Page 2. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT Woman's World Woman Artist to Complete Work of Edwin Abbey. MISS VIOLET OAKLEY. It has come as a surprise to many of the devoted admirers of the late Ed- win Abbey to hear that the unfinished work of this master artist Is to taken up by a woman, and a woman who Is still to be counted young. But all those who have followed the career of Miss Violet Oakley, the young wo man in question, agree that the choice is a worthy one and that no one avail able could better carry out the spirit be and the form of Abbey's paintings in | ter the Pennsylvania capitol. Miss Oakley has already done some | notable work on the capitol in Harris- | burg, as she was commisstoned as one of the mural artists nearly ten years ago, and room, representing the early history of the state of Pennsylvania, has proved | her originality, her poetical conception of the subject and her mastery technique, one treating of the rise of religious liberty, led to the settling the state from the Tyndale Bible pe riod to Fox's vision of a multitude, and the other depicting the Ufe of Willlam Penn, showir conversion to which the sect his arrest and imprisonment, his vision of a winning of a ing’'s charter his approach Philadelphia That Is recognized not a8 a poor substitute for Mr. Abbey, but as a sister artist, is indicated com- mewcially by the fact that paid exactly the amount promised to the late painter—a rate of 850 a foot. Miss Oa! was born Iu New Jersey but spent ge part of her earlier life in New York eit It there that she first idied taking lessons the A ng for awhile un der Can | 32 vith and the: abroad ther As masters she ha ings and Aman Montparnasse At the vturned to America Academy of Fine and it is in Penn me of her For long her with those of and izabeth new his ony and to 3 Miss Oak she is to be was soine Eoing Gean and Ch end bf and Arts in Phil gylvania t} most name was Jessie Wilcox Shippen Gree: picturesque little art colony near Villa nova, a subt of IM they transforms quaint old ion into a studio Sussex giad lone s« started a ith the three ladeliphia, where Royal “Love There is In the Woman's Home Com- panion article about Germany's ¢ princess, Cecilie, who is twenty vears old and has been the wife of the crown prince for gix years. She has four children. Fol lowing is a brief extract from the ar ticle “It was a genuine love match a wooing as quiet as might have come any day In any walk of life, he offer ing his heart to her in a little tea house at Murquitz the most humble, unconventional place that any man could ha The beauty of it is that they de voted today and show it with a frank ness that people seldom attribute to royalty. Nalve in this aspect, as this story. told me by a sing er who 1 the incident, will show. She happened to be singing at a musicale at the Marble palace, the home of the crown prince and princess jn Potsdam. When had finished be, leaning on the plano and looking at her with an boyish smile, sald, ‘Cecilie sings too. Presently a noted violinist Bave his part in the program, and the crown princess, going over to the same singer, sald, ‘Willy pays the violin too.’ Neither had known of the con fided complitnent to the other, It was merely a little coincidence spon tancous pride and mutual affection.” very rown five i persona with quite ve chosen are even more deeply are they, too, witne SHAM she of For Your Next Lace Yoke. A woman who poways has exquisite fine Irish Ince yoke In her gowns and yet who dresses on n limited Income told her secret. Instend of purchasing the lace yoke and. stock cellar attached «that so rarely fits—sahe watches for sales of turndown collars. Any large Dutch collar can be used back part front and forms a dainty yoke. White stock collars that match sufficiently well ean usually be picked up at slight ‘cost, and the combination Is good and much more effective than the ready made article, her series in the governor's | of | This series is In two parts, | of | of the Friends, | | | | | | leg. | bartender | the drink the man | stood on the long i leg. ! before rr The ——e Scrap Bool Down and Up and Out. Senator John W. Kern of Indiana tells a story of a friend of his in In- dianapolis who liked a drink as well ns the next man He