Thursday, July 25th, 1912, THE CENTRE DEMO didi _— BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS | —The trout fishing season will close next Wednesday, —There will be a rummage sale for the Bellefonte hospital for Octob- er, Repairs are now being made on the interior of the Presbyterian church at this place, Miss Gertha Murphy, of this place, is the guest of friends in Lock Ha- ven this week. Mrs. Nancy Confer and daughter, Bella, are enjoying a visit with friends at Marsh Creek this week. ~Rev. Geo. Collidge, of the Run- ville charge, United Brethren church, was a visitor in town on Saturday. —The Tresslers will hold their nual family reunion on the grounds Thursday, August 6th, will be a basket picnic. Mrs. Harry Otto and two children, of Johnstown, were arrivals in Belle- fonte on Wednesday for a visit with her mother and other relatives. -Miss Myra Long, of Altoona, formerly of this place, accompanied by her friend Mr, Zeigler, spent Sun- day with friends in Bellefonte, —The dwelling houses of Edward K. Rhoads, on east Lamb street, are be- ing beautified this week by the appli- cation of paint to thelr exteriors ~—Miss Jodie Bauer and niece, Miss Mary Taylor, departed last Thursday for Dewart, to remain several weeks visiting the formey's brother, John jJauer, and family, Miss Mildred Grim, Mr. and Mrs. George Grim, who cently moved from Bellefonte Punxsutawney, is visiting friends this place at present, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer three children, of Lamar, were Sunday guests at the home of former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. eph Alters, in this place —Patsy Bathurst has gone to Ohio, where work is sald to usually brisk at present. A of Bellefonte men are employed that city and are earning good an- fair It to in Alters Jog- be in wages ~The Bellefonte base ball team put | Jeaver club of State | the cleaner to the College by the score of 9 to 2 on Sat- urday afternoon, this place. This looks as though had a winning team this season --Al, 8. Stine and Mack Hall, jellefonte’'s hustling carpenters went Howard on Monday to add further conveniences to properties of Liveryman Thompson by building thereto. at we tw of to the H Linn McGinley, the the contract for doing interior repairs and decoratic Presbyterian h, and corps of expert workmen day on the When fi be fine, pain chur: job. ni List of unclaimed letters f« week ending July 20th, 1912, in the Bellefonte postoffice Dr. E. M. Bing- ham, W. A. Fleisher, T. J. Gunning. W. A. Johnston, Chas. W, Lane, W, W Mass, Miss Agnis Scanyord, Dr. F. W Sunanday.—H. C. Valentine, Postn ter. ~Mr. and Mrs of Penn street, of last week in guests of Mra Mr. and Mrs. paid a brief before returr ening William Hamilton spent several da Huntingdon as th Hamilton's parents, Maybaug? They also visit t in Tyrone ng he © friends me n nS east Lam? been graduall mer Mrs riags was publi u Bell boy fA nll property and Zens ity, and how to deal bination = fous problen menace any on times \ On Friday Abe young son of Abraham Jackson, indulging in this sport, threw a that hit Mrs Charles Amme bruising her arm, and the boy arralgned before Squire Musser the boy Is very young yet the Squire was of the opinion that he knew it was wrong to throw stones at another person, and gave him the alternative of paying the costs or spending sev eral dave In jal) The young man's father pald up and secured Abe's re lease, and the Incident will no doubt be a warning to other hoys who In dulge In the pernicious practice peiting everything they see stones, w~=Maloolm, the and Mrs. Andrew Young, narrowly escaped serious injury on Saturday evening by being knocked down hy Aan automobile near the Lyric theatre on Bishop street. The car, driven by Daniel Houser, of Benner township, was coming down east Bishop street, intending to turn up Allegheny, when thé boy ran in front of it. Fortu- nately Mr. Houser was running slow- ly, but the Impact was sufficient to throw the boy to the hard brick pav- mg, on which he received a number of bruises. He was pulled out from under the car after It had stopped, but escaped being run over by any of the wheels. No blame can be at- tached to Mr. Houser as he was run- ning at a very slow speed. What might have happened had It been one of the swiftly moving autoes that tear through the streets, is a serious matter to think of. me ser the while ftone rman. Was While young son of Mr, chicken this are A. Domino's in items people M., OC, Read Unionville The young joyving the Y. pool. Miss Somerset story week, again en- swimming the Annabelle Kurtz, of county, i8 a guest Kurtz home on High street. A little daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs, Jesse Derstine, at thelr home on east Lamb street, on Saturday. Miss