Thursday, September 11th, 1913. CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PE NNA, Page 5. BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS —Dr. Edith Schad visited friends in Altoona Monday of this week. Harry Holz departed morning on a business trip York city. Miss Marie White, of Willilams- port, was an over Sunday visitor with relatives in this place. ~Abraham long, a son Long, 8 now emploved as in the coal office of A, G. Morris, Jr. Mrs. Kate Dinges departed Sat- urday for Willlamsport where she will spend a week with friends and rela- tives, ~-Mr, and left Friday for they will visit Ridley Park. ~Miss Christine Sunday to New of John bookkeeper Mrs. Edmund Blanchard Philadelphia, where the latter's mother at Merriman has re- turned to her home in New York City, after a visit with her sister, Mrs. John Blanchard. ~—Mr. and Mrs. David Confer two children, of Orviston, were Bellefonte last week attending Fair and meeting old friends. —Mr, and Mrs. Charley Keichline left Saturday for Kirkland, New York, where they will visit the lat- ter's home for the next two weeks. -—The bonus on road tax apportion- ed to Centre county by the state is $14,412.41, This money to be used for the improvement township roads. —~Merrill Showers and his lady friend, Miss Olive West, of Altoona, were over Sunday visitors at the home of his mother, Mrs. A. C. Showers, of east Beaver street, —Frank Crissman, who is employed in the Pennsylvania Railroad offices at Sunbury, spent Sunday in Belle- fonte with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Homer Crissman. —Two Ford touring cars head-on near Hecla Park on day, when both attempted to horse and buggy on the state but no one was injured The Huntingdon presbytery and in the is of crashed Thurs- a road, pass will | | | | | hold its next meeting in the Second | Altoona held 6th church, be Presbyterian opening session Monday evening, — Robert Green, one young colored men, Monday afternoon where he has accepted porter at the Passmore Willlam C. and Henr) Akron, Ohio, stopped In Saturday at the homes A. C. Mingle, while visit their old home ~There is some Newton Hamilton place to establish by the conference place, Prof at i to October an OO Central Pennsy It would and Mrs. Geo daughter, Miss Genevieve Monday afternoon for Philadelphia after an of several weeks Bellefonte —Mr. and Mrs Williamsport, Miss Lizzle Morrison and Mary Hoover, of Buffalo, New York, passed through Bellefonte Fri- day in a large touring car bound for SHrate College. Miss Mary Schad, daughter of Dr. Grant Hoover, The | i of | | | | { Edith Schad, and Miss Helen Hawes, | daughter of Rev. George Edwin Hawes |, week for Oxford will ittend the for Women Patton, re jeft during the past Ohio, where the) Western College on wensville tive of the on-McKean a member of the Natioal Congressional committee, vice Hampton Moore, ~The fiftieth State Homeopathic convened at Bedf last week. About t bers were nresent surroundings, perfect yecommoda tions. and social features made the event one long to remembered Mrs. M. A.C M Rebie and Ralph Hassinger returned | Tuesday from Clark's Lake, Mich where they were spending the mer with Mr. and Mrs. C.F c Mrs. Calre will remain Bellefont for a few weeks at the home of Eman- uel Noll ther her he in Poughkeepsis Orvis Keller, el t mor { Keller, Esq., who spent in Wyoming on a ranch, Jellefonte last much ? health bs tay y the fore he returned home Ake City, Southern other points of to enter State wsMrs. Oscar E Charles E congressional Centre-Clearfield «( district, has ‘amer been elect Republic Hor in of So - annual conventic Medical rd Spr windred mem- The delightfu m the clety wo be pire eave wT N and me Harr the past irned t fe ret edd n week one : his = west Be- he visited Salt California, and He expects this fall Hall and daughter Euliilia, who have been visiting friends in Bellefonte and Centre county for the past three weeks, returned Thurs- day to their home in Champaign, TIL Mrs. Hall whose malden name was Bliza Willlams, is a sister of the late George Williams, of Bellefonte, and was born and raised at ~harles Yingling, working at the Loughrey Lumber camp, four miles northeast of Bald Eagle station, Thursday found the shed skin of blacksnake which measured seven feet in length and was six inches In circumference. The owner of the skin is presumably at large and is evidently a fine specimen of [ts kina, —Willlam Snyder, a former fireman on the Snow Shoe branch of the P. R RR. with headquarters in Bellefonte but who left Bellefonte fourteen years ago and