was equipped with a six cylin der drinking ca pacity, but was not so well fitted out with legs, one being about three fuches shorter than the other. Ordinarily the man stood on his long leg, but In his quest for the bottoms of glasses he played no fa- vorites and stood on either foot, The senator walked into the Denison Aotel bar In Indianapolis one day with fis friend with the zigzag legs. They called for drinks, amd the senator's friend ordered a cocktail while stand- ing on his short ' : While the mixed Nt Qn. DRDERED A COCKTAIL shifted legs and The bar tender placed the drinks on the bar and looked puz zled. He picked up the cocktall and looked around the bar- room. THE MAN SHIFTED “What's become LEGS. of that little runt with the jag that ordered this cocktail?” he asked. The senator's friend got on the wa- wagon right there. — New York World. Pah = Doing Your Part. If the song I spun of my Has rned an pain, Then the hours that | spent in grieving 8hall not have been wholly vain, yther's If the ws Has q Then Shall h ng I spun of my gladness ave had their bit of worth. If either my joy Has nt hed ar Then 1 in life's cla Shall have don Ir my sore tf he th w ur r's heart morous workshop e my little part Charlotte Becker. A Story of Joe Manley. Chief Fuller the United States supreme court was on a visit to Maine some years ago and while there was entert by Joe Manley Mr Manley was held In great reverence by his fellow citizens all over Maine and especially in Augusta, his home. He took Mr. Fuller for a drive about the place, but was forced by a pressing business engagement to leave his guest the drive was finished. When Mr. Manley had disappeared the driver turned to the judge, whom he did not know, and, draw ont a cigar, sald: “I suppose you don't mind if I smoke When driving Mr, Manley never ht up, he's rather a distinguished citizen.” Fuller repress ed a Ianugh and told the driver to go ahead, which he did. Later the chief Justice retailed the joke to Mr. Manley. who at the CLrst the driver a few “You miserable thr wns the chief justice « of Justice ined ing we are we lig because opportunity toid ngs, winding up, idiot, that United States” ly the She Was Lucky, man who had just come visit to a friend's house, where he had seen five ladies engaged In a soci game of poker, said “1 looked A from a ible on awhile as Pretty soon one player ked for three cards They were given her, and she put them with the five she had been given first. She had eight cards in her hand but didn’t notice until her turn to bet came. Then she said “Oh, my land! | have eight eards” “You forgot to discard. dearie the dealer. “Throw three of away.’ “Well, let me see which ones I ean spare.’ replied the other. She studied a moment and then discarded three ‘Now.’ sald, ‘I'm going to bet a dime. | have three aces’ “'‘Graclous me!" came from another two kings, but 1 4 an id them she woman I only have suppose I must call’ “She called, and the woman the three aces took In the money “‘Isn’t it funny how lucky I am? she sald. Then she added: ‘Oh, May. how mnch did that hat yon got last week 1 it's just a dear’ “That was all T walted to see.” con cluded the man New York Tele graph with new think cont New Kind of Steak, “Once upon a time,” says Ople Read, “I was In a sanitarium where It was customary to starve people almost to death in order to make them live, 1 endured that treatment three days and then sought a restanrant downtown A walter came to me, and 1 sald “1 want something to eat. me a stenk' “ ‘Been up there? inquired the wall er, pointing toward the sanitarfum. “Xeor: three days,’ 1 replied, “One sanitarium steak!” yelled the | walter, | “I sunk disconsolately into a chalr, for it seemed that the whole town was conspiring to starve me. But I should have known that there were others who had been there before me. The *sanitarium steak’ was nicely served {by the walter, who cheerfully sald: “Here you are, sir: fine sirloin, top eut and extra large’ New York Tribune, Bring { i i SPOILED A GOOD SCHEME. | If Pots Had Only Had His Own Way 14 Might Have Won, Grand Central Pete was a noteq bunko steerer of the old days, hut ho econld neither read nor write, Opea he fell upon hard times, and he ang a younger but equally Iuckless dence man undertook