Page 6. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. a — mem — MONONIHONONONOINONINONONONONONONONONONONONININONONMONONOHONONONONORINIUOINOMINMONOWe Correspondents’ Department Bright, Newsy Letters From the Various Sections of the County. SOHINONORONIECNONONONONOEOHOHONOHONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO MONO NONONONONOHOM ROCK FORGE. having very fine the farmers are We are this week and good use of it, Well, we people are sorry James and John Neece in the but it is alwavs right if anyone better themselves, to do so Will their parents ry Fike's Amos Coch, an aged man who lived with his daughter Mrs. Samuel Cram- er for a great many years, died last week and was buried at Myer's cem etery at Buffalo Run Monday noon. There are some been tresspassing making to lose spring, can with Har family visited over Sunday and here Fike who have against the hunting notices over some of the farmers ground, and if some of these farmers should go on their farms places to pick a few berries they would soon send them out, So they had better be a little careful where they go hunting John Gingery is not improving an) and it looks if may in bed all winter, Dan Houser is some of his fodder the barn and then when it bad weather he Is losing no time but husks corn in the barn floor. Meeting at now withou Will Eminhiz Thursday Howard worked College, has job at the Wonder Rock for I made frequ Corn is people or as he stay a hustler, as he hauls in i over on Shu Benner erine Ho Ira JACKSONVILLE. | smalls Fy and Harry Fra with a second far the likewise rewarded I We the 13th, M. S jetz ar | 9% man, Har Fravel, R others from a di ! Fernsville for larger game and on Thursday, the 14th, 8S. R. Kling joined the Mattern crew and hied out | } of Hayes Run and on M Guyer Ert and C. E. Ales the Inesday, vis Dor Harter with started for stance MT. EAGLE. rda evening, Nov 16th about fifty 1 people sathered at the hon ‘ Miles Gertrude Dietz, of near Mt. Eagle, and the evening was very pleasantly spent In playing games, ete, and at early hour refresh- ments wer ved after which all re turned to their various homes, to think of the pleasant evening they had spent together Thi present ne lows Clara Thompson, Confer, Mary Boyle, Maude, Pearl, and Tren- na Dietz, Helen and Blanche Ryan. Minnie McCloskey, Nora Walker, Ida, Mollie and Alma Daughenbaugh, Beu- lah Bland, Nancy Dietz. Belle Tesse and Lizzie Delaney and Ger- trude Dietz; Edward and Howard Leitch, James Delaney, Russell Con- fer, Willard Harter, Walter and Rus- sell Kunes, Raymond, Samuel and Arthur Gardner, Robert Beatty, James Fowler, Cleveland McCloskey, Elmer Packer, Ephriam and Leonard Dietz, Danlel Gates, George Davy, Claire Confer, Cloe Heverly, Willlam Batsch- let, Harry Whitmer, Everett Butler, Roy Linn, Chester Daughenbaugh, Bamuel and Raymond Poorman, Sam - uel Holt, Earl Lowery, Russel and Raymond Confer, On an ney ne were Rule Sly a Fire Hero but the crowd cheered, as, with burn- hands, he held up a small round box, “Fellows!” he shouted, “this Bucklen's Arnica Salve I hold, has ev- erything beat for burns” Right! al- #0 for bolls, ulcers, sores, pimples, eczema, cuts, sprains, bruises, Surest lle cure. It subdues Inflammation, lls pain. Only 26 cents at C. M, Darth, Ph, G., Bellefonte, Pa. Nov. weather | after- | fol- | Leitch, | | JACKSONVILLE, M. 8S. Betz and his crew have | hunting for ten days, for deer and | bear. We all wish them good luck. Harry Gravel got a nice wild turkey on the first day. Guyer Ertley gone for deer | Mr, and Mrs smiles since they gran and 8. R, Kling have with their crew, G. M. Harter can be called gr dmamma, at the are all and- col on the sick list at pres ont Mrs. M. 8. Be work again, John Condo has a big run of thrash | ing to do; just give him a little time and he will get through OO. K Mrs, 8. Peck spent Sunday at Holmes, The ladles of Jacksonville, prised Mrs. David Long very much on Monday night; she got many nice presents for which she thanks each and every one, B. F. Noll is on the selling shoes, and they if vou don't think just try M. 8. Betz reports on his big farm $15 of wheat, u. of Aa close orn this » farm is known below Jackson nhle {z IR John road are RO acres an VEear Hoy KO00 1) oats, on to & Jr. Harter, from Ernest to 108100 town al thers comes Saturday thing CURTIN. 