THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PENNA, Thursday, October 30th, 1913, A ——————— WAN AAA NWA Home Circle Column Pleasant Evening Reveries tor Every Member of the Family SAMMI TI MAWAAAWYY | “Melancholy cannot hold its own Sun- | with nature Smiles are epl- nature will fill perennial good shine Is contagious, demic, One joyous an auditorium with good cheer Des. pondency is a poor debator., It can bring no argument that sunbeams will not penetrate.” » * . Let us not be low-spirited over lit- tle things, Worry never accomplish- ed anything. It is useless to cross a bridge until we get to it. Evil fore- bodings never lightened any pathway and the feet are prone to stumble or go astray in the darkness of ancholy and sorrow. Look on bright side. Be cheerful. Be reliant. Be brave and patient. » * LJ If a young girl weak and false be weak, false and foolish; but it is true, tender and inspiring, then goamething of its truth and tenderness will glow into her soul and become a part of her very self. The boy who reads deeds of manliness, of brav- ery and noble daring feels the self which she will reads that and foolish, seed is planted which will bring forth fruit of pure endeavor and exalted life. | | and { upon . * » someone and “Why, was sweet, “Is your father rich?” asked a five vear old girl; little one replied confidentially, of course, he's got me.” And she right, too for, the father of a loving, helpful little daughter is richer than some millionaire whose money cannot buy them the love of a single heart. How about your father? Does he think he is a rich man because of the daughter at home? There are households where "it is hard to make ends meet” but where there is plenty of that better wealth of lov nd kind- ness and loyalty. Is yours one of them? . ——— Everyone housekeeper vants; or on a wood will not soiled and the business man faithful partner, in one ing found them in appointment ures: but life is too short away in sighs and worryl trials and rough places There are too many good thi joy. Just think of the bright things an around us. It matters not how poor we may be, still the bright sunshine is ours: the flowers and little birds that sing for us. there is too The ser- at has annoyances finds them in lazy rainy day burn; the children finds and we ther anot the th And much to do in our one short Yfetime. As we once heard an aunt say, “well, we hear so much about good | world | fective | Kind mel- | the | | They | nate is | | alone spirit | of emulation glow within him, and the | the | words, MAPA why doesn't someone do something good?” And it is high time we were all doing it . Ld » it to our friends and we to ourselves to cherish gentle nature, that has a sympathetic glowing, bright face and a responsive heart to greet the with. It is one of the most af- of all means of doing good. words and gentle looks cost nothing: and vet they are often more grateful to the poor and oppressed than purses of gold. LJ > LJ We owe It good eye , a warm, owe All love Is sweet, given or returned. who inspire it most are fortu- but they who feel It most are happier still. The word"home" the habitations of only applied to man, Beasts have lairs, birds have nests temporary abiding places, both of them. Man builds his permanency, and a safe housing of his treasures and lov- ed ones. A house not a home, You cannot rear a home with boards alone . . » Is ia made to labor Bach one of us inalienable right of liberty and we must insist Learn to know what are and learn to let the non-essentials go. Let take time for thought Let us take time to read and develope what mind God has given [et us time for conversa- for pleasant, 1] Inter making and keeping friends Li end who i ompelled to wear will take my hand dowr instead to wt Men were but has women slave and not to an happiness, the righ the essentials us us take tion, for OuUrss s0C1 fr WANTED—A re me wher d pant I am Ing me a ogonize patch } sliding kick lend me ¢ “i ri who I am SiC of she endure would inj sustained can strain and toil that otherwise break her health spirit and materially ire her Fact, FUN AND FANCY. Sparkling Paragraphs—Selected and Original. IAAI (complainingly) They've Mrs. A Knockout.—Wife —You're not like Mr. Knagg been married 20 years, and Knagg says her husband is so tender Husband—Tender! Well, he ought to be, after being in hot water that Mind ~The bhbed her give “if again” A him Had a Business daughter of a clergyman stu toe and said “Darn!” “TH ten cents,” sald her father, never say that word days afterward she came 10 said “Papa, I've got a word half a dollar.” A Midnight shouted the wife, night. John snored a turned over. “John!” increased emphasis grunted John. "Get leaking!” "Aw, an’ come back to few in the middle of the bit louder, and she sald, wi "What = ! up. The put a pan bed!" under Sanguinary Ambition.