOTIA Your Exact Wish in an Overcoat Can nda roper pair Be Met at the Sim Store man « of Ble | tion last iit vite {days ago er alk ROT OOY It ! t B. P. Po the school code firm of Shutt and ) (¢) The Company ited our handle factor ‘ ey benelit School years, spent last week with me and the entire lot of one acre | or-in-law SN. I. Reber Mrs. Edw The Penns Railroad Com- Mr. and Mrs fonte, spent v days pany wil reimburse the distric Misses Mittie H for such net pecuniary loss, if any, h and Mrs. Harves as it may have sustained since the . Compan took possession of How ard contingent v . y : sights of Bellefonte grounds, by reason of the renting hegting of a building to take the place of the buildings aforesaid which were rendered untenable hy reason of | llams, railroad construction, and other inter the penses incidental thereto, not Shuman Holter, on Grove street ceeding the sum of $141.60." Jackson Kline is putting a new |tomorrow The Company completed the work [roof on the house he recently purchas- | Who falled to see and the buildings were ready for oc-|ed of Henry Thompson, and when he |It was ‘here cupancy at the date of opening the |gets it painted up it will be another | NOW Is your school term, and when turned over | “cleaned up” spot on Malin street | to the Board, and the necessary legal Mr. and Mrs. Will. Smeltzer and two | arrangements were concluded, the |. ne of Pleasant Gap, and Mrs Geo. | | Thursday, Friday and Saturday Board unanimously adopted the fol-|Garbrick., of Bellefonte. drove down OF THIS WEEK. give the Board title in fe simple tm We've an assortment here of good Overcoats that will surprise and please you. Every new style that has been brought out this season is here, in all the new and wanted fabrics. here lam the | Retiben T.ucas | : Wee x and Nannie 1 Were part of the Mr. 1 head of the Mu which saw the ” R seum department of the mint in Phil Friday | adelphia, is home on his annual vaca tion visiting his brother Gra Meek and ip Bu Run also cas Olin Meek the and immediately up their Kentucky last Wednesda Henry Wil who had purchased it. moved old home of Mr. and Mrs departure for his sisters There are long coats, medium length coats, short coats, some double breasted, some single breasted, with belts and without belts, shawl collar coats, English collar coats, plain conservative coats. Some of heavy fabric, plaid back; 1-4 lined, others 1-2 or full lined; in serge, silk, plush or fur. There dre coats for dress, for rough weather usage, for motoring. You simply can’t have an overcoat wish that can’t be supplied from this immense showing. All at our well known reasonable prices, and we'll be glad to show them to you any time. Don’t Talking fail to attend the Pictures at the opera house and Saturday night. Those | this attraction when | before, missed a treat, opportunity OX - KX - Edison | lowing resolutions, which Aluo became | in their auto for a Sunday call upon a part of the minutes of the Board their relatives, the Charles FE. Year. “Whereas, The Pennsylvania Rail- [ick family road Company has carried out nl Mrs Perry good faith all the Provisions of the Cambria county, stopped off here, agreement of Ma, 24, 1913, made bY | when on the way home from a visit it, with the School District of Howard with friends in Lock Haven, for a few township, regarding the taking of the |g,vs with her sister. Mrs. Edward gfounis of the two ph known as | Henderson the Furnace schox f the Pletche . Ihe ol if y moving od i ae hr Gratified » ) f v ' re . te ye ] houses as specified in that agreement; weeks with her sis er, Mrs. Frank . p Casselberry, Mrs. Grace Spencer re- | also by making and giving to the turned to her home mt Ha Hi | Board of Directors deeds for the i ie a "arre, ins tingdon county, accompanied by her grounds occupied hy the build. little daughter. Phoebe i \ eo Ings as specified In sald agreement; 4 ! also by paying to the sald Board of More work for the assessor Directors the sum. of money, namely | census taker is piling up here: A | new boy arrived at the home of John One hundred Forty Dollars and Gallagher last week, and the home of | Fifty cents, ($141.50) as specified nO sald agreement, therefore, be it re. [Chauncey Pletcher was brightened by the advent of another girl solved, and it is hereby Resolved, 1st That the satd Penn- Miss Sudie Pletcher ig at home for | gylvania Railroad Company has there. | 8 rest after a busy season ns stenog- ] by made full, complete and satisfac rapher and bookkeeper at a large ‘ cannery, at Franklinville, New York. tory compensation to the School Dis - trict of Howard township for any and | When fully recovered she will return to her stated work In Lancaster. all damage sustained by mild Schoo! District by the taking of land for its Mra, William Markle, who has been right of way through the sald School | visiting with her parents for some grounds, and that hereafter Ro cistm | days, returned to her State College for any damage whatsoever shall be | home Saturday, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Charles Beighdol, both Cole of lakertown, | with a visit of several! Our Reg. Price Price 5 gal. Kerosene Oil § 58 § .78 Loose Coffee 25 Flour, per sack Rice, per pound.... Seeded Raising..... Canned Tomatoes... Banner Lye, 3 for... 25 Arm & Hammer Soda, 9 5:-1b box Oat Flake... 21 Dunhams Cocoanut... 08 Walter Bakers Choe, .19 28 Federal Stock Food ..20....26 Blasi, per bottle... 07 10 Corn Btarch .....000000.... BB FRESH OYSTERS DAILY. FOR CASH ONLY. Ask for coupons, WH PAY Now and the ~Oone They start at $10 and run $12.50, 15, 18, 20, upward made nor maintained against the Kim, Che (16 hier sald Pennsylvania Rallroad Company, by sald School District of Howard township, nor by any one for it Resolved, 2nd. That the old school grounds, as now occupied hy the Pennsylvania Rallroad Company, are hereby vacated and abandoned to the use of the sald Pennsylvania Railroad Company and to its heirs and assigns forever, without any further claim whatsoever for compensation or dam- ages, past, present or future. Resolved, 3rd —That any and all le- daughters of Edward Shope and wife, Mrs, Fannie Gardner Leathers had a little family dinner on Sunday, at which her brother, Wyckliffe H. Gard- ner, of Mackeyvilie, M, 1. Gardner, of Bellefonte, Mrs. W. R. Gardner, with her two children, Donald and Sarah were the guests. Mr, ahd Mra. Alvin Pifor are away up in alr Just now because they are ’ ts for the first time, ar RET LhIR started prom or the home of her daughter, EGGS, per dozen........... 33% BUTTER, per Ib............ 33¢ POTATOES, per bushel.....80¢ ONIONS, per bushel........880 Gillen, the Grocer, Both Bellefonte, Pa. phe Tn @orrect RL ELLEFONTE AND STATE COLLEGE - Pa.