Kate McGee, of Philadelphia, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gray, on Thomas street, The next important gathering In Centre county will be the coming county fair the first week in Septem- ber, Berlin, at the is some talk Bull Moose plenie this season. That novel gathering. Mrs. Margaret nurse of the Bellefonte hospital, on Tuesday for Dennison, Ohio, spend a portion of her vacation at home, The Royal Neighbors of will hold a social on Saturday on the vacant lot by the Warehouse, near Penna cream and cake will be The fourth quarterly conference will be held In the United Brethren church of this place on Tuesday There of holding a at Hecla Park would make a big head left to her Leggett, America evening Potter-Hoy station; served, ice evens daughter of | re- | tawney, i Grim, { Grim, and | over | | burg, the | Akron, un- |; number | bso 19 of | with | ing, July 30th. Rev, J. 8S. Fulton, presiding elder, will be present and preach the congregation Miss in H. I spending to Lillian Smith, Fenlon's her the daughter formerly of stenographer office, is in Punxsu- Miss Mamie and Mrs, this place, James A. Wood, in Bellefonte Joshua Folk will be latter Pp expect to month insurance m guest of of Mr vacatl as Mrs. of Pitts is a8 A guest on joined Art of remain east by the week, herd for Glenn, the f« and Mrs f 11 v 31 fell from year-old Harry Barton, the back porcl Monday afternoon, in his A wore require wound Mr. { ville, residence « cut sh n quite a gash head imns the services ress xr. PW. T spending a few da le BOT n this morning i new auto Harvester ckerhoft House ind now is doing the work old buss and team of horses outfit i! pail more passengers ciimis "hills easily with a Hload, Tt Is claimed that the new aut vil re het 1)¢ ' . ill prove enper te ¢ . ’ iron ‘ onal Gar four nai pany f arrived T he and give we day ng the wi be he Rev, Wm, F. C Allentown a! train the President College for Women lel at K: 15 eaves Bellefonte Barney Shillings, who resides on what Is known as “Molasses HILL" north Allegheny street, an thusiastic pigeon fancler up tlh a few days ago flock nearly Afty fine spec of tribe of “birds” on hand. On Sun | day, however, while Mr. Shillings was {away from home, some opened the pens and allowed all his | pigeons to escape. The owner feels his loss keenly, and is anxious to get on the trall of the fellow who played him the low-down trick In and had a mens un Coy & Linn works, all tempted to dispute the right-of-way of a large automobile on the road leading from Bellefonte to Miles. burg on Saturday evening. Samuel Toucan, who lives the vicinity Point McCoy, was astride the because It at. in dent and was considerably when It him and hurled a distance of fifteen foot Mr. Lucas was taking the mules to the works shortly after six o'clock. and had turned to the right side of the road to allow Kelly Bros' large automobile to pass him from the rear, An the car drew near, the mule upon which Mr. Lucas was riding, swerved it with great force, Mr. Lucas might easily bave been killed, but his es. cape with out broken bones is timely for congratulations, | week High | her | Morrig Baum spent the past three weeks in Philadelphia and New York making selections for the fall season, for the “Sim the Clothier” stores In Bellefonte and State College. H. W. Salladay, representing a large Brooklyn shirt manufacturing concern, is at the Bellefonte Shirt Factory this week demonstrating | the latest modes in shirt making. Willlam Walker, of “Cracker jack” fame, left for Lock Haven this week accompanied by his wife, and for the next week will keep the fection-loving crowds at the carnival busy. ! gang of Washington, R. B. Taylor miles of latter has the On Tuesday left Bellefonte for to be employed by constructing several road of which the tract, John Martin, the genial clerk In Parrish's drug store, accom: panied by his brother, Pat Martin, de parted on Monday for Steubenville, Ohio, where they will visit friends for the next few weeks, A package containing a shirt and of stockings last Saturday was in the wrong buggy on street by mistake of a woman. The owner can secure same by calling atl this office. : On Wednesday a Pa., in lot put Mrs. larnes, of Bishop street, entertained at dinner in | honor of evening Mrs. F. W. Topelt., This Mrs, Topelt will be entertain- ed by Mrs. Luther Smith, of Bishop street, and covers will laid for sev eral dinner guests Mrs. Thomas Smith, is spending the week fonte as the guest of her husband's mother, Mrs. Mary J. Smith, on Bish op street, while her husband is at tending the encampment at Getty burg as a member of Company lL. Mr. and Mrs. Nev Renovo, « de and while duty ampment, lellefonts of State Col lege, in Bell 8 in Corman Bellefonte former ttyst ame wn to