—"“If 1 was a great, big man” said Bennie, who was entertaining the caller, “T'd go be a soldier” “What would you w ant to be a soldier for, Bennie?” asked the caller. “So's I could shoot” “What would you shoot?" “Chickens, lions, and Indians” ied nie, Not His Fault—It is well, talking with a horse dealer, to not only your own words, but young man drove up fo a and inquired for the proprietor, shortly appeared me this horse was without fault” said. “Yis, sor, 1 did” “Well, 1 tice one of his eves Is blind" “That's not his fault, sor; it's his misfortune.” replied the horse dealer Her Full Name~A young in Central park overheard negress call to a pickaninny: back, KExy, Exy!” "Excuse me” sald the young woman, “but jsn't that a queer name for a baby, aunty?” “Dat ain't her full name” explained the old woman with pride; “dat's Jes’ de pet name 1 call fer short Dat chile got a mighty grand name. Her ma picked it out in a medicine book Yessum, de chile's full name is ec- zema."” Susan Did It—A visitor who was being escorted through an asylum for the insane came to a padded cell In which an unfortunate man was wall- ing: "Susan! Susan! Susan!" In response to a query, he was informed that the victim had been jilted by a girl named Susan, with whom he was madly In love. A little farther on he eame to another padded ceil In which another unfortunate was walling, “Susan! Susan! Susan!” Once more he wanted to know why Susan was the burden of a maniac’s heart and the attendant said: “This is the man that married Busan” A Warm Place~No longer is the celebrated Damm family exclusively the owner of a profane name. Down in Farrell, Pa, lives the Hell family. The head of this familly is a manufac. turer of ice eream and na he is a be- Hever In advertising as a business getter, the family name is flaunted in the faces of the townpeopie and visi tors in such signa as “Go to Hell for Ice Cream.” “Ice cream from Hell fs Guaranteed Pure and Cooling” “kell is Here, Don't Miss the Place” “Hell is always Open,” ete. Some of the more siben-going people of (Fars relly) don't like this idea of making a joke of a very serious matter, Bocialism~Mike and Pat were two irish friends—and Democrats. One day Mike learned that Pat had turned Socialist. This grieved and troubled ’ and Yu promptly repi when weigh rv stable ( who Pp wh “1 thought you told woman an old “Come long. | lars, little | | you | you'll | and | worth | Precaution down in | colored seh | | charge gas is | Charge t Ben- his A | he | of no«- | {Mr [tle farther { won,’ don't un- is it your Mike, who sald “Pat, 1 derstand this Socialism. What now? “It means dividing up money equally,” answered Pat. "'Tis this way If I had two million dol- I'd give you a million and keep for mj) . “And if two farms, Pat, what would divide up a million self. see” u had do?” hunder pigs™ His Charge to the Jury—A darkey fa. in a thickly-settled holding urt r the first time, Ww I This WAR J “Gentleme de fury Me hein’ ew 8 Georg district a magistrate f a jury 18 th of tam de Conscience~"Yon farm he The 1p edd man on a 1 tos the £35 urre told don't he taining al Oct best " As " whose yoo cons own vernad whose ence ilar he is and know I found him so ave tank take a ride one of them cars Ave gets on and gives me $34.95 and aye tank it don't cost much to ride a trolley car. Purty conductor man says “Vashington’ Vashington gets up and the stops and lets him off. We go A and he calls out, and Mr. Yackson gets off. Lat. er he yells “Yonson' and how he knows my name I don't know, but aye gets off anyway. As I stood corner a lady comes up dis Yonson?” 1 says, “Yes, madam,’ and she says, "Well, T want to find 3495 Yonson.’ How she knows I have that money I don't know but I hands it over to her and tells her I give her that other nickel yust as soon as I gets him.” in on and asks, ‘Is The Family Cough Medicine. In every home there should be a boitle of Dr. King's New Discovery, ready for immediate use when any member of the family contracts a cold or a cough. Prompt use will stop the spread of sickness, 8, A, Stid, of Mason, Mich, writes: “My whole fam- ily depends upon Dr. King's New Discovery as the best cough and speedily heal exzema, rashes, ring- ment. All druggists or by mall, b0o, cold medicine in the world. Two boc. bottles cured me of pneumonia” Thousands of other families have been equally benefitted and depend entire- ly upon Dr. King’s New Discovery to cure thelr coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Fvery dosé helps, Price B0c. and $1.00. All druggists, H. BE. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or ft. Louis ~Ady, Oet. On « Hallowe'en, Friday night, Oc. tober 31st, the ladies of the Baptist church at Marthg will hold an oys- ter supper in D. J. Gingery's summer house. Ice cream nnd cake will also be served. Come, everybody, and ene Joy a good supper amid a mseene of jacks’ -lanterns, and If you wish, wear a mask and costume in his | know | don't | aye | trolley | back | soon that | and | car lt- | Yack- on the street | OVER THE COUNTY. Cen rosl cor Merchant 8, 8B, tre Hall, has had dence raised and rugated Iron, Mr mont, their Evey, A stole roost house, Kreamer, of the roof of his recovered with P. CC. Bradford, of Le announce the engagement daughter, Bertha, to Forest L also of Lemont, sneak thief, about twenty chickens from in Willlam H, Swartz's south of Millheim, Tener Lowry, Barlow, the Pennsylvania and Mrs, one night recently, has Scranton, Philadelphia, State Governor Milton Ww. Thomas W trustees of College Wilbur €, Holderman, a student of Millheim High school, gone to Valparaigo, Indiana, where expects to take a course in Valparaiso University pr. H. pointed and ns has been ap- in charge has inspector H. Thompson medical schools of Philipsburg. Philipsburg ana Governor Tener has announced the reappointment of Ex-Governor James A Beaver, of Bellefonte, and Mrs Jean Kane Foulke, of West Chester, as members of the state board agriculture The State University (faculty) club, College, broke ground for bullding Thursday morning, site of the old University of the Mining | It location new the west on Inn, ilding is an ideal Mrs. James 1. Bechdel, who near Blanchard, was kicked above knee by her driving horse a few ago and narrowly escaped very fous injury. Her injury although pain- ful will not be permanent Lee Brooks father's farm, along Nittany Moun- tain, near Linden Hall, to the Woods farm at Penns Cave Station of Old Fort The Ia farm Is now tenanted by Edward Jamison Mrs. Aaron Rishel «¢ visit among friends the days ser - will move from his enst tter om in Progress Grange idle They raised 3500 by sul added $500 guaranteed Centre Co Pomona Grange gives orking fund of $1,000 Gardner, aged twenty, a plumb- Huntingdon, while hunting, and killed some time on inst week by An unknown His body was found with f his face away, the idently made by a gun at range Prof operation } perati ‘ Centre scription them a total w Roy er of shot day of hunter the side torn wound ey close and Mrs. P. H Meyer, of Centre Hall, have returned home from a ten days’ trip through Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster and York coun. jes, making the trip in their Ford runabout Two days were spent the York fair and some time was spent h relatives in Campbel Palmyra, and Harrisburg A deer with a broken fore aptured is the Stone Creek in the Seven Mountains, and taken to also leg Ww distri of | the | hen Pope, reappointed | former he | irying a | it set fire to the carpet, | Cle of the examination of the pupils in the | South | | was of | {| Milesburg of | is | { hundred resides was | Thurs- | at | town, 8 | 1. wistown in an auto, with the hope | that a veterinary surgeon might save | its life. The animal was {ly exhausted that it permitted Itself 1 Lo be troked and petted, but it was so | reduced from starvation and pain that { it died shortly after reaching the sur Reons quarters AL the {Odd Fellows | Whiting, of grand patriarch Are Grand high Philadelphin; den, E. W. Snyder, junior warden, recent grand held at Bellefonte, was The other priest, Samuel grand senior Shamokin, grand George McDowell, Pittsburg; grand scribe, Edwin L titta, Philadelphia; grand tJ. H. Beitel, Philadelphia Mrs, Dale had the fortune recently to fall down stairs it her home in Centre Hall She not seriously injured, but the might have for she lighted lamp and flames Mr. and Mrs reside In a encampment Erie, Harry Catherine been 80, veland Mitterling who part of the same house, came to her rescue and put out the fire, and as- sisted Mrs, Dale in putting things order west of Centre to Clyde E. The Gregg farm gold last week trow, by James 1. Gregg, ing the owners, the Misses Gregg The consideration place contains about sixty acres, about one which are clear- son-in-law Mrs the Du wins £4500 The one hundred and and forty of ed Mr daughter Walker will the spring 27561 hunters by up were Miss Ida Howard: Mrs. Ell ton; Mrs. Windon Mrs. Jams and Mrs College utrow's Mr and move onto place in been John Five have Treasurer last it CNReR D Cour to sued Miller theses namely 1 Harvey, of Orvis Gr Holmes, Edward Mi hael ymiey, of State Maldalado, Heaton, of army Cars does old it last week, of State load of figured making a Irses were REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Frederick et ux to and lot in Harris Henry Condo, he $187 Robert der et al, $500 Emily { Foster, $3200 Arthur © Harper, water power 3 8 Margaret Tressler, tract {twp.: $1200 {i Harry Keller et ux to t tract of land in Union twp. i Grant Hoover to Anna L. {tract of land in Union twp. ! Reuben Lucas et ux to tract of land Ul Se twp et u to I. E Harris Condo premises Emily L Hall Alexander's heirs to house and lot in Centre Laura C Harper et ux to to Aaron W in bar land Davis et of $1400 $1400, in Marion 4 Frank Smith, C E. Lucas, premises SEL a0 aD £). €* 4% in boro Margaret Billett al, premises in to W ot Walker twp.; $1 Co CC EE [Ee Ed 4 is wearin checks the cough, avert tuberculosis. sized too strongly will help you. A BRONCHIAL COUGH and dangerous because the inflamed, mucus-filled tubes interfere with breathing and the fresh air passes through that unhealthy tissue. Probably no other remedy affords such prompt and permanent relief as and bronchial tubes and strengthens the lungs to been suppressing bronchitis for forty years and Be careful to avoid substitutes and insist on SCOTT'S. AT ANY DRUG STORE cott’s Emulsion; it heals the linings of the throat This point cannot be empha- —~that Scott’s Emulsion has SEOTT B BOWNE WL OOGME ELD x of | F | chosen | officers | H. | war-~ | treasurer, | mis- | was | results | Was car- | from Hall | represent | of | and | Raymond | in- | of | women, | nbaugh, of | of Spring | of | Robert Kid- | twp. | in Howard twp.: Ferguson | irant Hoover, | Hoover, | Catherine Cather- Howard | W. Billett | rE — WOMAN’S PROBLEM In the looking-glass a woman often sees wrinkles, hollow circles under eyes, “crow's feet,” alt because she did not turn to the right remedy when worn down with those troubles which are distinctly feminine. Backache, headache, pains, lassitude, nervousness and drains upon vitality bring untold suffering to womanhood and the face shows it. The nervous system and the entire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of DR. PIERCE’S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION. It allays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, and other distressing symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic diseases of the feminine organs, It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and despondency. Known everywhere and for over 40 years as the standard remedy for the diseases of women, Your dealer in medicines sells it in liquid or sugar-coated tablet form; or you can send 60 one-cent stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets, Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. 80 thorough- | A | DR. PIERCE’S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE AND INVIGORATE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. SUGAR-COATED TINY GRANULES. in | De you know it is really imporiant--- almost a necessity for a mother’s peace of mind---to have the children photographed; and often enough to record each interesting stage of their development. And at Christmas time---Christmas is approaching you know---your rela- lives and friends will appreciate your loving thought in sending them a photograph. Have the sitting made now. CRIDER'S EXCHANGE, BELLEFONTE, PA. Photographer in Your Town. in banks all over the country. He doesn't allow his servants to keep money in safes or cash boxes. You can depend on his knowing his business. Suppose you take the hint and deposit in the Bellefonte Trust Co. so your money will be safe from Fourth of July fire possibilities. The Bellefonte Trust Compan BELLEFONTE, PENNA, - your money Open an account now ‘The Centre} Democrat[$1.00 a year OUR favorite seat near the window is comfortable on the coldest day when you use a DERFECTIO SMOKELESS Oil. KEATEE —— Gives quick, glowing warmth where and when you want it. Easily portable. No smoke. No smell. Safe, clean, convenient. Steady heat for nine hours on a single gallon of oil. Made with plain steel or turquoise-blue enameled drum. Dealers everywhere, or write for descriptive circular, The Atlantic Refining Company h Philadelphia Pittsburg