5 for getting the valley Bogus an next fou It was Jeanie ners along seen where to spend the The fest plainly expect Years ival che lev w Inst Sat r at Nat} was employed at entre Hill, re chool Is reported to have on the first day of lder's f « ! ittend Our hunting club bagred one deer genron TYLERSVILLE, goods sold at the sale Fannie Frantz, deceased, last day brought pretty fair prices cow was sold for $68 Adam Bloome, of Lock ited his brother-in-law, at this place Mr. Chambers and children, sey Shore, is spending several days here at Thomas Greninger's, hunting A. B. Greninger has had the heav- { lest hogs thus far butchered around here Samuel Giants | bullding In town Rev, Stauffer preached an able ser- {mon here last Sunday morning. His | text was Gen. 13: 12, Revival meetings are In progress In the United Evangelical church at this place, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Stauffer spent a few days visiting around here. Frank Shreckengast, who was the sick list, Is Improving. The of Mrs Satur- One Haven, vis- John Frantz, In erecting n new on Deafness Cannot Be Cured by eal applieations, as they eannot reach the dis mand portion of the ear, gone sur- | of Jer. | NITTANY. Mrs, Tillie Pec) ind her Shaffer, of Madisonburg, FP. Zerby visited TI family at Fis] day Mrs d children and Charles, attended hurch a blersi Quite in i tended Harve ing Creek on Thy aged ind mother WwW. J. Ma died her home night; funeral John Fish« with h and fan sister ind My Heltman ing Cr kK, last Satur- ide } 1 uck week thel protracted Oomng mn , but Mrs. Sarah children, LAIN ited friend mast and thi { no oT Show tended Gunsall the pa HECLA PARK. The vorrk the tate | sm The f ving crowd. Shut Harr and Chas Zimms | Hinde, Al Kram Wm imping in 4 eRneny during iman v I rman, Sam Homan, ar mountal porker TED VERY NUCH In Form of Pimple Full of Pus, Scratched Until Bled, Head Covered with Hard Scab, Could Not Sleep, Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Completely, ————— 16 Oliver 8t., Newark, N. J, — * About five yoars ago my little gir! had a red spot on the back of the head which itched her very much. The sors came in the form of a pimple full of pus and would itch, She would scratch until they would bleed, and wherever it touched there would be another sore until her whole head was covered with a hard scab, She could not sleep at night for the pain, and I had to keep her from school. 1 had her treated and used a wash, and when I put it on her head It burned her so I thought she would #0 wild with the pain. I used «uu Salve and home remedies until 1 got so tired I thought she would never get cured. “Then I saw the advertisement for Outl curs Soap and Ointment and sent for a sample, The first night 1 used the Cuticurs Ointment It loosened the scab, Today she Is completely cured. 1 used thres boxes of Outicura Ointment and six cakes of Cuticurs Soap and I have nothing to thank but Outl cura Soap and Cutioura Ointment," ( Mrs. Mattie Gibbons, Jan, 15, 1012. Cuticura Soap and Cuticurs Mrs. | H. | tnd | [Coughs Hard coughs, old coughs, tearing coughs. Give Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral a chance. Sold for 70 years. Ask Your Doctor. WINGATE, Katright 1d nd re Hu- |} tin Lime CENTRE OAK, A Great Building Falls Ti “ to Stop | | i | slop that itch in two secon ‘ " a D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema antes t} 1 guar 8 remedy {GREEN'S PHARMACY CO. at leh! ] | BELLEFONTE, PA. ] — SALE REGISTER. Mra f farm impleme I. Frank Mayes, Au NOVEMBER 27 2h of hogs and at 12 noon DECEMBER of Peru stat ip, H. C. N¢ Ow wagon, ements goods, et