last the the wife is d ing soldier ITE remain hu and s an Corman Cie will 10st of her Mrs. 1a at his HE) si mrents, Mr Bishop The l.ela and Verna departed on Wednesday for a Bellwood and they wi Mr. and the family 0K and mi street, Misses Ar friends in Saturday n days , who Is empl p quarries, met Wednesday vith Armor Ga ident on stone th or ‘ en- | of | this | miscreant | There In one less mule at the Me- | state | of | ani. | mals back at the time of the accl- | partment announces that the suspen- bruised up | wan knocked out from under | around In the road and the auto struck | taker Koay the 1 m | | ery bod was t the Bellef uesday with a i } ceived by a fall He makes his with his son-in-law, Ervin "eimle, on Penr and was hte the . ir reed } ¢ } iken to lon T fracture | hospita | hip. | home i if re siroet A number eat losers ' 1 whom d Will mes. Qu sever Adams num ork i . f am who los g ‘ of other « chops and te 0 her shy fall itigens wil sausage this STOP MAILS ON BAD ROADS. Government Foroes Neglect Upon At. tention of York Courts. Road supervisors in York county who have pald no attention to appeals from the post office authorities to | keep the highways in a passable con dition for the rural carriers will be brought to a swift accounting, follow ing the action of the Government to- day In suspending the service In York township on account of bad roads While the Government's authority In {the matter extends no further than this suspension, the farmers, who will be compelled to go to the gener. al delivery window In York or to thelr nearest postofice for newspapers and mall, are up In arms and the neglect {of the supervisors will be forciably impressed upon the Court The order from the Post office De- sion will be removed after 30 days if the roads are repaired While there Is complaint of negibel of York county roads In all seasons, conditions have been particularly bad recently, owing to the heavy which have caused washouts, Miss Lula Cronister, of Martha, left Monday for Bodos, N. Y. being a graduate nurse of the Erie County hospital, N. Y., where she will be constantly employed, as she is a very efMclient nurse, | died con- |! workmen | | Frank ang ptate | con- | | young | ing due | Was | days. W | west | husband Allegheny | | her railing, | c BELLEFONTE, ————— RAT, PA, RECENT DEATHS, BARNHART My, Barnhart dig ut the home daughter, Mrg Grace Brown, lege LOWnship Saturday 13th, Funeral took place from home ON Tuesday morning The BErvices were In charge snyder and interment made at hurg. BURD onsburg's i at hi Friday night jliness. HH, a YOUNE wife, and brothers and sisters Musser, of Aaronsburg Willard at RUMBERGER: —Mrs, avid Rumberger, home of her son, Island, Neb. dropsy. The cased was aKed 09 years, her She two Sarah Lapp | of her in Col- aged 65, her late at 9:30, of Rev. loals- Hobert ghly Burd, one of Aar- esteemed young men, In that place last several months’ by his mother, the following Mrs. Blanch and Nellie, home, home after Is survived Rumberger, | died July | Willlam, death be- maiden name | Emigh, and 11 months husband she Is survived by sons, William of the she and 9 went her and in 1876 and Wesley JACKEON died Mrs, iberculosis, Mrs, Colyer nday Emma Jackson at the home of Greeley Jordan, at | 7th, and on Thurs: following the funeral was held, interment being made at Tusseyville. Fred W. Barry was the officlat- ! Deceased was the the late John Boal, and about thirty-five years, husband survives rs and sisters W. Thos. Peru; Frank and Agnes, Greeley Jordan, Colyer. DELS David B Delong, ‘Mg resident of Romola, died at | Woomer home, that village, on | Tuesday of last after a linger- ng H nearly two years with raly H was upwards of 70| are two chil- | of Willlams- | R. Johnston, of | lowing brothers and | John Rishel, of Ala-| Lydia Jones, of Jeech | John Abbott, of Blanch Delong, of and of The | after- | inter- | at of 1 Blister IT there \ [toon a In week, viving PlufY, tomola, Pittsburg. Thursday home, and the cemetery held on mer in vior fifteen | steward and | dai past ne ed Altoona ins | rema Wn Dass on became sud that 1 ws resorted Lo @ young man's ) ¥ n An opera to in a hope of sav. life Interment " ort aie he 1 his Waly hushand 1 a W ¢ Her leas has Thved easant Gap CATE AR | children. Of fam of three children Furey dled a number of San Antonto, Texas and or Williamsport, now vivor with Mrs the last ten months of her life. The funeral was held the following Sat. urday afternoon. Dr. G | A Hawes officiated at the services and burial wae in the Lutheran cemetery at p Gap ng her father's Potter ago at eon her Ww YOeAre Mra hres the sole sur- Walz during ] Wan made ensant death of which oe 11:15, at was and HEYLMUN Mrs Francesa curred on her home n Revere The sudden M. Heylmun, Monday