£ & A CLEVER ACCOUNT OF CONVENTION A HUMOROUS WRITER GIVES GOOD STORY. HOW BRYAN PUNCHED BOSSES Some of the Sensational Features of the Famous Gathering—How Criti- cal Blows Were a Great Event. It Is conceeded Democratic convention at Baltimore was of the most significant po- litical gatherings of its kind in many years, Excitement the suspense the for days The Bryan that the recent one and held country was intense the the nights over of long outcome attention entire and brilliant in completely plutocrats and the a gigantic task and ty on a higher party has maintained For that reason leadership Wm, J the Power w the than of unhorsing Money elevates par- standard in do any many years, not think it give the follow- we a waste of space to ing brillant and amusing descrip- tion of this convention taken from a prominent Cincinnati Enquirer: as paper, the If any person pretend session of knowledge gives acularly that in the lat Baltimore, Md. Willia Jryan was run over er, and his tail feathers or lost his hold on the one million dollars is full brother to the jungles. It is true William lost the respect of certain little game he blocked fully, but it is not true anything else. And do one, however high his brow get away with the story bosses ran the convention one of Hon. Theodore hallucinations. The politicians were brated pack of misguided man try infested ng nnings by a steam r« Pp party, illed A020 in not Roosevelt's like the fox-hounds that a imported Into a coun- with wolves He took cele them out for a trial run and they dis- | Whipping | appeared up, he in the followed came to a cabin front of which sat chin-whiskers, who was smoking a corncob pipe “Neighbor,” said the foxhunter, “Did you see anything of a pack of dogs around here The smoker nodded “How were they doing?" asked owner, with pardonable pride "Wa Appeared to were wns the timber. the trail by the a man he ir in until roadside with sandy meditatively the r n needed. * ome tt da there was such a or the The was telegraph existence operation Hin « and the xtended | n ean Mex) Don tiful’ with fat Ing It indig them nt Ww re an from co shillnlag! It showe sense of a headed I the Ime like n hin work 1 what on y do with lute of Hticians ( pin nder the 18680 the a land f Loud upon Ae timent wasn't nant propelled | home, that skilifully he telegrams aroused sen the ern h them began 10 dine had trapped To bein with, he knew « they held In thelr hands game began, and they weren't of what he was holding thought he was a candidate for pres Ment—and he let them think so? To smoke him out they put up Judge Alton B, Parker for chairman and chuckled, The Nebraskan sought out a private room and did a Highland fling In exceeding great joy. He had them. Reappearing with a face that resembled that of an undertaker at a 3500 funeral, he appeared to be very much concerned for the safety of the republic. In the language of the sporting world, they fell for it, and fell hard, “Here's where we hang the binger on BIL" they chortled as they pro- ceeded to push Parker over the line, Right then and there he won the game, Inside of an hour the country was (Continued on Page 4) ver ard when the Aware They Circu! fg y Over 5500—Largest in Centre County. BELLEFONTE, PA, THU Delivered-—It Was | as | ! “TALLOW DIP" MARCHERS. 8. A. McQuistion Recalls Political In- cidents of 1836, The other day our townsman, 8S. McQuistion, called to have an adver tisement inserted in this paper for a special sale of carriages and buggles It was not long until the conversation | drifted from business to politics some Interesting reminiscenses follow- ed. When qur visitor began to nar- rate about the campaign of 1836, was time for us to sit up and listen, That was the time when even kero- sene oil for lamps was unknown an illuminant but political | ran high all the same, and men boys showed their enthusiasm parndes and no end of shouting, McQuistion then was but six years age, vet he vividly recalls the sight of campaign marching clubs at the members carrying “tallow wearing oil cloth caps and capes, and singing eampaign songs with great | vigor. As that was over 76 it 11 ba recalled by | readers In th interest of Years very 1 WwW Of ose days men took it in politics now, k of dally news and marching VORUE AS A means sentiment, i fo information enty-six vears or m Mr, McQuistion has changes in political but finds the as then, as but ow to the Mpers, s { politi an | nating | In { then {many customs, | principles bed in { now { other triumph | Woodrow sO we witnessed parties firmly lence, y are certain of the le now the ime public ¢ the ded MB ali- under Wilson SPECIAL COURT. Hall ourt morning Judge presided in our ses that kept three court Arg why should no iment the sal discharged VAs Wm ings onsumed many witnesses Whitmer, | Benner a twp held BOT | farmer, | the dissatisfied this his | duced which jurfous to and manner was person using al idvntage, father to m they the feared them. FY Be ion against | ercising this power of control of the estate. On Wednesday the case was temporarily suspended {pending a mutual ttiement. It is | ramored thal the Injunction will be ane r | reasons they red preliminary Whitmer ex- attorney and njuct James dstalssed the Question of Wm | Whitmer's mental condition will be {determined by other proceedings Argument was heard on the famous Rrra Sebring th SEES WITH NEW EYE. Years' Blindness Partly Correct. ed by Rare Operation. er v y | blindne« Farmer ping pos angled by Bull. r position while ® his father's barny of Zaners, Col Ay evening years, 100K ) ‘ him man's of falled squarely Ing he animal hin him high yo gash 22 and the hin in As Harrison enraged bull hoofs and con his victim, his along the ground, crawled 40 feet Into entry where the bull could not f Int an hour | father nl arched n Bre above In ad lengt) ripped in his omen truck the Ero 1 the attacked h his tinued the ns intestines trailing inches an How his APPOAT. rime up form of wan nter hefore d by his non the barn and « bleeding ree 0 the nce on hin ne mangled in the and n entry Coming Attractions. g an Jook forward to high class attractions for of all “The with Bellefonte has falled to audience Next with Pleea's Banda Roma and orchestra, This will like. ly he here the Thursday of the fair a parade at noon, and concert on the public square at 7:30, So make your arrangements in advance to stay the minstrel. Next the Kibble's Un- cle Tom's Cabin show, on the earth today Next | “Freckles,” and a little later “The Rosary.” “The Hervant in the House" land the "Cow Boy Preacher” with a Theatre some yer the coming Wolf.” fn theatre goers draw the most | “Van's Musical” ors { foanon-=first favorite never pelect | cow boy band and orchestra that play | | during the show, The above ought to be a big attractive start for the sea- son. Baptists Annual Outing. The annual rally of the Baptist {churches of Centre Baptist associa tion is being held at Stevens’ Park, Tyrone, on this Thursday, July 26th, A, as sentiment | and | by Mr. | r night, dip's” AaKo, our ing tump re since and Democratic and idership of for | | respect the greatest | the famous | | | and | it | | The Saturday can { OrgEaniz {a I plain and expressed wish of She i pri WT now | They IS A SERIOUS MOVE PROMINENT MEN JOIN THE PARTY. HOLDING STATE CONVENTIONS MANY Evening Post How Taft Was Roosevelt's Delegates—Stand Progressive ldeas. the sig tepul Many nificance of party this not give any cre ment ready WHR VY Of the hand, consideration, the realize in the year Those lence to to dismiss it unwortl Some people do not the bolt J who « such a mov are ns Berious only ap game regard It nted tician 3 and lost, and now a Others in it only the man seeking the third | for p Nice and us pol i in loser ambit term, whose g notorit y who } Ne ions of a ree 1h ns sans, n Ww stand, under all ation ‘ mii gard independent « as the highest type of Ingratitude political hypoericy The ss of the country has vials of wrath on the Teddy toosevelt whose virt fortnight ago ousetops An Roosevelt's “stand poured wickedn tently 1h resigned ‘ Ro same the res machine ent are successfully defied bag as recorded at are satisfied the I ors the Tall was nat 1184 ng The New Parties thor ore Reg dred Indiana ore 3 chance these two choice states Mr tn ons “4 them. Massachusetis small margin, Thess contain three and QUAT Republican voters; but the settled for by mercenaries and the North {Hen A very small coterie In of the machinery o gh- of mere voters n need to Obhvke we have here ¢ Tory party. dedicated to the principle that the wise and right minded minority should rule We weleome this new party 1 nques tionably a great many people want just such an organization and they ean bring to it an Influence greater than their mere numbers would give, including the eager support of many newspapers, There is a fair field for just such a party; and if this party will occupy that field fairly we shall be happy to treat it with the utmost and In rejected by only one of that by n ten siates ter million ETT Southern erm Iu command ns wan ArrY ing and was them the niwe in RO behind usly "On the other hand, there has long been need of a clearcut, out-and-out genuinely democratic and Insurgent party. That such a party will event. ually grow out of the occurrences at Chicago seems unquestionable, It Is high time!” Tressler Family Reunior. The Tressler families In this sec tion will hold their annual family reunion at the Bellefonte fair ground on Thursday, August Sth, All friends and relatives are Invited to join with them on this occasion. RSDAY, JULY 25th 1012. | | | Shows | Nominated—Stole | For | | ! i : | The Centre Democral. TTT Hopp, of Lewisburg, Shot in New York City Hotel. R. Harkness was inary examination in New Winterbottom into the death of Mrs. Flor- Hopp, of Lewisburg, Pa. who ot by Harkness while sitting lap at the Hotel York shortly midnight Saturaay., Harkness held In the Tombs without here has been no effort made man's friends to provide him ounsel ¢ Tombs Harkness that the shooting Mrs, Georg given York Coroner in- CAMPAIGN “SCARES"” WORN OUT. SOME FOOLISH ARGUMENTS Completely Refuted Facts—Can't Avoid ~-Paying For Roosevelt History. THAT ARE by the Real reiterated Watered was 1 laration ental would ths the rather bullet than had found N« her," it that shame high )'W the to understand the ople have come to tariff, and continuation of Republican rule m 8 a st further surrender of the to the tre plunderbund, 1 : ) orators Brighton Beach und newspapers a raising spectre arrel if hard times, and trying t that she con- appear tha i will | instituting 4 { absolutely he | see the wife talk his sd 1} re- did on Wis prisoner seldom but when he their last meeting Hi vernment P the st a qu statement 0 make witer In mi yf Lewd irg and taken for interment on Mon- her {id an “xX - voreed from Years an and some acquainted that the sed ANNIVERSARY AND REUNION. Anni the Kt) ifter wil Es the Dé resun pnoonday M. by SBR US Jas and Col Cr Taylor sydd th enernl gh = be present to : ™ er speakers Ae the entirely due 1 tepublican “ | tration, is the nl for mare than half a century that did not ocenr white {the Republicans in tall of the government Yet Republican Wore 1 wi ore. true § the address people Ons mday schools of ire expected to be present, wy In ted the valley and every- attend and [4 asior One of J were control rd ANG ns oad ¢ hoe The Big Issue Repairing State R 3 OR Ser Lor n week ret he state \ E AWAY ides of gutters s r drainage or will be leshurg ; mneiders nf ron t er forn nterests Marriage Licenses. kens : tia . y bon orp 784.000 Cond " | ] coun on 1 Moore andy R yo alization had 1» A Merri : ent per The people ng dividends « x in the ame pres issuer of me in i of When he tu rate the LL) er en try Oh cent country this are . 3 nty : ye ‘ watered Hreon onsarily of th mn nne H nes Mat lipesburg Ire Jorden Wilson den they eat H : Bwede lipsl (inten Gordon WOMAN SLAYS CATAMOUNT, CA who Watt the mountain Clinton county in Kettle Creek country claimed a heroine for her saving her husband from a it the risk of her own life An standing in the the abin Wednesday last week walting for her return from a day's shooting was horrified to see him felled ppeared In the clearing, by nt, which dropped up- m an While the sink his knife in the Mrs, Watt rushed In. | procured a rifle An battled the woman aim from her station in the first shot merely In ceatamount rather seriously, Her second plerced the animal's [left eve and it fell dead, dragging | Watt down in its grasp, After firing | several more shots Into the alr to at. tract the attention of nearby camp- ors, Mra. Watt fainted and was found about half an hour later, A physician from Lock Haven dressed the man's wounds while the woman quickly re covered from her experience, Mrs miles pp As to Registration Days. port ft week we made an error in the ng the registration days for vol it the coming election and our rd of Count) Commissioners tly called for the ler Cur ex we MM i the iInforn another vepaper, and realized after It had published that the dates named ed only to cities Therefore in | of September 5, 17 and ber cing the days for registering, Sep ber 2 and 4 are the last days for forming this act, or, as the law les to counties. 60 dave before tion, which this year falls upon ember 6 lives elght Weiss of Frank from the wilds is being ac bravery In catamount The wom. doorway of evening of husband's when WARN Watt account 11 1) that ation fron us to in she when he a a huge calax mm his back I'r man fought to animal's bod to the cabin the man and took careful the doorway, | furiating the injuring him shot, however, Oct tre An heart Thrown From Load of May. While Mra. Elmer Peters was help ng her husband to get the new mown vy Into the barn on Saturday even. ng she met with an accident that re silted In a broken collar bone. The Peters farm Is located near Beech Creek and the owner was particularly anxious to house all his cut hay on Baturday while it was dry, To help her husband, Mrs. Peters drove the | team, and when near the barn with | the last load, it upset, throwing Mrs. | Petora to the ground and breaking her collar bone, 5 Will Use Auto Truck to Muckster. Thomas Patton, the Port Matilda huckster secured a 20-horse wer | auto truck this week from the Inter. | national Harvester Co, which he will {use principally for his og tint ford, in visiting at the old homestead to and from Philipsburg. LI In ohh vty where he will spend | enable him to do more business in several days, | loan time and be a great convenience. Visiting Old Homestead. Rev, Ralph W. Ii worth, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Bed- RECENT DEPRESSIONS diffi | play con pared w Indisputable | Issue | Stock | | knows than | | Snow Shoe; | Bellefonte. 385. No. 29. — re TROUBLES OF A JUSTICE. Loaded With Funds He liver, to as to cantly Can't De- were opinion can be more acquired, he meaning ult the there ask Bquire Musser whether money got rid of than might answer no and that no matter how collecting of shekels may are ti it Is mere task of pre- upon someone to accept a por tion of yours. Queer statement, that, but the Bquire 11d be right In its declaration, and what's more he can an Instance to prove it. He that If his own creditors were refusing his good nwealth of itgelf to be, and from his benzine buggy. Ven mes when the seem | th valling Wi as insister F money “uf he ( sho nnn wn standard. wunch the it 4 new Cer - State owing i= taken 1 Snow Shoe mu from the Times sensaat last wt onal affairs To Double Track B. E. V. Lock Haven Express savs, “Be- nd : men, employed The tween ne for iw hundreq elgners, are now wb of changing the route of in the t that & Co more ( alley ! : A) thhorh« H ntra | Ware ! Anders of A anx nira and in order next winter to be p at present quite a omplete 11 the work more rapidly The new road be constructed for a double the second track wil this year workmen inarge bef will than bed track not be ons re pots in have it shed in will although put down Evangelistic Meetings at Mackeyville, Evangelist EL. Sellers, of Philadel. phia, will begin a series of evange- listic meetings in the Church of Christ at Mackeyville on next Sunday, July 25th, and continue every evening un- til further notice Rev, J H Keller Sunday morning Philipsburg Lutheran W.W. Frey. B D had charge of the installed of the Rev Pa, WAS pastor church of Brookville, service, About Fillmore Items, It was in these items last week about three young ladies walking to Waddle to attend a festival, which wasn't correct; also causing three young men to accompany them home. The per. son who wrote that had better know the correct story before they write It would be better for these people to attend more to (heir own affairs and not so much to others xX. Hospital Notes. Operations—Mrs, Mabelle Lucas, of Mrs. Jennie Barlett, of Admitted for treatment—Mrs, Mary | Gillette, Mra, Katherine Farley, and | Mra. Elisabeth Shilling all of Belle fonte. There are thirty-one patients now in the hospital