Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 21, 1912, Image 4

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    Page 4. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, November 21st, 1912
RECENT DEATHS, ministration and served until Cleve- | dren, but is survived by the follow-| Rev. G. E. Hawes. Interment in the BOALSBURG.
: entre emocend SRNR land was elected in 1884. He ig gur- | Ing brothers and sisters: Harris, of | Advent cemetery at Yarnell Rev. Stover aand wife spent Tues-
he *| CAMPBELL: —Charles E. Campbell, [vived by his widow, formerly Miss | Yarnell; Mrs. Willlam Rider, of Kee- t—n————— day at Centre Hall, at the home of
aged 31 years, died in a Philadelphia | Sarah Zeigler, of Millheim. Following wadin, Clearfield county; Thomas, of From all account the busi Rev, Jones and family,
TZ " wroulosis, and | brief services at the Reesman home | Runville; Mrs. Charles Heaton, qf unis 18 business
CHAS. R. KURTZ. hospital last week of tuberculosis, ar : ‘ , ' Samuel Kuhns, of Berlin, a broth
a \ his body was brought to Bellefonte on |In New Jersey, the body was brought | Yarnell; Seth and Mrs, Elsie Dunlap, world Ig not unduly alarmed over the ; ih He of on », : B i . b :
friday for burial in the union ceme- |to Centre Hall for interment, which |of Clearfield, The funeral will take | election of Wilson. Many " Be ed Of Mev. Teover, 'a vielsing a
v DERE. tery He was a son of Mr, and Mrs, [took place on Monday, services being place Friday morning at 9:30 from his | have recently Ha home,
ae , nmr | George Campbell, deceased, formerly |in charge of Old Fort Lodge of Ma- [home on North Thomas street. The |ralls and Increased rolling stock Mrs, Henry Houtermin and va
posispiipohgigls fo ey . . ' . ¥ ‘h Mr. ve , funeral will be In charge of the Order | Others are aking v v ‘ {| sons, Charles and Frank, spent last
N OVER 5,600. | well known residents of Milesburg. |sons, of whicl Mr. Reesman was a | i making vast Improvements “
SWORN CRO LAION a Brief services were held at the grave | member, ot Red Men, No. 248 of Brow Shoe. | of terminals and roads, Manufactur- | Week With friends at Punxsutawney.
ry y : . ’ 7 o  - . The remalr will be taken to the A ing tries
TERMS OF 81 BRCRIPIION: Vaan by Rev, " M, Schmidt, of th Re ARDERY Mrs Hannah Ardery, Vert ; arch A, he re ’ rd ‘ > will ge wo rig ob ire enough help te [.ohr spent several da) in Centre
" a ‘ y " § iy cure . y on Ah Jil Vers ays i + s
SUBSCRIPTION, . $1.50 Per formed church, one of the county's oldest ladies, died conducted by Rev, CC. W. Winey and | ate thelr plants to the y / » A Ls je ’ Hall last week
Persons who send or bring the money to Hp : Te on Hed t hig | suddenly of heart failure on Saturday J ; Ever I } to the desired capacity, W £
she oMoe and pay in advance, §1 por year SNYDER: Ira Snyder died at his | oo. ¢ last, at her home in Martha | == verywhere prosperity continues to! Quite a number of friends and
CENTRE DEMOCRAT clubs with home in High Valley, in the mountains ast, !
Furnace, She was the widow of the smile more hopefully, In spite of the | neighbors gathered at the home of RB.
N. Y, shrice-a-week WOrldfor. ..uvueoereer $1.68 below Coburn, of senile debit, gt late James Ardery, who precede her SALE REGISTER. fact that a Democratic president was | H. Willlams last Friday evening in
*iyasburg Stockman for 50 about seventy-six years, e leaves to ' { honor of his birthday,
fi hy re ys San wor 29 Re ”
w.J. Bryas's "Ootmoner HT Ta Lr survive a widow and the following to the grave September 22, 1881, and
Published weekly every i :
« » ‘yr f . TT
» J Bellefonte. Pa.. as | children: Thomas, Daniel, Charles, |® daughter > i ip Are Daniel D J Ed a
Entered in the postofice a > ' Pdward. Samuel, Mrs. R. T. Bisenhuth Poorman, who resided on a farm near eC. 12: war C. Ishler!
second-class matter. and Mis Katie. Funeral services |Pleasant Gap at the time of her birth, ‘ Q |
| and Miss Kate L tere | January 3, 1820. Her age at time of On the Emanuel Musser farm at State
were held Friday forenoon and inter departing this life was 83 years, 10 [College will scll the following: describ
placed large orders for
Ba a
are bewalling their in- | Miss Sallle Keller and Miss Annie
\ {s plainly
The date your subscription expires
bel bearing your name, All| r on nter
Jeiniea bo Bn of iabel the first | ment was made in 8t. Paul cemetery,
s ¢ 1 “uve CORREO ad | ed live stock and farm implements !
\ wu alo nar [months and 13 day: Deceased had i |
ue of each month, Walch A. 3 spcoial below Aaronshurg | resided on the farm where she died for FIVE HEAD OF HORSES Onell
rem Watch date on your label, | ROYER Mrs. Amanda May Rover, about 60 vears Sh was a4 devoted | GREA' PERCHERON STALLION. {
oS ibscribers changing postoMice address, and | wife of Cephas Royer, of Castanea. wife, loving mother, a faithful ehris- [known as the ISHLER HORSE a
| \
1 3 F' " ! an { r OO “ighbor always VIL 1S old . Hit 0H
20% notifying us, are liable for same ¥3 Aba we Lock Haven hospits at |tian, and a § 1 neigh Lwin) t welght 1400 |
Subscriptions will be continued, unless other [ding np the 1 he Ly Ph Ty : ty ready to help another Surviving are a J Ibs, seal brown color
. . | o Od WK h ML had ’ hd 4 | o y WA or chile » : 3 . 1 ;
We ree 00 collector. You are expected 0 | hold pneumonia, aged 20 years, De- th foll wing hildren Mis. 5, . quiet and perfectly F O R
send or bring the moneyto this ofMee ; | ceased is survived by her husband and | Re ad, of Clearfi« 1d E | Jrdery, of gontl« good worker
eT ———== | four children, Stella, Clair, Mabel and | Bellefonte; Mrs. T. B. Apple, of Bell: and single line leader;
wood. and Mrs, Arthur Johnstonbaugh, of exceller
Harry Two sisters, Mrs. W, H. Mil i breeding
EDITORIAL, ler of Lock Haven and Mrs | I tof Martha; five sons wind one da ighter | stock, One girawherry roan horse
— 1 Cone \ of Ro hester N Y wind Onde have preceded her to the other world, | coming 4 vears old: welght 12560 1s H . r
. ' : h . One brother, W, H. Poorman, of Belle- [well broken ar i
Next Thursday is the time for giv- | half-brother, John Lohr, of Bell fonta so survives, together with | work anyw ey " and ; i fhe. ~~
T y . y red font also ‘survive. Funeral was held LU, El au , Bade bugh uA
Ing thanks. No matter how great fou Woedn iF aftern n interment | twenty-six grandchildren and six-lhorse, 10 years old y
10 esany L L038, ee "
your disappointments, there are many in Dunstown cemeter) teen great-grandchildren I'he funer- {sound and good worker
reasons why you should rejoice, and | al services were held at her old home | One bay mare, 13 vears
{ MORRISON John Morrison died |on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, be old; sound and good worl v g C
be glad. at Centre Line on Thursday morning | ing in charge of Rev. Ellis, of the Bap- | horse 11 years old; good driver, and
RR ERAT of last week. aged about 51 years. |tist church, assisted by Rev. Gilbert, | will work anywhere si | WS |
Gov. Wilson and family are spend- Qome vears ago he bought the Mrs, |of the Methodist church. Burial was {two will be fresh by
ing a month's vacation in the Bermuda | ronnie Beck farm and had since lived | made in Brown's cemetery, milk test for October was 4.3 Mve | PER YARD
Islands. In the meantime the Demo- | there. On Friday previous to his POORMAN.—On Tuesday evening . | i }
+e 2 g N . 4 ‘(0 3 0 ts
cratic hosts are lining up at the ple | death he was suddenly stricken with |., g g'clock. James E. Poorman, of ingle m whi
; [a kidney affection while husking corn. | gajjefonte, died at the Lock Haven |“™®
counter. He became unconscious and remained hospital of tumor of the bone after IMPLEMENTS
N > m | that condition until the end. He I8],, Yjiness extending over a period of | binder with large tongue tru
Bill Flinn and Boise Penrose Ww | survived by his wife, three Sons, an | p..e months. Mr. Poorman. who was | Champion mower, Deering
furnish the amusement in the organi- {adopted daughter, one brother, Miles employed as a flagman at the Gamble | 2 new Millhelm plows, 2
Morrison, of Philipsburg, and a sister
zation of the next session of the legis- | ‘ ! { mill crossing, was taken {ll last August | harrows, 1 60-tooth harrow, 2 do . For Saturday, November 23rd, Only.
t th 1s no defi~) Mrs. Moor Deceased was a promi- | oon a tumorous growth on the left | row cornworkers, Simplex doubl
x 4 RE Ve § ( ell - . a v
lature. At presen 10 { nent member of the Methodist church |... He entered the Lock Haven |row corn planter, new Superior grain
nite idea as to who is who and what |... 4 was held In high regard Inter- hospital last August for treatment drill, land roller, “Economy Chief’
is what. Penrose may not be eliminat- | ment was made on Sunday | but gradually grew worse until death | separator, 60-egg Cyphers pattern
ed as easily as some predict. POORMAN Daniel Poorman, y | ensued at the above stated time The
" . long resident of Yarnell, this coun- | deceased was born at Yarnell, March | ) ’ .
A———————————————————— i : dh i ai iss \ | o¢ . waking } ore t time ofl ith ladders One extra s of add
> AR v. passed away t his home in that | 28th, 1864, making his age a im | } rn t if ladders
On Tuesday the Bull Moosers issued | iN "i Wedne ”; LY rot p w+ a |death 48 years 7 months and 21 days. | nmggl “ of tug harness. p or man S ar ain ore,
. a g we New York|}. " N .# ' = . 1 { He was the s f Jacob and Eliza- | chal n 120 ‘ f MAY Ope
orders, at a meeting In / | brief illness from grippe. ) H rere: Reet " . com h | ; | ALLEGHENY & BISHOP STREETS.
City, that in the future no membdds | cons born ir and was | beth Poorman many years ine
ya - ¢ y was employed as a track hand and r¢
at Snow Shoe, Pa where he | it
rs oO \ married iss Emma Walker, |
parties, without special permit With- ints Surviving im ' his wif who irviy hi + leaves no chil
shoats, 10 weeks old . .
ubator, 2 milk cans, cider barrels
two-horse wagons-——on« y low wae
of the Progressive Party can make
alliances or fuse with any of the other |*
out fusion,
ut fusion, Pu ne a a Mie Bolla | ESSE EEOC NEE ENENE EEE EEE EEE EEE EERE EE
Upright Pianos!
Gilliam’s Store, Bellefonte.
ourt of Quarter |
rial session for \ wurpose of passing emetery n abd for Lhe anty of Centre, and |
clal ses n r I » presented to the |
a proper tariff n ir I n ourt on
i t vidow o ‘ ‘ hi son, dle SATURDAY. DECEMBER 14th. 1918
atte { otto he ¢ r all} wid
matter Is = : : ak: he Roth it Buff tun Said License to compute for one year from the |
concerned, then the Industrial v id |, we ly TT whl " ies) ‘ " ay of Ap 1"
can adjust itself to the new order of | lowing an illness of about one wee avern License.
t nd th q t Ww Daggett Hellefont West Ward |
things, and prosperity nt ssured rig : ‘ ( ! ‘ pr wand
Gov. Wilson's pr |
mendable He is mak
wand were ng tl ! etthe of | Ja f Centre Hall Boro
\ 3 hand Dre } J "izpaird Howard Boro
BRYAN CAN STAND IT. all Joon ' : p v r  Miliheim Boro
——— ! $ wh Bn TRY y lg Philipsburg First
The New York Sun is 1e leading ear g She ; er a¢ Ww Rapsey Second
tt ! Wm H Hindle
nans i i irvivi Frank MeClure
For years it has 1 the ithplecs tives are brothe my -y .. | Albert Fasshauer
. : : " rr Y 4 " Ea Harry Washburn
of the Goulds an Morga } henaos or ame i n } ni Samuel Rodgers
$ he enemy of all p sive ove- | 80ck, of B io Kur . ' bY O'Brien & Bowser
sh em i . 5 Crebe Hros & Crag:
ments. The {14 . Lawr. Redding Snow Shoe Boro
: : Tore ’ John G. Uzzle
8 bitterness ! we d it of Ti . old on rd "TY r wit inter JORD Ls ? 9 b iu
its bittern ah : Taf a ¥ " Or k y Xe H. J. Kohibecker Boggs twp... Centr City |
It naturally hates Bryan, who was in- | ment at Buffalo Run, Moses O. Stover Gregg twp Sprige Mills
“tal . 11 =} * 2 ANB 3 | Clarence E, Long... Miles twp
strumental « ly in Wilson's nomi- Ww AGNER Mrs hoebe James M. Moyer Potter twp... Potters Mii
nation and electio It recently said widow of J. D. Wagner i f th Edward Royer oid Fort |
vy in h that “T'% 11h’ y ‘ i or n. Wil Wagner Lewis EB. Stover Penn twy Cobure
The bes y . A The Sun a } a Frank W. Hhss Rush twp Sandy Rudge
t Jeo. W. Ricketts Cassano
parative trie nan facing an un -  atomp 3 ot] : "John M. Kachik.... Snow Shoe twy Clarence
paraiieied poriunit nat he 1 tas Yat 34 / Seis Wholesale Liquor License.
and nomination blanks may
be obtained at Gilliam's Store
or cut from this ad. This wili
be the most interesting ad-
vertising proposition ever
presented in Centre county,
and everyone has an equal op-
portunity to secure one of
these beautiful Upright Parlor
Grand Pianos. 168 SILVER
PRIZES will be d stributed
during the contest.
express for the President-elect, a
Philipsburg. Second Ward
ut. Rush twp Cassanova
Snow Shoe tw Clarence
Brewers License.
“13" Lucky For Wilson W ! } i bat ab)
many P psburg Second Ward
Governing Contest :
fe an ' oie Tame ; . di REMAN
Vo { i f r 3a Clerk
Three Days Only
DAY, NOV. 28th, 20th AND 30th,
We will give to each and every cash
purchaser of “REXALL REMEDIES”
beautiful gold souvenir, entirely free.
Hat Pins and Collar Pins for the la
dies—tie Pins for the gentlemen, Each
PLEASANT GAP, or pa ge bia, Mim wip | would cost you nearly, if not quite as
Mrs. Ward Showers was the winner ‘ " .
of the Popular Lad contest whicl
1~~Name of Contestant
will not be %nown. 2~No
names of candidates will be
publithed. l~~Every Con
testant gets 5000 votes to
start with, 4 ~~Every Con-
testant gets a number.
Standing by number publish.
ed weekly m “The Centre
Democrat” 6.—All votes must
be brought in Wednesday for
recording. 7.~Votes must
NOT be written on. 8-—Tie
votes in package with Con-
testant’s number and amount
on top slip. 9.-—Color of Cer-
tificates will be changed each
before change. 10.—Votes are
transferable only before recording. 11.—Contestant having the largest number of votes on April
Ist. 1913, wins the Piano. THIS 18 SURELY A PRESENT WORTH WORKING FOR,
orge, of Rote nd six | much if you were to buy them, as the
WAS COt cted by Gigson's Medicine . Mra. John Mosser, of |price of the preparation with which |
show + hi h showed at this place last Will BAIT Mrs. J A. Gummo ol we give it free—or DOUBLE VALUE |
Cedar Springs Mra, James Smith. «
week Mrs. Showers received a hand State College Mrs. George Miller Mrs {FOR YOUR MONEY.
bon: set if Verware John Brungard, both of Rote, and Mrs, | See the Souvenirs in our window.
Mrs. Frank Weaver was the winner 1. 'T. MeClintick. of Salona he fun | p—
of the Bean guessing gE racing " Ww 3
eral took lace ' 1 ate ome o
contest She received an eight-weeks- : on from her late hon we YOU CAN ONLY
Monday forenoon, services belng con
old pig . ; ” * *
i ducted hy Rev. W. A. GOrmhs mato
A spin to Bellefonte in an automo ry thi Salona M. E. ch 4 aT Pa J ~ ral Y LS
bile on a nice moonlight night is a| sbi i ody | oh
thing to be desired, and it is no won-| GUNSALLUS Mrs Martha Linn]
der that two of our pretty and accom- | Gunsallus, widow of the late John G
plished young ladies took advantage | Gunsallus, died at the home of her son
of the offer made them by two of | Frank Gunsallus, in Beech Creek, on
Boalsburg’s sports on Saturday night. | Tuesday night of last week, at the
Carl Noll, of Pitcalrn, has been vis- | age of 81 years, 5 months and 16 days
iting friends and relatives of this place | Three weeks previous she had con-
during the past week tracted a heavy cold while attending
The Ladies’ Ald society of the Luth- | the funeral of her sister, the late
eran church of this place will hold their | Mrs. Eliza DeHaas, from which pneu
annual bazaar in Noll's Hall on Wed- | monia developed. She 18 survived hy |
nesday and Thursday, November 27th (one daughter, Mra. Jane Johnston, of
and 25th, An oyster supper will be | Blanchard, and three sons W. Frank
perved on Wednesday evening On | Gunsallus, of Beech Creek. Robert A.
Thursday a chicken dinner and a of Osage, Iowa, and Joseph L.. of Lib.
chicken and waffle supper will be | erty township Also the following sis.
served. Yes, I think you would en- | ters and brothers Mrs, Mary Nitchle,
joy yourself. Come! Yorkville, 1ll.; Mrs. Margaret Addl
| son, Kansas; Willlam T. Linn Aurora,
Of Interest to Old Soldiers. Hi: Andrew Linn, Kansas: Robert
Adjutant General Thomas J, Stew- | Linn, California, and Frank Linn, also
art is about to Issue a circular ask- [in the west, Deceased had united
ing for information for the Gettys- | with the Liberty Baptist church many
burg semi-centennial celebration. He | years ago. The funeral was held on
desires the name, date of enlistment, | Friday morning, services being con
date of discharge, name of organiza- | ducted by Rev, 8. 8. Clark. assisted
tion and present post office address of | by Rev, 8. J. McCracken, of the Dis-
ull survivors living In Pennsylvania of | ciple church
'ennsylvania organizations who were pron ;
In service to July 4, 1563, and who REESMAN:-—J. A. Reesman, for
participated in the battle of Gettys- |MARY years a prominent resident of
burg. Grand Army posts and kindred | Contre Hall, died on Friday, Nov. th,
organizations will be asked to assist | the home of his grandson, Clay
In locating survivors, Reesman, Thorofare, N. J., where he
had been visiting since October 24th.
The cause of his demise was pulmo-
There will be an entertainment held | nary tuberculosis. Deceased was a
on Thanksgiving evening at Rock | native of Mackeyville, Clinton county Quali irs : You
View school house for the Interest of land was born October 24th, 15840, ty F t Y will
the school children's parents only, | therefore had reached the age of 72 Fin
Other Invitations will be extended as |years, and 15 days. He ry bean n Always d it In A
is thought best by the Invitation com- | resident of Centre Hall for more than DOCKASH.
Just a Little Hustling and You Will Win! How to Get Votes
: 3000 VOTES: With every yearly subserip- With every purchase made at Gilliam's
tion 3 Te Re DEMOCRAT Sise0e Store votes will be given—100 VOTES FOR
panie y in cash, votes wi giv. ’
on. This applies to back subscriptions, and EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH PURCHASED, or
you can pay for as many as you desire. one vote for avery penny spent at this store.
6000 VOTES: For every NEW YEARLY :
subscription to THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT The earlier you start the more advantage
accompanied by $1.00 in cash, 6,000 votes will you will have in the final count. The date of
be given. the closing of the contest will be April 1st, 1913,
JOB PRINTING: You can also get votes ; i
on job printing—100 votes for each dollar paid Start in at once—the earlier the start the
on job printing... more advantage you have.
The best way to get votes is to get subscrip- :
tions to the paper, as the schedule is so much Cut out Coupon below and present or mail
greater for subscription than for anything else. to Gilliam's Store, Bellefonte, Pa.
You will be surprised how easy it is to get
subscriptions to THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT if Votes must be handed in not later than
Wednesday noon of each week,
The Centre Democrat The Centre Democrat
$2150 in Prizes---FREE! NOMINATION BLANK
Good For 5,000 Votes,
Cut this out and bring it to Gilliam's I hereby accept the nomination as a
Department Store and it will be ex* contestant in the Piano Contest
changed for at Gilliam's Store. Please place these
5000 votes to my oredit
GOOD UNTIL NOVEMBER 28, 1912, Pe Ouiceiinnininninniinssnsssssnseany
Be Ba»
mittee. Doors will be open at 7:30. fifty years. He was a tinner by oo-
cupation and was in business for him-
When you have any job printing be | self up until a few weeks prior to his
Sury and come to the Centre Demo- dauth. He was a ointed master Olewines Hardware Store EEE EEREERENDN
wm month and must be recorded