is now a conductor in the yards at Pittsburg, is visiting friends in Bellefonte and at his old home in Wingate. He expects to leave this week for New York to spend the bal- ance of his vacation. w=A circular has been Issued to commissioners of the various coun- ties of the state by the secretary of the commonwealth Robert McAfee, calling attention to the fact that un- der the primary and non-partisan nomination acts voters can vote for only one candidate for superior court both at the primary and at the gen- eral election, There are fifteen can- didates, —Truring the past summer E. M. Broderick, an instructor in Mechani- cal Engineering at State College, has been taking a course at Columbia Un- fversity in New York and while he was thus engaged Mrs, Broderick stayed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thad Hamilton, of east Howard St. Having finished his studies at Colum- bia, he returned to Bellefonte and on Monday with Mrs, Broderick left for State College where they will go to housekeeping and he will resume his duties at the college. interest College sont ~ | NES | thel | Democrat | resented | leech Creek. | William, made the al John Rayhorn, of Juniata, is vis- iting friends in Bellefonte, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Riley, of Bradford, are visiting friends in Belle- fonte, A charter was granted last week Harrisburg to the Boalsburg Elec- Company, capital $5000, Miss Gertrude Johnson, of Jer- sey Shore, spent Fair week in Belle- fonte as the guest of Miss Kate Park- er, at tric Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Jenkins and son, Raymond, of Tyrone, were the guests of Bellefonte relatives dur- ing Fair week William Wilson, M. Bubb, Shem Spigelmyer and Wilson, of Jersey Shore, took Fair Thursday, Mesdames R. W, Adams and A. M. Wilson, both very pleasant ladies Renovo, attended the fair at Belle- fonte last Thursday. Mrs. E. Tierney home in Lyontown on a pleasant visit with her sister, E. M. Wheatley, at Chicago, ll. -Misge Anna Hoffer, who has visiting her grandfather, C. T. berich for the past three weeks Tuesday afternoon for her home Philipsburg. Charles tobhert Sebring, J. in R. ¢ i the her after Mrs returned to Tuesday heen Ger- left in Johnson, of Blanchard, a caller at the Democrat office, while In town Saturday, on his way to State College, where he will make his future home Dr. and Mrs rejoicing in the bi ter, which happy urday Both getting along H. K. Walker, Yarnell, declines his inability to connected with under the new mn Mrs. Louis E little daughter ed to their two-months’ Mrs. Holz in Mrs 1che was David 8. Dale rth of a little daugh- event occurred Sat- mother and babe are 1 nicely, are road supervisor re-election perform the at feeling the duties supervisorshsp lings. Friedman and nurse have New York with her place Ww Boal me with Dr Trig Nia retu after a mother, in visit this James her h for Week for th Hamill | irwenss of of I Mr. and Mrs deick Spicer, of Hunters Park, are on their honey- moon at present taking in the sights at Niagara Falls and Canada. They were accompanied hy 8. OG. Tressier and wife, of Bellefonte Although the the office at once re has not yet been fall leaves are Cases is nu there the anri - prin ¥ 8 spent with his Brocker- Brockerhoff, has in Philadelphia. late Andrew Mrs, Osmer and ve been rege Hurley Were guests sheriff and this office Marks, at (jeorge William Reese, ra. old friends of the whom |t a pleasure to Mr. Marks for many years rep. The Democrat as a correspondent in Taylor township, in the most able manner Dr. J. Finley Bell, N. J. wi his two nir week Irng Vere of Port Matlida, and of Mad« two in meet Centre of Englewood, Lumis and Jellefonte During th SONSN, trip to in their motor car. their stay here they visited relatives in different parts of Centre county, but the greater part of the time they spent with Mr. Bell's mother, Mrs William W. Bell, of South Thomas street Mrs, CC, H. Hosterman and two children, in company with her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. H. 8. Hosterman and child, all of Buffalo, New York, pass. ed through Bellefonte Saturday, on their way to Pennsvalley where the former will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, W, Vonada at Coburn, while the latter will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Mingle at Aarons- burg. Jacob Marks left Monday for At- lantle City where he will spend two weeks, after which he will go to New York City to visit his sister, Mrs. Skatnik for one month, and to ate tend the wedding of his nephew, Har- ry