THE CENTR DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page 7. Thursday, November 21st, 1912. pr ee Department Continued. MILESBURG. | William Lose is finishing and paint- | ing Wm. Austin's house at Eagleville. | Mrs. Jennie Mason, of lowa, and Mrs, | John Hess, of Pine Grove, spent a | couple of days at the home of their | cousin, Z. T. Harshbarger, of this place, Merit Adams, home last Sunday of Watsontown, came to visit his mother, Mrs. Anna Adams who has been sick for sometime but, at present is much better. Mr. Adams is an undertaker in his home town Allison Haupt and Pauline, of Tyrone, spent Saturday with friends and relatives of the burg Charles Campbell, whose remains were brought to Bellefonte last Sat- urday for interment, was the son of George and Sarah Campbell, deceased, | and was a resident of Mile few vears ago Mr. Campbell was a friend of the young people here at that time. It is reported that he died of tuber Hannah, wife Smith, died last Thursday of ness of but four hours, with a stroke of appoplexy. Mrs, Smith was a model mother, and a good neighbor very - bod) iks well of her even e little children, ” who survive her are William, of Altoona; Claud, State | College; Alvin, of Columbus, Ohlo; | Frank, Lee and Clare, at home; Mrs Mary Lambert, of Milesburg; and Clara Miles, of Johnstown, and two brothers, Willlam and Andy Servi were held at the house, conducted by the Rev. Ash. Interment was at Curtin Frank Hu toona, were gues Smith, deceased. Marg t Zimmerman to State College for P« and attend a party Sigma House Clarence Sunday friends Zelda her bi several week, Those butchering following of Juniata; man in one Charles Jodon wife and child and Harry, Geo Jo on, of Hall, of Conemaugh 8tin granddaughter ‘ulosis Alfred an il of the late 08 tchins is Le daugnt in Derr and wife Mrs. Susana’ Zimmerman the sick list Mrs. Harry Fike, of cola, is present visiting on at and father Max cut by of glass, AARONSBURG. me 5 evening, was employe Mrs. Da dren, fr very pleasant ren Winklebl Nelse Wert, from Akr home last week to his family here wir months Sylvis and taking a Altoona Hope trip she ouring car our highly re on the 12th of years, 4 months and as born and raised In was married to vho died six years orn six children deat} Mrs John Mrs. E. E. Ar Frank Guise ky Amelia Hosterman ago To them who ourn his Grenoble, Yeagertown dery lellefonte: Mrs wite " Mors Aarons , with wi Thomas Meyer. Cob er, the only son, were (0 ree 44 ym he died rn; Clyme Lewistown; 21 grand children and three great-grandchil dren He belonged to the teformed church, was Elder many years Always present at all services, as long as his health would permit He was laid to rest in the Reformed cemetery, Saturday 16th. His pastor Rev. W D., Donat ofMciated Miss Verna Fisher, from Junction, Is spending the months at the home of Walter wig's Willie CB caver Mrs r Stos for Nittany fr Wolf, who is employed by Dr Musser, went with his many Woodward friends for a week's hunt ing; hope he may have the best of luck and bag a lot of gam« His wif and her sister, Mabel Boob, Woodward, have taken a trip to Spring Mills, Beech Creek, Howard. at Sum ner Wolfes, and Bellefonte; hope they will have a fine time. Goldie, the 33-year-old daughter of Rollin Kreamer, l# very Ill at this writing; they have the sympathy of the town. ZION, following were the “Centennial past several days: Willlam Broughton, Miss Ida Camp- bell, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs, G. Merrill Campbell, of Brooklyn, N. Y.: Mrs. Henry Homan, of State College; ! Mahlon Campbell, of Philadelphia; Capt. C. T. Fryberger, Philipsburg; Guy Fryberger, Altoona; Horace | Seltzer, Reading; Lloyd Homan, Pitts. | burg; Ex-Sheriff Kline, Bellefonte; Hammel Holmes, State College; Nevin F. Fisher, Philadelphia; Wil. lam LL. Clevenstine, Miss Leilas Robb, State College. The registered House” during Mr. and at | the Mrs | gations | fering on Satu | went sburg al | winter from | FRUIT TOWN. Potter Twp. Mr. and Mrs. John Boal and chil- dren, of Huntingdon, are spending sev- | the Peter former's Boal, with Mrs. eral Mr. City, Harry Horner Altoona, are in also to visit around Colyer. Edward Horner moved his hold goods from Pudden town in the house owned by Jacob Royer The Bradford hunting club the luck of shooting two fine bucks, The Lutheran and Reformed congre are holding their thanks of rday evening, Nov. 23, at Tusseyville; ull are invited. Glory Hallalujah! my coch is cumin if an wants any formation, call on J. G The other day Mr dan went out for a little surprise he saw a big Emmet's gun and the deer stop ped ked around and didn't seem to be scared at all but poor that hi zun days and parents, at Pp. CC. and son for a few friends and John, days’ hunt; hams VON more in while Emmet Jor hunt to hi buck Bang! and lo Emmet got su nervous fell out is hand, his legs shook like a His hair stood mn end sq had to hold his on hi head {ee was as