to beat thee way on a freight train to Washingt, A brakeman kicked them off at Trey ton. It was getting late, and nelther of them had a cent. Across the from where they had landed good looking hotel, and right door was an express office. Grang Central Pete had an Idea. He wont into the express office, borrowed ona | of the large manila envelopes such a4 are used for transporting currency, filled the envelope with pleces of newspaper cut to the slze of bank notes and sealed It carefully. “Now, then,” be sald to his partner, “you take ycur fountain pen and write on the back of that envelope $0.000 Then we'll go over to that hotel ang pxplain that we've lost our baggage and I'll hand this envelope to the clerk and ask him to lock It In the safe. He'll look at the figures on the back. and he'll take us for moneyed guys and give os rooms and grub un til we can raise a stake.” The gsonnded younger man obeyed orders Central took In and examined it carefully. “Does that £0.0007" ed. “Yep.” said his partner, “Well, It don't look enoug! me” sald Pete. “You'd better add some more of them naughts.”™ The younger con man protested, Pete would have his way and after him until the educated one tacked on three more naughts, mak! the grand total $0,000,000 Then Pete marched grandly over to the hotel, registered for himself and his friend, passed the stuffed ene across the desk to the clerk and cos for the bridal suit The clerk took one look at the er velope, angther look at the solled f and shabby apparel of the newe and rang bell for the } bouncer. A minute later the dis fited pair were sitting on the » walk. Grand Central! Pete raised hin painfully and eyed his companion » a scornful, angry glance. “There, now!” he shouted “l 4 you you hadn't wrote enough of t naughts!™ Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post conf tracks Was a next reheme good to the fle got out his pen Grand Pet the envelope back his hand say he dem big ed the All the Particulars. A blank crop report was sent out bn a Cleveland paper for the farmers ! fill out, and one of them came b with the following written blank side in pencil: “All on we've gu in this neighborhood is three widdennd two schoolma’ams, a patch of when the hog cholera, too much rain, sbout fifty acres of taters and a durn foo who married a cross eved gal becaus she own and a mule which the game is me, and no more st present.” 3 | . ¥ 8 eighty sheep Not a Somnambulist, Terkington, American and povelist, Is a very e tooth playwrigh riser, and when the English play wri; and Aruold Dennett him harming residence dispapolls Mr Tark first es it dinner “1 believe In simple life. 1 up with Will sou take a t mile walk with me at 6 o'clock tomer row morning?” “Thank you, Englishman walk in my he visit in said the netol ngton ening the f tt Lie Sun the Mr answered, Tarkington.” “but 1 dont sleep.” A Robust Babe. Sir John Richard Robinson in *Fifty Years of Fleet Street” tell en amusing incident during the visit the Swazi deputation from the Trans vaal to England at the close of 1% “The Swazi braves went to Wind and had an audience of her males Queen Victoria. They were very gr clously received. One of their num began to speak, and an interpreter f lowed him phrase by phrase. ‘We come, » , J » | Bilis _ BELLEFONTE, PA, Thursday, July 25th, 1912 Tonic Ali What is a medicine that strength or t! _ tone « who'e system. What is ; “alterative”’? A relic that alters or ch un healthy action to healihy action. Name the be t “tonic and alterative”? Ay Sar saparilla, the onlv Sarsapa- rillaentirelyfrce fromaicol ol. Ask your doctor about it. 5 attacks, ’ SIT adachey. irdine tion, constipation, dizzy spells--t! are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask your doctor if be endorses Aver's Pills in these cases. The is small, one pill at bedtime. Madea by the J.C. AYER « erative | fonic”? A ic &58 tre ‘ > , ] Ys Cos Lowe Mann LEGAL NOTICES, ADMINISTRATOR,8S NOTICE, Estate of R. D. Ardery of Huston } tecensed ———— inte own ship Letter § testamentary on the n granted to the under raed. all the sald ot and those hav uly authenticated ithout « G.E. ARDE} Above estate hav ns juested Lo make ' pers CulBLe are re &24) Martha, Pa EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, ters testamentory hay ste of Joh ngery pire Court Pa. dex all persons indebted paymen estate Lo DE nied or ate of Huston’ cased, Lo Lhe under y Lhe tL and preset Lh rested 1 nst Hane Lhe DAVIDJ GINGERY Exe 4] tha Fur x20 Mar nace ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, STRATOR'S NOTICE, s Ertley f Mar I (Cet it Penna . 