Skatnik, a leading young business man of New York City, and Miss Marie Moskwech which happy event will take place at the home of the bride in Oxford, New Jersey, on the 14th inst, Sheriff Lee and T, Clayton Brown were recent visitors to Lewistown and spent the day fishing for bass and sal- mon in the Juniata river. The trip was made in Sheriff Lee's Ford asutomo- bile and they made the local banner catch of the season. The bait used was toads, grasshoppers, helgamites, night crawlers, catfish, minnows and patience, After eating their supper at the Crystal Café, they started on thelr return home, Tt was observed that the side of the automobile esr- rying the large bass was very much sagged, last week of | THE —Misg Caroline Valentine ,who has been spending the summer In Rhode Island, returned home Tuesday even- ing. Charles Norris, who has been vis- iting J. Norris Bogle at the Forge de- parted Wednesdaay for his home In Philadelphia, ~Dr, Thomas on will tev C. Van Tries left Monday for Altoona where he spend this week with his son, Willlam Van Tries, Charies McCurdy SBeott expects to] enter the Freshmen class at Princeton College this vear and will leave that institution next Wednesday. Miss Alice left for Stormstown, Pa, where she accepted a position as teacher In of the Halfmoon township schools. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Cooke left on Wednesday morning for Phila- delphia and Atlantic Clty where they expect to spend the next few weeks Miss Margaret Aull, who has been spending the summer in Bellefonte at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Richards, left Tuesday for her home in Philadelphia, Misses Mary and chard returned home ing from an extensive New England states the Basket Shop. Mrs KE J Bates, and daughter, Miss Philadelphia, wer the home of Mr. and erly, of East Howard Mrs. Marg. Dikeman and daughter, Miss Constance Roberta Smith, of Washington, D. C., are b« ing entertained at the home of Mr, and Mrs street The United bake rolls, church cream be Mr, and Mrs Thomas F and daughter departed for their Philadelphia Monday afternoon delightful visit at tl home Seixas’ mother, Mrs Charles of east Bishop street Lowery has Elizabeth Blan- Tuesday even- trip through the in the interest of of Pine Marth Bates, guests Monday at Mrs. A. C. Hev- street grand- of Society the Brethren church will hold a of cakes, ples, bread and the room adjoining the on Saturday evening will served, Ladies’ Aid sale in also Selxas in af ter a Mrs Smith made o of ; thelr jew ockerhoff block made by firm in Toledo 1d yf the market Mi d wo, Pa Was orchestra furnished the occasion proved a most deligh Squire W. H. Musser day in Alcona with his hrother-in Prank B. Stover, who has been il for some time and is confined hig bed. The man friends of Mr Ston fonte orry t Po 1 spent Sun law or in Limes. "qY ¥ n Harry Miss toona 8 turned after a wes Frank street. On Smith friends Minas a Euest Hastings Miss Boyd, Smith ric entertains in Eleanor Boyd, of Harrisburg, of Mise Sara On Wednesday Miss Hastings Reynolds and Theodore Davia Jr. autoed to Boalshurg where were entertained at beautiful country Boals Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Harper and their little son, who have heen spending the summer at the home of his mother, Mra. J. CC. Harper of east Howard street, left Monday morning for their home in Columbus, Ohio, where Mr. Harper will resume his duties as an instructor in the Ohlo University honor in Boal thes luncheon the of the at home «Mra, Thomas Shaughensey east Howard street, left on Sunday evening for Erie, Pa, where she will visit her sister. Later she will go to Pittsburg to see her son Frank be. fore returning homy. She expects ta be gone about three weeks. She will be joined within the next week or ten days by her husband who will enjoy a well earned vacation from his busl- ness duties, «Col. F. Taylor Pusey and wife, with Miss Hannah Smedley and Capt W. R. Carson, all of Philadelphia, were in Bellefonte Saturday afternoon for a short time while enroute to Buffalo, N. Y., traveling In the form. er's automobile. Col. Pusey and Cap- tain Carson were pleasant callers at the Democrat office while in town. Capt. Carsch Ia chief clerk in the of- fice of the Rurvevor of the Port at Philadelphia, while Col. Pusey is a prominent attorney at the Philadel phia bar, a member of Gov, Tener's staff, and a former member of the leg- islature, who gained fame as the au thor of the anti-cartoon bill during Gov, Pennypacker's term. The party expect to proceed Mom Buffalo by boat to Put-in