white driven now Too bad up hat aus the the SCAre Emmet you n happened Town al and fam t the 1s0 home PLEASANT GAP. I WOODWARD, camped in six miles ean large lynx « SEARO John Hai of Bald Low parents The wn n th» Chester Nery ] one day the past Edgar Morris denly called to } vd death of her | The deer and orted killed thre op ors Frar s P port visitor Miss Marg FRAIL, SICKLY CHILD Restored to Health by Vinol-= Letter to Mothers. Anxious mothers often wonder why their children are pale, thin and nervous and have so little appetite, For the benefit of such mothers in this vicinity we publish the following letter J. Edmund Miller, New Haven, Conn. says: “My little daughter, ever since her birth, had been frail and 80 | slekly, and was a constant source of | worriment., Beveral months comnmenced to give her Vinol mediately noted an her health and ago wo | I im- | improvement In appearance. 1 gave | | her three bottles of Vinol, and from the good it has done her I can truly | say it will do all you claim.” This child's recovery was due to | the combined action of the medicinal clements extracted from cods’ livers, ~gombined with the blood-making and strength-creating properties of tonle iron, which are contained In Yinol. Vinol will build up and strengthen delleate children, old people and the weak, rundown and debilitated, We return the money in every case where it falls, C. M, Parrish, Bellefonts, Pa. had from | relatives | house | ERFECTIQ SmoxeLESS A “warm” breakfast—the kind that sends you out ready braced for a good day's work— should be eaten in a warm room. You lose half the good of the meal if you are shiv- ering in discomfort while you eat it. A Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater makes breakfast a cosy meal for the whole family, No smoke or smell with a Perfection. Easily cleaned. Easily moved from room to room. An ornament anywhere; a luxury in the bedroom; a necessity in the sewing-room or the bathroom. Dealers everywhere; or write for descriptive circular. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Pitt sburgh — WEBI BOB IVBOD BE BIDIBED BIBI IBIBITDIW 1913 Overland $985, : : F. O. B. Factory. ‘ ¢ ‘ © / 4-8peed Sliding Gear, 30-Horsepower, 110-in Wheeibase—Completely Equipped, which means Mohair Top and Slip Cover, Wind Shield, $50 Warner Speedometer, Robe Rail, Foot Rest, Tire Carrier and Self Starter—~More Car for the Money than is elsewhere produced. WE WILL HAVE A FEW CARS FOR FALL DELIVERY. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION, John Sebring, Jr., Agent for Centre County. CBE DOOD BEDE VV IBIIDE ¢ Bellefonte, Penna, % 4] LAVA VU PAT. POUIVIVIAVIT. VWIVLIVIT INIT AVIA F Moire Viet 12 The Pack More Visits To The Bank and Fewer Trips to the Coal Man If you have a Glenwood Range. All Castings Plain & Smoth, A Variety of he then the other tl} Then she thot Falked wit hot od ” N oloring Styles and Sizes, the Stove that makes bak- ing easy. A Full Line of General Hardware H. P. Schaeffer, Allegheny St. Bellefonte, Pa. EoneloNeNoNoNoNoRoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNONomON HONE ONONeHONONONONONOHINOMONONONONONONINONONONOT ON : | | : | w shy or staib- | A K NE at BNA ~ Id \ “7% wt owl de wl “Real Fisherman's Luck for Duke's Mixture Smokers” Good tobacco and a good reel That's surely a lucky combination for the angler—and here's the way you can bave them both » (4 ~ All smokers should know Duke's Mixture made by Liggett & Myers at Durham, N. C, Pay what you will, you cannot get better granulated tobacco for Sc than the big ounce and a half sack of Duke's Mixture. And with each of these big sacks you get a book of cigarette papers FREE. Get a Good Fishing Reel Free 4 saving the Coupons now packed in Liggett § Myers Duke's ixture. Or, if youdon't want a reel—get aay oneof he hundreds of other articles. In the list you will find something for every member of the family. Pipes, cigarette cases, catcher’s gloves, cameras, watches, toilet articles, ote, These handsome presents cost you pothing=-not one cent. They simply express our appreciation of your patronage. Remember—you still get the same big one and a half ounce sack for be «enough to roll many cigarettes, During November and Decem- ber only, we will send our new illustrated catalogue of presents FREE. Simply send us your pame and address, Conpons from Duke's Mixture wilh lar: from Toy An eR trom Ros (loin fii and other - cowpons tind by us, vo There's hardly a household or hamlet where “Queen Quality” Shoes are not worn or known. Travelers too, seethe familiar “Queen Quality trade- mark sign in many foreign lands. What greater proof of their quality and excellence than the fact that they are demanded year in and year out by over three million women the civilized world over? NONE. A. C, MINGLE, Bellefonte, Pa. FITZ-EZY THE LADIES SHOES «- THAT - CURES CORNS SOLD ONLY AT we Yeager’s Shoe Store, HIGH STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA,