Page 2. Be LETTER FROM FREEPORT, ILL, Dear Editor: The election is over and my wish was fulfilled, that Wood- row Wilson be elected to the highest honor of this great nation, as Presi- dent. Your Centre Demodrat reaches us on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, and looking over the states where Wilson had won, 1 noticed you had Illinois carried by Roosevelt, while the Freeport Bulleton, edited by P. O, Stiver, in his daily of Friday had it for Wilson, So I hitched up and drove into Freeport to satisfy myself, and went to P, QO, Stiver's office and found that the state of Illinois had gone for Woodrow Wilson for president, and the Democratic governor and the whole Democratic county ticket of son county was elected Not publican will be in office after of the year Saturday afternoon number of Centre countians and Pent Ivania Democrats met at P, 0, Stiver's ofl to congratulate each other on the sud of the party. Amongst them was George Corman, formerly of Rebersburg, Pa, but he had just left for home, after I was through 1 drove out his place. I had not been there for 21 years, P. QO. Stiver on my rig and went along t place I stopped at | saw the rom the buggy; 1 knew her 1 and they were just read tipper. She was a daugh- ter o Weber, of Rebersburg She the old fashioned well ladened. good chicken SUCH Sunday one Re- the first 14 old COSS 50 to 80 got The fir Mrs, | away cooks On roast Wilson's morning he rig and Hannah from his irled August 2 hildren, in the enjoyed my same to me when He an man; I and away 1 asking corn was plowing with rse gang plow and on piowing with a 3- he line caught unde horse commence back of tl} at the off ugh so I had a walk s8 of 1is son's {stor Kale's place, 1852 Cen visit miles ack is ead day are me asting en 1 potatoes sold ) cents. My son ¢ i nt late first of June t bothe their mao hope | J. GRAMLEY the Woman's f ! will Club. hold yeloek | Meeting of ‘ Womanr ber 25, In High fe feature of the roughly con t and will havi ¢ valuable rdially it will men n " ne rt ress Ciub re in members al least one friend each PUBLICITY COM Woman's Club, Bellefonte BABYS CARE RIS MOTHERS WORRY z, & he SCOTT'S EMULSION im- proves the quality of breast milk ~it suppliesthe material for bone and muscle—if scanty or thin, it makes it rich and abundant, For bottle babies a few drops of emulsion with every feeding produces marvelous effects— makes new, firm flesh and ruddy health. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the cream of the purest cod liver oil delicately emulsified into tiny particles resembling maternal milk and each particle is coated with glycerine—no alcohol or stimulant—a wholesome, nourish- ing, strength-making food. Motherseverywhere are en- thusiastic about Scott’s ; Insist on getting SCOTT'S. Scorr & Rowwg, Bloomfield, N. J. 1084 Steven | a | MISTOOK MOTHER FOR BURGLAR ing Car, Mrs. J. Rappe Mvers, wife of and killed by her was shot evening burg, Pa. Wednesday Gladys E, {ear bound for New York. {was the result of a horrible mistake [on the part of the daughter, who in a | her | half-awakened condition thought {mother was a burglar. The shooting | took place when the train {ing Croyden, Pa. and the injured { ton, N | later Miss J., where she died a short time who is about years old and exceedingly pretty, lon the way to New York to purchase a trousseau for her coming to J. Blair Dillard, of Salem, druggist She had a casket els which she was taking to New to have repaired and matched, the solicitation of her {placed a revolver under Mrs. Myers had gone the room and it was upon her that the daughter mistook somebody after her gems and After recovering from a fit at the Trenton police Myers sald “I am Miss Gladys Elizabeth fof the Rappe hotel, corner of Wes Otterman and Pennsylvania avenue Greensburg, Pa. My mother and left our home in Greensburg, Pa visit my fiancee, T. Blair Dillard, a short time then went to see brother, J. Rappe Myers, Jr, at lem, Va where he in the siness My mother and 1 from Salem, Va, berth awakened by informed me that om, and to from Myers, Va., and mother hae her pillow to retur her fired. teria station Miss te m) is took engaging my she was while she sleep I my sleep by wi flow Girl Shoots Parent on P. R. R, Sleep- the proprietor of the Rappe Hotel, Greens- last daughter, Myers, while on a sleeping The tragedy WARS pass- Wo | man was hurried to a hospital at Tren- twenty WAS | wedding | Hn of jew- York | at | dressing for of hys- Myers, for THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, . | Township of Boggs, County of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: The one thereof, bounded on the gouth by the Eald Eagle Valley railroad; on north by lands of Dr. 8. 8, McCormick, formerly’ W. J. M, Brooks; on the east by lands of the heirs of Adam Hoy, de. ceased; containing one (1) acre and be- ing the same premises which William Butler conveyed to W, J, M. Brooks. *{ The other thereof, bounded on the west by Lowery Shope, now Fred Shope, on the north by lands of Matthias Gar- man, formerly W. R, Shope; on the east by lands of the heirs of Adam Hoy, de- ceased; and on the south by lands of Dr. | 8. 8. McCormick, formerly W, J. MM | Brooks, containing eleven (11) aores. y | more or less, and being the same premi- ses which W. R., Bhope, conveyed to W J. M. Brooks Seized, levied upon, taken in execution to be sold as the property of WwW, J, 3 1] Broo) TERMS OF acknowledged is paid in full Sheriff's Office 1912 SALE No deed until the purchase ARTHUR B Bellefonte, Pa will money LEE, SHERIFF'S SALE, 5 iy ue writ of Fleri ‘ourt of Common 1 ) ‘antre Con Pa,, ang be exposed House, on DECEMBER Pleas to me di- to public in the Borough of Be MONDAY, at 1 estate vis efonte 2nd, 1612 DRS thre RIPTION certain {8 an # of land ) and state of ont vania, t mess #ituate In of Cen bounded Sa- lumber i n mother, Boing “ was mother smoker, nd | PRIVATE SALE OF REAL aN ir kar Wm. Ker Big Metal! § e Cort {otal hingle Business. Roofing | Poultry Regulator induces heawy eR R production, dtrengthens and stimulates the internal OTFEADS “Your NA back if It falls 25e, Be, #1 (Jet Pratts Profit-shar- jag Bookich » Hazel Bros. and John Meese Store. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT. SHERIFF'S SALE. virtue of a writ of Levari Faclas is. out of the Court of Common Pleas {f Centre County, Pa, and to me direct there will be exposed to public sale the Court House, In the borough of efonte, Pa., on MONDAY, DECEMBER at 1:30 P. M the real estate, viz All that certain meas and tract of and or t of ground situate in the Township of Marion, County of Centre and ff Pennsylvania, bound. ed and described as follows, viz On the north by Main street of the village of Incksonville, on the east by Andrew Mar tin, on the south by land of Adam Year. ick, and on the west hy lot of Mra. Cath. erine Beck, containing one-half (1%) acre, more or leas Thereon erected a dwell. Ing house and out-bulldings Seized, levied upon, taken Into exe. cution and to be sold as the property of W. Harrison Walker, Administrator of ete.,, of Enos Ertley, late of Marion township, deceased, Amelia Ertley, wid- ow of Enos Ertley deceased, George Ertley and Annie Ertley his wife, Wil lim Ertley and Mollie his wife, Tate and Herbert Tate her husband, Annie Btrunk and Harry Strunk her hus. band, heirs and legal representatives of Enos FErtiey, late of Marion township, deceans TERMS OF BALE he acknowledged untill purchase money wid In full ARTHUR B, LER heriff's OMes, Bellefonte, Pa. Bherift, Nov, 13th, 1812 By sued nd, following 1012, described nge tenement Siate No Deed will SHERIFF'S SALE, virtue of a writ of Fieri Faclas is. out of tha Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, Pa, and to me dl. rected, there will be exposed to pubfie sale at the Court House, In the borough of Bellefonte, Pa., on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 19012, at 1:30 o'clock PP. M. the following de. peribed real estate, viz All those two certain messuages, tene- Lai and tracts of land situate In the n sue Erma | ESTATE. on of W. D k e 0x f De remy W.D.ZER + PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAB ESTATE. By virtue of an order issued phaos” Court of Centre County of &« LE REAL the undersigned r of Sarah M. Noll, iste of al and on th ish now Kaufln 1 perches net ory frame an Hros measure dwelling Fx and bed vered with young descr TERMS OF SALE: ~1 of sale. 40 per cont. on 00 balance in 6 months secured by bond and i W. 6G. Runkle Attorney Bellefonte, } per cen f hid firmation ¢ leferred payments rigage on the AG day sale, and to be premises NOLL Admr Bellefonte VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. late of Walker on Pa Pa Estate of Emanuel Garbrick twp , deceased By virtue of the provisions of the last will and testament of the decedent, the undersigned executors will offer at public sale on the premis es, 1% mile North east of the village of Jackson ville in Marion township, on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1rd. 1912 MIP. M the following A FINE FARM CONTAINING IM ACRES 100 acres of which is ina high state of eultivae tion, the balance is covered by thrifty. young second-growth timber. Thereon erecind a TWOSTORY DWELLING HOUSE and a large BANK BARN and other outbhulld ngs. Two springs of never-falling water are piped to the buildings. also a never falling well at the house This property is cotuveniently located to churches and schools. The farm has the record of producing large crops and would make a desirable home or a profitable investment Possession wili be given Ist, 1913. but all f east ia er 1912 and 1952 interests , interests of the estate In Apr you for are reserved: also the the crops for 1912 are reserved TERMS OF SA LE: “10 pereent. on day of sale 13 of balsnoe on Ay Ist, 1913: remainder in LWOL nl ANNLA pARYMCOD!S Lo be socu red bybond and mortgage nih remises, with Interest st 5 per cent. payable nusly from April Ist, 1918 Entire purchase price oan be paid April 1st, 19:18 Mrs. CATHARINE GARBRICK, WM H CORMAN, Jr. Exrs., Harrison Walker Zion, Pa Attorney LF. Mayes, Auvet VALUABLE REAL ESTATEAT PUB. LIC SALE. Two Large Farms in Marion Town- ship, Centre County, Pennsylvania, There will be exposed at public sale on the premises about ® miles North-east of Jackson. ville. on FRIDAY, DECEMBER oth. 1912 at 10 o'clock A tenement and tract of farm land, containing 193 ACRES AND 128 PERCHES known as the "TRVIN FARM"; sald sale to ineiude the landlord's share of the grain io the ground, but subject to a lease In favor of Geo M Harter, tenant, which expires April Ist 194 Said farm containe yood orchard, running water, A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, LARGE BANK BARN, and other outbuildings w The other farm, known as the HUSTON | FARM"; containing 292 ACRES AND 21 PERCHES, will be exposed to publio sale on the premises 1% mile South west of Jacksonville on FRIDAY. DECEMBER sth oe, at o'clock, and will be sold subject 10 a lease | In favor of Joseph Dunkie, which expires April 1914; said sale Lo Include the landlord's share of | the grain in the ground. Sald premises contains running water, orchard, TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE LARGE BANK BARN, and other out bulldings Both farms are under a high staie of cultive tion, have good bulldings, and are desirable properties a hing oF BALE 10 per cent. 10 be paid on Ay of sale. and balance April 1st, 1 deeds will be delivered ; Ws, whan JOHN H BRECK, A.C MeClintion, Executor of the estate of Auct, x47 John Hoy Jr., decensed, The undersigned executor of James H, Duck, | ate of Greg wwiship, Contre County, Penna. the west by lands of John Pease; on the | be | Sheriff, | Facias 1s. | ages, out of > all that cerialn messunge, | VALUABLE REAL ESTATE F SALE. OR | deca , will sell on the premises in Gregg town { ship, at public sale on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1912 at 1 o'clock, P.M. the following described real estate No.l. A FINE FARM situate In Gregg town ship, bounded on the East by lands of Ben Lim | Bert; on the South by Ben Limbert, Kern Deck {er and James Wert; on the West by William | Weaver; on the South by Samuel llgen, John | Rauchau and Frank Fisher; CONTAINING 1190 ACRES, { 100 neres under cultivation and 19 acres | ber. Thereon erected un TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING summer house, good bank barn, two wagon sheds, blacksmith shop, and all necessary out buildings Good fruit and running water piped { to the bulldings | 50 ACRES TIMBERLAND No. 2. Bounded on the Kast by estate of | Franklin Hosterman;on the West by lands of i John Rauchau; on the North by James Wert {ov al ; on the Enst by Emanuel Shook, et al ; i CONTAINING 52 ACRES i 1 sere under cultivation and thereon | two-story frame dwelling house out-bulidings and good orchard 51 acres being in timber This property Is located in the heart of Brust Valley and is very desirat The clesred is in a high state of cultivation and the land is very valuable, The build | premises are in good condition. Set mile distant and church | mu TERMS OF SALE of sale, 40 per cent balance to be pald to be secured by premises Will also sell a Je | the property of the invim HCUSK ercowed a stable. other and remaining i land timber £8 on suid n 1001 house He from premises 10 per cent, of bid the das dell of deel, and year from date of sale ANG mg Lhe » upon ery ne bond rigage on woof HOUSEHOLD GOODS helrs of LL P. M., the following described real | Executor o ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE, Poormat late f the above been granted to Register of Wills Pennsylvania, all § the sald esinte payment against resent the named estate the undersigned of Centre County sons indebted hereby reques make fil persons F claims estate are requested to p duly authenticated without delay t K. JOHNS] having by the or- Are and sald same N x47 L EGAL NOTICE. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE of Joseph H. Davids CCOn Ne entary ving been the register inty of Centre te COURT PROCLAMA TION reas the orabie § p for Pleas. Orphans’ ( reo #4 sions of the Peace er eral Jail Delivery B : of Centre, and to commence on the FIRST MONDAY OF DECEMBER being the 2nd day of December 1912, and 10 con tinue two weeks Nori Bis hereby given t os of the Peace. A said ¢ snty of Centre their proper won of the tnd Ds. “Xamir ar : four the efonute th roner. J iN Vopr er t ns u ognizances that are r ahs of the Ut td Sts ARTHUR B Independence REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BELLEFONTE TRUST CO. of le of business, Nov. 2 efonte ref 14 ee Cent ty. Pa. at RESOURCES Reserve fund Cash. specie and notes Due from approved re SOTVe agents Legal securitios st par Nickels, ornts and frac tional currency Checks and cash items Due from Banks and Trust Companies not reserve Com rela viz Upon one name ) OF Ore DAMS Loans upon call with col ilera Time loans with coliater’] Honds, stocks, ete Mortgages and ments of record Furniture and fixtures Overdrafis $17.% paper purchas ed fle. 275 22 254 928 18 judge LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided Ly Indiv ecto (exclusive of trust funds) Time certifiontos of dep 'st Deposits saving fund Due to Banks and Trust Cos. DOL reserve Treasurer's and certified cheeks outstanding Other liabilities not cluded in above nses and in nUR ATE $f 20M 2.585 0 f om Amt of Trust funds Invested | Amt of Trust funds uninvested Total Trust funds | | State of Pennsylvania | County of Centre, | {| 1 John VP. Harris, Treasurer of the above pamed company do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief JOHN P, HARRIS, Treas, | Subseribed and sworn before me this 12th day vi ‘of Nov, HARRY KELLER. Not. Pub | Correct— Attest J, LL. SPANGLER, CLAUDE COOK, A.C, MINGLE Directors REGISTER'S NOTICE. The following scoounts have been examined sed and flied (othe Register's oMoe for the papeotion of heirs and legatees ereditors and {all others In anywise Interested, and will be : nied 10 the Orphans’ Court of Centre | County for confirmation on Wednesday the 4th { day of December, A D 1912 {| 1. The third and final socount of Willlam Tressier, Testamentary Guardian and Trustee | of Hattie Meyer, who survives Mary Audrey | Meyer, deceased, minor grandeniidren of Thom. as Meyer, Inte of Bonner township, deconsd 2 Fre first and partial account of J.C PF Motz. sdministrator of M. A. Motz, Inte of Halos township deceased [60d JM. Ward, executors of &e | Ward inate of Half Moon township, deceased Brooks Thursday, November 21st, 1912 of Surah J 4, The first wud flosl seecut of Amanda M Batley, sdministrsiriz of &e.. of Willlam H Balley, late of Venn township, decenned bh, The first and final secount of J. M. Cun Binghsim, administrator of Mary Cunningham lute of Bellefonte, Borough, Gecessed 6. The first and fins! sceount of ( gor, wdministrator of &« Daniker, deceased 7. The first and fioel sccout of Mministrator of Ke., of James R Brooks, late of Spring wwwnship, deceased B. The fires and fins sceount of W. H. Mus Ber. executor of Ae of James Fiiek, late of Union vownship, decensed 9. The first und fio] aceount of W. W son, saministrator of &¢.. of Sarah Grim Grege township des 10. The first and partial Fryberger and Mary Jane and executrix of Ge rye Philipsburg Borough, ds 1, The first a Holmes T. Fryber of Helou 8. Van Jamie late of fned hn EK cutor late of ncoount of Jo Haworth ex Haworth cased w WwW nt of John L Zimmer deceased of Kzra H siminisirators of Powter Auman Ig A i of Mary | Borough int exe Lr f A BECO Auman ar st} of the estate of Joht twp, deceased Arne iman Autnan sald Ezra H of Dr ae us! FRANK SMITH Regisver Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Streets Receive Deposits. Discount Notes. John M. Shugert, Cashier. MAMMA AMAA Jacob Gross c French Dry Scouring leaning and Ostrich Plumes Cleaned and Cleaned. ASTANA aaa AA RR Raa) HeNoNoNoNONONGN THI TAAAAAIAAAWMAAAAW contraclior Lar 3 Wl and well seasoned 1} BELLEFONTE LUMBER CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. AN ADDED CHARM TO A DAINTY BEDROOM is a gracefu porcelain Lavatory, which, owing to vanced Improvements of plumbing, can now be perfect sanitation his many new equipments progress has placed at up-to-date plumbers you all about them and ness, convenience, low one-plece the ad- scientific installed with is one of the that modern the disposal of let us Inform thelr usefu)- cost, ete. A. E. SCHAD GILLIAM’S DEPARTMENT STORE No. 9 Allegheny Street. We are prepared with the goods to show you how much we can seve you in every purchase. Children's, Ladies’ and Men's Underwear at from 25¢ Suits to $2.50. Hosiery in Wool and Cot. ton at the lowest prices. Ladies’ Men's and Children's Gloves and Mitts, Bear Skin Caps, only 25e. Sweaters 48¢c to $3.00 On Saturday, we will sell 100 Brooms worth 30c at only 2b¢ 100 Brooms worth 45¢ at only 350 For this day only. We will seel Friday, 100 Ibs. of Arbuckle Coffee 25e¢. On Saturday we will sell V4 ton Granulated Sugar » ton Soft A B6l4e. 4 Yellow at Bo. Prices for that day only. Lancaster & Amoskeag Ging ham, Friday and Saturday Hill Muslin Sc. 100 pair Blankets 98¢ and $1.39, of The first aod foal account of LT. Ward | I Richurd ‘Beezer's Meat Market | HIGH 8T., BELLEFONTE, PA, ew tWe keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON. SLICE HAM All kinds of Smoked Mest, Pork Sausage, oe If YOU want as vlee Juley Steak, go wo PHILIP BEEZER | W. H. Musser GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND PENSION ATTORNEY. BFLLEFONTE, PA. PATENT YOUR IDEAS AND MAKE MONEY Bend for my free book HOW TO GET THEM Best Service Fees Reasonable, Highest References JOSHUA R. H. POTTS. 369th st Wash D.C. US kForelgnPats, #20 Chestnut Phila. #8. Dearborn Chica Lice Murder chicks, ef growth snd rou Kil them ’ Wil Or chicks with LICE . E ek " regular use wer Jumiren pert if 25c¢, 50c 160-page poult FiLEy “Your money back it fails” y book Hazel Bros. and John Meese Store. cHoNoNoNoNONINORININONG CLARENCE H.OSMER, TAXIDERMIST PENNA, BELLEFONTE, TANNING, MOUNTING, RUGMAKING, g line ie] Best of Taxi- guaranteed. Everythin A in the ermy. work — LEAVE 8)! AT | W. H. Miller & Bro's. Store, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte. EoRoRoNoNmoNoNoNIRINONONIN Kh. RHOADS yard, opposite the | 0 4 i . 3 assel 5 atior ities ) BITUMINC! CHINONONIININONININININO NONI NOINmIN eHoNoRINoNoNONONONe 3X 4 4 x nN sells only the ANTHRACITE “ry avi s COALS we A180 all kinds of Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw an Sand. { Commerical No. xrione Can “ 1" Tatarioxs CALLS | Central No. 138 ASK ANY HORSE Eureka Harness Seid by dealere everywhere The Atlantie Refining Company > . women Ss suits Finely tailord £30.00 te £35.00 Suits, $18.50 Bot at a very low price, the sur- plus materials of a large manu- facturer and had made therefrom in several of the best Fall medels. Each garment ie finely tailord and a type of latest fashion. Extensive variety high class materials fine Diagonals, Whip- cords, Mixt Suitings, and Rough effects—staple shades of Navy Brown, Grey, Green, two-toned shades and faney Mixtures $30.00 to $356.00 Tailord Suits, $18.50 Tree Veiner Nett SUIS woolens 50 pieces genuine 65¢ and Tie Imported all Wool Challies— beautiful French figures, stripes and Persian printings —o dd pieces — odd colors — that's the ll reason for the price, 35¢ yard. | 100 pieces—case—genuine 25¢ White India Linon--good, fine well made cloth, 15¢ yard. 50 pieces fine 20c White mer. cerized Persian Lawn--32 ‘aches wide, 15¢ yard. COCGS & BUKL PITTRRURGH, PA,