4d letters of administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned by the Hegister of Wills of entre County, Pennsylvania, all per- ‘ indebted to the sald estate are here- juested to make payment and all ne having claims against sald es- tate are requested to present the same duly authenticated without delay to x W. HARRISON WALKER, Admr ADMINI Estar of F 14 Fwy ceaned pers EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. A of W George RW ats, late the above the 1 of Os Jebted 10 the said 0 make payment against said es ie are requested 10 present the same duly sthent lcated without delay to A.M WILLIAMS WALTER WILLIAMS Exeocutors ’ H Lo Port Matilda Pa ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. } f Sarah M. No 1 oC ORs Letters of administration in the above estate having been granted to ndersigned by the Register of Wills tre County, Pennsylvania, all per- ndebted to the sald estate are here- ented to make payment and all ns having claims against sald es- are requested to present the same authenticated without delay to e of Spring iat g iowy nkie 0 EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. estate of Charles Snsder. iste o ‘urge hip. deceased umentary having been granted on f Charles Sn ate of Purgeson oty. Penssylvania decoas Executors, by the regis all persons quested wo Lest jer indebt. he sald estate sayment and all persons having claims ne said estate are requested wo present july proven for settlement without irove Mill Pa Executors 84 JACOB KELLER. Pine W. K. CORLL. State ( "oriney, AlLys Penna , . lege CHARTER NOTICE. ¢ is hereby given that an applieation made to the Governor of the State of vania on Monday July sh... by George Edwin M. Ohl and Chas. H. Rich, under { assembly of the Commonwealth of sylvania entitled "An Act to Provide for orporation and Regulation of certain ations’ approved April 20th... 1574 and the ments thereto for the charter of an inten. rporation to be called PENN OQONDENS. DMILKOCOMPANY. The character and ob { which is to manufacture, buy. sell, im- + export. trade and deal in all or any kinds need milk, evaporated milk and dairy 1a. and for these purposes to have and Ll oy all the rights and privileges nefits of the said act of assembly and its " Pet KR Pp t { . . ’ ¢ Th 1 ¢ J. H WEATHERBY Solleivor NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN WLICATION will be made to the Governor the State of Pennsylvania on Friday, August od. 1012. by Ezra H. Auman Warren E an. and Arthur M. Long. under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl s entitled “An Act to provide for the Incor yn and regulation of certain corporations vod April 39th. 1574, and Lhe supplements for the charter of an intended corpora be called the 'E. 1. Auman Milling Com the character and object of which 's nufacturing. vuyiog. selling and deal kinds of flour, feed, grain. hay and snd for these purposes to have, possess yw all the rights, benefits and privileges 1 Act of Assembly and Its supplements HT HALL Soliehwor ore NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tre County, wNotiee is hereby given that an application will be made to the Honorable Ellis L. Orvis, Prosi. | dent and sole Judge of sald Court, on Monday. | | under The TC t RN— “HERE HE 18" O great mother. he sald, ‘to bring to you our babe. Take him, O mother. 1, thy knees; fold him to thy breast.’ Here the queen, half frightened, exclaim ‘But where Is the child? 1 don't see him. Where Is he? ‘Here, O mother! sald the Swazi gravely, at the same time bringing forward a big black about six feet high and weighing wel | over 200 pounds, ‘He Is here.’ * he 5th dav of August 1912. aL 10 o'clock, A Act to provide for the Incorporation 1stion of certain Corporations’, ui "w th, 1574, and 11s supplements. by Mike John Bodenchok. Jeorge Mbehok. hn 8 fasalla. Nick Clubs, Geor aloleky Mike Billy, George Miserak. and John J Bas | alla. for the charter of an intended Corporation 10 be called St Mary's Greek COatholle Church of Clarence, Centre Ug my Pennsylvania’ the eharsoter and object of w foh Is ww provide Is members with the preaching of the gospel, the | administration of the sacraments, &o.. In socor dance with the faith, doesrines and usages of the Greek Ostholle National Chureh of the United Sates of Amerios, and for these purposes to | pave, possess and Shjet all the rights, benefits, | and privileges cont by the sald Act and ls | pPlmants. W.0.RUNKLE, | x0 Soileitor and regu od April Mureisk, | | Mid Summer Sale | | 11 Ginghams 6 and 6 — | Beezer’s Meat Market HIGH 8T., BELLEFONTE, PA, | We keep none but the best quality of {| BEEF, PORK, MUTTON. SLICE HAM All kinds of Smoked Meat, Pork Sausage, om If YOU want a nlee Juley Steak, go 40 PHILIV BEEZER Lawns 6 and 7% Mus {C, | Prints 6c Stand. ard Hil Heavy I Hn 4-4 Brown Cotton PATENT YOUR IDEAS AND MAKE MONEY Send for my free bool . HOW T0 GET | Best Service con Heasonable, Highest eforences JOSHUA R KH. POTTS. 089th st Wash D.C. US &ForelgnPats, #20 Chestnut Phils. #5. Dearborn Chics Lancaster Ginghams THEM Corset Covers | Bkirts and Chemise, Lace chet Collaars, and Fancy Collars Hope Linen Collars, Cro- Bareties Bolts Centre County Banking Ce., Corner High and Spring Streets. and Bupporters, Land le 8, Silk, Misses only 20c, and Hose Recefve Deposits. Discount Notes. John M., Shugert, Cashier. Children's the Perfect Corsets, best for 7 and $1.00 1.00, | Sahlin Form, $ ASK ANY HORSE Eureka Harness Men's $1.00 Shirts worth b50c¢ ind GILLIAM’S DEP'T STORE EVERYTHING FOR Every Farmer to weather o A getting sell Sold by dealers everywhere . The Atlantic Refining Company ROAD: h | bd J h de m At opposite the P, R. R. Passenger station, sells only the best qualities ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINO COALS Wood, G Owing the very the day of couple in o inclement n my sale, " VAra and of car-loads 4 f er of not n time r sale, 1 will a numtl CULTIVATORS, DISK HAR- ROWS, CORN PLANTERS, GASOLINE ENGINES, WAG- ONS, BINDERS, MOWERS, RAKES, HAY TEDDERS, CREAM SEPARATORS AIS0 All KiIDAS Of en rain, Hay, Straw a Sand. or Screenings lot of terms as sale it or a other articles on months per same with ten interest, or § cent. cash L. H Musser, BELLEFONTE, PA. Local tional Agent for the Interna- Harvester Products. 17-tf D&B FRAMING TIMBERS I kinds of remnant beams from 2x4 to Ee) fe . J x14 at | ver ona rices. These sizes Aare ! IRArG « A ere Ang we can BELLEFONTE LUMBTR CO. BELLEFONTE, PA. friday july 26th Remnant Day at this store the greatest merchandise events acknowledged to be of the kind in the country we've made our plans to make this one the bigger— Friday, July 26th, every remnant of greater than ever, AN ADDED CHARM TO A DAINTY BEDROOM is =a graceful porcelain Lavatory, which, owing to the ad. vanced improvements of scientific plumbing, can now be Installed with perfect sanitation. This Is one of the many new equipments that modern progress has placed at the disposal of up-to-date plumbers. let us inform wu all alwut them and thelr usefu)- ness, convenience, low cost, ete A. E. SCHAD BELLEFONTE, PA, yard goods, surplus, soiled or mussed article in any and every section markt in red ink in plain figures at a price that will sell it. BOGGS & BUHL PITTSBURGH, PA, one-plece I ————————— — ———.— Can Have $500 in Cash... You T tae end of the next ten years simpiy by depositing the small sum A of $3.40 every month in the Pittsburgh Bank for Savings, Your deposits will amount $408, But the bank adds $2 in interest, which is compounded send-annually at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum wmivhody can save 11 cents na The number of those who might have me this for the past ten years, and did not, and now have no money saved at all, is legion, Begin to Save Today. Pittsburgh Bank for Savings Pittsburgh, Pa. day. ) THIS AGENCY represents soe Iargest fire INSErance compan ios in bhe world. We are pre parad wo write large lines w= any time Also Surety Bonds John F, Gray & Son Successors wo Grant Hoover Fire, Life and Accident Insurance ORIDER' STONE BUILDING HELLEPONTE - HARRY FENLON, INSURANCE Successor 10 Frederick K. Foster and William Hurnside TEMPLE COURT BELLEFONTR, Hobds of ve Aeseripaion