T. Boal at 1 rel Auct Bale ‘ FEBRUARY 12th I. E mile west of Spring Mills stock, farming implements household goods TUESDAY, MARCH miles east of Spring Mills Henry Mark will sell a full line of farm | implements, live stock and household goods, Wise and Hubleer, auct, Philips, 1 will sell and 18th, 1913:—3 | Your Lungs and Throat, The preparation mentioned by the Rev, Chas, Sager has been for over sixty years of incalculable worth to sufferers from consume ption, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, grippe, | coughs, colds and all lung and throat diseases, | and is a household remedy in many, many | | homes to which it has brought health and | bappiness, Me C A ABBOTT, 60 Ann St, New York City, ! i Dear Sir: 1 have known for over go years of the eflects of Wilson's Remedy [Wilson's Pr i of Hypophosphites and Blodgett!) in cases of pul. | monary troubles At this puint I will say to you | what you have not before known of; that 4» yearns Laince, while | was a resident of N.Y, City, | was severely ill with lung trouble, Physicians said | was | a consumptive and my family physician toid my wife | that he thought | conid mot vecover. My attention | was directed to the Wilson Remedy, which | used | with splendid effect. 1 have been on my feet and at work ever since my cure. Yours truly, REV. CHAS, SAGER, Pastor M, KE, Church, Hunter, (Greene Co.) N. ¥, The above letter shows what a great boon the Wilson Remedy was to Mr, Sager, but it is but ene of thowsand: received testifying to the ewrative powers of this wonderful remedy, Write at once to Mr, Abbott at the above | address and he will furnish you compimeing proof of the great worth to humanity of this preparation, August re, 190% ‘The Thursday, November 21st, 1912, — — Rheumatic Pains are quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment, You don’t need to rub — just lay on lightly, It penetrates at once to the seat of the trouble. Here's Proof 8 Erste MANTHEY, 4220 Talman hicago, 111. write About two years ago my mother with 3 didn't do any rheumatism, ‘1 good, My mother was persuaded to try Sloan's Liniment, and in three weeks was entirely well —and 1 believe she is cured forever,” Relief From Rheumatism Miss H. E. LinpeLear, Gilroy, Calif, , writes ;—'* My mother has use bottle of Sloan's Liniment, and al obtained great relief from her rheumatism, Rheumatism Entirely Cone Miss EveLerTra MYER, of 1215 Wyoming St., Dayton, Ohio, writes : — “My mother was troubled with rheumatism and her friends ad Sloan's Liniment and her rt At the fami subled with ring-worms——there were five ring-worms between my sisters and 1 and Sloan's Liniment cured every one of us in a week's time.” SLOAN'S LINIMENT is the best remedy for neuralgia, sciatica, lumbag pains, asthma, } hroat and sprains, Mi broke down he doctor one « ough she is over 83 years of age, she has "” cumatism is entirely gone, yY was ur y fever, croup, sore t 7 2 At all dealers. Price, 25¢., DOc., and $1.00, Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry sent free, Address Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS, ache ome women ens nt of the womanly Te nn., wrote be on my feet. man «ronal ack | with i all over. ou for ¢ Presoripe y thet my aco € ~ ‘ : ™ 4 h . . TEE oF 2% wb { I'avorite Prescription s and d sec of the feminine organism. It allays s pain. Tones and builds up the nerves. tute for this medicine which has a p = Dr. Pierce’s Is a positiv inflammation, hea il : Do not pe t a dishonest rec cure | weLknes i soot! to » ) yet », thank you, I want what | ask for.’ dealer ON ord of Dr. P cures, ft Pellets loduce mild natural bowel movement once a day. Life Stories You See The Bellefonte Trust Comp'y, Bellefonte, Pa. CravellersGheques We are prepared to furnish Travel- lers Cheques of the American Ex- press Co. available in all parts of the world. The safest and most conven. ient currency for travellers. The First National Bank, BELLEFONTE, PA. Centre Democrat-=-$1 per year.