night at on west Curtin street, shock to her family friends. No intimation was had hy the members of the family of the closeness of death until a few min- utes before the visit of the Grim Reaper. Her death resulted from heart trouble. Deceased was born in Sandusky, Ohlo, on March 12, and had thus reached the age Years, 4 months and 10 days tober £ A in Bellefonte ever since Are her husband and two | Catherine Q, Heylmun, of and Harris 1 {PA. Mra, Heylmun was a consist. ent member of the Preshyterian | church and of the various church so. cletion, Hhe was also identified with {the local Women's Christian Temper- {ance Union, and was a prominent | Worker of that organization. Funeral Bervices will be held at her late home [OR Curtin street, this morning at 10 | 9¢lock. conducted by her pastor, Dr. Surviving children Always Ready From the moment a Studebaker (Flanders) “20” is delivered, you have a car ready to go on the job. It will stand up to its work day in and day outtake the hills and rough places as cheerfully as the smooth, and the only care it asks is lubrication. Studebaker cars are built for honest everyday service, and will give you service —not excuses, You can start on the longest journey in full confidence that you will finish as strong as you began. Mechanical stability, beauty of design, gimplicity of control, low price and low upkeep cost combine to make the Stude- baker “20” an ideal car. The $800 Studebaker Flanders)‘‘20" Price, Standard $800 £1. o. b. Detroit. Eauipped bowe, with Windshield, Prest-O-Lite -' ed Doral mats $000 Ahh our dealer for the new Studebaker art catalogue or send to as for The Studebaker Corporation Detroit, Michigan GEORGE A. BEEZER, NORTH WATER STREET, - - - - BELLEFONTE, PENNA. Tank { but 1845, | of 67 | On oc | 15, 1873, she became the wife of | Grafius Heylmun, and had resided | Bellefonte, | Heylmun, of Homestead, Interment will be Penny a Word Adv. cemetery sdvertis Lt does others, ohe sement ie three insert & wan free f ADY subscriber carn ment in JE pot exceed 25 words; arg eent & word, first issue, no advent 8 two issues 40 oor 0 advertisements w from this office this ox one issue MARRIAGES. I" be an Long—Seiler. WANTED Facrory WANTED purposes Robert J Several go Han Gates—Gordon, reonage of FOR SALE cheap: have n Rebersburg. Pa yson-—F rom, I'homg nat POR SALF ! ure spreader. ir W. Eby. Zion. Pa Lt Cumber h, by Rev. Hicks of the Episcopal churcl This an nouncement ay fe ttle late wvertheless it be news of their frien they quiet nd had the n | WANTED sewing. by Mrs. M St. Heliefonie. Pa Washing and ) a plain Howard om a will 12 as FOR SAL} he whic Dieffenderfer—Casselberry re » | 161) M WANTED sent usin tk for a few hours w sample and Cream Oo. 33 South Seventeer Pa nif N 1 (min or with hin tube taken n A new raing we have been ! —— — FOR SALE: A small 2 horse farm miles north of Milesburg barn « situsted 1 with a good bank by 40, a good 6 room house, plenty of water, a young orchard and plenty of all kind of froit. Toms reasonable. W. H MNMeKinley Milesburg. Pa x32 Pe BdDPOT VARVARA IVAN Have You Corns? Why do you suffer with them when BARGAINS: —Newing machines rebuilt, as good as pew, Domestic. No American, Crown Arlington, Singer. Must sell to make room for pew machines. All 3 and 6 drawer machines Price from # 10 $10. G. 8. Clements. West Bis | hop St... Bellefonte. Pa mr FOR SALE Two horse farm. situated 2 miles portheast of Penn Hall; a good dank barn 5x00ft. with hog pen, chicken house, and’ corn. erib attached: a good Sroom house and other outbuildings all in good condition buildings wall painted. A good spring at the house. russ | Bing water st the barn, water in all the felds Lots of all kinds of fruit and the farm is well fenced with good wire fences. Also another | property joining it with a house and barn on it; ots of all kinds of fruit and a good spring. Shere lb ota of Stmber boLh properties. Ad. | dress Mr. and Mrs Walker, § IR Band er, Spring Mills, there is a preparation sold right at | your door that takes them away? It is called “Eurcka” Corn Remedy It does the work and costs you only | 250—~which would you rather have, | | LEGAL NOTICES. CAUTION NOTICE: All | BoMfied that my wife. M | Ing left my home without Just cause or provoos- | tion, 1 will not be responsible for any bills oon. reacted by her, G Hall, Julian, Pa. xn the corn or the 2507 persons are hereby rs. Martha Hall bay. YOU CAN ONLY Cararar Sreeny The Nexall Store | Bush House Block, MARKET QUOTATIONS. Bellefonte—Produce. Butter Egge ARE TET II LEE EE Bellefon rein, The following prices are paid by C. Y. agner Wheat, Red nde fop rain, Wheat, white ...... Bellefonte, Pa. re EEE EE EET “een CoB esas nnse EEE EEE ERE EE EERE EY ALLER TEE DTP T PROPOR | 1 PBIB IBDIBDTVIBDIBDV INS